Refactor drop_ranges

Splits drop_ranges into drop_ranges::record_consumed_borrow,
drop_ranges::cfg_build, and drop_ranges::cfg_propagate. The top level
drop_ranges module has an entry point that does all the coordination of
the other three phases, using code original in generator_interior.
This commit is contained in:
Eric Holk 2021-12-13 10:47:28 -08:00
parent 30e1b1e92e
commit f5f98d7ee4
6 changed files with 455 additions and 410 deletions

View File

@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
//! is calculated in `rustc_const_eval::transform::generator` and may be a subset of the
//! types computed here.
use self::drop_ranges::{DropRangeVisitor, DropRanges, ExprUseDelegate};
use self::drop_ranges::DropRanges;
use super::FnCtxt;
use crate::expr_use_visitor::ExprUseVisitor;
use rustc_data_structures::fx::{FxHashSet, FxIndexSet};
use rustc_errors::pluralize;
use rustc_hir as hir;
@ -187,42 +186,17 @@ pub fn resolve_interior<'a, 'tcx>(
kind: hir::GeneratorKind,
) {
let body = fcx.tcx.hir().body(body_id);
let mut visitor = {
let mut expr_use_visitor = ExprUseDelegate::new(fcx.tcx.hir());
// Run ExprUseVisitor to find where values are consumed.
&mut expr_use_visitor,
let region_scope_tree = fcx.tcx.region_scope_tree(def_id);
let mut drop_range_visitor = DropRangeVisitor::from_uses(
intravisit::walk_body(&mut drop_range_visitor, body);
let mut drop_ranges = drop_range_visitor.into_drop_ranges();
InteriorVisitor {
types: FxIndexSet::default(),
expr_count: 0,
prev_unresolved_span: None,
guard_bindings: <_>::default(),
guard_bindings_set: <_>::default(),
linted_values: <_>::default(),
drop_ranges: drop_ranges,
let mut visitor = InteriorVisitor {
types: FxIndexSet::default(),
region_scope_tree: fcx.tcx.region_scope_tree(def_id),
expr_count: 0,
prev_unresolved_span: None,
guard_bindings: <_>::default(),
guard_bindings_set: <_>::default(),
linted_values: <_>::default(),
drop_ranges: drop_ranges::compute_drop_ranges(fcx, def_id, body),
intravisit::walk_body(&mut visitor, body);

View File

@ -12,180 +12,42 @@
//! The end result is a data structure that maps the post-order index of each node in the HIR tree
//! to a set of values that are known to be dropped at that location.
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::mem::swap;
use hir::intravisit::{self, NestedVisitorMap, Visitor};
use hir::{Expr, ExprKind, Guard, HirId, HirIdMap, HirIdSet, Node};
use rustc_graphviz as dot;
use self::cfg_build::DropRangeVisitor;
use self::record_consumed_borrow::ExprUseDelegate;
use crate::check::FnCtxt;
use hir::def_id::DefId;
use hir::{Body, HirId, HirIdMap, Node, intravisit};
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_index::bit_set::BitSet;
use rustc_index::vec::IndexVec;
use rustc_middle::hir::map::Map;
use rustc_middle::hir::place::{Place, PlaceBase};
use rustc_middle::ty;
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use std::mem::swap;
use crate::expr_use_visitor;
mod cfg_build;
mod record_consumed_borrow;
mod cfg_propagate;
mod cfg_visualize;
/// Works with ExprUseVisitor to find interesting values for the drop range analysis.
/// Interesting values are those that are either dropped or borrowed. For dropped values, we also
/// record the parent expression, which is the point where the drop actually takes place.
pub struct ExprUseDelegate<'tcx> {
hir: Map<'tcx>,
/// Records the variables/expressions that are dropped by a given expression.
/// The key is the hir-id of the expression, and the value is a set or hir-ids for variables
/// or values that are consumed by that expression.
