use std::iter; use either::Either; use hir::{Module, ModuleDef, Name, Variant}; use ide_db::{ defs::Definition, helpers::mod_path_to_ast, imports::insert_use::{insert_use, ImportScope, InsertUseConfig}, search::FileReference, FxHashSet, RootDatabase, }; use itertools::Itertools; use syntax::{ ast::{ self, edit::IndentLevel, edit_in_place::Indent, make, AstNode, HasAttrs, HasGenericParams, HasName, HasVisibility, }, match_ast, ted, SyntaxElement, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxNode, T, }; use crate::{assist_context::SourceChangeBuilder, AssistContext, AssistId, AssistKind, Assists}; // Assist: extract_struct_from_enum_variant // // Extracts a struct from enum variant. // // ``` // enum A { $0One(u32, u32) } // ``` // -> // ``` // struct One(u32, u32); // // enum A { One(One) } // ``` pub(crate) fn extract_struct_from_enum_variant( acc: &mut Assists, ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, ) -> Option<()> { let variant = ctx.find_node_at_offset::()?; let field_list = extract_field_list_if_applicable(&variant)?; let variant_name =; let variant_hir = ctx.sema.to_def(&variant)?; if existing_definition(ctx.db(), &variant_name, &variant_hir) { cov_mark::hit!(test_extract_enum_not_applicable_if_struct_exists); return None; } let enum_ast = variant.parent_enum(); let enum_hir = ctx.sema.to_def(&enum_ast)?; let target = variant.syntax().text_range(); acc.add( AssistId("extract_struct_from_enum_variant", AssistKind::RefactorRewrite), "Extract struct from enum variant", target, |builder| { let variant_hir_name =; let enum_module_def = ModuleDef::from(enum_hir); let usages = Definition::Variant(variant_hir).usages(&ctx.sema).all(); let mut visited_modules_set = FxHashSet::default(); let current_module = enum_hir.module(ctx.db()); visited_modules_set.insert(current_module); // record file references of the file the def resides in, we only want to swap to the edited file in the builder once let mut def_file_references = None; for (file_id, references) in usages { if file_id == ctx.file_id() { def_file_references = Some(references); continue; } builder.edit_file(file_id); let processed = process_references( ctx, builder, &mut visited_modules_set, &enum_module_def, &variant_hir_name, references, ); processed.into_iter().for_each(|(path, node, import)| { apply_references(ctx.config.insert_use, path, node, import) }); } builder.edit_file(ctx.file_id()); let variant = builder.make_mut(variant.clone()); if let Some(references) = def_file_references { let processed = process_references( ctx, builder, &mut visited_modules_set, &enum_module_def, &variant_hir_name, references, ); processed.into_iter().for_each(|(path, node, import)| { apply_references(ctx.config.insert_use, path, node, import) }); } let generic_params = enum_ast .generic_param_list() .and_then(|known_generics| extract_generic_params(&known_generics, &field_list)); let generics = generic_params.as_ref().map(|generics| generics.clone_for_update()); let def = create_struct_def(variant_name.clone(), &variant, &field_list, generics, &enum_ast); let enum_ast = variant.parent_enum(); let indent = enum_ast.indent_level(); def.reindent_to(indent); ted::insert_all( ted::Position::before(enum_ast.syntax()), vec![ def.syntax().clone().into(), make::tokens::whitespace(&format!("\n\n{indent}")).into(), ], ); update_variant(&variant,|g| g.clone_for_update())); }, ) } fn extract_field_list_if_applicable( variant: &ast::Variant, ) -> Option> { match variant.kind() { ast::StructKind::Record(field_list) if field_list.fields().next().is_some() => { Some(Either::Left(field_list)) } ast::StructKind::Tuple(field_list) if field_list.fields().count() > 1 => { Some(Either::Right(field_list)) } _ => None, } } fn existing_definition(db: &RootDatabase, variant_name: &ast::Name, variant: &Variant) -> bool { variant .parent_enum(db) .module(db) .scope(db, None) .into_iter() .filter(|(_, def)| match def { // only check type-namespace hir::ScopeDef::ModuleDef(def) => matches!