use std; import codemap::span; import std::ivec; import std::vec; import std::option; import vec::map; import vec::len; import std::map::hashmap; import std::map::new_str_hash; import option::some; import option::none; import base::syntax_extension; import base::ext_ctxt; import base::normal; import base::expr_to_str; import base::expr_to_ident; import fold::*; import ast::respan; import ast::ident; import ast::path; import ast::ty; import ast::blk; import ast::blk_; import ast::expr; import ast::expr_; import ast::path_; import ast::expr_path; import ast::expr_vec; import ast::expr_mac; import ast::mac_invoc; export add_new_extension; fn path_to_ident(&path pth) -> option::t[ident] { if (ivec::len(pth.node.idents) == 1u && ivec::len(pth.node.types) == 0u) { ret some(pth.node.idents.(0u)); } ret none; } //an ivec of binders might be a little big. type clause = rec((binders)[] params, @expr body); /* logically, an arb_depth should contain only one kind of matchable */ tag arb_depth[T] { leaf(T); seq(vec[arb_depth[T]], span); } tag matchable { match_expr(@expr); match_path(path); match_ident(ast::spanned[ident]); match_ty(@ty); match_block(ast::blk); match_exact; /* don't bind anything, just verify the AST traversal */ } /* for when given an incompatible bit of AST */ fn match_error(&ext_ctxt cx, &matchable m, &str expected) -> ! { alt(m) { case (match_expr(?x)) { cx.span_fatal(x.span, "this argument is an expr, expected " + expected); } case (match_path(?x)) { cx.span_fatal(x.span, "this argument is a path, expected " + expected); } case (match_ident(?x)) { cx.span_fatal(x.span, "this argument is an ident, expected " + expected); } case (match_ty(?x)) { cx.span_fatal(x.span, "this argument is a type, expected " + expected); } case (match_block(?x)) { cx.span_fatal(x.span, "this argument is a block, expected " + expected); } case (match_exact) { cx.bug("what is a match_exact doing in a bindings?"); } } } // We can't make all the matchables in a match_result the same type because // idents can be paths, which can be exprs. // If we want better match failure error messages (like in Fortifying Syntax), // we'll want to return something indicating amount of progress and location // of failure instead of `none`. type match_result = option::t[arb_depth[matchable]]; type selector = fn(&matchable) -> match_result; fn elts_to_ell(&ext_ctxt cx, &(@expr)[] elts) -> option::t[@expr] { let uint idx = 0u; for (@expr elt in elts) { alt (elt.node) { case (expr_mac(?m)) { alt (m.node) { case (ast::mac_ellipsis) { if (idx != 1u || ivec::len(elts) != 2u) { cx.span_fatal(m.span, "Ellpisis may only appear" +" after exactly 1 item."); } ret some(elts.(0)); } } } case (_) { } } idx += 1u; } ret none; } fn option_flatten_map[T,U](&fn(&T)->option::t[U] f, &vec[T] v) -> option::t[vec[U]] { auto res = vec::alloc[U](vec::len(v)); for (T elem in v) { alt (f(elem)) { case (none) { ret none; } case (some(?fv)) { res += [fv]; } } } ret some(res); } fn a_d_map(&arb_depth[matchable] ad, &selector f) -> match_result { alt (ad) { case (leaf(?x)) { ret f(x); } case (seq(?ads,?span)) { alt (option_flatten_map(bind a_d_map(_, f), ads)) { case (none) { ret none; } case (some(?ts)) { ret some(seq(ts,span)); } } } } } fn compose_sels(selector s1, selector s2) -> selector { fn scomp(selector s1, selector s2, &matchable m) -> match_result { ret alt (s1(m)) { case (none) { none } case (some(?matches)) { a_d_map(matches, s2) } } } ret bind scomp(s1, s2, _); } type binders = rec(hashmap[ident,selector] real_binders, mutable (selector)[] literal_ast_matchers); type bindings = hashmap[ident, arb_depth[matchable]]; fn acumm_bindings(&ext_ctxt