/// Note that this set excludes "partial drops" -- for example, a statement like `drop(x.y)` is
/// not considered a drop of `x`, although it would be a drop of `x.y`.
consumed_places: HirIdMap<HirIdSet>,
/// A set of hir-ids of values or variables that are borrowed at some point within the body.
borrowed_places: HirIdSet,
pub fn compute_drop_ranges<'a, 'tcx>(
fcx: &'a FnCtxt<'a, 'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
body: &'tcx Body<'tcx>,
) -> DropRanges {
let mut expr_use_visitor = ExprUseDelegate::new(fcx.tcx.hir());
expr_use_visitor.consume_body(fcx, def_id, body);
impl<'tcx> ExprUseDelegate<'tcx> {
pub fn new(hir: Map<'tcx>) -> Self {
Self { hir, consumed_places: <_>::default(), borrowed_places: <_>::default() }
let mut drop_range_visitor = DropRangeVisitor::from_uses(
intravisit::walk_body(&mut drop_range_visitor, body);
fn mark_consumed(&mut self, consumer: HirId, target: HirId) {
if !self.consumed_places.contains_key(&consumer) {
self.consumed_places.insert(consumer, <_>::default());
self.consumed_places.get_mut(&consumer).map(|places| places.insert(target));
let mut drop_ranges = drop_range_visitor.into_drop_ranges();
impl<'tcx> expr_use_visitor::Delegate<'tcx> for ExprUseDelegate<'tcx> {
fn consume(
&mut self,
place_with_id: &expr_use_visitor::PlaceWithHirId<'tcx>,
diag_expr_id: hir::HirId,
) {
let parent = match self.hir.find_parent_node(place_with_id.hir_id) {
Some(parent) => parent,
None => place_with_id.hir_id,
"consume {:?}; diag_expr_id={:?}, using parent {:?}",
place_with_id, diag_expr_id, parent
self.mark_consumed(parent, place_with_id.hir_id);
place_hir_id(&|place| self.mark_consumed(parent, place));
fn borrow(
&mut self,
place_with_id: &expr_use_visitor::PlaceWithHirId<'tcx>,
_diag_expr_id: hir::HirId,
_bk: rustc_middle::ty::BorrowKind,
) {
place_hir_id(&|place| self.borrowed_places.insert(place));
fn mutate(
&mut self,
_assignee_place: &expr_use_visitor::PlaceWithHirId<'tcx>,
_diag_expr_id: hir::HirId,
) {
fn fake_read(
&mut self,
_place: expr_use_visitor::Place<'tcx>,
_cause: rustc_middle::mir::FakeReadCause,
_diag_expr_id: hir::HirId,
) {
/// Gives the hir_id associated with a place if one exists. This is the hir_id that we want to
/// track for a value in the drop range analysis.
fn place_hir_id(place: &Place<'_>) -> Option<HirId> {
match place.base {
PlaceBase::Rvalue | PlaceBase::StaticItem => None,
| PlaceBase::Upvar(ty::UpvarId { var_path: ty::UpvarPath { hir_id }, .. }) => Some(hir_id),
/// This struct is used to gather the information for `DropRanges` to determine the regions of the
/// HIR tree for which a value is dropped.
/// We are interested in points where a variables is dropped or initialized, and the control flow
/// of the code. We identify locations in code by their post-order traversal index, so it is
/// important for this traversal to match that in `RegionResolutionVisitor` and `InteriorVisitor`.
pub struct DropRangeVisitor<'tcx> {
hir: Map<'tcx>,
/// Maps a HirId to a set of HirIds that are dropped by that node.
/// See also the more detailed comment on `ExprUseDelegate.consumed_places`.
consumed_places: HirIdMap<HirIdSet>,
borrowed_places: HirIdSet,
drop_ranges: DropRanges,
expr_count: usize,
impl<'tcx> DropRangeVisitor<'tcx> {
pub fn from_uses(uses: ExprUseDelegate<'tcx>, num_exprs: usize) -> Self {
debug!("consumed_places: {:?}", uses.consumed_places);
let drop_ranges = DropRanges::new(
uses.consumed_places.iter().flat_map(|(_, places)| places.iter().copied()),
Self {
hir: uses.hir,
consumed_places: uses.consumed_places,
borrowed_places: uses.borrowed_places,
expr_count: 0,
pub fn into_drop_ranges(self) -> DropRanges {
fn record_drop(&mut self, hir_id: HirId) {
if self.borrowed_places.contains(&hir_id) {
debug!("not marking {:?} as dropped because it is borrowed at some point", hir_id);
} else {
debug!("marking {:?} as dropped at {}", hir_id, self.expr_count);
let count = self.expr_count;
self.drop_ranges.drop_at(hir_id, count);
/// ExprUseVisitor's consume callback doesn't go deep enough for our purposes in all
/// expressions. This method consumes a little deeper into the expression when needed.
