Merge #4377
4377: Implement better handling of divergence r=matklad a=flodiebold Divergence here means that for some reason, the end of a block will not be reached. We tried to model this just using the never type, but that doesn't work fully (e.g. in `let x = { loop {}; "foo" };` x should still have type `&str`); so this introduces a `diverges` flag that the type checker keeps track of, like rustc does. We also add some checking for `break`, but no support for break-with-value or labeled breaks yet. Co-authored-by: Florian Diebold <> Co-authored-by: Florian Diebold <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,3 +131,31 @@ impl AstDiagnostic for MissingOkInTailExpr {
pub struct BreakOutsideOfLoop {
pub file: HirFileId,
pub expr: AstPtr<ast::Expr>,
impl Diagnostic for BreakOutsideOfLoop {
fn message(&self) -> String {
"break outside of loop".to_string()
fn source(&self) -> InFile<SyntaxNodePtr> {
InFile { file_id: self.file, value: self.expr.clone().into() }
fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + Send + 'static) {
impl AstDiagnostic for BreakOutsideOfLoop {
type AST = ast::Expr;
fn ast(&self, db: &impl AstDatabase) -> Self::AST {
let root = db.parse_or_expand(self.file).unwrap();
let node = self.source().value.to_node(&root);
@ -210,6 +210,13 @@ struct InferenceContext<'a> {
/// closures, but currently this is the only field that will change there,
/// so it doesn't make sense.
return_ty: Ty,
diverges: Diverges,
breakables: Vec<BreakableContext>,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct BreakableContext {
pub may_break: bool,
impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
@ -224,6 +231,8 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
body: db.body(owner),
diverges: Diverges::Maybe,
breakables: Vec::new(),
@ -666,15 +675,57 @@ impl Expectation {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
enum Diverges {
impl Diverges {
fn is_always(self) -> bool {
self == Diverges::Always
impl std::ops::BitAnd for Diverges {
type Output = Self;
fn bitand(self, other: Self) -> Self {
std::cmp::min(self, other)
impl std::ops::BitOr for Diverges {
type Output = Self;
fn bitor(self, other: Self) -> Self {
std::cmp::max(self, other)
impl std::ops::BitAndAssign for Diverges {
fn bitand_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
*self = *self & other;
impl std::ops::BitOrAssign for Diverges {
fn bitor_assign(&mut self, other: Self) {
*self = *self | other;
mod diagnostics {
use hir_def::{expr::ExprId, FunctionId};
use hir_expand::diagnostics::DiagnosticSink;
use crate::{db::HirDatabase, diagnostics::NoSuchField};
use crate::{
diagnostics::{BreakOutsideOfLoop, NoSuchField},
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
pub(super) enum InferenceDiagnostic {
NoSuchField { expr: ExprId, field: usize },
BreakOutsideOfLoop { expr: ExprId },
impl InferenceDiagnostic {
@ -690,6 +741,13 @@ mod diagnostics {
let field = source_map.field_syntax(*expr, *field);
sink.push(NoSuchField { file: field.file_id, field: field.value })
InferenceDiagnostic::BreakOutsideOfLoop { expr } => {
let (_, source_map) = db.body_with_source_map(owner.into());
let ptr = source_map
.expect("break outside of loop in synthetic syntax");
sink.push(BreakOutsideOfLoop { file: ptr.file_id, expr: ptr.value })
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
//! Type inference for expressions.