cx, &bindings b_dest, &bindings b_src) { } /* these three functions are the big moving parts */ /* create the selectors needed to bind and verify the pattern */ fn pattern_to_selectors(&ext_ctxt cx, @expr e) -> binders { let binders res = rec(real_binders=new_str_hash[selector](), mutable literal_ast_matchers=~[]); //this oughta return binders instead, but macro args are a sequence of //expressions, rather than a single expression fn trivial_selector(&matchable m) -> match_result { ret some(leaf(m)); } p_t_s_rec(cx, match_expr(e), trivial_selector, res); ret res; } /* use the selectors on the actual arguments to the macro to extract bindings. Most of the work is done in p_t_s, which generates the selectors. */ fn use_selectors_to_bind(&binders b, @expr e) -> option::t[bindings] { auto res = new_str_hash[arb_depth[matchable]](); let bool never_mind = false; for each(@rec(ident key, selector val) pair in b.real_binders.items()) { alt (pair.val(match_expr(e))) { case (none) { never_mind = true; } case (some(?mtc)) { res.insert(pair.key, mtc); } } } if (never_mind) { ret none; } //HACK: `ret` doesn't work in `for each` for (selector sel in b.literal_ast_matchers) { alt (sel(match_expr(e))) { case (none) { ret none; } case (_) { } } } ret some(res); } /* use the bindings on the body to generate the expanded code */ fn transcribe(&ext_ctxt cx, &bindings b, @expr body) -> @expr { let @mutable vec[uint] idx_path = @mutable []; auto afp = default_ast_fold(); auto f_pre = rec(fold_ident = bind transcribe_ident(cx, b, idx_path, _, _), fold_path = bind transcribe_path(cx, b, idx_path, _, _), fold_expr = bind transcribe_expr(cx, b, idx_path, _, _, afp.fold_expr), fold_ty = bind transcribe_type(cx, b, idx_path, _, _, afp.fold_ty), fold_block = bind transcribe_block(cx, b, idx_path, _, _, afp.fold_block), map_exprs = bind transcribe_exprs(cx, b, idx_path, _, _) with *afp); auto f = make_fold(f_pre); auto result = f.fold_expr(body); dummy_out(f); //temporary: kill circular reference ret result; } /* helper: descend into a matcher */ fn follow(&arb_depth[matchable] m, @mutable vec[uint] idx_path) -> arb_depth[matchable] { let arb_depth[matchable] res = m; for (uint idx in *idx_path) { alt(res) { case (leaf(_)) { ret res; /* end of the line */ } case (seq(?new_ms,_)) { res = new_ms.(idx); } } } ret res; } fn follow_for_trans(&ext_ctxt cx, &option::t[arb_depth[matchable]] mmaybe, @mutable vec[uint] idx_path) -> option::t[matchable] { alt(mmaybe) { case (none) { ret none } case (some(?m)) { ret alt(follow(m, idx_path)) { case (seq(_,?sp)) { cx.span_fatal(sp, "syntax matched under ... but not " + "used that way.") } case (leaf(?m)) { ret some(m) } } } } } /* helper for transcribe_exprs: what vars from `b` occur in `e`? */ iter free_vars(&bindings b, @expr e) -> ident { let hashmap[ident,()] idents = new_str_hash[()](); fn mark_ident(&ident i, ast_fold fld, &bindings b, &hashmap[ident,()] idents) -> ident { if(b.contains_key(i)) { idents.insert(i,()); } ret i; } // using fold is a hack: we want visit, but it doesn't hit idents ) : // solve this with macros auto f_pre = rec(fold_ident=bind mark_ident(_, _, b, idents) with *default_ast_fold()); auto f = make_fold(f_pre); f.fold_expr(e); // ignore result dummy_out(f); for each(ident id in idents.keys()) { put id; } } /* handle sequences (anywhere in the AST) of exprs, either real or ...ed */ fn transcribe_exprs(&ext_ctxt cx, &bindings b, @mutable vec[uint] idx_path, fn(&@expr)->@expr recur, (@expr)[] exprs) -> (@expr)[] { alt (elts_to_ell(cx, exprs)) { case (some(?repeat_me)) { let option::t[rec(uint rep_count, ident name)] repeat = none; /* we need to walk over