It looks to me like the string_reader and tt_reader structs are
GC pointers only because they predate the modern borrow system.
This commit leaves the type names string_reader and tt_reader alone
(they still refer to GC-ed pointers), but internally the functions
now use borrowed pointers to refer to these structures. My guess
would be that it's possible to move this change outward and not
use the GCed pointers at all, but that change looks like it could be
a larger one. Actually, I'm delighted at how quick this change was.
LinearMap is quite a bit faster, and is fully owned/sendable without
requiring copies. The older std::map also doesn't use explicit self and
relies on mutable fields.
- Refactor move mode computation
- Removes move mode arguments, unary move, capture clauses
(though they still parse for backwards compatibility)
- Simplify how moves are handled in trans
- Fix a number of illegal copies that cropped up
- Workaround for bug involving def-ids in params
(see details below)
Future work (I'll open bugs for these...):
- Improve error messages for moves that are due
to bindings
- Add support for moving owned content like a.b.c
to borrow check, test in trans (but I think it'll
"just work")
- Proper fix for def-ids in params
Def ids in params:
Move captures into a map instead of recomputing.
This is a workaround for a larger bug having to do with the def-ids associated
with ty_params, which are not always properly preserved when inlining. I am
not sure of my preferred fix for the larger bug yet. This current fix removes
the only code in trans that I know of which relies on ty_param def-ids, but
feels fragile.
"Dual impls" are impls that are both type implementations and trait
implementations. They can lead to ambiguity and so this patch removes them
from the language.
This also enforces coherence rules. Without this patch, records can implement
traits not defined in the current crate. This patch fixes this, and updates
all of rustc to adhere to the new enforcement. Most of this patch is fixing
rustc to obey the coherence rules, which involves converting a bunch of records
to structs.
- Make `extern fn()` assignable to any closure type, rather than
a subtype.
- Remove unused int_ty_set and float_ty_set
- Refactor variable unification and make it more DRY
- Do fn sub/lub/glb on the level of fn_sig
- Rename infer::to_str::ToStr to infer::to_str::InferStr
- Capitalize names of various types
- Correct hashing of FnMeta
- Convert various records-of-fns into structs-of-fns. This is both
eliminating use of deprecated features and more forwards compatible
with fn reform.