( def, ModuleDef::Module(_) | ModuleDef::Adt(_) | ModuleDef::Variant(_) | ModuleDef::Trait(_) | ModuleDef::TypeAlias(_) | ModuleDef::BuiltinType(_) ), _ => false, }) .any(|(name, _)| name.to_string() == variant_name.to_string()) } fn extract_generic_params( known_generics: &ast::GenericParamList, field_list: &Either, ) -> Option { let mut generics = known_generics.generic_params().map(|param| (param, false)).collect_vec(); let tagged_one = match field_list { Either::Left(field_list) => field_list .fields() .filter_map(|f| f.ty()) .fold(false, |tagged, ty| tag_generics_in_variant(&ty, &mut generics) || tagged), Either::Right(field_list) => field_list .fields() .filter_map(|f| f.ty()) .fold(false, |tagged, ty| tag_generics_in_variant(&ty, &mut generics) || tagged), }; let generics = generics.into_iter().filter_map(|(param, tag)| tag.then(|| param)); tagged_one.then(|| make::generic_param_list(generics)) } fn tag_generics_in_variant(ty: &ast::Type, generics: &mut [(ast::GenericParam, bool)]) -> bool { let mut tagged_one = false; for token in ty.syntax().descendants_with_tokens().filter_map(SyntaxElement::into_token) { for (param, tag) in generics.iter_mut().filter(|(_, tag)| !tag) { match param { ast::GenericParam::LifetimeParam(lt) if matches!(token.kind(), T![lifetime_ident]) => { if let Some(lt) = lt.lifetime() { if lt.text().as_str() == token.text() { *tag = true; tagged_one = true; break; } } } param if matches!(token.kind(), T![ident]) => { if match param { ast::GenericParam::ConstParam(konst) => konst .name() .map(|name| name.text().as_str() == token.text()) .unwrap_or_default(), ast::GenericParam::TypeParam(ty) => ty .name() .map(|name| name.text().as_str() == token.text()) .unwrap_or_default(), ast::GenericParam::LifetimeParam(lt) => lt .lifetime() .map(|lt| lt.text().as_str() == token.text()) .unwrap_or_default(), } { *tag = true; tagged_one = true; break; } } _ => (), } } } tagged_one } fn create_struct_def( name: ast::Name, variant: &ast::Variant, field_list: &Either, generics: Option, enum_: &ast::Enum, ) -> ast::Struct { let enum_vis = enum_.visibility(); let insert_vis = |node: &'_ SyntaxNode, vis: &'_ SyntaxNode| { let vis = vis.clone_for_update(); ted::insert(ted::Position::before(node), vis); }; // for fields without any existing visibility, use visibility of enum let field_list: ast::FieldList = match field_list { Either::Left(field_list) => { let field_list = field_list.clone_for_update(); if let Some(vis) = &enum_vis { field_list .fields() .filter(|field| field.visibility().is_none()) .filter_map(|field| .for_each(|it| insert_vis(it.syntax(), vis.syntax())); } field_list.into() } Either::Right(field_list) => { let field_list = field_list.clone_for_update(); if let Some(vis) = &enum_vis { field_list .fields() .filter(|field| field.visibility().is_none()) .filter_map(|field| field.ty()) .for_each(|it| insert_vis(it.syntax(), vis.syntax())); } field_list.into() } }; field_list.reindent_to(IndentLevel::single()); let strukt = make::struct_(enum_vis, name, generics, field_list).clone_for_update(); // take comments from variant ted::insert_all( ted::Position::first_child_of(strukt.syntax()), take_all_comments(variant.syntax()), ); // copy attributes from enum ted::insert_all( ted::Position::first_child_of(strukt.syntax()), enum_ .attrs() .flat_map(|it| { vec![it.syntax().clone_for_update().into(), make::tokens::single_newline().into()] }) .collect(), ); strukt } fn update_variant(variant: &ast::Variant, generics: Option) -> Option<()> { let name =; let ty = generics .filter(|generics| generics.generic_params().count() > 0) .map(|generics| make::ty(&format!("{}{}", &name.text(), generics.to_generic_args()))) .unwrap_or_else(|| make::ty(&name.text())); // change from a record to a tuple field list let tuple_field = make::tuple_field(None, ty); let field_list = make::tuple_field_list(iter::once(tuple_field)).clone_for_update(); ted::replace(variant.field_list()?.syntax(), field_list.syntax()); // remove any ws after the name if let Some(ws) = name .syntax() .siblings_with_tokens(syntax::Direction::Next) .find_map(|tok| tok.into_token().filter(|tok| tok.kind() == WHITESPACE)) { ted::remove(SyntaxElement::Token(ws)); } Some(()) } // Note: this also detaches whitespace after comments, // since `SyntaxNode::splice_children` (and by extension `ted::insert_all_raw`) // detaches nodes. If we only took the comments, we'd leave behind the old whitespace. fn take_all_comments(node: &SyntaxNode) -> Vec { let mut remove_next_ws = false; node.children_with_tokens() .filter_map(move |child| match child.kind() { COMMENT => { remove_next_ws = true; child.detach(); Some(child) } WHITESPACE if remove_next_ws => { remove_next_ws = false; child.detach(); Some(make::tokens::single_newline().into()) } _ => { remove_next_ws = false; None } }) .collect() } fn apply_references( insert_use_cfg: InsertUseConfig, segment: ast::PathSegment, node: SyntaxNode, import: Option<(ImportScope, hir::ModPath)>, ) { if let Some((scope, path)) = import { insert_use(&scope, mod_path_to_ast(&path), &insert_use_cfg); } // deep clone to prevent cycle let path = make::path_from_segments(iter::once(segment.clone_subtree()), false); ted::insert_raw(ted::Position::before(segment.syntax()), path.clone_for_update().syntax()); ted::insert_raw(ted::Position::before(segment.syntax()), make::token(T!['('])); ted::insert_raw(ted::Position::after(&node), make::token(T![')'])); } fn process_references( ctx: &AssistContext<'_>, builder: &mut SourceChangeBuilder, visited_modules: &mut FxHashSet, enum_module_def: &ModuleDef, variant_hir_name: &Name, refs: Vec, ) -> Vec<(ast::PathSegment, SyntaxNode, Option<(ImportScope, hir::ModPath)>)> { // we have to recollect here eagerly as we are about to edit the tree we need to calculate the changes // and corresponding nodes up front refs.into_iter() .flat_map(|reference| { let (segment, scope_node, module) = reference_to_node(&ctx.sema, reference)?; let segment = builder.make_mut(segment); let scope_node = builder.make_syntax_mut(scope_node); if !visited_modules.contains(&module) { let mod_path = module.find_use_path_prefixed( ctx.sema.db, *enum_module_def, ctx.config.insert_use.prefix_kind, ctx.config.prefer_no_std, ); if let Some(mut mod_path) = mod_path { mod_path.pop_segment(); mod_path.push_segment(variant_hir_name.clone()); let scope = ImportScope::find_insert_use_container(&scope_node, &ctx.sema)?; visited_modules.insert(module); return Some((segment, scope_node, Some((scope, mod_path)))); } } Some((segment, scope_node, None)) }) .collect() } fn reference_to_node( sema: &hir::Semantics<'_, RootDatabase>, reference: FileReference, ) -> Option<(ast::PathSegment, SyntaxNode, hir::Module)> { let segment =; let parent = segment.parent_path().syntax().parent()?; let expr_or_pat = match_ast! { match parent { ast::PathExpr(_it) => parent.parent()?, ast::RecordExpr(_it) => parent, ast::TupleStructPat(_it) => parent, ast::RecordPat(_it) => parent, _ => return None, } }; let module = sema.scope(&expr_or_pat)?.module(); Some((segment, expr_or_pat, module)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use crate::tests::{check_assist, check_assist_not_applicable}; use super::*; #[test] fn test_extract_struct_several_fields_tuple() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "enum A { $0One(u32, u32) }", r#"struct One(u32, u32); enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_several_fields_named() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "enum A { $0One { foo: u32, bar: u32 } }", r#"struct One{ foo: u32, bar: u32 } enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_one_field_named() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "enum A { $0One { foo: u32 } }", r#"struct One{ foo: u32 } enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_carries_over_generics() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r"enum En { Var { a: T$0 } }", r#"struct Var{ a: T } enum En { Var(Var) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_carries_over_attributes() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" #[derive(Debug)] #[derive(Clone)] enum Enum { Variant{ field: u32$0 } }"#, r#" #[derive(Debug)] #[derive(Clone)] struct Variant{ field: u32 } #[derive(Debug)] #[derive(Clone)] enum Enum { Variant(Variant) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_indent_to_parent_enum() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum Enum { Variant { field: u32$0 } }"#, r#" struct Variant{ field: u32 } enum Enum { Variant(Variant) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_indent_to_parent_enum_in_mod() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" mod indenting { enum Enum { Variant { field: u32$0 } } }"#, r#" mod indenting { struct Variant{ field: u32 } enum Enum { Variant(Variant) } }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_keep_comments_and_attrs_one_field_named() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum A { $0One { // leading comment /// doc comment #[an_attr] foo: u32 // trailing comment } }"#, r#" struct One{ // leading comment /// doc comment #[an_attr] foo: u32 // trailing comment } enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_keep_comments_and_attrs_several_fields_named() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum A { $0One { // comment /// doc #[attr] foo: u32, // comment #[attr] /// doc bar: u32 } }"#, r#" struct One{ // comment /// doc #[attr] foo: u32, // comment #[attr] /// doc bar: u32 } enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_keep_comments_and_attrs_several_fields_tuple() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "enum A { $0One(/* comment */ #[attr] u32, /* another */ u32 /* tail */) }", r#" struct One(/* comment */ #[attr] u32, /* another */ u32 /* tail */); enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_move_struct_variant_comments() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum A { /* comment */ // other /// comment #[attr] $0One { a: u32 } }"#, r#" /* comment */ // other /// comment struct One{ a: u32 } enum A { #[attr] One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_move_tuple_variant_comments() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum A { /* comment */ // other /// comment #[attr] $0One(u32, u32) }"#, r#" /* comment */ // other /// comment struct One(u32, u32); enum A { #[attr] One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_keep_existing_visibility_named() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "enum A { $0One{ a: u32, pub(crate) b: u32, pub(super) c: u32, d: u32 } }", r#" struct One{ a: u32, pub(crate) b: u32, pub(super) c: u32, d: u32 } enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_keep_existing_visibility_tuple() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "enum A { $0One(u32, pub(crate) u32, pub(super) u32, u32) }", r#" struct One(u32, pub(crate) u32, pub(super) u32, u32); enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_enum_variant_name_value_namespace() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#"const One: () = (); enum A { $0One(u32, u32) }"#, r#"const One: () = (); struct One(u32, u32); enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_no_visibility() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "enum A { $0One(u32, u32) }", r#" struct One(u32, u32); enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_pub_visibility() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "pub enum A { $0One(u32, u32) }", r#" pub struct One(pub u32, pub u32); pub enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_pub_in_mod_visibility() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "pub(in something) enum A { $0One{ a: u32, b: u32 } }", r#" pub(in something) struct One{ pub(in something) a: u32, pub(in something) b: u32 } pub(in something) enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_pub_crate_visibility() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, "pub(crate) enum A { $0One{ a: u32, b: u32, c: u32 } }", r#" pub(crate) struct One{ pub(crate) a: u32, pub(crate) b: u32, pub(crate) c: u32 } pub(crate) enum A { One(One) }"#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_with_complex_imports() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#"mod my_mod { fn another_fn() { let m = my_other_mod::MyEnum::MyField(1, 1); } pub mod my_other_mod { fn another_fn() { let m = MyEnum::MyField(1, 1); } pub enum MyEnum { $0MyField(u8, u8), } } } fn another_fn() { let m = my_mod::my_other_mod::MyEnum::MyField(1, 