// -*- rust -*- use std; import std::comm; import std::comm::mk_port; // Tests of ports and channels on various types fn test_rec() { type r = {val0: int, val1: u8, val2: char}; let po = comm::mk_port(); let ch = po.mk_chan(); let r0: r = {val0: 0, val1: 1u8, val2: '2'}; ch.send(r0); let r1: r; r1 = po.recv(); assert (r1.val0 == 0); assert (r1.val1 == 1u8); assert (r1.val2 == '2'); } fn test_vec() { let po = comm::mk_port(); let ch = po.mk_chan(); let v0: [int] = ~[0, 1, 2]; ch.send(v0); let v1: [int]; v1 = po.recv(); assert (v1.(0) == 0); assert (v1.(1) == 1); assert (v1.(2) == 2); } fn test_str() { let po = comm::mk_port(); let ch = po.mk_chan(); let s0: str = "test"; ch.send(s0); let s1: str; s1 = po.recv(); assert (s1.(0) as u8 == 't' as u8); assert (s1.(1) as u8 == 'e' as u8); assert (s1.(2) as u8 == 's' as u8); assert (s1.(3) as u8 == 't' as u8); } fn test_tag() { tag t { tag1; tag2(int); tag3(int, u8, char); } let po = comm::mk_port(); let ch = po.mk_chan(); ch.send(tag1); ch.send(tag2(10)); ch.send(tag3(10, 11u8, 'A')); // FIXME: Do port semantics really guarantee these happen in order? let t1: t; t1 = po.recv(); assert (t1 == tag1); t1 = po.recv(); assert (t1 == tag2(10)); t1 = po.recv(); assert (t1 == tag3(10, 11u8, 'A')); } fn test_chan() { let po = comm::mk_port(); let ch = po.mk_chan(); let po0 = comm::mk_port(); let ch0 = po0.mk_chan(); ch.send(ch0.unsafe_ptr()); let pch1; pch1 = po.recv(); let ch1 = comm::chan_from_unsafe_ptr(pch1); // Does the transmitted channel still work? ch1.send(10); let i: int; i = po0.recv(); assert (i == 10); } fn main() { test_rec(); test_vec(); test_str(); test_tag(); test_chan(); }