//! Extracts, resolves and rewrites links and intra-doc links in markdown documentation. mod intra_doc_links; use either::Either; use pulldown_cmark::{BrokenLink, CowStr, Event, InlineStr, LinkType, Options, Parser, Tag}; use pulldown_cmark_to_cmark::{cmark_with_options, Options as CMarkOptions}; use stdx::format_to; use url::Url; use hir::{db::HirDatabase, Adt, AsAssocItem, AssocItem, AssocItemContainer, Crate, HasAttrs}; use ide_db::{ defs::{Definition, NameClass, NameRefClass}, helpers::pick_best_token, RootDatabase, }; use syntax::{ ast::{self, IsString}, match_ast, AstNode, AstToken, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxNode, SyntaxToken, TextRange, TextSize, T, }; use crate::{ doc_links::intra_doc_links::{parse_intra_doc_link, strip_prefixes_suffixes}, FilePosition, Semantics, }; /// Weblink to an item's documentation. pub(crate) type DocumentationLink = String; const MARKDOWN_OPTIONS: Options = Options::ENABLE_FOOTNOTES.union(Options::ENABLE_TABLES).union(Options::ENABLE_TASKLISTS); /// Rewrite documentation links in markdown to point to an online host (e.g. docs.rs) pub(crate) fn rewrite_links(db: &RootDatabase, markdown: &str, definition: Definition) -> String { let mut cb = broken_link_clone_cb; let doc = Parser::new_with_broken_link_callback(markdown, MARKDOWN_OPTIONS, Some(&mut cb)); let doc = map_links(doc, |target, title| { // This check is imperfect, there's some overlap between valid intra-doc links // and valid URLs so we choose to be too eager to try to resolve what might be // a URL. if target.contains("://") { (target.to_string(), title.to_string()) } else { // Two possibilities: // * path-based links: `../../module/struct.MyStruct.html` // * module-based links (AKA intra-doc links): `super::super::module::MyStruct` if let Some(rewritten) = rewrite_intra_doc_link(db, definition, target, title) { return rewritten; } if let Some(target) = rewrite_url_link(db, definition, target) { return (target, title.to_string()); } (target.to_string(), title.to_string()) } }); let mut out = String::new(); cmark_with_options( doc, &mut out, None, CMarkOptions { code_block_backticks: 3, ..Default::default() }, ) .ok(); out } /// Remove all links in markdown documentation. pub(crate) fn remove_links(markdown: &str) -> String { let mut drop_link = false; let mut cb = |_: BrokenLink| { let empty = InlineStr::try_from("").unwrap(); Some((CowStr::Inlined(empty), CowStr::Inlined(empty))) }; let doc = Parser::new_with_broken_link_callback(markdown, MARKDOWN_OPTIONS, Some(&mut cb)); let doc = doc.filter_map(move |evt| match evt { Event::Start(Tag::Link(link_type, target, title)) => { if link_type == LinkType::Inline && target.contains("://") { Some(Event::Start(Tag::Link(link_type, target, title))) } else { drop_link = true; None } } Event::End(_) if drop_link => { drop_link = false; None } _ => Some(evt), }); let mut out = String::new(); cmark_with_options( doc, &mut out, None, CMarkOptions { code_block_backticks: 3, ..Default::default() }, ) .ok(); out } /// Retrieve a link to documentation for the given symbol. pub(crate) fn external_docs( db: &RootDatabase, position: &FilePosition, ) -> Option { let sema = &Semantics::new(db); let file = sema.parse(position.file_id).syntax().clone(); let token = pick_best_token(file.token_at_offset(position.offset), |kind| match kind { IDENT | INT_NUMBER | T![self] => 3, T!['('] | T![')'] => 2, kind if kind.is_trivia() => 0, _ => 1, })?; let token = sema.descend_into_macros_single(token); let node = token.parent()?; let definition = match_ast! { match node { ast::NameRef(name_ref) => match NameRefClass::classify(sema, &name_ref)? { NameRefClass::Definition(def) => def, NameRefClass::FieldShorthand { local_ref: _, field_ref } => { Definition::Field(field_ref) } }, ast::Name(name) => match NameClass::classify(sema, &name)? { NameClass::Definition(it) | NameClass::ConstReference(it) => it, NameClass::PatFieldShorthand { local_def: _, field_ref } => Definition::Field(field_ref), }, _ => return None, } }; get_doc_link(db, definition) } /// Extracts all links from a given markdown text returning the definition text range, link-text /// and the namespace if known. pub(crate) fn extract_definitions_from_docs( docs: &hir::Documentation, ) -> Vec<(TextRange, String, Option)> { Parser::new_with_broken_link_callback( docs.as_str(), MARKDOWN_OPTIONS, Some(&mut broken_link_clone_cb), ) .into_offset_iter() .filter_map(|(event, range)| match event { Event::Start(Tag::Link(_, target, _)) => { let (link, ns) = parse_intra_doc_link(&target); Some(( TextRange::new(range.start.try_into().ok()?, range.end.try_into().ok()?), link.to_string(), ns, )) } _ => None, }) .collect() } pub(crate) fn resolve_doc_path_for_def( db: &dyn HirDatabase, def: Definition, link: &str, ns: Option, ) -> Option { let def = match def { Definition::Module(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::Function(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::Adt(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::Variant(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::Const(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::Static(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::Trait(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::TypeAlias(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::Macro(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::Field(it) => it.resolve_doc_path(db, link, ns), Definition::BuiltinAttr(_) | Definition::ToolModule(_) | Definition::BuiltinType(_) | Definition::SelfType(_) | Definition::Local(_) | Definition::GenericParam(_) | Definition::Label(_) => None, }?; match def { Either::Left(def) => Some(Definition::from(def)), Either::Right(def) => Some(Definition::Macro(def)), } } pub(crate) fn doc_attributes( sema: &Semantics, node: &SyntaxNode, ) -> Option<(hir::AttrsWithOwner, Definition)> { match_ast! { match node { ast::SourceFile(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Module(def))), ast::Module(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Module(def))), ast::Fn(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Function(def))), ast::Struct(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Adt(hir::Adt::Struct(def)))), ast::Union(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Adt(hir::Adt::Union(def)))), ast::Enum(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Adt(hir::Adt::Enum(def)))), ast::Variant(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Variant(def))), ast::Trait(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Trait(def))), ast::Static(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Static(def))), ast::Const(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Const(def))), ast::TypeAlias(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::TypeAlias(def))), ast::Impl(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::SelfType(def))), ast::RecordField(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Field(def))), ast::TupleField(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Field(def))), ast::Macro(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.attrs(sema.db), Definition::Macro(def))), // ast::Use(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (Box::new(it) as _, def.attrs(sema.db))), _ => None } } } pub(crate) struct DocCommentToken { doc_token: SyntaxToken, prefix_len: TextSize, } pub(crate) fn token_as_doc_comment(doc_token: &SyntaxToken) -> Option { (match_ast! { match doc_token { ast::Comment(comment) => TextSize::try_from(comment.prefix().len()).ok(), ast::String(string) => doc_token.ancestors().find_map(ast::Attr::cast) .filter(|attr| attr.simple_name().as_deref() == Some("doc")).and_then(|_| string.open_quote_text_range().map(|it| it.len())), _ => None, } }).map(|prefix_len| DocCommentToken { prefix_len, doc_token: doc_token.clone() }) } impl DocCommentToken { pub(crate) fn get_definition_with_descend_at( self, sema: &Semantics, offset: TextSize, // Definition, CommentOwner, range of intra doc link in original file mut cb: impl FnMut(Definition, SyntaxNode, TextRange) -> Option, ) -> Option { let DocCommentToken { prefix_len, doc_token } = self; // offset relative to the comments contents let original_start = doc_token.text_range().start(); let relative_comment_offset = offset - original_start - prefix_len; sema.descend_into_macros(doc_token).into_iter().find_map(|t| { let (node, descended_prefix_len) = match_ast! { match t { ast::Comment(comment) => (t.parent()?, TextSize::try_from(comment.prefix().len()).ok()?), ast::String(string) => (t.ancestors().skip_while(|n| n.kind() != ATTR).nth(1)?, string.open_quote_text_range()?.len()), _ => return None, } }; let token_start = t.text_range().start(); let abs_in_expansion_offset = token_start + relative_comment_offset + descended_prefix_len; let (attributes, def) = doc_attributes(sema, &node)?; let (docs, doc_mapping) = attributes.docs_with_rangemap(sema.db)?; let (in_expansion_range, link, ns) = extract_definitions_from_docs(&docs).into_iter().find_map(|(range, link, ns)| { let mapped = doc_mapping.map(range)?; (mapped.value.contains(abs_in_expansion_offset)).then(|| (mapped.value, link, ns)) })?; // get the relative range to the doc/attribute in the expansion let in_expansion_relative_range = in_expansion_range - descended_prefix_len - token_start; // Apply relative range to the original input comment let absolute_range = in_expansion_relative_range + original_start + prefix_len; let def = resolve_doc_path_for_def(sema.db, def, &link, ns)?; cb(def, node, absolute_range) }) } } fn broken_link_clone_cb<'a, 'b>(link: BrokenLink<'a>) -> Option<(CowStr<'b>, CowStr<'b>)> { // These allocations are actually unnecessary but the lifetimes on BrokenLinkCallback are wrong // this is fixed in the repo but not on the crates.io release yet Some(( /*url*/ link.reference.to_owned().into(), /*title*/ link.reference.to_owned().into(), )) } // FIXME: // BUG: For Option::Some // Returns https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/core/prelude/v1/enum.Option.html#variant.Some // Instead of https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/core/option/enum.Option.html // // This should cease to be a problem if RFC2988 (Stable Rustdoc URLs) is implemented // https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/2988 fn get_doc_link(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option { let (target, file, frag) = filename_and_frag_for_def(db, def)?; let krate = crate_of_def(db, target)?; let mut url = get_doc_base_url(db, &krate)?; if let Some(path) = mod_path_of_def(db, target) { url = url.join(&path).ok()?; } url = url.join(&file).ok()?; url.set_fragment(frag.as_deref()); Some(url.into()) } fn rewrite_intra_doc_link( db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition, target: &str, title: &str, ) -> Option<(String, String)> { let (link, ns) = parse_intra_doc_link(target); let resolved = resolve_doc_path_for_def(db, def, link, ns)?; let krate = crate_of_def(db, resolved)?; let mut url = get_doc_base_url(db, &krate)?; let (_, file, frag) = filename_and_frag_for_def(db, resolved)?; if let Some(path) = mod_path_of_def(db, resolved) { url = url.join(&path).ok()?; } url = url.join(&file).ok()?; url.set_fragment(frag.as_deref()); Some((url.into(), strip_prefixes_suffixes(title).to_string())) } /// Try to resolve path to local documentation via path-based links (i.e. `../gateway/struct.Shard.html`). fn rewrite_url_link(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition, target: &str) -> Option { if !(target.contains('#') || target.contains(".html")) { return None; } let krate = crate_of_def(db, def)?; let mut url = get_doc_base_url(db, &krate)?; let (def, file, frag) = filename_and_frag_for_def(db, def)?; if let Some(path) = mod_path_of_def(db, def) { url = url.join(&path).ok()?; } url = url.join(&file).ok()?; url.set_fragment(frag.as_deref()); url.join(target).ok().map(Into::into) } fn crate_of_def(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option { let krate = match def { // Definition::module gives back the parent module, we don't want that as it fails for root modules Definition::Module(module) => module.krate(), def => def.module(db)?.krate(), }; Some(krate) } fn mod_path_of_def(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option { def.canonical_module_path(db).map(|it| { let mut path = String::new(); it.flat_map(|it| it.name(db)).for_each(|name| format_to!(path, "{}/", name)); path }) } /// Rewrites a markdown document, applying 'callback' to each link. fn map_links<'e>( events: impl Iterator>, callback: impl Fn(&str, &str) -> (String, String), ) -> impl Iterator> { let mut in_link = false; let mut link_target: Option = None; events.map(move |evt| match evt { Event::Start(Tag::Link(_, ref target, _)) => { in_link = true; link_target = Some(target.clone()); evt } Event::End(Tag::Link(link_type, target, _)) => { in_link = false; Event::End(Tag::Link( link_type, link_target.take().unwrap_or(target), CowStr::Borrowed(""), )) } Event::Text(s) if in_link => { let (link_target_s, link_name) = callback(&link_target.take().unwrap(), &s); link_target = Some(CowStr::Boxed(link_target_s.into())); Event::Text(CowStr::Boxed(link_name.into())) } Event::Code(s) if in_link => { let (link_target_s, link_name) = callback(&link_target.take().unwrap(), &s); link_target = Some(CowStr::Boxed(link_target_s.into())); Event::Code(CowStr::Boxed(link_name.into())) } _ => evt, }) } /// Get the root URL for the documentation of a crate. /// /// ```ignore /// https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#tymethod.next /// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// ``` fn get_doc_base_url(db: &RootDatabase, krate: &Crate) -> Option { let display_name = krate.display_name(db)?; let base = match &**display_name.crate_name() { // std and co do not specify `html_root_url` any longer so we gotta handwrite this ourself. // FIXME: Use the toolchains channel instead of nightly name @ ("core" | "std" | "alloc" | "proc_macro" | "test") => { format!