1); }"#, r#"use my_mod::my_other_mod::MyField; mod my_mod { use self::my_other_mod::MyField; fn another_fn() { let m = my_other_mod::MyEnum::MyField(MyField(1, 1)); } pub mod my_other_mod { fn another_fn() { let m = MyEnum::MyField(MyField(1, 1)); } pub struct MyField(pub u8, pub u8); pub enum MyEnum { MyField(MyField), } } } fn another_fn() { let m = my_mod::my_other_mod::MyEnum::MyField(MyField(1, 1)); }"#, ); } #[test] fn extract_record_fix_references() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum E { $0V { i: i32, j: i32 } } fn f() { let E::V { i, j } = E::V { i: 9, j: 2 }; } "#, r#" struct V{ i: i32, j: i32 } enum E { V(V) } fn f() { let E::V(V { i, j }) = E::V(V { i: 9, j: 2 }); } "#, ) } #[test] fn extract_record_fix_references2() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum E { $0V(i32, i32) } fn f() { let E::V(i, j) = E::V(9, 2); } "#, r#" struct V(i32, i32); enum E { V(V) } fn f() { let E::V(V(i, j)) = E::V(V(9, 2)); } "#, ) } #[test] fn test_several_files() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" //- / enum E { $0V(i32, i32) } mod foo; //- / use crate::E; fn f() { let e = E::V(9, 2); } "#, r#" //- / struct V(i32, i32); enum E { V(V) } mod foo; //- / use crate::{E, V}; fn f() { let e = E::V(V(9, 2)); } "#, ) } #[test] fn test_several_files_record() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" //- / enum E { $0V { i: i32, j: i32 } } mod foo; //- / use crate::E; fn f() { let e = E::V { i: 9, j: 2 }; } "#, r#" //- / struct V{ i: i32, j: i32 } enum E { V(V) } mod foo; //- / use crate::{E, V}; fn f() { let e = E::V(V { i: 9, j: 2 }); } "#, ) } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_record_nested_call_exp() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum A { $0One { a: u32, b: u32 } } struct B(A); fn foo() { let _ = B(A::One { a: 1, b: 2 }); } "#, r#" struct One{ a: u32, b: u32 } enum A { One(One) } struct B(A); fn foo() { let _ = B(A::One(One { a: 1, b: 2 })); } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_enum_not_applicable_for_element_with_no_fields() { check_assist_not_applicable(extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#"enum A { $0One }"#); } #[test] fn test_extract_enum_not_applicable_if_struct_exists() { cov_mark::check!(test_extract_enum_not_applicable_if_struct_exists); check_assist_not_applicable( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" struct One; enum A { $0One(u8, u32) } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_not_applicable_one_field() { check_assist_not_applicable(extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r"enum A { $0One(u32) }"); } #[test] fn test_extract_not_applicable_no_field_tuple() { check_assist_not_applicable(extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r"enum A { $0None() }"); } #[test] fn test_extract_not_applicable_no_field_named() { check_assist_not_applicable(extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r"enum A { $0None {} }"); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_only_copies_needed_generics() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum X<'a, 'b, 'x> { $0A { a: &'a &'x mut () }, B { b: &'b () }, C { c: () }, } "#, r#" struct A<'a, 'x>{ a: &'a &'x mut () } enum X<'a, 'b, 'x> { A(A<'a, 'x>), B { b: &'b () }, C { c: () }, } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_with_liftime_type_const() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum X<'b, T, V, const C: usize> { $0A { a: T, b: X<'b>, c: [u8; C] }, D { d: V }, } "#, r#" struct A<'b, T, const C: usize>{ a: T, b: X<'b>, c: [u8; C] } enum X<'b, T, V, const C: usize> { A(A<'b, T, C>), D { d: V }, } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_without_generics() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum X<'a, 'b> { A { a: &'a () }, B { b: &'b () }, $0C { c: () }, } "#, r#" struct C{ c: () } enum X<'a, 'b> { A { a: &'a () }, B { b: &'b () }, C(C), } "#, ); } #[test] fn test_extract_struct_keeps_trait_bounds() { check_assist( extract_struct_from_enum_variant, r#" enum En { $0A { a: T }, B { b: V }, } "#, r#" struct A{ a: T } enum En { A(A), B { b: V }, } "#, ); } }