Revamp foreign code not to consider the Rust modes. This requires
adjusting a few foreign functions that were declared with by-ref mode. This also allows us to remove by-val mode in the near future. With copy mode, though, we have to be careful because Rust will implicitly pass somethings by pointer but this may not be the C ABI rules. For example, rust will pass a struct Foo as a Foo*. So I added some code into the adapters to fix this (though the C ABI rules may put the pointer back, oh well). This patch also includes a lint mode for the use of by-ref mode in foreign functions as the semantics of this have changed.
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ struct Thread {
impl Thread {
static fn start(main: ~fn()) -> Thread {
fn substart(main: &fn()) -> *raw_thread {
unsafe { rust_raw_thread_start(main) }
unsafe { rust_raw_thread_start(&main) }
let raw = substart(main);
Thread {
@ -39,6 +39,6 @@ impl Drop for Thread {
extern {
pub unsafe fn rust_raw_thread_start(f: &fn()) -> *raw_thread;
pub unsafe fn rust_raw_thread_start(f: &(&fn())) -> *raw_thread;
pub unsafe fn rust_raw_thread_join_delete(thread: *raw_thread);
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ mod rustrt {
pub unsafe fn rust_lock_little_lock(lock: rust_little_lock);
pub unsafe fn rust_unlock_little_lock(lock: rust_little_lock);
pub unsafe fn rust_raw_thread_start(f: &fn()) -> *raw_thread;
pub unsafe fn rust_raw_thread_start(f: &(&fn())) -> *raw_thread;
pub unsafe fn rust_raw_thread_join_delete(thread: *raw_thread);
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ pub fn run_in_bare_thread(f: ~fn()) {
let closure: &fn() = || {
let thread = rustrt::rust_raw_thread_start(closure);
let thread = rustrt::rust_raw_thread_start(&closure);
@ -1443,7 +1443,7 @@ pub mod llvm {
/** Prepares inline assembly. */
pub unsafe fn LLVMInlineAsm(Ty: TypeRef, AsmString: *c_char,
Constraints: *c_char, SideEffects: Bool,
AlignStack: Bool, Dialect: AsmDialect)
AlignStack: Bool, Dialect: c_uint)
-> ValueRef;
@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ pub enum lint {
@ -182,6 +183,13 @@ pub fn get_lint_dict() -> LintDict {
default: warn
@LintSpec {
lint: foreign_mode,
desc: "warn about deprecated uses of modes in foreign fns",
default: warn
@LintSpec {
lint: deprecated_pattern,
@ -753,6 +761,20 @@ fn check_item_ctypes(cx: ty::ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
fn check_foreign_fn(cx: ty::ctxt, fn_id: ast::node_id,
decl: &ast::fn_decl) {
// warn about `&&` mode on foreign functions, both because it is
// deprecated and because its semantics have changed recently:
for decl.inputs.eachi |i, arg| {
match ty::resolved_mode(cx, arg.mode) {
ast::by_val | ast::by_copy => {}
ast::by_ref => {
foreign_mode, fn_id, fn_id, arg.ty.span,
fmt!("foreign function uses `&&` mode \
on argument %u", i));
let tys = vec::map(decl.inputs, |a| a.ty );
for vec::each(vec::append_one(tys, decl.output)) |ty| {
match ty.node {
@ -785,7 +807,7 @@ fn check_item_ctypes(cx: ty::ctxt, it: @ast::item) {
if attr::foreign_abi(it.attrs) !=
either::Right(ast::foreign_abi_rust_intrinsic) => {
for nmod.items.each |ni| {
match /*bad*/copy ni.node {
match ni.node {
ast::foreign_item_fn(ref decl, _, _) => {
check_foreign_fn(cx,, decl);
@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ pub fn InlineAsmCall(cx: block, asm: *c_char, cons: *c_char,
let llfty = T_fn(~[], T_void());
let v = llvm::LLVMInlineAsm(llfty, asm, cons, volatile,
alignstack, dia);
alignstack, dia as c_uint);
Call(cx, v, ~[])
@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ pub fn trans_arg_expr(bcx: block,
if formal_ty.ty != arg_datum.ty {
// this could happen due to e.g. subtyping
let llformal_ty = type_of::type_of_explicit_arg(ccx, formal_ty);
let llformal_ty = type_of::type_of_explicit_arg(ccx, &formal_ty);
debug!("casting actual type (%s) to match formal (%s)",
bcx.val_str(val), bcx.llty_str(llformal_ty));
val = PointerCast(bcx, val, llformal_ty);
@ -58,59 +58,90 @@ pub fn link_name(ccx: @CrateContext, i: @ast::foreign_item) -> @~str {
struct c_stack_tys {
arg_tys: ~[TypeRef],
ret_ty: TypeRef,
struct ShimTypes {
fn_sig: ty::FnSig,
/// LLVM types that will appear on the foreign function
llsig: LlvmSignature,
/// True if there is a return value (not bottom, not unit)
ret_def: bool,
/// Type of the struct we will use to shuttle values back and forth.
