#!/usr/local/bin/node /*** * Pandoc-style markdown preprocessor that drops extra directives * included for running doc code, and that optionally, when * --highlight is provided, replaces code blocks that are Rust code * with highlighted HTML blocks. The directives recognized are: * * '## ignore' tells the test extractor (extract-tests.js) to ignore * the block completely. * '## notrust' makes the test extractor ignore the block, makes * this script not highlight the block. * '# [any text]' is a line that is stripped out by this script, and * converted to a normal line of code (without the leading #) by * the test extractor. */ var fs = require("fs"); CodeMirror = require("./lib/codemirror-node"); require("./lib/codemirror-rust"); function help() { console.log("usage: " + process.argv[0] + " [--highlight] [-o outfile] [infile]"); process.exit(1); } var highlight = false, infile, outfile; for (var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i) { var arg = process.argv[i]; if (arg == "--highlight") highlight = true; else if (arg == "-o" && outfile == null && ++i < process.argv.length) outfile = process.argv[i]; else if (arg[0] != "-") infile = arg; else help(); } var lines = fs.readFileSync(infile || "/dev/stdin").toString().split(/\n\r?/g), cur = 0, line; var out = outfile ? fs.createWriteStream(outfile) : process.stdout; while ((line = lines[cur++]) != null) { if (/^~~~/.test(line)) { var block = "", bline, isRust = true; while ((bline = lines[cur++]) != null) { if (/^\s*## notrust/.test(bline)) isRust = false; else if (/^~~~/.test(bline)) break; if (!/^\s*##? /.test(bline)) block += bline + "\n"; } if (!highlight || !isRust) out.write(line + "\n" + block + bline + "\n"); else { var html = '
', curstr = "", curstyle = null;
      function add(str, style) {
        if (style != curstyle) {
          if (curstyle) html += '' + curstr
            + "";
          else if (curstr) html += curstr;
          curstr = str; curstyle = style;
        } else curstr += str;
      CodeMirror.runMode(block, "rust", add);
      add("", "bogus"); // Flush pending string.
      out.write(html + "
\n"); } } else { out.write(line + "\n"); } }