diff --git a/mk/rt.mk b/mk/rt.mk
index caa04d98be1..5aa1a390dfa 100644
--- a/mk/rt.mk
+++ b/mk/rt.mk
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ RUNTIME_CS_$(1) := \
               rt/rust_chan.cpp \
               rt/rust_port.cpp \
               rt/rust_upcall.cpp \
-              rt/rust_aio.cpp \
               rt/rust_log.cpp \
               rt/rust_timer.cpp \
               rt/circular_buffer.cpp \
diff --git a/src/rt/rust_aio.cpp b/src/rt/rust_aio.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b2040476d0..00000000000
--- a/src/rt/rust_aio.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-// Disable libev prototypes - they will make inline compatibility functions
-// which are unused and so trigger a warning in gcc since -Wall is on.
-#define EV_PROTOTYPES 0
-#include "uv.h"
-#include "rust_internal.h"
-#include "rust_scheduler.h"
-#include "rust_upcall.h"
-#ifdef __GNUC__
-#define LOG_CALLBACK_ENTRY(p) \
-    LOG(iotask, callback, "> IO CALLBACK %s %p", __FUNCTION__, p)
-#define LOG_CALLBACK_ENTRY(p) \
-    LOG(iotask, callback, "> IO CALLBACK %s:%d %p", __FILE__, __LINE__, p)
-// The primary task which is running the event loop. This is used to dispatch
-// all the notifications back to rust so we clone all passed in channels to
-// this task.
-static rust_task *iotask = NULL;
-struct socket_data : public task_owned<socket_data> {
-  // Either the task that the connection attempt was made from or the task
-  // that the server was spawned on.
-  rust_task *task;
-  // Channel for reporting the status of a connection attempt
-  // For connections from servers, this is always null
-  // For server sockets, this is used to send the notification that the server
-  // was closed.
-  rust_chan *chan;
-  // Channel to a port which receives bytes from this socket
-  rust_chan *reader;
-  uv_tcp_t socket;
-  ~socket_data() {
-    if (chan)
-      chan->deref();
-    if (reader)
-      reader->deref();
-  }
-  void send_result(void *data) {
-    chan->port->send(&data);
-    chan->deref();
-    chan = NULL;
-  }
-struct req_connect : public uv_connect_t, public task_owned<req_connect> {};
-struct req_write : public uv_write_t, public task_owned<req_write> {};
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_close_socket(socket_data *);
-static uv_idle_s idle_handler;
-static void idle_callback(uv_idle_t* handle, int status) {
-  rust_task *task = reinterpret_cast<rust_task*>(handle->data);
-  task->yield();
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_init() {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  iotask = task;
-  uv_idle_init(uv_default_loop(), &idle_handler);
-  uv_idle_start(&idle_handler, idle_callback);
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_run() {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  idle_handler.data = task;
-  uv_run(uv_default_loop());
-void nop_close(uv_handle_t* handle) {}
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_stop() {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&idle_handler, nop_close);
-static socket_data *make_socket(rust_task *task, rust_chan *chan) {
-  socket_data *data = new (task, "make_socket") socket_data;
-  if (!data ||
-      uv_tcp_init(uv_default_loop(), &data->socket)) {
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  data->socket.data = data;
-  data->task = task;
-  // Connections from servers don't have a channel
-  if (chan) {
-    data->chan = chan->clone(iotask);
-  } else {
-    data->chan = NULL;
-  }
-  data->socket.data = data;
-  data->reader = NULL;
-  return data;
-// We allocate the requested space + rust_vec but return a pointer at a
-// +rust_vec offset so that it writes the bytes to the correct location.
-static uv_buf_t alloc_buffer(uv_handle_t *socket, size_t suggested_size) {
-  uv_buf_t buf;
-  size_t actual_size = suggested_size + sizeof (rust_vec);
-  socket_data *data = (socket_data*)socket->data;
-  char *base =
-    reinterpret_cast<char*>(data->task->kernel->malloc(actual_size,
-                                                       "read buffer"));
-  buf.base = base + sizeof (rust_vec);
-  buf.len = suggested_size;
-  return buf;
-static void read_progress(uv_stream_t *socket, ssize_t nread, uv_buf_t buf) {
-  socket_data *data = (socket_data*)socket->data;
-  I(data->task->sched, data->reader != NULL);
-  I(data->task->sched, nread <= ssize_t(buf.len));
-  rust_vec *v = reinterpret_cast<rust_vec*>(
-      reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf.base) - sizeof (rust_vec));
-  v->alloc = buf.len;
-  switch (nread) {
-    case -1: // End of stream
-      v->fill = 0;
-      uv_read_stop(socket);
-      break;
-    case 0: // Nothing read
-      data->task->kernel->free(v);
-      return;
-    default: // Got nread bytes
-      v->fill = nread;
-      break;
-  }
-  data->reader->port->send(v);
-static void new_connection(uv_stream_t *socket, int status) {
-  socket_data *server = (socket_data*)socket->data;
-  I(server->task->sched, (uv_tcp_t*)socket == &server->socket);
-  // Connections from servers don't have a channel
-  socket_data *client = make_socket(server->task, NULL);
-  if (!client) {
-    server->task->fail();
-    return;
-  }
-  if (uv_accept(socket, (uv_stream_t*)&client->socket)) {
-    aio_close_socket(client);
-    server->task->fail();
-    return;
-  }
-  server->chan->port->send(&client);
-extern "C" CDECL socket_data *aio_serve(const char *ip, int port,
-                                        chan_handle *_chan) {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  rust_chan *chan = task->get_chan_by_handle(_chan);
-  if(!chan) return NULL;
-  struct sockaddr_in addr = uv_ip4_addr(const_cast<char*>(ip), port);
-  socket_data *server = make_socket(iotask, chan);
-  if (!server)
-    goto oom;
-  if (uv_tcp_bind(&server->socket, addr) ||
-      uv_listen((uv_stream_t*)&server->socket, 128, new_connection)) {
-    aio_close_socket(server);
-    chan->deref();
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  chan->deref();
-  return server;
-  chan->deref();
-  task->fail();
-  return NULL;
-static void free_socket(uv_handle_t *handle) {
-  uv_tcp_t *socket = (uv_tcp_t*)handle;
-  socket_data *data = (socket_data*)socket->data;
-  I(data->task->sched, socket == &data->socket);
-  // For client sockets, send a 0-size buffer to indicate that we're done
-  // reading and should send the close notification.
