Support custom allocators in Box
Remove `Box::leak_with_alloc` Add leak-test for box with allocator Rename `AllocErr` to `AllocError` in leak-test Add `Box::alloc` and adjust examples to use the new API
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,8 +2,13 @@
#![stable(feature = "alloc_module", since = "1.28.0")]
use core::intrinsics::{self, min_align_of_val, size_of_val};
use core::ptr::{self, NonNull, Unique};
use core::intrinsics;
use core::intrinsics::{min_align_of_val, size_of_val};
use core::ptr::Unique;
use core::ptr::{self, NonNull};
#[stable(feature = "alloc_module", since = "1.28.0")]
@ -40,8 +45,12 @@ extern "Rust" {
/// accessed through the [free functions in `alloc`](index.html#functions).
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Global;
pub use std::alloc::Global;
/// Allocate memory with the global allocator.
/// This function forwards calls to the [`GlobalAlloc::alloc`] method
@ -145,6 +154,7 @@ pub unsafe fn alloc_zeroed(layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 {
unsafe { __rust_alloc_zeroed(layout.size(), layout.align()) }
impl Global {
fn alloc_impl(&self, layout: Layout, zeroed: bool) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError> {
@ -208,6 +218,7 @@ impl Global {
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
unsafe impl AllocRef for Global {
fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError> {
@ -314,12 +325,12 @@ unsafe fn exchange_malloc(size: usize, align: usize) -> *mut u8 {
// well.
// For example if `Box` is changed to `struct Box<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef>(Unique<T>, A)`,
// this function has to be changed to `fn box_free<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef>(Unique<T>, A)` as well.
pub(crate) unsafe fn box_free<T: ?Sized>(ptr: Unique<T>) {
pub(crate) unsafe fn box_free<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef>(ptr: Unique<T>, alloc: A) {
unsafe {
let size = size_of_val(ptr.as_ref());
let align = min_align_of_val(ptr.as_ref());
let layout = Layout::from_size_align_unchecked(size, align);
Global.dealloc(ptr.cast().into(), layout)
alloc.dealloc(ptr.cast().into(), layout)
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ use core::pin::Pin;
use core::ptr::{self, Unique};
use core::task::{Context, Poll};
use crate::alloc::{self, AllocRef, Global};
use crate::alloc::{handle_alloc_error, AllocRef, Global, Layout};
use crate::borrow::Cow;
use crate::raw_vec::RawVec;
use crate::str::from_boxed_utf8_unchecked;
@ -157,7 +157,10 @@ use crate::vec::Vec;
#[lang = "owned_box"]
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub struct Box<T: ?Sized>(Unique<T>);
pub struct Box<
T: ?Sized,
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")] A: AllocRef = Global,
>(Unique<T>, A);
impl<T> Box<T> {
/// Allocates memory on the heap and then places `x` into it.
@ -171,7 +174,7 @@ impl<T> Box<T> {
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub fn new(x: T) -> Box<T> {
pub fn new(x: T) -> Self {
box x
@ -194,10 +197,9 @@ impl<T> Box<T> {
/// assert_eq!(*five, 5)
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "new_uninit", issue = "63291")]
pub fn new_uninit() -> Box<mem::MaybeUninit<T>> {
let layout = alloc::Layout::new::<mem::MaybeUninit<T>>();
let ptr = Global.alloc(layout).unwrap_or_else(|_| alloc::handle_alloc_error(layout)).cast();
unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr.as_ptr()) }
/// Constructs a new `Box` with uninitialized contents, with the memory
@ -219,13 +221,9 @@ impl<T> Box<T> {
/// [zeroed]: mem::MaybeUninit::zeroed
#[unstable(feature = "new_uninit", issue = "63291")]
pub fn new_zeroed() -> Box<mem::MaybeUninit<T>> {
let layout = alloc::Layout::new::<mem::MaybeUninit<T>>();
let ptr = Global
.unwrap_or_else(|_| alloc::handle_alloc_error(layout))
unsafe { Box::from_raw(ptr.as_ptr()) }
/// Constructs a new `Pin<Box<T>>`. If `T` does not implement `Unpin`, then
@ -235,14 +233,103 @@ impl<T> Box<T> {
pub fn pin(x: T) -> Pin<Box<T>> {
(box x).into()
impl<T, A: AllocRef> Box<T, A> {
/// Allocates memory in the given allocator then places `x` into it.
/// This doesn't actually allocate if `T` is zero-sized.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api)]
/// use std::alloc::System;
/// let five = Box::new_in(5, System);
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
pub fn new_in(x: T, alloc: A) -> Self {
let mut boxed = Self::new_uninit_in(alloc);
unsafe {
/// Constructs a new box with uninitialized contents in the provided allocator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api, new_uninit)]
/// use std::alloc::System;
/// let mut five = Box::<u32, _>::new_uninit_in(System);
/// let five = unsafe {
/// // Deferred initialization:
/// five.as_mut_ptr().write(5);
/// five.assume_init()
/// };
/// assert_eq!(*five, 5)
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
// #[unstable(feature = "new_uninit", issue = "63291")]
pub fn new_uninit_in(alloc: A) -> Box<mem::MaybeUninit<T>, A> {
let layout = Layout::new::<mem::MaybeUninit<T>>();
let ptr = alloc.alloc(layout).unwrap_or_else(|_| handle_alloc_error(layout)).cast();
unsafe { Box::from_raw_in(ptr.as_ptr(), alloc) }
/// Constructs a new `Box` with uninitialized contents, with the memory
/// being filled with `0` bytes in the provided allocator.
