Optimize `slice_iter.copied().next_chunk()`
test iter::bench_copied_array_chunks ... bench: 371 ns/iter (+/- 7)
test iter::bench_copied_array_chunks ... bench: 31 ns/iter (+/- 0)
The default `next_chunk` implementation suffers from having to assemble the array byte by byte via `next()`, checking the `Option<&T>` and then dereferencing `&T`. The specialization copies the chunk directly from the slice.
Remove the redundant `Some(try_opt!(..))` in `checked_pow`
The final return value doesn't need to be tried at all -- we can just
return the checked option directly. The optimizer can probably figure
this out anyway, but there's no need to make it work here.
The final return value doesn't need to be tried at all -- we can just
return the checked option directly. The optimizer can probably figure
this out anyway, but there's no need to make it work here.
Clarify the possible return values of `len_utf16`
`char::len_utf16` always return 1 or 2. Clarify this in the docs, in the same way as `char::len_utf8`.
Add documentation about the memory layout of `UnsafeCell<T>`
The documentation for `UnsafeCell<T>` currently does not make any promises about its memory layout. This PR adds this documentation, namely that the memory layout of `UnsafeCell<T>` is the same as the memory layout of its inner `T`.
# Use case
Without this layout promise, the following cast would not be legally possible:
fn example<T>(ptr: *mut T) -> *const UnsafeCell<T> {
ptr as *const UnsafeCell<T>
A use case where this can come up involves FFI. If Rust receives a pointer over a FFI boundary which provides shared read-write access (with some form of custom synchronization), and this pointer is managed by some Rust struct with lifetime `'a`, then it would greatly simplify its (internal) API and safety contract if a `&'a UnsafeCell<T>` can be created from a raw FFI pointer `*mut T`. A lot of safety checks can be done when receiving the pointer for the first time through FFI (non-nullness, alignment, initialize uninit bytes, etc.) and these properties can then be encoded into the `&UnsafeCell<T>` type. Without this documentation guarantee, this is not legal today outside of the standard library.
# Caveats
Casting in the opposite direction is still not valid, even with this documentation change:
fn example2<T>(ptr: &UnsafeCell<T>) -> &mut T {
let t = ptr as *const UnsafeCell<T> as *mut T;
unsafe { &mut *t }
This is because the only legal way to obtain a mutable pointer to the contents of the shared reference is through [`UnsafeCell::get`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cell/struct.UnsafeCell.html#method.get) and [`UnsafeCell::raw_get`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/cell/struct.UnsafeCell.html#method.raw_get). Although there might be a desire to also make this legal at some point in the future, that part is outside the scope of this PR. Also see this relevant [Zulip thread](https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/136281-t-lang.2Fwg-unsafe-code-guidelines/topic/transmuting.20.26.20-.3E.20.26mut).
# Alternatives
Instead of adding a new documentation promise, it's also possible to add a new method to `UnsafeCell<T>` with signature `pub fn from_ptr_bikeshed(ptr: *mut T) -> *const UnsafeCell<T>` which indirectly only allows one-way casting to `*const UnsafeCell<T>`.
Fix `Duration::{try_,}from_secs_f{32,64}(-0.0)`
Make `Duration::{try_,}from_secs_f{32,64}(-0.0)` return `Duration::ZERO` (as they did before #90247) instead of erroring/panicking.
I'll update this PR to remove the `#![feature(duration_checked_float)]` if #102271 is merged before this PR.
Tracking issue for `try_from_secs_f{32,64}`: #83400
nicer errors from assert_unsafe_precondition
This makes the errors shown by cargo-careful nicer, and since `panic_no_unwind` is `nounwind noreturn` it hopefully doesn't have bad codegen impact. Thanks to `@bjorn3` for the hint!
Would be nice if we could somehow supply our own (static) message to print, currently it always prints `panic in a function that cannot unwind`. But still, this is better than before.
Warn about safety of `fetch_update`
Specifically as it relates to the ABA problem.
