resolve: Improve diagnostics for resolution ambiguities
This commit is contained in:
@ -128,14 +128,6 @@ impl PathResolution {
pub fn unresolved_segments(&self) -> usize {
pub fn kind_name(&self) -> &'static str {
if self.unresolved_segments != 0 {
"associated item"
} else {
/// Different kinds of symbols don't influence each other.
@ -333,4 +325,12 @@ impl Def {
Def::Err => "unresolved item",
pub fn article(&self) -> &'static str {
match *self {
Def::AssociatedTy(..) | Def::AssociatedConst(..) | Def::AssociatedExistential(..) |
Def::Enum(..) | Def::Existential(..) | Def::Err => "an",
_ => "a",
@ -298,7 +298,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> MatchVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
let label_msg = match pat.node {
PatKind::Path(hir::QPath::Resolved(None, ref path))
if path.segments.len() == 1 && path.segments[0].args.is_none() => {
format!("interpreted as a {} pattern, not new variable", path.def.kind_name())
format!("interpreted as {} {} pattern, not new variable",
path.def.article(), path.def.kind_name())
_ => format!("pattern `{}` not covered", pattern_string),
@ -347,25 +347,6 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
let used = self.process_legacy_macro_imports(item, module, &parent_scope);
let binding =
(module, ty::Visibility::Public, sp, expansion).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
if ptr::eq(self.current_module, self.graph_root) {
if let Some(entry) = self.extern_prelude.get(&ident.modern()) {
if expansion != Mark::root() && orig_name.is_some() &&
entry.extern_crate_item.is_none() {
self.session.span_err(item.span, "macro-expanded `extern crate` items \
cannot shadow names passed with \
let entry = self.extern_prelude.entry(ident.modern())
.or_insert(ExternPreludeEntry {
extern_crate_item: None,
introduced_by_item: true,
entry.extern_crate_item = Some(binding);
if orig_name.is_some() {
entry.introduced_by_item = true;
let directive = self.arenas.alloc_import_directive(ImportDirective {
@ -383,6 +364,25 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
let imported_binding = self.import(binding, directive);
if ptr::eq(self.current_module, self.graph_root) {
if let Some(entry) = self.extern_prelude.get(&ident.modern()) {
if expansion != Mark::root() && orig_name.is_some() &&
entry.extern_crate_item.is_none() {
self.session.span_err(item.span, "macro-expanded `extern crate` items \
cannot shadow names passed with \
let entry = self.extern_prelude.entry(ident.modern())
.or_insert(ExternPreludeEntry {
extern_crate_item: None,
introduced_by_item: true,
entry.extern_crate_item = Some(imported_binding);
if orig_name.is_some() {
entry.introduced_by_item = true;
self.define(parent, ident, TypeNS, imported_binding);
@ -391,14 +391,13 @@ fn resolve_struct_error<'sess, 'a>(resolver: &'sess Resolver,
ResolutionError::BindingShadowsSomethingUnacceptable(what_binding, name, binding) => {
let shadows_what = PathResolution::new(binding.def()).kind_name();
let mut err = struct_span_err!(resolver.session,
"{}s cannot shadow {}s", what_binding, shadows_what);
err.span_label(span, format!("cannot be named the same as a {}", shadows_what));
let (shadows_what, article) = (binding.descr(), binding.article());
let mut err = struct_span_err!(resolver.session, span, E0530, "{}s cannot shadow {}s",
what_binding, shadows_what);
err.span_label(span, format!("cannot be named the same as {} {}",
article, shadows_what));
let participle = if binding.is_import() { "imported" } else { "defined" };
let msg = format!("a {} `{}` is {} here", shadows_what, name, participle);
let msg = format!("{} {} `{}` is {} here", article, shadows_what, name, participle);
err.span_label(binding.span, msg);
@ -1195,6 +1194,7 @@ enum NameBindingKind<'a> {
used: Cell<bool>,
Ambiguity {
kind: AmbiguityKind,
b1: &'a NameBinding<'a>,
b2: &'a NameBinding<'a>,
@ -1212,10 +1212,61 @@ struct UseError<'a> {
better: bool,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum AmbiguityKind {
impl AmbiguityKind {
fn descr(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
AmbiguityKind::Import =>
"name vs any other name during import resolution",
AmbiguityKind::BuiltinAttr =>
"built-in attribute vs any other name",
AmbiguityKind::DeriveHelper =>
"derive helper attribute vs any other name",
AmbiguityKind::LegacyHelperVsPrelude =>
"legacy plugin helper attribute vs name from prelude",
AmbiguityKind::LegacyVsModern =>
"`macro_rules` vs non-`macro_rules` from other module",
AmbiguityKind::GlobVsOuter =>
"glob import vs any other name from outer scope during import/macro resolution",
AmbiguityKind::GlobVsGlob =>
"glob import vs glob import in the same module",
AmbiguityKind::GlobVsExpanded =>
"glob import vs macro-expanded name in the same \
module during import/macro resolution",
AmbiguityKind::MoreExpandedVsOuter =>
"macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name \
from outer scope during import/macro resolution",
/// Miscellaneous bits of metadata for better ambiguity error reporting.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq)]
enum AmbiguityErrorMisc {
struct AmbiguityError<'a> {
kind: AmbiguityKind,
ident: Ident,
b1: &'a NameBinding<'a>,
b2: &'a NameBinding<'a>,
misc1: AmbiguityErrorMisc,
misc2: AmbiguityErrorMisc,
impl<'a> NameBinding<'a> {
@ -1268,6 +1319,9 @@ impl<'a> NameBinding<'a> {
subclass: ImportDirectiveSubclass::ExternCrate { .. }, ..
}, ..