/// See [`MaybeUninit::zeroed`][zeroed] for examples of correct and incorrect usage
/// of this method.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api, new_uninit)]
/// use std::alloc::System;
/// let zero = Box::<u32, _>::new_zeroed_in(System);
/// let zero = unsafe { zero.assume_init() };
/// assert_eq!(*zero, 0)
/// ```
/// [zeroed]: mem::MaybeUninit::zeroed
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
// #[unstable(feature = "new_uninit", issue = "63291")]
pub fn new_zeroed_in(alloc: A) -> Box<mem::MaybeUninit<T>, A> {
let layout = Layout::new::<mem::MaybeUninit<T>>();
let ptr = alloc.alloc_zeroed(layout).unwrap_or_else(|_| handle_alloc_error(layout)).cast();
unsafe { Box::from_raw_in(ptr.as_ptr(), alloc) }
/// Constructs a new `Pin<Box<T, A>>`. If `T` does not implement `Unpin`, then
/// `x` will be pinned in memory and unable to be moved.
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
pub fn pin_in(x: T, alloc: A) -> Pin<Self> {
Self::new_in(x, alloc).into()
/// Converts a `Box<T>` into a `Box<[T]>`
/// This conversion does not allocate on the heap and happens in place.
#[unstable(feature = "box_into_boxed_slice", issue = "71582")]
pub fn into_boxed_slice(boxed: Box<T>) -> Box<[T]> {
// *mut T and *mut [T; 1] have the same size and alignment
unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(boxed) as *mut [T; 1]) }
pub fn into_boxed_slice(boxed: Self) -> Box<[T], A> {
let (raw, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(boxed);
unsafe { Box::from_raw_in(raw as *mut [T; 1], alloc) }
@ -296,8 +383,64 @@ impl<T> Box<[T]> {
impl<T> Box<mem::MaybeUninit<T>> {
/// Converts to `Box<T>`.
impl<T, A: AllocRef> Box<[T], A> {
/// Constructs a new boxed slice with uninitialized contents in the provided allocator.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api, new_uninit)]
/// use std::alloc::System;
/// let mut values = Box::<[u32], _>::new_uninit_slice_in(3, System);
/// let values = unsafe {
/// // Deferred initialization:
/// values[0].as_mut_ptr().write(1);
/// values[1].as_mut_ptr().write(2);
/// values[2].as_mut_ptr().write(3);
/// values.assume_init()
/// };
/// assert_eq!(*values, [1, 2, 3])
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
// #[unstable(feature = "new_uninit", issue = "63291")]
pub fn new_uninit_slice_in(len: usize, alloc: A) -> Box<[mem::MaybeUninit<T>], A> {
unsafe { RawVec::with_capacity_in(len, alloc).into_box(len) }
/// Constructs a new boxed slice with uninitialized contents in the provided allocator,
/// with the memory being filled with `0` bytes.
/// See [`MaybeUninit::zeroed`][zeroed] for examples of correct and incorrect usage
/// of this method.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api, new_uninit)]
/// use std::alloc::System;
/// let values = Box::<[u32], _>::new_zeroed_slice_in(3, System);
/// let values = unsafe { values.assume_init() };
/// assert_eq!(*values, [0, 0, 0])
/// ```
/// [zeroed]: mem::MaybeUninit::zeroed
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
// #[unstable(feature = "new_uninit", issue = "63291")]
pub fn new_zeroed_slice_in(len: usize, alloc: A) -> Box<[mem::MaybeUninit<T>], A> {
unsafe { RawVec::with_capacity_zeroed_in(len, alloc).into_box(len) }
impl<T, A: AllocRef> Box<mem::MaybeUninit<T>, A> {
/// Converts to `Box<T, A>`.
/// # Safety
@ -327,13 +470,14 @@ impl<T> Box<mem::MaybeUninit<T>> {
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "new_uninit", issue = "63291")]
pub unsafe fn assume_init(self) -> Box<T> {
unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(self) as *mut T) }
pub unsafe fn assume_init(self) -> Box<T, A> {
let (raw, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(self);
unsafe { Box::from_raw_in(raw as *mut T, alloc) }
impl<T> Box<[mem::MaybeUninit<T>]> {
/// Converts to `Box<[T]>`.
impl<T, A: AllocRef> Box<[mem::MaybeUninit<T>], A> {
/// Converts to `Box<[T], A>`.
/// # Safety
@ -365,8 +509,9 @@ impl<T> Box<[mem::MaybeUninit<T>]> {
/// ```
#[unstable(feature = "new_uninit", issue = "63291")]
pub unsafe fn assume_init(self) -> Box<[T]> {
unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(self) as *mut [T]) }
pub unsafe fn assume_init(self) -> Box<[T], A> {
let (raw, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(self);
unsafe { Box::from_raw_in(raw as *mut [T], alloc) }
@ -412,7 +557,62 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Box<T> {
#[stable(feature = "box_raw", since = "1.4.0")]
pub unsafe fn from_raw(raw: *mut T) -> Self {
Box(unsafe { Unique::new_unchecked(raw) })
unsafe { Self::from_raw_in(raw, Global) }
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> Box<T, A> {
/// Constructs a box from a raw pointer in the given allocator.
/// After calling this function, the raw pointer is owned by the
/// resulting `Box`. Specifically, the `Box` destructor will call
/// the destructor of `T` and free the allocated memory. For this
/// to be safe, the memory must have been allocated in accordance
/// with the [memory layout] used by `Box` .
/// # Safety
/// This function is unsafe because improper use may lead to
/// memory problems. For example, a double-free may occur if the
/// function is called twice on the same raw pointer.
/// # Examples
/// Recreate a `Box` which was previously converted to a raw pointer
/// using [`Box::into_raw_with_alloc`]:
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api)]
/// use std::alloc::System;
/// let x = Box::new_in(5, System);
/// let (ptr, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(x);
/// let x = unsafe { Box::from_raw_in(ptr, alloc) };
/// ```
/// Manually create a `Box` from scratch by using the system allocator:
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api, slice_ptr_get)]
/// use std::alloc::{AllocRef, Layout, System};
/// unsafe {
/// let ptr = System.alloc(Layout::new::<i32>())?.as_mut_ptr();
/// // In general .write is required to avoid attempting to destruct
/// // the (uninitialized) previous contents of `ptr`, though for this
/// // simple example `*ptr = 5` would have worked as well.