fn consume_expr(&mut self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) {
debug!("consuming expr {:?}, count={}", expr.hir_id, self.expr_count);
let places = self
.map_or(vec![], |places| places.iter().cloned().collect());
for place in places {
for_each_consumable(place, self.hir.find(place), |hir_id| self.record_drop(hir_id));
fn reinit_expr(&mut self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) {
if let ExprKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(
hir::Path { res: hir::def::Res::Local(hir_id), .. },
)) = expr.kind
let location = self.expr_count;
debug!("reinitializing {:?} at {}", hir_id, location);
self.drop_ranges.reinit_at(*hir_id, location);
} else {
debug!("reinitializing {:?} is not supported", expr);
/// Applies `f` to consumable portion of a HIR node.
@ -206,92 +68,6 @@ fn for_each_consumable(place: HirId, node: Option<Node<'_>>, mut f: impl FnMut(H
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for DropRangeVisitor<'tcx> {
type Map = intravisit::ErasedMap<'tcx>;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> NestedVisitorMap<Self::Map> {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) {
let mut reinit = None;
match expr.kind {
ExprKind::If(test, if_true, if_false) => {
let fork = self.expr_count;
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(fork, self.expr_count + 1);
let true_end = self.expr_count;
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(fork, self.expr_count + 1);
if let Some(if_false) = if_false {
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(true_end, self.expr_count + 1);
ExprKind::Assign(lhs, rhs, _) => {
reinit = Some(lhs);
ExprKind::Loop(body, ..) => {
let loop_begin = self.expr_count + 1;
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(self.expr_count, loop_begin);
ExprKind::Match(scrutinee, arms, ..) => {
let fork = self.expr_count;
let arm_end_ids = arms
.map(|hir::Arm { pat, body, guard, .. }| {
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(fork, self.expr_count + 1);
match guard {
Some(Guard::If(expr)) => self.visit_expr(expr),
Some(Guard::IfLet(pat, expr)) => {
None => (),
arm_end_ids.into_iter().for_each(|arm_end| {
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(arm_end, self.expr_count + 1)
ExprKind::Break(hir::Destination { target_id: Ok(target), .. }, ..)
| ExprKind::Continue(hir::Destination { target_id: Ok(target), .. }, ..) => {
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge_hir_id(self.expr_count, target);
_ => intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr),
self.expr_count += 1;
self.drop_ranges.add_node_mapping(expr.hir_id, self.expr_count);
if let Some(expr) = reinit {
fn visit_pat(&mut self, pat: &'tcx hir::Pat<'tcx>) {
intravisit::walk_pat(self, pat);
// Increment expr_count here to match what InteriorVisitor expects.
self.expr_count += 1;
rustc_index::newtype_index! {
pub struct PostOrderId {
DEBUG_FORMAT = "id({})",
@ -426,127 +202,6 @@ impl DropRanges {
pub fn propagate_to_fixpoint(&mut self) {
trace!("before fixpoint: {:#?}", self);
let preds = self.compute_predecessors();
trace!("predecessors: {:#?}", preds.iter_enumerated().collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>());
let mut propagate = || {
let mut changed = false;
for id in self.nodes.indices() {
let old_state = self.nodes[id].drop_state.clone();
let mut new_state = if id.index() == 0 {
} else {
// If we are not the start node and we have no predecessors, treat
// everything as dropped because there's no way to get here anyway.
