Init implementation of structural search replace

This commit is contained in:
Mikhail Modin 2020-02-10 22:45:38 +00:00
parent 6fb36dfdcb
commit f8f454ab5c
10 changed files with 399 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ mod display;
mod inlay_hints;
mod expand;
mod expand_macro;
mod ssr;
mod marks;
@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ pub use crate::{
runnables::{Runnable, RunnableKind},
source_change::{FileSystemEdit, SourceChange, SourceFileEdit},
@ -464,6 +466,16 @@ impl Analysis {
self.with_db(|db| references::rename(db, position, new_name))
pub fn structural_search_replace(
query: &str,
) -> Cancelable<Result<SourceChange, SsrError>> {
self.with_db(|db| {
let edits = ssr::parse_search_replace(query, db)?;
Ok(SourceChange::source_file_edits("ssr", edits))
/// Performs an operation on that may be Canceled.
fn with_db<F: FnOnce(&RootDatabase) -> T + std::panic::UnwindSafe, T>(

crates/ra_ide/src/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
//! structural search replace
use crate::source_change::SourceFileEdit;
use ra_ide_db::RootDatabase;
use ra_syntax::ast::make::expr_from_text;
use ra_syntax::AstNode;
use ra_syntax::SyntaxElement;
use ra_syntax::SyntaxNode;
use ra_text_edit::{TextEdit, TextEditBuilder};
use rustc_hash::FxHashMap;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::str::FromStr;
pub use ra_db::{SourceDatabase, SourceDatabaseExt};
use ra_ide_db::symbol_index::SymbolsDatabase;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct SsrError(String);
impl std::fmt::Display for SsrError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Parse error: {}", self.0)
impl std::error::Error for SsrError {}
pub fn parse_search_replace(
query: &str,
db: &RootDatabase,
) -> Result<Vec<SourceFileEdit>, SsrError> {
let mut edits = vec![];
let query: SsrQuery = query.parse()?;
for &root in db.local_roots().iter() {
let sr = db.source_root(root);
for file_id in sr.walk() {
let matches = find(&query.pattern, db.parse(file_id).tree().syntax());
if !matches.matches.is_empty() {
edits.push(SourceFileEdit { file_id, edit: replace(&matches, &query.template) });
struct SsrQuery {
pattern: SsrPattern,
template: SsrTemplate,
struct SsrPattern {
pattern: SyntaxNode,
vars: Vec<Var>,
/// represents an `$var` in an SSR query
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Var(String);
struct SsrTemplate {
template: SyntaxNode,
placeholders: FxHashMap<SyntaxNode, Var>,
type Binding = HashMap<Var, SyntaxNode>;
struct Match {
place: SyntaxNode,
binding: Binding,
struct SsrMatches {
matches: Vec<Match>,
impl FromStr for SsrQuery {
type Err = SsrError;
fn from_str(query: &str) -> Result<SsrQuery, SsrError> {
let mut it = query.split("==>>");
let pattern ="at least empty string").trim();
let mut template ="Cannot find delemiter `==>>`".into()))?.trim().to_string();
if {
return Err(SsrError("More than one delimiter found".into()));
let mut vars = vec![];
let mut it = pattern.split('$');
let mut pattern ="something").to_string();
for part in {
let (var, var_type, remainder) = part?;
let new_var = create_name(var, &mut vars)?;
template = replace_in_template(template, var, new_var);
let template = expr_from_text(&template).syntax().clone();
let mut placeholders = FxHashMap::default();
traverse(&template, &mut |n| {
if let Some(v) = vars.iter().find(|v| v.0.as_str() == n.text()) {
placeholders.insert(n.clone(), v.clone());
} else {
let pattern = SsrPattern { pattern: expr_from_text(&pattern).syntax().clone(), vars };
let template = SsrTemplate { template, placeholders };
Ok(SsrQuery { pattern, template })
fn traverse(node: &SyntaxNode, go: &mut impl FnMut(&SyntaxNode) -> bool) {
if !go(node) {
for ref child in node.children() {
traverse(child, go);
fn split_by_var(s: &str) -> Result<(&str, &str, &str), SsrError> {
let end_of_name = s.find(":").ok_or(SsrError("Use $<name>:expr".into()))?;
let name = &s[0..end_of_name];
let type_begin = end_of_name + 1;
let type_length = s[type_begin..].find(|c| !char::is_ascii_alphanumeric(&c)).unwrap_or(s.len());
let type_name = &s[type_begin..type_begin + type_length];
