Auto merge of #117050 - c410-f3r:here-we-go-again, r=petrochenkov

[`RFC 3086`] Attempt to try to resolve blocking concerns

Implements what is described at to hopefully make some progress.

It is unknown if such approach is or isn't desired due to the lack of further feedback, as such, it is probably best to nominate this PR to the official entities.

`@rustbot` labels +I-compiler-nominated
This commit is contained in:
bors 2023-12-13 06:37:08 +00:00
commit f651b436ce
16 changed files with 715 additions and 281 deletions

View File

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
/// E::A,
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! impl_tag {
@ -140,5 +141,148 @@ macro_rules! impl_tag {
/// Implements [`Tag`] for a given type.
/// You can use `impl_tag` on structs and enums.
/// You need to specify the type and all its possible values,
/// which can only be paths with optional fields.
/// [`Tag`]: crate::tagged_ptr::Tag
/// # Examples
/// Basic usage:
/// ```
/// #![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]
/// use rustc_data_structures::{impl_tag, tagged_ptr::Tag};
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// enum SomeTag {
/// A,
/// B,
/// X { v: bool },
/// Y(bool, bool),
/// }
/// impl_tag! {
/// // The type for which the `Tag` will be implemented
/// impl Tag for SomeTag;
/// // You need to specify all possible tag values:
/// SomeTag::A, // 0
/// SomeTag::B, // 1
/// // For variants with fields, you need to specify the fields:
/// SomeTag::X { v: true }, // 2
/// SomeTag::X { v: false }, // 3
/// // For tuple variants use named syntax:
/// SomeTag::Y { 0: true, 1: true }, // 4
/// SomeTag::Y { 0: false, 1: true }, // 5
/// SomeTag::Y { 0: true, 1: false }, // 6
/// SomeTag::Y { 0: false, 1: false }, // 7
/// }
/// // Tag values are assigned in order:
/// assert_eq!(SomeTag::A.into_usize(), 0);
/// assert_eq!(SomeTag::X { v: false }.into_usize(), 3);
/// assert_eq!(SomeTag::Y(false, true).into_usize(), 5);
/// assert_eq!(unsafe { SomeTag::from_usize(1) }, SomeTag::B);
/// assert_eq!(unsafe { SomeTag::from_usize(2) }, SomeTag::X { v: true });
/// assert_eq!(unsafe { SomeTag::from_usize(7) }, SomeTag::Y(false, false));
/// ```
/// Structs are supported:
/// ```
/// #![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]
/// # use rustc_data_structures::impl_tag;
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// struct Flags { a: bool, b: bool }
/// impl_tag! {
/// impl Tag for Flags;
/// Flags { a: true, b: true },
/// Flags { a: false, b: true },
/// Flags { a: true, b: false },
/// Flags { a: false, b: false },
/// }
/// ```
/// Not specifying all values results in a compile error:
/// ```compile_fail,E0004
/// #![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]
/// # use rustc_data_structures::impl_tag;
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// enum E {
/// A,
/// B,
/// }
/// impl_tag! {
/// impl Tag for E;
/// E::A,
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! impl_tag {
impl Tag for $Self:ty;
$($path:ident)::* $( { $( $fields:tt )* })?,
) => {
// Safety:
// `bits_for_tags` is called on the same `${index()}`-es as
// `into_usize` returns, thus `BITS` constant is correct.
unsafe impl $crate::tagged_ptr::Tag for $Self {
const BITS: u32 = $crate::tagged_ptr::bits_for_tags(&[
$( ${ignore($path)} )*
fn into_usize(self) -> usize {
// This forbids use of repeating patterns (`Enum::V`&`Enum::V`, etc)
// (or at least it should, see <>)
match self {
// `match` is doing heavy lifting here, by requiring exhaustiveness
$($path)::* $( { $( $fields )* } )? => ${index()},
unsafe fn from_usize(tag: usize) -> Self {
match tag {
${index()} => $($path)::* $( { $( $fields )* } )?,
// Safety:
// `into_usize` only returns `${index()}` of the same
// repetition as we are filtering above, thus if this is
// reached, the safety contract of this function was
// already breached.
_ => unsafe {
"invalid tag: {tag}\
(this is a bug in the caller of `from_usize`)"
mod tests;