-  if (data->reader) {
-    if (data->reader->is_associated()) {
-      uv_buf_t buf = alloc_buffer((uv_handle_t*)socket, 0);
-      read_progress((uv_stream_t*)socket, -1, buf);
-      uv_read_stop((uv_stream_t*)socket);
-    }
-  } else {
-    // This is a server socket
-    bool closed = true;
-    I(data->task->sched, data->chan != NULL);
-    data->task->kill();
-    data->chan->port->send(&closed);
-  }
-  delete data;
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_close_socket(socket_data *client) {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  uv_close((uv_handle_t*)&client->socket, free_socket);
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_close_server(socket_data *server,
-                                       chan_handle *_chan) {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  rust_chan *chan = task->get_chan_by_handle(_chan);
-  if(!chan) return;
-  // XXX: hax until rust_task::kill
-  // send null and the receiver knows to call back into native code to check
-  void* null_client = NULL;
-  server->chan->port->send(&null_client);
-  server->chan->deref();
-  server->chan = chan->clone(iotask);
-  aio_close_socket(server);
-  chan->deref();
-extern "C" CDECL bool aio_is_null_client(socket_data *server) {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  return server == NULL;
-static void connection_complete(uv_connect_t *req, int status) {
-  socket_data *client = (socket_data*)req->data;
-  client->send_result(client);
-  free(req);
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_connect(const char *host, int port,
-                                  chan_handle *_chan) {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  rust_chan *chan = task->get_chan_by_handle(_chan);
-  uv_connect_t *req = NULL;
-  if(!chan) return;
-  struct sockaddr_in addr = uv_ip4_addr(const_cast<char*>(host), port);
-  socket_data *client = make_socket(iotask, NULL);
-  if (!client) {
-    goto oom_client;
-  }
-  req = (uv_connect_t*)client->task->malloc(
-      sizeof(uv_connect_t), "connection request");
-  if (!req) {
-    goto oom_req;
-  }
-  req->data = client;
-  if (0 == uv_tcp_connect(req, &client->socket, addr, connection_complete)) {
-      chan->deref();
-      return;
-  }
-  free(req);
-  aio_close_socket(client);
-  chan->deref();
-  task->fail();
-  return;
-static void write_complete(uv_write_t *req, int status) {
-  bool success = status == 0;
-  socket_data *client = (socket_data*)req->data;
-  client->send_result(&success);
-  free(req);
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_writedata(socket_data *data, char *buf,
-                                    size_t size, chan_handle *_chan) {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  rust_chan *chan = task->get_chan_by_handle(_chan);
-  uv_write_t *req;
-  if(!chan) return;
-  // uv_buf_t is defined backwards on win32...
-  // maybe an indication we shouldn't be building directly?
-#if defined(__WIN32__)
-  uv_buf_t buffer = { size, buf };
-  uv_buf_t buffer = { buf, size };
-  req = (uv_write_t*)data->task->malloc(sizeof(uv_write_t), "write request");
-  if (!req) {
-    goto fail;
-  }
-  req->data = data;
-  if (uv_write(req, (uv_stream_t*)&data->socket, &buffer, 1,
-               write_complete)) {
-    free(req);
-    goto fail;
-  }
-  chan->deref();
-  return;
-  chan->deref();
-  task->fail();
-extern "C" CDECL void aio_read(socket_data *data, chan_handle *_chan) {
-  rust_task *task = rust_scheduler::get_task();
-  rust_chan *reader = task->get_chan_by_handle(_chan);
-  if(!reader) return;
-  I(task->sched, data->reader == NULL);
-  data->reader = reader->clone(iotask);
-  uv_read_start((uv_stream_t*)&data->socket, alloc_buffer, read_progress);
-  reader->deref();
diff --git a/src/rt/rustrt.def.in b/src/rt/rustrt.def.in
index 3654f67d089..b5546d356c3 100644
--- a/src/rt/rustrt.def.in
+++ b/src/rt/rustrt.def.in
@@ -1,13 +1,3 @@