Ok((name, type_name, &s[type_begin + type_length..]))
fn is_name(s: &str) -> Result<(), SsrError> {
if s.chars().all(|c| c.is_ascii_alphanumeric() || c == '_') {
} else {
Err(SsrError("Name can contain only alphanumerics and _".into()))
fn is_expr(s: &str) -> Result<(), SsrError> {
if s == "expr" {
} else {
Err(SsrError("Only $<name>:expr is supported".into()))
fn replace_in_template(template: String, var: &str, new_var: &str) -> String {
let name = format!("${}", var);
template.replace(&name, new_var)
fn create_name<'a>(name: &str, vars: &'a mut Vec<Var>) -> Result<&'a str, SsrError> {
let sanitized_name = format!("__search_pattern_{}", name);
if vars.iter().any(|a| a.0 == sanitized_name) {
return Err(SsrError(format!("Name `{}` repeats more than once", name)));
fn find(pattern: &SsrPattern, code: &SyntaxNode) -> SsrMatches {
fn check(
pattern: &SyntaxElement,
code: &SyntaxElement,
placeholders: &[Var],
match_: &mut Match,
) -> bool {
match (pattern, code) {
(SyntaxElement::Token(ref pattern), SyntaxElement::Token(ref code)) => {
pattern.text() == code.text()
(SyntaxElement::Node(ref pattern), SyntaxElement::Node(ref code)) => {
if placeholders.iter().find(|&n| n.0.as_str() == pattern.text()).is_some() {
match_.binding.insert(Var(pattern.text().to_string()), code.clone());
} else { ==
&& pattern
.all(|(a, b)| check(&a, &b, placeholders, match_))
_ => false,
let kind = pattern.pattern.kind();
let matches = code
.filter(|n| n.kind() == kind)
.filter_map(|code| {
let mut match_ =
Match { place: code.as_node().unwrap().clone(), binding: HashMap::new() };
if check(
&mut match_,
) {
} else {
SsrMatches { matches }
fn replace(matches: &SsrMatches, template: &SsrTemplate) -> TextEdit {
let mut builder = TextEditBuilder::default();
for match_ in &matches.matches {
builder.replace(, render_replace(&match_.binding, template));
fn render_replace(binding: &Binding, template: &SsrTemplate) -> String {
let mut builder = TextEditBuilder::default();
for element in template.template.descendants() {
if let Some(var) = template.placeholders.get(&element) {
builder.replace(element.text_range(), binding[var].to_string())
mod tests {
use super::*;
use ra_syntax::SourceFile;
fn parse_error_text(query: &str) -> String {
format!("{}", query.parse::<SsrQuery>().unwrap_err())
fn parser_happy_case() {
let result: SsrQuery = "foo($a:expr, $b:expr) ==>> bar($b, $a)".parse().unwrap();
assert_eq!(&result.pattern.pattern.text(), "foo(__search_pattern_a, __search_pattern_b)");
assert_eq!(result.pattern.vars.len(), 2);
assert_eq!(result.pattern.vars[0].0, "__search_pattern_a");
assert_eq!(result.pattern.vars[1].0, "__search_pattern_b");
assert_eq!(&result.template.template.text(), "bar(__search_pattern_b, __search_pattern_a)");
fn parser_empty_query() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text(""), "Parse error: Cannot find delemiter `==>>`");
fn parser_no_delimiter() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text("foo()"), "Parse error: Cannot find delemiter `==>>`");
fn parser_two_delimiters() {
parse_error_text("foo() ==>> a ==>> b "),
"Parse error: More than one delimiter found"
fn parser_no_pattern_type() {
assert_eq!(parse_error_text("foo($a) ==>>"), "Parse error: Use $<name>:expr");
fn parser_invalid_name() {
parse_error_text("foo($a+:expr) ==>>"),
"Parse error: Name can contain only alphanumerics and _"
fn parser_invalid_type() {
parse_error_text("foo($a:ident) ==>>"),
"Parse error: Only $<name>:expr is supported"
fn parser_repeated_name() {
parse_error_text("foo($a:expr, $a:expr) ==>>"),
"Parse error: Name `a` repeats more than once"
fn parse_match_replace() {
let query: SsrQuery = "foo($x:expr) ==>> bar($x)".parse().unwrap();
let input = "fn main() { foo(1+2); }";
let code = SourceFile::parse(input).tree();
let matches = find(&query.pattern, code.syntax());
assert_eq!(matches.matches.len(), 1);
assert_eq!(matches.matches[0].place.text(), "foo(1+2)");
assert_eq!(matches.matches[0].binding.len(), 1);
let edit = replace(&matches, &query.template);
assert_eq!(edit.apply(input), "fn main() { bar(1+2); }");

