Set dso_local for more items
Related to (cc `@nagisa)`
Noticed that on x86_64 with `relocation-model: static` `R_X86_64_GOTPCREL` relocations were still generated in some cases. (related:; Rust-for-Linux needs these fixes to successfully build)
First time doing anything with LLVM so not sure whether this is correct but the following are some of the things I've tried to convince myself.
## C equivalent
Example from clang which also sets `dso_local` in these cases:
`clang-12 -fno-PIC -S -emit-llvm test.c`
extern int A;
int* a() {
return &A;
int B;
int* b() {
return &B;
; ModuleID = 'test.c'
source_filename = "test.c"
target datalayout = "e-m:e-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
`@A` = external dso_local global i32, align 4
`@B` = dso_local global i32 0, align 4
; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone uwtable
define dso_local i32* `@a()` #0 {
ret i32* `@A`
; Function Attrs: noinline nounwind optnone uwtable
define dso_local i32* `@b()` #0 {
ret i32* `@B`
attributes #0 = { noinline nounwind optnone uwtable "disable-tail-calls"="false" "frame-pointer"="all" "less-precise-fpmad"="false" "min-legal-vector-width"="0" "no-infs-fp-math"="false" "no-jump-tables"="false" "no-nans-fp-math"="false" "no-signed-zeros-fp-math"="false" "no-trapping-math"="true" "stack-protector-buffer-size"="8" "target-cpu"="x86-64" "target-features"="+cx8,+fxsr,+mmx,+sse,+sse2,+x87" "tune-cpu"="generic" "unsafe-fp-math"="false" "use-soft-float"="false" }
!llvm.module.flags = !{!0}
!llvm.ident = !{!1}
!0 = !{i32 1, !"wchar_size", i32 4}
!1 = !{!"clang version 12.0.0 ( b978a93635b584db380274d7c8963c73989944a1)"}
`clang-12 -fno-PIC -c test.c`
`objdump test.o -r`:
test.o: file format elf64-x86-64
0000000000000006 R_X86_64_64 A
0000000000000016 R_X86_64_64 B
0000000000000020 R_X86_64_PC32 .text
0000000000000040 R_X86_64_PC32 .text+0x0000000000000010
## Comparison to pre-LLVM 12 output
`rustc --emit=obj,llvm-ir --target=x86_64-unknown-none-linuxkernel --crate-type rlib`
#![feature(no_core, lang_items)]
trait Sized {}
trait Sync {}
#[lang = "drop_in_place"]
pub unsafe fn drop_in_place<T: ?Sized>(_: *mut T) {}
impl Sync for i32 {}
pub static STATIC: i32 = 32;
extern {
pub static EXT_STATIC: i32;
pub fn a() -> &'static i32 {
pub fn b() -> &'static i32 {
unsafe {&EXT_STATIC}
`objdump test.o -r`
nightly-2021-02-20 (rustc target is `x86_64-linux-kernel`):
RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.text._ZN4test1a17h1024ba65f3424175E]:
0000000000000007 R_X86_64_32S _ZN4test6STATIC17h3adc41a83746c9ffE
RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.text._ZN4test1b17h86a6a80c1190ac8dE]:
0000000000000007 R_X86_64_32S EXT_STATIC
RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.text._ZN4test1a17he846f03bf37b2d20E]:
0000000000000007 R_X86_64_GOTPCREL _ZN4test6STATIC17h5a059515bf3d4968E-0x0000000000000004
RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.text._ZN4test1b17h7e0f7f80fbd91125E]:
0000000000000007 R_X86_64_GOTPCREL EXT_STATIC-0x0000000000000004
This PR:
RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.text._ZN4test1a17he846f03bf37b2d20E]:
0000000000000007 R_X86_64_32S _ZN4test6STATIC17h5a059515bf3d4968E
RELOCATION RECORDS FOR [.text._ZN4test1b17h7e0f7f80fbd91125E]:
0000000000000007 R_X86_64_32S EXT_STATIC
# Stabilization report
## Summary
This stabilizes using macro expansion in key-value attributes, like so:
#[doc = include_str!("")]
struct S;
#[path = concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")]
mod m;
See the changes to the reference for details on what macros are allowed;
see Petrochenkov's excellent blog post [on internals](
for alternatives that were considered and rejected ("why accept no more
and no less?")
