use rustc::hir::{self, Mutability}; use rustc::hir::Mutability::*; use rustc::mir::{self, ValidationOp, ValidationOperand}; use rustc::ty::{self, Ty, TypeFoldable, TyCtxt}; use rustc::ty::layout::LayoutOf; use rustc::ty::subst::{Substs, Subst}; use rustc::traits; use rustc::infer::InferCtxt; use rustc::traits::Reveal; use rustc::middle::region; use rustc_data_structures::indexed_vec::Idx; use rustc_mir::interpret::HasMemory; use super::{EvalContext, Place, PlaceExtra, ValTy}; use rustc::mir::interpret::{DynamicLifetime, AccessKind, EvalErrorKind, Value, EvalError, EvalResult}; use locks::MemoryExt; pub type ValidationQuery<'tcx> = ValidationOperand<'tcx, (AbsPlace<'tcx>, Place)>; #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq)] pub(crate) enum ValidationMode { Acquire, /// Recover because the given region ended Recover(region::Scope), ReleaseUntil(Option), } impl ValidationMode { fn acquiring(self) -> bool { use self::ValidationMode::*; match self { Acquire | Recover(_) => true, ReleaseUntil(_) => false, } } } // Abstract places #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)] pub enum AbsPlace<'tcx> { Local(mir::Local), Static(hir::def_id::DefId), Projection(Box>), } type AbsPlaceProjection<'tcx> = mir::Projection<'tcx, AbsPlace<'tcx>, u64, ()>; type AbsPlaceElem<'tcx> = mir::ProjectionElem<'tcx, u64, ()>; impl<'tcx> AbsPlace<'tcx> { pub fn field(self, f: mir::Field) -> AbsPlace<'tcx> { self.elem(mir::ProjectionElem::Field(f, ())) } pub fn deref(self) -> AbsPlace<'tcx> { self.elem(mir::ProjectionElem::Deref) } pub fn downcast(self, adt_def: &'tcx ty::AdtDef, variant_index: usize) -> AbsPlace<'tcx> { self.elem(mir::ProjectionElem::Downcast(adt_def, variant_index)) } pub fn index(self, index: u64) -> AbsPlace<'tcx> { self.elem(mir::ProjectionElem::Index(index)) } fn elem(self, elem: AbsPlaceElem<'tcx>) -> AbsPlace<'tcx> { AbsPlace::Projection(Box::new(AbsPlaceProjection { base: self, elem, })) } } pub(crate) trait EvalContextExt<'tcx> { fn abstract_place_projection(&self, proj: &mir::PlaceProjection<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, AbsPlaceProjection<'tcx>>; fn abstract_place(&self, place: &mir::Place<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, AbsPlace<'tcx>>; fn validation_op( &mut self, op: ValidationOp, operand: &ValidationOperand<'tcx, mir::Place<'tcx>>, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx>; fn end_region(&mut self, scope: Option) -> EvalResult<'tcx>; fn normalize_type_unerased(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx>; fn field_with_lifetimes( &mut self, base: Place, layout: ty::layout::TyLayout<'tcx>, i: usize, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>>; fn validate_fields( &mut self, query: ValidationQuery<'tcx>, mode: ValidationMode, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx>; fn validate_ptr( &mut self, val: Value, abs_place: AbsPlace<'tcx>, pointee_ty: Ty<'tcx>, re: Option, mutbl: Mutability, mode: ValidationMode, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx>; fn validate( &mut self, query: ValidationQuery<'tcx>, mode: ValidationMode, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx>; } impl<'a, 'tcx> EvalContextExt<'tcx> for EvalContext<'a, 'tcx, super::Evaluator<'tcx>> { fn abstract_place_projection(&self, proj: &mir::PlaceProjection<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, AbsPlaceProjection<'tcx>> { use self::mir::ProjectionElem::*; let elem = match proj.elem { Deref => Deref, Field(f, _) => Field(f, ()), Index(v) => { let value = self.frame().get_local(v)?; let ty = self.tcx.types.usize; let n = self.value_to_primval(ValTy { value, ty })?.to_u64()?; Index(n) }, ConstantIndex { offset, min_length, from_end } => ConstantIndex { offset, min_length, from_end }, Subslice { from, to } => Subslice { from, to }, Downcast(adt, sz) => Downcast(adt, sz), }; Ok(AbsPlaceProjection { base: self.abstract_place(&proj.base)?, elem }) } fn abstract_place(&self, place: &mir::Place<'tcx>) -> EvalResult<'tcx, AbsPlace<'tcx>> { Ok(match place { &mir::Place::Local(l) => AbsPlace::Local(l), &mir::Place::Static(ref s) => AbsPlace::Static(s.def_id), &mir::Place::Projection(ref p) => AbsPlace::Projection(Box::new(self.abstract_place_projection(&*p)?)), }) } // Validity checks fn validation_op( &mut self, op: ValidationOp, operand: &ValidationOperand<'tcx, mir::Place<'tcx>>, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx> { // If mir-emit-validate is set to 0 (i.e., disabled), we may still see validation commands // because other crates may have been compiled with mir-emit-validate > 0. Ignore those // commands. This makes mir-emit-validate also a flag to control whether miri will do // validation or not. if self.tcx.sess.opts.debugging_opts.mir_emit_validate == 0 { return Ok(()); } debug_assert!(self.memory.cur_frame == self.cur_frame()); // HACK: Determine if this method is whitelisted and hence we do not perform any validation. // We currently insta-UB on anything passing around uninitialized memory, so we have to whitelist // the places that are allowed to do that. // The second group is stuff libstd does that is forbidden even under relaxed validation. { // The regexp we use for filtering use regex::Regex; lazy_static! { static ref RE: Regex = Regex::new("^(\ (std|alloc::heap::__core)::mem::(uninitialized|forget)::|\ <(std|alloc)::heap::Heap as (std::heap|alloc::allocator)::Alloc>::|\ <(std|alloc::heap::__core)::mem::ManuallyDrop><.*>::new$|\ <(std|alloc::heap::__core)::mem::ManuallyDrop as std::ops::DerefMut><.*>::deref_mut$|\ (std|alloc::heap::__core)::ptr::read::|\ \ ><.*>::inner$|\ ><.*>::drop_slow$|\ (std::heap|alloc::allocator)::Layout::for_value::|\ (std|alloc::heap::__core)::mem::(size|align)_of_val::\ )").unwrap(); } // Now test let name = self.frame().instance.to_string(); if RE.is_match(&name) { return Ok(()); } } // We need to monomorphize ty *without* erasing lifetimes trace!("validation_op1: {:?}", operand.ty.sty); let ty = operand.ty.subst(self.tcx, self.substs()); trace!("validation_op2: {:?}", operand.ty.sty); let place = self.eval_place(&; let abs_place = self.abstract_place(&; let query = ValidationQuery { place: (abs_place, place), ty, re:, mutbl: operand.mutbl, }; // Check the mode, and also perform mode-specific operations let mode = match op { ValidationOp::Acquire => ValidationMode::Acquire, ValidationOp::Release => ValidationMode::ReleaseUntil(None), ValidationOp::Suspend(scope) => { if query.mutbl == MutMutable { let lft = DynamicLifetime { frame: self.cur_frame(), region: Some(scope), // Notably, we only ever suspend things for given regions. // Suspending for the entire function does not make any sense. }; trace!("Suspending {:?} until {:?}", query, scope); self.machine.suspended.entry(lft).or_insert_with(Vec::new).push( query.clone(), ); } ValidationMode::ReleaseUntil(Some(scope)) } }; self.validate(query, mode) } /// Release locks and executes suspensions of the given region (or the entire fn, in case of None). fn end_region(&mut self, scope: Option) -> EvalResult<'tcx> { debug_assert!(self.memory.cur_frame == self.cur_frame()); self.memory.locks_lifetime_ended(scope); match scope { Some(scope) => { // Recover suspended places let lft = DynamicLifetime { frame: self.cur_frame(), region: Some(scope), }; if let Some(queries) = self.machine.suspended.remove(&lft) { for query in queries { trace!("Recovering {:?