Add the ability to ignore tests by compiler config
[test] [ignore(cfg(target_os = "win32"))]
This commit is contained in:
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ export require_unique_names;
export get_attr_name;
export get_meta_item_name;
export get_meta_item_value_str;
export get_meta_item_list;
export mk_name_value_item_str;
export mk_name_value_item;
export mk_list_item;
@ -85,6 +86,13 @@ fn get_meta_item_value_str(meta: @ast::meta_item) -> option::t<str> {
fn get_meta_item_list(meta: @ast::meta_item) -> option::t<[@ast::meta_item]> {
alt meta.node {
ast::meta_list(_, l) { option::some(l) }
_ { option::none }
fn attr_meta(attr: ast::attribute) -> @ast::meta_item { @attr.node.value }
// Get the meta_items from inside a vector of attributes
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import syntax::{ast, fold};
import attr;
export strip_unconfigured_items;
export metas_in_cfg;
// Support conditional compilation by transforming the AST, stripping out
// any items that do not belong in the current configuration
@ -88,31 +89,24 @@ fn native_item_in_cfg(cfg: ast::crate_cfg, item: @ast::native_item) -> bool {
// Determine if an item should be translated in the current crate
// configuration based on the item's attributes
fn in_cfg(cfg: ast::crate_cfg, attrs: [ast::attribute]) -> bool {
metas_in_cfg(cfg, attr::attr_metas(attrs))
fn metas_in_cfg(cfg: ast::crate_cfg, metas: [@ast::meta_item]) -> bool {
// The "cfg" attributes on the item
let item_cfg_attrs = attr::find_attrs_by_name(attrs, "cfg");
let item_has_cfg_attrs = vec::len(item_cfg_attrs) > 0u;
if !item_has_cfg_attrs { ret true; }
let cfg_metas = attr::find_meta_items_by_name(metas, "cfg");
// Pull the inner meta_items from the #[cfg(meta_item, ...)] attributes,
// so we can match against them. This is the list of configurations for
// which the item is valid
let item_cfg_metas = {
fn extract_metas(&&inner_items: [@ast::meta_item],
&&cfg_item: @ast::meta_item) -> [@ast::meta_item] {
alt cfg_item.node {
ast::meta_list(name, items) {
assert (name == "cfg");
inner_items + items
_ { inner_items }
let cfg_metas = attr::attr_metas(item_cfg_attrs);
vec::foldl(extract_metas, [], cfg_metas)
let cfg_metas = vec::concat(vec::filter_map(
{|&&i| attr::get_meta_item_list(i)}, cfg_metas));
for cfg_mi: @ast::meta_item in item_cfg_metas {
let has_cfg_metas = vec::len(cfg_metas) > 0u;
if !has_cfg_metas { ret true; }
for cfg_mi: @ast::meta_item in cfg_metas {
if attr::contains(cfg, cfg_mi) { ret true; }
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ type test = {span: span, path: [ast::ident], ignore: bool};
type test_ctxt =
@{sess: session::session,
crate: @ast::crate,
next_node_id: node_id_gen,
mutable path: [ast::ident],
mutable testfns: [test]};
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ fn modify_for_testing(sess: session::session,
let cx: test_ctxt =
@{sess: sess,
crate: crate,
next_node_id: next_node_id_fn,
mutable path: [],
mutable testfns: []};
@ -102,7 +104,8 @@ fn fold_item(cx: test_ctxt, &&i: @ast::item, fld: fold::ast_fold) ->
_ {
log "this is a test function";
let test = {span: i.span, path: cx.path, ignore: is_ignored(i)};
let test = {span: i.span,
path: cx.path, ignore: is_ignored(cx, i)};
cx.testfns += [test];
log #fmt["have %u test functions", vec::len(cx.testfns)];
@ -133,8 +136,16 @@ fn is_test_fn(i: @ast::item) -> bool {
ret has_test_attr && has_test_signature(i);
fn is_ignored(i: @ast::item) -> bool {
attr::contains_name(attr::attr_metas(i.attrs), "ignore")
fn is_ignored(cx: test_ctxt, i: @ast::item) -> bool {
let ignoreattrs = attr::find_attrs_by_name(i.attrs, "ignore");
let ignoreitems = attr::attr_metas(ignoreattrs);
let cfg_metas = vec::concat(vec::filter_map(
{|&&i| attr::get_meta_item_list(i)}, ignoreitems));
ret if vec::is_not_empty(ignoreitems) {
config::metas_in_cfg(cx.crate.node.config, cfg_metas)
} else {
fn add_test_module(cx: test_ctxt, m: ast::_mod) -> ast::_mod {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// compile-flags: --test --cfg ignorecfg
// xfail-fast
// xfail-pretty
use std;
import std::option;
import std::vec;
fn shouldignore() {
fn shouldnotignore() {
fn checktests() {
// Pull the tests out of the secret test module
let tests = __test::tests();
let shouldignore = option::get(
vec::find({|t| == "shouldignore"}, tests));
assert shouldignore.ignore == true;
let shouldnotignore = option::get(
vec::find({|t| == "shouldnotignore"}, tests));
assert shouldnotignore.ignore == false;
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