This commit stabilizes `std::borrow`, making the following modifications
to catch up the API with language changes:
* It renames `BorrowFrom` to `Borrow`, as was originally intended (but
blocked for technical reasons), and reorders the parameters
* It moves the type parameter of `ToOwned` to an associated type. This
is somewhat less flexible, in that each borrowed type must have a
unique owned type, but leads to a significant simplification for
`Cow`. Flexibility can be regained by using newtyped slices, which is
advisable for other reasons anyway.
* It removes the owned type parameter from `Cow`, making the type much
less verbose.
* Deprecates the `is_owned` and `is_borrowed` predicates in favor of
direct matching.
The above API changes are relatively minor; the basic functionality
remains the same, and essentially the whole module is now marked
This commit is an implementation of [RFC 823][rfc] which is another pass over
the `std::hash` module for stabilization. The contents of the module were not
entirely marked stable, but some portions which remained quite similar to the
previous incarnation are now marked `#[stable]`. Specifically:
* `std::hash` is now stable (the name)
* `Hash` is now stable
* `Hash::hash` is now stable
* `Hasher` is now stable
* `SipHasher` is now stable
* `SipHasher::new` and `new_with_keys` are now stable
* `Hasher for SipHasher` is now stable
* Many `Hash` implementations are now stable
All other portions of the `hash` module remain `#[unstable]` as they are less
commonly used and were recently redesigned.
This commit is a breaking change due to the modifications to the `std::hash` API
and more details can be found on the [RFC][rfc].
This commit performs a final stabilization pass over the std::fmt module,
marking all necessary APIs as stable. One of the more interesting aspects of
this module is that it exposes a good deal of its runtime representation to the
outside world in order for `format_args!` to be able to construct the format
strings. Instead of hacking the compiler to assume that these items are stable,
this commit instead lays out a story for the stabilization and evolution of
these APIs.
There are three primary details used by the `format_args!` macro:
1. `Arguments` - an opaque package of a "compiled format string". This structure
is passed around and the `write` function is the source of truth for
transforming a compiled format string into a string at runtime. This must be
able to be constructed in stable code.
2. `Argument` - an opaque structure representing an argument to a format string.
This is *almost* a trait object as it's just a pointer/function pair, but due
to the function originating from one of many traits, it's not actually a
trait object. Like `Arguments`, this must be constructed from stable code.
3. `fmt::rt` - this module contains the runtime type definitions primarily for
the `rt::Argument` structure. Whenever an argument is formatted with
nonstandard flags, a corresponding `rt::Argument` is generated describing how
the argument is being formatted. This can be used to construct an
The primary interface to `std::fmt` is the `Arguments` structure, and as such
this type name is stabilize as-is today. It is expected for libraries to pass
around an `Arguments` structure to represent a pending formatted computation.
The remaining portions are largely "cruft" which would rather not be stabilized,
but due to the stability checks they must be. As a result, almost all pieces
have been renamed to represent that they are "version 1" of the formatting
representation. The theory is that at a later date if we change the
representation of these types we can add new definitions called "version 2" and
corresponding constructors for `Arguments`.
One of the other remaining large questions about the fmt module were how the
pending I/O reform would affect the signatures of methods in the module. Due to
[RFC 526][rfc], however, the writers of fmt are now incompatible with the
writers of io, so this question has largely been solved. As a result the
interfaces are largely stabilized as-is today.
Specifically, the following changes were made:
* The contents of `fmt::rt` were all moved under `fmt::rt::v1`
* `fmt::rt` is stable
* `fmt::rt::v1` is stable
* `Error` is stable
* `Writer` is stable
* `Writer::write_str` is stable
* `Writer::write_fmt` is stable
* `Formatter` is stable
* `Argument` has been renamed to `ArgumentV1` and is stable
* `ArgumentV1::new` is stable
* `ArgumentV1::from_uint` is stable
* `Arguments::new_v1` is stable (renamed from `new`)
* `Arguments::new_v1_formatted` is stable (renamed from `with_placeholders`)
* All formatting traits are now stable, as well as the `fmt` method.