} from suspension", query); self.validate(query, ValidationMode::Recover(scope))?; } } } None => { // Clean suspension table of current frame let cur_frame = self.cur_frame(); self.machine.suspended.retain(|lft, _| { lft.frame != cur_frame // keep only what is in the other (lower) frames }); } } Ok(()) } fn normalize_type_unerased(&self, ty: Ty<'tcx>) -> Ty<'tcx> { return normalize_associated_type(self.tcx, &ty); use syntax::codemap::{Span, DUMMY_SP}; // We copy a bunch of stuff from rustc/infer/ to be able to tweak its behavior fn normalize_projections_in<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx, T>( self_: &InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>, value: &T, ) -> T::Lifted where T: TypeFoldable<'tcx> + ty::Lift<'gcx>, { let mut selcx = traits::SelectionContext::new(self_); let cause = traits::ObligationCause::dummy(); let traits::Normalized { value: result, obligations, } = traits::normalize(&mut selcx, param_env, cause, value); let mut fulfill_cx = traits::FulfillmentContext::new(); for obligation in obligations { fulfill_cx.register_predicate_obligation(self_, obligation); } drain_fulfillment_cx_or_panic(self_, DUMMY_SP, &mut fulfill_cx, &result) } fn drain_fulfillment_cx_or_panic<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx, T>( self_: &InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, span: Span, fulfill_cx: &mut traits::FulfillmentContext<'tcx>, result: &T, ) -> T::Lifted where T: TypeFoldable<'tcx> + ty::Lift<'gcx>, { // In principle, we only need to do this so long as `result` // contains unbound type parameters. It could be a slight // optimization to stop iterating early. match fulfill_cx.select_all_or_error(self_) { Ok(()) => { } Err(errors) => { span_bug!( span, "Encountered errors `{:?}` resolving bounds after type-checking", errors ); } } let result = self_.resolve_type_vars_if_possible(result); let result = self_.tcx.fold_regions( &result, &mut false, |r, _| match *r { ty::ReVar(_) => self_.tcx.types.re_erased, _ => r, }, ); match self_.tcx.lift_to_global(&result) { Some(result) => result, None => { span_bug!(span, "Uninferred types/regions in `{:?}`", result); } } } trait MyTransNormalize<'gcx>: TypeFoldable<'gcx> { fn my_trans_normalize<'a, 'tcx>( &self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'a, 'gcx, 'tcx>, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>, ) -> Self; } macro_rules! items { ($($item:item)+) => ($($item)+) } macro_rules! impl_trans_normalize { ($lt_gcx:tt, $($ty:ty),+) => { items!($(impl<$lt_gcx> MyTransNormalize<$lt_gcx> for $ty { fn my_trans_normalize<'a, 'tcx>(&self, infcx: &InferCtxt<'a, $lt_gcx, 'tcx>, param_env: ty::ParamEnv<'tcx>) -> Self { normalize_projections_in(infcx, param_env, self) } })+); } } impl_trans_normalize!('gcx, Ty<'gcx>, &'gcx Substs<'gcx>, ty::FnSig<'gcx>, ty::PolyFnSig<'gcx>, ty::ClosureSubsts<'gcx>, ty::PolyTraitRef<'gcx>, ty::ExistentialTraitRef<'gcx> ); fn normalize_associated_type<'a, 'tcx, T>(self_: TyCtxt<'a, 'tcx, 'tcx>, value: &T) -> T where T: MyTransNormalize<'tcx>, { let param_env = ty::ParamEnv::empty(Reveal::All); if !value.has_projections() { return value.clone(); } self_.infer_ctxt().enter(|infcx| { value.my_trans_normalize(&infcx, param_env) }) } } // This is a copy of `Layout::field` // // FIXME: remove once validation does not depend on lifetimes fn field_with_lifetimes( &mut self, base: Place, mut layout: ty::layout::TyLayout<'tcx>, i: usize, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx, Ty<'tcx>> { match base { Place::Ptr { extra: PlaceExtra::DowncastVariant(variant_index), .. } => { layout = layout.for_variant(&self, variant_index); } _ => {} } let tcx = self.tcx; Ok(match layout.ty.sty { ty::TyBool | ty::TyChar | ty::TyInt(_) | ty::TyUint(_) | ty::TyFloat(_) | ty::TyFnPtr(_) | ty::TyNever | ty::TyFnDef(..) | ty::TyDynamic(..) | ty::TyForeign(..) => { bug!