In summary these are some example transitions this change makes:
'a || => ||: 'a
proc:Send() => proc():Send
The intended syntax for closures is to put the lifetime bound not at the front
but rather in the list of bounds. Currently there is no official support in the
AST for bounds that are not 'static, so this case is currently specially handled
in the parser to desugar to what the AST is expecting. Additionally, this moves
the bounds on procedures to the correct position, which is after the argument
The current grammar for closures and procedures is:
procedure := 'proc' [ '<' lifetime-list '>' ] '(' arg-list ')'
[ ':' bound-list ] [ '->' type ]
closure := [ 'unsafe' ] ['<' lifetime-list '>' ] '|' arg-list '|'
[ ':' bound-list ] [ '->' type ]
lifetime-list := lifetime | lifetime ',' lifetime-list
arg-list := ident ':' type | ident ':' type ',' arg-list
bound-list := bound | bound '+' bound-list
bound := path | lifetime
This does not currently handle the << ambiguity in `Option<<'a>||>`, I am
deferring that to a later patch. Additionally, this removes the support for the
obsolete syntaxes of ~fn and &fn.
I removed the `` test because it was heavily based
on `BaseIter` and there are plenty of other more complex uses of static
methods anyway.