use std::iter::{repeat, repeat_with};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::{mem, sync::Arc};
use hir_def::{
@ -21,11 +21,18 @@ use crate::{
Ty, TypeCtor, Uncertain,
use super::{BindingMode, Expectation, InferenceContext, InferenceDiagnostic, TypeMismatch};
use super::{
BindingMode, BreakableContext, Diverges, Expectation, InferenceContext, InferenceDiagnostic,
impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
pub(super) fn infer_expr(&mut self, tgt_expr: ExprId, expected: &Expectation) -> Ty {
let ty = self.infer_expr_inner(tgt_expr, expected);
if ty.is_never() {
// Any expression that produces a value of type `!` must have diverged
self.diverges = Diverges::Always;
let could_unify = self.unify(&ty, &expected.ty);
if !could_unify {
@ -64,11 +71,18 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
// if let is desugared to match, so this is always simple if
self.infer_expr(*condition, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::simple(TypeCtor::Bool)));
let condition_diverges = mem::replace(&mut self.diverges, Diverges::Maybe);
let mut both_arms_diverge = Diverges::Always;
let then_ty = self.infer_expr_inner(*then_branch, &expected);
both_arms_diverge &= mem::replace(&mut self.diverges, Diverges::Maybe);
let else_ty = match else_branch {
Some(else_branch) => self.infer_expr_inner(*else_branch, &expected),
None => Ty::unit(),
both_arms_diverge &= self.diverges;
self.diverges = condition_diverges | both_arms_diverge;
self.coerce_merge_branch(&then_ty, &else_ty)
@ -79,24 +93,43 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
Expr::Loop { body } => {
self.breakables.push(BreakableContext { may_break: false });
self.infer_expr(*body, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::unit()));
let ctxt = self.breakables.pop().expect("breakable stack broken");
if ctxt.may_break {
self.diverges = Diverges::Maybe;
// FIXME handle break with value
if ctxt.may_break {
} else {
Expr::While { condition, body } => {
self.breakables.push(BreakableContext { may_break: false });
// while let is desugared to a match loop, so this is always simple while
self.infer_expr(*condition, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::simple(TypeCtor::Bool)));
self.infer_expr(*body, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::unit()));
let _ctxt = self.breakables.pop().expect("breakable stack broken");
// the body may not run, so it diverging doesn't mean we diverge
self.diverges = Diverges::Maybe;
Expr::For { iterable, body, pat } => {
let iterable_ty = self.infer_expr(*iterable, &Expectation::none());
self.breakables.push(BreakableContext { may_break: false });
let pat_ty =
self.resolve_associated_type(iterable_ty, self.resolve_into_iter_item());
self.infer_pat(*pat, &pat_ty, BindingMode::default());
self.infer_expr(*body, &Expectation::has_type(Ty::unit()));
let _ctxt = self.breakables.pop().expect("breakable stack broken");
// the body may not run, so it diverging doesn't mean we diverge
self.diverges = Diverges::Maybe;
Expr::Lambda { body, args, ret_type, arg_types } => {
@ -132,10 +165,12 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
// infer the body.
self.coerce(&closure_ty, &expected.ty);
let prev_ret_ty = std::mem::replace(&mut self.return_ty, ret_ty.clone());
let prev_diverges = mem::replace(&mut self.diverges, Diverges::Maybe);
let prev_ret_ty = mem::replace(&mut self.return_ty, ret_ty.clone());
self.infer_expr_coerce(*body, &Expectation::has_type(ret_ty));
self.diverges = prev_diverges;
self.return_ty = prev_ret_ty;
@ -165,7 +200,11 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
let matchee_diverges = self.diverges;
let mut all_arms_diverge = Diverges::Always;
for arm in arms {
self.diverges = Diverges::Maybe;
let _pat_ty = self.infer_pat(arm.pat, &input_ty, BindingMode::default());
if let Some(guard_expr) = arm.guard {
@ -175,9 +214,12 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
let arm_ty = self.infer_expr_inner(arm.expr, &expected);
all_arms_diverge &= self.diverges;
result_ty = self.coerce_merge_branch(&result_ty, &arm_ty);
self.diverges = matchee_diverges | all_arms_diverge;
Expr::Path(p) => {
@ -191,6 +233,13 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
// FIXME handle break with value
self.infer_expr(*expr, &Expectation::none());
if let Some(ctxt) = self.breakables.last_mut() {
ctxt.may_break = true;
} else {
self.push_diagnostic(InferenceDiagnostic::BreakOutsideOfLoop {
expr: tgt_expr,
Expr::Return { expr } => {
@ -522,7 +571,6 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
tail: Option<ExprId>,
expected: &Expectation,
) -> Ty {
let mut diverges = false;
for stmt in statements {
match stmt {
Statement::Let { pat, type_ref, initializer } => {
@ -544,9 +592,7 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
self.infer_pat(*pat, &ty, BindingMode::default());
Statement::Expr(expr) => {
if let ty_app!(TypeCtor::Never) = self.infer_expr(*expr, &Expectation::none()) {
diverges = true;
self.infer_expr(*expr, &Expectation::none());
@ -554,14 +600,22 @@ impl<'a> InferenceContext<'a> {
let ty = if let Some(expr) = tail {
self.infer_expr_coerce(expr, expected)
} else {
self.coerce(&Ty::unit(), expected.coercion_target());
// Citing rustc: if there is no explicit tail expression,
// that is typically equivalent to a tail expression
// of `()` -- except if the block diverges. In that
// case, there is no value supplied from the tail
// expression (assuming there are no other breaks,
// this implies that the type of the block will be
// `!`).
