auto merge of #12584 : alexcrichton/rust/windows-files, r=brson

These commits fix handling of binary files on windows by using the raw `CreateFile` apis directly, also splitting out the windows/unix implementations to their own files because everything was configured between the two platforms.

With this fix in place, this also switches `rustc` to using libnative instead of libgreen. I have confirmed that this PR passes through try on all bots.
This commit is contained in:
bors 2014-02-27 14:56:56 -08:00
commit f01a9a8d02
20 changed files with 1347 additions and 1180 deletions

View File

@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ DEPS_test := std extra collections getopts serialize term
DEPS_time := std serialize
TOOL_DEPS_compiletest := test green rustuv getopts
TOOL_DEPS_rustdoc := rustdoc green rustuv
TOOL_DEPS_rustc := rustc green rustuv
TOOL_DEPS_rustdoc := rustdoc native
TOOL_DEPS_rustc := rustc native
TOOL_SOURCE_compiletest := $(S)src/compiletest/
TOOL_SOURCE_rustdoc := $(S)src/driver/
TOOL_SOURCE_rustc := $(S)src/driver/

View File

@ -8,10 +8,15 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
extern crate this = "rustdoc";
extern crate this = "rustc";
fn main() { this::main() }
extern crate native;
fn start(argc: int, argv: **u8) -> int { native::start(argc, argv, this::main) }

