remove initedness checking from typestate, as best I could
This commit is contained in:
@ -49,18 +49,10 @@ fn comma_str(args: [@constr_arg_use]) -> str {
fn constraint_to_str(tcx: ty::ctxt, c: sp_constr) -> str {
alt c.node {
ninit(id, i) {
ret #fmt("init(%s id=%d - arising from %s)",
i, id, codemap::span_to_str(c.span, tcx.sess.codemap));
npred(p, _, args) {
ret #fmt("%s(%s) - arising from %s",
codemap::span_to_str(c.span, tcx.sess.codemap));
ret #fmt("%s(%s) - arising from %s",
codemap::span_to_str(c.span, tcx.sess.codemap));
fn tritv_to_str(fcx: fn_ctxt, v: tritv::t) -> str {
@ -167,16 +159,14 @@ fn print_idents(&idents: [ident]) {
/* Two different data structures represent constraints in different
contexts: constraint and norm_constraint.
constraint gets used to record constraints in a table keyed by def_ids.
cinit constraints represent a single constraint, for the initialization
state of a variable; a cpred constraint, with a single operator and a
list of possible argument lists, could represent several constraints at
constraint gets used to record constraints in a table keyed by def_ids. Each
constraint has a single operator but a list of possible argument lists, and
thus represents several constraints at once, one for each possible argument
norm_constraint, in contrast, gets used when handling an instance
of a constraint rather than a definition of a constraint. It can
also be init or pred (ninit or npred), but the npred case just has
a single argument list.
norm_constraint, in contrast, gets used when handling an instance of a
constraint rather than a definition of a constraint. It has only a single
argument list.
The representation of constraints, where multiple instances of the
same predicate are collapsed into one entry in the table, makes it
@ -198,37 +188,23 @@ type pred_args = spanned<pred_args_>;
// for this local.
type constr_arg_use = spanned<constr_arg_general_<inst>>;
A constraint is either an init constraint, referring to the initialization
state of a variable (not initialized, definitely initialized, or maybe
initialized) or a predicate constraint, referring to the truth value of a
predicate on variables (definitely false, maybe true, or definitely true).
cinit and ninit represent init constraints, while cpred and npred
represent predicate constraints.
In a predicate constraint, the <path> field (and the <def_id> field
in the npred constructor) names a user-defined function that may
be the operator in a "check" expression in the source.
enum constraint {
cinit(uint, span, ident),
/* Predicate constraints refer to the truth value of a predicate on variables
(definitely false, maybe true, or definitely true). The <path> field (and the
<def_id> field in the npred constructor) names a user-defined function that
may be the operator in a "check" expression in the source. */
type constraint = {
path: @path,
// FIXME: really only want it to be mut during collect_locals.
// freeze it after that.
cpred(@path, @mut [pred_args]),
descs: @mut [pred_args]
// An ninit variant has a node_id because it refers to a local var.
// An npred has a def_id since the definition of the typestate
// predicate need not be local.
// FIXME: would be nice to give both a def_id field,
// and give ninit a constraint saying it's local.
enum tsconstr {
ninit(node_id, ident),
npred(@path, def_id, [@constr_arg_use]),
type tsconstr = {
path: @path,
def_id: def_id,
args: [@constr_arg_use]
type sp_constr = spanned<tsconstr>;
@ -238,34 +214,8 @@ type constr_map = std::map::hashmap<def_id, constraint>;
/* Contains stuff that has to be computed up front */
/* For easy access, the fn_info stores two special constraints for each
function. i_return holds if all control paths in this function terminate
in either a return expression, or an appropriate tail expression.
i_diverge holds if all control paths in this function terminate in a fail
or diverging call.
It might be tempting to use a single constraint C for both properties,
where C represents i_return and !C represents i_diverge. This is
inadvisable, because then the sense of the bit depends on context. If we're
inside a ! function, that reverses the sense of the bit: C would be
i_diverge and !C would be i_return. That's awkward, because we have to
pass extra context around to functions that shouldn't care.