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::{iter, mem};
macro_rules! ast_fragments {
$($Kind:ident($AstTy:ty) {
@ -165,6 +166,131 @@ macro_rules! ast_fragments {
macro_rules! ast_fragments {
$($Kind:ident($AstTy:ty) {
$(one fn $mut_visit_ast:ident; fn $visit_ast:ident;)?
$(many fn $flat_map_ast_elt:ident; fn $visit_ast_elt:ident($($args:tt)*);)?
fn $make_ast:ident;
) => {
/// A fragment of AST that can be produced by a single macro expansion.
/// Can also serve as an input and intermediate result for macro expansion operations.
pub enum AstFragment {
/// "Discriminant" of an AST fragment.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AstFragmentKind {
impl AstFragmentKind {
pub fn name(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
AstFragmentKind::OptExpr => "expression",
AstFragmentKind::MethodReceiverExpr => "expression",
$(AstFragmentKind::$Kind => $kind_name,)*
fn make_from<'a>(self, result: Box<dyn MacResult + 'a>) -> Option<AstFragment> {
match self {
AstFragmentKind::OptExpr =>
AstFragmentKind::MethodReceiverExpr =>
$(AstFragmentKind::$Kind => result.$make_ast().map(AstFragment::$Kind),)*
impl AstFragment {
pub fn add_placeholders(&mut self, placeholders: &[NodeId]) {
if placeholders.is_empty() {
match self {
$($(AstFragment::$Kind(ast) => ast.extend(placeholders.iter().flat_map(|id| {
placeholder(AstFragmentKind::$Kind, *id, None).$make_ast()
_ => panic!("unexpected AST fragment kind")
pub fn make_opt_expr(self) -> Option<P<ast::Expr>> {
match self {
AstFragment::OptExpr(expr) => expr,
_ => panic!("AstFragment::make_* called on the wrong kind of fragment"),
pub fn make_method_receiver_expr(self) -> P<ast::Expr> {
match self {
AstFragment::MethodReceiverExpr(expr) => expr,
_ => panic!("AstFragment::make_* called on the wrong kind of fragment"),
$(pub fn $make_ast(self) -> $AstTy {
match self {
AstFragment::$Kind(ast) => ast,
_ => panic!("AstFragment::make_* called on the wrong kind of fragment"),
fn make_ast<T: InvocationCollectorNode>(self) -> T::OutputTy {
pub fn mut_visit_with<F: MutVisitor>(&mut self, vis: &mut F) {
match self {
AstFragment::OptExpr(opt_expr) => {
visit_clobber(opt_expr, |opt_expr| {
if let Some(expr) = opt_expr {
} else {
AstFragment::MethodReceiverExpr(expr) => vis.visit_method_receiver_expr(expr),
$($(AstFragment::$Kind(ast) => vis.$mut_visit_ast(ast),)?)*
$($(AstFragment::$Kind(ast) =>
ast.flat_map_in_place(|ast| vis.$flat_map_ast_elt(ast)),)?)*
pub fn visit_with<'a, V: Visitor<'a>>(&'a self, visitor: &mut V) {
match self {
AstFragment::OptExpr(Some(expr)) => visitor.visit_expr(expr),
AstFragment::OptExpr(None) => {}
AstFragment::MethodReceiverExpr(expr) => visitor.visit_method_receiver_expr(expr),
$($(AstFragment::$Kind(ast) => visitor.$visit_ast(ast),)?)*
$($(AstFragment::$Kind(ast) => for ast_elt in &ast[..] {
visitor.$visit_ast_elt(ast_elt, $($args)*);
impl<'a> MacResult for crate::mbe::macro_rules::ParserAnyMacro<'a> {
$(fn $make_ast(self: Box<crate::mbe::macro_rules::ParserAnyMacro<'a>>)
-> Option<$AstTy> {
ast_fragments! {
Expr(P<ast::Expr>) { "expression"; one fn visit_expr; fn visit_expr; fn make_expr; }
Pat(P<ast::Pat>) { "pattern"; one fn visit_pat; fn visit_pat; fn make_pat; }

View File

@ -10,9 +10,8 @@ use rustc_span::Span;
/// A meta-variable expression, for expansions based on properties of meta-variables.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable)]
pub(crate) enum MetaVarExpr {
/// The number of repetitions of an identifier, optionally limited to a number
/// of outer-most repetition depths. If the depth limit is `None` then the depth is unlimited.
Count(Ident, Option<usize>),
/// The number of repetitions of an identifier.
Count(Ident, usize),
/// Ignore a meta-variable for repetition without expansion.
@ -43,7 +42,10 @@ impl MetaVarExpr {
let mut iter = args.trees();
let rslt = match ident.as_str() {
"count" => parse_count(&mut iter, sess, ident.span)?,
"ignore" => MetaVarExpr::Ignore(parse_ident(&mut iter, sess, ident.span)?),
"ignore" => {
eat_dollar(&mut iter, sess, ident.span)?;
MetaVarExpr::Ignore(parse_ident(&mut iter, sess, ident.span)?)
"index" => MetaVarExpr::Index(parse_depth(&mut iter, sess, ident.span)?),
"length" => MetaVarExpr::Length(parse_depth(&mut iter, sess, ident.span)?),
_ => {
@ -92,6 +94,7 @@ fn parse_count<'sess>(
sess: &'sess ParseSess,
span: Span,
) -> PResult<'sess, MetaVarExpr> {
eat_dollar(iter, sess, span)?;
let ident = parse_ident(iter, sess, span)?;
let depth = if try_eat_comma(iter) {
if iter.look_ahead(0).is_none() {
@ -100,9 +103,9 @@ fn parse_count<'sess>(
"`count` followed by a comma must have an associated index indicating its depth",
Some(parse_depth(iter, sess, span)?)
parse_depth(iter, sess, span)?
} else {
Ok(MetaVarExpr::Count(ident, depth))
@ -166,3 +169,20 @@ fn try_eat_comma(iter: &mut RefTokenTreeCursor<'_>) -> bool {
/// Expects that the next item is a dollar sign.
fn eat_dollar<'sess>(
iter: &mut RefTokenTreeCursor<'_>,
sess: &'sess ParseSess,
span: Span,
) -> PResult<'sess, ()> {
if let Some(TokenTree::Token(token::Token { kind: token::Dollar, .. }, _)) = iter.look_ahead(0)
let _ =;
return Ok(());
"meta-variables within meta-variable expressions must be referenced using a dollar sign",