for pred in &preds[id] {
let state = &self.nodes[*pred].drop_state;
for drop in &self.nodes[id].drops {
for reinit in &self.nodes[id].reinits {
changed |= old_state != new_state;
self.nodes[id].drop_state = new_state;
while propagate() {
trace!("drop_state changed, re-running propagation");
trace!("after fixpoint: {:#?}", self);
fn compute_predecessors(&self) -> IndexVec<PostOrderId, Vec<PostOrderId>> {
let mut preds = IndexVec::from_fn_n(|_| vec![], self.nodes.len());
for (id, node) in self.nodes.iter_enumerated() {
if node.successors.len() == 0 && id.index() != self.nodes.len() - 1 {
preds[id + 1].push(id);
} else {
for succ in &node.successors {
impl<'a> dot::GraphWalk<'a> for DropRanges {
type Node = PostOrderId;
type Edge = (PostOrderId, PostOrderId);
fn nodes(&'a self) -> dot::Nodes<'a, Self::Node> {
self.nodes.iter_enumerated().map(|(i, _)| i).collect()
fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a, Self::Edge> {
.flat_map(|(i, node)| {
if node.successors.len() == 0 {
vec![(i, i + 1)]
} else {
node.successors.iter().map(move |&s| (i, s)).collect()
fn source(&'a self, edge: &Self::Edge) -> Self::Node {
fn target(&'a self, edge: &Self::Edge) -> Self::Node {
impl<'a> dot::Labeller<'a> for DropRanges {
type Node = PostOrderId;
type Edge = (PostOrderId, PostOrderId);
fn graph_id(&'a self) -> dot::Id<'a> {
fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Self::Node) -> dot::Id<'a> {
dot::Id::new(format!("id{}", n.index())).unwrap()
fn node_label(&'a self, n: &Self::Node) -> dot::LabelText<'a> {
"{:?}, local_id: {}",
.find(|(_hir_id, &post_order_id)| post_order_id == n.index())
.map_or("<unknown>".into(), |(hir_id, _)| format!(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
use super::{for_each_consumable, record_consumed_borrow::ExprUseDelegate, DropRanges};
use hir::{
intravisit::{self, NestedVisitorMap, Visitor},
Expr, ExprKind, Guard, HirId, HirIdMap, HirIdSet,
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_middle::hir::map::Map;
/// This struct is used to gather the information for `DropRanges` to determine the regions of the
/// HIR tree for which a value is dropped.
/// We are interested in points where a variables is dropped or initialized, and the control flow
/// of the code. We identify locations in code by their post-order traversal index, so it is
/// important for this traversal to match that in `RegionResolutionVisitor` and `InteriorVisitor`.
pub struct DropRangeVisitor<'tcx> {
hir: Map<'tcx>,
/// Maps a HirId to a set of HirIds that are dropped by that node.
/// See also the more detailed comment on `ExprUseDelegate.consumed_places`.
consumed_places: HirIdMap<HirIdSet>,
borrowed_places: HirIdSet,
drop_ranges: DropRanges,
expr_count: usize,
impl<'tcx> DropRangeVisitor<'tcx> {
pub fn from_uses(uses: ExprUseDelegate<'tcx>, num_exprs: usize) -> Self {
debug!("consumed_places: {:?}", uses.consumed_places);
let drop_ranges = DropRanges::new(
uses.consumed_places.iter().flat_map(|(_, places)| places.iter().copied()),
Self {
hir: uses.hir,
consumed_places: uses.consumed_places,
borrowed_places: uses.borrowed_places,
expr_count: 0,
pub fn into_drop_ranges(self) -> DropRanges {
fn record_drop(&mut self, hir_id: HirId) {
if self.borrowed_places.contains(&hir_id) {
debug!("not marking {:?} as dropped because it is borrowed at some point", hir_id);
} else {
debug!("marking {:?} as dropped at {}", hir_id, self.expr_count);
let count = self.expr_count;
self.drop_ranges.drop_at(hir_id, count);
/// ExprUseVisitor's consume callback doesn't go deep enough for our purposes in all
/// expressions. This method consumes a little deeper into the expression when needed.
