// ignore-windows: File handling is not implemented yet // compile-flags: -Zmiri-disable-isolation use std::fs::{File, remove_file, rename}; use std::io::{Read, Write, ErrorKind, Result, Seek, SeekFrom}; use std::path::{PathBuf, Path}; fn test_metadata(bytes: &[u8], path: &Path) -> Result<()> { // Test that the file metadata is correct. let metadata = path.metadata()?; // `path` should point to a file. assert!(metadata.is_file()); // The size of the file must be equal to the number of written bytes. assert_eq!(bytes.len() as u64, metadata.len()); Ok(()) } fn main() { let tmp = std::env::temp_dir(); let filename = PathBuf::from("miri_test_fs.txt"); let path = tmp.join(&filename); let symlink_path = tmp.join("miri_test_fs_symlink.txt"); let bytes = b"Hello, World!\n"; // Clean the paths for robustness. remove_file(&path).ok(); remove_file(&symlink_path).ok(); // Test creating, writing and closing a file (closing is tested when `file` is dropped). let mut file = File::create(&path).unwrap(); // Writing 0 bytes should not change the file contents. file.write(&mut []).unwrap(); assert_eq!(file.metadata().unwrap().len(), 0); file.write(bytes).unwrap(); assert_eq!(file.metadata().unwrap().len(), bytes.len() as u64); // Test opening, reading and closing a file. let mut file = File::open(&path).unwrap(); let mut contents = Vec::new(); // Reading 0 bytes should not move the file pointer. file.read(&mut []).unwrap(); // Reading until EOF should get the whole text. file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes, contents.as_slice()); // Cloning a file should be successful file.try_clone().unwrap(); // Test that seeking to the beginning and reading until EOF gets the text again. file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0)).unwrap(); let mut contents = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes, contents.as_slice()); // Test seeking relative to the end of the file. file.seek(SeekFrom::End(-1)).unwrap(); let mut contents = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&bytes[bytes.len() - 1..], contents.as_slice()); // Test seeking relative to the current position. file.seek(SeekFrom::Start(5)).unwrap(); file.seek(SeekFrom::Current(-3)).unwrap(); let mut contents = Vec::new(); file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&bytes[2..], contents.as_slice()); // Test that metadata of an absolute path is correct. test_metadata(bytes, &path).unwrap(); // Test that metadata of a relative path is correct. std::env::set_current_dir(&tmp).unwrap(); test_metadata(bytes, &filename).unwrap(); // Creating a symbolic link should succeed. std::os::unix::fs::symlink(&path, &symlink_path).unwrap(); // Test that the symbolic link has the same contents as the file. let mut symlink_file = File::open(&symlink_path).unwrap(); let mut contents = Vec::new(); symlink_file.read_to_end(&mut contents).unwrap(); assert_eq!(bytes, contents.as_slice()); // Test that metadata of a symbolic link is correct. test_metadata(bytes, &symlink_path).unwrap(); // Test that the metadata of a symbolic link is correct when not following it. assert!(symlink_path.symlink_metadata().unwrap().file_type().is_symlink()); // Removing symbolic link should succeed. remove_file(&symlink_path).unwrap(); // Removing file should succeed. remove_file(&path).unwrap(); // Renaming a file should succeed. let path1 = tmp.join("rename_source.txt"); let path2 = tmp.join("rename_destination.txt"); // Clean files for robustness. remove_file(&path1).ok(); remove_file(&path2).ok(); let file = File::create(&path1).unwrap(); drop(file); rename(&path1, &path2).unwrap(); assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, path1.metadata().unwrap_err().kind()); assert!(path2.metadata().unwrap().is_file()); remove_file(&path2).unwrap(); // The two following tests also check that the `__errno_location()` shim is working properly. // Opening a non-existing file should fail with a "not found" error. assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, File::open(&path).unwrap_err().kind()); // Removing a non-existing file should fail with a "not found" error. assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, remove_file(&path).unwrap_err().kind()); // Reading the metadata of a non-existing file should fail with a "not found" error. assert_eq!(ErrorKind::NotFound, test_metadata(bytes, &path).unwrap_err().kind()); }