// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. use core::ptr::*; use core::cell::RefCell; #[test] fn test() { unsafe { struct Pair { fst: isize, snd: isize }; let mut p = Pair {fst: 10, snd: 20}; let pptr: *mut Pair = &mut p; let iptr: *mut isize = pptr as *mut isize; assert_eq!(*iptr, 10); *iptr = 30; assert_eq!(*iptr, 30); assert_eq!(p.fst, 30); *pptr = Pair {fst: 50, snd: 60}; assert_eq!(*iptr, 50); assert_eq!(p.fst, 50); assert_eq!(p.snd, 60); let v0 = vec![32000u16, 32001u16, 32002u16]; let mut v1 = vec![0u16, 0u16, 0u16]; copy(v0.as_ptr().offset(1), v1.as_mut_ptr().offset(1), 1); assert!((v1[0] == 0u16 && v1[1] == 32001u16 && v1[2] == 0u16)); copy(v0.as_ptr().offset(2), v1.as_mut_ptr(), 1); assert!((v1[0] == 32002u16 && v1[1] == 32001u16 && v1[2] == 0u16)); copy(v0.as_ptr(), v1.as_mut_ptr().offset(2), 1); assert!((v1[0] == 32002u16 && v1[1] == 32001u16 && v1[2] == 32000u16)); } } #[test] fn test_is_null() { let p: *const isize = null(); assert!(p.is_null()); let q = unsafe { p.offset(1) }; assert!(!q.is_null()); let mp: *mut isize = null_mut(); assert!(mp.is_null()); let mq = unsafe { mp.offset(1) }; assert!(!mq.is_null()); } #[test] fn test_as_ref() { unsafe { let p: *const isize = null(); assert_eq!(p.as_ref(), None); let q: *const isize = &2; assert_eq!(q.as_ref().unwrap(), &2); let p: *mut isize = null_mut(); assert_eq!(p.as_ref(), None); let q: *mut isize = &mut 2; assert_eq!(q.as_ref().unwrap(), &2); // Lifetime inference let u = 2isize; { let p = &u as *const isize; assert_eq!(p.as_ref().unwrap(), &2); } } } #[test] fn test_as_mut() { unsafe { let p: *mut isize = null_mut(); assert!(p.as_mut() == None); let q: *mut isize = &mut 2; assert!(q.as_mut().unwrap() == &mut 2); // Lifetime inference let mut u = 2isize; { let p = &mut u as *mut isize; assert!(p.as_mut().unwrap() == &mut 2); } } } #[test] fn test_ptr_addition() { unsafe { let xs = vec![5; 16]; let mut ptr = xs.as_ptr(); let end = ptr.offset(16); while ptr < end { assert_eq!(*ptr, 5); ptr = ptr.offset(1); } let mut xs_mut = xs; let mut m_ptr = xs_mut.as_mut_ptr(); let m_end = m_ptr.offset(16); while m_ptr < m_end { *m_ptr += 5; m_ptr = m_ptr.offset(1); } assert!(xs_mut == vec![10; 16]); } } #[test] fn test_ptr_subtraction() { unsafe { let xs = vec![0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]; let mut idx = 9; let ptr = xs.as_ptr(); while idx >= 0 { assert_eq!(*(ptr.offset(idx as isize)), idx as isize); idx = idx - 1; } let mut xs_mut = xs; let m_start = xs_mut.as_mut_ptr(); let mut m_ptr = m_start.offset(9); while m_ptr >= m_start { *m_ptr += *m_ptr; m_ptr = m_ptr.offset(-1); } assert_eq!(xs_mut, [0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18]); } } #[test] fn test_set_memory() { let mut xs = [0u8; 20]; let ptr = xs.as_mut_ptr(); unsafe { write_bytes(ptr, 5u8, xs.len()); } assert!(xs == [5u8; 20]); } #[test] fn test_unsized_unique() { let xs: &mut [i32] = &mut [1, 2, 3]; let ptr = unsafe { Unique::new(xs as *mut [i32]) }; let ys = unsafe { &mut **ptr }; let zs: &mut [i32] = &mut [1, 2, 3]; assert!(ys == zs); } #[test] #[allow(warnings)] // Have a symbol for the test below. It doesn’t need to be an actual variadic function, match the // ABI, or even point to an actual executable code, because the function itself is never invoked. #[no_mangle] pub fn test_variadic_fnptr() { use core::hash::{Hash, SipHasher}; extern { fn test_variadic_fnptr(_: u64, ...) -> f64; } let p: unsafe extern fn(u64, ...) -> f64 = test_variadic_fnptr; let q = p.clone(); assert_eq!(p, q); assert!(!(p < q)); let mut s = SipHasher::new(); assert_eq!(p.hash(&mut s), q.hash(&mut s)); } #[test] fn write_unaligned_drop() { thread_local! { static DROPS: RefCell> = RefCell::new(Vec::new()); } struct Dropper(u32); impl Drop for Dropper { fn drop(&mut self) { DROPS.with(|d| d.borrow_mut().push(self.0)); } } { let c = Dropper(0); let mut t = Dropper(1); unsafe { write_unaligned(&mut t, c); } } DROPS.with(|d| assert_eq!(*d.borrow(), [0])); }