New HirDisplay method for displaying sourcecode
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,8 +22,11 @@ use hir_expand::{
MacroDefId, MacroDefKind,
use hir_ty::{
autoderef, display::HirFormatter, expr::ExprValidator, method_resolution, ApplicationTy,
Canonical, InEnvironment, Substs, TraitEnvironment, Ty, TyDefId, TypeCtor,
display::{HirDisplayError, HirFormatter},
method_resolution, ApplicationTy, Canonical, InEnvironment, Substs, TraitEnvironment, Ty,
TyDefId, TypeCtor,
use ra_db::{CrateId, CrateName, Edition, FileId};
use ra_prof::profile;
@ -1319,7 +1322,7 @@ impl Type {
impl HirDisplay for Type {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
@ -6,28 +6,42 @@ use crate::{
db::HirDatabase, utils::generics, ApplicationTy, CallableDef, FnSig, GenericPredicate,
Obligation, ProjectionTy, Substs, TraitRef, Ty, TypeCtor,
use hir_def::{generics::TypeParamProvenance, AdtId, AssocContainerId, Lookup};
use hir_def::{
find_path, generics::TypeParamProvenance, item_scope::ItemInNs, AdtId, AssocContainerId,
Lookup, ModuleId,
use hir_expand::name::Name;
pub struct HirFormatter<'a, 'b> {
pub struct HirFormatter<'a> {
pub db: &'a dyn HirDatabase,
fmt: &'a mut fmt::Formatter<'b>,
fmt: &'a mut dyn fmt::Write,
buf: String,
curr_size: usize,
pub(crate) max_size: Option<usize>,
omit_verbose_types: bool,
display_target: DisplayTarget,
pub trait HirDisplay {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result;
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError>;
/// Returns a `Display`able type that is human-readable.
/// Use this for showing types to the user (e.g. diagnostics)
fn display<'a>(&'a self, db: &'a dyn HirDatabase) -> HirDisplayWrapper<'a, Self>
Self: Sized,
HirDisplayWrapper(db, self, None, false)
HirDisplayWrapper {
t: self,
max_size: None,
omit_verbose_types: false,
display_target: DisplayTarget::Diagnostics,
/// Returns a `Display`able type that is human-readable and tries to be succinct.
/// Use this for showing types to the user where space is constrained (e.g. doc popups)
fn display_truncated<'a>(
&'a self,
db: &'a dyn HirDatabase,
@ -36,16 +50,46 @@ pub trait HirDisplay {
Self: Sized,
HirDisplayWrapper(db, self, max_size, true)
HirDisplayWrapper {
t: self,
omit_verbose_types: true,
display_target: DisplayTarget::Diagnostics,
/// Returns a String representation of `self` that can be inserted into the given module.
/// Use this when generating code (e.g. assists)
fn display_source_code<'a>(
&'a self,
db: &'a dyn HirDatabase,
module_id: ModuleId,
) -> Result<String, DisplaySourceCodeError> {
let mut result = String::new();
match self.hir_fmt(&mut HirFormatter {
fmt: &mut result,
buf: String::with_capacity(20),
curr_size: 0,
max_size: None,
omit_verbose_types: false,
display_target: DisplayTarget::SourceCode { module_id },
}) {
Ok(()) => {}
Err(HirDisplayError::FmtError) => panic!("Writing to String can't fail!"),
Err(HirDisplayError::DisplaySourceCodeError(e)) => return Err(e),
impl<'a, 'b> HirFormatter<'a, 'b> {
impl<'a> HirFormatter<'a> {
pub fn write_joined<T: HirDisplay>(
&mut self,
iter: impl IntoIterator<Item = T>,
sep: &str,
) -> fmt::Result {
) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
let mut first = true;
for e in iter {
if !first {
@ -58,14 +102,14 @@ impl<'a, 'b> HirFormatter<'a, 'b> {
/// This allows using the `write!` macro directly with a `HirFormatter`.