("TyLayout::field_type({:?}): not applicable", layout) } // Potentially-fat pointers. ty::TyRef(_, ty::TypeAndMut { ty: pointee, .. }) | ty::TyRawPtr(ty::TypeAndMut { ty: pointee, .. }) => { assert!(i < 2); // Reuse the fat *T type as its own thin pointer data field. // This provides information about e.g. DST struct pointees // (which may have no non-DST form), and will work as long // as the `Abi` or `FieldPlacement` is checked by users. if i == 0 { return Ok(layout.ty); } match tcx.struct_tail(pointee).sty { ty::TySlice(_) | ty::TyStr => tcx.types.usize, ty::TyDynamic(..) => { // FIXME(eddyb) use an usize/fn() array with // the correct number of vtables slots. tcx.mk_imm_ref(tcx.types.re_static, tcx.mk_nil()) } _ => bug!("TyLayout::field_type({:?}): not applicable", layout) } } // Arrays and slices. ty::TyArray(element, _) | ty::TySlice(element) => element, ty::TyStr => tcx.types.u8, // Tuples, generators and closures. ty::TyClosure(def_id, ref substs) => { substs.upvar_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(i).unwrap() } ty::TyGenerator(def_id, ref substs, _) => { substs.field_tys(def_id, tcx).nth(i).unwrap() } ty::TyTuple(tys, _) => tys[i], // SIMD vector types. ty::TyAdt(def, ..) if def.repr.simd() => { layout.ty.simd_type(tcx) } // ADTs. ty::TyAdt(def, substs) => { use rustc::ty::layout::Variants; match layout.variants { Variants::Single { index } => { def.variants[index].fields[i].ty(tcx, substs) } // Discriminant field for enums (where applicable). Variants::Tagged { ref discr, .. } | Variants::NicheFilling { niche: ref discr, .. } => { assert_eq!(i, 0); return Ok(discr.value.to_ty(tcx)) } } } ty::TyProjection(_) | ty::TyAnon(..) | ty::TyParam(_) | ty::TyInfer(_) | ty::TyError => { bug!("TyLayout::field_type: unexpected type `{}`", layout.ty) } }) } fn validate_fields( &mut self, query: ValidationQuery<'tcx>, mode: ValidationMode, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx> { let mut layout = self.layout_of(query.ty)?; layout.ty = query.ty; // TODO: Maybe take visibility/privacy into account. for idx in 0..layout.fields.count() { let field = mir::Field::new(idx); let (field_place, field_layout) = self.place_field(, field, layout)?; // layout stuff erases lifetimes, get the field ourselves let field_ty = self.field_with_lifetimes(, layout, idx)?; trace!("assuming \n{:?}\n == \n{:?}\n except for lifetimes", field_layout.ty, field_ty); self.validate( ValidationQuery { place: (, field_place), ty: field_ty, ..query }, mode, )?; } Ok(()) } fn validate_ptr( &mut self, val: Value, abs_place: AbsPlace<'tcx>, pointee_ty: Ty<'tcx>, re: Option, mutbl: Mutability, mode: ValidationMode, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx> { // Check alignment and non-NULLness let (_, align) = self.size_and_align_of_dst(pointee_ty, val)?; let ptr = self.into_ptr(val)?; self.memory.check_align(ptr, align)?; // Recurse let pointee_place = self.val_to_place(val, pointee_ty)?; self.validate( ValidationQuery { place: (abs_place.deref(), pointee_place), ty: pointee_ty, re, mutbl, }, mode, ) } /// Validate the place at the given type. If `acquire` is false, just do a release of all write locks fn validate( &mut self, mut query: ValidationQuery<'tcx>, mode: ValidationMode, ) -> EvalResult<'tcx> { use rustc::ty::TypeVariants::*; use rustc::ty::RegionKind::*; use rustc::ty::AdtKind; // No point releasing shared stuff. if !mode.acquiring() && query.mutbl == MutImmutable { return Ok(()); } // When we recover, we may see data whose validity *just* ended. Do not acquire it. if let ValidationMode::Recover(ending_ce) = mode { if == Some(ending_ce) { return Ok(()); } } query.ty = self.normalize_type_unerased(&query.ty); trace!("{:?} on {:#?}", mode, query); trace!("{:#?