Move __thread_local_inner to sys
Move __thread_local_inner macro in crate:🧵:local to crate::sys. Currently, the tidy check does not fail for `library/std/src/thread/` even though it contains platform specific code. This is beacause target_family did not exist at the time the tidy checks were written [1]. [1]: Signed-off-by: Ayush Singh <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,3 +76,197 @@ cfg_if::cfg_if! {
pub mod c;
pub mod c;
#[unstable(feature = "thread_local_internals", reason = "should not be necessary", issue = "none")]
#[allow_internal_unstable(thread_local_internals, cfg_target_thread_local, thread_local)]
macro_rules! __thread_local_inner {
// used to generate the `LocalKey` value for const-initialized thread locals
(@key $t:ty, const $init:expr) => {{
#[cfg_attr(not(windows), inline)] // see comments below
unsafe fn __getit(
_init: $crate::option::Option<&mut $crate::option::Option<$t>>,
) -> $crate::option::Option<&'static $t> {
const INIT_EXPR: $t = $init;
// wasm without atomics maps directly to `static mut`, and dtors
// aren't implemented because thread dtors aren't really a thing
// on wasm right now
// FIXME(#84224) this should come after the `target_thread_local`
// block.
#[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics")))]
static mut VAL: $t = INIT_EXPR;
unsafe { $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL) }
// If the platform has support for `#[thread_local]`, use it.
not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
static mut VAL: $t = INIT_EXPR;
// If a dtor isn't needed we can do something "very raw" and
// just get going.
if !$crate::mem::needs_drop::<$t>() {
unsafe {
return $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL)
// 0 == dtor not registered
// 1 == dtor registered, dtor not run
// 2 == dtor registered and is running or has run
static mut STATE: $crate::primitive::u8 = 0;
unsafe extern "C" fn destroy(ptr: *mut $crate::primitive::u8) {
let ptr = ptr as *mut $t;
unsafe {
$crate::debug_assert_eq!(STATE, 1);
STATE = 2;
unsafe {
match STATE {
// 0 == we haven't registered a destructor, so do
// so now.
0 => {
$crate::ptr::addr_of_mut!(VAL) as *mut $crate::primitive::u8,
STATE = 1;
// 1 == the destructor is registered and the value
// is valid, so return the pointer.
1 => $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL),
// otherwise the destructor has already run, so we
// can't give access.
_ => $crate::option::Option::None,
// On platforms without `#[thread_local]` we fall back to the
// same implementation as below for os thread locals.
not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
const fn __init() -> $t { INIT_EXPR }
static __KEY: $crate::thread::__OsLocalKeyInner<$t> =
unsafe {
__KEY.get(move || {
if let $crate::option::Option::Some(init) = _init {
if let $crate::option::Option::Some(value) = init.take() {
return value;
} else if $crate::cfg!(debug_assertions) {
$crate::unreachable!("missing initial value");
unsafe {
// used to generate the `LocalKey` value for `thread_local!`
(@key $t:ty, $init:expr) => {
fn __init() -> $t { $init }
// When reading this function you might ask "why is this inlined
// everywhere other than Windows?", and that's a very reasonable
// question to ask. The short story is that it segfaults rustc if
// this function is inlined. The longer story is that Windows looks
// to not support `extern` references to thread locals across DLL
// boundaries. This appears to at least not be supported in the ABI
// that LLVM implements.
// Because of this we never inline on Windows, but we do inline on
// other platforms (where external references to thread locals
// across DLLs are supported). A better fix for this would be to
// inline this function on Windows, but only for "statically linked"
// components. For example if two separately compiled rlibs end up
// getting linked into a DLL then it's fine to inline this function
// across that boundary. It's only not fine to inline this function
// across a DLL boundary. Unfortunately rustc doesn't currently
// have this sort of logic available in an attribute, and it's not
// clear that rustc is even equipped to answer this (it's more of a
// Cargo question kinda). This means that, unfortunately, Windows
// gets the pessimistic path for now where it's never inlined.
// The issue of "should enable on Windows sometimes" is #84933
#[cfg_attr(not(windows), inline)]
unsafe fn __getit(
init: $crate::option::Option<&mut $crate::option::Option<$t>>,
) -> $crate::option::Option<&'static $t> {
#[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics")))]
static __KEY: $crate::thread::__StaticLocalKeyInner<$t> =
not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
static __KEY: $crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner<$t> =
not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
static __KEY: $crate::thread::__OsLocalKeyInner<$t> =
// FIXME: remove the #[allow(...)] marker when macros don't
// raise warning for missing/extraneous unsafe blocks anymore.