} => true,
&ModuleData { kind: ModuleKind::Def(Def::Mod(def_id), _), .. }
) => def_id.index == CRATE_DEF_INDEX,
_ => false,
@ -1313,6 +1367,10 @@ impl<'a> NameBinding<'a> {
if self.is_extern_crate() { "extern crate" } else { self.def().kind_name() }
fn article(&self) -> &'static str {
if self.is_extern_crate() { "an" } else { self.def().article() }
// Suppose that we resolved macro invocation with `invoc_parent_expansion` to binding `binding`
// at some expansion round `max(invoc, binding)` when they both emerged from macros.
// Then this function returns `true` if `self` may emerge from a macro *after* that
@ -1885,8 +1943,12 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader: 'a> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
self.record_use(ident, ns, binding)
NameBindingKind::Import { .. } => false,
NameBindingKind::Ambiguity { b1, b2 } => {
self.ambiguity_errors.push(AmbiguityError { ident, b1, b2 });
NameBindingKind::Ambiguity { kind, b1, b2 } => {
self.ambiguity_errors.push(AmbiguityError {
kind, ident, b1, b2,
misc1: AmbiguityErrorMisc::None,
misc2: AmbiguityErrorMisc::None,
_ => false
@ -2024,7 +2086,7 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader: 'a> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
if ns == TypeNS && is_known_tool( {
let binding = (Def::ToolMod, ty::Visibility::Public,
ident.span, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
DUMMY_SP, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
return Some(LexicalScopeBinding::Item(binding));
if let Some(prelude) = self.prelude {
@ -4631,37 +4693,79 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader: 'a> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
fn report_ambiguity_error(&self, ident: Ident, b1: &NameBinding, b2: &NameBinding) {
let participle = |is_import: bool| if is_import { "imported" } else { "defined" };
let msg1 =
format!("`{}` could refer to the name {} here", ident, participle(b1.is_import()));
let msg2 =
format!("`{}` could also refer to the name {} here", ident, participle(b2.is_import()));
let note = if b1.expansion != Mark::root() {
Some(if let Def::Macro(..) = b1.def() {
format!("macro-expanded {} do not shadow",
if b1.is_import() { "macro imports" } else { "macros" })
} else {
format!("macro-expanded {} do not shadow when used in a macro invocation path",
if b1.is_import() { "imports" } else { "items" })
} else if b1.is_glob_import() {
Some(format!("consider adding an explicit import of `{}` to disambiguate", ident))
fn report_ambiguity_error(&self, ambiguity_error: &AmbiguityError) {
let AmbiguityError { kind, ident, b1, b2, misc1, misc2 } = *ambiguity_error;
let (b1, b2, misc1, misc2, swapped) = if b2.span.is_dummy() && !b1.span.is_dummy() {
// We have to print the span-less alternative first, otherwise formatting looks bad.
(b2, b1, misc2, misc1, true)
} else {
(b1, b2, misc1, misc2, false)
let mut err = struct_span_err!(self.session, ident.span, E0659, "`{}` is ambiguous", ident);
let mut err = struct_span_err!(self.session, ident.span, E0659,
"`{ident}` is ambiguous ({why})",
ident = ident, why = kind.descr());
err.span_label(ident.span, "ambiguous name");
err.span_note(b1.span, &msg1);
match b2.def() {
Def::Macro(..) if b2.span.is_dummy() =>
err.note(&format!("`{}` is also a builtin macro", ident)),
_ => err.span_note(b2.span, &msg2),
let mut could_refer_to = |b: &NameBinding, misc: AmbiguityErrorMisc, also: &str| {
let what = if b.span.is_dummy() {
let add_built_in = match b.def() {
// These already contain the "built-in" prefix or look bad with it.
Def::NonMacroAttr(..) | Def::PrimTy(..) | Def::ToolMod => false,
_ => true,
let (built_in, from) = if misc == AmbiguityErrorMisc::FromPrelude {
("", " from prelude")
} else if b.is_extern_crate() && !b.is_import() &&
self.session.opts.externs.get(&ident.as_str()).is_some() {
("", " passed with `--extern`")
} else if add_built_in {
(" built-in", "")
} else {
("", "")
let article = if built_in.is_empty() { b.article() } else { "a" };
format!("{a}{built_in} {thing}{from}",
a = article, thing = b.descr(), built_in = built_in, from = from)
} else {
let participle = if b.is_import() { "imported" } else { "defined" };
format!("the {thing} {introduced} here",
thing = b.descr(), introduced = participle)
let note_msg = format!("`{ident}` could{also} refer to {what}",
ident = ident, also = also, what = what);
let mut help_msgs = Vec::new();
if b.is_glob_import() && (kind == AmbiguityKind::GlobVsGlob ||
kind == AmbiguityKind::GlobVsExpanded ||
kind == AmbiguityKind::GlobVsOuter &&
swapped != also.is_empty()) {
help_msgs.push(format!("consider adding an explicit import of \
`{ident}` to disambiguate", ident = ident))
if b.is_extern_crate() && self.session.rust_2018() {
help_msgs.push(format!("use `::{ident}` to refer to the {thing} unambiguously",
ident = ident, thing = b.descr()))
if misc == AmbiguityErrorMisc::SuggestSelf {
help_msgs.push(format!("use `self::{ident}` to refer to the {thing} unambiguously",
ident = ident, thing = b.descr()))
if b.span.is_dummy() {
} else {
err.span_note(b.span, ¬e_msg);
for (i, help_msg) in help_msgs.iter().enumerate() {
let or = if i == 0 { "" } else { "or " };
||||!("{}{}", or, help_msg));
if let Some(note) = note {
could_refer_to(b1, misc1, "");
could_refer_to(b2, misc2, " also");
@ -4680,9 +4784,9 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader: 'a> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
for &AmbiguityError { ident, b1, b2 } in &self.ambiguity_errors {
if reported_spans.insert(ident.span) {
self.report_ambiguity_error(ident, b1, b2);
for ambiguity_error in &self.ambiguity_errors {
if reported_spans.insert(ambiguity_error.ident.span) {
@ -4860,7 +4964,7 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader: 'a> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
let crate_root = self.get_module(DefId { krate: crate_id, index: CRATE_DEF_INDEX });
Some((crate_root, ty::Visibility::Public, ident.span, Mark::root())
Some((crate_root, ty::Visibility::Public, DUMMY_SP, Mark::root())
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use {AmbiguityError, CrateLint, Resolver, ResolutionError, is_known_tool, resolve_error};
use {Module, ModuleKind, NameBinding, NameBindingKind, PathResult, Segment, ToNameBinding};
use {AmbiguityError, AmbiguityKind, AmbiguityErrorMisc};
use {CrateLint, Resolver, ResolutionError, is_known_tool, resolve_error};
use {Module, ModuleKind, NameBinding, NameBindingKind, PathResult, ToNameBinding};
use ModuleOrUniformRoot;
use Namespace::{self, *};
use build_reduced_graph::{BuildReducedGraphVisitor, IsMacroExport};
@ -597,10 +598,11 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
bitflags! {
struct Flags: u8 {
const DERIVE_HELPERS = 1 << 0;
const MACRO_RULES = 1 << 1;
const MODULE = 1 << 2;
const PRELUDE = 1 << 3;
const MACRO_RULES = 1 << 0;
const MODULE = 1 << 1;
const PRELUDE = 1 << 2;
const MISC_SUGGEST_SELF = 1 << 3;
const MISC_FROM_PRELUDE = 1 << 4;
@ -619,7 +621,7 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
// }
// So we have to save the innermost solution and continue searching in outer scopes
// to detect potential ambiguities.
