dropck: must assume `Box<Trait + 'a>` has a destructor of interest.
This detail was documented in [RFC 769]; the implementation was just missing.
The breakage here falls into both obvious and non-obvious cases.
The obvious case: if you were relying on the unsoundness this exposes (namely being able to reference dead storage from a destructor, by doing it via a boxed trait object bounded by the lifetime of the dead storage), then this change disallows that.
The non-obvious cases: The way dropck works, it causes lifetimes to be extended to longer extents than they covered before. I.e. lifetimes that are attached as trait-bounds may become longer than they were previously.
* This includes lifetimes that are only *implicitly* attached as trait-bounds (due to [RFC 599]). So you may have code that was e.g. taking a parameter of type `&'a Box<Trait>` (which expands to `&'a Box<Trait+'a>`), that now may need to be assigned type `&'a Box<Trait+'static>` to ensure that `'a` is not inadvertantly inferred to a region that is actually too long. (See commit ee06263 for an example of this.)
[RFC 769]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0769-sound-generic-drop.md#the-drop-check-rule
[RFC 599]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0599-default-object-bound.md
This syntax was removed in b24a3b8 but references remained in the
grammar, the reference, rustdoc generation, and some auxiliary test
files that don't seem to have been used since 812637e.
Thanks!! 💟
This was causing function calls to be emitted for bitwise complements, even with optimizations on.
Steps to reproduce:
$ cat wrapping.rs
fn main() {
let a = std::num::Wrapping(std::env::args().len() as u32);
let b = !a;
println!("{}", b.0);
$ rustc -O wrapping.rs --emit=asm,link
$ grep Not wrapping.s
callq _ZN3num8wrapping23Wrapping$LT$u32$GT$.Not3not20hba4b266232e02b1dHkbE
This syntax was removed in b24a3b8 but references remained in the
grammar, the reference, rustdoc generation, and some auxiliary test
files that don't seem to have been used since 812637e.
Tiny tiny nitpick that I just noticed after getting a new laptop ( 🍺 + 💻 = 👼 ) and thus needing to ./configure anew on Yosemite.
It's weird to see a message that says you're on 10.9 if you're on 10.10, in a oh-i-wonder-what-else-is-wrong sort of sense-- easy fix with a `>=` since `gcc --version` on 10.10 with the newest xcode still says it's clang.
Building with `--target=mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu` currently results in the following errors, fixed by this PR:
rustc: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/stage2/lib/rustlib/mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/libstd
/vol/rust/src/libstd/os/linux/raw.rs:76:21: 76:28 error: use of undeclared type name `c_ulong`
/vol/rust/src/libstd/os/linux/raw.rs:76 pub st_dev: c_ulong,
/vol/rust/src/libstd/os/linux/raw.rs:83:22: 83:29 error: use of undeclared type name `c_ulong`
/vol/rust/src/libstd/os/linux/raw.rs:83 pub st_rdev: c_ulong,
/vol/rust/src/libstd/sys/common/net2.rs:210:52: 210:70 error: unresolved name `libc::TCP_KEEPIDLE`
/vol/rust/src/libstd/sys/common/net2.rs:210 setsockopt(&self.inner, libc::IPPROTO_TCP, libc::TCP_KEEPIDLE,
If you have 0 references (`&T`) to a resource, presumably, you could have a mutable reference (`&mut T`). So this only start to make sense at having 1 reference to a resource.
An automated script was run against the `.rs` and `.md` files,
subsituting every occurrence of `task` with `thread`. In the `.rs`
files, only the texts in the comment blocks were affected.
This change is worrisome to me, both because:
1. I thought the rules in RFC 599 imply that the `Box<Trait>` without `'static`
in the first case would expand to the second case, but their behaviors
here differ. And,
2. The explicit handling of `'static` should mean `dropck` has no application
here and thus we should have seen no change to the expected error messages.
Nonetheless, the error messages changed.
Implements this (previously overlooked) note from [RFC 769]:
> (Note: When encountering a D of the form `Box<Trait+'b>`, we
> conservatively assume that such a type has a Drop implementation
> parametric in 'b.)
The breakage here falls into both obvious and non-obvious cases.
The obvious case: if you were relying on the unsoundness this exposes
(namely being able to reference dead storage from a destructor, by
doing it via a boxed trait object bounded by the lifetime of the dead
storage), then this change disallows that.
The non-obvious cases: The way dropck works, it causes lifetimes to be
extended to longer extents than they covered before. I.e. lifetimes
that are attached as trait-bounds may become longer than they were
* This includes lifetimes that are only *implicitly* attached as
trait-bounds (due to [RFC 599]). So you may have code that was
e.g. taking a parameter of type `&'a Box<Trait>` (which expands to
`&'a Box<Trait+'a>`), that now may need to be assigned type `&'a
Box<Trait+'static>` to ensure that `'a` is not inadvertantly
inferred to a region that is actually too long. (See earlier commit
in this PR for an example of this.)