View File

@ -1,995 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Blocking posix-based file I/O
use std::sync::arc::UnsafeArc;
use std::c_str::CString;
use std::io::IoError;
use std::io;
use std::libc::{c_int, c_void};
use std::libc;
use std::mem;
use std::os;
use std::rt::rtio;
use std::vec;
use io::{IoResult, retry};
#[cfg(windows)] use std::os::win32::{as_utf16_p, fill_utf16_buf_and_decode};
#[cfg(windows)] use std::ptr;
#[cfg(windows)] use std::str;
pub fn keep_going(data: &[u8], f: |*u8, uint| -> i64) -> i64 {
#[cfg(windows)] static eintr: int = 0; // doesn't matter
#[cfg(not(windows))] static eintr: int = libc::EINTR as int;
let origamt = data.len();
let mut data = data.as_ptr();
let mut amt = origamt;
while amt > 0 {
let mut ret;
loop {
ret = f(data, amt);
if cfg!(windows) { break } // windows has no eintr
// if we get an eintr, then try again
if ret != -1 || os::errno() as int != eintr { break }
if ret == 0 {
} else if ret != -1 {
amt -= ret as uint;
data = unsafe { data.offset(ret as int) };
} else {
return ret;
return (origamt - amt) as i64;
pub type fd_t = libc::c_int;
struct Inner {
fd: fd_t,
close_on_drop: bool,
pub struct FileDesc {
priv inner: UnsafeArc<Inner>
impl FileDesc {
/// Create a `FileDesc` from an open C file descriptor.
/// The `FileDesc` will take ownership of the specified file descriptor and
/// close it upon destruction if the `close_on_drop` flag is true, otherwise
/// it will not close the file descriptor when this `FileDesc` is dropped.
/// Note that all I/O operations done on this object will be *blocking*, but
/// they do not require the runtime to be active.
pub fn new(fd: fd_t, close_on_drop: bool) -> FileDesc {
FileDesc { inner: UnsafeArc::new(Inner {
fd: fd,
close_on_drop: close_on_drop
}) }
// FIXME(#10465) these functions should not be public, but anything in
// native::io wanting to use them is forced to have all the
// rtio traits in scope
pub fn inner_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
#[cfg(windows)] type rlen = libc::c_uint;
#[cfg(not(windows))] type rlen = libc::size_t;
let ret = retry(|| unsafe {
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_void,
buf.len() as rlen) as libc::c_int
if ret == 0 {
} else if ret < 0 {
} else {
Ok(ret as uint)
pub fn inner_write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
#[cfg(windows)] type wlen = libc::c_uint;
#[cfg(not(windows))] type wlen = libc::size_t;
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| {
unsafe {
libc::write(self.fd(), buf as *libc::c_void, len as wlen) as i64
if ret < 0 {
} else {
pub fn fd(&self) -> fd_t {
// This unsafety is fine because we're just reading off the file
// descriptor, no one is modifying this.
unsafe { (*self.inner.get()).fd }
impl io::Reader for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::IoResult<uint> {
impl io::Writer for FileDesc {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {
impl rtio::RtioFileStream for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<int, IoError> {
self.inner_read(buf).map(|i| i as int)
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn pread(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> Result<int, IoError> {
return os_pread(self.fd(), buf.as_ptr(), buf.len(), offset);
fn os_pread(fd: c_int, buf: *u8, amt: uint, offset: u64) -> IoResult<int> {
unsafe {
let mut overlap: libc::OVERLAPPED = mem::init();
let handle = libc::get_osfhandle(fd) as libc::HANDLE;
let mut bytes_read = 0;
overlap.Offset = offset as libc::DWORD;
overlap.OffsetHigh = (offset >> 32) as libc::DWORD;
match libc::ReadFile(handle, buf as libc::LPVOID,
amt as libc::DWORD,
&mut bytes_read, &mut overlap) {
0 => Err(super::last_error()),
_ => Ok(bytes_read as int)
fn os_pread(fd: c_int, buf: *u8, amt: uint, offset: u64) -> IoResult<int> {
match retry(|| unsafe {
libc::pread(fd, buf as *libc::c_void, amt as libc::size_t,
offset as libc::off_t) as libc::c_int
}) {
-1 => Err(super::last_error()),
n => Ok(n as int)
fn pwrite(&mut self, buf: &[u8], offset: u64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
return os_pwrite(self.fd(), buf.as_ptr(), buf.len(), offset);
fn os_pwrite(fd: c_int, buf: *u8, amt: uint, offset: u64) -> IoResult<()> {
unsafe {
let mut overlap: libc::OVERLAPPED = mem::init();
let handle = libc::get_osfhandle(fd) as libc::HANDLE;
overlap.Offset = offset as libc::DWORD;
overlap.OffsetHigh = (offset >> 32) as libc::DWORD;
match libc::WriteFile(handle, buf as libc::LPVOID,
amt as libc::DWORD,
ptr::mut_null(), &mut overlap) {
0 => Err(super::last_error()),
_ => Ok(()),
fn os_pwrite(fd: c_int, buf: *u8, amt: uint, offset: u64) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::pwrite(fd, buf as *libc::c_void, amt as libc::size_t,
offset as libc::off_t)
} as c_int))
fn seek(&mut self, pos: i64, style: io::SeekStyle) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let whence = match style {
io::SeekSet => libc::FILE_BEGIN,
io::SeekEnd => libc::FILE_END,
io::SeekCur => libc::FILE_CURRENT,
unsafe {
let handle = libc::get_osfhandle(self.fd()) as libc::HANDLE;
let mut newpos = 0;
match libc::SetFilePointerEx(handle, pos, &mut newpos, whence) {
0 => Err(super::last_error()),
_ => Ok(newpos as u64),
fn seek(&mut self, pos: i64, whence: io::SeekStyle) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let whence = match whence {
io::SeekSet => libc::SEEK_SET,
io::SeekEnd => libc::SEEK_END,
io::SeekCur => libc::SEEK_CUR,
let n = unsafe { libc::lseek(self.fd(), pos as libc::off_t, whence) };
if n < 0 {
} else {
Ok(n as u64)
fn tell(&self) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let n = unsafe { libc::lseek(self.fd(), 0, libc::SEEK_CUR) };
if n < 0 {
} else {
Ok(n as u64)
fn fsync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
return os_fsync(self.fd());
fn os_fsync(fd: c_int) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(unsafe {
let handle = libc::get_osfhandle(fd);
libc::FlushFileBuffers(handle as libc::HANDLE)
fn os_fsync(fd: c_int) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe { libc::fsync(fd) }))
fn datasync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> { return self.fsync(); }
fn datasync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
return super::mkerr_libc(os_datasync(self.fd()));
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
fn os_datasync(fd: c_int) -> c_int {
unsafe { libc::fcntl(fd, libc::F_FULLFSYNC) }
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn os_datasync(fd: c_int) -> c_int {
retry(|| unsafe { libc::fdatasync(fd) })
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"), not(target_os = "linux"))]
fn os_datasync(fd: c_int) -> c_int {
retry(|| unsafe { libc::fsync(fd) })
fn truncate(&mut self, offset: i64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
let orig_pos = match self.tell() { Ok(i) => i, Err(e) => return Err(e) };
match, io::SeekSet) {
Ok(_) => {}, Err(e) => return Err(e),
let ret = unsafe {
let handle = libc::get_osfhandle(self.fd()) as libc::HANDLE;
match libc::SetEndOfFile(handle) {
0 => Err(super::last_error()),
_ => Ok(())
let _ = as i64, io::SeekSet);
return ret;
fn truncate(&mut self, offset: i64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::ftruncate(self.fd(), offset as libc::off_t)
impl rtio::RtioPipe for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn clone(&self) -> ~rtio::RtioPipe {
~FileDesc { inner: self.inner.clone() } as ~rtio::RtioPipe
impl rtio::RtioTTY for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn set_raw(&mut self, _raw: bool) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn get_winsize(&mut self) -> Result<(int, int), IoError> {
fn isatty(&self) -> bool { false }
impl Drop for Inner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// closing stdio file handles makes no sense, so never do it. Also, note
// that errors are ignored when closing a file descriptor. The reason
// for this is that if an error occurs we don't actually know if the
// file descriptor was closed or not, and if we retried (for something
// like EINTR), we might close another valid file descriptor (opened
// after we closed ours.
if self.close_on_drop && self.fd > libc::STDERR_FILENO {
let n = unsafe { libc::close(self.fd) };
if n != 0 {
warn!("error {} when closing file descriptor {}", n, self.fd);
pub struct CFile {
priv file: *libc::FILE,
priv fd: FileDesc,
impl CFile {
/// Create a `CFile` from an open `FILE` pointer.
/// The `CFile` takes ownership of the `FILE` pointer and will close it upon
/// destruction.
pub fn new(file: *libc::FILE) -> CFile {
CFile {
file: file,
fd: FileDesc::new(unsafe { libc::fileno(file) }, false)
pub fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe { libc::fflush(self.file) }))
impl rtio::RtioFileStream for CFile {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<int, IoError> {
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| {
unsafe {
libc::fread(buf as *mut libc::c_void, 1, len as libc::size_t,
self.file) as i64
if ret == 0 {
} else if ret < 0 {
} else {
Ok(ret as int)
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| {
unsafe {
libc::fwrite(buf as *libc::c_void, 1, len as libc::size_t,
self.file) as i64
if ret < 0 {
} else {
fn pread(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> Result<int, IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.pread(buf, offset))
fn pwrite(&mut self, buf: &[u8], offset: u64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.pwrite(buf, offset))
fn seek(&mut self, pos: i64, style: io::SeekStyle) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let whence = match style {
io::SeekSet => libc::SEEK_SET,
io::SeekEnd => libc::SEEK_END,
io::SeekCur => libc::SEEK_CUR,
let n = unsafe { libc::fseek(self.file, pos as libc::c_long, whence) };
if n < 0 {
} else {
Ok(n as u64)
fn tell(&self) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let ret = unsafe { libc::ftell(self.file) };
if ret < 0 {
} else {
Ok(ret as u64)
fn fsync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.fsync())
fn datasync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.fsync())
fn truncate(&mut self, offset: i64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.truncate(offset))
impl Drop for CFile {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { let _ = libc::fclose(self.file); }
pub fn open(path: &CString, fm: io::FileMode, fa: io::FileAccess)
-> IoResult<FileDesc> {
let flags = match fm {
io::Open => 0,
io::Append => libc::O_APPEND,
io::Truncate => libc::O_TRUNC,
// Opening with a write permission must silently create the file.
let (flags, mode) = match fa {
io::Read => (flags | libc::O_RDONLY, 0),
io::Write => (flags | libc::O_WRONLY | libc::O_CREAT,
libc::S_IRUSR | libc::S_IWUSR),
io::ReadWrite => (flags | libc::O_RDWR | libc::O_CREAT,
libc::S_IRUSR | libc::S_IWUSR),
return match os_open(path, flags, mode) {
-1 => Err(super::last_error()),
fd => Ok(FileDesc::new(fd, true)),
fn os_open(path: &CString, flags: c_int, mode: c_int) -> c_int {
as_utf16_p(path.as_str().unwrap(), |path| {
retry(|| unsafe { libc::wopen(path, flags, mode) })
fn os_open(path: &CString, flags: c_int, mode: c_int) -> c_int {
retry(|| unsafe { libc::open(path.with_ref(|p| p), flags, mode) })
pub fn mkdir(p: &CString, mode: io::FilePermission) -> IoResult<()> {
return os_mkdir(p, mode as c_int);
fn os_mkdir(p: &CString, _mode: c_int) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(unsafe {
// FIXME: turn mode into something useful? #2623
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |buf| {
libc::CreateDirectoryW(buf, ptr::mut_null())
fn os_mkdir(p: &CString, mode: c_int) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::mkdir(p.with_ref(|p| p), mode as libc::mode_t)
pub fn readdir(p: &CString) -> IoResult<~[Path]> {
fn prune(root: &CString, dirs: ~[Path]) -> ~[Path] {
let root = unsafe { CString::new(root.with_ref(|p| p), false) };
let root = Path::new(root);
dirs.move_iter().filter(|path| {
path.as_vec() != bytes!(".") && path.as_vec() != bytes!("..")
}).map(|path| root.join(path)).collect()
unsafe {
unsafe fn get_list(p: &CString) -> IoResult<~[Path]> {
use std::libc::{dirent_t};
use std::libc::{opendir, readdir, closedir};
extern {
fn rust_list_dir_val(ptr: *dirent_t) -> *libc::c_char;
debug!("os::list_dir -- BEFORE OPENDIR");
let dir_ptr = p.with_ref(|buf| opendir(buf));
if dir_ptr as uint != 0 {
let mut paths = ~[];
debug!("os::list_dir -- opendir() SUCCESS");
let mut entry_ptr = readdir(dir_ptr);