let mut innermost_result: Option<(&NameBinding, Flags, /* conflicts with */ Flags)> = None;
let mut innermost_result: Option<(&NameBinding, Flags)> = None;
// Go through all the scopes and try to resolve the name.
let mut where_to_resolve = WhereToResolve::DeriveHelpers;
@ -638,7 +640,7 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
ty::Visibility::Public, derive.span, Mark::root())
result = Ok((binding, Flags::DERIVE_HELPERS, Flags::all()));
result = Ok((binding, Flags::empty()));
@ -648,7 +650,7 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
WhereToResolve::MacroRules(legacy_scope) => match legacy_scope {
LegacyScope::Binding(legacy_binding) if ident == legacy_binding.ident =>
Ok((legacy_binding.binding, Flags::MACRO_RULES, Flags::empty())),
Ok((legacy_binding.binding, Flags::MACRO_RULES)),
_ => Err(Determinacy::Determined),
WhereToResolve::Module(module) => {
@ -662,29 +664,34 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
self.current_module = orig_current_module;
|||||binding| (binding, Flags::MODULE, Flags::empty()))
let misc_flags = if module.is_normal() {
} else {
|||||binding| (binding, Flags::MODULE | misc_flags))
WhereToResolve::MacroUsePrelude => {
let mut result = Err(Determinacy::Determined);
if use_prelude || self.session.rust_2015() {
if let Some(binding) = self.macro_use_prelude.get(& {
result = Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE, Flags::empty()));
result = Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE | Flags::MISC_FROM_PRELUDE));
WhereToResolve::BuiltinMacros => {
match self.builtin_macros.get(& {
Some(binding) => Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE, Flags::empty())),
Some(binding) => Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE)),
None => Err(Determinacy::Determined),
WhereToResolve::BuiltinAttrs => {
if is_builtin_attr_name( {
let binding = (Def::NonMacroAttr(NonMacroAttrKind::Builtin),
ty::Visibility::Public, ident.span, Mark::root())
ty::Visibility::Public, DUMMY_SP, Mark::root())
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE, Flags::all()))
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE))
} else {
@ -694,9 +701,9 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
.any(|(name, _)| == &**name) {
let binding = (Def::NonMacroAttr(NonMacroAttrKind::LegacyPluginHelper),
ty::Visibility::Public, ident.span, Mark::root())
ty::Visibility::Public, DUMMY_SP, Mark::root())
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE, Flags::PRELUDE))
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE))
} else {
@ -706,7 +713,7 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
if use_prelude {
if let Some(binding) = self.extern_prelude_get(ident, !record_used,
innermost_result.is_some()) {
result = Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE, Flags::empty()));
result = Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE));
@ -714,8 +721,8 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
WhereToResolve::ToolPrelude => {
if use_prelude && is_known_tool( {
let binding = (Def::ToolMod, ty::Visibility::Public,
ident.span, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE, Flags::empty()))
DUMMY_SP, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE))
} else {
@ -732,7 +739,7 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
) {
result = Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE, Flags::empty()));
result = Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE | Flags::MISC_FROM_PRELUDE));
@ -742,8 +749,8 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
match self.primitive_type_table.primitive_types.get(& {
Some(prim_ty) => {
let binding = (Def::PrimTy(prim_ty), ty::Visibility::Public,
ident.span, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE, Flags::empty()))
DUMMY_SP, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
Ok((binding, Flags::PRELUDE))
None => Err(Determinacy::Determined)
@ -793,7 +800,7 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
match result {
Ok((binding, flags, ambig_flags)) => {
Ok((binding, flags)) => {
if sub_namespace_mismatch(macro_kind, binding.macro_kind()) {
@ -802,28 +809,61 @@ impl<'a, 'cl> Resolver<'a, 'cl> {
return Ok(binding);
if let Some((innermost_binding, innermost_flags, innermost_ambig_flags))
= innermost_result {
if let Some((innermost_binding, innermost_flags)) = innermost_result {
// Found another solution, if the first one was "weak", report an error.