/// ptr.write(5);
/// let x = Box::from_raw_in(ptr, System);
/// }
/// # Ok::<(), std::alloc::AllocError>(())
/// ```
/// [memory layout]: self#memory-layout
/// [`Layout`]: crate::Layout
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
pub unsafe fn from_raw_in(raw: *mut T, alloc: A) -> Self {
Box(unsafe { Unique::new_unchecked(raw) }, alloc)
/// Consumes the `Box`, returning a wrapped raw pointer.
@ -456,13 +656,61 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Box<T> {
/// [memory layout]: self#memory-layout
#[stable(feature = "box_raw", since = "1.4.0")]
pub fn into_raw(b: Box<T>) -> *mut T {
// Box is recognized as a "unique pointer" by Stacked Borrows, but internally it is a
// raw pointer for the type system. Turning it directly into a raw pointer would not be
// recognized as "releasing" the unique pointer to permit aliased raw accesses,
// so all raw pointer methods go through `leak` which creates a (unique)
// mutable reference. Turning *that* to a raw pointer behaves correctly.
Box::leak(b) as *mut T
pub fn into_raw(b: Self) -> *mut T {
/// Consumes the `Box`, returning a wrapped raw pointer and the allocator.
/// The pointer will be properly aligned and non-null.
/// After calling this function, the caller is responsible for the
/// memory previously managed by the `Box`. In particular, the
/// caller should properly destroy `T` and release the memory, taking
/// into account the [memory layout] used by `Box`. The easiest way to
/// do this is to convert the raw pointer back into a `Box` with the
/// [`Box::from_raw_in`] function, allowing the `Box` destructor to perform
/// the cleanup.
/// Note: this is an associated function, which means that you have
/// to call it as `Box::into_raw_with_alloc(b)` instead of `b.into_raw_with_alloc()`. This
/// is so that there is no conflict with a method on the inner type.
/// # Examples
/// Converting the raw pointer back into a `Box` with [`Box::from_raw_in`]
/// for automatic cleanup:
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api)]
/// use std::alloc::System;
/// let x = Box::new_in(String::from("Hello"), System);
/// let (ptr, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(x);
/// let x = unsafe { Box::from_raw_in(ptr, alloc) };
/// ```
/// Manual cleanup by explicitly running the destructor and deallocating
/// the memory:
/// ```
/// #![feature(allocator_api)]
/// use std::alloc::{AllocRef, Layout, System};
/// use std::ptr::{self, NonNull};
/// let x = Box::new_in(String::from("Hello"), System);
/// let (ptr, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(x);
/// unsafe {
/// ptr::drop_in_place(ptr);
/// let non_null = NonNull::new_unchecked(ptr);
/// alloc.dealloc(non_null.cast(), Layout::new::<String>());
/// }
/// ```
/// [memory layout]: self#memory-layout
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
pub fn into_raw_with_alloc(b: Self) -> (*mut T, A) {
let (leaked, alloc) = Box::into_unique(b);
(leaked.as_ptr(), alloc)
@ -472,13 +720,30 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Box<T> {
pub fn into_unique(b: Box<T>) -> Unique<T> {
pub fn into_unique(b: Self) -> (Unique<T>, A) {
// Box is recognized as a "unique pointer" by Stacked Borrows, but internally it is a
// raw pointer for the type system. Turning it directly into a raw pointer would not be
// recognized as "releasing" the unique pointer to permit aliased raw accesses,
// so all raw pointer methods go through `leak` which creates a (unique)
// mutable reference. Turning *that* to a raw pointer behaves correctly.
// so all raw pointer methods have to leak the box. Turning *that* to a raw pointer
// behaves correctly.
let b = mem::ManuallyDrop::new(b);
// The box is unitiliazed later when moving out the allocator. The pointer is stored
// beforehand.
let ptr = b.0;
let alloc = unsafe { ptr::read(&b.1) };
(ptr, alloc)
/// Returns a reference to the underlying allocator.
/// Note: this is an associated function, which means that you have
/// to call it as `Box::alloc(&b)` instead of `b.alloc()`. This
/// is so that there is no conflict with a method on the inner type.
#[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")]
pub fn alloc(b: &Self) -> &A {
/// Consumes and leaks the `Box`, returning a mutable reference,
@ -518,9 +783,9 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Box<T> {
/// ```
#[stable(feature = "box_leak", since = "1.26.0")]
pub fn leak<'a>(b: Box<T>) -> &'a mut T
pub fn leak<'a>(b: Self) -> &'a mut T
T: 'a, // Technically not needed, but kept to be explicit.
A: 'a,
unsafe { &mut *mem::ManuallyDrop::new(b).0.as_ptr() }
@ -531,7 +796,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Box<T> {
/// This is also available via [`From`].
#[unstable(feature = "box_into_pin", issue = "62370")]
pub fn into_pin(boxed: Box<T>) -> Pin<Box<T>> {
pub fn into_pin(boxed: Self) -> Pin<Self> {
// It's not possible to move or replace the insides of a `Pin<Box<T>>`
// when `T: !Unpin`, so it's safe to pin it directly without any
// additional requirements.
@ -540,7 +805,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Box<T> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T: ?Sized> Drop for Box<T> {
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> Drop for Box<T, A> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// FIXME: Do nothing, drop is currently performed by compiler.
@ -549,27 +814,27 @@ unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] T: ?Sized> Drop for Box<T> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: Default> Default for Box<T> {
/// Creates a `Box<T>`, with the `Default` value for T.
fn default() -> Box<T> {
box Default::default()
fn default() -> Self {
box T::default()
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T> Default for Box<[T]> {
fn default() -> Box<[T]> {
fn default() -> Self {
Box::<[T; 0]>::new([])
#[stable(feature = "default_box_extra", since = "1.17.0")]
impl Default for Box<str> {
fn default() -> Box<str> {
fn default() -> Self {
unsafe { from_boxed_utf8_unchecked(Default::default()) }
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: Clone> Clone for Box<T> {
impl<T: Clone, A: AllocRef + Clone> Clone for Box<T, A> {
/// Returns a new box with a `clone()` of this box's contents.