View File

@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ fn lockstep_iter_size(
/// declared inside a single repetition and the index `1` implies two nested repetitions.
fn count_repetitions<'a>(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'a>,
depth_opt: Option<usize>,
depth_user: usize,
mut matched: &NamedMatch,
repeats: &[(usize, usize)],
sp: &DelimSpan,
@ -449,37 +449,45 @@ fn count_repetitions<'a>(
// (or at the top-level of `matched` if no depth is given).
fn count<'a>(
cx: &ExtCtxt<'a>,
declared_lhs_depth: usize,
depth_opt: Option<usize>,
depth_curr: usize,
depth_max: usize,
matched: &NamedMatch,
sp: &DelimSpan,
) -> PResult<'a, usize> {
match matched {
MatchedTokenTree(_) | MatchedNonterminal(_) => {
if declared_lhs_depth == 0 {
return Err(cx.create_err(CountRepetitionMisplaced { span: sp.entire() }));
match depth_opt {
None => Ok(1),
Some(_) => Err(out_of_bounds_err(cx, declared_lhs_depth, sp.entire(), "count")),
MatchedTokenTree(_) | MatchedNonterminal(_) => Ok(1),
MatchedSeq(named_matches) => {
let new_declared_lhs_depth = declared_lhs_depth + 1;
match depth_opt {
None => named_matches
if depth_curr == depth_max {
} else {
.map(|elem| count(cx, new_declared_lhs_depth, None, elem, sp))
Some(0) => Ok(named_matches.len()),
Some(depth) => named_matches
.map(|elem| count(cx, new_declared_lhs_depth, Some(depth - 1), elem, sp))
.map(|elem| count(cx, depth_curr + 1, depth_max, elem, sp))
/// Maximum depth
fn depth(counter: usize, matched: &NamedMatch) -> usize {
match matched {
MatchedTokenTree(_) | MatchedNonterminal(_) => counter,
MatchedSeq(named_matches) => {
let rslt = counter + 1;
if let Some(elem) = named_matches.first() { depth(rslt, elem) } else { rslt }
let depth_max = depth(0, matched)
.and_then(|el| el.checked_sub(repeats.len()))
if depth_user > depth_max {
return Err(out_of_bounds_err(cx, depth_max + 1, sp.entire(), "count"));
// `repeats` records all of the nested levels at which we are currently
// matching meta-variables. The meta-var-expr `count($x)` only counts
// matches that occur in this "subtree" of the `NamedMatch` where we
@ -491,7 +499,12 @@ fn count_repetitions<'a>(
matched = &ads[idx];
count(cx, 0, depth_opt, matched, sp)
if let MatchedTokenTree(_) | MatchedNonterminal(_) = matched {
return Err(cx.create_err(CountRepetitionMisplaced { span: sp.entire() }));
count(cx, depth_user, depth_max, matched, sp)
/// Returns a `NamedMatch` item declared on the LHS given an arbitrary [Ident]
@ -523,7 +536,7 @@ fn out_of_bounds_err<'a>(
} else {
"depth parameter on meta-variable expression `{ty}` \
"depth parameter of meta-variable expression `{ty}` \
must be less than {max}"
@ -545,9 +558,9 @@ fn transcribe_metavar_expr<'a>(
match *expr {
MetaVarExpr::Count(original_ident, depth_opt) => {
MetaVarExpr::Count(original_ident, depth) => {
let matched = matched_from_ident(cx, original_ident, interp)?;
let count = count_repetitions(cx, depth_opt, matched, repeats, sp)?;
let count = count_repetitions(cx, depth, matched, repeats, sp)?;
let tt = TokenTree::token_alone(
TokenKind::lit(token::Integer, sym::integer(count), None),