/// This is always derived from the llsig.
bundle_ty: TypeRef,
/// Type of the shim function itself.
shim_fn_ty: TypeRef,
/// Adapter object for handling native ABI rules (trust me, you
/// don't want to know).
fn_ty: cabi::FnType
fn c_arg_and_ret_lltys(ccx: @CrateContext,
id: ast::node_id) -> (~[TypeRef], TypeRef, ty::t) {
match ty::get(ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id)).sty {
ty::ty_bare_fn(ref fn_ty) => {
let llargtys = type_of_explicit_args(ccx, fn_ty.sig.inputs);
let llretty = type_of::type_of(ccx, fn_ty.sig.output);
(llargtys, llretty, fn_ty.sig.output)
_ => ccx.sess.bug(~"c_arg_and_ret_lltys called on non-function type")
struct LlvmSignature {
llarg_tys: ~[TypeRef],
llret_ty: TypeRef,
fn c_stack_tys(ccx: @CrateContext,
id: ast::node_id) -> @c_stack_tys {
let (llargtys, llretty, ret_ty) = c_arg_and_ret_lltys(ccx, id);
// XXX: Bad copy.
let bundle_ty = T_struct(vec::append_one(copy llargtys, T_ptr(llretty)));
let ret_def = !ty::type_is_bot(ret_ty) && !ty::type_is_nil(ret_ty);
let fn_ty = abi_info(ccx.sess.targ_cfg.arch).
compute_info(llargtys, llretty, ret_def);
return @c_stack_tys {
arg_tys: llargtys,
ret_ty: llretty,
fn foreign_signature(ccx: @CrateContext,
fn_sig: &ty::FnSig) -> LlvmSignature {
* The ForeignSignature is the LLVM types of the arguments/return type
* of a function. Note that these LLVM types are not quite the same
* as the LLVM types would be for a native Rust function because foreign
* functions just plain ignore modes. They also don't pass aggregate
* values by pointer like we do.