[RFC 769]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0769-sound-generic-drop.md#the-drop-check-rule
[RFC 599]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0599-default-object-bound.md
There are two interesting kinds of breakage illustrated here:
1. `Box<Trait>` in many contexts is treated as `Box<Trait + 'static>`,
due to [RFC 599]. However, in a type like `&'a Box<Trait>`, the
`Box<Trait>` type will be expanded to `Box<Trait + 'a>`, again due
to [RFC 599]. This, combined with the fix to Issue 25199, leads to
a borrowck problem due the combination of this function signature
(in src/libstd/net/parser.rs):
fn read_or<T>(&mut self, parsers: &mut [Box<FnMut(&mut Parser) -> Option<T>>]) -> Option<T>;
with this call site (again in src/libstd/net/parser.rs):
fn read_ip_addr(&mut self) -> Option<IpAddr> {
let ipv4_addr = |p: &mut Parser| p.read_ipv4_addr().map(|v4| IpAddr::V4(v4));
let ipv6_addr = |p: &mut Parser| p.read_ipv6_addr().map(|v6| IpAddr::V6(v6));
self.read_or(&mut [Box::new(ipv4_addr), Box::new(ipv6_addr)])
yielding borrowck errors like:
parser.rs:265:27: 265:69 error: borrowed value does not live long enough
parser.rs:265 self.read_or(&mut [Box::new(ipv4_addr), Box::new(ipv6_addr)])
(full log at: https://gist.github.com/pnkfelix/e2e80f1a71580f5d3103 )
The issue here is perhaps subtle: the `parsers` argument is
inferred to be taking a slice of boxed objects with the implicit
lifetime bound attached to the `self` parameter to `read_or`.
Meanwhile, the fix to Issue 25199 (added in a forth-coming commit)
is forcing us to assume that each boxed object may have a
destructor that could refer to state of that lifetime, and
*therefore* that inferred lifetime is required to outlive the boxed
object itself.
In this case, the relevant boxed object here is not going to make
any such references; I believe it is just an artifact of how the
expression was built that it is not assigned type:
`Box<FnMut(&mut Parser) -> Option<T> + 'static>`.
(i.e., mucking with the expression is probably one way to fix this
But the other way to fix it, adopted here, is to change the
`read_or` method type to force make the (presumably-intended)
`'static` bound explicit on the boxed `FnMut` object.
(Note: this is still just the *first* example of breakage.)
2. In `macro_rules.rs`, the `TTMacroExpander` trait defines a method
with signature:
fn expand<'cx>(&self, cx: &'cx mut ExtCtxt, ...) -> Box<MacResult+'cx>;
taking a `&'cx mut ExtCtxt` as an argument and returning a
The fix to Issue 25199 (added in aforementioned forth-coming
commit) assumes that a value of type `Box<MacResult+'cx>` may, in
its destructor, refer to a reference of lifetime `'cx`; thus the
`'cx` lifetime is forced to outlive the returned value.
Meanwhile, within `expand.rs`, the old code was doing:
match expander.expand(fld.cx, ...).make_pat() { ... => immutable borrow of fld.cx ... }
The problem is that the `'cx` lifetime, inferred for the
`expander.expand` call, has now been extended so that it has to
outlive the temporary R-value returned by `expanded.expand`. But
call is also reborrowing `fld.cx` *mutably*, which means that this
reborrow must end before any immutable borrow of `fld.cx`; but
there is one of those within the match body. (Note that the
temporary R-values for the input expression to `match` all live as
long as the whole `match` expression itself (see Issue #3511 and PR
To address this, I moved the construction of the pat value into its
own `let`-statement, so that the `Box<MacResult>` will only live
for as long as the initializing expression for the `let`-statement,
and thus allow the subsequent immutable borrow within the `match`.
[RFC 599]: https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/blob/master/text/0599-default-object-bound.md
The old code simply scanned for the first digit, then munched anything
after that. This didn't work for md5sum, as it would see the "5" and
treat "5sum" as the version instead.
This patch tweaks the algorithm so that it looks for a second
consecutive digit (or dot) after the first. Since "md5sum" has only one
digit, the new code skips over it as intended.
The code takes a prefix of the MD5 hash of the version string.
Since the hash command differs across GNU and BSD platforms, we scan for
the right one in the configure script.
If you have 0 references (`&T`) to a resource, presumably, you could
have a mutable reference (`&mut T`). So this only start to make sense
at having 1 reference to a resource.