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use crate::marker::{StructuralEq, StructuralPartialEq};
// Also provides implementations for tuples with lesser arity. For example, tuple_impls!(A B C)
// will implement everything for (A, B, C), (A, B) and (A,).
macro_rules! tuple_impls {
// Stopping criteria (1-ary tuple)
($T:ident) => {
@ -142,6 +143,148 @@ macro_rules! tuple_impls {
// Recursive macro for implementing n-ary tuple functions and operations
// Also provides implementations for tuples with lesser arity. For example, tuple_impls!(A B C)
// will implement everything for (A, B, C), (A, B) and (A,).
macro_rules! tuple_impls {
// Stopping criteria (1-ary tuple)
($T:ident) => {
tuple_impls!(@impl $T);
// Running criteria (n-ary tuple, with n >= 2)
($T:ident $( $U:ident )+) => {
tuple_impls!($( $U )+);
tuple_impls!(@impl $T $( $U )+);
// "Private" internal implementation
(@impl $( $T:ident )+) => {
maybe_tuple_doc! {
$($T)+ @
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<$($T: PartialEq),+> PartialEq for ($($T,)+)
last_type!($($T,)+): ?Sized
fn eq(&self, other: &($($T,)+)) -> bool {
$( ${ignore($T)} self.${index()} == other.${index()} )&&+
fn ne(&self, other: &($($T,)+)) -> bool {
$( ${ignore($T)} self.${index()} != other.${index()} )||+
maybe_tuple_doc! {
$($T)+ @
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<$($T: Eq),+> Eq for ($($T,)+)
last_type!($($T,)+): ?Sized
maybe_tuple_doc! {
$($T)+ @
#[unstable(feature = "structural_match", issue = "31434")]
impl<$($T: ConstParamTy),+> ConstParamTy for ($($T,)+)
maybe_tuple_doc! {
$($T)+ @
#[unstable(feature = "structural_match", issue = "31434")]
impl<$($T),+> StructuralPartialEq for ($($T,)+)
maybe_tuple_doc! {
$($T)+ @
#[unstable(feature = "structural_match", issue = "31434")]
impl<$($T),+> StructuralEq for ($($T,)+)
maybe_tuple_doc! {
$($T)+ @
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<$($T: PartialOrd),+> PartialOrd for ($($T,)+)
last_type!($($T,)+): ?Sized
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &($($T,)+)) -> Option<Ordering> {
lexical_partial_cmp!($( ${ignore($T)} self.${index()}, other.${index()} ),+)
fn lt(&self, other: &($($T,)+)) -> bool {
lexical_ord!(lt, Less, $( ${ignore($T)} self.${index()}, other.${index()} ),+)
fn le(&self, other: &($($T,)+)) -> bool {
lexical_ord!(le, Less, $( ${ignore($T)} self.${index()}, other.${index()} ),+)
fn ge(&self, other: &($($T,)+)) -> bool {
lexical_ord!(ge, Greater, $( ${ignore($T)} self.${index()}, other.${index()} ),+)
fn gt(&self, other: &($($T,)+)) -> bool {
lexical_ord!(gt, Greater, $( ${ignore($T)} self.${index()}, other.${index()} ),+)
maybe_tuple_doc! {
$($T)+ @
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<$($T: Ord),+> Ord for ($($T,)+)
last_type!($($T,)+): ?Sized
fn cmp(&self, other: &($($T,)+)) -> Ordering {
lexical_cmp!($( ${ignore($T)} self.${index()}, other.${index()} ),+)
maybe_tuple_doc! {
$($T)+ @
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<$($T: Default),+> Default for ($($T,)+) {
fn default() -> ($($T,)+) {
($({ let x: $T = Default::default(); x},)+)
#[stable(feature = "array_tuple_conv", since = "1.71.0")]
impl<T> From<[T; ${count($T)}]> for ($(${ignore($T)} T,)+) {
fn from(array: [T; ${count($T)}]) -> Self {
let [$($T,)+] = array;
#[stable(feature = "array_tuple_conv", since = "1.71.0")]
impl<T> From<($(${ignore($T)} T,)+)> for [T; ${count($T)}] {
fn from(tuple: ($(${ignore($T)} T,)+)) -> Self {
let ($($T,)+) = tuple;
// If this is a unary tuple, it adds a doc comment.
// Otherwise, it hides the docs entirely.
macro_rules! maybe_tuple_doc {

