Include suggested replacement in diagnostics

This commit is contained in:
Jonas Schievink 2021-08-06 15:52:47 +02:00
parent 85d80df889
commit efe662d474

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@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
use std::collections::HashMap;
use flycheck::{DiagnosticLevel, DiagnosticSpan};
use itertools::Itertools;
use stdx::format_to;
use vfs::{AbsPath, AbsPathBuf};
@ -134,19 +135,31 @@ fn map_rust_child_diagnostic(
let mut edit_map: HashMap<lsp_types::Url, Vec<lsp_types::TextEdit>> = HashMap::new();
let mut suggested_replacements = Vec::new();
for &span in &spans {
if let Some(suggested_replacement) = &span.suggested_replacement {
let location = location(config, workspace_root, span);
let edit = lsp_types::TextEdit::new(location.range, suggested_replacement.clone());
// rustc renders suggestion diagnostics by appending the suggested replacement, so do the same
// here, otherwise the diagnostic text is missing useful information.
let mut message = rd.message.clone();
if !suggested_replacements.is_empty() {
message.push_str(": ");
let suggestions =
suggested_replacements.iter().map(|suggestion| format!("`{}`", suggestion)).join(", ");
if edit_map.is_empty() {
MappedRustChildDiagnostic::SubDiagnostic(SubDiagnostic {
related: lsp_types::DiagnosticRelatedInformation {
location: location(config, workspace_root, spans[0]),
message: rd.message.clone(),
suggested_fix: None,
@ -154,10 +167,10 @@ fn map_rust_child_diagnostic(
MappedRustChildDiagnostic::SubDiagnostic(SubDiagnostic {
related: lsp_types::DiagnosticRelatedInformation {
location: location(config, workspace_root, spans[0]),
message: rd.message.clone(),
message: message.clone(),
suggested_fix: Some(lsp_ext::CodeAction {
title: rd.message.clone(),
title: message,
group: None,
kind: Some(lsp_types::CodeActionKind::QUICKFIX),
edit: Some(lsp_ext::SnippetWorkspaceEdit {