("https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/{}", name) } _ => { krate.get_html_root_url(db).or_else(|| { let version = krate.version(db); // Fallback to docs.rs. This uses `display_name` and can never be // correct, but that's what fallbacks are about. // // FIXME: clicking on the link should just open the file in the editor, // instead of falling back to external urls. Some(format!( "https://docs.rs/{krate}/{version}/", krate = display_name, version = version.as_deref().unwrap_or("*") )) })? } }; Url::parse(&base).ok()?.join(&format!("{}/", display_name)).ok() } /// Get the filename and extension generated for a symbol by rustdoc. /// /// ```ignore /// https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#tymethod.next /// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// ``` fn filename_and_frag_for_def( db: &dyn HirDatabase, def: Definition, ) -> Option<(Definition, String, Option)> { if let Some(assoc_item) = def.as_assoc_item(db) { let def = match assoc_item.container(db) { AssocItemContainer::Trait(t) => t.into(), AssocItemContainer::Impl(i) => i.self_ty(db).as_adt()?.into(), }; let (_, file, _) = filename_and_frag_for_def(db, def)?; let frag = get_assoc_item_fragment(db, assoc_item)?; return Some((def, file, Some(frag))); } let res = match def { Definition::Adt(adt) => match adt { Adt::Struct(s) => format!("struct.{}.html", s.name(db)), Adt::Enum(e) => format!("enum.{}.html", e.name(db)), Adt::Union(u) => format!("union.{}.html", u.name(db)), }, Definition::Module(m) => match m.name(db) { Some(name) => format!("{}/index.html", name), None => String::from("index.html"), }, Definition::Trait(t) => format!("trait.{}.html", t.name(db)), Definition::TypeAlias(t) => format!("type.{}.html", t.name(db)), Definition::BuiltinType(t) => format!("primitive.{}.html", t.name()), Definition::Function(f) => format!("fn.{}.html", f.name(db)), Definition::Variant(ev) => { format!("enum.{}.html#variant.{}", ev.parent_enum(db).name(db), ev.name(db)) } Definition::Const(c) => format!("const.{}.html", c.name(db)?), Definition::Static(s) => format!("static.{}.html", s.name(db)), Definition::Macro(mac) => format!("macro.{}.html", mac.name(db)?), Definition::Field(field) => { let def = match field.parent_def(db) { hir::VariantDef::Struct(it) => Definition::Adt(it.into()), hir::VariantDef::Union(it) => Definition::Adt(it.into()), hir::VariantDef::Variant(it) => Definition::Variant(it), }; let (_, file, _) = filename_and_frag_for_def(db, def)?; return Some((def, file, Some(format!("structfield.{}", field.name(db))))); } Definition::SelfType(impl_) => { let adt = impl_.self_ty(db).as_adt()?.into(); let (_, file, _) = filename_and_frag_for_def(db, adt)?; // FIXME fragment numbering return Some((adt, file, Some(String::from("impl")))); } Definition::Local(_) | Definition::GenericParam(_) | Definition::Label(_) | Definition::BuiltinAttr(_) | Definition::ToolModule(_) => return None, }; Some((def, res, None)) } /// Get the fragment required to link to a specific field, method, associated type, or associated constant. /// /// ```ignore /// https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html#tymethod.next /// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /// ``` fn get_assoc_item_fragment(db: &dyn HirDatabase, assoc_item: hir::AssocItem) -> Option { Some(match assoc_item { AssocItem::Function(function) => { let is_trait_method = function.as_assoc_item(db).and_then(|assoc| assoc.containing_trait(db)).is_some(); // This distinction may get more complicated when specialization is available. // Rustdoc makes this decision based on whether a method 'has defaultness'. // Currently this is only the case for provided trait methods. if is_trait_method && !function.has_body(db) { format!("tymethod.{}", function.name(db)) } else { format!("method.{}", function.name(db)) } } AssocItem::Const(constant) => format!("associatedconstant.{}", constant.name(db)?), AssocItem::TypeAlias(ty) => format!