fn consume_expr(&mut self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) {
debug!("consuming expr {:?}, count={}", expr.hir_id, self.expr_count);
let places = self
.map_or(vec![], |places| places.iter().cloned().collect());
for place in places {
for_each_consumable(place, self.hir.find(place), |hir_id| self.record_drop(hir_id));
fn reinit_expr(&mut self, expr: &hir::Expr<'_>) {
if let ExprKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(
hir::Path { res: hir::def::Res::Local(hir_id), .. },
)) = expr.kind
let location = self.expr_count;
debug!("reinitializing {:?} at {}", hir_id, location);
self.drop_ranges.reinit_at(*hir_id, location);
} else {
debug!("reinitializing {:?} is not supported", expr);
impl<'tcx> Visitor<'tcx> for DropRangeVisitor<'tcx> {
type Map = intravisit::ErasedMap<'tcx>;
fn nested_visit_map(&mut self) -> NestedVisitorMap<Self::Map> {
fn visit_expr(&mut self, expr: &'tcx Expr<'tcx>) {
let mut reinit = None;
match expr.kind {
ExprKind::If(test, if_true, if_false) => {
let fork = self.expr_count;
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(fork, self.expr_count + 1);
let true_end = self.expr_count;
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(fork, self.expr_count + 1);
if let Some(if_false) = if_false {
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(true_end, self.expr_count + 1);
ExprKind::Assign(lhs, rhs, _) => {
reinit = Some(lhs);
ExprKind::Loop(body, ..) => {
let loop_begin = self.expr_count + 1;
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(self.expr_count, loop_begin);
ExprKind::Match(scrutinee, arms, ..) => {
let fork = self.expr_count;
let arm_end_ids = arms
.map(|hir::Arm { pat, body, guard, .. }| {
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(fork, self.expr_count + 1);
match guard {
Some(Guard::If(expr)) => self.visit_expr(expr),
Some(Guard::IfLet(pat, expr)) => {
None => (),
arm_end_ids.into_iter().for_each(|arm_end| {
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge(arm_end, self.expr_count + 1)
ExprKind::Break(hir::Destination { target_id: Ok(target), .. }, ..)
| ExprKind::Continue(hir::Destination { target_id: Ok(target), .. }, ..) => {
self.drop_ranges.add_control_edge_hir_id(self.expr_count, target);
_ => intravisit::walk_expr(self, expr),
self.expr_count += 1;
self.drop_ranges.add_node_mapping(expr.hir_id, self.expr_count);
if let Some(expr) = reinit {
fn visit_pat(&mut self, pat: &'tcx hir::Pat<'tcx>) {
intravisit::walk_pat(self, pat);
// Increment expr_count here to match what InteriorVisitor expects.
self.expr_count += 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use rustc_index::{bit_set::BitSet, vec::IndexVec};
use super::{DropRanges, PostOrderId};
impl DropRanges {
pub fn propagate_to_fixpoint(&mut self) {
trace!("before fixpoint: {:#?}", self);
let preds = self.compute_predecessors();
trace!("predecessors: {:#?}", preds.iter_enumerated().collect::<BTreeMap<_, _>>());
let mut propagate = || {
let mut changed = false;
for id in self.nodes.indices() {
let old_state = self.nodes[id].drop_state.clone();
let mut new_state = if id.index() == 0 {
} else {
// If we are not the start node and we have no predecessors, treat
// everything as dropped because there's no way to get here anyway.
for pred in &preds[id] {
let state = &self.nodes[*pred].drop_state;
for drop in &self.nodes[id].drops {
for reinit in &self.nodes[id].reinits {
changed |= old_state != new_state;
self.nodes[id].drop_state = new_state;
while propagate() {
trace!("drop_state changed, re-running propagation");
trace!("after fixpoint: {:#?}", self);
fn compute_predecessors(&self) -> IndexVec<PostOrderId, Vec<PostOrderId>> {
let mut preds = IndexVec::from_fn_n(|_| vec![], self.nodes.len());
for (id, node) in self.nodes.iter_enumerated() {
if node.successors.len() == 0 && id.index() != self.nodes.len() - 1 {
preds[id + 1].push(id);
} else {
for succ in &node.successors {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
//! Implementation of GraphWalk for DropRanges so we can visualize the control
//! flow graph when needed for debugging.