if binding.def() != innermost_binding.def() &&
(is_import ||
innermost_binding.is_glob_import() ||
innermost_binding.may_appear_after(parent_scope.expansion, binding) ||
innermost_flags.intersects(ambig_flags) ||
flags.intersects(innermost_ambig_flags) ||
(innermost_flags.contains(Flags::MACRO_RULES) &&
flags.contains(Flags::MODULE) &&
!self.disambiguate_legacy_vs_modern(innermost_binding, binding))) {
self.ambiguity_errors.push(AmbiguityError {
b1: innermost_binding,
b2: binding,
return Ok(innermost_binding);
let (def, innermost_def) = (binding.def(), innermost_binding.def());
if def != innermost_def {
let builtin = Def::NonMacroAttr(NonMacroAttrKind::Builtin);
let derive_helper = Def::NonMacroAttr(NonMacroAttrKind::DeriveHelper);
let legacy_helper =
let ambiguity_error_kind = if is_import {
} else if innermost_def == builtin || def == builtin {
} else if innermost_def == derive_helper || def == derive_helper {
} else if innermost_def == legacy_helper &&
flags.contains(Flags::PRELUDE) ||
def == legacy_helper &&
innermost_flags.contains(Flags::PRELUDE) {
} else if innermost_flags.contains(Flags::MACRO_RULES) &&
flags.contains(Flags::MODULE) &&
binding) {
} else if innermost_binding.is_glob_import() {
} else if innermost_binding.may_appear_after(parent_scope.expansion,
binding) {
} else {
if let Some(kind) = ambiguity_error_kind {
let misc = |f: Flags| if f.contains(Flags::MISC_SUGGEST_SELF) {
} else if f.contains(Flags::MISC_FROM_PRELUDE) {
} else {
self.ambiguity_errors.push(AmbiguityError {
b1: innermost_binding,
b2: binding,
misc1: misc(innermost_flags),
misc2: misc(flags),
return Ok(innermost_binding);
} else {
// Found the first solution.
innermost_result = Some((binding, flags, ambig_flags));
innermost_result = Some((binding, flags));
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
use self::ImportDirectiveSubclass::*;
use {AmbiguityError, CrateLint, Module, ModuleOrUniformRoot, PerNS};
use {AmbiguityError, AmbiguityKind, AmbiguityErrorMisc};
use {CrateLint, Module, ModuleOrUniformRoot, PerNS};
use Namespace::{self, TypeNS, MacroNS};
use {NameBinding, NameBindingKind, ToNameBinding, PathResult, PrivacyError};
use {Resolver, Segment};
@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
let binding = (crate_root, ty::Visibility::Public,
ident.span, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
crate_root.span, Mark::root()).to_name_binding(self.arenas);
return Ok(binding);
@ -244,12 +245,14 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
// Forbid expanded shadowing to avoid time travel.
if restricted_shadowing &&
binding.expansion != Mark::root() &&
ns != MacroNS && // In MacroNS, `try_define` always forbids this shadowing
binding.def() != shadowed_glob.def() {
self.ambiguity_errors.push(AmbiguityError {
kind: AmbiguityKind::GlobVsExpanded,
b1: binding,
b2: shadowed_glob,
misc1: AmbiguityErrorMisc::None,
misc2: AmbiguityErrorMisc::None,
@ -471,38 +474,48 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
self.set_binding_parent_module(binding, module);
self.update_resolution(module, ident, ns, |this, resolution| {
if let Some(old_binding) = resolution.binding {
if binding.is_glob_import() {
if !old_binding.is_glob_import() &&
!(ns == MacroNS && old_binding.expansion != Mark::root()) {
resolution.shadowed_glob = Some(binding);
} else if binding.def() != old_binding.def() {
resolution.binding = Some(this.ambiguity(old_binding, binding));
} else if !old_binding.vis.is_at_least(binding.vis, &*this) {
// We are glob-importing the same item but with greater visibility.
resolution.binding = Some(binding);
match (old_binding.is_glob_import(), binding.is_glob_import()) {
(true, true) => {
if binding.def() != old_binding.def() {
resolution.binding = Some(this.ambiguity(AmbiguityKind::GlobVsGlob,
old_binding, binding));
} else if !old_binding.vis.is_at_least(binding.vis, &*this) {
// We are glob-importing the same item but with greater visibility.