let llarg_tys =|arg| type_of(ccx, arg.ty));
let llret_ty = type_of::type_of(ccx, fn_sig.output);
LlvmSignature {llarg_tys: llarg_tys, llret_ty: llret_ty}
fn shim_types(ccx: @CrateContext, id: ast::node_id) -> ShimTypes {
let fn_sig = match ty::get(ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id)).sty {
ty::ty_bare_fn(ref fn_ty) => copy fn_ty.sig,
_ => ccx.sess.bug(~"c_arg_and_ret_lltys called on non-function type")
let llsig = foreign_signature(ccx, &fn_sig);
let bundle_ty = T_struct(vec::append_one(copy llsig.llarg_tys,
let ret_def =
!ty::type_is_bot(fn_sig.output) &&
let fn_ty =
ShimTypes {
fn_sig: fn_sig,
llsig: llsig,
ret_def: ret_def,
bundle_ty: bundle_ty,
shim_fn_ty: T_fn(~[T_ptr(bundle_ty)], T_void()),
fn_ty: fn_ty
type shim_arg_builder = &self/fn(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
llargbundle: ValueRef) -> ~[ValueRef];
type shim_arg_builder<'self> =
&'self fn(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llargbundle: ValueRef) -> ~[ValueRef];
type shim_ret_builder = &self/fn(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
llargbundle: ValueRef, llretval: ValueRef);
type shim_ret_builder<'self> =
&'self fn(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llargbundle: ValueRef,
llretval: ValueRef);
fn build_shim_fn_(ccx: @CrateContext,
+shim_name: ~str,
llbasefn: ValueRef,
tys: @c_stack_tys,
tys: &ShimTypes,
cc: lib::llvm::CallConv,
arg_builder: shim_arg_builder,
ret_builder: shim_ret_builder) -> ValueRef {
ret_builder: shim_ret_builder) -> ValueRef
let llshimfn = decl_internal_cdecl_fn(
ccx.llmod, shim_name, tys.shim_fn_ty);
@ -122,8 +153,7 @@ fn build_shim_fn_(ccx: @CrateContext,
let llargvals = arg_builder(bcx, tys, llargbundle);
// Create the call itself and store the return value:
let llretval = CallWithConv(bcx, llbasefn,
llargvals, cc); // r
let llretval = CallWithConv(bcx, llbasefn, llargvals, cc);
ret_builder(bcx, tys, llargbundle, llretval);
@ -133,21 +163,22 @@ fn build_shim_fn_(ccx: @CrateContext,
return llshimfn;
type wrap_arg_builder = &self/fn(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
llwrapfn: ValueRef,
llargbundle: ValueRef);
type wrap_arg_builder<'self> =
&'self fn(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llwrapfn: ValueRef, llargbundle: ValueRef);
type wrap_ret_builder = &self/fn(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
llargbundle: ValueRef);
type wrap_ret_builder<'self> =
&'self fn(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llargbundle: ValueRef);
fn build_wrap_fn_(ccx: @CrateContext,
tys: @c_stack_tys,
tys: &ShimTypes,
llshimfn: ValueRef,
llwrapfn: ValueRef,
shim_upcall: ValueRef,
arg_builder: wrap_arg_builder,
ret_builder: wrap_ret_builder) {
ret_builder: wrap_ret_builder)
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("foreign::build_wrap_fn_");
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt(ccx, ~[], llwrapfn, None);
let bcx = top_scope_block(fcx, None);
@ -199,36 +230,83 @@ fn build_wrap_fn_(ccx: @CrateContext,
// F(args->z, args->x, args->y);
// }
// Note: on i386, the layout of the args struct is generally the same as the
// desired layout of the arguments on the C stack. Therefore, we could use
// upcall_alloc_c_stack() to allocate the `args` structure and switch the
// stack pointer appropriately to avoid a round of copies. (In fact, the shim
// function itself is unnecessary). We used to do this, in fact, and will
// perhaps do so in the future.
// Note: on i386, the layout of the args struct is generally the same
// as the desired layout of the arguments on the C stack. Therefore,
// we could use upcall_alloc_c_stack() to allocate the `args`
// structure and switch the stack pointer appropriately to avoid a
// round of copies. (In fact, the shim function itself is
// unnecessary). We used to do this, in fact, and will perhaps do so
// in the future.