* `fmt::write` is stable
* `fmt::format` is stable
* `Formatter::pad_integral` is stable
* `Formatter::pad` is stable
* `Formatter::write_str` is stable
* `Formatter::write_fmt` is stable
* Some assorted top level items which were only used by `format_args!` were
removed in favor of static functions on `ArgumentV1` as well.
* The formatting-flag-accessing methods remain unstable
Within the contents of the `fmt::rt::v1` module, the following actions were
* Reexports of all enum variants were removed
* All prefixes on enum variants were removed
* A few miscellaneous enum variants were renamed
* Otherwise all structs, fields, and variants were marked stable.
In addition to these actions in the `std::fmt` module, many implementations of
`Show` and `String` were stabilized as well.
In some other modules:
* `ToString` is now stable
* `ToString::to_string` is now stable
* `Vec` no longer implements `fmt::Writer` (this has moved to `String`)
This is a breaking change due to all of the changes to the `fmt::rt` module, but
this likely will not have much impact on existing programs.
This commit is an implementation of [RFC 565][rfc] which is a stabilization of
the `std::fmt` module and the implementations of various formatting traits.
Specifically, the following changes were performed:
* The `Show` trait is now deprecated, it was renamed to `Debug`
* The `String` trait is now deprecated, it was renamed to `Display`
* Many `Debug` and `Display` implementations were audited in accordance with the
RFC and audited implementations now have the `#[stable]` attribute
* Integers and floats no longer print a suffix
* Smart pointers no longer print details that they are a smart pointer
* Paths with `Debug` are now quoted and escape characters
* The `unwrap` methods on `Result` now require `Display` instead of `Debug`
* The `Error` trait no longer has a `detail` method and now requires that
`Display` must be implemented. With the loss of `String`, this has moved into
* `impl<E: Error> FromError<E> for Box<Error>` now exists
* `derive(Show)` has been renamed to `derive(Debug)`. This is not currently
warned about due to warnings being emitted on stage1+
While backwards compatibility is attempted to be maintained with a blanket
implementation of `Display` for the old `String` trait (and the same for
`Show`/`Debug`) this is still a breaking change due to primitives no longer
implementing `String` as well as modifications such as `unwrap` and the `Error`
trait. Most code is fairly straightforward to update with a rename or tweaks of
method calls.
This gets rid of the 'experimental' level, removes the non-staged_api
case (i.e. stability levels for out-of-tree crates), and lets the
staged_api attributes use 'unstable' and 'deprecated' lints.
This makes the transition period to the full feature staging design
a bit nicer.
This commit aims to prepare the `std::hash` module for alpha by formalizing its
current interface whileholding off on adding `#[stable]` to the new APIs. The
current usage with the `HashMap` and `HashSet` types is also reconciled by
separating out composable parts of the design. The primary goal of this slight
redesign is to separate the concepts of a hasher's state from a hashing
algorithm itself.
The primary change of this commit is to separate the `Hasher` trait into a
`Hasher` and a `HashState` trait. Conceptually the old `Hasher` trait was
actually just a factory for various states, but hashing had very little control
over how these states were used. Additionally the old `Hasher` trait was
actually fairly unrelated to hashing.
This commit redesigns the existing `Hasher` trait to match what the notion of a
`Hasher` normally implies with the following definition:
trait Hasher {
type Output;
fn reset(&mut self);
fn finish(&self) -> Output;
This `Hasher` trait emphasizes that hashing algorithms may produce outputs other
than a `u64`, so the output type is made generic. Other than that, however, very
little is assumed about a particular hasher. It is left up to implementors to
provide specific methods or trait implementations to feed data into a hasher.
The corresponding `Hash` trait becomes:
trait Hash<H: Hasher> {
fn hash(&self, &mut H);
The old default of `SipState` was removed from this trait as it's not something
that we're willing to stabilize until the end of time, but the type parameter is
always required to implement `Hasher`. Note that the type parameter `H` remains
on the trait to enable multidispatch for specialization of hashing for
particular hashers.
Note that `Writer` is not mentioned in either of `Hash` or `Hasher`, it is
simply used as part `derive` and the implementations for all primitive types.