while entry_ptr as uint != 0 {
let cstr = CString::new(rust_list_dir_val(entry_ptr), false);
entry_ptr = readdir(dir_ptr);
assert_eq!(closedir(dir_ptr), 0);
} else {
unsafe fn get_list(p: &CString) -> IoResult<~[Path]> {
use std::libc::consts::os::extra::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
use std::libc::{wcslen, free};
use std::libc::funcs::extra::kernel32::{
use std::libc::types::os::arch::extra::HANDLE;
use os::win32::{
use rt::global_heap::malloc_raw;
extern {
fn rust_list_dir_wfd_size() -> libc::size_t;
fn rust_list_dir_wfd_fp_buf(wfd: *libc::c_void) -> *u16;
let p = CString::new(p.with_ref(|p| p), false);
let p = Path::new(p);
let star = p.join("*");
as_utf16_p(star.as_str().unwrap(), |path_ptr| {
let wfd_ptr = malloc_raw(rust_list_dir_wfd_size() as uint);
let find_handle = FindFirstFileW(path_ptr, wfd_ptr as HANDLE);
if find_handle as libc::c_int != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
let mut paths = ~[];
let mut more_files = 1 as libc::c_int;
while more_files != 0 {
let fp_buf = rust_list_dir_wfd_fp_buf(wfd_ptr as *c_void);
if fp_buf as uint == 0 {
fail!("os::list_dir() failure: got null ptr from wfd");
else {
let fp_vec = vec::from_buf(
fp_buf, wcslen(fp_buf) as uint);
let fp_trimmed = str::truncate_utf16_at_nul(fp_vec);
let fp_str = str::from_utf16(fp_trimmed)
.expect("rust_list_dir_wfd_fp_buf returned invalid UTF-16");
more_files = FindNextFileW(find_handle, wfd_ptr as HANDLE);
assert!(FindClose(find_handle) != 0);
free(wfd_ptr as *mut c_void);
} else {
get_list(p).map(|paths| prune(p, paths))
pub fn unlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
return os_unlink(p);
fn os_unlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(unsafe {
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |buf| {
fn os_unlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe { libc::unlink(p.with_ref(|p| p)) }))
pub fn rename(old: &CString, new: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
return os_rename(old, new);
fn os_rename(old: &CString, new: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(unsafe {
as_utf16_p(old.as_str().unwrap(), |old| {
as_utf16_p(new.as_str().unwrap(), |new| {
libc::MoveFileExW(old, new, libc::MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)
fn os_rename(old: &CString, new: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::rename(old.with_ref(|p| p), new.with_ref(|p| p))
pub fn chmod(p: &CString, mode: io::FilePermission) -> IoResult<()> {
return super::mkerr_libc(os_chmod(p, mode as c_int));
fn os_chmod(p: &CString, mode: c_int) -> c_int {
unsafe {
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |p| retry(|| {
libc::wchmod(p, mode)
fn os_chmod(p: &CString, mode: c_int) -> c_int {
retry(||unsafe { libc::chmod(p.with_ref(|p| p), mode as libc::mode_t) })
pub fn rmdir(p: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
return super::mkerr_libc(os_rmdir(p));
fn os_rmdir(p: &CString) -> c_int {
unsafe {
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |p| retry(|| {
fn os_rmdir(p: &CString) -> c_int {
retry(|| unsafe { libc::rmdir(p.with_ref(|p| p)) })
pub fn chown(p: &CString, uid: int, gid: int) -> IoResult<()> {
return super::mkerr_libc(os_chown(p, uid, gid));
// libuv has this as a no-op, so seems like this should as well?
fn os_chown(_p: &CString, _uid: int, _gid: int) -> c_int { 0 }
fn os_chown(p: &CString, uid: int, gid: int) -> c_int {
retry(|| unsafe {
libc::chown(p.with_ref(|p| p), uid as libc::uid_t,
gid as libc::gid_t)
pub fn readlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<Path> {
return os_readlink(p);
// FIXME: I have a feeling that this reads intermediate symlinks as well.
fn os_readlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<Path> {
let handle = unsafe {
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |p| {
if handle as int == libc::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as int {
return Err(super::last_error())
let ret = fill_utf16_buf_and_decode(|buf, sz| {
unsafe {
libc::GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(handle, buf as *u16, sz,
let ret = match ret {
Some(s) => Ok(Path::new(s)),
None => Err(super::last_error()),
assert!(unsafe { libc::CloseHandle(handle) } != 0);
return ret;
fn os_readlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<Path> {
let p = p.with_ref(|p| p);
let mut len = unsafe { libc::pathconf(p, libc::_PC_NAME_MAX) };
if len == -1 {
len = 1024; // FIXME: read PATH_MAX from C ffi?
let mut buf = vec::with_capacity::<u8>(len as uint);
match retry(|| unsafe {
libc::readlink(p, buf.as_ptr() as *mut libc::c_char,
len as libc::size_t) as libc::c_int
}) {
-1 => Err(super::last_error()),
n => {
assert!(n > 0);
unsafe { buf.set_len(n as uint); }
pub fn symlink(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
return os_symlink(src, dst);
fn os_symlink(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(as_utf16_p(src.as_str().unwrap(), |src| {
as_utf16_p(dst.as_str().unwrap(), |dst| {
unsafe { libc::CreateSymbolicLinkW(dst, src, 0) }
}) as libc::BOOL
fn os_symlink(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::symlink(src.with_ref(|p| p), dst.with_ref(|p| p))
pub fn link(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
return os_link(src, dst);
fn os_link(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(as_utf16_p(src.as_str().unwrap(), |src| {
as_utf16_p(dst.as_str().unwrap(), |dst| {
unsafe { libc::CreateHardLinkW(dst, src, ptr::mut_null()) }
fn os_link(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::link(src.with_ref(|p| p), dst.with_ref(|p| p))
fn mkstat(stat: &libc::stat, path: &CString) -> io::FileStat {
let path = unsafe { CString::new(path.with_ref(|p| p), false) };
let kind = match (stat.st_mode as c_int) & libc::S_IFMT {
libc::S_IFREG => io::TypeFile,
libc::S_IFDIR => io::TypeDirectory,
libc::S_IFIFO => io::TypeNamedPipe,
libc::S_IFBLK => io::TypeBlockSpecial,
libc::S_IFLNK => io::TypeSymlink,
_ => io::TypeUnknown,
io::FileStat {
path: Path::new(path),
size: stat.st_size as u64,
kind: kind,
perm: (stat.st_mode) as io::FilePermission & io::AllPermissions,
created: stat.st_ctime as u64,
modified: stat.st_mtime as u64,
accessed: stat.st_atime as u64,
unstable: io::UnstableFileStat {
device: stat.st_dev as u64,
inode: stat.st_ino as u64,
rdev: stat.st_rdev as u64,
nlink: stat.st_nlink as u64,
uid: stat.st_uid as u64,
gid: stat.st_gid as u64,
blksize: 0,
blocks: 0,
flags: 0,
gen: 0,
fn mkstat(stat: &libc::stat, path: &CString) -> io::FileStat {
let path = unsafe { CString::new(path.with_ref(|p| p), false) };
// FileStat times are in milliseconds
fn mktime(secs: u64, nsecs: u64) -> u64 { secs * 1000 + nsecs / 1000000 }
let kind = match (stat.st_mode as c_int) & libc::S_IFMT {
libc::S_IFREG => io::TypeFile,
libc::S_IFDIR => io::TypeDirectory,
libc::S_IFIFO => io::TypeNamedPipe,
libc::S_IFBLK => io::TypeBlockSpecial,
libc::S_IFLNK => io::TypeSymlink,
_ => io::TypeUnknown,
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"), not(target_os = "android"))]
fn flags(stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { stat.st_flags as u64 }
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn flags(_stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { 0 }
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"), not(target_os = "android"))]
fn gen(stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { stat.st_gen as u64 }
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn gen(_stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { 0 }
io::FileStat {
path: Path::new(path),
size: stat.st_size as u64,
kind: kind,
perm: (stat.st_mode) as io::FilePermission & io::AllPermissions,
created: mktime(stat.st_ctime as u64, stat.st_ctime_nsec as u64),
modified: mktime(stat.st_mtime as u64, stat.st_mtime_nsec as u64),
accessed: mktime(stat.st_atime as u64, stat.st_atime_nsec as u64),
unstable: io::UnstableFileStat {
device: stat.st_dev as u64,
inode: stat.st_ino as u64,
rdev: stat.st_rdev as u64,
nlink: stat.st_nlink as u64,
uid: stat.st_uid as u64,
gid: stat.st_gid as u64,
blksize: stat.st_blksize as u64,
blocks: stat.st_blocks as u64,
flags: flags(stat),
gen: gen(stat),
pub fn stat(p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
return os_stat(p);
fn os_stat(p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
let mut stat: libc::stat = unsafe { mem::uninit() };
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |up| {
match retry(|| unsafe { libc::wstat(up, &mut stat) }) {
0 => Ok(mkstat(&stat, p)),
_ => Err(super::last_error()),
fn os_stat(p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
let mut stat: libc::stat = unsafe { mem::uninit() };
match retry(|| unsafe { libc::stat(p.with_ref(|p| p), &mut stat) }) {
0 => Ok(mkstat(&stat, p)),
_ => Err(super::last_error()),
pub fn lstat(p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
return os_lstat(p);
// FIXME: windows implementation is missing
fn os_lstat(_p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
fn os_lstat(p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
let mut stat: libc::stat = unsafe { mem::uninit() };
match retry(|| unsafe { libc::lstat(p.with_ref(|p| p), &mut stat) }) {
0 => Ok(mkstat(&stat, p)),
_ => Err(super::last_error()),
pub fn utime(p: &CString, atime: u64, mtime: u64) -> IoResult<()> {
return super::mkerr_libc(os_utime(p, atime, mtime));
fn os_utime(p: &CString, atime: u64, mtime: u64) -> c_int {
let buf = libc::utimbuf {
actime: (atime / 1000) as libc::time64_t,
modtime: (mtime / 1000) as libc::time64_t,
unsafe {
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |p| retry(|| {
libc::wutime(p, &buf)
fn os_utime(p: &CString, atime: u64, mtime: u64) -> c_int {
let buf = libc::utimbuf {
actime: (atime / 1000) as libc::time_t,
modtime: (mtime / 1000) as libc::time_t,
retry(|| unsafe { libc::utime(p.with_ref(|p| p), &buf) })
mod tests {
use super::{CFile, FileDesc};
use std::io;
use std::libc;
use std::os;
use std::rt::rtio::RtioFileStream;
#[ignore(cfg(target_os = "freebsd"))] // hmm, maybe pipes have a tiny buffer
fn test_file_desc() {
// Run this test with some pipes so we don't have to mess around with
// opening or closing files.
unsafe {
let os::Pipe { input, out } = os::pipe();
let mut reader = FileDesc::new(input, true);
let mut writer = FileDesc::new(out, true);
let mut buf = [0u8, ..4];
match reader.inner_read(buf) {
Ok(4) => {
assert_eq!(buf[0], 't' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[1], 'e' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[2], 's' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[3], 't' as u8);
r => fail!("invalid read: {:?}", r)
#[ignore(cfg(windows))] // apparently windows doesn't like tmpfile
fn test_cfile() {
unsafe {
let f = libc::tmpfile();
let mut file = CFile::new(f);
let mut buf = [0u8, ..4];
let _ =, io::SeekSet).unwrap();
match {
Ok(4) => {
assert_eq!(buf[0], 't' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[1], 'e' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[2], 's' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[3], 't' as u8);
r => fail!("invalid read: {:?}", r)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Blocking posix-based file I/O
use std::sync::arc::UnsafeArc;
use std::c_str::CString;
use std::io::IoError;
use std::io;
use std::libc::{c_int, c_void};
use std::libc;
use std::mem;
use std::rt::rtio;
use std::vec;
use io::{IoResult, retry, keep_going};
pub type fd_t = libc::c_int;
struct Inner {
fd: fd_t,
close_on_drop: bool,
pub struct FileDesc {
priv inner: UnsafeArc<Inner>
impl FileDesc {
/// Create a `FileDesc` from an open C file descriptor.
/// The `FileDesc` will take ownership of the specified file descriptor and
/// close it upon destruction if the `close_on_drop` flag is true, otherwise
/// it will not close the file descriptor when this `FileDesc` is dropped.
/// Note that all I/O operations done on this object will be *blocking*, but
/// they do not require the runtime to be active.
pub fn new(fd: fd_t, close_on_drop: bool) -> FileDesc {
FileDesc { inner: UnsafeArc::new(Inner {
fd: fd,
close_on_drop: close_on_drop
}) }
// FIXME(#10465) these functions should not be public, but anything in
// native::io wanting to use them is forced to have all the
// rtio traits in scope
pub fn inner_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
let ret = retry(|| unsafe {
buf.as_mut_ptr() as *mut libc::c_void,
buf.len() as libc::size_t) as libc::c_int
if ret == 0 {
} else if ret < 0 {