View File

@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ fn main() {
// inner-most repetition
${ignore(l)} ${index()}, ${length()},
${ignore($l)} ${index()}, ${length()},
${count(l)}, ${index()}, ${length()},
${count($l)}, ${index()}, ${length()},
@ -72,30 +72,30 @@ fn main() {
$( $( $(
${ignore(i)} ${count(i, 0)},
${ignore($i)} ${count($i, 0)},
)* )* )*
$( $(
${ignore(i)} ${count(i, 0)},
${ignore(i)} ${count(i, 1)},
${ignore($i)} ${count($i, 0)},
${ignore($i)} ${count($i, 1)},
)* )*
${ignore(i)} ${count(i, 0)},
${ignore(i)} ${count(i, 1)},
${ignore(i)} ${count(i, 2)},
${ignore($i)} ${count($i, 0)},
${ignore($i)} ${count($i, 1)},
${ignore($i)} ${count($i, 2)},
${count(i, 0)},
${count(i, 1)},
${count(i, 2)},
${count(i, 3)},
${count($i, 0)},
${count($i, 1)},
${count($i, 2)},
${count($i, 3)},
@ -133,23 +133,23 @@ fn main() {
// (a b c) (d e f)
&[2, 6][..],
&[6, 2][..],
// (g h) (i j k l m)
&[2, 7][..],
&[7, 2][..],
// (n)
&[1, 1][..],
// (o) (p q) (r s)
&[3, 5][..],
&[5, 3][..],
// (t u v w x y z)
&[1, 7][..],
&[7, 1][..],
// [ (a b c) (d e f) ]
// [ (g h) (i j k l m) ]
// [ (n) ]
&[3, 5, 14][..],
&[14, 5, 3][..],
// [ (o) (p q) (r s) ]
// [ (t u v w x y z) ]
&[2, 4, 12][..],
&[12, 4, 2][..],
// {
// [ (a b c) (d e f) ]
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ fn main() {
// [ (o) (p q) (r s) ]
// [ (t u v w x y z) ]
// }
&[2, 5, 9, 26][..]
&[26, 9, 5, 2][..]
@ -170,31 +170,31 @@ fn main() {
$( $( $( $(
${ignore(i)} ${length(3)},
${ignore(i)} ${length(2)},
${ignore(i)} ${length(1)},
${ignore(i)} ${length(0)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(3)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(2)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(1)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(0)},
)* )* )* )*
$( $( $(
${ignore(i)} ${length(2)},
${ignore(i)} ${length(1)},
${ignore(i)} ${length(0)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(2)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(1)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(0)},
)* )* )*
$( $(
${ignore(i)} ${length(1)},
${ignore(i)} ${length(0)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(1)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(0)},
)* )*
${ignore(i)} ${length(0)},
${ignore($i)} ${length(0)},

View File

@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
/// Count the number of idents in a macro repetition.
macro_rules! count_idents {
( $( $i:ident ),* ) => {
/// Count the number of idents in a 2-dimensional macro repetition.
macro_rules! count_idents_2 {
( $( [ $( $i:ident ),* ] ),* ) => {
@ -21,17 +21,17 @@ macro_rules! count_depth_limits {
( $( { $( [ $( $outer:ident : ( $( $inner:ident )* ) )* ] )* } )* ) => {
${count(inner, 0)},
${count(inner, 1)},
${count(inner, 2)},
${count(inner, 3)},
${count($inner, 0)},
${count($inner, 1)},
${count($inner, 2)},
${count($inner, 3)},
${count(outer, 0)},
${count(outer, 1)},
${count(outer, 2)},
${count($outer, 0)},
${count($outer, 1)},
${count($outer, 2)},
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ macro_rules! count_depth_limits {
/// repetition binding.
macro_rules! enumerate_literals {
( $( ($l:stmt) ),* ) => {
[$( ${ignore(l)} (${index()}, ${length()}) ),*]
[$( ${ignore($l)} (${index()}, ${length()}) ),*]
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ macro_rules! make_count_adders {
macro_rules! $i {
( $$( $$j:ident ),* ) => {
$b + $${count(j)}
$b + $${count($j)}
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ fn main() {
[ T: (t u v w x y z) ]
((26, 2, 5, 9, 26), (9, 2, 5, 9))
((26, 26, 9, 5, 2), (9, 9, 5, 2))
assert_eq!(enumerate_literals![("foo"), ("bar")], [(0, 2), (1, 2)]);

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
macro_rules! foo {
( $( $($t:ident),* );* ) => { ${count(t,)} }
( $( $($t:ident),* );* ) => { ${count($t,)} }
//~^ ERROR `count` followed by a comma must have an associated
//~| ERROR expected expression, found `$`

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
error: `count` followed by a comma must have an associated index indicating its depth
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $($t:ident),* );* ) => { ${count(t,)} }
LL | ( $( $($t:ident),* );* ) => { ${count($t,)} }
| ^^^^^
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $($t:ident),* );* ) => { ${count(t,)} }
LL | ( $( $($t:ident),* );* ) => { ${count($t,)} }
| ^ expected expression
LL | foo!(a, a; b, b);