Okay, suppose C represents i_return and !C represents i_diverge, regardless
of context. Consider this code:
if (foo) { ret; } else { fail; }
C is true in the consequent and false in the alternative. What's T `join`
F, then? ? doesn't work, because this code should definitely-return if the
context is a returning function (and be definitely-rejected if the context
is a ! function). F doesn't work, because then the code gets incorrectly
rejected if the context is a returning function. T would work, but it
doesn't make sense for T `join` F to be T (consider init constraints, for
So we need context. And so it seems clearer to just have separate
function. So we need context. And so it seems clearer to just have separate
constraints. */
type fn_info =
/* list, accumulated during pre/postcondition
computation, of all local variables that may be
@ -274,21 +224,8 @@ type fn_info =
{constrs: constr_map,
num_constraints: uint,
cf: ret_style,
i_return: tsconstr,
i_diverge: tsconstr,
used_vars: @mut [node_id]};
fn tsconstr_to_def_id(t: tsconstr) -> def_id {
alt t { ninit(id, _) { local_def(id) } npred(_, id, _) { id } }
fn tsconstr_to_node_id(t: tsconstr) -> node_id {
alt t {
ninit(id, _) { id }
npred(_, id, _) { fail "tsconstr_to_node_id called on pred constraint" }
/* mapping from node ID to typestate annotation */
type node_ann_table = @mut [mut ts_ann];
@ -534,20 +471,15 @@ fn node_id_to_def(ccx: crate_ctxt, id: node_id) -> option<def> {
fn norm_a_constraint(id: def_id, c: constraint) -> [norm_constraint] {
alt c {
cinit(n, sp, i) {
ret [{bit_num: n, c: respan(sp, ninit(id.node, i))}];
cpred(p, descs) {
let mut rslt: [norm_constraint] = [];
for vec::each(*descs) {|pd|
rslt +=
[{bit_num: pd.node.bit_num,
c: respan(pd.span, npred(p, id, pd.node.args))}];
ret rslt;
let mut rslt: [norm_constraint] = [];
for vec::each(*c.descs) {|pd|
rslt +=
[{bit_num: pd.node.bit_num,
c: respan(pd.span, {path: c.path,
def_id: id,
args: pd.node.args})}];
ret rslt;
@ -630,8 +562,9 @@ fn expr_to_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, e: @expr) -> sp_constr {
alt operator.node {
expr_path(p) {
ret respan(e.span,
npred(p, def_id_for_constr(tcx,,
exprs_to_constr_args(tcx, args)));
{path: p,
def_id: def_id_for_constr(tcx,,
args: exprs_to_constr_args(tcx, args)});
_ {
@ -657,7 +590,9 @@ fn substitute_constr_args(cx: ty::ctxt, actuals: [@expr], c: @ty::constr) ->
for c.node.args.each {|a|
rslt += [substitute_arg(cx, actuals, a)];
ret npred(c.node.path,, rslt);
ret {path: c.node.path,
args: rslt};
fn substitute_arg(cx: ty::ctxt, actuals: [@expr], a: @constr_arg) ->
@ -718,31 +653,22 @@ enum dest {
type subst = [{from: inst, to: inst}];
fn find_instances(_fcx: fn_ctxt, subst: subst, c: constraint) ->
[{from: uint, to: uint}] {
fn find_instances(_fcx: fn_ctxt, subst: subst,
c: constraint) -> [{from: uint, to: uint}] {
let mut rslt = [];
if vec::len(subst) == 0u { ret rslt; }
alt c {
cinit(_, _, _) {/* this is dealt with separately */ }
cpred(p, descs) {
// FIXME (#2280): this temporary shouldn't be
// necessary, but seems to be, for borrowing.