pub fn trans_foreign_mod(ccx: @CrateContext,
foreign_mod: &ast::foreign_mod,
abi: ast::foreign_abi) {
abi: ast::foreign_abi)
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("foreign::trans_foreign_mod");
let mut cc = match abi {
ast::foreign_abi_rust_intrinsic |
ast::foreign_abi_cdecl => lib::llvm::CCallConv,
ast::foreign_abi_stdcall => lib::llvm::X86StdcallCallConv
for vec::each(foreign_mod.items) |foreign_item| {
match foreign_item.node {
ast::foreign_item_fn(*) => {
let id =;
if abi != ast::foreign_abi_rust_intrinsic {
let llwrapfn = get_item_val(ccx, id);
let tys = shim_types(ccx, id);
if attr::attrs_contains_name(
foreign_item.attrs, "rust_stack")
build_direct_fn(ccx, llwrapfn, *foreign_item,
&tys, cc);
} else {
let llshimfn = build_shim_fn(ccx, *foreign_item,
&tys, cc);
build_wrap_fn(ccx, &tys, llshimfn, llwrapfn);
} else {
// Intrinsics are emitted by monomorphic fn
ast::foreign_item_const(*) => {
let ident = ccx.sess.parse_sess.interner.get(
ccx.item_symbols.insert(, copy *ident);
fn build_shim_fn(ccx: @CrateContext,
foreign_item: @ast::foreign_item,
tys: @c_stack_tys,
cc: lib::llvm::CallConv) -> ValueRef {
tys: &ShimTypes,
cc: lib::llvm::CallConv) -> ValueRef
* Build S, from comment above:
* void S(struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } *args) {
* F(args->z, args->x, args->y);
* }
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("foreign::build_shim_fn");
fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llargbundle: ValueRef) -> ~[ValueRef] {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::shim::build_args");
return tys.fn_ty.build_shim_args(bcx, tys.arg_tys, llargbundle);
bcx, tys.llsig.llarg_tys, llargbundle)
fn build_ret(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
fn build_ret(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llargbundle: ValueRef, llretval: ValueRef) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::shim::build_ret");
tys.fn_ty.build_shim_ret(bcx, tys.arg_tys, tys.ret_def,
llargbundle, llretval);
bcx, tys.llsig.llarg_tys,
tys.ret_def, llargbundle, llretval);
let lname = link_name(ccx, foreign_item);
@ -239,7 +317,7 @@ pub fn trans_foreign_mod(ccx: @CrateContext,
build_args, build_ret);
fn base_fn(ccx: @CrateContext, lname: &str, tys: @c_stack_tys,
fn base_fn(ccx: @CrateContext, lname: &str, tys: &ShimTypes,
cc: lib::llvm::CallConv) -> ValueRef {
// Declare the "prototype" for the base function F:
do tys.fn_ty.decl_fn |fnty| {
@ -250,7 +328,7 @@ pub fn trans_foreign_mod(ccx: @CrateContext,
// FIXME (#2535): this is very shaky and probably gets ABIs wrong all
// over the place
fn build_direct_fn(ccx: @CrateContext, decl: ValueRef,
item: @ast::foreign_item, tys: @c_stack_tys,
item: @ast::foreign_item, tys: &ShimTypes,
cc: lib::llvm::CallConv) {
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt(ccx, ~[], decl, None);
let bcx = top_scope_block(fcx, None), lltop = bcx.llbb;
@ -269,66 +347,55 @@ pub fn trans_foreign_mod(ccx: @CrateContext,
fn build_wrap_fn(ccx: @CrateContext,
tys: @c_stack_tys,
tys: &ShimTypes,
llshimfn: ValueRef,
llwrapfn: ValueRef) {
* Build W, from comment above:
* void W(Z* dest, void *env, X x, Y y) {
* struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } args = { x, y, z };
* call_on_c_stack_shim(S, &args);
* }
* One thing we have to be very careful of is to
* account for the Rust modes.
