// Copyright 2014-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the MIT license // , at your // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed // except according to those terms. //! Implementation of the `build` subcommand, used to compile a book. use std::env; use std::fs::{self, File}; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::io::{self, BufWriter}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use rustc_back::tempdir::TempDir; use subcommand::Subcommand; use term::Term; use error::{err, CliResult, CommandResult}; use book; use book::{Book, BookItem}; use javascript; use rustdoc; struct Build; pub fn parse_cmd(name: &str) -> Option> { if name == "build" { Some(Box::new(Build)) } else { None } } fn write_toc(book: &Book, current_page: &BookItem, out: &mut Write) -> io::Result<()> { fn walk_items(items: &[BookItem], section: &str, current_page: &BookItem, out: &mut Write) -> io::Result<()> { for (i, item) in items.iter().enumerate() { try!(walk_item(item, &format!("{}{}.", section, i + 1)[..], current_page, out)); } Ok(()) } fn walk_item(item: &BookItem, section: &str, current_page: &BookItem, out: &mut Write) -> io::Result<()> { let class_string = if item.path == current_page.path { "class='active'" } else { "" }; try!(writeln!(out, "
  • {} {}", class_string, current_page.path_to_root.join(&item.path).with_extension("html").display(), section, item.title)); if !item.children.is_empty() { try!(writeln!(out, "
      ")); let _ = walk_items(&item.children[..], section, current_page, out); try!(writeln!(out, "
    ")); } try!(writeln!(out, "
  • ")); Ok(()) } try!(writeln!(out, "
    ")); try!(writeln!(out, "
      ")); try!(walk_items(&book.chapters[..], "", ¤t_page, out)); try!(writeln!(out, "
    ")); try!(writeln!(out, "
    ")); Ok(()) } fn render(book: &Book, tgt: &Path) -> CliResult<()> { let tmp = try!(TempDir::new("rust-book")); for (_section, item) in book.iter() { let out_path = match item.path.parent() { Some(p) => tgt.join(p), None => tgt.to_path_buf(), }; let src; if env::args().len() < 3 { src = env::current_dir().unwrap().clone(); } else { src = PathBuf::from(&env::args().nth(2).unwrap()); } // preprocess the markdown, rerouting markdown references to html // references let mut markdown_data = String::new(); try!(File::open(&src.join(&item.path)).and_then(|mut f| { f.read_to_string(&mut markdown_data) })); let preprocessed_path = tmp.path().join(item.path.file_name().unwrap()); { let urls = markdown_data.replace(".md)", ".html)"); try!(File::create(&preprocessed_path).and_then(|mut f| { f.write_all(urls.as_bytes()) })); } // write the prelude to a temporary HTML file for rustdoc inclusion let prelude = tmp.path().join("prelude.html"); { let mut toc = BufWriter::new(try!(File::create(&prelude))); try!(writeln!(&mut toc, r#""#)); let _ = write_toc(book, &item, &mut toc); try!(writeln!(&mut toc, "
    ")); try!(writeln!(&mut toc, "
    ")); } // write the postlude to a temporary HTML file for rustdoc inclusion let postlude = tmp.path().join("postlude.html"); { let mut toc = BufWriter::new(try!(File::create(&postlude))); try!(toc.write_all(javascript::JAVASCRIPT.as_bytes())); try!(writeln!(&mut toc, "
    ")); } try!(fs::create_dir_all(&out_path)); let rustdoc_args: &[String] = &[ "".to_string(), preprocessed_path.display().to_string(), format!("-o{}", out_path.display()), format!("--html-before-content={}", prelude.display()), format!("--html-after-content={}", postlude.display()), format!("--markdown-playground-url=http://play.rust-lang.org"), format!("--markdown-css={}", item.path_to_root.join("rust-book.css").display()), "--markdown-no-toc".to_string(), ]; let output_result = rustdoc::main_args(rustdoc_args); if output_result != 0 { let message = format!("Could not execute `rustdoc` with {:?}: {}", rustdoc_args, output_result); return Err(err(&message)); } } // create index.html from the root README try!(fs::copy(&tgt.join("README.html"), &tgt.join("index.html"))); // Copy js for playpen let mut playpen = try!(File::create(tgt.join("playpen.js"))); let js = include_bytes!("../librustdoc/html/static/playpen.js"); try!(playpen.write_all(js)); Ok(()) } impl Subcommand for Build { fn parse_args(&mut self, _: &[String]) -> CliResult<()> { Ok(()) } fn usage(&self) {} fn execute(&mut self, term: &mut Term) -> CommandResult<()> { let cwd = env::current_dir().unwrap(); let src; let tgt; if env::args().len() < 3 { src = cwd.clone(); } else { src = PathBuf::from(&env::args().nth(2).unwrap()); } if env::args().len() < 4 { tgt = cwd.join("_book"); } else { tgt = PathBuf::from(&env::args().nth(3).unwrap()); } // `_book` directory may already exist from previous runs. Check and // delete it if it exists. for entry in try!(fs::read_dir(&cwd)) { let path = try!(entry).path(); if path == tgt { try!(fs::remove_dir_all(&tgt)) } } try!(fs::create_dir(&tgt)); // Copy static files try!(fs::copy( &cwd.join("src/rustbook/static/rustbook.css"), &tgt.join("rust-book.css") )); try!(fs::copy( &cwd.join("src/rustbook/static/rustbook.js"), &tgt.join("rust-book.js") )); let mut summary = try!(File::open(&src.join("SUMMARY.md"))); match book::parse_summary(&mut summary, &src) { Ok(book) => { // execute rustdoc on the whole book render(&book, &tgt) } Err(errors) => { let n = errors.len(); for err in errors { term.err(&format!("error: {}", err)[..]); } Err(err(&format!("{} errors occurred", n))) } } } }