let ds = copy *descs;
for vec::each(ds) {|d|
if args_mention(d.node.args, find_in_subst_bool, subst) {
let old_bit_num = d.node.bit_num;
let newv = replace(subst, d);
alt find_instance_(newv, *descs) {
some(d1) { rslt += [{from: old_bit_num, to: d1}]; }
_ { }
if vec::len(subst) == 0u { ret []; }
let mut res = [];
for (*c.descs).each { |d|
if args_mention(d.node.args, find_in_subst_bool, subst) {
let old_bit_num = d.node.bit_num;
let newv = replace(subst, d);
alt find_instance_(newv, *c.descs) {
some(d1) {res += [{from: old_bit_num, to: d1}]}
_ {}
} else {}
ret res;
fn find_in_subst(id: node_id, s: subst) -> option<inst> {
@ -912,25 +838,6 @@ fn forget_in_postcond(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent_exp: node_id, dead_v: node_id) {
fn forget_in_postcond_still_init(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent_exp: node_id,
dead_v: node_id) {
// In the postcondition given by parent_exp, clear the bits
// for any constraints mentioning dead_v
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx, dead_v);
alt d {
some(d_id) {
for constraints(fcx).each {|c|
if non_init_constraint_mentions(fcx, c, d_id) {
_ { }
fn forget_in_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, p: poststate, dead_v: node_id) -> bool {
// In the poststate given by parent_exp, clear the bits
// for any constraints mentioning dead_v
@ -949,25 +856,6 @@ fn forget_in_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, p: poststate, dead_v: node_id) -> bool {
ret changed;
fn forget_in_poststate_still_init(fcx: fn_ctxt, p: poststate, dead_v: node_id)
-> bool {
// In the poststate given by parent_exp, clear the bits
// for any constraints mentioning dead_v
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx, dead_v);
let mut changed = false;
alt d {
some(d_id) {
for constraints(fcx).each {|c|
if non_init_constraint_mentions(fcx, c, d_id) {
changed |= clear_in_poststate_(c.bit_num, p);
_ { }
ret changed;
fn any_eq(v: [node_id], d: node_id) -> bool {
for v.each {|i| if i == d { ret true; } }
@ -975,18 +863,7 @@ fn any_eq(v: [node_id], d: node_id) -> bool {
fn constraint_mentions(_fcx: fn_ctxt, c: norm_constraint, v: node_id) ->
bool {
ret alt c.c.node {
ninit(id, _) { v == id }
npred(_, _, args) { args_mention(args, any_eq, [v]) }
fn non_init_constraint_mentions(_fcx: fn_ctxt, c: norm_constraint, v: node_id)
-> bool {
ret alt c.c.node {
ninit(_, _) { false }
npred(_, _, args) { args_mention(args, any_eq, [v]) }
ret args_mention(c.c.node.args, any_eq, [v]);
fn args_mention<T>(args: [@constr_arg_use],
@ -1063,8 +940,9 @@ fn args_to_constr_args(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: [arg],
fn ast_constr_to_ts_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: [arg], c: @constr) ->
tsconstr {
let tconstr = ty::ast_constr_to_constr(tcx, c);
ret npred(tconstr.node.path,,
args_to_constr_args(tcx, args, tconstr.node.args));
ret {path: tconstr.node.path,
args: args_to_constr_args(tcx, args, tconstr.node.args)};
fn ast_constr_to_sp_constr(tcx: ty::ctxt, args: [arg], c: @constr) ->
@ -15,36 +15,19 @@ import driver::session::session;
import std::map::hashmap;
fn bit_num(fcx: fn_ctxt, c: tsconstr) -> uint {
let d = tsconstr_to_def_id(c);
let d = c.def_id;
assert (fcx.enclosing.constrs.contains_key(d));
let rslt = fcx.enclosing.constrs.get(d);
alt c {
ninit(_, _) {
alt rslt {
cinit(n, _, _) { ret n; }
_ {
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("bit_num: asked for init constraint," +
" found a pred constraint");
npred(_, _, args) {
alt rslt {
cpred(_, descs) { ret match_args(fcx, descs, args); }
_ {
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("bit_num: asked for pred constraint," +
" found an init constraint");
match_args(fcx, rslt.descs, c.args)
fn promises(fcx: fn_ctxt, p: poststate, c: tsconstr) -> bool {
ret promises_(bit_num(fcx, c), p);
fn promises_(n: uint, p: poststate) -> bool { ret tritv_get(p, n) == ttrue; }
fn promises_(n: uint, p: poststate) -> bool {
ret tritv_get(p, n) == ttrue;
// v "happens after" u
fn seq_trit(u: trit, v: trit) -> trit {
@ -184,51 +167,15 @@ fn kill_poststate(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, c: tsconstr) -> bool {
node_id_to_ts_ann(fcx.ccx, id).states);
fn clear_in_poststate_expr(fcx: fn_ctxt, e: @expr, t: poststate) {
alt e.node {
expr_path(p) {
alt local_node_id_to_def(fcx, {
some(def_local(nid, _)) {
clear_in_poststate_(bit_num(fcx, ninit(nid, vec::last(p.idents))),
some(_) {/* ignore args (for now...) */ }
_ { fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.bug("clear_in_poststate_expr: unbound var"); }
_ {/* do nothing */ }
fn kill_poststate_(fcx: fn_ctxt, c: tsconstr, post: poststate) -> bool {
ret clear_in_poststate_(bit_num(fcx, c), post);
fn set_in_poststate_ident(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, ident: ident,
t: poststate) -> bool {
ret set_in_poststate_(bit_num(fcx, ninit(id, ident)), t);
fn set_in_prestate_constr(fcx: fn_ctxt, c: tsconstr, t: prestate) -> bool {
ret set_in_poststate_(bit_num(fcx, c), t);
fn clear_in_poststate_ident(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, ident: ident,
parent: node_id) -> bool {
ret kill_poststate(fcx, parent, ninit(id, ident));
fn clear_in_prestate_ident(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, ident: ident,
parent: node_id) -> bool {
ret kill_prestate(fcx, parent, ninit(id, ident));
fn clear_in_poststate_ident_(fcx: fn_ctxt, id: node_id, ident: ident,
post: poststate) -> bool {
ret kill_poststate_(fcx, ninit(id, ident), post);
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
@ -17,22 +17,6 @@ import states::find_pre_post_state_fn;
import driver::session::session;
import std::map::hashmap;
fn check_unused_vars(fcx: fn_ctxt) {
// FIXME: could be more efficient
for constraints(fcx).each {|c|
alt c.c.node {
ninit(id, v) {
if !vec_contains(fcx.enclosing.used_vars, id) && v[0] != '_' as u8
fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_warn(c.c.span, "unused variable " + v);
_ {/* ignore pred constraints */ }
fn check_states_expr(e: @expr, fcx: fn_ctxt, v: visit::vt<fn_ctxt>) {
visit::visit_expr(e, fcx, v);
@ -109,39 +93,6 @@ fn check_states_against_conditions(fcx: fn_ctxt,
visit_fn: bind do_nothing::<fn_ctxt>(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
with *visit::default_visitor::<fn_ctxt>()});
visit::visit_fn(fk, f_decl, f_body, sp, id, fcx, visitor);
/* Check that the return value is initialized */
let post = aux::block_poststate(fcx.ccx, f_body);
let is_ctor = alt fk { visit::fk_ctor(_,_,_,_) { true } _ { false } };
if !is_ctor && !promises(fcx, post, fcx.enclosing.i_return) &&
fcx.ccx.tcx, id))) &&
|||| == return_val {
let fn_ty = ty::node_id_to_type(fcx.ccx.tcx, id);
#fmt("in function `%s`, not all control paths \
return a value",;
#fmt("see function return type of `%s`",
} else if == noreturn {
// check that this really always fails
// Note that it's ok for i_diverge and i_return to both be true.
// In fact, i_diverge implies i_return. (But not vice versa!)
if !promises(fcx, post, fcx.enclosing.i_diverge) {
"in non-returning function " +
|||| +
", some control paths may \
return to the caller");
/* Finally, check for unused variables */
fn check_fn_states(fcx: fn_ctxt,
@ -11,13 +11,6 @@ import std::map::hashmap;
type ctxt = {cs: @mut [sp_constr], tcx: ty::ctxt};
fn collect_local(loc: @local, cx: ctxt, v: visit::vt<ctxt>) {
pat_bindings(cx.tcx.def_map, loc.node.pat) {|p_id, _s, id|
*cx.cs += [respan(loc.span, ninit(p_id, path_to_ident(id)))];
visit::visit_local(loc, cx, v);
fn collect_pred(e: @expr, cx: ctxt, v: visit::vt<ctxt>) {
alt e.node {
expr_check(_, ch) { *cx.cs += [expr_to_constr(cx.tcx, ch)]; }
@ -48,8 +41,7 @@ fn find_locals(tcx: ty::ctxt,
let cx: ctxt = {cs: @mut [], tcx: tcx};
let visitor = visit::default_visitor::<ctxt>();
let visitor =
@{visit_local: collect_local,
visit_expr: collect_pred,
@{visit_expr: collect_pred,
visit_fn: bind do_nothing(_, _, _, _, _, _, _)
with *visitor};
visit::visit_fn(fk, f_decl, f_body, sp,
@ -61,27 +53,17 @@ fn add_constraint(tcx: ty::ctxt, c: sp_constr, next: uint, tbl: constr_map) ->
uint {
constraint_to_str(tcx, c) + " |-> " + uint::str(next));
alt c.node {
ninit(id, i) { tbl.insert(local_def(id), cinit(next, c.span, i)); }
npred(p, d_id, args) {
alt tbl.find(d_id) {
some(ct) {
alt ct {
cinit(_, _, _) {
tcx.sess.bug("add_constraint: same def_id used" +
" as a variable and a pred");
cpred(_, pds) {
*pds += [respan(c.span, {args: args, bit_num: next})];
none {
let rslt: @mut [pred_args] =
@mut [respan(c.span, {args: args, bit_num: next})];
tbl.insert(d_id, cpred(p, rslt));
let {path: p, def_id: d_id, args: args} = c.node;
alt tbl.find(d_id) {
some(ct) {
let {path: _, descs: pds} = ct;
*pds += [respan(c.span, {args: args, bit_num: next})];
none {
let rslt: @mut [pred_args] =
@mut [respan(c.span, {args: args, bit_num: next})];
tbl.insert(d_id, {path:p, descs:rslt});
ret next + 1u;
@ -106,7 +88,7 @@ fn mk_fn_info(ccx: crate_ctxt,
let mut i = 0u, l = vec::len(*cx.cs);
while i < l {
next = add_constraint(cx.tcx, cx.cs[i], next, res_map);
next = add_constraint(cx.tcx, copy cx.cs[i], next, res_map);
i += 1u;
/* if this function has any constraints, instantiate them to the
@ -116,38 +98,11 @@ fn mk_fn_info(ccx: crate_ctxt,
next = add_constraint(cx.tcx, sc, next, res_map);
/* Need to add constraints for args too, b/c they
can be deinitialized */
for f_decl.inputs.each {|a|
next = add_constraint(
respan(f_sp, ninit(, a.ident)),
/* add the special i_diverge and i_return constraints
(see the type definition for auxiliary::fn_info for an explanation) */
// use the function name for the "returns" constraint"
let returns_id = ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id();
let returns_constr = ninit(returns_id, name);
next =
add_constraint(cx.tcx, respan(f_sp, returns_constr), next, res_map);
// and the name of the function, with a '!' appended to it, for the
// "diverges" constraint
let diverges_id = ccx.tcx.sess.next_node_id();
let diverges_constr = ninit(diverges_id, name + "!");
next = add_constraint(cx.tcx, respan(f_sp, diverges_constr), next,
let v: @mut [node_id] = @mut [];
let rslt =
{constrs: res_map,
num_constraints: next,
i_return: returns_constr,
i_diverge: diverges_constr,
used_vars: v};
||||, rslt);
#debug("%s has %u constraints", name, num_constraints(rslt));
@ -88,17 +88,9 @@ fn find_pre_post_exprs(fcx: fn_ctxt, args: [@expr], id: node_id) {
seq_postconds(fcx, vec::map(pps, get_post)));
fn find_pre_post_loop(fcx: fn_ctxt, l: @local, index: @expr, body: blk,
id: node_id) {
fn find_pre_post_loop(fcx: fn_ctxt, index: @expr, body: blk, id: node_id) {
find_pre_post_expr(fcx, index);
find_pre_post_block(fcx, body);
pat_bindings(fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map, l.node.pat) {|p_id, _s, n|
let v_init = ninit(p_id, path_to_ident(n));
relax_precond_block(fcx, bit_num(fcx, v_init) as node_id, body);
// Hack: for-loop index variables are frequently ignored,
// so we pretend they're used
use_var(fcx, p_id);
let loop_precond =
seq_preconds(fcx, [expr_pp(fcx.ccx, index), block_pp(fcx.ccx, body)]);
@ -184,8 +176,6 @@ fn gen_if_local(fcx: fn_ctxt, lhs: @expr, rhs: @expr, larger_id: node_id,
let p = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, rhs);
set_pre_and_post(fcx.ccx, larger_id, p.precondition,
gen(fcx, larger_id,
ninit(nid, path_to_ident(pth)));
_ { find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, [lhs, rhs], larger_id); }
@ -207,23 +197,13 @@ fn handle_update(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent: @expr, lhs: @expr, rhs: @expr,
if is_path(rhs) { forget_in_postcond(fcx,,; }
oper_swap {
oper_assign {
_ {
// pure and assign_op require the lhs to be init'd
let df = node_id_to_def_strict(fcx.ccx.tcx,;
alt df {
def_local(nid, _) {
let i = bit_num(fcx, ninit(nid, path_to_ident(p)));
require_and_preserve(i, expr_pp(fcx.ccx, lhs));
_ { }
_ { }
gen_if_local(fcx, lhs, rhs,,, p);
@ -255,22 +235,6 @@ fn handle_update(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent: @expr, lhs: @expr, rhs: @expr,
fn handle_var(fcx: fn_ctxt, rslt: pre_and_post, id: node_id, name: ident) {
handle_var_def(fcx, rslt, node_id_to_def_strict(fcx.ccx.tcx, id), name);
fn handle_var_def(fcx: fn_ctxt, rslt: pre_and_post, def: def, name: ident) {
log(debug, ("handle_var_def: ", def, name));
alt def {
def_local(nid, _) | def_arg(nid, _) {
use_var(fcx, nid);
let i = bit_num(fcx, ninit(nid, name));
require_and_preserve(i, rslt);
_ {/* nothing to check */ }
fn forget_args_moved_in(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent: @expr, modes: [mode],
operands: [@expr]) {
vec::iteri(modes) {|i,mode|
@ -284,10 +248,6 @@ fn forget_args_moved_in(fcx: fn_ctxt, parent: @expr, modes: [mode],
fn find_pre_post_expr_fn_upvars(fcx: fn_ctxt, e: @expr) {
let rslt = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e);
for vec::each(*freevars::get_freevars(fcx.ccx.tcx, {|def|
log(debug, ("handle_var_def: def=", def));
handle_var_def(fcx, rslt, def.def, "upvar");
/* Fills in annotations as a side effect. Does not rebuild the expr */
@ -332,7 +292,6 @@ fn find_pre_post_expr(fcx: fn_ctxt, e: @expr) {
expr_path(p) {
let rslt = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e);
handle_var(fcx, rslt,, path_to_ident(p));
expr_new(p, _, v) {
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, [p, v],;
@ -374,7 +333,7 @@ fn find_pre_post_expr(fcx: fn_ctxt, e: @expr) {
already be initialized */
find_pre_post_exprs(fcx, [lhs, rhs],;
expr_lit(_) { clear_pp(expr_pp(fcx.ccx, e)); }
expr_ret(maybe_val) {
@ -555,25 +514,16 @@ fn find_pre_post_stmt(fcx: fn_ctxt, s: stmt) {
none { }
gen(fcx, id, ninit(p_id, ident));
if an_init.op == init_move && is_path(an_init.expr) {
forget_in_postcond(fcx, id,;
/* Clear out anything that the previous initializer
guaranteed */
let e_pp = expr_pp(fcx.ccx, an_init.expr);
seq_preconds(fcx, [prev_pp, e_pp]));
/* Include the LHSs too, since those aren't in the
postconds of the RHSs themselves */
pat_bindings(fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map, alocal.node.pat)
{|pat_id, _s, n|
ninit(pat_id, path_to_ident(n))), prev_pp);
copy_pre_post_(fcx.ccx, id, prev_pp.precondition,
@ -659,10 +609,6 @@ fn find_pre_post_block(fcx: fn_ctxt, b: blk) {
fn find_pre_post_fn(fcx: fn_ctxt, body: blk) {
// hack
use_var(fcx, tsconstr_to_node_id(fcx.enclosing.i_return));
use_var(fcx, tsconstr_to_node_id(fcx.enclosing.i_diverge));
find_pre_post_block(fcx, body);
// Treat the tail expression as a return statement
@ -55,22 +55,6 @@ fn handle_move_or_copy(fcx: fn_ctxt, post: poststate, rhs_path: @path,
fn handle_fail(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres:prestate, post:poststate) {
// Remember what the old value of the "I return" trit was, so that
// we can avoid changing that (if it was true, there was a return
// that dominates this fail and the fail is unreachable)
if !promises(fcx, pres, fcx.enclosing.i_return)
// (only if we're in a diverging function -- you can fail when
// you're supposed to return, but not vice versa).
&& == noreturn {
kill_poststate_(fcx, fcx.enclosing.i_return, post);
} else {
// This code is unreachable (it's dominated by a return),
// so doesn't diverge.
kill_poststate_(fcx, fcx.enclosing.i_diverge, post);
fn seq_states(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, bindings: [binding]) ->
{changed: bool, post: poststate} {
let mut changed = false;
@ -90,12 +74,6 @@ fn seq_states(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, bindings: [binding]) ->
_ { }
alt d {
local_dest(i) {
set_in_poststate_ident(fcx, i.node, i.ident, post);
_ {}
// Forget the RHS if we just moved it.
@ -104,15 +82,6 @@ fn seq_states(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, bindings: [binding]) ->
none {
for b.lhs.each {|d|
// variables w/o an initializer
alt check d {
// would be an error to pass something uninit'd to a call
local_dest(i) {
clear_in_poststate_ident_(fcx, i.node, i.ident, post);
@ -158,16 +127,15 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_two(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, lhs: @expr,
alt ty {
oper_move {
if is_path(rhs) { forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,; }
forget_in_poststate_still_init(fcx, post,;
forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,;
oper_swap {
forget_in_poststate_still_init(fcx, post,;
forget_in_poststate_still_init(fcx, post,;
forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,;
forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,;
_ { forget_in_poststate_still_init(fcx, post,; }
_ { forget_in_poststate(fcx, post,; }
gen_if_local(fcx, post, lhs);
alt rhs.node {
expr_path(p1) {
let d = local_node_id_to_local_def_id(fcx,;
@ -222,7 +190,6 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_exprs(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, id: node_id,
alt cf {
noreturn {
let post = false_postcond(num_constraints(fcx.enclosing));
handle_fail(fcx, pres, post);
changed |= set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, id, post);
_ { changed |= set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, id,; }
@ -240,16 +207,9 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_loop(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, l: @local,
set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx, id, loop_pres) |
find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx, pres, index);
// Make sure the index vars are considered initialized
// in the body
let index_post = tritv_clone(expr_poststate(fcx.ccx, index));
pat_bindings(fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map, l.node.pat) {|p_id, _s, n|
set_in_poststate_ident(fcx, p_id, path_to_ident(n), index_post);