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("foreign::build_wrap_fn");
fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
build_wrap_fn_(ccx, tys, llshimfn, llwrapfn,
build_args, build_ret);
fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llwrapfn: ValueRef, llargbundle: ValueRef) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::wrap::build_args");
let mut i = 0u;
let n = vec::len(tys.arg_tys);
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let n = vec::len(tys.llsig.llarg_tys);
let implicit_args = first_real_arg; // return + env
while i < n {
let llargval = get_param(llwrapfn, i + implicit_args);
for uint::range(0, n) |i| {
let mut llargval = get_param(llwrapfn, i + implicit_args);
// In some cases, Rust will pass a pointer which the
// native C type doesn't have. In that case, just
// load the value from the pointer.
if type_of::arg_is_indirect(ccx, &tys.fn_sig.inputs[i]) {
llargval = Load(bcx, llargval);
store_inbounds(bcx, llargval, llargbundle, ~[0u, i]);
i += 1u;
let llretptr = get_param(llwrapfn, 0u);
store_inbounds(bcx, llretptr, llargbundle, ~[0u, n]);
fn build_ret(bcx: block, _tys: @c_stack_tys,
fn build_ret(bcx: block, _tys: &ShimTypes,
_llargbundle: ValueRef) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::wrap::build_ret");
build_wrap_fn_(ccx, tys, llshimfn, llwrapfn,
build_args, build_ret);
let mut cc = match abi {
ast::foreign_abi_rust_intrinsic |
ast::foreign_abi_cdecl => lib::llvm::CCallConv,
ast::foreign_abi_stdcall => lib::llvm::X86StdcallCallConv
for vec::each(foreign_mod.items) |foreign_item| {
match foreign_item.node {
ast::foreign_item_fn(*) => {
let id =;
if abi != ast::foreign_abi_rust_intrinsic {
let llwrapfn = get_item_val(ccx, id);
let tys = c_stack_tys(ccx, id);
if attr::attrs_contains_name(foreign_item.attrs, "rust_stack") {
build_direct_fn(ccx, llwrapfn, *foreign_item, tys, cc);
} else {
let llshimfn = build_shim_fn(ccx, *foreign_item, tys, cc);
build_wrap_fn(ccx, tys, llshimfn, llwrapfn);
} else {
// Intrinsics are emitted by monomorphic fn
ast::foreign_item_const(*) => {
let ident = ccx.sess.parse_sess.interner.get(foreign_item.ident);
ccx.item_symbols.insert(, copy *ident);
@ -842,6 +909,32 @@ pub fn trans_intrinsic(ccx: @CrateContext,
finish_fn(fcx, lltop);
* Translates a "crust" fn, meaning a Rust fn that can be called
* from C code. In this case, we have to perform some adaptation
* to (1) switch back to the Rust stack and (2) adapt the C calling
* convention to our own.
* Example: Given a crust fn F(x: X, y: Y) -> Z, we generate a
* Rust function R as normal:
* void R(Z* dest, void *env, X x, Y y) {...}
* and then we generate a wrapper function W that looks like:
* Z W(X x, Y y) {
* struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } args = { x, y, z };
* call_on_c_stack_shim(S, &args);
* }
* Note that the wrapper follows the foreign (typically "C") ABI.
* The wrapper is the actual "value" of the foreign fn. Finally,
* we generate a shim function S that looks like:
* void S(struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } *args) {
* R(args->z, NULL, args->x, args->y);
* }
pub fn trans_foreign_fn(ccx: @CrateContext,
+path: ast_map::path,
decl: &ast::fn_decl,
@ -867,28 +960,51 @@ pub fn trans_foreign_fn(ccx: @CrateContext,
fn build_shim_fn(ccx: @CrateContext, +path: ast_map::path,
llrustfn: ValueRef, tys: @c_stack_tys) -> ValueRef {
llrustfn: ValueRef, tys: &ShimTypes) -> ValueRef {
* Generate the shim S:
* void S(struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } *args) {
* R(args->z, NULL, &args->x, args->y);
* }
* One complication is that we must adapt to the Rust
* calling convention, which introduces indirection
* in some cases. To demonstrate this, I wrote one of the
* entries above as `&args->x`, because presumably `X` is
* one of those types that is passed by pointer in Rust.