("associatedtype.{}", ty.name(db)), }) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use expect_test::{expect, Expect}; use ide_db::base_db::FileRange; use itertools::Itertools; use crate::{fixture, TryToNav}; use super::*; #[test] fn external_docs_doc_url_crate() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:main deps:foo use foo$0::Foo; //- /lib.rs crate:foo pub struct Foo; "#, expect![[r#"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/index.html"#]], ); } #[test] fn external_docs_doc_url_std_crate() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:std use self$0; "#, expect![[r#"https://doc.rust-lang.org/nightly/std/index.html"#]], ); } #[test] fn external_docs_doc_url_struct() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub struct Fo$0o; "#, expect![[r#"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html"#]], ); } #[test] fn external_docs_doc_url_struct_field() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub struct Foo { field$0: () } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html#structfield.field"##]], ); } #[test] fn external_docs_doc_url_fn() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub fn fo$0o() {} "#, expect![[r#"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/fn.foo.html"#]], ); } #[test] fn external_docs_doc_url_impl_assoc() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub struct Foo; impl Foo { pub fn method$0() {} } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html#method.method"##]], ); check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub struct Foo; impl Foo { const CONST$0: () = (); } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html#associatedconstant.CONST"##]], ); } #[test] fn external_docs_doc_url_impl_trait_assoc() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub struct Foo; pub trait Trait { fn method() {} } impl Trait for Foo { pub fn method$0() {} } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html#method.method"##]], ); check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub struct Foo; pub trait Trait { const CONST: () = (); } impl Trait for Foo { const CONST$0: () = (); } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html#associatedconstant.CONST"##]], ); check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub struct Foo; pub trait Trait { type Type; } impl Trait for Foo { type Type$0 = (); } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html#associatedtype.Type"##]], ); } #[test] fn external_docs_doc_url_trait_assoc() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub trait Foo { fn method$0(); } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/trait.Foo.html#tymethod.method"##]], ); check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub trait Foo { const CONST$0: (); } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/trait.Foo.html#associatedconstant.CONST"##]], ); check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub trait Foo { type Type$0; } "#, expect![[r##"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/trait.Foo.html#associatedtype.Type"##]], ); } #[test] fn external_docs_trait() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo trait Trait$0 {} "#, expect![[r#"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/trait.Trait.html"#]], ) } #[test] fn external_docs_module() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub mod foo { pub mod ba$0r {} } "#, expect![[r#"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/foo/bar/index.html"#]], ) } #[test] fn external_docs_reexport_order() { check_external_docs( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub mod wrapper { pub use module::Item; pub mod module { pub struct Item; } } fn foo() { let bar: wrapper::It$0em; } "#, expect![[r#"https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/wrapper/module/struct.Item.html"#]], ) } #[test] fn test_trait_items() { check_doc_links( r#" /// [`Trait`] /// [`Trait::Type`] /// [`Trait::CONST`] /// [`Trait::func`] trait Trait$0 { // ^^^^^ Trait type Type; // ^^^^ Trait::Type const CONST: usize; // ^^^^^ Trait::CONST fn func(); // ^^^^ Trait::func } "#, ) } #[test] fn rewrite_html_root_url() { check_rewrite( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo #![doc(arbitrary_attribute = "test", html_root_url = "https:/example.com", arbitrary_attribute2)] pub mod foo { pub struct Foo; } /// [Foo](foo::Foo) pub struct B$0ar "#, expect![[r#"[Foo](https://example.com/foo/foo/struct.Foo.html)"#]], ); } #[test] fn