/// # Examples
@ -586,8 +851,8 @@ impl<T: Clone> Clone for Box<T> {
/// ```
fn clone(&self) -> Box<T> {
box { (**self).clone() }
fn clone(&self) -> Self {
Self::new_in((**self).clone(), self.1.clone())
/// Copies `source`'s contents into `self` without creating a new allocation.
@ -608,7 +873,7 @@ impl<T: Clone> Clone for Box<T> {
/// assert_eq!(yp, &*y);
/// ```
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Box<T>) {
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) {
@ -623,58 +888,58 @@ impl Clone for Box<str> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized + PartialEq> PartialEq for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized + PartialEq, A: AllocRef> PartialEq for Box<T, A> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Box<T>) -> bool {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
PartialEq::eq(&**self, &**other)
fn ne(&self, other: &Box<T>) -> bool {
fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
PartialEq::ne(&**self, &**other)
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized + PartialOrd> PartialOrd for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized + PartialOrd, A: AllocRef> PartialOrd for Box<T, A> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Box<T>) -> Option<Ordering> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
PartialOrd::partial_cmp(&**self, &**other)
fn lt(&self, other: &Box<T>) -> bool {
fn lt(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
PartialOrd::lt(&**self, &**other)
fn le(&self, other: &Box<T>) -> bool {
fn le(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
PartialOrd::le(&**self, &**other)
fn ge(&self, other: &Box<T>) -> bool {
fn ge(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
PartialOrd::ge(&**self, &**other)
fn gt(&self, other: &Box<T>) -> bool {
fn gt(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
PartialOrd::gt(&**self, &**other)
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Ord> Ord for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized + Ord, A: AllocRef> Ord for Box<T, A> {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Box<T>) -> Ordering {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
Ord::cmp(&**self, &**other)
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Eq> Eq for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized + Eq, A: AllocRef> Eq for Box<T, A> {}
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Hash> Hash for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized + Hash, A: AllocRef> Hash for Box<T, A> {
fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
#[stable(feature = "indirect_hasher_impl", since = "1.22.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Hasher> Hasher for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized + Hasher, A: AllocRef> Hasher for Box<T, A> {
fn finish(&self) -> u64 {
@ -739,11 +1004,11 @@ impl<T> From<T> for Box<T> {
#[stable(feature = "pin", since = "1.33.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> From<Box<T>> for Pin<Box<T>> {
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> From<Box<T, A>> for Pin<Box<T, A>> {
/// Converts a `Box<T>` into a `Pin<Box<T>>`
/// This conversion does not allocate on the heap and happens in place.
fn from(boxed: Box<T>) -> Self {
fn from(boxed: Box<T, A>) -> Self {
@ -814,7 +1079,7 @@ impl From<Cow<'_, str>> for Box<str> {
#[stable(feature = "boxed_str_conv", since = "1.19.0")]
impl From<Box<str>> for Box<[u8]> {
impl<A: AllocRef> From<Box<str, A>> for Box<[u8], A> {
/// Converts a `Box<str>>` into a `Box<[u8]>`
/// This conversion does not allocate on the heap and happens in place.
@ -832,8 +1097,9 @@ impl From<Box<str>> for Box<[u8]> {
/// assert_eq!(boxed_slice, boxed_str);
/// ```
fn from(s: Box<str>) -> Self {
unsafe { Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(s) as *mut [u8]) }
fn from(s: Box<str, A>) -> Self {
let (raw, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(s);
unsafe { Box::from_raw_in(raw as *mut [u8], alloc) }
@ -866,7 +1132,7 @@ impl<T, const N: usize> TryFrom<Box<[T]>> for Box<[T; N]> {
impl Box<dyn Any> {
impl<A: AllocRef> Box<dyn Any, A> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
/// Attempt to downcast the box to a concrete type.
@ -886,11 +1152,11 @@ impl Box<dyn Any> {
/// print_if_string(Box::new(my_string));
/// print_if_string(Box::new(0i8));
/// ```
pub fn downcast<T: Any>(self) -> Result<Box<T>, Box<dyn Any>> {
pub fn downcast<T: Any>(self) -> Result<Box<T, A>, Self> {
if<T>() {
unsafe {
let raw: *mut dyn Any = Box::into_raw(self);
Ok(Box::from_raw(raw as *mut T))
let (raw, alloc): (*mut dyn Any, _) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(self);
Ok(Box::from_raw_in(raw as *mut T, alloc))
} else {
@ -898,7 +1164,7 @@ impl Box<dyn Any> {
impl Box<dyn Any + Send> {
impl<A: AllocRef> Box<dyn Any + Send, A> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
/// Attempt to downcast the box to a concrete type.