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("foreign::foreign::build_shim_fn");
fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llargbundle: ValueRef) -> ~[ValueRef] {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::extern::shim::build_args");
let ccx = bcx.ccx();
let mut llargvals = ~[];
let mut i = 0u;
let n = vec::len(tys.arg_tys);
let n = tys.fn_sig.inputs.len();
let llretptr = load_inbounds(bcx, llargbundle, ~[0u, n]);
let llenvptr = C_null(T_opaque_box_ptr(bcx.ccx()));
while i < n {
let llargval = load_inbounds(bcx, llargbundle, ~[0u, i]);
// Get a pointer to the argument:
let mut llargval = GEPi(bcx, llargbundle, [0u, i]);
if !type_of::arg_is_indirect(ccx, &tys.fn_sig.inputs[i]) {
// If Rust would pass this by value, load the value.
llargval = Load(bcx, llargval);
i += 1u;
return llargvals;
fn build_ret(_bcx: block, _tys: @c_stack_tys,
fn build_ret(_bcx: block, _tys: &ShimTypes,
_llargbundle: ValueRef, _llretval: ValueRef) {
// Nop. The return pointer in the Rust ABI function
// is wired directly into the return slot in the shim struct
@ -904,36 +1020,48 @@ pub fn trans_foreign_fn(ccx: @CrateContext,
fn build_wrap_fn(ccx: @CrateContext, llshimfn: ValueRef,
llwrapfn: ValueRef, tys: @c_stack_tys) {
llwrapfn: ValueRef, tys: &ShimTypes)
* Generate the wrapper W:
* Z W(X x, Y y) {
* struct { X x; Y y; Z *z; } args = { x, y, z };
* call_on_c_stack_shim(S, &args);
* }
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("foreign::foreign::build_wrap_fn");
fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
llwrapfn: ValueRef, llargbundle: ValueRef) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::foreign::wrap::build_args");
tys.fn_ty.build_wrap_args(bcx, tys.ret_ty,
llwrapfn, llargbundle);
fn build_ret(bcx: block, tys: @c_stack_tys,
llargbundle: ValueRef) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::foreign::wrap::build_ret");
tys.fn_ty.build_wrap_ret(bcx, tys.arg_tys, llargbundle);
build_wrap_fn_(ccx, tys, llshimfn, llwrapfn,
build_args, build_ret);
fn build_args(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llwrapfn: ValueRef, llargbundle: ValueRef) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::foreign::wrap::build_args");
bcx, tys.llsig.llret_ty,
llwrapfn, llargbundle);
fn build_ret(bcx: block, tys: &ShimTypes,
llargbundle: ValueRef) {
let _icx = bcx.insn_ctxt("foreign::foreign::wrap::build_ret");
bcx, tys.llsig.llarg_tys, llargbundle);
let tys = c_stack_tys(ccx, id);
let tys = shim_types(ccx, id);
// The internal Rust ABI function - runs on the Rust stack
// XXX: Bad copy.
let llrustfn = build_rust_fn(ccx, copy path, decl, body, id);
// The internal shim function - runs on the Rust stack
let llshimfn = build_shim_fn(ccx, path, llrustfn, tys);
let llshimfn = build_shim_fn(ccx, path, llrustfn, &tys);
// The foreign C function - runs on the C stack
build_wrap_fn(ccx, llshimfn, llwrapfn, tys)
build_wrap_fn(ccx, llshimfn, llwrapfn, &tys)
pub fn register_foreign_fn(ccx: @CrateContext,
@ -944,11 +1072,8 @@ pub fn register_foreign_fn(ccx: @CrateContext,
-> ValueRef {
let _icx = ccx.insn_ctxt("foreign::register_foreign_fn");
let t = ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, node_id);
let (llargtys, llretty, ret_ty) = c_arg_and_ret_lltys(ccx, node_id);
let ret_def = !ty::type_is_bot(ret_ty) && !ty::type_is_nil(ret_ty);
let fn_ty = abi_info(ccx.sess.targ_cfg.arch).