View File

@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ macro_rules! example {
( $( [ $( ( $( $x:ident )* ) )* ] )* ) => {
Example {
_indexes: &[],
_counts: &[${count(x, 0)}, ${count(x, 1)}, ${count(x, 2)}],
_counts: &[${count($x, 0)}, ${count($x, 1)}, ${count($x, 2)}],
_nested: vec![
Example {
_indexes: &[(${index()}, ${length()})],
_counts: &[${count(x, 0)}, ${count(x, 1)}],
_counts: &[${count($x, 0)}, ${count($x, 1)}],
_nested: vec![
Example {
_indexes: &[(${index(1)}, ${length(1)}), (${index()}, ${length()})],
_counts: &[${count(x)}],
_counts: &[${count($x)}],
_nested: vec![
Example {
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ macro_rules! example {
_counts: &[],
_nested: vec![],
@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ macro_rules! example {
static EXPECTED: &str = concat!(
"Example { _indexes: [], _counts: [2, 4, 13], _nested: [",
"Example { _indexes: [], _counts: [13, 4, 2], _nested: [",
"Example { _indexes: [(0, 2)], _counts: [3, 10], _nested: [",
"Example { _indexes: [(0, 2)], _counts: [10, 3], _nested: [",
"Example { _indexes: [(0, 2), (0, 3)], _counts: [4], _nested: [",
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ static EXPECTED: &str = concat!(
"] }",
"] }, ",
"Example { _indexes: [(1, 2)], _counts: [1, 3], _nested: [",
"Example { _indexes: [(1, 2)], _counts: [3, 1], _nested: [",
"Example { _indexes: [(1, 2), (0, 1)], _counts: [3], _nested: [",

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
macro_rules! a {
( $( { $( [ $( ( $( $foo:ident )* ) )* ] )* } )* ) => {
${count(foo, 0)},
${count(foo, 10)},
//~^ ERROR depth parameter on meta-variable expression `count` must be less than 4
${count($foo, 0)},
${count($foo, 10)},
//~^ ERROR depth parameter of meta-variable expression `count` must be less than 4
@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ macro_rules! b {
( $( { $( [ $( $foo:ident )* ] )* } )* ) => {
$( $( $(
//~^ ERROR depth parameter on meta-variable expression `index` must be less than 3
//~^ ERROR depth parameter of meta-variable expression `index` must be less than 3
)* )* )*
@ -27,10 +27,10 @@ macro_rules! c {
( $( { $( $foo:ident )* } )* ) => {
$( $(
//~^ ERROR depth parameter on meta-variable expression `length` must be less than 2
//~^ ERROR depth parameter of meta-variable expression `length` must be less than 2
)* )*

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
error: depth parameter on meta-variable expression `count` must be less than 4
error: depth parameter of meta-variable expression `count` must be less than 4
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(foo, 10)},
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
LL | ${count($foo, 10)},
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: depth parameter on meta-variable expression `index` must be less than 3
error: depth parameter of meta-variable expression `index` must be less than 3
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index(10)},
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
error: depth parameter on meta-variable expression `length` must be less than 2
error: depth parameter of meta-variable expression `length` must be less than 2
--> $DIR/
LL | ${length(10)}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
macro_rules! count {
( $( $e:stmt ),* ) => {
${ count(e) }
${ count($e) }
//~^ ERROR meta-variable expressions are unstable
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ macro_rules! dollar_dollar {
macro_rules! index {
( $( $e:stmt ),* ) => {
$( ${ignore(e)} ${index()} )*
$( ${ignore($e)} ${index()} )*
//~^ ERROR meta-variable expressions are unstable
//~| ERROR meta-variable expressions are unstable
@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ macro_rules! index {
macro_rules! ignore {
( $( $i:stmt ),* ) => {{
0 $( + 1 ${ignore(i)} )*
0 $( + 1 ${ignore($i)} )*
//~^ ERROR meta-variable expressions are unstable
macro_rules! length {
( $( $e:stmt ),* ) => {
$( ${ignore(e)} ${length()} )*
$( ${ignore($e)} ${length()} )*
//~^ ERROR meta-variable expressions are unstable
//~| ERROR meta-variable expressions are unstable

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
error[E0658]: meta-variable expressions are unstable
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ count(e) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
LL | ${ count($e) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #83527 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]` to the crate attributes to enable
@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ LL | ( $$( $$any:tt )* ) => { $$( $$any )* };
error[E0658]: meta-variable expressions are unstable
--> $DIR/
LL | $( ${ignore(e)} ${index()} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
LL | $( ${ignore($e)} ${index()} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #83527 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]` to the crate attributes to enable
error[E0658]: meta-variable expressions are unstable
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | $( ${ignore(e)} ${index()} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^
LL | $( ${ignore($e)} ${index()} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #83527 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]` to the crate attributes to enable
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ LL | $( ${ignore(e)} ${index()} )*
error[E0658]: meta-variable expressions are unstable
--> $DIR/
LL | 0 $( + 1 ${ignore(i)} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
LL | 0 $( + 1 ${ignore($i)} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #83527 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]` to the crate attributes to enable
@ -73,17 +73,17 @@ LL | 0 $( + 1 ${ignore(i)} )*
error[E0658]: meta-variable expressions are unstable
--> $DIR/
LL | $( ${ignore(e)} ${length()} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
LL | $( ${ignore($e)} ${length()} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #83527 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]` to the crate attributes to enable
error[E0658]: meta-variable expressions are unstable
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | $( ${ignore(e)} ${length()} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^^
LL | $( ${ignore($e)} ${length()} )*
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= note: see issue #83527 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(macro_metavar_expr)]` to the crate attributes to enable