} else {
Ok(ret as uint)
pub fn inner_write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| {
unsafe {
libc::write(self.fd(), buf as *libc::c_void,
len as libc::size_t) as i64
if ret < 0 {
} else {
pub fn fd(&self) -> fd_t {
// This unsafety is fine because we're just reading off the file
// descriptor, no one is modifying this.
unsafe { (*self.inner.get()).fd }
impl io::Reader for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::IoResult<uint> {
impl io::Writer for FileDesc {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {
impl rtio::RtioFileStream for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<int, IoError> {
self.inner_read(buf).map(|i| i as int)
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn pread(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> Result<int, IoError> {
match retry(|| unsafe {
libc::pread(self.fd(), buf.as_ptr() as *libc::c_void,
buf.len() as libc::size_t,
offset as libc::off_t) as libc::c_int
}) {
-1 => Err(super::last_error()),
n => Ok(n as int)
fn pwrite(&mut self, buf: &[u8], offset: u64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::pwrite(self.fd(), buf.as_ptr() as *libc::c_void,
buf.len() as libc::size_t, offset as libc::off_t)
} as c_int))
fn seek(&mut self, pos: i64, whence: io::SeekStyle) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let whence = match whence {
io::SeekSet => libc::SEEK_SET,
io::SeekEnd => libc::SEEK_END,
io::SeekCur => libc::SEEK_CUR,
let n = unsafe { libc::lseek(self.fd(), pos as libc::off_t, whence) };
if n < 0 {
} else {
Ok(n as u64)
fn tell(&self) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let n = unsafe { libc::lseek(self.fd(), 0, libc::SEEK_CUR) };
if n < 0 {
} else {
Ok(n as u64)
fn fsync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe { libc::fsync(self.fd()) }))
fn datasync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
return super::mkerr_libc(os_datasync(self.fd()));
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
fn os_datasync(fd: c_int) -> c_int {
unsafe { libc::fcntl(fd, libc::F_FULLFSYNC) }
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
fn os_datasync(fd: c_int) -> c_int {
retry(|| unsafe { libc::fdatasync(fd) })
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"), not(target_os = "linux"))]
fn os_datasync(fd: c_int) -> c_int {
retry(|| unsafe { libc::fsync(fd) })
fn truncate(&mut self, offset: i64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::ftruncate(self.fd(), offset as libc::off_t)
impl rtio::RtioPipe for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn clone(&self) -> ~rtio::RtioPipe {
~FileDesc { inner: self.inner.clone() } as ~rtio::RtioPipe
impl rtio::RtioTTY for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn set_raw(&mut self, _raw: bool) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn get_winsize(&mut self) -> Result<(int, int), IoError> {
fn isatty(&self) -> bool { false }
impl Drop for Inner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// closing stdio file handles makes no sense, so never do it. Also, note
// that errors are ignored when closing a file descriptor. The reason
// for this is that if an error occurs we don't actually know if the
// file descriptor was closed or not, and if we retried (for something
// like EINTR), we might close another valid file descriptor (opened
// after we closed ours.
if self.close_on_drop && self.fd > libc::STDERR_FILENO {
let n = unsafe { libc::close(self.fd) };
if n != 0 {
warn!("error {} when closing file descriptor {}", n, self.fd);
pub struct CFile {
priv file: *libc::FILE,
priv fd: FileDesc,
impl CFile {
/// Create a `CFile` from an open `FILE` pointer.
/// The `CFile` takes ownership of the `FILE` pointer and will close it upon
/// destruction.
pub fn new(file: *libc::FILE) -> CFile {
CFile {
file: file,
fd: FileDesc::new(unsafe { libc::fileno(file) }, false)
pub fn flush(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe { libc::fflush(self.file) }))
impl rtio::RtioFileStream for CFile {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<int, IoError> {
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| {
unsafe {
libc::fread(buf as *mut libc::c_void, 1, len as libc::size_t,
self.file) as i64
if ret == 0 {
} else if ret < 0 {
} else {
Ok(ret as int)
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| {
unsafe {
libc::fwrite(buf as *libc::c_void, 1, len as libc::size_t,
self.file) as i64
if ret < 0 {
} else {
fn pread(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> Result<int, IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.pread(buf, offset))
fn pwrite(&mut self, buf: &[u8], offset: u64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.pwrite(buf, offset))
fn seek(&mut self, pos: i64, style: io::SeekStyle) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let whence = match style {
io::SeekSet => libc::SEEK_SET,
io::SeekEnd => libc::SEEK_END,
io::SeekCur => libc::SEEK_CUR,
let n = unsafe { libc::fseek(self.file, pos as libc::c_long, whence) };
if n < 0 {
} else {
Ok(n as u64)
fn tell(&self) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let ret = unsafe { libc::ftell(self.file) };
if ret < 0 {
} else {
Ok(ret as u64)
fn fsync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.fsync())
fn datasync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.fsync())
fn truncate(&mut self, offset: i64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
self.flush().and_then(|()| self.fd.truncate(offset))
impl Drop for CFile {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe { let _ = libc::fclose(self.file); }
pub fn open(path: &CString, fm: io::FileMode, fa: io::FileAccess)
-> IoResult<FileDesc> {
let flags = match fm {
io::Open => 0,
io::Append => libc::O_APPEND,
io::Truncate => libc::O_TRUNC,
// Opening with a write permission must silently create the file.
let (flags, mode) = match fa {
io::Read => (flags | libc::O_RDONLY, 0),
io::Write => (flags | libc::O_WRONLY | libc::O_CREAT,
libc::S_IRUSR | libc::S_IWUSR),
io::ReadWrite => (flags | libc::O_RDWR | libc::O_CREAT,
libc::S_IRUSR | libc::S_IWUSR),
match retry(|| unsafe { libc::open(path.with_ref(|p| p), flags, mode) }) {
-1 => Err(super::last_error()),
fd => Ok(FileDesc::new(fd, true)),
pub fn mkdir(p: &CString, mode: io::FilePermission) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::mkdir(p.with_ref(|p| p), mode as libc::mode_t)
pub fn readdir(p: &CString) -> IoResult<~[Path]> {
use std::libc::{dirent_t};
use std::libc::{opendir, readdir, closedir};
fn prune(root: &CString, dirs: ~[Path]) -> ~[Path] {
let root = unsafe { CString::new(root.with_ref(|p| p), false) };
let root = Path::new(root);
dirs.move_iter().filter(|path| {
path.as_vec() != bytes!(".") && path.as_vec() != bytes!("..")
}).map(|path| root.join(path)).collect()
extern {
fn rust_list_dir_val(ptr: *dirent_t) -> *libc::c_char;
debug!("os::list_dir -- BEFORE OPENDIR");
let dir_ptr = p.with_ref(|buf| unsafe { opendir(buf) });
if dir_ptr as uint != 0 {
let mut paths = ~[];
debug!("os::list_dir -- opendir() SUCCESS");
let mut entry_ptr = unsafe { readdir(dir_ptr) };
while entry_ptr as uint != 0 {
let cstr = unsafe {
CString::new(rust_list_dir_val(entry_ptr), false)
entry_ptr = unsafe { readdir(dir_ptr) };
assert_eq!(unsafe { closedir(dir_ptr) }, 0);
Ok(prune(p, paths))
} else {
pub fn unlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe { libc::unlink(p.with_ref(|p| p)) }))
pub fn rename(old: &CString, new: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::rename(old.with_ref(|p| p), new.with_ref(|p| p))
pub fn chmod(p: &CString, mode: io::FilePermission) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::chmod(p.with_ref(|p| p), mode as libc::mode_t)
pub fn rmdir(p: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::rmdir(p.with_ref(|p| p))
pub fn chown(p: &CString, uid: int, gid: int) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::chown(p.with_ref(|p| p), uid as libc::uid_t,
gid as libc::gid_t)
pub fn readlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<Path> {
let p = p.with_ref(|p| p);
let mut len = unsafe { libc::pathconf(p, libc::_PC_NAME_MAX) };
if len == -1 {
len = 1024; // FIXME: read PATH_MAX from C ffi?
let mut buf = vec::with_capacity::<u8>(len as uint);
match retry(|| unsafe {
libc::readlink(p, buf.as_ptr() as *mut libc::c_char,
len as libc::size_t) as libc::c_int
}) {
-1 => Err(super::last_error()),
n => {
assert!(n > 0);
unsafe { buf.set_len(n as uint); }
pub fn symlink(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::symlink(src.with_ref(|p| p), dst.with_ref(|p| p))
pub fn link(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::link(src.with_ref(|p| p), dst.with_ref(|p| p))
fn mkstat(stat: &libc::stat, path: &CString) -> io::FileStat {
let path = unsafe { CString::new(path.with_ref(|p| p), false) };
// FileStat times are in milliseconds
fn mktime(secs: u64, nsecs: u64) -> u64 { secs * 1000 + nsecs / 1000000 }
let kind = match (stat.st_mode as c_int) & libc::S_IFMT {
libc::S_IFREG => io::TypeFile,
libc::S_IFDIR => io::TypeDirectory,
libc::S_IFIFO => io::TypeNamedPipe,
libc::S_IFBLK => io::TypeBlockSpecial,
libc::S_IFLNK => io::TypeSymlink,
_ => io::TypeUnknown,
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"), not(target_os = "android"))]
fn flags(stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { stat.st_flags as u64 }
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn flags(_stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { 0 }
#[cfg(not(target_os = "linux"), not(target_os = "android"))]
fn gen(stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { stat.st_gen as u64 }
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")] #[cfg(target_os = "android")]
fn gen(_stat: &libc::stat) -> u64 { 0 }
io::FileStat {
path: Path::new(path),
size: stat.st_size as u64,
kind: kind,
perm: (stat.st_mode) as io::FilePermission & io::AllPermissions,
created: mktime(stat.st_ctime as u64, stat.st_ctime_nsec as u64),
modified: mktime(stat.st_mtime as u64, stat.st_mtime_nsec as u64),
accessed: mktime(stat.st_atime as u64, stat.st_atime_nsec as u64),
unstable: io::UnstableFileStat {
device: stat.st_dev as u64,
inode: stat.st_ino as u64,
rdev: stat.st_rdev as u64,
nlink: stat.st_nlink as u64,
uid: stat.st_uid as u64,
gid: stat.st_gid as u64,
blksize: stat.st_blksize as u64,
blocks: stat.st_blocks as u64,
flags: flags(stat),
gen: gen(stat),
pub fn stat(p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
let mut stat: libc::stat = unsafe { mem::uninit() };
match retry(|| unsafe { libc::stat(p.with_ref(|p| p), &mut stat) }) {
0 => Ok(mkstat(&stat, p)),
_ => Err(super::last_error()),
pub fn lstat(p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
let mut stat: libc::stat = unsafe { mem::uninit() };
match retry(|| unsafe { libc::lstat(p.with_ref(|p| p), &mut stat) }) {
0 => Ok(mkstat(&stat, p)),
_ => Err(super::last_error()),
pub fn utime(p: &CString, atime: u64, mtime: u64) -> IoResult<()> {
let buf = libc::utimbuf {
actime: (atime / 1000) as libc::time_t,
modtime: (mtime / 1000) as libc::time_t,
super::mkerr_libc(retry(|| unsafe {
libc::utime(p.with_ref(|p| p), &buf)
mod tests {
use super::{CFile, FileDesc};
use std::io;
use std::libc;
use std::os;
use std::rt::rtio::RtioFileStream;
#[ignore(cfg(target_os = "freebsd"))] // hmm, maybe pipes have a tiny buffer
fn test_file_desc() {
// Run this test with some pipes so we don't have to mess around with
// opening or closing files.
unsafe {
let os::Pipe { input, out } = os::pipe();
let mut reader = FileDesc::new(input, true);
let mut writer = FileDesc::new(out, true);
let mut buf = [0u8, ..4];
match reader.inner_read(buf) {
Ok(4) => {
assert_eq!(buf[0], 't' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[1], 'e' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[2], 's' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[3], 't' as u8);
r => fail!("invalid read: {:?}", r)
fn test_cfile() {
unsafe {
let f = libc::tmpfile();
let mut file = CFile::new(f);
let mut buf = [0u8, ..4];
let _ =, io::SeekSet).unwrap();
match {
Ok(4) => {
assert_eq!(buf[0], 't' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[1], 'e' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[2], 's' as u8);
assert_eq!(buf[3], 't' as u8);
r => fail!("invalid read: {:?}", r)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//! Blocking win32-based file I/O
use std::c_str::CString;
use std::cast;
use std::io::IoError;
use std::io;