@ -918,30 +1184,34 @@ impl Box<dyn Any + Send> {
/// print_if_string(Box::new(my_string));
/// print_if_string(Box::new(0i8));
/// ```
pub fn downcast<T: Any>(self) -> Result<Box<T>, Box<dyn Any + Send>> {
<Box<dyn Any>>::downcast(self).map_err(|s| unsafe {
// reapply the Send marker
Box::from_raw(Box::into_raw(s) as *mut (dyn Any + Send))
pub fn downcast<T: Any>(self) -> Result<Box<T, A>, Self> {
if<T>() {
unsafe {
let (raw, alloc): (*mut (dyn Any + Send), _) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(self);
Ok(Box::from_raw_in(raw as *mut T, alloc))
} else {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: fmt::Display + ?Sized> fmt::Display for Box<T> {
impl<T: fmt::Display + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> fmt::Display for Box<T, A> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Display::fmt(&**self, f)
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: fmt::Debug + ?Sized> fmt::Debug for Box<T> {
impl<T: fmt::Debug + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> fmt::Debug for Box<T, A> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
fmt::Debug::fmt(&**self, f)
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> fmt::Pointer for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> fmt::Pointer for Box<T, A> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
// It's not possible to extract the inner Uniq directly from the Box,
// instead we cast it to a *const which aliases the Unique
@ -951,7 +1221,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> fmt::Pointer for Box<T> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> Deref for Box<T, A> {
type Target = T;
fn deref(&self) -> &T {
@ -960,17 +1230,17 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Deref for Box<T> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> DerefMut for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> DerefMut for Box<T, A> {
fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut **self
#[unstable(feature = "receiver_trait", issue = "none")]
impl<T: ?Sized> Receiver for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> Receiver for Box<T, A> {}
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I: Iterator + ?Sized> Iterator for Box<I> {
impl<I: Iterator + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> Iterator for Box<I, A> {
type Item = I::Item;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<I::Item> {
@ -991,7 +1261,7 @@ trait BoxIter {
fn last(self) -> Option<Self::Item>;
impl<I: Iterator + ?Sized> BoxIter for Box<I> {
impl<I: Iterator + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> BoxIter for Box<I, A> {
type Item = I::Item;
default fn last(self) -> Option<I::Item> {
@ -1006,14 +1276,14 @@ impl<I: Iterator + ?Sized> BoxIter for Box<I> {
/// Specialization for sized `I`s that uses `I`s implementation of `last()`
/// instead of the default.
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I: Iterator> BoxIter for Box<I> {
impl<I: Iterator, A: AllocRef> BoxIter for Box<I, A> {
fn last(self) -> Option<I::Item> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I: DoubleEndedIterator + ?Sized> DoubleEndedIterator for Box<I> {
impl<I: DoubleEndedIterator + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> DoubleEndedIterator for Box<I, A> {
fn next_back(&mut self) -> Option<I::Item> {
@ -1022,7 +1292,7 @@ impl<I: DoubleEndedIterator + ?Sized> DoubleEndedIterator for Box<I> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl<I: ExactSizeIterator + ?Sized> ExactSizeIterator for Box<I> {
impl<I: ExactSizeIterator + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> ExactSizeIterator for Box<I, A> {
fn len(&self) -> usize {
@ -1032,40 +1302,40 @@ impl<I: ExactSizeIterator + ?Sized> ExactSizeIterator for Box<I> {
#[stable(feature = "fused", since = "1.26.0")]
impl<I: FusedIterator + ?Sized> FusedIterator for Box<I> {}
impl<I: FusedIterator + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> FusedIterator for Box<I, A> {}
#[stable(feature = "boxed_closure_impls", since = "1.35.0")]
impl<A, F: FnOnce<A> + ?Sized> FnOnce<A> for Box<F> {
type Output = <F as FnOnce<A>>::Output;
impl<Args, F: FnOnce<Args> + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> FnOnce<Args> for Box<F, A> {
type Output = <F as FnOnce<Args>>::Output;
extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, args: A) -> Self::Output {
<F as FnOnce<A>>::call_once(*self, args)
extern "rust-call" fn call_once(self, args: Args) -> Self::Output {
<F as FnOnce<Args>>::call_once(*self, args)
#[stable(feature = "boxed_closure_impls", since = "1.35.0")]
impl<A, F: FnMut<A> + ?Sized> FnMut<A> for Box<F> {
extern "rust-call" fn call_mut(&mut self, args: A) -> Self::Output {
<F as FnMut<A>>::call_mut(self, args)
impl<Args, F: FnMut<Args> + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> FnMut<Args> for Box<F, A> {
extern "rust-call" fn call_mut(&mut self, args: Args) -> Self::Output {
<F as FnMut<Args>>::call_mut(self, args)
#[stable(feature = "boxed_closure_impls", since = "1.35.0")]
impl<A, F: Fn<A> + ?Sized> Fn<A> for Box<F> {
extern "rust-call" fn call(&self, args: A) -> Self::Output {
<F as Fn<A>>::call(self, args)
impl<Args, F: Fn<Args> + ?Sized, A: AllocRef> Fn<Args> for Box<F, A> {
extern "rust-call" fn call(&self, args: Args) -> Self::Output {
<F as Fn<Args>>::call(self, args)
#[unstable(feature = "coerce_unsized", issue = "27732")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> CoerceUnsized<Box<U>> for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized + Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> CoerceUnsized<Box<U, A>> for Box<T, A> {}
#[unstable(feature = "dispatch_from_dyn", issue = "none")]
impl<T: ?Sized + Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> DispatchFromDyn<Box<U>> for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized + Unsize<U>, U: ?Sized> DispatchFromDyn<Box<U>> for Box<T, Global> {}
#[stable(feature = "boxed_slice_from_iter", since = "1.32.0")]
impl<A> FromIterator<A> for Box<[A]> {
fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = A>>(iter: T) -> Self {
impl<I> FromIterator<I> for Box<[I]> {
fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = I>>(iter: T) -> Self {
@ -1086,28 +1356,28 @@ impl<T: Clone> Clone for Box<[T]> {
#[stable(feature = "box_borrow", since = "1.1.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> borrow::Borrow<T> for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> borrow::Borrow<T> for Box<T, A> {
fn borrow(&self) -> &T {
#[stable(feature = "box_borrow", since = "1.1.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> borrow::BorrowMut<T> for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> borrow::BorrowMut<T> for Box<T, A> {
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut **self
#[stable(since = "1.5.0", feature = "smart_ptr_as_ref")]
impl<T: ?Sized> AsRef<T> for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> AsRef<T> for Box<T, A> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &T {
#[stable(since = "1.5.0", feature = "smart_ptr_as_ref")]
impl<T: ?Sized> AsMut<T> for Box<T> {
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> AsMut<T> for Box<T, A> {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
&mut **self
@ -1136,10 +1406,10 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> AsMut<T> for Box<T> {
* could have a method to project a Pin<T> from it.
