use std::cell::RefCell; use std::fmt; use log::trace; use rustc_span::DUMMY_SP; use crate::*; /// Details of premature program termination. pub enum TerminationInfo { Exit(i64), Abort(Option), UnsupportedInIsolation(String), ExperimentalUb { msg: String, url: String }, Deadlock, } impl fmt::Debug for TerminationInfo { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { use TerminationInfo::*; match self { Exit(code) => write!(f, "the evaluated program completed with exit code {}", code), Abort(None) => write!(f, "the evaluated program aborted execution"), Abort(Some(msg)) => write!(f, "the evaluated program aborted execution: {}", msg), UnsupportedInIsolation(msg) => write!(f, "{}", msg), ExperimentalUb { msg, .. } => write!(f, "{}", msg), Deadlock => write!(f, "the evaluated program deadlocked"), } } } impl MachineStopType for TerminationInfo {} /// Miri specific diagnostics pub enum NonHaltingDiagnostic { PoppedTrackedPointerTag(Item), CreatedAlloc(AllocId), FreedAlloc(AllocId), } /// Emit a custom diagnostic without going through the miri-engine machinery pub fn report_error<'tcx, 'mir>( ecx: &InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>, mut e: InterpErrorInfo<'tcx>, ) -> Option { use InterpError::*; let (title, helps) = match &e.kind { MachineStop(info) => { let info = info.downcast_ref::().expect("invalid MachineStop payload"); use TerminationInfo::*; let title = match info { Exit(code) => return Some(*code), Abort(_) => "abnormal termination", UnsupportedInIsolation(_) => "unsupported operation", ExperimentalUb { .. } => "Undefined Behavior", Deadlock => "deadlock", }; let helps = match info { UnsupportedInIsolation(_) => vec![format!("pass the flag `-Zmiri-disable-isolation` to disable isolation")], ExperimentalUb { url, .. } => vec![ format!("this indicates a potential bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, but the rules it violated are still experimental"), format!("see {} for further information", url), ], _ => vec![], }; (title, helps) } _ => { let title = match e.kind { Unsupported(_) => "unsupported operation", UndefinedBehavior(_) => "Undefined Behavior", ResourceExhaustion(_) => "resource exhaustion", _ => bug!("This error should be impossible in Miri: {}", e), }; let helps = match e.kind { Unsupported(UnsupportedOpInfo::NoMirFor(..)) => vec![format!("make sure to use a Miri sysroot, which you can prepare with `cargo miri setup`")], Unsupported(UnsupportedOpInfo::ReadBytesAsPointer) => panic!("`ReadBytesAsPointer` cannot be raised by Miri"), Unsupported(_) => vec![format!("this is likely not a bug in the program; it indicates that the program performed an operation that the interpreter does not support")], UndefinedBehavior(UndefinedBehaviorInfo::AlignmentCheckFailed { .. }) => vec![ format!("this usually indicates that your program performed an invalid operation and caused Undefined Behavior"), format!("but alignment errors can also be false positives, see"), format!("you can disable the alignment check with `-Zmiri-disable-alignment-check`, but that could hide true bugs") ], UndefinedBehavior(_) => vec![ format!("this indicates a bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, and caused Undefined Behavior"), format!("see for further information"), ], _ => vec![], }; (title, helps) } }; e.print_backtrace(); let msg = e.to_string(); report_msg(ecx, &format!("{}: {}", title, msg), msg, helps, true); // Extra output to help debug specific issues. if let UndefinedBehavior(UndefinedBehaviorInfo::InvalidUndefBytes(Some(ptr))) = e.kind { eprintln!( "Uninitialized read occurred at offset 0x{:x} into this allocation:", ptr.offset.bytes(), ); ecx.memory.dump_alloc(ptr.alloc_id); eprintln!(); } None } /// Report an error or note (depending on the `error` argument) at the current frame's current statement. /// Also emits a full stacktrace of the interpreter stack. fn report_msg<'tcx, 'mir>( ecx: &InterpCx<'mir, 'tcx, Evaluator<'mir, 'tcx>>, title: &str, span_msg: String, mut helps: Vec, error: bool, ) { let span = if let Some(frame) = ecx.active_thread_stack().last() { frame.current_source_info().unwrap().span } else { DUMMY_SP }; let mut err = if error { ecx.tcx.sess.struct_span_err(span, title) } else { ecx.tcx.sess.diagnostic().span_note_diag(span, title) }; err.span_label(span, span_msg); if !helps.is_empty() { // Add visual separator before backtrace. helps.last_mut().unwrap().push_str("\n"); for help in helps {; } } // Add backtrace let frames = ecx.generate_stacktrace(); for (idx, frame_info) in frames.iter().enumerate() { let is_local = frame_info.instance.def_id().is_local(); // No span for non-local frames and the first frame (which is the error site). if is_local && idx > 0 { err.span_note(frame_info.span, &frame_info.to_string()); } else { err.note(&frame_info.to_string()); } } err.emit(); for (i, frame) in ecx.active_thread_stack().iter().enumerate() { trace!("-------------------"); trace!("Frame {}", i); trace!(" return: {:?}",|p| *p)); for (i, local) in frame.locals.iter().enumerate() { trace!(" local {}: {:?}", i, local.value); } } } thread_local! { static DIAGNOSTICS: RefCell> = RefCell::new(Vec::new()); } /// Schedule a diagnostic for emitting. This function works even if you have no `InterpCx` available. /// The diagnostic will be emitted after the current interpreter step is finished. pub fn register_diagnostic(e: NonHaltingDiagnostic) { DIAGNOSTICS.with(|diagnostics| diagnostics.borrow_mut().push(e)); } impl<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir> EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> for crate::MiriEvalContext<'mir, 'tcx> {} pub trait EvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx: 'mir>: crate::MiriEvalContextExt<'mir, 'tcx> { /// Emit all diagnostics that were registed with `register_diagnostics` fn process_diagnostics(&self) { let this = self.eval_context_ref(); DIAGNOSTICS.with(|diagnostics| { for e in diagnostics.borrow_mut().drain(..) { use NonHaltingDiagnostic::*; let msg = match e { PoppedTrackedPointerTag(item) => format!("popped tracked tag for item {:?}", item), CreatedAlloc(AllocId(id)) => format!("created allocation with id {}", id), FreedAlloc(AllocId(id)) => format!("freed allocation with id {}", id), }; report_msg(this, "tracking was triggered", msg, vec![], false); } }); } }