// See
unsafe {
__KEY.get(move || {
if let $crate::option::Option::Some(init) = init {
if let $crate::option::Option::Some(value) = init.take() {
return value;
} else if $crate::cfg!(debug_assertions) {
$crate::unreachable!("missing default value");
unsafe {
($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis $name:ident, $t:ty, $($init:tt)*) => {
$(#[$attr])* $vis const $name: $crate::thread::LocalKey<$t> =
$crate::__thread_local_inner!(@key $t, $($init)*);
@ -173,200 +173,6 @@ macro_rules! thread_local {
#[unstable(feature = "thread_local_internals", reason = "should not be necessary", issue = "none")]
#[allow_internal_unstable(thread_local_internals, cfg_target_thread_local, thread_local)]
macro_rules! __thread_local_inner {
// used to generate the `LocalKey` value for const-initialized thread locals
(@key $t:ty, const $init:expr) => {{
#[cfg_attr(not(windows), inline)] // see comments below
unsafe fn __getit(
_init: $crate::option::Option<&mut $crate::option::Option<$t>>,
) -> $crate::option::Option<&'static $t> {
const INIT_EXPR: $t = $init;
// wasm without atomics maps directly to `static mut`, and dtors
// aren't implemented because thread dtors aren't really a thing
// on wasm right now
// FIXME(#84224) this should come after the `target_thread_local`
// block.
#[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics")))]
static mut VAL: $t = INIT_EXPR;
unsafe { $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL) }
// If the platform has support for `#[thread_local]`, use it.
not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
static mut VAL: $t = INIT_EXPR;
// If a dtor isn't needed we can do something "very raw" and
// just get going.
if !$crate::mem::needs_drop::<$t>() {
unsafe {
return $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL)
// 0 == dtor not registered
// 1 == dtor registered, dtor not run
// 2 == dtor registered and is running or has run
static mut STATE: $crate::primitive::u8 = 0;
unsafe extern "C" fn destroy(ptr: *mut $crate::primitive::u8) {
let ptr = ptr as *mut $t;
unsafe {
$crate::debug_assert_eq!(STATE, 1);
STATE = 2;
unsafe {
match STATE {
// 0 == we haven't registered a destructor, so do
// so now.
0 => {
$crate::ptr::addr_of_mut!(VAL) as *mut $crate::primitive::u8,
STATE = 1;
// 1 == the destructor is registered and the value
// is valid, so return the pointer.
1 => $crate::option::Option::Some(&VAL),
// otherwise the destructor has already run, so we
// can't give access.
_ => $crate::option::Option::None,
// On platforms without `#[thread_local]` we fall back to the
// same implementation as below for os thread locals.
not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
const fn __init() -> $t { INIT_EXPR }
static __KEY: $crate::thread::__OsLocalKeyInner<$t> =
unsafe {
__KEY.get(move || {
if let $crate::option::Option::Some(init) = _init {
if let $crate::option::Option::Some(value) = init.take() {
return value;
} else if $crate::cfg!(debug_assertions) {
$crate::unreachable!("missing initial value");
unsafe {
// used to generate the `LocalKey` value for `thread_local!`
(@key $t:ty, $init:expr) => {
fn __init() -> $t { $init }
// When reading this function you might ask "why is this inlined
// everywhere other than Windows?", and that's a very reasonable
// question to ask. The short story is that it segfaults rustc if
// this function is inlined. The longer story is that Windows looks
// to not support `extern` references to thread locals across DLL
// boundaries. This appears to at least not be supported in the ABI
// that LLVM implements.
// Because of this we never inline on Windows, but we do inline on
// other platforms (where external references to thread locals
// across DLLs are supported). A better fix for this would be to
// inline this function on Windows, but only for "statically linked"
// components. For example if two separately compiled rlibs end up
// getting linked into a DLL then it's fine to inline this function
// across that boundary. It's only not fine to inline this function
// across a DLL boundary. Unfortunately rustc doesn't currently
// have this sort of logic available in an attribute, and it's not
// clear that rustc is even equipped to answer this (it's more of a
// Cargo question kinda). This means that, unfortunately, Windows
// gets the pessimistic path for now where it's never inlined.
// The issue of "should enable on Windows sometimes" is #84933
#[cfg_attr(not(windows), inline)]
unsafe fn __getit(
init: $crate::option::Option<&mut $crate::option::Option<$t>>,
) -> $crate::option::Option<&'static $t> {
#[cfg(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics")))]
static __KEY: $crate::thread::__StaticLocalKeyInner<$t> =
not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
static __KEY: $crate::thread::__FastLocalKeyInner<$t> =
not(all(target_family = "wasm", not(target_feature = "atomics"))),
static __KEY: $crate::thread::__OsLocalKeyInner<$t> =
// FIXME: remove the #[allow(...)] marker when macros don't
// raise warning for missing/extraneous unsafe blocks anymore.
// See
unsafe {
__KEY.get(move || {
if let $crate::option::Option::Some(init) = init {
if let $crate::option::Option::Some(value) = init.take() {
return value;
} else if $crate::cfg!(debug_assertions) {
$crate::unreachable!("missing default value");
unsafe {
($(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis $name:ident, $t:ty, $($init:tt)*) => {
$(#[$attr])* $vis const $name: $crate::thread::LocalKey<$t> =
$crate::__thread_local_inner!(@key $t, $($init)*);
/// An error returned by [`LocalKey::try_with`](struct.LocalKey.html#method.try_with).
/// An error returned by [`LocalKey::try_with`](struct.LocalKey.html#method.try_with).
#[stable(feature = "thread_local_try_with", since = "1.26.0")]
#[stable(feature = "thread_local_try_with", since = "1.26.0")]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user