This is a standard "clean out libstd" commit which removes all 1.5-and-before
deprecated functionality as it's now all been deprecated for at least one entire
This commit removes all unstable and deprecated functions in the standard
library. A release was recently cut (1.3) which makes this a good time for some
spring cleaning of the deprecated functions.
The common pattern `iter::repeat(elt).take(n).collect::<Vec<_>>()` is
exactly equivalent to `vec![elt; n]`, do this replacement in the whole
(Actually, vec![] is smart enough to only call clone n - 1 times, while
the former solution would call clone n times, and this fact is
virtually irrelevant in practice.)
This commit is an implementation of [RFC 979][rfc] which changes the meaning of
the count parameter to the `splitn` function on strings and slices. The
parameter now means the number of items that are returned from the iterator, not
the number of splits that are made.
This commit cleans out a large amount of deprecated APIs from the standard
library and some of the facade crates as well, updating all users in the
compiler and in tests as it goes along.
The method with which backwards compatibility was retained ended up leading to
documentation that rustdoc didn't handle well and largely ended up confusing.