use rustc_graphviz as dot;
use super::{DropRanges, PostOrderId};
impl<'a> dot::GraphWalk<'a> for DropRanges {
type Node = PostOrderId;
type Edge = (PostOrderId, PostOrderId);
fn nodes(&'a self) -> dot::Nodes<'a, Self::Node> {
self.nodes.iter_enumerated().map(|(i, _)| i).collect()
fn edges(&'a self) -> dot::Edges<'a, Self::Edge> {
.flat_map(|(i, node)| {
if node.successors.len() == 0 {
vec![(i, i + 1)]
} else {
node.successors.iter().map(move |&s| (i, s)).collect()
fn source(&'a self, edge: &Self::Edge) -> Self::Node {
fn target(&'a self, edge: &Self::Edge) -> Self::Node {
impl<'a> dot::Labeller<'a> for DropRanges {
type Node = PostOrderId;
type Edge = (PostOrderId, PostOrderId);
fn graph_id(&'a self) -> dot::Id<'a> {
fn node_id(&'a self, n: &Self::Node) -> dot::Id<'a> {
dot::Id::new(format!("id{}", n.index())).unwrap()
fn node_label(&'a self, n: &Self::Node) -> dot::LabelText<'a> {
"{:?}, local_id: {}",
.find(|(_hir_id, &post_order_id)| post_order_id == n.index())
.map_or("<unknown>".into(), |(hir_id, _)| format!(

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
use crate::{
expr_use_visitor::{self, ExprUseVisitor},
use hir::{HirId, HirIdMap, HirIdSet, Body, def_id::DefId};
use rustc_hir as hir;
use rustc_middle::hir::{
place::{Place, PlaceBase},
use rustc_middle::ty;
/// Works with ExprUseVisitor to find interesting values for the drop range analysis.
/// Interesting values are those that are either dropped or borrowed. For dropped values, we also
/// record the parent expression, which is the point where the drop actually takes place.
pub struct ExprUseDelegate<'tcx> {
pub(super) hir: Map<'tcx>,
/// Records the variables/expressions that are dropped by a given expression.
/// The key is the hir-id of the expression, and the value is a set or hir-ids for variables
/// or values that are consumed by that expression.
/// Note that this set excludes "partial drops" -- for example, a statement like `drop(x.y)` is
/// not considered a drop of `x`, although it would be a drop of `x.y`.
pub(super) consumed_places: HirIdMap<HirIdSet>,
/// A set of hir-ids of values or variables that are borrowed at some point within the body.
pub(super) borrowed_places: HirIdSet,
impl<'tcx> ExprUseDelegate<'tcx> {
pub fn new(hir: Map<'tcx>) -> Self {
Self { hir, consumed_places: <_>::default(), borrowed_places: <_>::default() }
pub fn consume_body(
&mut self,
fcx: &'_ FnCtxt<'_, 'tcx>,
def_id: DefId,
body: &'tcx Body<'tcx>,
) {
// Run ExprUseVisitor to find where values are consumed.
fn mark_consumed(&mut self, consumer: HirId, target: HirId) {
if !self.consumed_places.contains_key(&consumer) {
self.consumed_places.insert(consumer, <_>::default());
self.consumed_places.get_mut(&consumer).map(|places| places.insert(target));
impl<'tcx> expr_use_visitor::Delegate<'tcx> for ExprUseDelegate<'tcx> {
fn consume(
&mut self,
place_with_id: &expr_use_visitor::PlaceWithHirId<'tcx>,
diag_expr_id: HirId,
) {
let parent = match self.hir.find_parent_node(place_with_id.hir_id) {
Some(parent) => parent,
None => place_with_id.hir_id,
"consume {:?}; diag_expr_id={:?}, using parent {:?}",
place_with_id, diag_expr_id, parent
self.mark_consumed(parent, place_with_id.hir_id);
place_hir_id(&|place| self.mark_consumed(parent, place));
fn borrow(
&mut self,
place_with_id: &expr_use_visitor::PlaceWithHirId<'tcx>,
_diag_expr_id: HirId,
_bk: rustc_middle::ty::BorrowKind,
) {
place_hir_id(&|place| self.borrowed_places.insert(place));
fn mutate(
&mut self,
_assignee_place: &expr_use_visitor::PlaceWithHirId<'tcx>,
_diag_expr_id: HirId,
) {
fn fake_read(
&mut self,
_place: expr_use_visitor::Place<'tcx>,
_cause: rustc_middle::mir::FakeReadCause,
_diag_expr_id: HirId,
) {
/// Gives the hir_id associated with a place if one exists. This is the hir_id that we want to
/// track for a value in the drop range analysis.
fn place_hir_id(place: &Place<'_>) -> Option<HirId> {
match place.base {
PlaceBase::Rvalue | PlaceBase::StaticItem => None,
| PlaceBase::Upvar(ty::UpvarId { var_path: ty::UpvarPath { hir_id }, .. }) => Some(hir_id),