resolution.binding = Some(binding);
} else if old_binding.is_glob_import() {
if ns == MacroNS && binding.expansion != Mark::root() &&
binding.def() != old_binding.def() {
resolution.binding = Some(this.ambiguity(binding, old_binding));
} else {
resolution.binding = Some(binding);
resolution.shadowed_glob = Some(old_binding);
(old_glob @ true, false) | (old_glob @ false, true) => {
let (glob_binding, nonglob_binding) = if old_glob {
(old_binding, binding)
} else {
(binding, old_binding)
if glob_binding.def() != nonglob_binding.def() &&
ns == MacroNS && nonglob_binding.expansion != Mark::root() {
resolution.binding = Some(this.ambiguity(AmbiguityKind::GlobVsExpanded,
nonglob_binding, glob_binding));
} else {
resolution.binding = Some(nonglob_binding);
resolution.shadowed_glob = Some(glob_binding);
} else if let (&NameBindingKind::Def(_, true), &NameBindingKind::Def(_, true)) =
(&old_binding.kind, &binding.kind) {
(false, false) => {
if let (&NameBindingKind::Def(_, true), &NameBindingKind::Def(_, true)) =
(&old_binding.kind, &binding.kind) {
&format!("a macro named `{}` has already been exported", ident),
ident, old_binding.span, binding.span));
&format!("a macro named `{}` has already been exported", ident),
ident, old_binding.span, binding.span));
resolution.binding = Some(binding);
} else {
return Err(old_binding);
resolution.binding = Some(binding);
} else {
return Err(old_binding);
} else {
resolution.binding = Some(binding);
@ -512,10 +525,10 @@ impl<'a, 'crateloader> Resolver<'a, 'crateloader> {
pub fn ambiguity(&self, b1: &'a NameBinding<'a>, b2: &'a NameBinding<'a>)
fn ambiguity(&self, kind: AmbiguityKind, b1: &'a NameBinding<'a>, b2: &'a NameBinding<'a>)
-> &'a NameBinding<'a> {
self.arenas.alloc_name_binding(NameBinding {
kind: NameBindingKind::Ambiguity { b1, b2 },
kind: NameBindingKind::Ambiguity { kind, b1, b2 },
vis: if b1.vis.is_at_least(b2.vis, self) { b1.vis } else { b2.vis },
span: b1.span,
expansion: Mark::root(),
@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
error[E0659]: `helper` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `helper` is ambiguous (derive helper attribute vs any other name)
--> $DIR/
LL | #[helper] //~ ERROR `helper` is ambiguous
| ^^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `helper` could refer to the name defined here
note: `helper` could refer to the derive helper attribute defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #[derive(WithHelper)]
| ^^^^^^^^^^
note: `helper` could also refer to the name imported here
note: `helper` could also refer to the attribute macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use plugin::helper;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: use `self::helper` to refer to the attribute macro unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -4,95 +4,75 @@ error[E0425]: cannot find value `NonExistent` in this scope
LL | NonExistent; //~ ERROR cannot find value `NonExistent` in this scope
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
error[E0659]: `repr` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `repr` is ambiguous (built-in attribute vs any other name)
--> $DIR/
LL | #[repr(C)] //~ ERROR `repr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `repr` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `repr` could refer to a built-in attribute
note: `repr` could also refer to the attribute macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use builtin_attrs::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `repr` could also refer to the name defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #[repr(C)] //~ ERROR `repr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `repr` to disambiguate
= help: use `self::repr` to refer to the attribute macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `repr` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `repr` is ambiguous (built-in attribute vs any other name)
--> $DIR/
LL | #[cfg_attr(all(), repr(C))] //~ ERROR `repr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `repr` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `repr` could refer to a built-in attribute
note: `repr` could also refer to the attribute macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use builtin_attrs::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `repr` could also refer to the name defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #[cfg_attr(all(), repr(C))] //~ ERROR `repr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `repr` to disambiguate
= help: use `self::repr` to refer to the attribute macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `repr` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `repr` is ambiguous (built-in attribute vs any other name)
--> $DIR/
LL | fn non_macro_expanded_location<#[repr(C)] T>() { //~ ERROR `repr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `repr` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `repr` could refer to a built-in attribute
note: `repr` could also refer to the attribute macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use builtin_attrs::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `repr` could also refer to the name defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | fn non_macro_expanded_location<#[repr(C)] T>() { //~ ERROR `repr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `repr` to disambiguate
= help: use `self::repr` to refer to the attribute macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `repr` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `repr` is ambiguous (built-in attribute vs any other name)
--> $DIR/
LL | #[repr(C)] //~ ERROR `repr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `repr` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `repr` could refer to a built-in attribute
note: `repr` could also refer to the attribute macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use builtin_attrs::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `repr` could also refer to the name defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #[repr(C)] //~ ERROR `repr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `repr` to disambiguate
= help: use `self::repr` to refer to the attribute macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `feature` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `feature` is ambiguous (built-in attribute vs any other name)
--> $DIR/
LL | #![feature(decl_macro)] //~ ERROR `feature` is ambiguous
| ^^^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `feature` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `feature` could refer to a built-in attribute
note: `feature` could also refer to the attribute macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use builtin_attrs::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `feature` could also refer to the name defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #![feature(decl_macro)] //~ ERROR `feature` is ambiguous
| ^^^^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `feature` to disambiguate
= help: use `self::feature` to refer to the attribute macro unambiguously
error: aborting due to 6 previous errors
@ -1,19 +1,20 @@
error[E0659]: `my_attr` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `my_attr` is ambiguous (derive helper attribute vs any other name)
--> $DIR/
LL | #[my_attr] //~ ERROR `my_attr` is ambiguous
| ^^^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `my_attr` could refer to the name defined here
note: `my_attr` could refer to the derive helper attribute defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | #[derive(MyTrait)]
| ^^^^^^^
note: `my_attr` could also refer to the name imported here
note: `my_attr` could also refer to the attribute macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use derive_helper_shadowing::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: use `self::my_attr` to refer to the attribute macro unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous (glob import vs glob import in the same module)
--> $DIR/
LL | collider::foo(); //~ ERROR E0659
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `foo` could refer to the name imported here
note: `foo` could refer to the function imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use moon::*;
| ^^^^^^^
note: `foo` could also refer to the name imported here
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
note: `foo` could also refer to the function imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use earth::*;
| ^^^^^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -12,77 +12,81 @@ help: you can use `as` to change the binding name of the import
LL | use a::foo as other_foo; //~ ERROR the name `foo` is defined multiple times
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous (glob import vs glob import in the same module)
--> $DIR/
LL | use self::foo::bar; //~ ERROR `foo` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `foo` could refer to the name imported here
note: `foo` could refer to the module imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use self::m1::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `foo` could also refer to the name imported here
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
note: `foo` could also refer to the module imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use self::m2::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous (glob import vs glob import in the same module)
--> $DIR/
LL | f::foo(); //~ ERROR `foo` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `foo` could refer to the name imported here
note: `foo` could refer to the function imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use a::*;
| ^^^^
note: `foo` could also refer to the name imported here
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
note: `foo` could also refer to the function imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use b::*;
| ^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous (glob import vs glob import in the same module)
--> $DIR/
LL | g::foo(); //~ ERROR `foo` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `foo` could refer to the name imported here
note: `foo` could refer to the function imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use a::*;
| ^^^^
note: `foo` could also refer to the name imported here
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
note: `foo` could also refer to the unresolved item imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use f::*;