#[stable(feature = "pin", since = "1.33.0")]
impl<T: ?Sized> Unpin for Box<T> {}
impl<T: ?Sized, A: AllocRef> Unpin for Box<T, A> {}
#[unstable(feature = "generator_trait", issue = "43122")]
impl<G: ?Sized + Generator<R> + Unpin, R> Generator<R> for Box<G> {
impl<G: ?Sized + Generator<R> + Unpin, R, A: AllocRef> Generator<R> for Box<G, A> {
type Yield = G::Yield;
type Return = G::Return;
@ -1149,7 +1419,7 @@ impl<G: ?Sized + Generator<R> + Unpin, R> Generator<R> for Box<G> {
#[unstable(feature = "generator_trait", issue = "43122")]
impl<G: ?Sized + Generator<R>, R> Generator<R> for Pin<Box<G>> {
impl<G: ?Sized + Generator<R>, R, A: AllocRef> Generator<R> for Pin<Box<G, A>> {
type Yield = G::Yield;
type Return = G::Return;
@ -1159,7 +1429,7 @@ impl<G: ?Sized + Generator<R>, R> Generator<R> for Pin<Box<G>> {
#[stable(feature = "futures_api", since = "1.36.0")]
impl<F: ?Sized + Future + Unpin> Future for Box<F> {
impl<F: ?Sized + Future + Unpin, A: AllocRef> Future for Box<F, A> {
type Output = F::Output;
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ struct BoxedNode<K, V> {
impl<K, V> BoxedNode<K, V> {
fn from_leaf(node: Box<LeafNode<K, V>>) -> Self {
BoxedNode { ptr: Box::into_unique(node) }
BoxedNode { ptr: Box::into_unique(node).0 }
fn from_internal(node: Box<InternalNode<K, V>>) -> Self {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ use core::cmp;
use core::intrinsics;
use core::mem::{self, ManuallyDrop, MaybeUninit};
use core::ops::Drop;
use core::ptr::{NonNull, Unique};
use core::ptr::{self, NonNull, Unique};
use core::slice;
use crate::alloc::{handle_alloc_error, AllocRef, Global, Layout};
@ -111,40 +111,6 @@ impl<T> RawVec<T, Global> {
pub unsafe fn from_raw_parts(ptr: *mut T, capacity: usize) -> Self {
unsafe { Self::from_raw_parts_in(ptr, capacity, Global) }
/// Converts a `Box<[T]>` into a `RawVec<T>`.
pub fn from_box(slice: Box<[T]>) -> Self {
unsafe {
let mut slice = ManuallyDrop::new(slice);
RawVec::from_raw_parts(slice.as_mut_ptr(), slice.len())
/// Converts the entire buffer into `Box<[MaybeUninit<T>]>` with the specified `len`.
/// Note that this will correctly reconstitute any `cap` changes
/// that may have been performed. (See description of type for details.)
/// # Safety
/// * `len` must be greater than or equal to the most recently requested capacity, and
/// * `len` must be less than or equal to `self.capacity()`.
/// Note, that the requested capacity and `self.capacity()` could differ, as
/// an allocator could overallocate and return a greater memory block than requested.
pub unsafe fn into_box(self, len: usize) -> Box<[MaybeUninit<T>]> {
// Sanity-check one half of the safety requirement (we cannot check the other half).
len <= self.capacity(),
"`len` must be smaller than or equal to `self.capacity()`"
let me = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
unsafe {
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(me.ptr() as *mut MaybeUninit<T>, len);
impl<T, A: AllocRef> RawVec<T, A> {
@ -170,6 +136,40 @@ impl<T, A: AllocRef> RawVec<T, A> {
Self::allocate_in(capacity, AllocInit::Zeroed, alloc)
/// Converts a `Box<[T]>` into a `RawVec<T>`.
pub fn from_box(slice: Box<[T], A>) -> Self {
unsafe {
let (slice, alloc) = Box::into_raw_with_alloc(slice);
RawVec::from_raw_parts_in(slice.as_mut_ptr(), slice.len(), alloc)
/// Converts the entire buffer into `Box<[MaybeUninit<T>]>` with the specified `len`.
/// Note that this will correctly reconstitute any `cap` changes
/// that may have been performed. (See description of type for details.)
/// # Safety
/// * `len` must be greater than or equal to the most recently requested capacity, and
/// * `len` must be less than or equal to `self.capacity()`.
/// Note, that the requested capacity and `self.capacity()` could differ, as
/// an allocator could overallocate and return a greater memory block than requested.
pub unsafe fn into_box(self, len: usize) -> Box<[MaybeUninit<T>], A> {
// Sanity-check one half of the safety requirement (we cannot check the other half).
