1 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Marijn Haverbeke
87b064b249 First stab at operator overloading
When no built-in interpretation is found for one of the operators
mentioned below, the typechecker will try to turn it into a method
call with the name written next to it. For binary operators, the
method will be called on the LHS with the RHS as only parameter.


    +   op_add
    -   op_sub
    *   op_mul
    /   op_div
    %   op_rem
    &   op_and
    |   op_or
    ^   op_xor
    <<  op_shift_left
    >>  op_shift_right
    >>> op_ashift_right


    -   op_neg
    !   op_not

Overloading of the indexing ([]) operator isn't finished yet.

Issue #1520
2012-01-26 14:25:06 +01:00