`fetch_update` is a useful function, and one that isn't provided by, say, C++. However, this does not mean the function is magic. It is implemented in terms of `compare_exchange_weak`, and in particular, suffers from the ABA problem. See the following code, which is a naive implementation of `pop` in a lock-free queue:
fn pop(&self) -> Option<i32> {
self.front.fetch_update(Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Acquire, |front| {
if front == ptr::null_mut() {
else {
Some(unsafe { (*front).next })
This code is unsound if called from multiple threads because of the ABA problem. Specifically, suppose nodes are allocated with `Box`. Suppose the following sequence happens:
Initial: Queue is X -> Y.
Thread A: Starts popping, is pre-empted.
Thread B: Pops successfully, twice, leaving the queue empty.
Thread C: Pushes, and `Box` returns X (very common for allocators)
Thread A: Wakes up, sees the head is still X, and stores Y as the new head.
But `Y` is deallocated. This is undefined behaviour.
Adding a note about this problem to `fetch_update` should hopefully prevent users from being misled, and also, a link to this common problem is, in my opinion, an improvement to our docs on atomics.
slice: #[inline] a couple iterator methods.
The one I care about and actually saw in the wild not getting inlined is
clone(). We ended up doing a whole function call for something that just
copies two pointers.
I ended up marking as_slice / as_ref as well because make_slice is
inline(always) itself, and is also the kind of think that can kill
performance in hot loops if you expect it to get inlined. But happy to
undo those.
Uplift `clippy::for_loops_over_fallibles` lint into rustc
This PR, as the title suggests, uplifts [`clippy::for_loops_over_fallibles`] lint into rustc. This lint warns for code like this:
for _ in Some(1) {}
for _ in Ok::<_, ()>(1) {}
i.e. directly iterating over `Option` and `Result` using `for` loop.
There are a number of suggestions that this PR adds (on top of what clippy suggested):
1. If the argument (? is there a better name for that expression) of a `for` loop is a `.next()` call, then we can suggest removing it (or rather replacing with `.by_ref()` to allow iterator being used later)
for _ in iter.next() {}
// turns into
for _ in iter.by_ref() {}
2. (otherwise) We can suggest using `while let`, this is useful for non-iterator, iterator-like things like [async] channels
for _ in rx.recv() {}
// turns into
while let Some(_) = rx.recv() {}
3. If the argument type is `Result<impl IntoIterator, _>` and the body has a `Result<_, _>` type, we can suggest using `?`
for _ in f() {}
// turns into
for _ in f()? {}
4. To preserve the original behavior and clear intent, we can suggest using `if let`
for _ in f() {}
// turns into
if let Some(_) = f() {}
(P.S. `Some` and `Ok` are interchangeable depending on the type)
I still feel that the lint wording/look is somewhat off, so I'll be happy to hear suggestions (on how to improve suggestions :D)!
[`clippy::for_loops_over_fallibles`]: https://rust-lang.github.io/rust-clippy/master/index.html#for_loops_over_fallibles
Remove empty core::lazy and std::lazy
PR #98165 with commits 7c360dc117d554a11f7193505da0835c4b890c6f and c1a2db3372a4d6896744919284f3287650a38ab7 has moved all of the components of these modules into different places, namely {std,core}::sync and {std,core}::cell. The empty modules remained. As they are unstable, we can simply remove them.
`EscapeAscii` is not an `ExactSizeIterator`
Do we want/need `EscapeAscii` to be an `ExactSizeIterator`? I guess we could precompute the length of the output if so?
add a few more assert_unsafe_precondition
Add debug-assertion checking for `ptr.read()`, `ptr.write(_)`, and `unreachable_unchecked.`
This is quite useful for [cargo-careful](https://github.com/RalfJung/cargo-careful).
PR #98165 with commits 7c360dc117d554a11f7193505da0835c4b890c6f and c1a2db3372a4d6896744919284f3287650a38ab7
has moved all of the components of these modules into different places,
namely {std,core}::sync and {std,core}::cell. The empty
modules remained. As they are unstable, we can simply remove them.
Use a macro to not have to copy-paste `ConstFnMutClosure::new(&mut fold, NeverShortCircuit::wrap_mut_2_imp)).0` everywhere
Also use that macro to replace a bunch of places that had custom closure-wrappers.
+35 -114 sounds good to me.