len <= self.capacity(),
"`len` must be smaller than or equal to `self.capacity()`"
let me = ManuallyDrop::new(self);
unsafe {
let slice = slice::from_raw_parts_mut(me.ptr() as *mut MaybeUninit<T>, len);
Box::from_raw_in(slice, ptr::read(&me.alloc))
fn allocate_in(capacity: usize, init: AllocInit, alloc: A) -> Self {
if mem::size_of::<T>() == 0 {
@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Rc<T> {
fn from_box(v: Box<T>) -> Rc<T> {
unsafe {
let box_unique = Box::into_unique(v);
let (box_unique, alloc) = Box::into_unique(v);
let bptr = box_unique.as_ptr();
let value_size = size_of_val(&*bptr);
@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Rc<T> {
// Free the allocation without dropping its contents
box_free(box_unique, alloc);
@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Arc<T> {
fn from_box(v: Box<T>) -> Arc<T> {
unsafe {
let box_unique = Box::into_unique(v);
let (box_unique, alloc) = Box::into_unique(v);
let bptr = box_unique.as_ptr();
let value_size = size_of_val(&*bptr);
@ -1020,7 +1020,7 @@ impl<T: ?Sized> Arc<T> {
// Free the allocation without dropping its contents
box_free(box_unique, alloc);
@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
- }
- bb4 (cleanup): {
- _3 = alloc::alloc::box_free::<Vec<u32>>(move (_2.0: std::ptr::Unique<std::vec::Vec<u32>>)) -> bb3; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 8:43
- _3 = alloc::alloc::box_free::<Vec<u32>, std::alloc::Global>(move (_2.0: std::ptr::Unique<std::vec::Vec<u32>>), move (_2.1: std::alloc::Global)) -> bb3; // scope 0 at $DIR/ 8:43
- // mir::Constant
- // + span: $DIR/ 8:43
- // + literal: Const { ty: unsafe fn(std::ptr::Unique<std::vec::Vec<u32>>) {alloc::alloc::box_free::<std::vec::Vec<u32>>}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
- // + literal: Const { ty: unsafe fn(std::ptr::Unique<std::vec::Vec<u32>>, std::alloc::Global) {alloc::alloc::box_free::<std::vec::Vec<u32>, std::alloc::Global>}, val: Value(Scalar(<ZST>)) }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
use std::boxed::Box;
fn main() {
let _boxed: Box<u32, _> = Box::new(10);
//~^ ERROR use of unstable library feature 'allocator_api'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
error[E0658]: use of unstable library feature 'allocator_api'
--> $DIR/
LL | let _boxed: Box<u32, _> = Box::new(10);
| ^
= note: see issue #32838 <> for more information
= help: add `#![feature(allocator_api)]` to the crate attributes to enable
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0658`.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
// run-pass
use std::boxed::Box;
fn main() {
let _boxed: Box<u32, _> = Box::new(10);
@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `[u8]` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | let _ = Box::into_boxed_slice(boxed_slice);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `[u8]`
= note: required by `Box::<T>::into_boxed_slice`
= note: required by `Box::<T, A>::into_boxed_slice`
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `[u8]` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | let _ = Box::into_boxed_slice(boxed_slice);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
@ -17,16 +17,16 @@ LL | let _ = Box::into_boxed_slice(boxed_slice);
= note: slice and array elements must have `Sized` type
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `dyn Debug` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | let _ = Box::into_boxed_slice(boxed_trait);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
= help: the trait `Sized` is not implemented for `dyn Debug`
= note: required by `Box::<T>::into_boxed_slice`
= note: required by `Box::<T, A>::into_boxed_slice`
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `dyn Debug` cannot be known at compilation time
--> $DIR/
--> $DIR/
LL | let _ = Box::into_boxed_slice(boxed_trait);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ doesn't have a size known at compile-time
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
use std::alloc::{AllocError, AllocRef, Layout, System};
use std::ptr::NonNull;
use std::boxed::Box;
struct Allocator {}
unsafe impl AllocRef for Allocator {
fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> Result<NonNull<[u8]>, AllocError> {
unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: NonNull<u8>, layout: Layout) {
System.dealloc(ptr, layout)
fn use_value(_: u32) {}
fn main() {
let alloc = Allocator {};
let boxed = Box::new_in(10, alloc.by_ref());
let theref = Box::leak(boxed);
//~^ ERROR cannot move out of `alloc` because it is borrowed
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
error[E0505]: cannot move out of `alloc` because it is borrowed
--> $DIR/
LL | let boxed = Box::new_in(10, alloc.by_ref());
| ----- borrow of `alloc` occurs here
LL | let theref = Box::leak(boxed);
LL | drop(alloc);
| ^^^^^ move out of `alloc` occurs here
LL |
LL | use_value(*theref)
| ------- borrow later used here
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0505`.
@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ error[E0117]: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for ar
--> $DIR/impl-foreign-for-fundamental[foreign].rs:10:1
LL | impl Remote for Box<i32> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^--------
| | |
| | `i32` is not defined in the current crate
| ^^^^^------^^^^^--------
| | | |
| | | `i32` is not defined in the current crate
| | `std::alloc::Global` is not defined in the current crate
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
@ -13,9 +14,10 @@ error[E0117]: only traits defined in the current crate can be implemented for ar
--> $DIR/impl-foreign-for-fundamental[foreign].rs:14:1
LL | impl<T> Remote for Box<Rc<T>> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^----------
| | |
| | `Rc` is not defined in the current crate
| ^^^^^^^^------^^^^^----------
| | | |
| | | `Rc` is not defined in the current crate
| | `std::alloc::Global` is not defined in the current crate
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ LL | impl Remote1<Box<String>> for i32 {
| | | |
| | | `i32` is not defined in the current crate
| | `String` is not defined in the current crate
| | `std::alloc::Global` is not defined in the current crate
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ LL | impl Remote1<Box<Rc<i32>>> for f64 {
| | | |
| | | `f64` is not defined in the current crate
| | `Rc` is not defined in the current crate
| | `std::alloc::Global` is not defined in the current crate
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ LL | impl<T> Remote1<Box<Rc<T>>> for f32 {
| | | |
| | | `f32` is not defined in the current crate
| | `Rc` is not defined in the current crate
| | `std::alloc::Global` is not defined in the current crate
| impl doesn't use only types from inside the current crate
= note: define and implement a trait or new type instead