This has been available on nightly since 1.50 with no major issues.
## Notes
### Accepted syntax
The parser accepts arbitrary Rust expressions in this position, but any expression other than a macro invocation will ultimately lead to an error because it is not expected by the built-in expression forms (e.g., `#[doc]`). Note that decorators and the like may be able to observe other expression forms.
### Expansion ordering
Expansion of macro expressions in "inert" attributes occurs after decorators have executed, analogously to macro expressions appearing in the function body or other parts of decorator input.
There is currently no way for decorators to accept macros in key-value position if macro expansion must be performed before the decorator executes (if the macro can simply be copied into the output for later expansion, that can work).
## Test cases
The feature has also been dogfooded extensively in the compiler and
standard library:
## Implementation history
- Initial proposal:
- Experiment to see how much code it would break:
- Preliminary work to restrict expansion that would conflict with this
- Initial implementation:
- Fix for an ICE:
## Unresolved Questions
~~ listed some concerns, but they have been resolved as of this final report.~~
## Additional Information
There are two workarounds that have a similar effect for `#[doc]`
attributes on nightly. One is to emulate this behavior by using a limited version of this feature that was stabilized for historical reasons:
macro_rules! forward_inner_docs {
($e:expr => $i:item) => {
#[doc = $e]
forward_inner_docs!(include_str!("") => struct S {});
This also works for other attributes (like `#[path = concat!(...)]`).
The other is to use `doc(include)`:
#[doc(include = "")]
struct S {}
The first works, but is non-trivial for people to discover, and
difficult to read and maintain. The second is a strange special-case for
a particular use of the macro. This generalizes it to work for any use
case, not just including files.
I plan to remove `doc(include)` when this is stabilized. The
`forward_inner_docs` workaround will still compile without warnings, but
I expect it to be used less once it's no longer necessary.
Remove CrateNum parameter for queries that only work on local crate
The pervasive `CrateNum` parameter is a remnant of the multi-crate rustc idea.
Using `()` as query key in those cases avoids having to worry about the validity of the query key.
Use the object crate for metadata reading
This allows sharing the metadata reader between cg_llvm, cg_clif and other codegen backends.
This is not currently useful for rlib reading with cg_spirv ([rust-gpu]( as it uses tar rather than ar as .rlib format, but it is useful for dylib reading required for loading proc macros. (cc `@eddyb)`
The object crate is already trusted as dependency of libstd through backtrace. As far as I know it supports reading all object file formats used by targets for which we support rust dylibs with crate metadata, but I am not certain. If this happens to not be the case, I could keep using LLVM for reading dylib metadata.
Marked as WIP for a perf run and as it is based on #83637.
Add asm!() support for PowerPC
This includes GPRs and FPRs only.
Note that this does not include PowerPC64.
For my reference, this was mostly duplicated from PR #73214.
Fix `--remap-path-prefix` not correctly remapping `rust-src` component paths and unify handling of path mapping with virtualized paths
This PR fixes#73167 ("Binaries end up containing path to the rust-src component despite `--remap-path-prefix`") by preventing real local filesystem paths from reaching compilation output if the path is supposed to be remapped.
`RealFileName::Named` introduced in #72767 is now renamed as `LocalPath`, because this variant wraps a (most likely) valid local filesystem path.
`RealFileName::Devirtualized` is renamed as `Remapped` to be used for remapped path from a real path via `--remap-path-prefix` argument, as well as real path inferred from a virtualized (during compiler bootstrapping) `/rustc/...` path. The `local_path` field is now an `Option<PathBuf>`, as it will be set to `None` before serialisation, so it never reaches any build output. Attempting to serialise a non-`None` `local_path` will cause an assertion faliure.
When a path is remapped, a `RealFileName::Remapped` variant is created. The original path is preserved in `local_path` field and the remapped path is saved in `virtual_name` field. Previously, the `local_path` is directly modified which goes against its purpose of "suitable for reading from the file system on the local host".