With these definitions, the old `Hasher` trait is realized as a new `HashState`
trait in the `collections::hash_state` module as an unstable addition for
now. The current definition looks like:
trait HashState {
type Hasher: Hasher;
fn hasher(&self) -> Hasher;
The purpose of this trait is to emphasize that the one piece of functionality
for implementors is that new instances of `Hasher` can be created. This
conceptually represents the two keys from which more instances of a
`SipHasher` can be created, and a `HashState` is what's stored in a
`HashMap`, not a `Hasher`.
Implementors of custom hash algorithms should implement the `Hasher` trait, and
only hash algorithms intended for use in hash maps need to implement or worry
about the `HashState` trait.
The entire module and `HashState` infrastructure remains `#[unstable]` due to it
being recently redesigned, but some other stability decision made for the
`std::hash` module are:
* The `Writer` trait remains `#[experimental]` as it's intended to be replaced
with an `io::Writer` (more details soon).
* The top-level `hash` function is `#[unstable]` as it is intended to be generic
over the hashing algorithm instead of hardwired to `SipHasher`
* The inner `sip` module is now private as its one export, `SipHasher` is
reexported in the `hash` module.
And finally, a few changes were made to the default parameters on `HashMap`.
* The `RandomSipHasher` default type parameter was renamed to `RandomState`.
This renaming emphasizes that it is not a hasher, but rather just state to
generate hashers. It also moves away from the name "sip" as it may not always
be implemented as `SipHasher`. This type lives in the
`std::collections::hash_map` module as `#[unstable]`
* The associated `Hasher` type of `RandomState` is creatively called...
`Hasher`! This concrete structure lives next to `RandomState` as an
implemenation of the "default hashing algorithm" used for a `HashMap`. Under
the hood this is currently implemented as `SipHasher`, but it draws an
explicit interface for now and allows us to modify the implementation over
time if necessary.
There are many breaking changes outlined above, and as a result this commit is
This commit performs a pass over the implementations of the new `String` trait
in the formatting module. Some implementations were removed as a conservative
move pending an upcoming convention about `String` implementations, and some
were added in order to retain consistency across the libraries. Specifically:
* All "smart pointers" implement `String` now, adding missing implementations
for `Arc` and `Rc`.
* The `Vec<T>` and `[T]` types no longer implement `String`.
* The `*const T` and `*mut T` type no longer implement `String`.
* The `()` type no longer implements `String`.
* The `Path` type's `Show` implementation does not surround itself with `Path
{}` (a minor tweak).
All implementations of `String` in this PR were also marked `#[stable]` to
indicate that the types will continue to implement the `String` trait regardless
of what it looks like.
This commit aims to prepare the `std::hash` module for alpha by formalizing its
current interface whileholding off on adding `#[stable]` to the new APIs. The
current usage with the `HashMap` and `HashSet` types is also reconciled by
separating out composable parts of the design. The primary goal of this slight
redesign is to separate the concepts of a hasher's state from a hashing
algorithm itself.
The primary change of this commit is to separate the `Hasher` trait into a
`Hasher` and a `HashState` trait. Conceptually the old `Hasher` trait was
actually just a factory for various states, but hashing had very little control
over how these states were used. Additionally the old `Hasher` trait was
actually fairly unrelated to hashing.
This commit redesigns the existing `Hasher` trait to match what the notion of a
`Hasher` normally implies with the following definition:
trait Hasher {
type Output;
fn reset(&mut self);
fn finish(&self) -> Output;
This `Hasher` trait emphasizes that hashing algorithms may produce outputs other
than a `u64`, so the output type is made generic. Other than that, however, very
little is assumed about a particular hasher. It is left up to implementors to
provide specific methods or trait implementations to feed data into a hasher.
The corresponding `Hash` trait becomes:
trait Hash<H: Hasher> {
fn hash(&self, &mut H);
The old default of `SipState` was removed from this trait as it's not something
that we're willing to stabilize until the end of time, but the type parameter is
always required to implement `Hasher`. Note that the type parameter `H` remains
on the trait to enable multidispatch for specialization of hashing for
particular hashers.
Note that `Writer` is not mentioned in either of `Hash` or `Hasher`, it is
simply used as part `derive` and the implementations for all primitive types.