View File

@ -5,24 +5,17 @@
// `round` = Left hand side round brackets
macro_rules! curly__no_rhs_dollar__round {
( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ count(i) } };
( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ count($i) } };
macro_rules! curly__no_rhs_dollar__no_round {
( $i:ident ) => { ${ count(i) } };
( $i:ident ) => { ${ count($i) } };
//~^ ERROR `count` can not be placed inside the inner-most repetition
macro_rules! curly__rhs_dollar__round {
( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ count($i) } };
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found `$`
//~| ERROR expected expression, found `$`
macro_rules! curly__rhs_dollar__no_round {
( $i:ident ) => { ${ count($i) } };
//~^ ERROR expected identifier, found `$`
//~| ERROR expected expression, found `$`
//~^ ERROR `count` can not be placed inside the inner-most repetition
macro_rules! no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__round {
@ -60,16 +53,16 @@ macro_rules! extra_garbage_after_metavar {
${count() a b c}
//~^ ERROR unexpected token: a
//~| ERROR expected expression, found `$`
${count(i a b c)}
${count($i a b c)}
//~^ ERROR unexpected token: a
${count(i, 1 a b c)}
${count($i, 1 a b c)}
//~^ ERROR unexpected token: a
${count(i) a b c}
${count($i) a b c}
//~^ ERROR unexpected token: a
${ignore(i) a b c}
${ignore($i) a b c}
//~^ ERROR unexpected token: a
${ignore(i a b c)}
${ignore($i a b c)}
//~^ ERROR unexpected token: a
${index() a b c}
@ -100,8 +93,8 @@ macro_rules! metavar_in_the_lhs {
macro_rules! metavar_token_without_ident {
( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ ignore() } };
//~^ ERROR expected identifier
//~| ERROR expected expression, found `$`
//~^ ERROR meta-variable expressions must be referenced using a dollar sign
//~| ERROR expected expression
macro_rules! metavar_with_literal_suffix {
@ -125,14 +118,16 @@ macro_rules! open_brackets_without_tokens {
macro_rules! unknown_count_ident {
( $( $i:ident )* ) => {
//~^ ERROR variable `foo` is not recognized in meta-variable expression
//~^ ERROR meta-variable expressions must be referenced using a dollar sign
//~| ERROR expected expression
macro_rules! unknown_ignore_ident {
( $( $i:ident )* ) => {
//~^ ERROR variable `bar` is not recognized in meta-variable expression
//~^ ERROR meta-variable expressions must be referenced using a dollar sign
//~| ERROR expected expression
@ -145,7 +140,6 @@ macro_rules! unknown_metavar {
fn main() {
curly__no_rhs_dollar__round!(a, b, c);
curly__rhs_dollar__round!(a, b, c);
no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__round!(a, b, c);

