Clean up generator live locals analysis

Instead of using a bespoke dataflow analysis, `MaybeRequiresStorage`,
for computing locals that need to be stored across yield points and that
have conflicting storage, use a combination of simple, generally
applicable dataflow analyses. In this case, the formula for locals
that are live at a yield point is:

    live_across_yield := (live & init) | (!movable & borrowed)

and the formula for locals that require storage (and thus may conflict
with others) at a given point is:

    requires_storage := init | borrowed

`init` is `MaybeInitializedLocals`, a direct equivalent of
`MaybeInitializedPlaces` that works only on whole `Local`s. `borrowed`
and `live` are the pre-existing `MaybeBorrowedLocals` and
`MaybeLiveLocals` analyses respectively.
This commit is contained in:
Dylan MacKenzie 2020-05-06 11:38:59 -07:00
parent daea09cf91
commit fc964c5317

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
//! Otherwise it drops all the values in scope at the last suspension point.
use crate::dataflow::impls::{
MaybeBorrowedLocals, MaybeLiveLocals, MaybeRequiresStorage, MaybeStorageLive,
MaybeBorrowedLocals, MaybeInitializedLocals, MaybeLiveLocals, MaybeStorageLive,
use crate::dataflow::{self, Analysis};
use crate::transform::no_landing_pads::no_landing_pads;
@ -444,86 +444,74 @@ fn locals_live_across_suspend_points(
movable: bool,
) -> LivenessInfo {
let def_id = source.def_id();
let body_ref: &Body<'_> = &body;
// Calculate when MIR locals have live storage. This gives us an upper bound of their
// lifetimes.
let mut storage_live = MaybeStorageLive::new(always_live_locals.clone())
.into_engine(tcx, body_ref, def_id)
.into_engine(tcx, body, def_id)
// Calculate the MIR locals which have been previously
// borrowed (even if they are still active).
let borrowed_locals_results =
MaybeBorrowedLocals::all_borrows().into_engine(tcx, body_ref, def_id).iterate_to_fixpoint();
let mut borrowed_locals_cursor =
dataflow::ResultsCursor::new(body_ref, &borrowed_locals_results);
// Calculate the MIR locals that we actually need to keep storage around
// for.
let requires_storage_results = MaybeRequiresStorage::new(body, &borrowed_locals_results)
.into_engine(tcx, body_ref, def_id)
let mut requires_storage_cursor =
dataflow::ResultsCursor::new(body_ref, &requires_storage_results);
// Calculate the liveness of MIR locals ignoring borrows.
let mut liveness = MaybeLiveLocals
.into_engine(tcx, body_ref, def_id)
let mut init = MaybeInitializedLocals
.into_engine(tcx, body, def_id)
let mut live = MaybeLiveLocals
.into_engine(tcx, body, def_id)
let mut borrowed = MaybeBorrowedLocals::all_borrows()
.into_engine(tcx, body, def_id)
// Liveness across yield points is determined by the following boolean equation, where `live`,
// `init` and `borrowed` come from dataflow and `movable` is a property of the generator.
// Movable generators do not allow borrows to live across yield points, so they don't need to
// store a local simply because it is borrowed.
// live_across_yield := (live & init) | (!movable & borrowed)
let mut locals_live_across_yield_point = |block| {
let mut live_locals = live.get().clone();
if !movable {
let mut storage_liveness_map = IndexVec::from_elem(None, body.basic_blocks());
let mut live_locals_at_suspension_points = Vec::new();
let mut live_locals_at_any_suspension_point = BitSet::new_empty(body.local_decls.len());
for (block, data) in body.basic_blocks().iter_enumerated() {
if let TerminatorKind::Yield { .. } = data.terminator().kind {
let loc = Location { block, statement_index: data.statements.len() };
let mut live_locals = liveness.get().clone();
if !movable {
// The `liveness` variable contains the liveness of MIR locals ignoring borrows.
// This is correct for movable generators since borrows cannot live across
// suspension points. However for immovable generators we need to account for
// borrows, so we conseratively assume that all borrowed locals are live until
// we find a StorageDead statement referencing the locals.
// To do this we just union our `liveness` result with `borrowed_locals`, which
// contains all the locals which has been borrowed before this suspension point.
// If a borrow is converted to a raw reference, we must also assume that it lives
// forever. Note that the final liveness is still bounded by the storage liveness
// of the local, which happens using the `intersect` operation below.
// Store the storage liveness for later use so we can restore the state
// after a suspension point
storage_liveness_map[block] = Some(storage_live.get().clone());
// Locals live are live at this point only if they are used across
// suspension points (the `liveness` variable)
// and their storage is required (the `storage_required` variable)
// The generator argument is ignored.
debug!("loc = {:?}, live_locals = {:?}", loc, live_locals);
// Add the locals live at this suspension point to the set of locals which live across
// any suspension points
if !matches!(data.terminator().kind, TerminatorKind::Yield { .. }) {
// Store the storage liveness for later use so we can restore the state
// after a suspension point
storage_liveness_map[block] = Some(storage_live.get().clone());
let mut live_locals = locals_live_across_yield_point(block);
// Ignore the generator's `self` argument since it is handled seperately.
debug!("block = {:?}, live_locals = {:?}", block, live_locals);
debug!("live_locals_anywhere = {:?}", live_locals_at_any_suspension_point);
