diff --git a/src/doc/book/ownership.md b/src/doc/book/ownership.md
index 0a13d813f74..a62d31d362b 100644
--- a/src/doc/book/ownership.md
+++ b/src/doc/book/ownership.md
@@ -51,21 +51,21 @@ fn foo() {
-When `v` comes into scope, a new [vector][] is created, and it allocates space
-on the heap for each of its elements. When `v` goes out of scope at the end of
-`foo()`, Rust will clean up everything related to the vector, even the
+When `v` comes into scope, a new [vector] is created, and it allocates space on
+[the heap][heap] for each of its elements. When `v` goes out of scope at the
+end of `foo()`, Rust will clean up everything related to the vector, even the
 heap-allocated memory. This happens deterministically, at the end of the scope.
-We'll cover [vectors][vector] in detail later in this chapter; we only use them
+We'll cover [vectors] in detail later in this chapter; we only use them
 here as an example of a type that allocates space on the heap at runtime. They
-behave like [arrays][], except their size may change by `push()`ing more
+behave like [arrays], except their size may change by `push()`ing more
 elements onto them.
 Vectors have a [generic type][generics] `Vec<T>`, so in this example `v` will have type
 `Vec<i32>`. We'll cover generics in detail later in this chapter.
 [arrays]: primitive-types.html#arrays
-[vector]: vectors.html
+[vectors]: vectors.html
 [heap]: the-stack-and-the-heap.html
 [bindings]: variable-bindings.html
 [generics]: generics.html
diff --git a/src/doc/book/primitive-types.md b/src/doc/book/primitive-types.md
index ccfa94ad8bb..d6188fa7cdc 100644
--- a/src/doc/book/primitive-types.md
+++ b/src/doc/book/primitive-types.md
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ variable binding. Slices have a defined length, can be mutable or immutable.
 ## Slicing syntax
 You can use a combo of `&` and `[]` to create a slice from various things. The
-`&` indicates that slices are similar to [references][], which we will cover in
+`&` indicates that slices are similar to [references], which we will cover in
 detail later in this section. The `[]`s, with a range, let you define the
 length of the slice:
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ documentation][slice].
 Rust’s `str` type is the most primitive string type. As an [unsized type][dst],
 it’s not very useful by itself, but becomes useful when placed behind a
 reference, like `&str`. We'll elaborate further when we cover
-[Strings][strings] and [references][].
+[Strings][strings] and [references].
 [dst]: unsized-types.html
 [strings]: strings.html