@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ LL | impl AsRef<Q> for Box<Q> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: conflicting implementation in crate `alloc`:
- impl<T> AsRef<T> for Box<T>
where T: ?Sized;
- impl<T, A> AsRef<T> for Box<T, A>
where A: AllocRef, T: ?Sized;
error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::convert::From<S>` for type `S`:
--> $DIR/
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
fn fn1(0: Box) {}
//~^ ERROR wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0 [E0107]
//~^ ERROR wrong number of type arguments: expected at least 1, found 0 [E0107]
fn main() {}
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected at least 1, found 0
--> $DIR/
LL | fn fn1(0: Box) {}
| ^^^ expected 1 type argument
| ^^^ expected at least 1 type argument
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
error[E0004]: non-exhaustive patterns: `Box(_)` not covered
error[E0004]: non-exhaustive patterns: `Box(_, _)` not covered
--> $DIR/
LL | box NodeKind::Element(ed) => match ed.kind {
| ^^^^^^^ pattern `Box(_)` not covered
| ^^^^^^^ pattern `Box(_, _)` not covered
= help: ensure that all possible cases are being handled, possibly by adding wildcards or more match arms
= note: the matched value is of type `Box<ElementKind>`
@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::ops::Drop` for type `std::boxed::Box<_>`:
error[E0119]: conflicting implementations of trait `std::ops::Drop` for type `std::boxed::Box<_, _>`:
--> $DIR/
LL | impl<T> Drop for T where T: A {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: conflicting implementation in crate `alloc`:
- impl<T> Drop for Box<T>
where T: ?Sized;
= note: downstream crates may implement trait `A` for type `std::boxed::Box<_>`
- impl<T, A> Drop for Box<T, A>
where A: AllocRef, T: ?Sized;
= note: downstream crates may implement trait `A` for type `std::boxed::Box<_, _>`
error[E0120]: the `Drop` trait may only be implemented for structs, enums, and unions
--> $DIR/
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ fn test_glob2() {
use foo2::*;
let _x: Box<Bar>; //~ ERROR wrong number of const arguments: expected 0, found 1
//~^ ERROR wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0
//~^ ERROR wrong number of type arguments: expected at least 1, found 0
// neither public
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ error[E0107]: wrong number of const arguments: expected 0, found 1
LL | let _x: Box<Bar>;
| ^^^ unexpected const argument
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected at least 1, found 0
--> $DIR/
LL | let _x: Box<Bar>;
| ^^^^^^^^ expected 1 type argument
| ^^^^^^^^ expected at least 1 type argument
error: aborting due to 5 previous errors
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ fn test_single2() {
use foo2::Bar;
let _x : Box<Bar>; //~ ERROR wrong number of const arguments: expected 0, found 1
//~^ ERROR wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0
//~^ ERROR wrong number of type arguments: expected at least 1, found 0
let _x : Bar(); //~ ERROR expected type, found function `Bar`
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ fn test_list2() {
use foo2::{Bar,Baz};
let _x: Box<Bar>; //~ ERROR wrong number of const arguments: expected 0, found 1
//~^ ERROR wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0
//~^ ERROR wrong number of type arguments: expected at least 1, found 0
// neither public
@ -84,11 +84,11 @@ error[E0107]: wrong number of const arguments: expected 0, found 1
LL | let _x : Box<Bar>;
| ^^^ unexpected const argument
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected at least 1, found 0
--> $DIR/
LL | let _x : Box<Bar>;
| ^^^^^^^^ expected 1 type argument
| ^^^^^^^^ expected at least 1 type argument
error[E0107]: wrong number of const arguments: expected 0, found 1
--> $DIR/
@ -96,11 +96,11 @@ error[E0107]: wrong number of const arguments: expected 0, found 1
LL | let _x: Box<Bar>;
| ^^^ unexpected const argument
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0
error[E0107]: wrong number of type arguments: expected at least 1, found 0
--> $DIR/
LL | let _x: Box<Bar>;
| ^^^^^^^^ expected 1 type argument
| ^^^^^^^^ expected at least 1 type argument
error: aborting due to 10 previous errors
@ -1,27 +1,30 @@
error[E0599]: no method named `clone` found for struct `Box<dyn Foo>` in the current scope
--> $DIR/
LL | trait Foo {
| ---------
| |
| doesn't satisfy `dyn Foo: Clone`
| doesn't satisfy `dyn Foo: Sized`
LL | trait Foo {
| ---------
| |
| doesn't satisfy `dyn Foo: Clone`
| doesn't satisfy `dyn Foo: Sized`
LL | let _z = y.clone();
| ^^^^^ method not found in `Box<dyn Foo>`
::: $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
LL | pub struct Box<T: ?Sized>(Unique<T>);
| ------------------------------------- doesn't satisfy `Box<dyn Foo>: Clone`
LL | let _z = y.clone();
| ^^^^^ method not found in `Box<dyn Foo>`
::: $SRC_DIR/core/src/
LL | fn clone(&self) -> Self;
| -----
| |
| the method is available for `Arc<Box<dyn Foo>>` here
| the method is available for `Rc<Box<dyn Foo>>` here
LL | fn clone(&self) -> Self;
| -----
| |
| the method is available for `Arc<Box<dyn Foo>>` here
| the method is available for `Rc<Box<dyn Foo>>` here
::: $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
LL | / pub struct Box<
LL | | T: ?Sized,
LL | | #[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")] A: AllocRef = Global,
LL | | >(Unique<T>, A);
| |________________- doesn't satisfy `Box<dyn Foo>: Clone`
= note: the method `clone` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`dyn Foo: Sized`
@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
error[E0599]: no method named `clone` found for struct `Box<R>` in the current scope
--> $DIR/
LL | struct R {
| -------- doesn't satisfy `R: Clone`
LL | struct R {
| -------- doesn't satisfy `R: Clone`
LL | let _j = i.clone();
| ^^^^^ method not found in `Box<R>`
::: $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
LL | pub struct Box<T: ?Sized>(Unique<T>);
| ------------------------------------- doesn't satisfy `Box<R>: Clone`
LL | let _j = i.clone();
| ^^^^^ method not found in `Box<R>`
::: $SRC_DIR/core/src/
LL | fn clone(&self) -> Self;
| -----
| |
| the method is available for `Arc<Box<R>>` here
| the method is available for `Rc<Box<R>>` here
LL | fn clone(&self) -> Self;
| -----
| |
| the method is available for `Arc<Box<R>>` here
| the method is available for `Rc<Box<R>>` here
::: $SRC_DIR/alloc/src/
LL | / pub struct Box<
LL | | T: ?Sized,
LL | | #[unstable(feature = "allocator_api", issue = "32838")] A: AllocRef = Global,
LL | | >(Unique<T>, A);
| |________________- doesn't satisfy `Box<R>: Clone`
= note: the method `clone` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
`R: Clone`
Reference in New Issue
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