use std::libc::{c_int, c_void};
use std::libc;
use std::mem;
use std::os::win32::{as_utf16_p, fill_utf16_buf_and_decode};
use std::ptr;
use std::rt::rtio;
use std::str;
use std::sync::arc::UnsafeArc;
use std::vec;
use io::IoResult;
pub type fd_t = libc::c_int;
struct Inner {
fd: fd_t,
close_on_drop: bool,
pub struct FileDesc {
priv inner: UnsafeArc<Inner>
impl FileDesc {
/// Create a `FileDesc` from an open C file descriptor.
/// The `FileDesc` will take ownership of the specified file descriptor and
/// close it upon destruction if the `close_on_drop` flag is true, otherwise
/// it will not close the file descriptor when this `FileDesc` is dropped.
/// Note that all I/O operations done on this object will be *blocking*, but
/// they do not require the runtime to be active.
pub fn new(fd: fd_t, close_on_drop: bool) -> FileDesc {
FileDesc { inner: UnsafeArc::new(Inner {
fd: fd,
close_on_drop: close_on_drop
}) }
pub fn inner_read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
let mut read = 0;
let ret = unsafe {
libc::ReadFile(self.handle(), buf.as_ptr() as libc::LPVOID,
buf.len() as libc::DWORD, &mut read,
if ret != 0 {
Ok(read as uint)
} else {
pub fn inner_write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
let mut cur = buf.as_ptr();
let mut remaining = buf.len();
while remaining > 0 {
let mut amt = 0;
let ret = unsafe {
libc::WriteFile(self.handle(), cur as libc::LPVOID,
remaining as libc::DWORD, &mut amt,
if ret != 0 {
remaining -= amt as uint;
cur = unsafe { cur.offset(amt as int) };
} else {
return Err(super::last_error())
pub fn fd(&self) -> fd_t {
// This unsafety is fine because we're just reading off the file
// descriptor, no one is modifying this.
unsafe { (*self.inner.get()).fd }
pub fn handle(&self) -> libc::HANDLE {
unsafe { libc::get_osfhandle(self.fd()) as libc::HANDLE }
impl io::Reader for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> io::IoResult<uint> {
impl io::Writer for FileDesc {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {
impl rtio::RtioFileStream for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<int, IoError> {
self.inner_read(buf).map(|i| i as int)
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn pread(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> Result<int, IoError> {
let mut read = 0;
let mut overlap: libc::OVERLAPPED = unsafe { mem::init() };
overlap.Offset = offset as libc::DWORD;
overlap.OffsetHigh = (offset >> 32) as libc::DWORD;
let ret = unsafe {
libc::ReadFile(self.handle(), buf.as_ptr() as libc::LPVOID,
buf.len() as libc::DWORD, &mut read,
&mut overlap)
if ret != 0 {
Ok(read as int)
} else {
fn pwrite(&mut self, buf: &[u8], mut offset: u64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
let mut cur = buf.as_ptr();
let mut remaining = buf.len();
let mut overlap: libc::OVERLAPPED = unsafe { mem::init() };
while remaining > 0 {
overlap.Offset = offset as libc::DWORD;
overlap.OffsetHigh = (offset >> 32) as libc::DWORD;
let mut amt = 0;
let ret = unsafe {
libc::WriteFile(self.handle(), cur as libc::LPVOID,
remaining as libc::DWORD, &mut amt,
&mut overlap)
if ret != 0 {
remaining -= amt as uint;
cur = unsafe { cur.offset(amt as int) };
offset += amt as u64;
} else {
return Err(super::last_error())
fn seek(&mut self, pos: i64, style: io::SeekStyle) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
let whence = match style {
io::SeekSet => libc::FILE_BEGIN,
io::SeekEnd => libc::FILE_END,
io::SeekCur => libc::FILE_CURRENT,
unsafe {
let mut newpos = 0;
match libc::SetFilePointerEx(self.handle(), pos, &mut newpos,
whence) {
0 => Err(super::last_error()),
_ => Ok(newpos as u64),
fn tell(&self) -> Result<u64, IoError> {
// This transmute is fine because our seek implementation doesn't
// actually use the mutable self at all.
unsafe { cast::transmute_mut(self).seek(0, io::SeekCur) }
fn fsync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> {
super::mkerr_winbool(unsafe {
fn datasync(&mut self) -> Result<(), IoError> { return self.fsync(); }
fn truncate(&mut self, offset: i64) -> Result<(), IoError> {
let orig_pos = try!(self.tell());
let _ = try!(, io::SeekSet));
let ret = unsafe {
match libc::SetEndOfFile(self.handle()) {
0 => Err(super::last_error()),
_ => Ok(())
let _ = as i64, io::SeekSet);
return ret;
impl rtio::RtioPipe for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn clone(&self) -> ~rtio::RtioPipe {
~FileDesc { inner: self.inner.clone() } as ~rtio::RtioPipe
impl rtio::RtioTTY for FileDesc {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<uint, IoError> {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn set_raw(&mut self, _raw: bool) -> Result<(), IoError> {
fn get_winsize(&mut self) -> Result<(int, int), IoError> {
fn isatty(&self) -> bool { false }
impl Drop for Inner {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// closing stdio file handles makes no sense, so never do it. Also, note
// that errors are ignored when closing a file descriptor. The reason
// for this is that if an error occurs we don't actually know if the
// file descriptor was closed or not, and if we retried (for something
// like EINTR), we might close another valid file descriptor (opened
// after we closed ours.
if self.close_on_drop && self.fd > libc::STDERR_FILENO {
let n = unsafe { libc::close(self.fd) };
if n != 0 {
warn!("error {} when closing file descriptor {}", n, self.fd);
pub fn open(path: &CString, fm: io::FileMode, fa: io::FileAccess)
-> IoResult<FileDesc> {
// Flags passed to open_osfhandle
let flags = match fm {
io::Open => 0,
io::Append => libc::O_APPEND,
io::Truncate => libc::O_TRUNC,
let flags = match fa {
io::Read => flags | libc::O_RDONLY,
io::Write => flags | libc::O_WRONLY | libc::O_CREAT,
io::ReadWrite => flags | libc::O_RDWR | libc::O_CREAT,
let mut dwDesiredAccess = match fa {
io::Read => libc::FILE_GENERIC_READ,
io::Write => libc::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE,
io::ReadWrite => libc::FILE_GENERIC_READ | libc::FILE_GENERIC_WRITE
// libuv has a good comment about this, but the basic idea is what we try to
// emulate unix semantics by enabling all sharing by allowing things such as
// deleting a file while it's still open.
let dwShareMode = libc::FILE_SHARE_READ | libc::FILE_SHARE_WRITE |
let dwCreationDisposition = match (fm, fa) {
(io::Truncate, io::Read) => libc::TRUNCATE_EXISTING,
(io::Truncate, _) => libc::CREATE_ALWAYS,
(io::Open, io::Read) => libc::OPEN_EXISTING,
(io::Open, _) => libc::CREATE_NEW,
(io::Append, io::Read) => {
dwDesiredAccess |= libc::FILE_APPEND_DATA;
(io::Append, _) => {
dwDesiredAccess &= !libc::FILE_WRITE_DATA;
dwDesiredAccess |= libc::FILE_APPEND_DATA;
let mut dwFlagsAndAttributes = libc::FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
// Compat with unix, this allows opening directories (see libuv)
dwFlagsAndAttributes |= libc::FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS;
let handle = as_utf16_p(path.as_str().unwrap(), |buf| unsafe {
if handle == libc::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as libc::HANDLE {
} else {
let fd = unsafe {
libc::open_osfhandle(handle as libc::intptr_t, flags)
if fd < 0 {
let _ = unsafe { libc::CloseHandle(handle) };
} else {
Ok(FileDesc::new(fd, true))
pub fn mkdir(p: &CString, _mode: io::FilePermission) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(unsafe {
// FIXME: turn mode into something useful? #2623
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |buf| {
libc::CreateDirectoryW(buf, ptr::mut_null())
pub fn readdir(p: &CString) -> IoResult<~[Path]> {
use rt::global_heap::malloc_raw;
fn prune(root: &CString, dirs: ~[Path]) -> ~[Path] {
let root = unsafe { CString::new(root.with_ref(|p| p), false) };
let root = Path::new(root);
dirs.move_iter().filter(|path| {
path.as_vec() != bytes!(".") && path.as_vec() != bytes!("..")
}).map(|path| root.join(path)).collect()
extern {
fn rust_list_dir_wfd_size() -> libc::size_t;
fn rust_list_dir_wfd_fp_buf(wfd: *libc::c_void) -> *u16;
let star = Path::new(unsafe {
CString::new(p.with_ref(|p| p), false)
as_utf16_p(star.as_str().unwrap(), |path_ptr| unsafe {
let wfd_ptr = malloc_raw(rust_list_dir_wfd_size() as uint);
let find_handle = libc::FindFirstFileW(path_ptr, wfd_ptr as libc::HANDLE);
if find_handle as libc::c_int != libc::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
let mut paths = ~[];
let mut more_files = 1 as libc::c_int;
while more_files != 0 {
let fp_buf = rust_list_dir_wfd_fp_buf(wfd_ptr as *c_void);
if fp_buf as uint == 0 {
fail!("os::list_dir() failure: got null ptr from wfd");
} else {
let fp_vec = vec::from_buf(fp_buf,
libc::wcslen(fp_buf) as uint);
let fp_trimmed = str::truncate_utf16_at_nul(fp_vec);
let fp_str = str::from_utf16(fp_trimmed)
.expect("rust_list_dir_wfd_fp_buf returned invalid UTF-16");
more_files = libc::FindNextFileW(find_handle,
wfd_ptr as libc::HANDLE);
assert!(libc::FindClose(find_handle) != 0);
libc::free(wfd_ptr as *mut c_void);
Ok(prune(p, paths))
} else {
pub fn unlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(unsafe {
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |buf| {
pub fn rename(old: &CString, new: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(unsafe {
as_utf16_p(old.as_str().unwrap(), |old| {
as_utf16_p(new.as_str().unwrap(), |new| {
libc::MoveFileExW(old, new, libc::MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)
pub fn chmod(p: &CString, mode: io::FilePermission) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |p| unsafe {
libc::wchmod(p, mode as libc::c_int)
pub fn rmdir(p: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_libc(as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |p| unsafe {
pub fn chown(_p: &CString, _uid: int, _gid: int) -> IoResult<()> {
// libuv has this as a no-op, so seems like this should as well?
pub fn readlink(p: &CString) -> IoResult<Path> {
// FIXME: I have a feeling that this reads intermediate symlinks as well.
let handle = unsafe {
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |p| {
if handle as int == libc::INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE as int {
return Err(super::last_error())
// Specify (sz - 1) because the documentation states that it's the size
// without the null pointer
let ret = fill_utf16_buf_and_decode(|buf, sz| unsafe {
buf as *u16,
sz - 1,
let ret = match ret {
Some(ref s) if s.starts_with(r"\\?\") => Ok(Path::new(s.slice_from(4))),
Some(s) => Ok(Path::new(s)),
None => Err(super::last_error()),
assert!(unsafe { libc::CloseHandle(handle) } != 0);
return ret;
pub fn symlink(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(as_utf16_p(src.as_str().unwrap(), |src| {
as_utf16_p(dst.as_str().unwrap(), |dst| {
unsafe { libc::CreateSymbolicLinkW(dst, src, 0) }
}) as libc::BOOL
pub fn link(src: &CString, dst: &CString) -> IoResult<()> {
super::mkerr_winbool(as_utf16_p(src.as_str().unwrap(), |src| {
as_utf16_p(dst.as_str().unwrap(), |dst| {
unsafe { libc::CreateHardLinkW(dst, src, ptr::mut_null()) }
fn mkstat(stat: &libc::stat, path: &CString) -> io::FileStat {
let path = unsafe { CString::new(path.with_ref(|p| p), false) };
let kind = match (stat.st_mode as c_int) & libc::S_IFMT {
libc::S_IFREG => io::TypeFile,
libc::S_IFDIR => io::TypeDirectory,
libc::S_IFIFO => io::TypeNamedPipe,
libc::S_IFBLK => io::TypeBlockSpecial,
libc::S_IFLNK => io::TypeSymlink,
_ => io::TypeUnknown,
io::FileStat {
path: Path::new(path),
size: stat.st_size as u64,
kind: kind,
perm: (stat.st_mode) as io::FilePermission & io::AllPermissions,
created: stat.st_ctime as u64,
modified: stat.st_mtime as u64,
accessed: stat.st_atime as u64,
unstable: io::UnstableFileStat {
device: stat.st_dev as u64,
inode: stat.st_ino as u64,
rdev: stat.st_rdev as u64,
nlink: stat.st_nlink as u64,
uid: stat.st_uid as u64,
gid: stat.st_gid as u64,
blksize: 0,
blocks: 0,
flags: 0,
gen: 0,
pub fn stat(p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
let mut stat: libc::stat = unsafe { mem::uninit() };
as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |up| {
match unsafe { libc::wstat(up, &mut stat) } {
0 => Ok(mkstat(&stat, p)),
_ => Err(super::last_error()),
pub fn lstat(_p: &CString) -> IoResult<io::FileStat> {
// FIXME: implementation is missing
pub fn utime(p: &CString, atime: u64, mtime: u64) -> IoResult<()> {
let buf = libc::utimbuf {
actime: (atime / 1000) as libc::time64_t,
modtime: (mtime / 1000) as libc::time64_t,
super::mkerr_libc(as_utf16_p(p.as_str().unwrap(), |p| unsafe {
libc::wutime(p, &buf)