With these definitions, the old `Hasher` trait is realized as a new `HashState`
trait in the `collections::hash_state` module as an unstable addition for
now. The current definition looks like:
trait HashState {
type Hasher: Hasher;
fn hasher(&self) -> Hasher;
The purpose of this trait is to emphasize that the one piece of functionality
for implementors is that new instances of `Hasher` can be created. This
conceptually represents the two keys from which more instances of a
`SipHasher` can be created, and a `HashState` is what's stored in a
`HashMap`, not a `Hasher`.
Implementors of custom hash algorithms should implement the `Hasher` trait, and
only hash algorithms intended for use in hash maps need to implement or worry
about the `HashState` trait.
The entire module and `HashState` infrastructure remains `#[unstable]` due to it
being recently redesigned, but some other stability decision made for the
`std::hash` module are:
* The `Writer` trait remains `#[experimental]` as it's intended to be replaced
with an `io::Writer` (more details soon).
* The top-level `hash` function is `#[unstable]` as it is intended to be generic
over the hashing algorithm instead of hardwired to `SipHasher`
* The inner `sip` module is now private as its one export, `SipHasher` is
reexported in the `hash` module.
And finally, a few changes were made to the default parameters on `HashMap`.
* The `RandomSipHasher` default type parameter was renamed to `RandomState`.
This renaming emphasizes that it is not a hasher, but rather just state to
generate hashers. It also moves away from the name "sip" as it may not always
be implemented as `SipHasher`. This type lives in the
`std::collections::hash_map` module as `#[unstable]`
* The associated `Hasher` type of `RandomState` is creatively called...
`Hasher`! This concrete structure lives next to `RandomState` as an
implemenation of the "default hashing algorithm" used for a `HashMap`. Under
the hood this is currently implemented as `SipHasher`, but it draws an
explicit interface for now and allows us to modify the implementation over
time if necessary.
There are many breaking changes outlined above, and as a result this commit is
This commit takes a first pass at stabilizing `std::thread`:
* It removes the `detach` method in favor of two constructors -- `spawn`
for detached threads, `scoped` for "scoped" (i.e., must-join)
threads. This addresses some of the surprise/frustrating debug
sessions with the previous API, in which `spawn` produced a guard that
on destruction joined the thread (unless `detach` was called).
The reason to have the division in part is that `Send` will soon not
imply `'static`, which means that `scoped` thread creation can take a
closure over *shared stack data* of the parent thread. On the other
hand, this means that the parent must not pop the relevant stack
frames while the child thread is running. The `JoinGuard` is used to
prevent this from happening by joining on drop (if you have not
already explicitly `join`ed.) The APIs around `scoped` are
future-proofed for the `Send` changes by taking an additional lifetime
parameter. With the current definition of `Send`, this is forced to be
`'static`, but when `Send` changes these APIs will gain their full
flexibility immediately.
Threads that are `spawn`ed, on the other hand, are detached from the
start and do not yield an RAII guard.
The hope is that, by making `scoped` an explicit opt-in with a very
suggestive name, it will be drastically less likely to be caught by a
surprising deadlock due to an implicit join at the end of a scope.
* The module itself is marked stable.
* Existing methods other than `spawn` and `scoped` are marked stable.
The migration path is:
let res = Thread::spawn(f);
let res = Thread::scoped(f);
fmt::Show is for debugging, and can and should be implemented for
all public types. This trait is used with `{:?}` syntax. There still
exists #[derive(Show)].
fmt::String is for types that faithfully be represented as a String.
Because of this, there is no way to derive fmt::String, all
implementations must be purposeful. It is used by the default format
syntax, `{}`.
This will break most instances of `{}`, since that now requires the type
to impl fmt::String. In most cases, replacing `{}` with `{:?}` is the
correct fix. Types that were being printed specifically for users should
receive a fmt::String implementation to fix this.
Part of #20013
This removes a large array of deprecated functionality, regardless of how
recently it was deprecated. The purpose of this commit is to clean out the
standard libraries and compiler for the upcoming alpha release.
Some notable compiler changes were to enable warnings for all now-deprecated
command line arguments (previously the deprecated versions were silently
accepted) as well as removing deriving(Zero) entirely (the trait was removed).
The distribution no longer contains the libtime or libregex_macros crates. Both
of these have been deprecated for some time and are available externally.