View File

@ -526,6 +526,7 @@ fn on_request(

View File

@ -881,6 +881,11 @@ pub fn handle_document_highlight(
pub fn handle_ssr(world: WorldSnapshot, params: req::SsrParams) -> Result<req::SourceChange> {
let _p = profile("handle_ssr");
pub fn publish_diagnostics(world: &WorldSnapshot, file_id: FileId) -> Result<DiagnosticTask> {
let _p = profile("publish_diagnostics");
let line_index = world.analysis().file_line_index(file_id)?;

View File

@ -206,3 +206,16 @@ pub struct InlayHint {
pub kind: InlayKind,
pub label: String,
pub enum Ssr {}
impl Request for Ssr {
type Params = SsrParams;
type Result = SourceChange;
const METHOD: &'static str = "rust-analyzer/ssr";
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct SsrParams {
pub arg: String,

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ pub fn expr_prefix(op: SyntaxKind, expr: ast::Expr) -> ast::Expr {
let token = token(op);
expr_from_text(&format!("{}{}", token, expr.syntax()))
fn expr_from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Expr {
pub fn expr_from_text(text: &str) -> ast::Expr {
ast_from_text(&format!("const C: () = {};", text))

View File

@ -124,6 +124,11 @@
"command": "rust-analyzer.onEnter",
"title": "Enhanced enter key",
"category": "Rust Analyzer"
"command": "rust-analyzer.ssr",
"title": "Structural Search Replace",
"category": "Rust Analyzer"
"keybindings": [

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ export * from './parent_module';
export * from './syntax_tree';
export * from './expand_macro';
export * from './runnables';
export * from './ssr';
export function collectGarbage(ctx: Ctx): Cmd {
return async () => {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
import { Ctx, Cmd } from '../ctx';
import { applySourceChange, SourceChange } from '../source_change';
import * as vscode from 'vscode';
export function ssr(ctx: Ctx): Cmd {
return async () => {
const client = ctx.client;
if (!client) return;
const options: vscode.InputBoxOptions = {
placeHolder: "foo($a:expr, $b:expr) ==>> bar($a, foo($b))",
prompt: "Enter request",
validateInput: (x: string) => {
if (x.includes('==>>')) {
return null;
return "Enter request: pattern ==>> template"
const request = await vscode.window.showInputBox(options);
if (!request) return;
const ssrRequest: SsrRequest = { arg: request };
const change = await client.sendRequest<SourceChange>(
await applySourceChange(ctx, change);
interface SsrRequest {
arg: string;

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
ctx.registerCommand('reload', commands.reload);
ctx.registerCommand('onEnter', commands.onEnter);
ctx.registerCommand('ssr', commands.ssr)
// Internal commands which are invoked by the server.
ctx.registerCommand('runSingle', commands.runSingle);