compute_info(llargtys, llretty, ret_def);
do fn_ty.decl_fn |fnty| {
let tys = shim_types(ccx, node_id);
do tys.fn_ty.decl_fn |fnty| {
register_fn_fuller(ccx, sp, /*bad*/copy path, node_id, attrs,
t, lib::llvm::CCallConv, fnty)
@ -21,24 +21,22 @@ use util::ppaux;
use core::option::None;
use syntax::ast;
pub fn type_of_explicit_arg(ccx: @CrateContext, arg: ty::arg) -> TypeRef {
let llty = type_of(ccx, arg.ty);
pub fn arg_is_indirect(ccx: @CrateContext, arg: &ty::arg) -> bool {
match ty::resolved_mode(ccx.tcx, arg.mode) {
ast::by_val => llty,
ast::by_copy => {
if ty::type_is_immediate(arg.ty) {
} else {
_ => T_ptr(llty)
ast::by_val => false,
ast::by_copy => !ty::type_is_immediate(arg.ty),
ast::by_ref => true
pub fn type_of_explicit_arg(ccx: @CrateContext, arg: &ty::arg) -> TypeRef {
let llty = type_of(ccx, arg.ty);
if arg_is_indirect(ccx, arg) {T_ptr(llty)} else {llty}
pub fn type_of_explicit_args(ccx: @CrateContext,
inputs: &[ty::arg]) -> ~[TypeRef] {
|||||arg| type_of_explicit_arg(ccx, *arg))
|||||arg| type_of_explicit_arg(ccx, arg))
pub fn type_of_fn(cx: @CrateContext, inputs: &[ty::arg],
@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ pub mod rustrt {
pub unsafe fn rust_tzset();
// FIXME: The i64 values can be passed by-val when #2064 is fixed.
pub unsafe fn rust_gmtime(&&sec: i64, &&nsec: i32, &&result: Tm);
pub unsafe fn rust_localtime(&&sec: i64, &&nsec: i32, &&result: Tm);
pub unsafe fn rust_timegm(&&tm: Tm, sec: &mut i64);
pub unsafe fn rust_mktime(&&tm: Tm, sec: &mut i64);
pub unsafe fn rust_gmtime(sec: i64, nsec: i32, result: &mut Tm);
pub unsafe fn rust_localtime(sec: i64, nsec: i32, result: &mut Tm);
pub unsafe fn rust_timegm(tm: &Tm, sec: &mut i64);
pub unsafe fn rust_mktime(tm: &Tm, sec: &mut i64);
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ pub fn at_utc(clock: Timespec) -> Tm {
unsafe {
let mut Timespec { sec, nsec } = clock;
let mut tm = empty_tm();
rustrt::rust_gmtime(sec, nsec, tm);
rustrt::rust_gmtime(sec, nsec, &mut tm);
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ pub fn at(clock: Timespec) -> Tm {
unsafe {
let mut Timespec { sec, nsec } = clock;
let mut tm = empty_tm();
rustrt::rust_localtime(sec, nsec, tm);
rustrt::rust_localtime(sec, nsec, &mut tm);
@ -217,9 +217,9 @@ pub impl Tm {
unsafe {
let mut sec = 0i64;
if self.tm_gmtoff == 0_i32 {
rustrt::rust_timegm(*self, &mut sec);
rustrt::rust_timegm(self, &mut sec);
} else {
rustrt::rust_mktime(*self, &mut sec);
rustrt::rust_mktime(self, &mut sec);
Timespec::new(sec, self.tm_nsec)
@ -434,18 +434,18 @@ rust_tzset() {
extern "C" CDECL void
rust_gmtime(int64_t *sec, int32_t *nsec, rust_tm *timeptr) {
rust_gmtime(int64_t sec, int32_t nsec, rust_tm *timeptr) {
tm tm;
time_t s = *sec;
time_t s = sec;
GMTIME(&s, &tm);
tm_to_rust_tm(&tm, timeptr, 0, "UTC", *nsec);
tm_to_rust_tm(&tm, timeptr, 0, "UTC", nsec);
extern "C" CDECL void
rust_localtime(int64_t *sec, int32_t *nsec, rust_tm *timeptr) {
rust_localtime(int64_t sec, int32_t nsec, rust_tm *timeptr) {
tm tm;
time_t s = *sec;
time_t s = sec;
LOCALTIME(&s, &tm);
#if defined(__WIN32__)
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ rust_localtime(int64_t *sec, int32_t *nsec, rust_tm *timeptr) {
const char *zone = tm.tm_zone;
tm_to_rust_tm(&tm, timeptr, gmtoff, zone, *nsec);
tm_to_rust_tm(&tm, timeptr, gmtoff, zone, nsec);
extern "C" CDECL void
@ -844,6 +844,38 @@ rust_readdir() {
// These functions are used in the unit tests for C ABI calls.