}", query.ty.sty); // Decide whether this type *owns* the memory it covers (like integers), or whether it // just assembles pieces (that each own their memory) together to a larger whole. // TODO: Currently, we don't acquire locks for padding and discriminants. We should. let is_owning = match query.ty.sty { TyInt(_) | TyUint(_) | TyRawPtr(_) | TyBool | TyFloat(_) | TyChar | TyStr | TyRef(..) | TyFnPtr(..) | TyFnDef(..) | TyNever => true, TyAdt(adt, _) if adt.is_box() => true, TySlice(_) | TyAdt(_, _) | TyTuple(..) | TyClosure(..) | TyArray(..) | TyDynamic(..) | TyGenerator(..) | TyForeign(_) => false, TyParam(_) | TyInfer(_) | TyProjection(_) | TyAnon(..) | TyError => { bug!("I got an incomplete/unnormalized type for validation") } }; if is_owning { // We need to lock. So we need memory. So we have to force_acquire. // Tracking the same state for locals not backed by memory would just duplicate too // much machinery. // FIXME: We ignore alignment. let (ptr, _, extra) = self.force_allocation(; // Determine the size // FIXME: Can we reuse size_and_align_of_dst for Places? let layout = self.layout_of(query.ty)?; let len = if !layout.is_unsized() { assert_eq!(extra, PlaceExtra::None, "Got a fat ptr to a sized type"); layout.size.bytes() } else { // The only unsized typ we concider "owning" is TyStr. assert_eq!( query.ty.sty, TyStr, "Found a surprising unsized owning type" ); // The extra must be the length, in bytes. match extra { PlaceExtra::Length(len) => len, _ => bug!("TyStr must have a length as extra"), } }; // Handle locking if len > 0 { let ptr = ptr.to_ptr()?; match query.mutbl { MutImmutable => { if mode.acquiring() { self.memory.acquire_lock( ptr, len,, AccessKind::Read, )?; } } // No releasing of read locks, ever. MutMutable => { match mode { ValidationMode::Acquire => { self.memory.acquire_lock( ptr, len,, AccessKind::Write, )? } ValidationMode::Recover(ending_ce) => { self.memory.recover_write_lock( ptr, len, &,, ending_ce, )? } ValidationMode::ReleaseUntil(suspended_ce) => { self.memory.suspend_write_lock( ptr, len, &, suspended_ce, )? } } } } } } let res = do catch { match query.ty.sty { TyInt(_) | TyUint(_) | TyRawPtr(_) => { if mode.acquiring() { // Make sure we can read this. let val = self.read_place(; self.follow_by_ref_value(val, query.ty)?; // FIXME: It would be great to rule out Undef here, but that doesn't actually work. // Passing around undef data is a thing that e.g. Vec::extend_with does. } Ok(()) } TyBool | TyFloat(_) | TyChar => { if mode.acquiring() { let val = self.read_place(; let val = self.value_to_primval(ValTy { value: val, ty: query.ty })?; val.to_bytes()?; // TODO: Check if these are valid bool/float/codepoint/UTF-8 } Ok(()) } TyNever => err!(ValidationFailure(format!("The empty type is never valid."))), TyRef(region, ty::TypeAndMut { ty: pointee_ty, mutbl, }) => { let val = self.read_place(; // Sharing restricts our context if mutbl == MutImmutable { query.mutbl = MutImmutable; } // Inner lifetimes *outlive* outer ones, so only if we have no lifetime restriction yet, // we record the region of this borrow to the context. if == None { match *region { ReScope(scope) => = Some(scope), // It is possible for us to encounter erased lifetimes here because the lifetimes in // this functions' Subst will be erased. _ => {} } } self.validate_ptr(val,, pointee_ty,, query.mutbl, mode) } TyAdt(adt, _) if adt.is_box() => { let val = self.read_place(; self.validate_ptr(val,, query.ty.boxed_ty(),, query.mutbl, mode) } TyFnPtr(_sig) => { let ptr = self.read_place(; let ptr = self.into_ptr(ptr)?.to_ptr()?; self.memory.get_fn(ptr)?; // TODO: Check if the signature matches (should be the same check as what terminator/ already does on call?). Ok(()) } TyFnDef(..) => { // This is a zero-sized type with all relevant data sitting in the type. // There is nothing to validate. Ok(()) } // Compound types TyStr => { // TODO: Validate strings Ok(()) } TySlice(elem_ty) => { let len = match { Place::Ptr { extra: PlaceExtra::Length(len), .. } => len, _ => { bug!