`rustc_span::SourceFile`'s fields `unmapped_path` (introduced by #44940) and `name_was_remapped` (introduced by #41508 when `--remap-path-prefix` feature originally added) are removed, as these two pieces of information can be inferred from the `name` field: if it's anything other than a `FileName::Real(_)`, or if it is a `FileName::Real(RealFileName::LocalPath(_))`, then clearly `name_was_remapped` would've been false and `unmapped_path` would've been `None`. If it is a `FileName::Real(RealFileName::Remapped{local_path, virtual_name})`, then `name_was_remapped` would've been true and `unmapped_path` would've been `Some(local_path)`.
cc `@eddyb` who implemented `/rustc/...` path devirtualisation
This doesn't seem to be necessary anymore, although I don't know
at which point or why that changed.
Forcing -O1 makes some tests fail under NewPM, because NewPM also
performs inlining at -O1, so it ends up performing much more
optimization in practice than before.
rustc: Support Rust-specific features in -Ctarget-feature
Since the beginning of time the `-Ctarget-feature` flag on the command
line has largely been passed unmodified to LLVM. Afterwards, though, the
`#[target_feature]` attribute was stabilized and some of the names in
this attribute do not match the corresponding LLVM name. This is because
Rust doesn't always want to stabilize the exact feature name in LLVM for
the equivalent functionality in Rust. This creates a situation, however,
where in Rust you'd write:
#[target_feature(enable = "pclmulqdq")]
unsafe fn foo() {
// ...
but on the command line you would write:
RUSTFLAGS="-Ctarget-feature=+pclmul" cargo build --release
This difference is somewhat odd to deal with if you're a newcomer and
the situation may be made worse with upcoming features like [WebAssembly
SIMD]( which may be more
This commit implements a mapping to translate requests via
`-Ctarget-feature` through the same name-mapping functionality that's
present for attributes in Rust going to LLVM. This means that
`+pclmulqdq` will work on x86 targets where as previously it did not.
I've attempted to keep this backwards-compatible where the compiler will
just opportunistically attempt to remap features found in
`-Ctarget-feature`, but if there's something it doesn't understand it
gets passed unmodified to LLVM just as it was before.
Removes unneeded check of `#[no_coverage]` in mapgen
There is an anticipated feature request to support a compiler flag that
only adds coverage for specific files (or perhaps mods). As I thought
about where that change would need to be supported, I realized that
checking the attribute in mapgen (for unused functions) was unnecessary.
The unused functions are only synthesized if they have MIR coverage, and
functions with the `no_coverage` attribute will not have been
instrumented with MIR coverage statements in the first place.
New tests confirm this.
Also, while adding tests, I updated resolved comments and FIXMEs in
other tests, and expanded comments and tests on one remaining issue that
is still not resolved.
r? `@tmandry`
cc: `@wesleywiser`
And adds tests to validate it still works.
There is an anticipated feature request to support a compiler flag that
only adds coverage for specific files (or perhaps mods). As I thought
about where that change would need to be supported, I realized that
checking the attribute in mapgen (for unused functions) was unnecessary.
The unused functions are only synthesized if they have MIR coverage, and
functions with the `no_coverage` attribute will not have been
instrumented with MIR coverage statements in the first place.
New tests confirm this.
Also, while adding tests, I updated resolved comments and FIXMEs in
other tests.
Since the beginning of time the `-Ctarget-feature` flag on the command
line has largely been passed unmodified to LLVM. Afterwards, though, the
`#[target_feature]` attribute was stabilized and some of the names in
this attribute do not match the corresponding LLVM name. This is because
Rust doesn't always want to stabilize the exact feature name in LLVM for
the equivalent functionality in Rust. This creates a situation, however,
where in Rust you'd write:
#[target_feature(enable = "pclmulqdq")]
unsafe fn foo() {
// ...
but on the command line you would write:
RUSTFLAGS="-Ctarget-feature=+pclmul" cargo build --release
This difference is somewhat odd to deal with if you're a newcomer and
the situation may be made worse with upcoming features like [WebAssembly
SIMD]( which may be more
This commit implements a mapping to translate requests via
`-Ctarget-feature` through the same name-mapping functionality that's
present for attributes in Rust going to LLVM. This means that
`+pclmulqdq` will work on x86 targets where as previously it did not.