if self.diverges.is_always() {
// we don't even make an attempt at coercion
} else {
self.coerce(&Ty::unit(), expected.coercion_target());
if diverges {
} else {
fn infer_method_call(
@ -730,6 +730,10 @@ impl Ty {
pub fn is_never(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Ty::Apply(ApplicationTy { ctor: TypeCtor::Never, .. }))
/// If this is a `dyn Trait` type, this returns the `Trait` part.
pub fn dyn_trait_ref(&self) -> Option<&TraitRef> {
match self {
@ -518,3 +518,21 @@ fn missing_record_pat_field_no_diagnostic_if_not_exhaustive() {
assert_snapshot!(diagnostics, @"");
fn break_outside_of_loop() {
let diagnostics = TestDB::with_files(
//- /
fn foo() {
assert_snapshot!(diagnostics, @r###""break": break outside of loop
@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ fn foo() -> u32 {
"#, true),
17..40 '{ ...own; }': !
17..40 '{ ...own; }': u32
23..37 'return unknown': !
30..37 'unknown': u32
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ fn foo() {
27..103 '{ ... }': &u32
37..82 'if tru... }': ()
40..44 'true': bool
45..82 '{ ... }': !
45..82 '{ ... }': ()
59..71 'return &1u32': !
66..71 '&1u32': &u32
67..71 '1u32': u32
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ fn spam() {
!0..6 '1isize': isize
!0..6 '1isize': isize
!0..6 '1isize': isize
54..457 '{ ...!(); }': !
54..457 '{ ...!(); }': ()
88..109 'spam!(!())': {unknown}
115..134 'for _ ...!() {}': ()
119..120 '_': {unknown}
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
use super::type_at;
use insta::assert_snapshot;
use super::{infer_with_mismatches, type_at};
fn infer_never1() {
@ -261,3 +263,176 @@ fn test(a: i32) {
assert_eq!(t, "f64");
fn diverging_expression_1() {
let t = infer_with_mismatches(
//- /
fn test1() {
let x: u32 = return;
fn test2() {
let x: u32 = { return; };
fn test3() {
let x: u32 = loop {};
fn test4() {
let x: u32 = { loop {} };
fn test5() {
let x: u32 = { if true { loop {}; } else { loop {}; } };
fn test6() {
let x: u32 = { let y: u32 = { loop {}; }; };
assert_snapshot!(t, @r###"
25..53 '{ ...urn; }': ()
35..36 'x': u32
44..50 'return': !
65..98 '{ ...; }; }': ()
75..76 'x': u32
84..95 '{ return; }': u32
86..92 'return': !
110..139 '{ ... {}; }': ()
120..121 'x': u32
129..136 'loop {}': !
134..136 '{}': ()
151..184 '{ ...} }; }': ()
161..162 'x': u32
170..181 '{ loop {} }': u32
172..179 'loop {}': !
177..179 '{}': ()
196..260 '{ ...} }; }': ()
206..207 'x': u32
215..257 '{ if t...}; } }': u32
217..255 'if tru... {}; }': u32
220..224 'true': bool
225..237 '{ loop {}; }': u32
227..234 'loop {}': !
232..234 '{}': ()
243..255 '{ loop {}; }': u32
245..252 'loop {}': !
250..252 '{}': ()
272..324 '{ ...; }; }': ()
282..283 'x': u32
291..321 '{ let ...; }; }': u32
297..298 'y': u32
306..318 '{ loop {}; }': u32
308..315 'loop {}': !
313..315 '{}': ()
fn diverging_expression_2() {
let t = infer_with_mismatches(
//- /
fn test1() {
// should give type mismatch
let x: u32 = { loop {}; "foo" };
assert_snapshot!(t, @r###"
25..98 '{ ..." }; }': ()
68..69 'x': u32
77..95 '{" }': &str
79..86 'loop {}': !