rewrite_on_field() { check_rewrite( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo pub struct Foo { /// [Foo](struct.Foo.html) fie$0ld: () } "#, expect![[r#"[Foo](https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html)"#]], ); } #[test] fn rewrite_struct() { check_rewrite( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo /// [Foo] pub struct $0Foo; "#, expect![[r#"[Foo](https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html)"#]], ); check_rewrite( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo /// [`Foo`] pub struct $0Foo; "#, expect![[r#"[`Foo`](https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html)"#]], ); check_rewrite( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo /// [Foo](struct.Foo.html) pub struct $0Foo; "#, expect![[r#"[Foo](https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html)"#]], ); check_rewrite( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo /// [struct Foo](struct.Foo.html) pub struct $0Foo; "#, expect![[r#"[struct Foo](https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html)"#]], ); check_rewrite( r#" //- /main.rs crate:foo /// [my Foo][foo] /// /// [foo]: Foo pub struct $0Foo; "#, expect![[r#"[my Foo](https://docs.rs/foo/*/foo/struct.Foo.html)"#]], ); } fn check_external_docs(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture); let url = analysis.external_docs(position).unwrap().expect("could not find url for symbol"); expect.assert_eq(&url) } fn check_rewrite(ra_fixture: &str, expect: Expect) { let (analysis, position) = fixture::position(ra_fixture); let sema = &Semantics::new(&*analysis.db); let (cursor_def, docs) = def_under_cursor(sema, &position); let res = rewrite_links(sema.db, docs.as_str(), cursor_def); expect.assert_eq(&res) } fn check_doc_links(ra_fixture: &str) { let key_fn = |&(FileRange { file_id, range }, _): &_| (file_id, range.start()); let (analysis, position, mut expected) = fixture::annotations(ra_fixture); expected.sort_by_key(key_fn); let sema = &Semantics::new(&*analysis.db); let (cursor_def, docs) = def_under_cursor(sema, &position); let defs = extract_definitions_from_docs(&docs); let actual: Vec<_> = defs .into_iter() .map(|(_, link, ns)| { let def = resolve_doc_path_for_def(sema.db, cursor_def, &link, ns) .unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Failed to resolve {}", link)); let nav_target = def.try_to_nav(sema.db).unwrap(); let range = FileRange { file_id: nav_target.file_id, range: nav_target.focus_or_full_range(), }; (range, link) }) .sorted_by_key(key_fn) .collect(); assert_eq!(expected, actual); } fn def_under_cursor( sema: &Semantics, position: &FilePosition, ) -> (Definition, hir::Documentation) { let (docs, def) = sema .parse(position.file_id) .syntax() .token_at_offset(position.offset) .left_biased() .unwrap() .ancestors() .find_map(|it| node_to_def(sema, &it)) .expect("no def found") .unwrap(); let docs = docs.expect("no docs found for cursor def"); (def, docs) } fn node_to_def( sema: &Semantics, node: &SyntaxNode, ) -> Option, Definition)>> { Some(match_ast! { match node { ast::SourceFile(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Module(def))), ast::Module(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Module(def))), ast::Fn(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Function(def))), ast::Struct(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Adt(hir::Adt::Struct(def)))), ast::Union(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Adt(hir::Adt::Union(def)))), ast::Enum(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Adt(hir::Adt::Enum(def)))), ast::Variant(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Variant(def))), ast::Trait(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Trait(def))), ast::Static(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Static(def))), ast::Const(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Const(def))), ast::TypeAlias(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::TypeAlias(def))), ast::Impl(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::SelfType(def))), ast::RecordField(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Field(def))), ast::TupleField(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Field(def))), ast::Macro(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (def.docs(sema.db), Definition::Macro(def))), // ast::Use(it) => sema.to_def(&it).map(|def| (Box::new(it) as _, def.attrs(sema.db))), _ => return None, } }) } }