View File

@ -42,10 +42,16 @@ pub use self::process::Process;
// Native I/O implementations
pub mod addrinfo;
pub mod file;
pub mod net;
pub mod process;
#[path = ""]
pub mod file;
#[path = ""]
pub mod file;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
#[cfg(target_os = "freebsd")]
#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
@ -97,7 +103,14 @@ fn translate_error(errno: i32, detail: bool) -> IoError {
libc::WSAECONNABORTED => (io::ConnectionAborted, "connection aborted"),
libc::WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address not available"),
libc::WSAEADDRINUSE => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address in use"),
libc::ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE => (io::BrokenPipe, "the pipe has ended"),
libc::ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE => (io::EndOfFile, "the pipe has ended"),
// libuv maps this error code to EISDIR. we do too. if it is found
// to be incorrect, we can add in some more machinery to only
// return this message when ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION after certain
// win32 calls.
libc::ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION => (io::InvalidInput,
"illegal operation on a directory"),
x => {
debug!("ignoring {}: {}", x, os::last_os_error());
@ -121,6 +134,7 @@ fn translate_error(errno: i32, detail: bool) -> IoError {
libc::EADDRNOTAVAIL => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address not available"),
libc::EADDRINUSE => (io::ConnectionRefused, "address in use"),
libc::ENOENT => (io::FileNotFound, "no such file or directory"),
libc::EISDIR => (io::InvalidInput, "illegal operation on a directory"),
// These two constants can have the same value on some systems, but
// different values on others, so we can't use a match clause
@ -185,6 +199,24 @@ fn retry(f: || -> libc::c_int) -> libc::c_int {
fn keep_going(data: &[u8], f: |*u8, uint| -> i64) -> i64 {
let origamt = data.len();
let mut data = data.as_ptr();
let mut amt = origamt;
while amt > 0 {
let ret = retry(|| f(data, amt) as libc::c_int);
if ret == 0 {
} else if ret != -1 {
amt -= ret as uint;
data = unsafe { data.offset(ret as int) };
} else {
return ret as i64;
return (origamt - amt) as i64;
/// Implementation of rt::rtio's IoFactory trait to generate handles to the
/// native I/O functionality.
pub struct IoFactory {

View File

@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use std::cast;
use std::io::net::ip;
use std::io;
@ -18,8 +16,7 @@ use std::mem;
use std::rt::rtio;
use std::sync::arc::UnsafeArc;
use super::{IoResult, retry};
use super::file::keep_going;
use super::{IoResult, retry, keep_going};
// sockaddr and misc bindings
@ -323,16 +320,14 @@ impl rtio::RtioTcpStream for TcpStream {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> IoResult<()> {
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| {
unsafe {
buf as *mut libc::c_void,
len as wrlen,
0) as i64
let ret = keep_going(buf, |buf, len| unsafe {
buf as *mut libc::c_void,
len as wrlen,
0) as i64
if ret < 0 {
} else {

View File

@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ use std::rt::rtio;
use std::sync::arc::UnsafeArc;
use std::intrinsics;
use super::{IoResult, retry};
use super::file::{keep_going, fd_t};
use super::{IoResult, retry, keep_going};
use super::file::fd_t;
fn unix_socket(ty: libc::c_int) -> IoResult<fd_t> {
match unsafe { libc::socket(libc::AF_UNIX, ty, 0) } {

View File

@ -20,8 +20,6 @@
//! can be created in the future and there must be no active timers at that
//! time.
use std::cast;
use std::rt;
use std::unstable::mutex::{StaticNativeMutex, NATIVE_MUTEX_INIT};
@ -100,7 +98,6 @@ mod imp {
use io::file::FileDesc;
pub type signal = libc::c_int;
pub fn new() -> (signal, signal) {

View File

@ -46,8 +46,6 @@
//! Note that all time units in this file are in *milliseconds*.
use std::comm::Data;
use std::libc;
use std::mem;

View File

@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
//! As with timer_other, all units in this file are in units of millseconds.
use std::comm::Data;
use std::libc;
use std::ptr;