I've attempted to keep this backwards-compatible where the compiler will
just opportunistically attempt to remap features found in
`-Ctarget-feature`, but if there's something it doesn't understand it
gets passed unmodified to LLVM just as it was before.
This commit implements both the native linking modifiers infrastructure
as well as an initial attempt at the individual modifiers from the RFC.
It also introduces a feature flag for the general syntax along with
individual feature flags for each modifier.
Fix debuginfo for generators
First, all fields except the discriminant (including `outer_fields`) should be put into structures inside the variant part, which gives an equivalent layout but offers us much better integration with debuggers.
Second, artificial flags in generator variants should be removed.
- Literally, variants are not artificial. We have `yield` statements, upvars and inner variables in the source code.
- Functionally, we don't want debuggers to suppress the variants. It contains the state of the generator, which is useful when debugging. So they shouldn't be marked artificial.
- Debuggers may use artificial flags to find the active variant. In this case, marking variants artificial will make debuggers not work properly.
And refer
- Literally, variants are not artificial. We have `yield` statements,
upvars and inner variables in the source code.
- Functionally, we don't want debuggers to suppress the variants. It
contains the state of the generator, which is useful when debugging.
So they shouldn't be marked artificial.
- Debuggers may use artificial flags to find the active variant. In
this case, marking variants artificial will make debuggers not work
All fields except the discriminant (including `outer_fields`)
should be put into structures inside the variant part, which gives
an equivalent layout but offers us much better integration with
Implement RFC 1260 with feature_name `imported_main`.
This is the second extraction part of #84062 plus additional adjustments.
This (mostly) implements RFC 1260.
However there's still one test case failure in the extern crate case. Maybe `LocalDefId` doesn't work here? I'm not sure.
r? `@petrochenkov`
The Eq trait has a special hidden function. MIR `InstrumentCoverage`
would add this function to the coverage map, but it is never called, so
the `Eq` trait would always appear uncovered.
Fixes: #83601
The fix required creating a new function attribute `no_coverage` to mark
functions that should be ignored by `InstrumentCoverage` and the
coverage `mapgen` (during codegen).
While testing, I also noticed two other issues:
* spanview debug file output ICEd on a function with no body. The
workaround for this is included in this PR.
* `assert_*!()` macro coverage can appear covered if followed by another
`assert_*!()` macro. Normally they appear uncovered. I submitted a new
Issue #84561, and added a coverage test to demonstrate this issue.
This commit updates rustc, with an applicable LLVM version, to use
LLVM's new `llvm.fpto{u,s}i.sat.*.*` intrinsics to implement saturating
floating-point-to-int conversions. This results in a little bit tighter
codegen for x86/x86_64, but the main purpose of this is to prepare for
upcoming changes to the WebAssembly backend in LLVM where wasm's
saturating float-to-int instructions will now be implemented with these
This change allows simplifying a good deal of surrounding code, namely
removing a lot of wasm-specific behavior. WebAssembly no longer has any
special-casing of saturating arithmetic instructions and the need for
`fptoint_may_trap` is gone and all handling code for that is now
removed. This means that the only wasm-specific logic is in the
`fpto{s,u}i` instructions which only get used for "out of bounds is
undefined behavior". This does mean that for the WebAssembly target
specifically the Rust compiler will no longer be 100% compatible with
pre-LLVM 12 versions, but it seems like that's unlikely to be relied on
by too many folks.
Note that this change does immediately regress the codegen of saturating
float-to-int casts on WebAssembly due to the specialization of the LLVM
intrinsic not being present in our LLVM fork just yet. I'll be following
up with an LLVM update to pull in those patches, but affects a few other
SIMD things in flight for WebAssembly so I wanted to separate this change.
Eventually the entire `cast_float_to_int` function can be removed when
LLVM 12 is the minimum version, but that will require sinking the
complexity of it into other backends such as Cranelfit.
`fast-math` implies things like functions not being able to accept as an
argument or return as a result, say, `inf` which made these functions
confusingly named or behaving incorrectly, depending on how you
interpret it. Since the time when these intrinsics have been implemented
the intrinsics user's (stdsimd) approach has changed significantly and
so now it is required that these intrinsics operate normally rather than
in "whatever" way.