// Type encoding import std::io; import std::map::hashmap; import std::option::some; import std::option::none; import std::int; import std::uint; import syntax::ast::*; import middle::ty; import syntax::print::pprust::lit_to_str; import util::common; export ctxt; export ty_abbrev; export ac_no_abbrevs; export ac_use_abbrevs; export enc_ty; type ctxt = rec(fn(&def_id) -> str ds, // Def -> str Callback: ty::ctxt tcx, // The type context. abbrev_ctxt abbrevs); // Compact string representation for ty.t values. API ty_str & parse_from_str. // Extra parameters are for converting to/from def_ids in the string rep. // Whatever format you choose should not contain pipe characters. type ty_abbrev = rec(uint pos, uint len, str s); tag abbrev_ctxt { ac_no_abbrevs; ac_use_abbrevs(hashmap[ty::t, ty_abbrev]); } fn cx_uses_abbrevs(&@ctxt cx) -> bool { alt (cx.abbrevs) { case (ac_no_abbrevs) { ret false; } case (ac_use_abbrevs(_)) { ret true; } } } fn enc_ty(&io::writer w, &@ctxt cx, &ty::t t) { alt (cx.abbrevs) { case (ac_no_abbrevs) { auto result_str; alt (cx.tcx.short_names_cache.find(t)) { case (some(?s)) { result_str = s; } case (none) { auto sw = io::string_writer(); enc_sty(sw.get_writer(), cx, ty::struct(cx.tcx, t)); result_str = sw.get_str(); cx.tcx.short_names_cache.insert(t, result_str); } } w.write_str(result_str); } case (ac_use_abbrevs(?abbrevs)) { alt (abbrevs.find(t)) { case (some(?a)) { w.write_str(a.s); ret; } case (none) { auto pos = w.get_buf_writer().tell(); enc_sty(w, cx, ty::struct(cx.tcx, t)); auto end = w.get_buf_writer().tell(); auto len = end - pos; fn estimate_sz(uint u) -> uint { auto n = u; auto len = 0u; while (n != 0u) { len += 1u; n = n >> 4u; } ret len; } auto abbrev_len = 3u + estimate_sz(pos) + estimate_sz(len); if (abbrev_len < len) { // I.e. it's actually an abbreviation. auto s = "#" + uint::to_str(pos, 16u) + ":" + uint::to_str(len, 16u) + "#"; auto a = rec(pos=pos, len=len, s=s); abbrevs.insert(t, a); } ret; } } } } } fn enc_mt(&io::writer w, &@ctxt cx, &ty::mt mt) { alt (mt.mut) { case (imm) { } case (mut) { w.write_char('m'); } case (maybe_mut) { w.write_char('?'); } } enc_ty(w, cx, mt.ty); } fn enc_sty(&io::writer w, &@ctxt cx, &ty::sty st) { alt (st) { case (ty::ty_nil) { w.write_char('n'); } case (ty::ty_bot) { w.write_char('z'); } case (ty::ty_bool) { w.write_char('b'); } case (ty::ty_int) { w.write_char('i'); } case (ty::ty_uint) { w.write_char('u'); } case (ty::ty_float) { w.write_char('l'); } case (ty::ty_machine(?mach)) { alt (mach) { case (ty_u8) { w.write_str("Mb"); } case (ty_u16) { w.write_str("Mw"); } case (ty_u32) { w.write_str("Ml"); } case (ty_u64) { w.write_str("Md"); } case (ty_i8) { w.write_str("MB"); } case (ty_i16) { w.write_str("MW"); } case (ty_i32) { w.write_str("ML"); } case (ty_i64) { w.write_str("MD"); } case (ty_f32) { w.write_str("Mf"); } case (ty_f64) { w.write_str("MF"); } } } case (ty::ty_char) { w.write_char('c'); } case (ty::ty_str) { w.write_char('s'); } case (ty::ty_istr) { w.write_char('S'); } case (ty::ty_tag(?def, ?tys)) { w.write_str("t["); w.write_str(cx.ds(def)); w.write_char('|'); for (ty::t t in tys) { enc_ty(w, cx, t); } w.write_char(']'); } case (ty::ty_box(?mt)) { w.write_char('@'); enc_mt(w, cx, mt); } case (ty::ty_ptr(?mt)) { w.write_char('*'); enc_mt(w, cx, mt); } case (ty::ty_vec(?mt)) { w.write_char('V'); enc_mt(w, cx, mt); } case (ty::ty_ivec(?mt)) { w.write_char('I'); enc_mt(w, cx, mt); } case (ty::ty_port(?t)) { w.write_char('P'); enc_ty(w, cx, t); } case (ty::ty_chan(?t)) { w.write_char('C'); enc_ty(w, cx, t); } case (ty::ty_tup(?mts)) { w.write_str("T["); for (ty::mt mt in mts) { enc_mt(w, cx, mt); } w.write_char(']'); } case (ty::ty_rec(?fields)) { w.write_str("R["); for (ty::field field in fields) { w.write_str(field.ident); w.write_char('='); enc_mt(w, cx, field.mt); } w.write_char(']'); } case (ty::ty_fn(?proto, ?args, ?out, ?cf, ?constrs)) { enc_proto(w, proto); enc_ty_fn(w, cx, args, out, cf, constrs); } case (ty::ty_native_fn(?abi, ?args, ?out)) { w.write_char('N'); alt (abi) { case (native_abi_rust) { w.write_char('r'); } case (native_abi_rust_intrinsic) { w.write_char('i'); } case (native_abi_cdecl) { w.write_char('c'); } case (native_abi_llvm) { w.write_char('l'); } } enc_ty_fn(w, cx, args, out, return, ~[]); } case (ty::ty_obj(?methods)) { w.write_str("O["); for (ty::method m in methods) { enc_proto(w, m.proto); w.write_str(m.ident); enc_ty_fn(w, cx, m.inputs, m.output, m.cf, m.constrs); } w.write_char(']'); } case (ty::ty_res(?def, ?ty, ?tps)) { w.write_str("r["); w.write_str(cx.ds(def)); w.write_char('|'); enc_ty(w, cx, ty); for (ty::t t in tps) { enc_ty(w, cx, t); } w.write_char(']'); } case (ty::ty_var(?id)) { w.write_char('X'); w.write_str(int::str(id)); } case (ty::ty_native(?def)) { w.write_char('E'); w.write_str(cx.ds(def)); w.write_char('|'); } case (ty::ty_param(?id)) { w.write_char('p'); w.write_str(uint::str(id)); } case (ty::ty_type) { w.write_char('Y'); } case (ty::ty_task) { w.write_char('a'); } } } fn enc_proto(&io::writer w, proto proto) { alt (proto) { case (proto_iter) { w.write_char('W'); } case (proto_fn) { w.write_char('F'); } } } fn enc_ty_fn(&io::writer w, &@ctxt cx, &ty::arg[] args, &ty::t out, &controlflow cf, &(@ty::constr_def)[] constrs) { w.write_char('['); for (ty::arg arg in args) { alt (arg.mode) { case (ty::mo_alias(?mut)) { w.write_char('&'); if (mut) { w.write_char('m'); } } case (ty::mo_val) { } } enc_ty(w, cx, arg.ty); } w.write_char(']'); auto colon = true; for (@ty::constr_def c in constrs) { if (colon) { w.write_char(':'); colon = false; } else { w.write_char(';'); } enc_constr(w, cx, c); } alt (cf) { case (noreturn) { w.write_char('!'); } case (_) { enc_ty(w, cx, out); } } } fn enc_constr(&io::writer w, &@ctxt cx, &@ty::constr_def c) { w.write_str(path_to_str(c.node.path)); w.write_char('('); w.write_str(cx.ds(c.node.id)); w.write_char('|'); auto semi = false; for (@constr_arg a in c.node.args) { if (semi) { w.write_char(';'); } else { semi = true; } alt (a.node) { case (carg_base) { w.write_char('*'); } case (carg_ident(?i)) { w.write_uint(i); } case (carg_lit(?l)) { w.write_str(lit_to_str(l)); } } } w.write_char(')'); } // // Local Variables: // mode: rust // fill-column: 78; // indent-tabs-mode: nil // c-basic-offset: 4 // buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix // compile-command: "make -k -C $RBUILD 2>&1 | sed -e 's/\\/x\\//x:\\//g'"; // End: //