pub fn write_fmt(&mut self, args: fmt::Arguments) -> fmt::Result {
pub fn write_fmt(&mut self, args: fmt::Arguments) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
// We write to a buffer first to track output size
fmt::write(&mut self.buf, args)?;
self.curr_size += self.buf.len();
// Then we write to the internal formatter from the buffer
pub fn should_truncate(&self) -> bool {
@ -81,34 +125,76 @@ impl<'a, 'b> HirFormatter<'a, 'b> {
pub struct HirDisplayWrapper<'a, T>(&'a dyn HirDatabase, &'a T, Option<usize>, bool);
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
enum DisplayTarget {
/// Display types for inlays, doc popups, autocompletion, etc...
/// Showing `{unknown}` or not qualifying paths is fine here.
/// There's no reason for this to fail.
/// Display types for inserting them in source files.
/// The generated code should compile, so paths need to be qualified.
SourceCode { module_id: ModuleId },
pub enum DisplaySourceCodeError {
pub enum HirDisplayError {
/// Errors that can occur when generating source code
/// `FmtError` is required to be compatible with std::fmt::Display
impl From<fmt::Error> for HirDisplayError {
fn from(_: fmt::Error) -> Self {
pub struct HirDisplayWrapper<'a, T> {
db: &'a dyn HirDatabase,
t: &'a T,
max_size: Option<usize>,
omit_verbose_types: bool,
display_target: DisplayTarget,
impl<'a, T> fmt::Display for HirDisplayWrapper<'a, T>
T: HirDisplay,
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
self.1.hir_fmt(&mut HirFormatter {
db: self.0,
match self.t.hir_fmt(&mut HirFormatter {
db: self.db,
fmt: f,
buf: String::with_capacity(20),
curr_size: 0,
max_size: self.2,
omit_verbose_types: self.3,
max_size: self.max_size,
omit_verbose_types: self.omit_verbose_types,
display_target: self.display_target,
}) {
Ok(()) => Ok(()),
Err(HirDisplayError::FmtError) => Err(fmt::Error),
Err(HirDisplayError::DisplaySourceCodeError(_)) => {
// This should never happen
panic!("HirDisplay failed when calling Display::fmt!")
const TYPE_HINT_TRUNCATION: &str = "…";
impl HirDisplay for &Ty {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
HirDisplay::hir_fmt(*self, f)
impl HirDisplay for ApplicationTy {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
if f.should_truncate() {
return write!(f, "{}", TYPE_HINT_TRUNCATION);
@ -191,12 +277,30 @@ impl HirDisplay for ApplicationTy {
TypeCtor::Adt(def_id) => {
let name = match def_id {
AdtId::StructId(it) => f.db.struct_data(it).name.clone(),
AdtId::UnionId(it) => f.db.union_data(it).name.clone(),
AdtId::EnumId(it) => f.db.enum_data(it).name.clone(),
write!(f, "{}", name)?;
match f.display_target {
DisplayTarget::Diagnostics => {
let name = match def_id {
AdtId::StructId(it) => f.db.struct_data(it).name.clone(),
AdtId::UnionId(it) => f.db.union_data(it).name.clone(),
AdtId::EnumId(it) => f.db.enum_data(it).name.clone(),
write!(f, "{}", name)?;
DisplayTarget::SourceCode { module_id } => {
if let Some(path) = find_path::find_path(
) {
write!(f, "{}", path)?;
} else {
return Err(HirDisplayError::DisplaySourceCodeError(
if self.parameters.len() > 0 {
let mut non_default_parameters = Vec::with_capacity(self.parameters.len());
let parameters_to_write = if f.omit_verbose_types() {
@ -269,7 +373,7 @@ impl HirDisplay for ApplicationTy {
impl HirDisplay for ProjectionTy {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
if f.should_truncate() {
return write!(f, "{}", TYPE_HINT_TRUNCATION);
@ -287,7 +391,7 @@ impl HirDisplay for ProjectionTy {
impl HirDisplay for Ty {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
if f.should_truncate() {
return write!(f, "{}", TYPE_HINT_TRUNCATION);
@ -332,7 +436,7 @@ impl HirDisplay for Ty {
fn write_bounds_like_dyn_trait(
predicates: &[GenericPredicate],
f: &mut HirFormatter,
) -> fmt::Result {
) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
// Note: This code is written to produce nice results (i.e.