View File

@ -49,6 +49,7 @@
html_favicon_url = "",
html_root_url = "")];
#[deny(unused_result, unused_must_use)];
// NB this crate explicitly does *not* allow glob imports, please seriously
// consider whether they're needed before adding that feature here (the

View File

@ -663,6 +663,13 @@ mod test {
use io;
use ops::Drop;
macro_rules! check( ($e:expr) => (
match $e {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => fail!("{} failed with: {}", stringify!($e), e),
) )
struct TempDir(Path);
impl TempDir {
@ -682,7 +689,7 @@ mod test {
// Gee, seeing how we're testing the fs module I sure hope that we
// at least implement this correctly!
let TempDir(ref p) = *self;
@ -690,7 +697,7 @@ mod test {
use os;
use rand;
let ret = os::tmpdir().join(format!("rust-{}", rand::random::<u32>()));
io::fs::mkdir(&ret, io::UserRWX).unwrap();
check!(io::fs::mkdir(&ret, io::UserRWX));
@ -700,18 +707,18 @@ mod test {
let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test.txt");
let mut write_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, ReadWrite);
let mut read_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, Read);
let mut read_buf = [0, .. 1028];
let read_str = match {
let read_str = match check!( {
-1|0 => fail!("shouldn't happen"),
n => str::from_utf8_owned(read_buf.slice_to(n).to_owned()).unwrap()
n => str::from_utf8(read_buf.slice_to(n).to_owned()).unwrap().to_owned()
assert_eq!(read_str, message.to_owned());
iotest!(fn invalid_path_raises() {
@ -734,20 +741,20 @@ mod test {
let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_positional.txt");
let mut rw_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, ReadWrite);
let mut read_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, Read);
let read_buf = read_mem.mut_slice(0, 4);;
let read_buf = read_mem.mut_slice(4, 8);;
let read_str = str::from_utf8(read_mem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_str, message);
@ -762,16 +769,16 @@ mod test {
let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_seeking.txt");
let mut rw_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, ReadWrite);
let mut read_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, Read); as i64, SeekSet).unwrap();
tell_pos_pre_read = read_stream.tell().unwrap();;
tell_pos_post_read = read_stream.tell().unwrap();
check!( as i64, SeekSet));
tell_pos_pre_read = check!(read_stream.tell());
tell_pos_post_read = check!(read_stream.tell());
let read_str = str::from_utf8(read_mem).unwrap();
assert_eq!(read_str, message.slice(4, 8));
assert_eq!(tell_pos_pre_read, set_cursor);
@ -788,15 +795,15 @@ mod test {
let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_seek_and_write.txt");
let mut rw_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, ReadWrite);
rw_stream.write(initial_msg.as_bytes()).unwrap(); as i64, SeekSet).unwrap();
check!( as i64, SeekSet));
let mut read_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, Read);;
let read_str = str::from_utf8(read_mem).unwrap();
assert!(read_str == final_msg.to_owned());
@ -812,24 +819,24 @@ mod test {
let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_rt_io_file_test_seek_shakedown.txt");
let mut rw_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, ReadWrite);
let mut read_stream = File::open_mode(filename, Open, Read);, SeekEnd).unwrap();;
check!(, SeekEnd));
assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(read_mem).unwrap(), chunk_three);, SeekCur).unwrap();;
check!(, SeekCur));
assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(read_mem).unwrap(), chunk_two);, SeekSet).unwrap();;
check!(, SeekSet));
assert_eq!(str::from_utf8(read_mem).unwrap(), chunk_one);
iotest!(fn file_test_stat_is_correct_on_is_file() {
@ -840,34 +847,34 @@ mod test {
let msg = "hw";
let stat_res = stat(filename).unwrap();
let stat_res = check!(stat(filename));
assert_eq!(stat_res.kind, io::TypeFile);
iotest!(fn file_test_stat_is_correct_on_is_dir() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let filename = &tmpdir.join("file_stat_correct_on_is_dir");
mkdir(filename, io::UserRWX).unwrap();
let stat_res = filename.stat().unwrap();
check!(mkdir(filename, io::UserRWX));
let stat_res = check!(filename.stat());
assert!(stat_res.kind == io::TypeDirectory);
iotest!(fn file_test_fileinfo_false_when_checking_is_file_on_a_directory() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let dir = &tmpdir.join("fileinfo_false_on_dir");
mkdir(dir, io::UserRWX).unwrap();
check!(mkdir(dir, io::UserRWX));
assert!(dir.is_file() == false);
iotest!(fn file_test_fileinfo_check_exists_before_and_after_file_creation() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let file = &tmpdir.join("fileinfo_check_exists_b_and_a.txt");
@ -875,10 +882,10 @@ mod test {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let dir = &tmpdir.join("before_and_after_dir");
mkdir(dir, io::UserRWX).unwrap();
check!(mkdir(dir, io::UserRWX));
@ -886,21 +893,21 @@ mod test {
use std::str;
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let dir = &tmpdir.join("di_readdir");
mkdir(dir, io::UserRWX).unwrap();
check!(mkdir(dir, io::UserRWX));
let prefix = "foo";
for n in range(0,3) {
let f = dir.join(format!("{}.txt", n));
let mut w = File::create(&f).unwrap();
let mut w = check!(File::create(&f));
let msg_str = (prefix + n.to_str().to_owned()).to_owned();
let msg = msg_str.as_bytes();
let files = readdir(dir).unwrap();
let files = check!(readdir(dir));
let mut mem = [0u8, .. 4];
for f in files.iter() {
let n = f.filestem_str();
let read_str = str::from_utf8(mem).unwrap();
let expected = match n {
None|Some("") => fail!("really shouldn't happen.."),
@ -908,13 +915,13 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(expected.as_slice(), read_str);
iotest!(fn recursive_mkdir_slash() {
mkdir_recursive(&Path::new("/"), io::UserRWX).unwrap();
check!(mkdir_recursive(&Path::new("/"), io::UserRWX));
iotest!(fn unicode_path_is_dir() {
@ -925,12 +932,12 @@ mod test {
let mut dirpath = tmpdir.path().clone();
mkdir(&dirpath, io::UserRWX).unwrap();
check!(mkdir(&dirpath, io::UserRWX));
let mut filepath = dirpath;
File::create(&filepath).unwrap(); // ignore return; touch only
check!(File::create(&filepath)); // ignore return; touch only
@ -942,7 +949,7 @@ mod test {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let unicode = tmpdir.path();
let unicode = unicode.join(format!("test-각丁ー再见"));
mkdir(&unicode, io::UserRWX).unwrap();
check!(mkdir(&unicode, io::UserRWX));
@ -964,19 +971,19 @@ mod test {
let input = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
let out = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
copy(&input, &out).unwrap();
let contents = File::open(&out).read_to_end().unwrap();
check!(copy(&input, &out));
let contents = check!(File::open(&out).read_to_end());
assert_eq!(contents.as_slice(), bytes!("hello"));
assert_eq!(input.stat().unwrap().perm, out.stat().unwrap().perm);
assert_eq!(check!(input.stat()).perm, check!(out.stat()).perm);
iotest!(fn copy_file_dst_dir() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let out = tmpdir.join("out");
match copy(&out, tmpdir.path()) {
Ok(..) => fail!(), Err(..) => {}
@ -987,11 +994,11 @@ mod test {
let input = tmpdir.join("in");
let output = tmpdir.join("out");
copy(&input, &output).unwrap();
check!(copy(&input, &output));
@ -1010,13 +1017,13 @@ mod test {
let input = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
let out = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
chmod(&input, io::UserRead).unwrap();
copy(&input, &out).unwrap();
assert!(out.stat().unwrap().perm & io::UserWrite == 0);
check!(chmod(&input, io::UserRead));
check!(copy(&input, &out));
assert!(check!(out.stat()).perm & io::UserWrite == 0);
chmod(&input, io::UserFile).unwrap();
chmod(&out, io::UserFile).unwrap();
check!(chmod(&input, io::UserFile));
check!(chmod(&out, io::UserFile));
#[cfg(not(windows))] // FIXME(#10264) operation not permitted?
@ -1025,13 +1032,13 @@ mod test {
let input = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
let out = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
symlink(&input, &out).unwrap();
check!(symlink(&input, &out));
if cfg!(not(windows)) {
assert_eq!(lstat(&out).unwrap().kind, io::TypeSymlink);
assert_eq!(check!(lstat(&out)).kind, io::TypeSymlink);
assert_eq!(stat(&out).unwrap().size, stat(&input).unwrap().size);
assert_eq!(check!(stat(&out)).size, check!(stat(&input)).size);
@ -1039,8 +1046,8 @@ mod test {
iotest!(fn symlink_noexist() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
// symlinks can point to things that don't exist
symlink(&tmpdir.join("foo"), &tmpdir.join("bar")).unwrap();
assert!(readlink(&tmpdir.join("bar")).unwrap() == tmpdir.join("foo"));
check!(symlink(&tmpdir.join("foo"), &tmpdir.join("bar")));
assert!(check!(readlink(&tmpdir.join("bar"))) == tmpdir.join("foo"));
iotest!(fn readlink_not_symlink() {
@ -1056,14 +1063,14 @@ mod test {
let input = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
let out = tmpdir.join("out.txt");
link(&input, &out).unwrap();
check!(link(&input, &out));
if cfg!(not(windows)) {
assert_eq!(lstat(&out).unwrap().kind, io::TypeFile);
assert_eq!(stat(&out).unwrap().unstable.nlink, 2);
assert_eq!(check!(lstat(&out)).kind, io::TypeFile);
assert_eq!(check!(stat(&out)).unstable.nlink, 2);
assert_eq!(stat(&out).unwrap().size, stat(&input).unwrap().size);
assert_eq!(check!(stat(&out)).size, check!(stat(&input)).size);
// can't link to yourself
@ -1082,62 +1089,62 @@ mod test {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let file = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
assert!(stat(&file).unwrap().perm & io::UserWrite == io::UserWrite);
chmod(&file, io::UserRead).unwrap();
assert!(stat(&file).unwrap().perm & io::UserWrite == 0);
assert!(check!(stat(&file)).perm & io::UserWrite == io::UserWrite);
check!(chmod(&file, io::UserRead));
assert!(check!(stat(&file)).perm & io::UserWrite == 0);
match chmod(&tmpdir.join("foo"), io::UserRWX) {
Ok(..) => fail!("wanted a failure"),
Err(..) => {}
chmod(&file, io::UserFile).unwrap();
check!(chmod(&file, io::UserFile));
iotest!(fn sync_doesnt_kill_anything() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let path = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
let mut file = File::open_mode(&path, io::Open, io::ReadWrite).unwrap();
let mut file = check!(File::open_mode(&path, io::Open, io::ReadWrite));
} #[ignore(cfg(windows))])
iotest!(fn truncate_works() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let path = tmpdir.join("in.txt");
let mut file = File::open_mode(&path, io::Open, io::ReadWrite).unwrap();
let mut file = check!(File::open_mode(&path, io::Open, io::ReadWrite));
// Do some simple things with truncation
assert_eq!(stat(&path).unwrap().size, 3);
assert_eq!(stat(&path).unwrap().size, 10);
assert_eq!(stat(&path).unwrap().size, 10);
assert_eq!(check!(stat(&path)).size, 3);
assert_eq!(check!(stat(&path)).size, 10);
assert_eq!(check!(stat(&path)).size, 10);
(bytes!("foobar", 0, 0, 0, 0)).to_owned());
// Truncate to a smaller length, don't seek, and then write something.
// Ensure that the intermediate zeroes are all filled in (we're seeked
// past the end of the file).
assert_eq!(stat(&path).unwrap().size, 2);
assert_eq!(stat(&path).unwrap().size, 9);
assert_eq!(check!(stat(&path)).size, 2);
assert_eq!(check!(stat(&path)).size, 9);
(bytes!("fo", 0, 0, 0, 0, "wut")).to_owned());
} #[ignore(cfg(windows))]) // FIXME(#11638)
iotest!(fn open_flavors() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
@ -1145,46 +1152,49 @@ mod test {
match File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("a"), io::Open, io::Read) {
Ok(..) => fail!(), Err(..) => {}
File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("b"), io::Open, io::Write).unwrap();
File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("c"), io::Open, io::ReadWrite).unwrap();
File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("d"), io::Append, io::Write).unwrap();
File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("e"), io::Append, io::ReadWrite).unwrap();
File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("f"), io::Truncate, io::Write).unwrap();
File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("g"), io::Truncate, io::ReadWrite).unwrap();
check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("b"), io::Open, io::Write));
check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("c"), io::Open, io::ReadWrite));
check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("d"), io::Append, io::Write));
check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("e"), io::Append, io::ReadWrite));
check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("f"), io::Truncate, io::Write));
check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("g"), io::Truncate, io::ReadWrite));
File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("h"), io::Open, io::Read).unwrap();
check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("h"), io::Open, io::Read));
let mut f = File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("h"), io::Open,
let mut f = check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("h"), io::Open,
match f.write("wut".as_bytes()) {
Ok(..) => fail!(), Err(..) => {}
assert_eq!(stat(&tmpdir.join("h")).unwrap().size, 3);
assert!(check!(stat(&tmpdir.join("h"))).size == 3,
"write/stat failed");
let mut f = File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("h"), io::Append,
let mut f = check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("h"), io::Append,
assert_eq!(stat(&tmpdir.join("h")).unwrap().size, 6);
assert!(check!(stat(&tmpdir.join("h"))).size == 6,
"append didn't append");
let mut f = File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("h"), io::Truncate,
let mut f = check!(File::open_mode(&tmpdir.join("h"), io::Truncate,
assert_eq!(stat(&tmpdir.join("h")).unwrap().size, 3);
assert!(check!(stat(&tmpdir.join("h"))).size == 3,
"truncate didn't truncate");
fn utime() {
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let path = tmpdir.join("a");
change_file_times(&path, 1000, 2000).unwrap();
assert_eq!(path.stat().unwrap().accessed, 1000);
assert_eq!(path.stat().unwrap().modified, 2000);
check!(change_file_times(&path, 1000, 2000));
assert_eq!(check!(path.stat()).accessed, 1000);
assert_eq!(check!(path.stat()).modified, 2000);
@ -1196,4 +1206,17 @@ mod test {
Err(..) => {}
iotest!(fn binary_file() {
use rand::{rng, Rng};
let mut bytes = [0, ..1024];
let tmpdir = tmpdir();
let actual = check!(File::open(&tmpdir.join("test")).read_to_end());
assert!(actual.as_slice() == bytes);