View File

@ -1,197 +1,197 @@
error: expected identifier, found `$`
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ count($i) } };
| ^^^^^ - help: try removing `$`
error: expected identifier, found `$`
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $i:ident ) => { ${ count($i) } };
| ^^^^^ - help: try removing `$`
error: unexpected token: $
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $$ $a:ident ) => {
| ^
note: `$$` and meta-variable expressions are not allowed inside macro parameter definitions
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $$ $a:ident ) => {
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count() a b c}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count() a b c}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(i a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(i a b c)}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(i, 1 a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(i, 1 a b c)}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(i) a b c}
LL | ${count($i a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(i) a b c}
LL | ${count($i a b c)}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ignore(i) a b c}
LL | ${count($i, 1 a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count($i, 1 a b c)}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count($i) a b c}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ignore(i) a b c}
LL | ${count($i) a b c}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ignore(i a b c)}
| ^
LL | ${ignore($i) a b c}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ignore(i a b c)}
| ^
LL | ${ignore($i) a b c}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ignore($i a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ignore($i a b c)}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index() a b c}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index() a b c}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index(1 a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index(1 a b c)}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index() a b c}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index() a b c}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index() a b c}
LL | ${index(1 a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index() a b c}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index(1 a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index(1 a b c)}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index() a b c}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index() a b c}
| ^
error: unexpected token: a
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index(1 a b c)}
| ^
note: meta-variable expression must not have trailing tokens
--> $DIR/
LL | ${index(1 a b c)}
| ^
error: meta-variable expression depth must be a literal
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ index(IDX) } };
| ^^^^^
error: unexpected token: {
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( ${ length() } ) => {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `$$` and meta-variable expressions are not allowed inside macro parameter definitions
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( ${ length() } ) => {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: expected one of: `*`, `+`, or `?`
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( ${ length() } ) => {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: expected identifier
--> $DIR/
error: meta-variables within meta-variable expressions must be referenced using a dollar sign
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ ignore() } };
| ^^^^^^
error: only unsuffixes integer literals are supported in meta-variable expressions
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ index(1u32) } };
| ^^^^^
error: meta-variable expression parameter must be wrapped in parentheses
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ count{i} } };
| ^^^^^
error: expected identifier
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ {} } };
| ^^^^^^
error: meta-variables within meta-variable expressions must be referenced using a dollar sign
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(foo)}
| ^^^^^
error: meta-variables within meta-variable expressions must be referenced using a dollar sign
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ignore(bar)}
| ^^^^^^
error: unrecognized meta-variable expression
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ aaaaaaaaaaaaaa(i) } };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: supported expressions are count, ignore, index and length
@ -199,39 +199,23 @@ LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ aaaaaaaaaaaaaa(i) } };
error: `count` can not be placed inside the inner-most repetition
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $i:ident ) => { ${ count(i) } };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
LL | ( $i:ident ) => { ${ count($i) } };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ count($i) } };
| ^ expected expression
LL | curly__rhs_dollar__round!(a, b, c);
| ---------------------------------- in this macro invocation
= note: this error originates in the macro `curly__rhs_dollar__round` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
error: `count` can not be placed inside the inner-most repetition
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $i:ident ) => { ${ count($i) } };
| ^ expected expression
LL | curly__rhs_dollar__no_round!(a);
| ------------------------------- in this macro invocation
= note: this error originates in the macro `curly__rhs_dollar__no_round` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error: variable 'i' is still repeating at this depth
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { count($i) };
| ^^
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count() a b c}
| ^ expected expression
@ -242,7 +226,7 @@ LL | extra_garbage_after_metavar!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `extra_garbage_after_metavar` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ index(IDX) } };
| ^ expected expression
@ -253,7 +237,7 @@ LL | metavar_depth_is_not_literal!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `metavar_depth_is_not_literal` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ ignore() } };
| ^ expected expression
@ -264,7 +248,7 @@ LL | metavar_token_without_ident!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `metavar_token_without_ident` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ index(1u32) } };
| ^ expected expression
@ -275,7 +259,7 @@ LL | metavar_with_literal_suffix!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `metavar_with_literal_suffix` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ count{i} } };
| ^ expected expression
@ -286,7 +270,7 @@ LL | metavar_without_parens!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `metavar_without_parens` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ {} } };
| ^ expected expression
@ -296,20 +280,30 @@ LL | open_brackets_without_tokens!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `open_brackets_without_tokens` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: variable `foo` is not recognized in meta-variable expression
--> $DIR/
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
LL | ${count(foo)}
| ^^^
error: variable `bar` is not recognized in meta-variable expression
--> $DIR/
| ^ expected expression
LL | unknown_count_ident!(a);
| ----------------------- in this macro invocation
LL | ${ignore(bar)}
| ^^^
= note: this error originates in the macro `unknown_count_ident` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ${ignore(bar)}
| ^ expected expression
LL | unknown_ignore_ident!(a);
| ------------------------ in this macro invocation
= note: this error originates in the macro `unknown_ignore_ident` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: expected expression, found `$`
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { ${ aaaaaaaaaaaaaa(i) } };
| ^ expected expression
@ -320,7 +314,7 @@ LL | unknown_metavar!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `unknown_metavar` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0425]: cannot find value `i` in this scope
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { count(i) };
| ^ not found in this scope
@ -331,7 +325,7 @@ LL | no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__round!(a, b, c);
= note: this error originates in the macro `no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__round` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0425]: cannot find value `i` in this scope
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $i:ident ) => { count(i) };
| ^ not found in this scope
@ -342,13 +336,13 @@ LL | no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__no_round!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__no_round` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0425]: cannot find value `a` in this scope
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | no_curly__rhs_dollar__no_round!(a);
| ^ not found in this scope
error[E0425]: cannot find function `count` in this scope
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $( $i:ident ),* ) => { count(i) };
| ^^^^^ not found in this scope
@ -359,7 +353,7 @@ LL | no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__round!(a, b, c);
= note: this error originates in the macro `no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__round` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0425]: cannot find function `count` in this scope
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $i:ident ) => { count(i) };
| ^^^^^ not found in this scope
@ -370,7 +364,7 @@ LL | no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__no_round!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `no_curly__no_rhs_dollar__no_round` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error[E0425]: cannot find function `count` in this scope
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | ( $i:ident ) => { count($i) };
| ^^^^^ not found in this scope
@ -380,6 +374,6 @@ LL | no_curly__rhs_dollar__no_round!(a);
= note: this error originates in the macro `no_curly__rhs_dollar__no_round` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
error: aborting due to 40 previous errors
error: aborting due to 39 previous errors
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0425`.