all the free vars in lockstep, except for the leaves, which are just duplicated */ for each (ident fv in free_vars(b, repeat_me)) { auto cur_pos = follow(b.get(fv), idx_path); alt (cur_pos) { case (leaf(_)) { } case (seq(?ms,_)) { alt (repeat) { case (none) { repeat = some (rec(rep_count=vec::len(ms), name=fv)); } case (some({rep_count: ?old_len, name: ?old_name})) { auto len = vec::len(ms); if (old_len != len) { cx.span_fatal (repeat_me.span, #fmt("'%s' occurs %u times, but ", fv, len)+ #fmt("'%s' occurs %u times", old_name, old_len)); } } } } } } auto res = ~[]; alt (repeat) { case (none) { cx.span_fatal(repeat_me.span, "'...' surrounds an expression without any" + " repeating syntax variables"); } case (some({rep_count: ?rc, _})) { /* Whew, we now know how how many times to repeat */ let uint idx = 0u; while (idx < rc) { vec::push(*idx_path, idx); res += ~[recur(repeat_me)]; // whew! vec::pop(*idx_path); idx += 1u; } } } ret res; } case (none) { ret ivec::map(recur, exprs); } } } // substitute, in a position that's required to be an ident fn transcribe_ident(&ext_ctxt cx, &bindings b, @mutable vec[uint] idx_path, &ident i, ast_fold fld) -> ident { ret alt (follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(i), idx_path)) { case (some(match_ident(?a_id))) { a_id.node } case (some(?m)) { match_error(cx, m, "an identifier") } case (none) { i } } } fn transcribe_path(&ext_ctxt cx, &bindings b, @mutable vec[uint] idx_path, &path_ p, ast_fold fld) -> path_ { // Don't substitute into qualified names. if (ivec::len(p.types) > 0u || ivec::len(p.idents) != 1u) { ret p; } ret alt (follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(p.idents.(0)), idx_path)) { case (some(match_ident(?id))) { rec(global=false, idents=~[id.node], types=~[]) } case (some(match_path(?a_pth))) { a_pth.node } case (some(?m)) { match_error(cx, m, "a path") } case (none) { p } } } fn transcribe_expr(&ext_ctxt cx, &bindings b, @mutable vec[uint] idx_path, &ast::expr_ e, ast_fold fld, fn(&ast::expr_, ast_fold) -> ast::expr_ orig) -> ast::expr_ { ret alt(e) { case (expr_path(?p)){ // Don't substitute into qualified names. if (ivec::len(p.node.types) > 0u || ivec::len(p.node.idents) != 1u) { e } alt (follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(p.node.idents.(0)), idx_path)) { case (some(match_ident(?id))) { expr_path(respan(id.span, rec(global=false, idents=~[id.node],types=~[]))) } case (some(match_path(?a_pth))) { expr_path(a_pth) } case (some(match_expr(?a_exp))) { a_exp.node } case (some(?m)) { match_error(cx, m, "an expression")} case (none) { orig(e,fld) } } } case (_) { orig(e,fld) } } } fn transcribe_type(&ext_ctxt cx, &bindings b, @mutable vec[uint] idx_path, &ast::ty_ t, ast_fold fld, fn(&ast::ty_, ast_fold) -> ast::ty_ orig) -> ast::ty_ { ret alt(t) { case (ast::ty_path(?pth,_)) { alt (path_to_ident(pth)) { case (some(?id)) { alt (follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(id), idx_path)) { case (some(match_ty(?ty))) { ty.node } case (some(?m)) { match_error(cx, m, "a type") } case (none) { orig(t, fld) } } } case (none) { orig(t, fld) } } } case (_) { orig(t, fld) } } } /* for parsing reasons, syntax variables bound to blocks must be used like `{v}` */ fn transcribe_block(&ext_ctxt cx, &bindings b, @mutable vec[uint] idx_path, &blk_ blk, ast_fold fld, fn(&blk_, ast_fold) -> blk_ orig) -> blk_ { ret alt (block_to_ident(blk)) { case (some(?id)) { alt (follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(id), idx_path)) { case (some(match_block(?new_blk))) { new_blk.node } // possibly allow promotion of ident/path/expr to blocks? case (some(?m)) { match_error(cx, m, "a block")} case (none) { orig(blk, fld) } } } case (none) { orig(blk, fld) } } } /* traverse the pattern, building instructions on how to bind the actual argument. ps accumulates instructions on navigating the tree.