View File

@ -137,16 +137,20 @@ mod tests {
pub fn smalltest(server: proc(UnixStream), client: proc(UnixStream)) {
let path1 = next_test_unix();
let path2 = path1.clone();
let (port, chan) = Chan::new();
spawn(proc() {
let mut acceptor = UnixListener::bind(&path1).listen();
spawn(proc() {
match UnixStream::connect(&path2) {
Ok(c) => client(c),
Err(e) => fail!("failed connect: {}", e),
match acceptor.accept() {
Ok(c) => server(c),
Err(e) => fail!("failed accept: {}", e),
iotest!(fn bind_error() {

View File

@ -146,22 +146,20 @@ impl Listener {
mod test {
#[cfg(test, unix)]
mod test_unix {
use libc;
use comm::Empty;
use io::timer;
use super::{Listener, Interrupt};
// kill is only available on Unixes
fn sigint() {
unsafe {
libc::funcs::posix88::signal::kill(libc::getpid(), libc::SIGINT);
#[test] #[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10378)
#[test] #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10378)
fn test_io_signal_smoketest() {
let mut signal = Listener::new();
@ -173,7 +171,7 @@ mod test {
#[test] #[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10378)
#[test] #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10378)
fn test_io_signal_two_signal_one_signum() {
let mut s1 = Listener::new();
let mut s2 = Listener::new();
@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ mod test {
#[test] #[cfg(unix, not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10378)
#[test] #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))] // FIXME(#10378)
fn test_io_signal_unregister() {
let mut s1 = Listener::new();
let mut s2 = Listener::new();
@ -202,15 +200,16 @@ mod test {
assert_eq!(s2.port.try_recv(), Empty);
#[cfg(test, windows)]
mod test_windows {
use super::{User1, Listener};
use result::{Ok, Err};
fn test_io_signal_invalid_signum() {
use io;
use super::User1;
use result::{Ok, Err};
let mut s = Listener::new();
let mut called = false;
match s.register(User1) {
Ok(..) => {
fail!("Unexpected successful registry of signum {:?}", User1);

View File

@ -1623,6 +1623,7 @@ pub mod consts {
pub static O_NOINHERIT: c_int = 128;
pub static ERROR_SUCCESS : c_int = 0;
pub static ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION: c_int = 1;
pub static ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: c_int = 2;
pub static ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: c_int = 5;
pub static ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE : c_int = 6;
@ -1745,6 +1746,10 @@ pub mod consts {
pub static OPEN_EXISTING: DWORD = 3;
pub static FILE_APPEND_DATA: DWORD = 0x00000004;
pub static FILE_READ_DATA: DWORD = 0x00000001;
pub static FILE_WRITE_DATA: DWORD = 0x00000002;
@ -1791,6 +1796,18 @@ pub mod consts {
pub static FILE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES: DWORD = 0x00000100;
pub static FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES: DWORD = 0x00000080;
pub static STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ: DWORD = 0x20000;
pub static STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE: DWORD = 0x20000;
pub static FILE_WRITE_EA: DWORD = 0x00000010;
pub static FILE_READ_EA: DWORD = 0x00000008;
pub static FILE_BEGIN: DWORD = 0;
pub static FILE_CURRENT: DWORD = 1;
pub static FILE_END: DWORD = 2;
@ -4231,6 +4248,7 @@ pub mod funcs {
pub mod msvcrt {
use libc::types::os::arch::c95::{c_int, c_long};
use libc::types::os::arch::c99::intptr_t;
extern {
@ -4239,6 +4257,10 @@ pub mod funcs {
#[link_name = "_get_osfhandle"]
pub fn get_osfhandle(fd: c_int) -> c_long;
#[link_name = "_open_osfhandle"]
pub fn open_osfhandle(osfhandle: intptr_t,
flags: c_int) -> c_int;

View File

@ -698,8 +698,8 @@ mod tests {
macro_rules! t(
(s: $path:expr, $join:expr) => (
let path = ($path);
let join = ($join);
let path = $path;
let join = $join;
let mut p1 = Path::new(path);
let p2 = p1.clone();

View File

@ -1433,8 +1433,8 @@ mod tests {
macro_rules! t(
(s: $path:expr, $join:expr) => (
let path = ($path);
let join = ($join);
let path = $path;
let join = $join;
let mut p1 = Path::new(path);
let p2 = p1.clone();

View File

@ -82,9 +82,7 @@ impl DynamicLibrary {
mod test {
use super::*;
use option::*;
use result::*;
use path::*;
use prelude::*;
use libc;

View File

@ -3529,7 +3529,7 @@ mod tests {
let mut v: [uint, .. 0] = [];
let mut v = [0xDEADBEEF];
let mut v = [0xDEADBEEFu];
assert_eq!(v, [0xDEADBEEF]);