| ^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous (glob import vs glob import in the same module)
--> $DIR/
LL | foo::bar(); //~ ERROR `foo` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `foo` could refer to the name imported here
note: `foo` could refer to the module imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use self::m1::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `foo` could also refer to the name imported here
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
note: `foo` could also refer to the module imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use self::m2::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `foo` to disambiguate
error: aborting due to 5 previous errors
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
error[E0659]: `Vec` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `Vec` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | Vec::panic!(); //~ ERROR `Vec` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `Vec` could refer to the name defined here
= note: `Vec` could refer to a struct from prelude
note: `Vec` could also refer to the extern crate imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | extern crate std as Vec;
@ -12,8 +13,6 @@ LL | extern crate std as Vec;
LL | define_vec!();
| -------------- in this macro invocation
note: `Vec` could also refer to the name defined here
= note: macro-expanded items do not shadow when used in a macro invocation path
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -1,48 +1,50 @@
error[E0659]: `env` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `env` is ambiguous (glob import vs any other name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | let x = env!("PATH"); //~ ERROR `env` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `env` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `env` could refer to a built-in macro
note: `env` could also refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use m::*;
| ^^^^
= note: `env` is also a builtin macro
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `env` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `env` to disambiguate
= help: or use `self::env` to refer to the macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `env` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `env` is ambiguous (glob import vs any other name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | let x = env!("PATH"); //~ ERROR `env` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `env` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `env` could refer to a built-in macro
note: `env` could also refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use m::*;
| ^^^^
= note: `env` is also a builtin macro
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `env` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `env` to disambiguate
error[E0659]: `fenv` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `fenv` is ambiguous (glob import vs any other name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | let x = fenv!(); //~ ERROR `fenv` is ambiguous
| ^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `fenv` could refer to the name imported here
note: `fenv` could refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use m::*;
| ^^^^
note: `fenv` could also refer to the name defined here
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `fenv` to disambiguate
note: `fenv` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | pub macro fenv($e: expr) { $e }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `fenv` to disambiguate
= help: use `self::fenv` to refer to the macro unambiguously
error: aborting due to 3 previous errors
@ -4,22 +4,23 @@ error[E0432]: unresolved import `nonexistent_module`
LL | use nonexistent_module::mac; //~ ERROR unresolved import `nonexistent_module`
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Maybe a missing `extern crate nonexistent_module;`?
error[E0659]: `mac` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `mac` is ambiguous (`macro_rules` vs non-`macro_rules` from other module)
--> $DIR/
LL | mac!(); //~ ERROR `mac` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `mac` could refer to the name defined here
note: `mac` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! mac { () => () }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `mac` could also refer to the name imported here
note: `mac` could also refer to the unresolved item imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use nonexistent_module::mac; //~ ERROR unresolved import `nonexistent_module`
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: use `self::mac` to refer to the unresolved item unambiguously
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
error[E0659]: `exported` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `exported` is ambiguous (glob import vs macro-expanded name in the same module during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | exported!(); //~ ERROR `exported` is ambiguous
| ^^^^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `exported` could refer to the name defined here
note: `exported` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / macro_rules! exported {
@ -14,20 +14,21 @@ LL | | }
LL | define_exported!();
| ------------------- in this macro invocation
note: `exported` could also refer to the name imported here
note: `exported` could also refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use inner1::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `exported` to disambiguate
error[E0659]: `include` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `include` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | include!(); //~ ERROR `include` is ambiguous
| ^^^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `include` could refer to the name defined here
= note: `include` could refer to a built-in macro
note: `include` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / macro_rules! include {
@ -37,16 +38,16 @@ LL | | }
LL | define_include!();
| ------------------ in this macro invocation
= note: `include` is also a builtin macro
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
= help: use `self::include` to refer to the macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | panic!(); //~ ERROR `panic` is ambiguous
| ^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `panic` could refer to the name defined here
= note: `panic` could refer to a macro from prelude
note: `panic` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / macro_rules! panic {
@ -56,16 +57,16 @@ LL | | }
LL | define_panic!();
| ---------------- in this macro invocation
= note: `panic` is also a builtin macro
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
= help: use `self::panic` to refer to the macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> <::std::macros::panic macros>:1:13
LL | ( ) => ( { panic ! ( "explicit panic" ) } ) ; ( $ msg : expr ) => (
| ^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `panic` could refer to the name defined here
= note: `panic` could refer to a macro from prelude
note: `panic` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / macro_rules! panic {
@ -75,8 +76,7 @@ LL | | }
LL | define_panic!();
| ---------------- in this macro invocation
= note: `panic` is also a builtin macro
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
= help: use `self::panic` to refer to the macro unambiguously
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors
@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
error[E0659]: `bar` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `bar` is ambiguous (glob import vs macro-expanded name in the same module during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | bar::m! { //~ ERROR ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `bar` could refer to the name defined here
note: `bar` could refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | mod bar { pub use two_macros::m; }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `bar` could also refer to the name imported here
note: `bar` could also refer to the module imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use foo::*;
| ^^^^^^
= note: macro-expanded items do not shadow when used in a macro invocation path
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `bar` to disambiguate
error[E0659]: `baz` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `baz` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | baz::m! { //~ ERROR ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `baz` could refer to the name defined here
note: `baz` could refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | mod baz { pub use two_macros::m; }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `baz` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `baz` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / pub mod baz {
LL | | pub use two_macros::m;
LL | | }
| |_^
= note: macro-expanded items do not shadow when used in a macro invocation path
= help: use `self::baz` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (glob import vs macro-expanded name in the same module during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m! { //~ ERROR ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name imported here
note: `m` could refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use foo::m;
| ^^^^^^
note: `m` could also refer to the name imported here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use two_macros::*;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: macro-expanded macro imports do not shadow
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `m` to disambiguate
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m! { //~ ERROR ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name imported here
note: `m` could refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use two_macros::n as m;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `m` could also refer to the name imported here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use two_macros::m;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: macro-expanded macro imports do not shadow
= help: use `self::m` to refer to the macro unambiguously
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
error[E0659]: `Foo` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `Foo` is ambiguous (glob import vs glob import in the same module)
--> $DIR/
LL | fn f(_: Foo) {} //~ ERROR `Foo` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `Foo` could refer to the name imported here
note: `Foo` could refer to the struct imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use *;
| ^
note: `Foo` could also refer to the name imported here
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `Foo` to disambiguate
note: `Foo` could also refer to the struct imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use bar::*;
| ^^^^^^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `Foo` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `Foo` to disambiguate
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -1,38 +1,40 @@
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous (glob import vs any other name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | fn f() { panic!(); } //~ ERROR ambiguous
| ^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `panic` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `panic` could refer to a macro from prelude
note: `panic` could also refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use foo::*;
| ^^^^^^
= note: `panic` is also a builtin macro
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `panic` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `panic` to disambiguate
= help: or use `self::panic` to refer to the macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | fn f() { panic!(); } //~ ERROR ambiguous
| ^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `panic` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `panic` could refer to a macro from prelude
note: `panic` could also refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | ::two_macros::m!(use foo::panic;);
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `panic` is also a builtin macro
= note: macro-expanded macro imports do not shadow
= help: use `self::panic` to refer to the macro unambiguously
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `panic` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | panic!(); //~ ERROR `panic` is ambiguous
| ^^^^^ ambiguous name
note: `panic` could refer to the name defined here
= note: `panic` could refer to a macro from prelude
note: `panic` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! panic { () => {} }
@ -40,26 +42,25 @@ LL | macro_rules! panic { () => {} }
LL | } }
LL | m!();
| ----- in this macro invocation
= note: `panic` is also a builtin macro
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `n` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `n` is ambiguous (glob import vs any other name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | n!(); //~ ERROR ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `n` could refer to the name imported here
note: `n` could refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use bar::*;
| ^^^^^^
note: `n` could also refer to the name imported here
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `n` to disambiguate
= help: or use `self::n` to refer to the macro unambiguously
note: `n` could also refer to the macro imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | #[macro_use(n)]
| ^
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `n` to disambiguate
error: aborting due to 4 previous errors
@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (`macro_rules` vs non-`macro_rules` from other module)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!() //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => (()) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { 0 }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (`macro_rules` vs non-`macro_rules` from other module)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!() //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => (()) }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { 0 }
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (glob import vs any other name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | std::panic!(); //~ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `std` could refer to the name imported here
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
note: `std` could also refer to the module imported here
--> $DIR/
LL | use m2::*; // glob-import user-defined `std`
| ^^^^^
note: `std` could also refer to the name defined here
= note: consider adding an explicit import of `std` to disambiguate
= help: consider adding an explicit import of `std` to disambiguate
= help: or use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@ LL | m1!();
= note: macro-expanded `#[macro_use]`s may not shadow existing macros (see RFC 1560)
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `foo` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | foo!(); //~ ERROR `foo` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `foo` could refer to the name defined here
note: `foo` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! foo { () => {} }
@ -23,12 +23,11 @@ LL | macro_rules! foo { () => {} }
LL | m1!();
| ------ in this macro invocation
note: `foo` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `foo` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! foo { () => {} }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error: aborting due to 2 previous errors
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
@ -20,15 +20,14 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! gen_invoc { () => { m!() } } //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
@ -44,15 +43,14 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
@ -68,15 +66,14 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Wrong } }
@ -92,15 +89,14 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Wrong } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
@ -108,7 +104,7 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Wrong } }
@ -116,15 +112,14 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Wrong } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! gen_invoc { () => { m!() } } //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
@ -132,7 +127,7 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Wrong } }
@ -140,15 +135,14 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Wrong } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
@ -156,7 +150,7 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
@ -164,15 +158,14 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! gen_invoc { () => { m!() } } //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
@ -180,7 +173,7 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => { Right } }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
@ -188,7 +181,6 @@ LL | macro_rules! m { () => {} }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error: aborting due to 8 previous errors
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Right }
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ LL | macro m() { Right }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() {}
@ -20,15 +20,14 @@ LL | macro m() {}
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | macro gen_invoc() { m!() } //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Right }
@ -36,7 +35,7 @@ LL | macro m() { Right }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() {}
@ -44,15 +43,14 @@ LL | macro m() {}
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Right }
@ -60,7 +58,7 @@ LL | macro m() { Right }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() {}
@ -68,15 +66,14 @@ LL | macro m() {}
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Right }
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ LL | macro m() { Right }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Wrong }
@ -92,15 +89,14 @@ LL | macro m() { Wrong }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | m!(); //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Right }
@ -108,7 +104,7 @@ LL | macro m() { Right }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Wrong }
@ -116,15 +112,14 @@ LL | macro m() { Wrong }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `m` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | macro gen_invoc() { m!() } //~ ERROR `m` is ambiguous
| ^ ambiguous name
note: `m` could refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Right }
@ -132,7 +127,7 @@ LL | macro m() { Right }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
note: `m` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `m` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro m() { Wrong }
@ -140,7 +135,6 @@ LL | macro m() { Wrong }
LL | include!();
| ----------- in this macro invocation
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
error: aborting due to 6 previous errors
@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
error[E0659]: `bar` is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `bar` is ambiguous (macro-expanded name vs less macro-expanded name from outer scope during import/macro resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | bar!(); //~ ERROR `bar` is ambiguous
| ^^^ ambiguous name
note: `bar` could refer to the name defined here
note: `bar` could refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | define_macro!(bar);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
note: `bar` could also refer to the name defined here
note: `bar` could also refer to the macro defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | macro_rules! bar { () => {} }
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: macro-expanded macros do not shadow
= note: this error originates in a macro outside of the current crate (in Nightly builds, run with -Z external-macro-backtrace for more info)
error: aborting due to previous error
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
mod foo {
pub use std::io;
//~^ ERROR `std` import is ambiguous
//~^ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
macro_rules! m {
() => {
@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
error: `std` import is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use std::io;
| ^^^ can refer to external crate `::std`
LL | pub use std::io;
| ^^^ ambiguous name
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
= help: use `::std` to refer to the extern crate unambiguously
note: `std` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / mod std {
LL | | pub struct io;
LL | | }
| |_____________- may refer to `self::std` in the future
= help: write `::std` or `self::std` explicitly instead
= note: in the future, `#![feature(uniform_paths)]` may become the default
| |_____________^
LL | m!();
| ----- in this macro invocation
= help: use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
// This test is similar to ``, but with macros defining local items.
use std::io;
//~^ ERROR `std` import is ambiguous
//~^ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
macro_rules! m {
() => {
@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
error: `std` import is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | use std::io;
| ^^^ can refer to external crate `::std`
LL | use std::io;
| ^^^ ambiguous name
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
= help: use `::std` to refer to the extern crate unambiguously
note: `std` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / mod std {
LL | | pub struct io;
LL | | }
| |_________- may refer to `self::std` in the future
= help: write `::std` or `self::std` explicitly instead
= note: in the future, `#![feature(uniform_paths)]` may become the default
| |_________^
LL | m!();
| ----- in this macro invocation
= help: use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
mod foo {
pub use std::io;
//~^ ERROR `std` import is ambiguous
//~^ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
mod std {
pub struct io;
@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
error: `std` import is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use std::io;
| ^^^ can refer to external crate `::std`
LL | pub use std::io;
| ^^^ ambiguous name
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
= help: use `::std` to refer to the extern crate unambiguously
note: `std` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / mod std {
LL | | pub struct io;
LL | | }
| |_____- may refer to `self::std` in the future
= help: write `::std` or `self::std` explicitly instead
= note: in the future, `#![feature(uniform_paths)]` may become the default
| |_____^
= help: use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
// edition:2018
use std::io;
//~^ ERROR `std` import is ambiguous
//~^ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
mod std {
pub struct io;
@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
error: `std` import is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | use std::io;
| ^^^ can refer to external crate `::std`
LL | use std::io;
| ^^^ ambiguous name
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
= help: use `::std` to refer to the extern crate unambiguously
note: `std` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / mod std {
LL | | pub struct io;
LL | | }
| |_- may refer to `self::std` in the future
= help: write `::std` or `self::std` explicitly instead
= note: in the future, `#![feature(uniform_paths)]` may become the default
| |_^
= help: use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
mod foo {
pub use std::io;
//~^ ERROR `std` import is ambiguous
//~^ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
macro_rules! m {
() => {
@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
error: `std` import is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use std::io;
| ^^^ can refer to external crate `::std`
LL | pub use std::io;
| ^^^ ambiguous name
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
= help: use `::std` to refer to the extern crate unambiguously
note: `std` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / mod std {
LL | | pub struct io;
LL | | }
| |_____________- can refer to `self::std`
= help: write `::std` or `self::std` explicitly instead
= note: relative `use` paths enabled by `#![feature(uniform_paths)]`
| |_____________^
LL | m!();
| ----- in this macro invocation
= help: use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
// This test is similar to ``, but with macros defining local items.
use std::io;
//~^ ERROR `std` import is ambiguous
//~^ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
macro_rules! m {
() => {
@ -1,16 +1,23 @@
error: `std` import is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | use std::io;
| ^^^ can refer to external crate `::std`
LL | use std::io;
| ^^^ ambiguous name
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
= help: use `::std` to refer to the extern crate unambiguously
note: `std` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / mod std {
LL | | pub struct io;
LL | | }
| |_________- can refer to `self::std`
= help: write `::std` or `self::std` explicitly instead
= note: relative `use` paths enabled by `#![feature(uniform_paths)]`
| |_________^
LL | m!();
| ----- in this macro invocation
= help: use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
mod foo {
pub use std::io;
//~^ ERROR `std` import is ambiguous
//~^ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
mod std {
pub struct io;
@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
error: `std` import is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | pub use std::io;
| ^^^ can refer to external crate `::std`
LL | pub use std::io;
| ^^^ ambiguous name
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
= help: use `::std` to refer to the extern crate unambiguously
note: `std` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / mod std {
LL | | pub struct io;
LL | | }
| |_____- can refer to `self::std`
= help: write `::std` or `self::std` explicitly instead
= note: relative `use` paths enabled by `#![feature(uniform_paths)]`
| |_____^
= help: use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
use std::io;
//~^ ERROR `std` import is ambiguous
//~^ ERROR `std` is ambiguous
mod std {
pub struct io;
@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
error: `std` import is ambiguous
error[E0659]: `std` is ambiguous (name vs any other name during import resolution)
--> $DIR/
LL | use std::io;
| ^^^ can refer to external crate `::std`
LL | use std::io;
| ^^^ ambiguous name
= note: `std` could refer to a built-in extern crate
= help: use `::std` to refer to the extern crate unambiguously
note: `std` could also refer to the module defined here
--> $DIR/
LL | / mod std {
LL | | pub struct io;
LL | | }
| |_- can refer to `self::std`
= help: write `::std` or `self::std` explicitly instead
= note: relative `use` paths enabled by `#![feature(uniform_paths)]`
| |_^
= help: use `self::std` to refer to the module unambiguously
error: aborting due to previous error
For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0659`.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user