feature: Assist to turn match into matches! invocation
This PR adds an assist, which convert 2-arm match that evaluates to a boolean into the equivalent matches! invocation.
fix: Only move comments when extracting a struct from an enum variant
Motivating example:
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum Error {
/// Some explanation for this error
$0Woops {
code: u32
now becomes
/// Some explanation for this error
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
struct Woops{
code: u32
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
enum Error {
(the `thiserror::Error` derive being copied and the struct formatting aren't ideal, though those are issues for another day)
Use correct type in "Replace turbofish with type"
And support `?` and `.await` expressions.
The assist can still show up even if the turbofish's type is not used at all, e.g.:
fn foo<T>() {}
let v = foo::<i32>();
I implemented that by checking the expressions' type.
This could probably be implemented better by taking the function's return type and substituting the generic parameter with the provided turbofish, but this is more complicated.
feat: Generate static method using Self::assoc() syntax
This change improves the `generate_function` assist to support generating static methods/associated functions using the `Self::assoc()` syntax. Previously, one could generate a static method, but only when specifying the type name directly (like `Foo::assoc()`). After this change, `Self` is supported as well as the type name.
feat: Add an assist for inlining all type alias uses
## Description
`inline_type_alias_uses` assist tries to inline all selected type alias occurrences.
### Currently
Type alias used in `PathType` position are inlined.
### Not supported
- Removing type alias declaration if all uses are inlined.
- Removing redundant imports after inlining all uses in the file.
- Type alias not in `PathType` position, such as:
- `A::new()`
- `let x = A {}`
- `let bits = A::BITS`
- etc.
## Demonstration

## Related Issues
Partially fixes#10881
This PR will fix some typos detected by [typos].
There are also some other typos in the function names, variable names, and file
names, which I leave as they are. I'm more certain that typos in comments
should be fixed.
[typos]: https://github.com/crate-ci/typos
This change improves the `generate_function` assist to support generating static methods/associated functions using the `Self::assoc()` syntax. Previously, one could generate a static method, but only when specifying the type name directly (like `Foo::assoc()`). After this change, `Self` is supported as well as the type name.