// corresponding to surface Rust) for types that can occur in
// actual Rust. It will have weird results if the predicates
@ -394,7 +498,7 @@ fn write_bounds_like_dyn_trait(
impl TraitRef {
fn hir_fmt_ext(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter, use_as: bool) -> fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt_ext(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter, use_as: bool) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
if f.should_truncate() {
return write!(f, "{}", TYPE_HINT_TRUNCATION);
@ -416,19 +520,19 @@ impl TraitRef {
impl HirDisplay for TraitRef {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
self.hir_fmt_ext(f, false)
impl HirDisplay for &GenericPredicate {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
HirDisplay::hir_fmt(*self, f)
impl HirDisplay for GenericPredicate {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
if f.should_truncate() {
return write!(f, "{}", TYPE_HINT_TRUNCATION);
@ -452,15 +556,15 @@ impl HirDisplay for GenericPredicate {
impl HirDisplay for Obligation {
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Obligation::Trait(tr) => write!(f, "Implements({})", tr.display(f.db)),
fn hir_fmt(&self, f: &mut HirFormatter) -> Result<(), HirDisplayError> {
Ok(match self {
Obligation::Trait(tr) => write!(f, "Implements({})", tr.display(f.db))?,
Obligation::Projection(proj) => write!(
"Normalize({} => {})",
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ mod patterns;
mod traits;
mod method_resolution;
mod macros;
mod display_source_code;
use std::sync::Arc;
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ use hir_def::{
AssocItemId, DefWithBodyId, LocalModuleId, Lookup, ModuleDefId,
AssocItemId, DefWithBodyId, LocalModuleId, Lookup, ModuleDefId, ModuleId,
use hir_expand::{db::AstDatabase, InFile};
use insta::assert_snapshot;
@ -37,6 +38,18 @@ use crate::{
// update the snapshots.
fn type_at_pos(db: &TestDB, pos: FilePosition) -> String {
type_at_pos_displayed(db, pos, |ty, _| ty.display(db).to_string())
fn displayed_source_at_pos(db: &TestDB, pos: FilePosition) -> String {
type_at_pos_displayed(db, pos, |ty, module_id| ty.display_source_code(db, module_id).unwrap())
fn type_at_pos_displayed(
db: &TestDB,
pos: FilePosition,
display_fn: impl FnOnce(&Ty, ModuleId) -> String,
) -> String {
let file = db.parse(pos.file_id).ok().unwrap();
let expr = algo::find_node_at_offset::<ast::Expr>(file.syntax(), pos.offset).unwrap();
let fn_def = expr.syntax().ancestors().find_map(ast::FnDef::cast).unwrap();
@ -49,7 +62,7 @@ fn type_at_pos(db: &TestDB, pos: FilePosition) -> String {
if let Some(expr_id) = source_map.node_expr(InFile::new(pos.file_id.into(), &expr)) {
let infer = db.infer(func.into());
let ty = &infer[expr_id];
return ty.display(db).to_string();
return display_fn(ty, module);
panic!("Can't find expression")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
use super::displayed_source_at_pos;
use crate::test_db::TestDB;
use ra_db::fixture::WithFixture;
fn qualify_path_to_submodule() {
let (db, pos) = TestDB::with_position(
//- /
mod foo {
pub struct Foo;
fn bar() {
let foo: foo::Foo = foo::Foo;
assert_eq!("foo::Foo", displayed_source_at_pos(&db, pos));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user