import std::bitv; import std::vec; import std::vec::len; import std::vec::slice; import front::ast::*; import aux::fn_ctxt; import aux::fn_info; import aux::log_bitv; import aux::num_constraints; import aux::constr_occ; import aux::occ_init; import aux::occ_args; import aux::cinit; import aux::cpred; import aux::pred_desc; import aux::match_args; import tstate::aux::ann_to_ts_ann; import tstate::ann::pre_and_post; import tstate::ann::precond; import tstate::ann::postcond; import tstate::ann::prestate; import tstate::ann::poststate; import tstate::ann::relax_prestate; import tstate::ann::pps_len; import tstate::ann::true_precond; import tstate::ann::empty_prestate; import tstate::ann::difference; import tstate::ann::union; import tstate::ann::intersect; import tstate::ann::clone; import tstate::ann::set_in_postcond; import tstate::ann::set_in_poststate; import tstate::ann::clear_in_poststate; fn bit_num(&fn_ctxt fcx, &def_id v, &constr_occ o) -> uint { assert (fcx.enclosing.constrs.contains_key(v)); auto res = fcx.enclosing.constrs.get(v); alt (o) { case (occ_init) { alt (res) { case (cinit(?n,_,_)) { ret n; } case (_) { fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("bit_num: asked for init constraint," + " found a pred constraint"); } } } case (occ_args(?args)) { alt (res) { case (cpred(_, ?descs)) { ret match_args(fcx, descs, args); } case (_) { fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("bit_num: asked for pred constraint," + " found an init constraint"); } } } } } fn promises(&fn_ctxt fcx, &poststate p, &def_id v, &constr_occ o) -> bool { ret bitv::get(p, bit_num(fcx, v, o)); } // Given a list of pres and posts for exprs e0 ... en, // return the precondition for evaluating each expr in order. // So, if e0's post is {x} and e1's pre is {x, y, z}, the entire // precondition shouldn't include x. fn seq_preconds(fn_ctxt fcx, vec[pre_and_post] pps) -> precond { let uint sz = len[pre_and_post](pps); let uint num_vars = num_constraints(fcx.enclosing); if (sz >= 1u) { auto first = pps.(0); assert (pps_len(first) == num_vars); let precond rest = seq_preconds(fcx, slice[pre_and_post](pps, 1u, sz)); difference(rest, first.postcondition); auto res = clone(first.precondition); union(res, rest); log("seq_preconds:"); log("first.postcondition ="); log_bitv(fcx, first.postcondition); log("rest ="); log_bitv(fcx, rest); log("returning"); log_bitv(fcx, res); ret res; } else { ret true_precond(num_vars); } } /* works on either postconds or preconds should probably rethink the whole type synonym situation */ fn union_postconds_go(&postcond first, &vec[postcond] rest) -> postcond { auto sz = vec::len[postcond](rest); if (sz > 0u) { auto other = rest.(0); union(first, other); union_postconds_go(first, slice[postcond](rest, 1u, len[postcond](rest))); } ret first; } fn union_postconds(uint nv, &vec[postcond] pcs) -> postcond { if (len[postcond](pcs) > 0u) { ret union_postconds_go(bitv::clone(pcs.(0)), pcs); } else { ret empty_prestate(nv); } } /* Gee, maybe we could use foldl or something */ fn intersect_postconds_go(&postcond first, &vec[postcond] rest) -> postcond { auto sz = vec::len[postcond](rest); if (sz > 0u) { auto other = rest.(0); intersect(first, other); intersect_postconds_go(first, slice[postcond](rest, 1u, len[postcond](rest))); } ret first; } fn intersect_postconds(&vec[postcond] pcs) -> postcond { assert (len[postcond](pcs) > 0u); ret intersect_postconds_go(bitv::clone(pcs.(0)), pcs); } fn gen(&fn_ctxt fcx, &ann a, &def_id id, &constr_occ o) -> bool { log "gen"; ret set_in_postcond(bit_num(fcx, id, o), (ann_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, a)).conditions); } fn declare_var(&fn_ctxt fcx, def_id id, prestate pre) -> prestate { auto res = clone(pre); relax_prestate(bit_num(fcx, id, occ_init), res); ret res; } fn gen_poststate(&fn_ctxt fcx, &ann a, &def_id id, &constr_occ o) -> bool { log "gen_poststate"; ret set_in_poststate(bit_num(fcx, id, o), (ann_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, a)).states); } fn kill_poststate(&fn_ctxt fcx, &ann a, def_id id, &constr_occ o) -> bool { log "kill_poststate"; ret clear_in_poststate(bit_num(fcx, id, o), (ann_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, a)).states); } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //