Refactor TypeContents to be more scrutable. In particular, create coarser bits
than the current ones, which were very fine-grained. Also, cleanly distinguish when properties must be found in *owned* types vs *reachable* types. Fixes #10157 Fixes #10278
This commit is contained in:
@ -1854,9 +1854,76 @@ fn type_needs_unwind_cleanup_(cx: ctxt, ty: t,
* a type than to think about what is *not* contained within a type.
pub struct TypeContents {
bits: u32
bits: u64
macro_rules! def_type_content_sets(
(mod $mname:ident { $($name:ident = $bits:expr),+ }) => {
mod $mname {
use middle::ty::TypeContents;
$(pub static $name: TypeContents = TypeContents { bits: $bits };)+
mod TC {
None = 0b0000__00000000__0000,
// Things that are interior to the value (first nibble):
InteriorUnsized = 0b0000__00000000__0001,
InteriorAll = 0b0000__00000000__1111,
// Things that are owned by the value (second and third nibbles):
OwnsOwned = 0b0000__00000001__0000,
OwnsDtor = 0b0000__00000010__0000,
OwnsManaged /* see [1] below */ = 0b0000__00000100__0000,
OwnsAffine = 0b0000__00001000__0000,
OwnsAll = 0b0000__11111111__0000,
// Things that are reachable by the value in any way (fourth nibble):
ReachesNonsendAnnot = 0b0001__00000000__0000,
ReachesBorrowed = 0b0010__00000000__0000,
ReachesManaged /* see [1] below */ = 0b0100__00000000__0000,
ReachesMutable = 0b1000__00000000__0000,
ReachesAll = 0b1111__00000000__0000,
// Things that cause values to *move* rather than *copy*
Moves = 0b0000__00001011__0000,
// Things that mean drop glue is necessary
NeedsDrop = 0b0000__00000111__0000,
// Things that prevent values from being sent
// Note: For checking whether something is sendable, it'd
// be sufficient to have ReachesManaged. However, we include
// both ReachesManaged and OwnsManaged so that when
// a parameter has a bound T:Send, we are able to deduce
// that it neither reaches nor owns a managed pointer.
Nonsendable = 0b0111__00000100__0000,
// Things that prevent values from being considered freezable
Nonfreezable = 0b1000__00000000__0000,
// Things that prevent values from being considered 'static
Nonstatic = 0b0010__00000000__0000,
// Things that prevent values from being considered sized
Nonsized = 0b0000__00000000__0001,
// Bits to set when a managed value is encountered
// [1] Do not set the bits TC::OwnsManaged or
// TC::ReachesManaged directly, instead reference
// TC::Managed to set them both at once.
Managed = 0b0100__00000100__0000,
// All bits
All = 0b1111__11111111__1111
impl TypeContents {
pub fn meets_bounds(&self, cx: ctxt, bbs: BuiltinBounds) -> bool {
bbs.iter().all(|bb| self.meets_bound(cx, bb))
@ -1871,84 +1938,81 @@ impl TypeContents {
pub fn when(&self, cond: bool) -> TypeContents {
if cond {*self} else {TC::None}
pub fn intersects(&self, tc: TypeContents) -> bool {
(self.bits & tc.bits) != 0
pub fn noncopyable(_cx: ctxt) -> TypeContents {
pub fn is_static(&self, _: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn is_static(&self, cx: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn nonstatic(_cx: ctxt) -> TypeContents {
pub fn is_sendable(&self, cx: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn nonsendable(_cx: ctxt) -> TypeContents {
pub fn is_sendable(&self, _: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn contains_managed(&self) -> bool {
pub fn is_freezable(&self, cx: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn is_freezable(&self, _: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn nonfreezable(_cx: ctxt) -> TypeContents {
pub fn is_sized(&self, _: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn is_sized(&self, cx: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn moves_by_default(&self, _: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn dynamically_sized(_cx: ctxt) -> TypeContents {
pub fn needs_drop(&self, _: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn moves_by_default(&self, cx: ctxt) -> bool {
pub fn owned_pointer(&self) -> TypeContents {
* Includes only those bits that still apply
* when indirected through a `~` pointer
TC::OwnsOwned | (
*self & (TC::OwnsAll | TC::ReachesAll))
pub fn nonimplicitly_copyable(cx: ctxt) -> TypeContents {
TypeContents::noncopyable(cx) + TC_OWNED_POINTER + TC_OWNED_VEC
pub fn other_pointer(&self, bits: TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
* Includes only those bits that still apply
* when indirected through a non-owning pointer (`&`, `@`)
bits | (
*self & TC::ReachesAll)
pub fn needs_drop(&self, cx: ctxt) -> bool {
if self.intersects(TC_NONCOPY_TRAIT) {
// Currently all noncopyable existentials are 2nd-class types
// behind owned pointers. With dynamically-sized types, remove
// this assertion.
assert!(self.intersects(TC_OWNED_POINTER) ||
// (...or stack closures without a copy bound.)
let tc = TC_MANAGED + TC_DTOR + TypeContents::sendable(cx);
pub fn union<T>(v: &[T], f: &fn(&T) -> TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
v.iter().fold(TC::None, |tc, t| tc | f(t))
pub fn sendable(_cx: ctxt) -> TypeContents {
//! Any kind of sendable contents.
pub fn inverse(&self) -> TypeContents {
TypeContents { bits: !self.bits }
impl ops::Add<TypeContents,TypeContents> for TypeContents {
fn add(&self, other: &TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
impl ops::BitOr<TypeContents,TypeContents> for TypeContents {
fn bitor(&self, other: &TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
TypeContents {bits: self.bits | other.bits}
impl ops::BitAnd<TypeContents,TypeContents> for TypeContents {
fn bitand(&self, other: &TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
TypeContents {bits: self.bits & other.bits}
impl ops::Sub<TypeContents,TypeContents> for TypeContents {
fn sub(&self, other: &TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
TypeContents {bits: self.bits & !other.bits}
@ -1961,48 +2025,6 @@ impl ToStr for TypeContents {
/// Constant for a type containing nothing of interest.
static TC_NONE: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_0000_0000};
/// Contains a borrowed value with a lifetime other than static
static TC_BORROWED_POINTER: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_0000_0001};
/// Contains an owned pointer (~T) but not slice of some kind
static TC_OWNED_POINTER: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_0000_0010};
/// Contains an owned vector ~[] or owned string ~str
static TC_OWNED_VEC: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_0000_0100};
/// Contains a non-copyable ~fn() or a ~Trait (NOT a ~fn:Copy() or ~Trait:Copy).
static TC_NONCOPY_TRAIT: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_0000_1000};
/// Type with a destructor
static TC_DTOR: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_0001_0000};
/// Contains a managed value
static TC_MANAGED: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_0010_0000};
/// &mut with any region
static TC_BORROWED_MUT: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_0100_0000};
/// Mutable content, whether owned or by ref
static TC_MUTABLE: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0000_1000_0000};
/// One-shot closure
static TC_ONCE_CLOSURE: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0001_0000_0000};
/// An enum with no variants.
static TC_EMPTY_ENUM: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0010_0000_0000};
/// Contains a type marked with `#[no_send]`
static TC_NON_SENDABLE: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b0100_0000_0000};
/// Is a bare vector, str, function, trait, etc (only relevant at top level).
static TC_DYNAMIC_SIZE: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b1000_0000_0000};
/// All possible contents.
static TC_ALL: TypeContents = TypeContents{bits: 0b1111_1111_1111};
pub fn type_is_static(cx: ctxt, t: ty::t) -> bool {
type_contents(cx, t).is_static(cx)
@ -2039,19 +2061,19 @@ pub fn type_contents(cx: ctxt, ty: t) -> TypeContents {
// When computing the type contents of such a type, we wind up deeply
// recursing as we go. So when we encounter the recursive reference
// to List, we temporarily use TC_NONE as its contents. Later we'll
// to List, we temporarily use TC::None as its contents. Later we'll
// patch up the cache with the correct value, once we've computed it
// (this is basically a co-inductive process, if that helps). So in
// the end we'll compute TC_OWNED_POINTER, in this case.
// the end we'll compute TC::OwnsOwned, in this case.
// The problem is, as we are doing the computation, we will also
// compute an *intermediate* contents for, e.g., Option<List> of
// TC_NONE. This is ok during the computation of List itself, but if
// TC::None. This is ok during the computation of List itself, but if
// we stored this intermediate value into cx.tc_cache, then later
// requests for the contents of Option<List> would also yield TC_NONE
// requests for the contents of Option<List> would also yield TC::None
// which is incorrect. This value was computed based on the crutch
// value for the type contents of list. The correct value is
// TC_OWNED_POINTER. This manifested as issue #4821.
// TC::OwnsOwned. This manifested as issue #4821.
let ty_id = type_id(ty);
match cache.find(&ty_id) {
Some(tc) => { return *tc; }
@ -2061,108 +2083,92 @@ pub fn type_contents(cx: ctxt, ty: t) -> TypeContents {
Some(tc) => { return *tc; }
None => {}
cache.insert(ty_id, TC_NONE);
let _i = indenter();
cache.insert(ty_id, TC::None);
let result = match get(ty).sty {
// Scalar and unique types are sendable, freezable, and durable
ty_nil | ty_bot | ty_bool | ty_char | ty_int(_) | ty_uint(_) | ty_float(_) |
ty_bare_fn(_) | ty_ptr(_) => {
ty_nil | ty_bot | ty_bool | ty_int(_) | ty_uint(_) | ty_float(_) |
ty_bare_fn(_) | ty_ptr(_) | ty::ty_char => {
ty_estr(vstore_uniq) => {
ty_closure(ref c) => {
closure_contents(cx, c)
ty_box(mt) => {
statically_sized(nonsendable(tc_mt(cx, mt, cache)))
tc_mt(cx, mt, cache).other_pointer(TC::Managed)
ty_trait(_, _, store, mutbl, bounds) => {
trait_contents(store, mutbl, bounds)
object_contents(cx, store, mutbl, bounds)
ty_rptr(r, mt) => {
borrowed_contents(r, mt.mutbl) +
statically_sized(nonsendable(tc_mt(cx, mt, cache)))
ty_rptr(r, ref mt) => {
tc_ty(cx, mt.ty, cache).other_pointer(
borrowed_contents(r, mt.mutbl))
ty_uniq(mt) => {
TC_OWNED_POINTER + statically_sized(tc_mt(cx, mt, cache))
tc_mt(cx, mt, cache).owned_pointer()
ty_evec(mt, vstore_uniq) => {
TC_OWNED_VEC + statically_sized(tc_mt(cx, mt, cache))
tc_mt(cx, mt, cache).owned_pointer()
ty_evec(mt, vstore_box) => {
statically_sized(nonsendable(tc_mt(cx, mt, cache)))
tc_mt(cx, mt, cache).other_pointer(TC::Managed)
ty_evec(mt, vstore_slice(r)) => {
borrowed_contents(r, mt.mutbl) +
statically_sized(nonsendable(tc_mt(cx, mt, cache)))
ty_evec(ref mt, vstore_slice(r)) => {
tc_ty(cx, mt.ty, cache).other_pointer(
borrowed_contents(r, mt.mutbl))
ty_evec(mt, vstore_fixed(_)) => {
let contents = tc_mt(cx, mt, cache);
// FIXME(#6308) Uncomment this when construction of such
// vectors is prevented earlier in compilation.
// if !contents.is_sized(cx) {
// cx.sess.bug("Fixed-length vector of unsized type \
// should be impossible");
// }
tc_mt(cx, mt, cache)
ty_estr(vstore_box) => {
ty_estr(vstore_slice(r)) => {
borrowed_contents(r, MutImmutable)
borrowed_contents(r, ast::MutImmutable)
ty_estr(vstore_fixed(_)) => {
ty_struct(did, ref substs) => {
let flds = struct_fields(cx, did, substs);
let mut res = flds.iter().fold(
|tc, f| tc + tc_mt(cx,, cache));
let mut res =
TypeContents::union(flds, |f| tc_mt(cx,, cache));
if ty::has_dtor(cx, did) {
res = res + TC_DTOR;
res = res | TC::OwnsDtor;
apply_tc_attr(cx, did, res)
apply_attributes(cx, did, res)
ty_tup(ref tys) => {
tys.iter().fold(TC_NONE, |tc, ty| tc + tc_ty(cx, *ty, cache))
TypeContents::union(*tys, |ty| tc_ty(cx, *ty, cache))
ty_enum(did, ref substs) => {
let variants = substd_enum_variants(cx, did, substs);
let res = if variants.is_empty() {
// we somewhat arbitrary declare that empty enums
// are non-copyable
} else {
variants.iter().fold(TC_NONE, |tc, variant| {
|tc, arg_ty| tc + tc_ty(cx, *arg_ty, cache))
apply_tc_attr(cx, did, res)
let res =
TypeContents::union(variants, |variant| {
TypeContents::union(variant.args, |arg_ty| {
tc_ty(cx, *arg_ty, cache)
apply_attributes(cx, did, res)
ty_param(p) => {
@ -2175,7 +2181,8 @@ pub fn type_contents(cx: ctxt, ty: t) -> TypeContents {
assert_eq!(p.def_id.crate, ast::LOCAL_CRATE);
let tp_def = cx.ty_param_defs.get(&p.def_id.node);
kind_bounds_to_contents(cx, &tp_def.bounds.builtin_bounds,
@ -2186,31 +2193,29 @@ pub fn type_contents(cx: ctxt, ty: t) -> TypeContents {
// for supertraits. If so we can use those bounds.
let trait_def = lookup_trait_def(cx, def_id);
let traits = [trait_def.trait_ref];
kind_bounds_to_contents(cx, &trait_def.bounds, traits)
kind_bounds_to_contents(cx, trait_def.bounds, traits)
ty_infer(_) => {
// This occurs during coherence, but shouldn't occur at other
// times.
ty_opaque_box => TC_MANAGED,
ty_unboxed_vec(mt) => TC_DYNAMIC_SIZE + tc_mt(cx, mt, cache),
ty_opaque_box => TC::Managed,
ty_unboxed_vec(mt) => TC::InteriorUnsized | tc_mt(cx, mt, cache),
ty_opaque_closure_ptr(sigil) => {
match sigil {
ast::BorrowedSigil => TC_BORROWED_POINTER,
ast::ManagedSigil => TC_MANAGED,
// FIXME(#3569): Looks like noncopyability should depend
// on the bounds, but I don't think this case ever comes up.
ast::BorrowedSigil => TC::ReachesBorrowed,
ast::ManagedSigil => TC::Managed,
ast::OwnedSigil => TC::OwnsOwned,
ty_type => TC_NONE,
ty_type => TC::None,
ty_err => {
cx.sess.bug("Asked to compute contents of fictitious type");
cx.sess.bug("Asked to compute contents of error type");
@ -2222,132 +2227,105 @@ pub fn type_contents(cx: ctxt, ty: t) -> TypeContents {
mt: mt,
cache: &mut HashMap<uint, TypeContents>) -> TypeContents
let mc = if mt.mutbl == MutMutable {TC_MUTABLE} else {TC_NONE};
mc + tc_ty(cx, mt.ty, cache)
let mc = TC::ReachesMutable.when(mt.mutbl == MutMutable);
mc | tc_ty(cx, mt.ty, cache)
fn apply_tc_attr(cx: ctxt, did: DefId, mut tc: TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
if has_attr(cx, did, "no_freeze") {
tc = tc + TC_MUTABLE;
if has_attr(cx, did, "no_send") {
tc = tc + TC_NON_SENDABLE;
fn apply_attributes(cx: ctxt,
did: ast::DefId,
tc: TypeContents)
-> TypeContents {
tc |
TC::ReachesMutable.when(has_attr(cx, did, "no_freeze")) |
TC::ReachesNonsendAnnot.when(has_attr(cx, did, "no_send"))
fn borrowed_contents(region: ty::Region,
mutbl: ast::Mutability) -> TypeContents
let mc = if mutbl == MutMutable {
} else {
let rc = if region != ty::re_static {
} else {
mc + rc
fn nonsendable(pointee: TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
mutbl: ast::Mutability)
-> TypeContents {
* Given a non-owning pointer to some type `T` with
* contents `pointee` (like `@T` or
* `&T`), returns the relevant bits that
* apply to the owner of the pointer.
* Type contents due to containing a borrowed pointer
* with the region `region` and borrow kind `bk`
let mask = TC_MUTABLE.bits | TC_BORROWED_POINTER.bits;
TypeContents {bits: pointee.bits & mask}
let b = match mutbl {
ast::MutMutable => TC::ReachesMutable | TC::OwnsAffine,
ast::MutImmutable => TC::None,
b | (TC::ReachesBorrowed).when(region != ty::re_static)
fn statically_sized(pointee: TypeContents) -> TypeContents {
* If a dynamically-sized type is found behind a pointer, we should
* restore the 'Sized' kind to the pointer and things that contain it.
TypeContents {bits: pointee.bits & !TC_DYNAMIC_SIZE.bits}
fn closure_contents(cty: &ClosureTy) -> TypeContents {
fn closure_contents(cx: ctxt, cty: &ClosureTy) -> TypeContents {
// Closure contents are just like trait contents, but with potentially
// even more stuff.
let st = match cty.sigil {
ast::BorrowedSigil =>
trait_contents(RegionTraitStore(cty.region), MutImmutable, cty.bounds)
+ TC_BORROWED_POINTER, // might be an env packet even if static
object_contents(cx, RegionTraitStore(cty.region), MutMutable, cty.bounds),
ast::ManagedSigil =>
trait_contents(BoxTraitStore, MutImmutable, cty.bounds),
object_contents(cx, BoxTraitStore, MutImmutable, cty.bounds),
ast::OwnedSigil =>
trait_contents(UniqTraitStore, MutImmutable, cty.bounds),
object_contents(cx, UniqTraitStore, MutImmutable, cty.bounds),
// FIXME(#3569): This borrowed_contents call should be taken care of in
// trait_contents, after ~Traits and @Traits can have region bounds too.
// object_contents, after ~Traits and @Traits can have region bounds too.
// This one here is redundant for &fns but important for ~fns and @fns.
let rt = borrowed_contents(cty.region, MutImmutable);
let rt = borrowed_contents(cty.region, ast::MutImmutable);
// This also prohibits "@once fn" from being copied, which allows it to
// be called. Neither way really makes much sense.
let ot = match cty.onceness {
ast::Once => TC_ONCE_CLOSURE,
ast::Many => TC_NONE
ast::Once => TC::OwnsAffine,
ast::Many => TC::None,
// Prevent noncopyable types captured in the environment from being copied.
st + rt + ot + TC_NONCOPY_TRAIT
st | rt | ot
fn trait_contents(store: TraitStore, mutbl: ast::Mutability,
bounds: BuiltinBounds) -> TypeContents {
let st = match store {
UniqTraitStore => TC_OWNED_POINTER,
BoxTraitStore => TC_MANAGED,
RegionTraitStore(r) => borrowed_contents(r, mutbl),
let mt = match mutbl { ast::MutMutable => TC_MUTABLE, _ => TC_NONE };
// We get additional "special type contents" for each bound that *isn't*
// on the trait. So iterate over the inverse of the bounds that are set.
// This is like with typarams below, but less "pessimistic" and also
// dependent on the trait store.
let mut bt = TC_NONE;
for bound in (AllBuiltinBounds() - bounds).iter() {
bt = bt + match bound {
BoundStatic if bounds.contains_elem(BoundSend)
=> TC_NONE, // Send bound implies static bound.
BoundStatic => TC_BORROWED_POINTER, // Useful for "@Trait:'static"
BoundFreeze => TC_MUTABLE,
BoundSized => TC_NONE, // don't care if interior is sized
fn object_contents(cx: ctxt,
store: TraitStore,
mutbl: ast::Mutability,
bounds: BuiltinBounds)
-> TypeContents {
// These are the type contents of the (opaque) interior
let contents = (TC::ReachesMutable.when(mutbl == ast::MutMutable) |
kind_bounds_to_contents(cx, bounds, []));
match store {
UniqTraitStore => {
BoxTraitStore => {
RegionTraitStore(r) => {
contents.other_pointer(borrowed_contents(r, mutbl))
st + mt + bt
fn kind_bounds_to_contents(cx: ctxt, bounds: &BuiltinBounds, traits: &[@TraitRef])
-> TypeContents {
fn kind_bounds_to_contents(cx: ctxt,
bounds: BuiltinBounds,
traits: &[@TraitRef])
-> TypeContents {
let _i = indenter();
let mut tc = TC_ALL;
let mut tc = TC::All;
do each_inherited_builtin_bound(cx, bounds, traits) |bound| {
debug!("tc = {}, bound = {:?}", tc.to_str(), bound);
tc = tc - match bound {
BoundStatic => TypeContents::nonstatic(cx),
BoundSend => TypeContents::nonsendable(cx),
BoundFreeze => TypeContents::nonfreezable(cx),
// The dynamic-size bit can be removed at pointer-level, etc.
BoundSized => TypeContents::dynamically_sized(cx),
BoundStatic => TC::Nonstatic,
BoundSend => TC::Nonsendable,
BoundFreeze => TC::Nonfreezable,
BoundSized => TC::Nonsized,
debug!("result = {}", tc.to_str());
return tc;
// Iterates over all builtin bounds on the type parameter def, including
// those inherited from traits with builtin-kind-supertraits.
fn each_inherited_builtin_bound(cx: ctxt, bounds: &BuiltinBounds,
traits: &[@TraitRef], f: &fn(BuiltinBound)) {
fn each_inherited_builtin_bound(cx: ctxt,
bounds: BuiltinBounds,
traits: &[@TraitRef],
f: &fn(BuiltinBound)) {
for bound in bounds.iter() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// Tests that an `&` pointer to something inherently mutable is itself
// to be considered mutable.
enum Foo { A }
fn bar<T: Freeze>(_: T) {}
fn main() {
let x = A;
bar(&x); //~ ERROR type parameter with an incompatible type
Reference in New Issue
Block a user