changed |= find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, index_post, body);
if has_nonlocal_exits(body) {
// See [Break-unsound]
ret changed | set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx, id, pres);
@ -261,20 +221,6 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_loop(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, l: @local,
fn gen_if_local(fcx: fn_ctxt, p: poststate, e: @expr) -> bool {
alt e.node {
expr_path(pth) {
alt fcx.ccx.tcx.def_map.find( {
some(def_local(nid, _)) {
ret set_in_poststate_ident(fcx, nid, path_to_ident(pth), p);
_ { ret false; }
_ { ret false; }
fn join_then_else(fcx: fn_ctxt, antec: @expr, conseq: blk,
maybe_alt: option<@expr>, id: node_id, chk: if_ty,
pres: prestate) -> bool {
@ -465,13 +411,10 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, e: @expr) -> bool {
expr_ret(maybe_ret_val) {
let mut changed = set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres);
/* normally, everything is true if execution continues after
/* everything is true if execution continues after
a ret expression (since execution never continues locally
after a ret expression */
// FIXME should factor this out
let post = false_postcond(num_constrs);
// except for the "diverges" bit...
kill_poststate_(fcx, fcx.enclosing.i_diverge, post);
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, post);
@ -593,7 +536,6 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_expr(fcx: fn_ctxt, pres: prestate, e: @expr) -> bool {
/* if execution continues after fail, then everything is true!
woo! */
let post = false_postcond(num_constrs);
handle_fail(fcx, pres, post);
ret set_prestate_ann(fcx.ccx,, pres) |
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, post) |
option::map_default(maybe_fail_val, false, {|fail_val|
@ -727,13 +669,8 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_fn(fcx: fn_ctxt,
// This ensures that intersect works correctly.
// Arguments start out initialized
let block_pre = block_prestate(fcx.ccx, f_body);
for f_decl.inputs.each {|a|
set_in_prestate_constr(fcx, ninit(, a.ident), block_pre);
// Instantiate any constraints on the arguments so we can use them
let block_pre = block_prestate(fcx.ccx, f_body);
for f_decl.constraints.each {|c|
let tsc = ast_constr_to_ts_constr(fcx.ccx.tcx, f_decl.inputs, c);
set_in_prestate_constr(fcx, tsc, block_pre);
@ -741,23 +678,6 @@ fn find_pre_post_state_fn(fcx: fn_ctxt,
let mut changed = find_pre_post_state_block(fcx, block_pre, f_body);
// Treat the tail expression as a return statement
alt f_body.node.expr {
some(tailexpr) {
// We don't want to clear the diverges bit for bottom typed things,
// which really do diverge. I feel like there is a cleaner way
// to do this than checking the type.
if !type_is_bot(expr_ty(fcx.ccx.tcx, tailexpr)) {
let post = false_postcond(num_constrs);
// except for the "diverges" bit...
kill_poststate_(fcx, fcx.enclosing.i_diverge, post);
set_poststate_ann(fcx.ccx,, post);
none {/* fallthrough */ }
log(error, changed);
@ -1,20 +1,14 @@
fn f1(x: int) {
//!^ WARNING unused variable: `x`
//!^^ WARNING unused variable x
// (the 2nd one is from tstate)
fn f1b(&x: int) {
//!^ WARNING unused variable: `x`
//!^^ WARNING unused variable x
// (the 2nd one is from tstate)
fn f2() {
let x = 3;
//!^ WARNING unused variable: `x`
//!^^ WARNING unused variable x
// (the 2nd one is from tstate)
fn f3() {
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
// xfail-test --- tstate incorrectly fails this
fn test() {
let v;
loop {
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