//! Meta-syntax validation logic of attributes for post-expansion. use crate::{errors, parse_in}; use rustc_ast::tokenstream::DelimSpan; use rustc_ast::MetaItemKind; use rustc_ast::{self as ast, AttrArgs, AttrArgsEq, Attribute, DelimArgs, MacDelimiter, MetaItem}; use rustc_ast_pretty::pprust; use rustc_errors::{Applicability, FatalError, PResult}; use rustc_feature::{AttributeTemplate, BuiltinAttribute, BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAP}; use rustc_session::lint::builtin::ILL_FORMED_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT; use rustc_session::parse::ParseSess; use rustc_span::{sym, Span, Symbol}; pub fn check_attr(sess: &ParseSess, attr: &Attribute) { if attr.is_doc_comment() { return; } let attr_info = attr.ident().and_then(|ident| BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(&ident.name)); // Check input tokens for built-in and key-value attributes. match attr_info { // `rustc_dummy` doesn't have any restrictions specific to built-in attributes. Some(BuiltinAttribute { name, template, .. }) if *name != sym::rustc_dummy => { check_builtin_attribute(sess, attr, *name, *template) } _ if let AttrArgs::Eq(..) = attr.get_normal_item().args => { // All key-value attributes are restricted to meta-item syntax. parse_meta(sess, attr) .map_err(|mut err| { err.emit(); }) .ok(); } _ => {} } } pub fn parse_meta<'a>(sess: &'a ParseSess, attr: &Attribute) -> PResult<'a, MetaItem> { let item = attr.get_normal_item(); Ok(MetaItem { span: attr.span, path: item.path.clone(), kind: match &item.args { AttrArgs::Empty => MetaItemKind::Word, AttrArgs::Delimited(DelimArgs { dspan, delim, tokens }) => { check_meta_bad_delim(sess, *dspan, *delim); let nmis = parse_in(sess, tokens.clone(), "meta list", |p| p.parse_meta_seq_top())?; MetaItemKind::List(nmis) } AttrArgs::Eq(_, AttrArgsEq::Ast(expr)) => { if let ast::ExprKind::Lit(token_lit) = expr.kind && let Ok(lit) = ast::MetaItemLit::from_token_lit(token_lit, expr.span) { if token_lit.suffix.is_some() { let mut err = sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err( expr.span, "suffixed literals are not allowed in attributes", ); err.help( "instead of using a suffixed literal (`1u8`, `1.0f32`, etc.), \ use an unsuffixed version (`1`, `1.0`, etc.)", ); return Err(err); } else { MetaItemKind::NameValue(lit) } } else { // The non-error case can happen with e.g. `#[foo = 1+1]`. The error case can // happen with e.g. `#[foo = include_str!("nonexistent-file.rs")]`; in that // case we delay the error because an earlier error will have already been // reported. let msg = format!("unexpected expression: `{}`", pprust::expr_to_string(expr)); let mut err = sess.span_diagnostic.struct_span_err(expr.span, msg); if let ast::ExprKind::Err = expr.kind { err.downgrade_to_delayed_bug(); } return Err(err); } } AttrArgs::Eq(_, AttrArgsEq::Hir(lit)) => MetaItemKind::NameValue(lit.clone()), }, }) } pub fn check_meta_bad_delim(sess: &ParseSess, span: DelimSpan, delim: MacDelimiter) { if let ast::MacDelimiter::Parenthesis = delim { return; } sess.emit_err(errors::MetaBadDelim { span: span.entire(), sugg: errors::MetaBadDelimSugg { open: span.open, close: span.close }, }); } pub fn check_cfg_attr_bad_delim(sess: &ParseSess, span: DelimSpan, delim: MacDelimiter) { if let ast::MacDelimiter::Parenthesis = delim { return; } sess.emit_err(errors::CfgAttrBadDelim { span: span.entire(), sugg: errors::MetaBadDelimSugg { open: span.open, close: span.close }, }); } /// Checks that the given meta-item is compatible with this `AttributeTemplate`. fn is_attr_template_compatible(template: &AttributeTemplate, meta: &ast::MetaItemKind) -> bool { match meta { MetaItemKind::Word => template.word, MetaItemKind::List(..) => template.list.is_some(), MetaItemKind::NameValue(lit) if lit.kind.is_str() => template.name_value_str.is_some(), MetaItemKind::NameValue(..) => false, } } pub fn check_builtin_attribute( sess: &ParseSess, attr: &Attribute, name: Symbol, template: AttributeTemplate, ) { match parse_meta(sess, attr) { Ok(meta) => check_builtin_meta_item(sess, &meta, attr.style, name, template), Err(mut err) => { err.emit(); } } } pub fn check_builtin_meta_item( sess: &ParseSess, meta: &MetaItem, style: ast::AttrStyle, name: Symbol, template: AttributeTemplate, ) { // Some special attributes like `cfg` must be checked // before the generic check, so we skip them here. let should_skip = |name| name == sym::cfg; if !should_skip(name) && !is_attr_template_compatible(&template, &meta.kind) { emit_malformed_attribute(sess, style, meta.span, name, template); } } fn emit_malformed_attribute( sess: &ParseSess, style: ast::AttrStyle, span: Span, name: Symbol, template: AttributeTemplate, ) { // Some of previously accepted forms were used in practice, // report them as warnings for now. let should_warn = |name| { matches!(name, sym::doc | sym::ignore | sym::inline | sym::link | sym::test | sym::bench) }; let error_msg = format!("malformed `{}` attribute input", name); let mut msg = "attribute must be of the form ".to_owned(); let mut suggestions = vec![]; let mut first = true; let inner = if style == ast::AttrStyle::Inner { "!" } else { "" }; if template.word { first = false; let code = format!("#{}[{}]", inner, name); msg.push_str(&format!("`{}`", &code)); suggestions.push(code); } if let Some(descr) = template.list { if !first { msg.push_str(" or "); } first = false; let code = format!("#{}[{}({})]", inner, name, descr); msg.push_str(&format!("`{}`", &code)); suggestions.push(code); } if let Some(descr) = template.name_value_str { if !first { msg.push_str(" or "); } let code = format!("#{}[{} = \"{}\"]", inner, name, descr); msg.push_str(&format!("`{}`", &code)); suggestions.push(code); } if should_warn(name) { sess.buffer_lint(&ILL_FORMED_ATTRIBUTE_INPUT, span, ast::CRATE_NODE_ID, &msg); } else { sess.span_diagnostic .struct_span_err(span, &error_msg) .span_suggestions( span, if suggestions.len() == 1 { "must be of the form" } else { "the following are the possible correct uses" }, suggestions.into_iter(), Applicability::HasPlaceholders, ) .emit(); } } pub fn emit_fatal_malformed_builtin_attribute( sess: &ParseSess, attr: &Attribute, name: Symbol, ) -> ! { let template = BUILTIN_ATTRIBUTE_MAP.get(&name).expect("builtin attr defined").template; emit_malformed_attribute(sess, attr.style, attr.span, name, template); // This is fatal, otherwise it will likely cause a cascade of other errors // (and an error here is expected to be very rare). FatalError.raise() }