( "acquire_valid of a TySlice given non-slice place: {:?}", ) } }; for i in 0..len { let inner_place = self.place_index(, query.ty, i)?; self.validate( ValidationQuery { place: (, inner_place), ty: elem_ty, ..query }, mode, )?; } Ok(()) } TyArray(elem_ty, len) => { let len = len.val.to_const_int().unwrap().to_u64().unwrap(); for i in 0..len { let inner_place = self.place_index(, query.ty, i as u64)?; self.validate( ValidationQuery { place: ( as u64), inner_place), ty: elem_ty, ..query }, mode, )?; } Ok(()) } TyDynamic(_data, _region) => { // Check that this is a valid vtable let vtable = match { Place::Ptr { extra: PlaceExtra::Vtable(vtable), .. } => vtable, _ => { bug!( "acquire_valid of a TyDynamic given non-trait-object place: {:?}", ) } }; self.read_size_and_align_from_vtable(vtable)?; // TODO: Check that the vtable contains all the function pointers we expect it to have. // Trait objects cannot have any operations performed // on them directly. We cannot, in general, even acquire any locks as the trait object *could* // contain an UnsafeCell. If we call functions to get access to data, we will validate // their return values. So, it doesn't seem like there's anything else to do. Ok(()) } TyAdt(adt, _) => { if Some(adt.did) == self.tcx.lang_items().unsafe_cell_type() && query.mutbl == MutImmutable { // No locks for shared unsafe cells. Also no other validation, the only field is private anyway. return Ok(()); } match adt.adt_kind() { AdtKind::Enum => { let discr = self.read_discriminant_value(, query.ty)?; // Get variant index for discriminant let variant_idx = adt.discriminants(self.tcx).position(|variant_discr| { variant_discr.to_u128_unchecked() == discr }); let variant_idx = match variant_idx { Some(val) => val, None => return err!(InvalidDiscriminant), }; let variant = &adt.variants[variant_idx]; if variant.fields.len() > 0 { // Downcast to this variant, if needed let place = if adt.is_enum() { (, variant_idx), self.eval_place_projection(, query.ty, &mir::ProjectionElem::Downcast(adt, variant_idx), )?, ) } else { }; // Recursively validate the fields self.validate_fields( ValidationQuery { place, ..query }, mode, ) } else { // No fields, nothing left to check. Downcasting may fail, e.g. in case of a CEnum. Ok(()) } } AdtKind::Struct => { self.validate_fields(query, mode) } AdtKind::Union => { // No guarantees are provided for union types. // TODO: Make sure that all access to union fields is unsafe; otherwise, we may have some checking to do (but what exactly?) Ok(()) } } } TyTuple(..) | TyClosure(..) => { // TODO: Check if the signature matches for `TyClosure` // (should be the same check as what terminator/ already does on call?). // Is there other things we can/should check? Like vtable pointers? self.validate_fields(query, mode) } // FIXME: generators aren't validated right now TyGenerator(..) => Ok(()), _ => bug!("We already established that this is a type we support. ({})", query.ty), } }; match res { // ReleaseUntil(None) of an uninitalized variable is a NOP. This is needed because // we have to release the return value of a function; due to destination-passing-style // the callee may directly write there. // TODO: Ideally we would know whether the destination is already initialized, and only // release if it is. But of course that can't even always be statically determined. Err(EvalError { kind: EvalErrorKind::ReadUndefBytes, .. }) if mode == ValidationMode::ReleaseUntil(None) => { return Ok(()); } res => res, } } }