// Renumber our liveness_map bitsets to include only the locals we are
@ -534,10 +522,11 @@ fn locals_live_across_suspend_points(
let storage_conflicts = compute_storage_conflicts(
LivenessInfo {
@ -569,6 +558,33 @@ fn renumber_bitset(
/// Record conflicts between locals at the current dataflow cursor positions.
/// You need to seek the cursors before calling this function.
fn record_conflicts_at_curr_loc(
local_conflicts: &mut BitMatrix<Local, Local>,
init: &dataflow::ResultsCursor<'mir, 'tcx, MaybeInitializedLocals>,
borrowed: &dataflow::ResultsCursor<'mir, 'tcx, MaybeBorrowedLocals>,
) {
// A local requires storage if it is initialized or borrowed. For now, a local
// becomes uninitialized if it is moved from, but is still considered "borrowed".
// requires_storage := init | borrowed
// FIXME: This function is called in a loop, so it might be better to pass in a temporary
// bitset rather than cloning here.
let mut requires_storage = init.get().clone();
for local in requires_storage.iter() {
local_conflicts.union_row_with(&requires_storage, local);
if requires_storage.count() > 1 {
trace!("requires_storage={:?}", requires_storage);
/// For every saved local, looks for which locals are StorageLive at the same
/// time. Generates a bitset for every local of all the other locals that may be
/// StorageLive simultaneously with that local. This is used in the layout
@ -577,30 +593,40 @@ fn compute_storage_conflicts(
body: &'mir Body<'tcx>,
stored_locals: &BitSet<Local>,
always_live_locals: storage::AlwaysLiveLocals,
requires_storage: dataflow::Results<'tcx, MaybeRequiresStorage<'mir, 'tcx>>,
mut init: dataflow::ResultsCursor<'mir, 'tcx, MaybeInitializedLocals>,
mut borrowed: dataflow::ResultsCursor<'mir, 'tcx, MaybeBorrowedLocals>,
) -> BitMatrix<GeneratorSavedLocal, GeneratorSavedLocal> {
debug!("compute_storage_conflicts({:?})", body.span);
assert_eq!(body.local_decls.len(), stored_locals.domain_size());
debug!("compute_storage_conflicts({:?})", body.span);
debug!("always_live = {:?}", always_live_locals);
// Locals that are always live conflict with all other locals.
// FIXME: Why do we need to handle locals without `Storage{Live,Dead}` specially here?
// Shouldn't it be enough to know whether they are initialized?
let always_live_locals = always_live_locals.into_inner();
let mut local_conflicts = BitMatrix::from_row_n(&always_live_locals, body.local_decls.len());
// Locals that are always live or ones that need to be stored across
// suspension points are not eligible for overlap.
let mut ineligible_locals = always_live_locals.into_inner();
// Visit every reachable statement and terminator. The exact order does not matter. When two
// locals are live at the same point in time, add an entry in the conflict matrix.
for (block, data) in traversal::preorder(body) {
// Ignore unreachable blocks.
if data.terminator().kind == TerminatorKind::Unreachable {
// Compute the storage conflicts for all eligible locals.
let mut visitor = StorageConflictVisitor {
stored_locals: &stored_locals,
local_conflicts: BitMatrix::from_row_n(&ineligible_locals, body.local_decls.len()),
for (statement_index, _) in data.statements.iter().enumerate() {
let loc = Location { block, statement_index };
trace!("record conflicts at {:?}", loc);
record_conflicts_at_curr_loc(&mut local_conflicts, &init, &borrowed);
// Visit only reachable basic blocks. The exact order is not important.
let reachable_blocks = traversal::preorder(body).map(|(bb, _)| bb);
requires_storage.visit_with(body, reachable_blocks, &mut visitor);
let local_conflicts = visitor.local_conflicts;
trace!("record conflicts at end of {:?}", block);
record_conflicts_at_curr_loc(&mut local_conflicts, &init, &borrowed);
// Compress the matrix using only stored locals (Local -> GeneratorSavedLocal).
@ -612,7 +638,7 @@ fn compute_storage_conflicts(
let mut storage_conflicts = BitMatrix::new(stored_locals.count(), stored_locals.count());
for (idx_a, local_a) in stored_locals.iter().enumerate() {
let saved_local_a = GeneratorSavedLocal::new(idx_a);
if ineligible_locals.contains(local_a) {
if always_live_locals.contains(local_a) {
// Conflicts with everything.
} else {
@ -628,56 +654,6 @@ fn compute_storage_conflicts(
struct StorageConflictVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, 's> {
body: &'mir Body<'tcx>,
stored_locals: &'s BitSet<Local>,
// FIXME(tmandry): Consider using sparse bitsets here once we have good
// benchmarks for generators.
local_conflicts: BitMatrix<Local, Local>,
impl dataflow::ResultsVisitor<'mir, 'tcx> for StorageConflictVisitor<'mir, 'tcx, '_> {
type FlowState = BitSet<Local>;
fn visit_statement_before_primary_effect(
&mut self,
state: &Self::FlowState,
_statement: &'mir Statement<'tcx>,
loc: Location,
) {
self.apply_state(state, loc);
fn visit_terminator_before_primary_effect(
&mut self,
state: &Self::FlowState,
_terminator: &'mir Terminator<'tcx>,
loc: Location,
) {
self.apply_state(state, loc);
impl<'body, 'tcx, 's> StorageConflictVisitor<'body, 'tcx, 's> {
fn apply_state(&mut self, flow_state: &BitSet<Local>, loc: Location) {
// Ignore unreachable blocks.
if self.body.basic_blocks()[loc.block].terminator().kind == TerminatorKind::Unreachable {
let mut eligible_storage_live = flow_state.clone();
for local in eligible_storage_live.iter() {
self.local_conflicts.union_row_with(&eligible_storage_live, local);
if eligible_storage_live.count() > 1 {
trace!("at {:?}, eligible_storage_live={:?}", loc, eligible_storage_live);
fn compute_layout<'tcx>(
tcx: TyCtxt<'tcx>,
source: MirSource<'tcx>,