extern "C" CDECL uint32_t
rust_dbg_extern_identity_u32(uint32_t u) {
return u;
extern "C" CDECL uint64_t
rust_dbg_extern_identity_u64(uint64_t u) {
return u;
struct TwoU64s {
uint64_t one;
uint64_t two;
extern "C" CDECL TwoU64s
rust_dbg_extern_identity_TwoU64s(TwoU64s u) {
return u;
extern "C" CDECL double
rust_dbg_extern_identity_double(double u) {
return u;
extern "C" CDECL char
rust_dbg_extern_identity_u8(char u) {
return u;
// Local Variables:
@ -195,4 +195,9 @@ rust_get_exchange_count_ptr
@ -546,8 +546,8 @@ extern "C" LLVMValueRef LLVMInlineAsm(LLVMTypeRef Ty,
char *Constraints,
LLVMBool HasSideEffects,
LLVMBool IsAlignStack,
InlineAsm::AsmDialect Dialect) {
unsigned Dialect) {
return wrap(InlineAsm::get(unwrap<FunctionType>(Ty), AsmString,
Constraints, HasSideEffects,
IsAlignStack, Dialect));
IsAlignStack, (InlineAsm::AsmDialect) Dialect));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test that we ignore modes when calling extern functions.
// xfail-test --- broken on 32-bit ABIs! (#5347)
struct TwoU64s {
one: u64, two: u64
pub extern {
pub fn rust_dbg_extern_identity_TwoU64s(&&u: TwoU64s) -> TwoU64s;
pub fn main() {
unsafe {
let x = TwoU64s {one: 22, two: 23};
let y = rust_dbg_extern_identity_TwoU64s(x);
fail_unless!(x == y);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test a foreign function that accepts and returns a struct
// by value.
// xfail-test --- broken on 32-bit ABIs! (#5347)
struct TwoU64s {
one: u64, two: u64
pub extern {
pub fn rust_dbg_extern_identity_TwoU64s(v: TwoU64s) -> TwoU64s;
pub fn main() {
unsafe {
let x = TwoU64s {one: 22, two: 23};
let y = rust_dbg_extern_identity_TwoU64s(x);
fail_unless!(x == y);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test a function that takes/returns a u8.
pub extern {
pub fn rust_dbg_extern_identity_u8(v: u8) -> u8;
pub fn main() {
unsafe {
fail_unless!(22_u8 == rust_dbg_extern_identity_u8(22_u8));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
pub extern {
pub fn rust_dbg_extern_identity_double(v: f64) -> f64;
pub fn main() {
unsafe {
fail_unless!(22.0_f64 == rust_dbg_extern_identity_double(22.0_f64));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test a function that takes/returns a u32.
pub extern {
pub fn rust_dbg_extern_identity_u32(v: u32) -> u32;
pub fn main() {
unsafe {
fail_unless!(22_u32 == rust_dbg_extern_identity_u32(22_u32));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Test a call to a function that takes/returns a u64.
pub extern {
pub fn rust_dbg_extern_identity_u64(v: u64) -> u64;
pub fn main() {
unsafe {
fail_unless!(22_u64 == rust_dbg_extern_identity_u64(22_u64));
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