*/ fn p_t_s_rec(&ext_ctxt cx, &matchable m, &selector s, &binders b) { //it might be possible to traverse only exprs, not matchables alt (m) { case (match_expr(?e)) { alt (e.node) { case (expr_path(?p_pth)) { p_t_s_r_path(cx,p_pth, s, b); } case (expr_vec(?p_elts, _, _)) { alt (elts_to_ell(cx, p_elts)) { case (some(?repeat_me)) { p_t_s_r_ellipses(cx, repeat_me, s, b); } case (none) { p_t_s_r_actual_vector(cx, p_elts, s, b); } } } /* TODO: handle embedded types and blocks, at least */ case (expr_mac(?mac)) { p_t_s_r_mac(cx, mac, s, b); } case (_) { fn select(&ext_ctxt cx, &matchable m, @expr pat) -> match_result { ret alt(m) { case (match_expr(?e)) { if (e==pat) { some(leaf(match_exact)) } else { none } } case (_) { cx.bug("broken traversal in p_t_s_r"); fail } } } b.literal_ast_matchers += ~[bind select(cx,_,e)]; } } } } } /* make a match more precise */ fn specialize_match(&matchable m) -> matchable { ret alt (m) { case (match_expr(?e)) { alt (e.node) { case (expr_path(?pth)) { alt (path_to_ident(pth)) { case (some(?id)) { match_ident(respan(pth.span,id)) } case (none) { match_path(pth) } } } case (_) { m } } } case (_) { m } } } /* pattern_to_selectors helper functions */ fn p_t_s_r_path(&ext_ctxt cx, &path p, &selector s, &binders b) { alt (path_to_ident(p)) { case (some(?p_id)) { fn select(&ext_ctxt cx, &matchable m) -> match_result { ret alt (m) { case (match_expr(?e)) { some(leaf(specialize_match(m))) } case (_) { cx.bug("broken traversal in p_t_s_r"); fail } } } if (b.real_binders.contains_key(p_id)) { cx.span_fatal(p.span, "duplicate binding identifier"); } b.real_binders.insert(p_id, compose_sels(s, bind select(cx,_))); } case (none) { } } } fn block_to_ident(&blk_ blk) -> option::t[ident] { if(ivec::len(blk.stmts) != 0u) { ret none; } ret alt (blk.expr) { case (some(?expr)) { alt (expr.node) { case (expr_path(?pth)) { path_to_ident(pth) } case (_) { none } } } case(none) { none } } } fn p_t_s_r_mac(&ext_ctxt cx, &ast::mac mac, &selector s, &binders b) { fn select_pt_1(&ext_ctxt cx, &matchable m, fn(&ast::mac) -> match_result fn_m) -> match_result { ret alt(m) { case (match_expr(?e)) { alt(e.node) { case (expr_mac(?mac)) { fn_m(mac) } case (_) { none } } } case (_) { cx.bug("broken traversal in p_t_s_r"); fail } } } fn no_des(&ext_ctxt cx, &span sp, &str syn) -> ! { cx.span_fatal(sp, "destructuring "+syn+" is not yet supported"); } alt (mac.node) { case (ast::mac_ellipsis) { cx.span_fatal(mac.span, "misused `...`"); } case (ast::mac_invoc(_,_, _)) { no_des(cx, mac.span, "macro calls"); } case (ast::mac_embed_type(?ty)) { alt (ty.node) { case ast::ty_path(?pth, _) { alt (path_to_ident(pth)) { case (some(?id)) { /* look for an embedded type */ fn select_pt_2(&ast::mac m) -> match_result { ret alt (m.node) { case (ast::mac_embed_type(?t)) { some(leaf(match_ty(t))) } case (_) { none } } } b.real_binders.insert(id, bind select_pt_1(cx, _, select_pt_2)); } case (none) { no_des(cx, pth.span, "under `#<>`"); } } } case (_) { no_des(cx, ty.span, "under `#<>`"); } } } case (ast::mac_embed_block(?blk)) { alt (block_to_ident(blk.node)) { case (some(?id)) { fn select_pt_2(&ast::mac m) -> match_result { ret alt (m.node) { case (ast::mac_embed_block(?blk)) { some(leaf(match_block(blk))) } case (_) { none } } } b.real_binders.insert(id, bind select_pt_1(cx, _, select_pt_2)); } case (none) { no_des(cx, blk.span, "under `#{}`"); } } } } } /* TODO: move this to */ fn ivec_to_vec[T](&(T)[] v) -> vec[T] { let