84..86 '{}': ()
88..93 '"foo"': &str
77..95: expected u32, got &str
88..93: expected u32, got &str
fn diverging_expression_3_break() {
let t = infer_with_mismatches(
//- /
fn test1() {
// should give type mismatch
let x: u32 = { loop { break; } };
fn test2() {
// should give type mismatch
let x: u32 = { for a in b { break; }; };
// should give type mismatch as well
let x: u32 = { for a in b {}; };
// should give type mismatch as well
let x: u32 = { for a in b { return; }; };
fn test3() {
// should give type mismatch
let x: u32 = { while true { break; }; };
// should give type mismatch as well -- there's an implicit break, even if it's never hit
let x: u32 = { while true {}; };
// should give type mismatch as well
let x: u32 = { while true { return; }; };
assert_snapshot!(t, @r###"
25..99 '{ ...} }; }': ()
68..69 'x': u32
77..96 '{ loop...k; } }': ()
79..94 'loop { break; }': ()
84..94 '{ break; }': ()
86..91 'break': !
77..96: expected u32, got ()
79..94: expected u32, got ()
111..357 '{ ...; }; }': ()
154..155 'x': u32
163..189 '{ for ...; }; }': ()
165..186 'for a ...eak; }': ()
169..170 'a': {unknown}
174..175 'b': {unknown}
176..186 '{ break; }': ()
178..183 'break': !
240..241 'x': u32
249..267 '{ for ... {}; }': ()
251..264 'for a in b {}': ()
255..256 'a': {unknown}
260..261 'b': {unknown}
262..264 '{}': ()
318..319 'x': u32
327..354 '{ for ...; }; }': ()
329..351 'for a ...urn; }': ()
333..334 'a': {unknown}
338..339 'b': {unknown}
340..351 '{ return; }': ()
342..348 'return': !
163..189: expected u32, got ()
249..267: expected u32, got ()
327..354: expected u32, got ()
369..668 '{ ...; }; }': ()
412..413 'x': u32
421..447 '{ whil...; }; }': ()
423..444 'while ...eak; }': ()
429..433 'true': bool
434..444 '{ break; }': ()
436..441 'break': !
551..552 'x': u32
560..578 '{ whil... {}; }': ()
562..575 'while true {}': ()
568..572 'true': bool
573..575 '{}': ()
629..630 'x': u32
638..665 '{ whil...; }; }': ()
640..662 'while ...urn; }': ()
646..650 'true': bool
651..662 '{ return; }': ()
653..659 'return': !
421..447: expected u32, got ()
560..578: expected u32, got ()
638..665: expected u32, got ()
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ fn test(a: u32, b: isize, c: !, d: &str) {
17..18 'b': isize
27..28 'c': !
33..34 'd': &str
42..121 '{ ...f32; }': !
42..121 '{ ...f32; }': ()
48..49 'a': u32
55..56 'b': isize
62..63 'c': !
@ -935,7 +935,7 @@ fn foo() {
29..33 'true': bool
34..51 '{ ... }': i32
44..45 '1': i32
57..80 '{ ... }': !
57..80 '{ ... }': i32
67..73 'return': !
90..93 '_x2': i32
96..149 'if tru... }': i32
@ -951,7 +951,7 @@ fn foo() {
186..190 'true': bool
194..195 '3': i32
205..206 '_': bool
210..241 '{ ... }': !
210..241 '{ ... }': i32
224..230 'return': !
257..260 '_x4': i32
263..320 'match ... }': i32
@ -1687,7 +1687,7 @@ fn foo() -> u32 {
17..59 '{ ...; }; }': ()
27..28 'x': || -> usize
31..56 '|| -> ...n 1; }': || -> usize
43..56 '{ return 1; }': !
43..56 '{ return 1; }': usize
45..53 'return 1': !
52..53 '1': usize
@ -1706,7 +1706,7 @@ fn foo() -> u32 {
17..48 '{ ...; }; }': ()
27..28 'x': || -> ()
31..45 '|| { return; }': || -> ()
34..45 '{ return; }': !
34..45 '{ return; }': ()
36..42 'return': !
Reference in New Issue
Block a user