vec[T] rs = vec::alloc[T](ivec::len(v)); for (T ve in v) { rs += [ve]; } ret rs; } fn p_t_s_r_ellipses(&ext_ctxt cx, @expr repeat_me, &selector s, &binders b) { fn select(&ext_ctxt cx, @expr repeat_me, &matchable m) -> match_result { ret alt (m) { case (match_expr(?e)) { alt (e.node) { case (expr_vec(?arg_elts, _, _)) { auto elts = ivec::map(leaf, ivec::map(match_expr, arg_elts)); // using repeat_me.span is a little wacky, but the // error we want to report is one in the macro def some(seq(ivec_to_vec(elts), repeat_me.span)) } case (_) { none } } } case (_) { cx.bug("broken traversal in p_t_s_r"); fail } } } p_t_s_rec(cx, match_expr(repeat_me), compose_sels(s, bind select(cx, repeat_me, _)), b); } fn p_t_s_r_actual_vector(&ext_ctxt cx, (@expr)[] elts, &selector s, &binders b) { fn len_select(&ext_ctxt cx, &matchable m, uint len) -> match_result { ret alt (m) { case (match_expr(?e)) { alt (e.node) { case (expr_vec(?arg_elts, _, _)) { if (ivec::len(arg_elts) == len) { some(leaf(match_exact)) } else { none } } case (_) { none } } } case (_) { none } } } b.literal_ast_matchers += ~[compose_sels(s, bind len_select(cx, _, ivec::len(elts)))]; let uint idx = 0u; while (idx < ivec::len(elts)) { fn select(&ext_ctxt cx, &matchable m, uint idx) -> match_result { ret alt (m) { case (match_expr(?e)) { alt (e.node) { case (expr_vec(?arg_elts, _, _)) { some(leaf(match_expr(arg_elts.(idx)))) } case (_) { none } } } case (_) { cx.bug("broken traversal in p_t_s_r"); fail} } } p_t_s_rec(cx, match_expr(elts.(idx)), compose_sels(s, bind select(cx, _, idx)), b); idx += 1u; } } fn add_new_extension(&ext_ctxt cx, span sp, &(@expr)[] args, option::t[str] body) -> base::macro_def { let option::t[str] macro_name = none; let (clause)[] clauses = ~[]; for (@expr arg in args) { alt(arg.node) { case(expr_vec(?elts, ?mut, ?seq_kind)) { if (ivec::len(elts) != 2u) { cx.span_fatal((*arg).span, "extension clause must consist of [" + "macro invocation, expansion body]"); } alt(elts.(0u).node) { case(expr_mac(?mac)) { alt (mac.node) { case (mac_invoc(?pth, ?invoc_args, ?body)) { alt (path_to_ident(pth)) { case (some(?id)) { macro_name=some(id); } case (none) { cx.span_fatal(pth.span, "macro name " + "must not be a path"); } } auto bdrses = ~[]; for(@expr arg in invoc_args) { bdrses += ~[pattern_to_selectors(cx, arg)]; } clauses += ~[rec(params=bdrses, body=elts.(1u))]; // FIXME: check duplicates (or just simplify // the macro arg situation) } } } case(_) { cx.span_fatal(elts.(0u).span, "extension clause must" + " start with a macro invocation."); } } } case(_) { cx.span_fatal((*arg).span, "extension must be [clause, " + " ...]"); } } } auto ext = bind generic_extension(_,_,_,_,clauses); ret rec(ident=alt (macro_name) { case (some(?id)) { id } case (none) { cx.span_fatal(sp, "macro definition must have " + "at least one clause") } }, ext=normal(ext)); fn generic_extension(&ext_ctxt cx, span sp, &(@expr)[] args, option::t[str] body, (clause)[] clauses) -> @expr { for (clause c in clauses) { if (ivec::len(args) != ivec::len(c.params)) { cont; } let uint i = 0u; let bindings bdgs = new_str_hash[arb_depth[matchable]](); let bool abort = false; while (i < ivec::len(args)) { alt (use_selectors_to_bind(c.params.(i), args.(i))) { case (some(?new_bindings)) { /* ick; I wish macros just took one expr */ for each (@rec(ident key, arb_depth[matchable] val) it in new_bindings.items()) { bdgs.insert(it.key, it.val); } } case (none) { abort = true; } } i += 1u; } if (abort) { cont; } ret transcribe(cx, bdgs, c.body); } cx.span_fatal(sp, "no clauses match macro invocation"); } } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //