From f3f27a5c6483d9e2bb3c872a3b05291a6e1d9cb3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2015 17:38:17 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 01/12] Rewrite VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor

 src/doc/                 |   4 -
 src/librustc_privacy/          | 491 +++++++++------------------
 src/libsyntax/        |   5 +-
 src/test/compile-fail/ |  39 +++
 src/test/compile-fail/ |  54 +++
 src/test/run-pass/     |  25 ++
 6 files changed, 277 insertions(+), 341 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 create mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 create mode 100644 src/test/run-pass/

diff --git a/src/doc/ b/src/doc/
index a20d2571152..a722c0e38f4 100644
--- a/src/doc/
+++ b/src/doc/
@@ -2372,10 +2372,6 @@ The currently implemented features of the reference compiler are:
                    Such items should not be allowed by the compiler to exist,
                    so if you need this there probably is a compiler bug.
-* `visible_private_types` - Allows public APIs to expose otherwise private
-                            types, e.g. as the return type of a public function.
-                            This capability may be removed in the future.
 * `allow_internal_unstable` - Allows `macro_rules!` macros to be tagged with the
                               `#[allow_internal_unstable]` attribute, designed
                               to allow `std` macros to call
diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index aee2ed81981..16183e11153 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -1101,342 +1101,173 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> SanePrivacyVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
-struct VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
+/// SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor traverses an item's interface and
+/// finds any private components in it.
+/// PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor ensures there are no private types
+/// and traits in public interfaces.
+struct SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
     tcx: &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
-    access_levels: &'a AccessLevels,
-    in_variant: bool,
+    // Do not report an error when a private type is found
+    is_quiet: bool,
+    // Is private component found?
+    is_public: bool,
-struct CheckTypeForPrivatenessVisitor<'a, 'b: 'a, 'tcx: 'b> {
-    inner: &'a VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor<'b, 'tcx>,
-    /// whether the type refers to private types.
-    contains_private: bool,
-    /// whether we've recurred at all (i.e. if we're pointing at the
-    /// first type on which visit_ty was called).
-    at_outer_type: bool,
-    // whether that first type is a public path.
-    outer_type_is_public_path: bool,
-impl<'a, 'tcx> VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
-    fn path_is_private_type(&self, path_id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
-        let did = match self.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&path_id).map(|d| d.full_def()) {
-            // `int` etc. (None doesn't seem to occur.)
-            None | Some(def::DefPrimTy(..)) | Some(def::DefSelfTy(..)) => return false,
-            Some(def) => def.def_id(),
-        };
-        // A path can only be private if:
-        // it's in this crate...
-        if let Some(node_id) = {
-            // .. and it corresponds to a private type in the AST (this returns
-            // None for type parameters)
-            match {
-                Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) => item.vis != hir::Public,
-                Some(_) | None => false,
-            }
-        } else {
-            return false
-        }
-    }
-    fn trait_is_public(&self, trait_id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
-        // FIXME: this would preferably be using `exported_items`, but all
-        // traits are exported currently (see `EmbargoVisitor.exported_trait`)
-        self.access_levels.is_public(trait_id)
-    }
-    fn check_ty_param_bound(&self,
-                            ty_param_bound: &hir::TyParamBound) {
-        if let hir::TraitTyParamBound(ref trait_ref, _) = *ty_param_bound {
-            if !self.tcx.sess.features.borrow().visible_private_types &&
-                self.path_is_private_type(trait_ref.trait_ref.ref_id) {
-                    let span = trait_ref.trait_ref.path.span;
-                    span_err!(self.tcx.sess, span, E0445,
-                              "private trait in exported type parameter bound");
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn item_is_public(&self, id: &ast::NodeId, vis: hir::Visibility) -> bool {
-        self.access_levels.is_reachable(*id) || vis == hir::Public
-    }
-impl<'a, 'b, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for CheckTypeForPrivatenessVisitor<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
+impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
     fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &hir::Ty) {
+        if self.is_quiet && !self.is_public {
+            // We are in quiet mode and a private type is already found, no need to proceed
+            return
+        }
         if let hir::TyPath(..) = ty.node {
-            if self.inner.path_is_private_type( {
-                self.contains_private = true;
-                // found what we're looking for so let's stop
-                // working.
-                return
-            } else if self.at_outer_type {
-                self.outer_type_is_public_path = true;
+            let def = self.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&;
+            match def {
+                def::DefPrimTy(..) | def::DefSelfTy(..) | def::DefTyParam(..) => {
+                    // Public
+                }
+                def::DefStruct(def_id) | def::DefTy(def_id, _) |
+                def::DefTrait(def_id) | def::DefAssociatedTy(def_id, _) => {
+                    // Non-local means public, local needs to be checked
+                    if let Some(node_id) = {
+                        if let Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) = {
+                            if item.vis != hir::Public {
+                                if !self.is_quiet {
+                                    span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
+                                              "private type in exported type signature");
+                                }
+                                self.is_public = false;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                _ => {}
-        self.at_outer_type = false;
-        intravisit::walk_ty(self, ty)
+        intravisit::walk_ty(self, ty);
-    // don't want to recurse into [, .. expr]
+    fn visit_trait_ref(&mut self, trait_ref: &hir::TraitRef) {
+        if self.is_quiet && !self.is_public {
+            // We are in quiet mode and a private type is already found, no need to proceed
+            return
+        }
+        // Non-local means public, local needs to be checked
+        let def_id = self.tcx.trait_ref_to_def_id(trait_ref);
+        if let Some(node_id) = {
+            if let Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) = {
+                if item.vis != hir::Public {
+                    if !self.is_quiet {
+                        span_err!(self.tcx.sess, trait_ref.path.span, E0445,
+                                  "private trait in exported type parameter bound");
+                    }
+                    self.is_public = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        intravisit::walk_trait_ref(self, trait_ref);
+    }
+    // Don't recurse into function bodies
+    fn visit_block(&mut self, _: &hir::Block) {}
+    // Don't recurse into expressions in array sizes or const initializers
     fn visit_expr(&mut self, _: &hir::Expr) {}
+    // Don't recurse into patterns in function arguments
+    fn visit_pat(&mut self, _: &hir::Pat) {}
-impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
-    /// We want to visit items in the context of their containing
-    /// module and so forth, so supply a crate for doing a deep walk.
-    fn visit_nested_item(&mut self, item: hir::ItemId) {
-        self.visit_item(
-    }
+struct PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
+    tcx: &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
-    fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &hir::Item) {
-        match item.node {
-            // contents of a private mod can be reexported, so we need
-            // to check internals.
-            hir::ItemMod(_) => {}
-            // An `extern {}` doesn't introduce a new privacy
-            // namespace (the contents have their own privacies).
-            hir::ItemForeignMod(_) => {}
-            hir::ItemTrait(_, _, ref bounds, _) => {
-                if !self.trait_is_public( {
-                    return
-                }
-                for bound in bounds.iter() {
-                    self.check_ty_param_bound(bound)
-                }
-            }
-            // impls need some special handling to try to offer useful
-            // error messages without (too many) false positives
-            // (i.e. we could just return here to not check them at
-            // all, or some worse estimation of whether an impl is
-            // publicly visible).
-            hir::ItemImpl(_, _, ref g, ref trait_ref, ref self_, ref impl_items) => {
-                // `impl [... for] Private` is never visible.
-                let self_contains_private;
-                // impl [... for] Public<...>, but not `impl [... for]
-                // Vec<Public>` or `(Public,)` etc.
-                let self_is_public_path;
-                // check the properties of the Self type:
-                {
-                    let mut visitor = CheckTypeForPrivatenessVisitor {
-                        inner: self,
-                        contains_private: false,
-                        at_outer_type: true,
-                        outer_type_is_public_path: false,
-                    };
-                    visitor.visit_ty(&**self_);
-                    self_contains_private = visitor.contains_private;
-                    self_is_public_path = visitor.outer_type_is_public_path;
-                }
-                // miscellaneous info about the impl
-                // `true` iff this is `impl Private for ...`.
-                let not_private_trait =
-                    trait_ref.as_ref().map_or(true, // no trait counts as public trait
-                                              |tr| {
-                        let did = self.tcx.trait_ref_to_def_id(tr);
-                        if let Some(node_id) = {
-                            self.trait_is_public(node_id)
-                        } else {
-                            true // external traits must be public
-                        }
-                    });
-                // `true` iff this is a trait impl or at least one method is public.
-                //
-                // `impl Public { $( fn ...() {} )* }` is not visible.
-                //
-                // This is required over just using the methods' privacy
-                // directly because we might have `impl<T: Foo<Private>> ...`,
-                // and we shouldn't warn about the generics if all the methods
-                // are private (because `T` won't be visible externally).
-                let trait_or_some_public_method =
-                    trait_ref.is_some() ||
-                    impl_items.iter()
-                              .any(|impl_item| {
-                                  match impl_item.node {
-                                      hir::ImplItemKind::Const(..) |
-                                      hir::ImplItemKind::Method(..) => {
-                                          self.access_levels.is_reachable(
-                                      }
-                                      hir::ImplItemKind::Type(_) => false,
-                                  }
-                              });
-                if !self_contains_private &&
-                        not_private_trait &&
-                        trait_or_some_public_method {
-                    intravisit::walk_generics(self, g);
-                    match *trait_ref {
-                        None => {
-                            for impl_item in impl_items {
-                                // This is where we choose whether to walk down
-                                // further into the impl to check its items. We
-                                // should only walk into public items so that we
-                                // don't erroneously report errors for private
-                                // types in private items.
-                                match impl_item.node {
-                                    hir::ImplItemKind::Const(..) |
-                                    hir::ImplItemKind::Method(..)
-                                        if self.item_is_public(&, impl_item.vis) =>
-                                    {
-                                        intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item)
-                                    }
-                                    hir::ImplItemKind::Type(..) => {
-                                        intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item)
-                                    }
-                                    _ => {}
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                        Some(ref tr) => {
-                            // Any private types in a trait impl fall into three
-                            // categories.
-                            // 1. mentioned in the trait definition
-                            // 2. mentioned in the type params/generics
-                            // 3. mentioned in the associated types of the impl
-                            //
-                            // Those in 1. can only occur if the trait is in
-                            // this crate and will've been warned about on the
-                            // trait definition (there's no need to warn twice
-                            // so we don't check the methods).
-                            //
-                            // Those in 2. are warned via walk_generics and this
-                            // call here.
-                            intravisit::walk_path(self, &tr.path);
-                            // Those in 3. are warned with this call.
-                            for impl_item in impl_items {
-                                if let hir::ImplItemKind::Type(ref ty) = impl_item.node {
-                                    self.visit_ty(ty);
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                } else if trait_ref.is_none() && self_is_public_path {
-                    // impl Public<Private> { ... }. Any public static
-                    // methods will be visible as `Public::foo`.
-                    let mut found_pub_static = false;
-                    for impl_item in impl_items {
-                        match impl_item.node {
-                            hir::ImplItemKind::Const(..) => {
-                                if self.item_is_public(&, impl_item.vis) {
-                                    found_pub_static = true;
-                                    intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            hir::ImplItemKind::Method(ref sig, _) => {
-                                if sig.explicit_self.node == hir::SelfStatic &&
-                                      self.item_is_public(&, impl_item.vis) {
-                                    found_pub_static = true;
-                                    intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            _ => {}
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if found_pub_static {
-                        intravisit::walk_generics(self, g)
-                    }
-                }
-                return
-            }
-            // `type ... = ...;` can contain private types, because
-            // we're introducing a new name.
-            hir::ItemTy(..) => return,
-            // not at all public, so we don't care
-            _ if !self.item_is_public(&, item.vis) => {
-                return;
-            }
-            _ => {}
-        }
-        // We've carefully constructed it so that if we're here, then
-        // any `visit_ty`'s will be called on things that are in
-        // public signatures, i.e. things that we're interested in for
-        // this visitor.
-        debug!("VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor entering item {:?}", item);
-        intravisit::walk_item(self, item);
-    }
-    fn visit_generics(&mut self, generics: &hir::Generics) {
-        for ty_param in generics.ty_params.iter() {
-            for bound in ty_param.bounds.iter() {
-                self.check_ty_param_bound(bound)
-            }
-        }
-        for predicate in &generics.where_clause.predicates {
-            match predicate {
-                &hir::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ref bound_pred) => {
-                    for bound in bound_pred.bounds.iter() {
-                        self.check_ty_param_bound(bound)
-                    }
-                }
-                &hir::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(_) => {}
-                &hir::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(ref eq_pred) => {
-                    self.visit_ty(&*eq_pred.ty);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, item: &hir::ForeignItem) {
-        if self.access_levels.is_reachable( {
-            intravisit::walk_foreign_item(self, item)
-        }
-    }
-    fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: &hir::Ty) {
-        debug!("VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor checking ty {:?}", t);
-        if let hir::TyPath(_, ref p) = t.node {
-            if !self.tcx.sess.features.borrow().visible_private_types &&
-                self.path_is_private_type( {
-                span_err!(self.tcx.sess, p.span, E0446,
-                          "private type in exported type signature");
-            }
-        }
-        intravisit::walk_ty(self, t)
-    }
-    fn visit_variant(&mut self, v: &hir::Variant, g: &hir::Generics, item_id: ast::NodeId) {
-        if self.access_levels.is_reachable( {
-            self.in_variant = true;
-            intravisit::walk_variant(self, v, g, item_id);
-            self.in_variant = false;
-        }
-    }
-    fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, s: &hir::StructField) {
-        let vis = match s.node.kind {
-            hir::NamedField(_, vis) | hir::UnnamedField(vis) => vis
+impl<'a, 'tcx> PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
+    // A type is considered public if it doesn't contain any private components
+    fn is_public_ty(&self, ty: &hir::Ty) -> bool {
+        let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
+            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: true, is_public: true
-        if vis == hir::Public || self.in_variant {
-            intravisit::walk_struct_field(self, s);
-        }
+        check.visit_ty(ty);
+        check.is_public
-    // we don't need to introspect into these at all: an
-    // expression/block context can't possibly contain exported things.
-    // (Making them no-ops stops us from traversing the whole AST without
-    // having to be super careful about our `walk_...` calls above.)
-    // FIXME(#29524): Unfortunately this ^^^ is not true, blocks can contain
-    // exported items (e.g. impls) and actual code in rustc itself breaks
-    // if we don't traverse blocks in `EmbargoVisitor`
-    fn visit_block(&mut self, _: &hir::Block) {}
-    fn visit_expr(&mut self, _: &hir::Expr) {}
+    // A trait is considered public if it doesn't contain any private components
+    fn is_public_trait(&self, trait_ref: &hir::TraitRef) -> bool {
+        let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
+            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: true, is_public: true
+        };
+        check.visit_trait_ref(trait_ref);
+        check.is_public
+    }
+impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
+    fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &hir::Item) {
+        let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
+            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: false, is_public: true
+        };
+        match item.node {
+            // Crates are always public
+            hir::ItemExternCrate(..) => {}
+            // All nested items are checked by visit_item
+            hir::ItemMod(..) => {}
+            // Checked in resolve
+            hir::ItemUse(..) => {}
+            // Subitems of these items have inherited publicity
+            hir::ItemConst(..) | hir::ItemStatic(..) | hir::ItemFn(..) |
+            hir::ItemEnum(..) | hir::ItemTrait(..) | hir::ItemTy(..) => {
+                if item.vis == hir::Public {
+                    check.visit_item(item);
+                }
+            }
+            // Subitems of foreign modules have their own publicity
+            hir::ItemForeignMod(ref foreign_mod) => {
+                for foreign_item in &foreign_mod.items {
+                    if foreign_item.vis == hir::Public {
+                        check.visit_foreign_item(foreign_item);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // Subitems of structs have their own publicity
+            hir::ItemStruct(ref struct_def, ref generics) => {
+                if item.vis == hir::Public {
+                    check.visit_generics(generics);
+                    for field in struct_def.fields() {
+                        if field.node.kind.visibility() == hir::Public {
+                            check.visit_struct_field(field);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // The interface is empty
+            hir::ItemDefaultImpl(..) => {}
+            // An inherent impl is public when its type is public
+            // Subitems of inherent impls have their own publicity
+            hir::ItemImpl(_, _, ref generics, None, ref ty, ref impl_items) => {
+                if self.is_public_ty(ty) {
+                    check.visit_generics(generics);
+                    for impl_item in impl_items {
+                        if impl_item.vis == hir::Public {
+                            check.visit_impl_item(impl_item);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // A trait impl is public when both its type and its trait are public
+            // Subitems of trait impls have inherited publicity
+            hir::ItemImpl(_, _, ref generics, Some(ref trait_ref), ref ty, ref impl_items) => {
+                if self.is_public_ty(ty) && self.is_public_trait(trait_ref) {
+                    check.visit_generics(generics);
+                    for impl_item in impl_items {
+                        check.visit_impl_item(impl_item);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
 pub fn check_crate(tcx: &ty::ctxt,
@@ -1473,6 +1304,12 @@ pub fn check_crate(tcx: &ty::ctxt,
+    // Check for private types and traits in public interfaces
+    let mut visitor = PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor {
+        tcx: tcx,
+    };
+    krate.visit_all_items(&mut visitor);
     // Build up a set of all exported items in the AST. This is a set of all
     // items which are reachable from external crates based on visibility.
     let mut visitor = EmbargoVisitor {
@@ -1491,19 +1328,7 @@ pub fn check_crate(tcx: &ty::ctxt,
     visitor.update(ast::CRATE_NODE_ID, Some(AccessLevel::Public));
-    let EmbargoVisitor { access_levels, .. } = visitor;
-    {
-        let mut visitor = VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor {
-            tcx: tcx,
-            access_levels: &access_levels,
-            in_variant: false,
-        };
-        intravisit::walk_crate(&mut visitor, krate);
-    }
-    access_levels
+    visitor.access_levels
 __build_diagnostic_array! { librustc_privacy, DIAGNOSTICS }
diff --git a/src/libsyntax/ b/src/libsyntax/
index f186aff6d36..ee76bba3602 100644
--- a/src/libsyntax/
+++ b/src/libsyntax/
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ const KNOWN_FEATURES: &'static [(&'static str, &'static str, Option<u32>, Status
     ("advanced_slice_patterns", "1.0.0", Some(23121), Active),
     ("tuple_indexing", "1.0.0", None, Accepted),
     ("associated_types", "1.0.0", None, Accepted),
-    ("visible_private_types", "1.0.0", Some(29627), Active),
+    ("visible_private_types", "1.0.0", None, Removed),
     ("slicing_syntax", "1.0.0", None, Accepted),
     ("box_syntax", "1.0.0", Some(27779), Active),
     ("placement_in_syntax", "1.0.0", Some(27779), Active),
@@ -514,7 +514,6 @@ pub enum AttributeGate {
 pub struct Features {
     pub unboxed_closures: bool,
     pub rustc_diagnostic_macros: bool,
-    pub visible_private_types: bool,
     pub allow_quote: bool,
     pub allow_asm: bool,
     pub allow_log_syntax: bool,
@@ -551,7 +550,6 @@ impl Features {
         Features {
             unboxed_closures: false,
             rustc_diagnostic_macros: false,
-            visible_private_types: false,
             allow_quote: false,
             allow_asm: false,
             allow_log_syntax: false,
@@ -1130,7 +1128,6 @@ fn check_crate_inner<F>(cm: &CodeMap, span_handler: &SpanHandler,
     Features {
         unboxed_closures: cx.has_feature("unboxed_closures"),
         rustc_diagnostic_macros: cx.has_feature("rustc_diagnostic_macros"),
-        visible_private_types: cx.has_feature("visible_private_types"),
         allow_quote: cx.has_feature("quote"),
         allow_asm: cx.has_feature("asm"),
         allow_log_syntax: cx.has_feature("log_syntax"),
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..971bc0f7f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+// Checks for private types in public interfaces
+mod y {
+    pub struct Foo { x: u32 }
+    struct Bar { x: u32 }
+    impl Foo {
+        pub fn foo(&self, x: Self, y: Bar) { } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    }
+mod x {
+    pub struct Foo { pub x: u32 }
+    struct Bar { _x: u32 }
+    impl Foo {
+        pub fn foo(&self, _x: Self, _y: Bar) { } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+        pub fn bar(&self) -> Bar { Bar { _x: self.x } }
+        //~^ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    }
+pub fn main() {
+    let f = x::Foo { x: 4 };
+    let b =;
+ { x: 5 }, b);
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab7baf0b596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+// Checks for private types in public interfaces
+struct Priv;
+pub use self::private::public;
+mod private {
+    pub type Priv = super::Priv; //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    pub fn public(_x: Priv) {
+    }
+struct __CFArray;
+pub type CFArrayRef = *const __CFArray; //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+trait Pointer { type Pointee; }
+impl<T> Pointer for *const T { type Pointee = T; }
+pub type __CFArrayRevealed = <CFArrayRef as Pointer>::Pointee;
+//~^ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+type Foo = u8;
+pub fn foo(f: Foo) {} //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+pub trait Exporter {
+    type Output;
+pub struct Helper;
+pub fn block() -> <Helper as Exporter>::Output {
+    struct Inner;
+    impl Inner {
+        fn poke(&self) { println!("Hello!"); }
+    }
+    impl Exporter for Helper {
+        type Output = Inner; //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    }
+    Inner
+fn main() {
+    block().poke();
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/ b/src/test/run-pass/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..be785de44d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/run-pass/
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+// Functions can return unnameable types
+mod m1 {
+    mod m2 {
+        #[derive(Debug)]
+        pub struct A;
+    }
+    use self::m2::A;
+    pub fn x() -> A { A }
+fn main() {
+    let x = m1::x();
+    println!("{:?}", x);

From 26a2f852beae15235e7d3c4c5751ffe8e9459817 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2015 17:39:15 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 02/12] Fix the fallout

 src/libcollections/btree/              | 12 +++++-----
 src/librustc_mir/build/matches/         |  6 ++---
 src/librustc_mir/build/                 |  4 ++--
 src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/      |  4 ++--
 src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/     |  2 +-
 src/libstd/collections/hash/          |  2 +-
 src/test/auxiliary/              |  4 ++--
 src/test/compile-fail/     |  2 +-
 .../             |  8 +++----
 src/test/debuginfo/              |  2 +-
 .../ |  6 ++---
 src/test/run-pass/              |  2 +-
 .../     | 23 -------------------
 13 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/test/run-pass/

diff --git a/src/libcollections/btree/ b/src/libcollections/btree/
index 198025536f0..e55b1597a21 100644
--- a/src/libcollections/btree/
+++ b/src/libcollections/btree/
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ pub struct Node<K, V> {
     _capacity: usize,
-struct NodeSlice<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> {
+pub struct NodeSlice<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> {
     keys: &'a [K],
     vals: &'a [V],
     pub edges: &'a [Node<K, V>],
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ struct NodeSlice<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> {
     has_edges: bool,
-struct MutNodeSlice<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> {
+pub struct MutNodeSlice<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> {
     keys: &'a [K],
     vals: &'a mut [V],
     pub edges: &'a mut [Node<K, V>],
@@ -1344,7 +1344,7 @@ fn min_load_from_capacity(cap: usize) -> usize {
 /// A trait for pairs of `Iterator`s, one over edges and the other over key/value pairs. This is
 /// necessary, as the `MoveTraversalImpl` needs to have a destructor that deallocates the `Node`,
 /// and a pair of `Iterator`s would require two independent destructors.
-trait TraversalImpl {
+pub trait TraversalImpl {
     type Item;
     type Edge;
@@ -1358,7 +1358,7 @@ trait TraversalImpl {
 /// A `TraversalImpl` that actually is backed by two iterators. This works in the non-moving case,
 /// as no deallocation needs to be done.
-struct ElemsAndEdges<Elems, Edges>(Elems, Edges);
+pub struct ElemsAndEdges<Elems, Edges>(Elems, Edges);
 impl<K, V, E, Elems: DoubleEndedIterator, Edges: DoubleEndedIterator>
         TraversalImpl for ElemsAndEdges<Elems, Edges>
@@ -1375,7 +1375,7 @@ impl<K, V, E, Elems: DoubleEndedIterator, Edges: DoubleEndedIterator>
 /// A `TraversalImpl` taking a `Node` by value.
-struct MoveTraversalImpl<K, V> {
+pub struct MoveTraversalImpl<K, V> {
     keys: RawItems<K>,
     vals: RawItems<V>,
     edges: RawItems<Node<K, V>>,
@@ -1436,7 +1436,7 @@ impl<K, V> Drop for MoveTraversalImpl<K, V> {
 /// An abstraction over all the different kinds of traversals a node supports
-struct AbsTraversal<Impl> {
+pub struct AbsTraversal<Impl> {
     inner: Impl,
     head_is_edge: bool,
     tail_is_edge: bool,
diff --git a/src/librustc_mir/build/matches/ b/src/librustc_mir/build/matches/
index f8385d58170..a02ed06ad09 100644
--- a/src/librustc_mir/build/matches/
+++ b/src/librustc_mir/build/matches/
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ struct ArmBlocks {
 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct Candidate<'pat, 'tcx:'pat> {
+pub struct Candidate<'pat, 'tcx:'pat> {
     // all of these must be satisfied...
     match_pairs: Vec<MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx>>,
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ struct Binding<'tcx> {
 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
-struct MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx:'pat> {
+pub struct MatchPair<'pat, 'tcx:'pat> {
     // this lvalue...
     lvalue: Lvalue<'tcx>,
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ enum TestKind<'tcx> {
-struct Test<'tcx> {
+pub struct Test<'tcx> {
     span: Span,
     kind: TestKind<'tcx>,
diff --git a/src/librustc_mir/build/ b/src/librustc_mir/build/
index 45368b5a68d..bd94f4e5bf2 100644
--- a/src/librustc_mir/build/
+++ b/src/librustc_mir/build/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ use rustc_front::hir;
 use syntax::ast;
 use syntax::codemap::Span;
-struct Builder<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
+pub struct Builder<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
     hir: Cx<'a, 'tcx>,
     cfg: CFG<'tcx>,
     scopes: Vec<scope::Scope<'tcx>>,
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ struct CFG<'tcx> {
 // convenient.
 #[must_use] // if you don't use one of these results, you're leaving a dangling edge
-struct BlockAnd<T>(BasicBlock, T);
+pub struct BlockAnd<T>(BasicBlock, T);
 trait BlockAndExtension {
     fn and<T>(self, v: T) -> BlockAnd<T>;
diff --git a/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/ b/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
index 24179a0cccd..44b161a7575 100644
--- a/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
+++ b/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use std::os::windows::prelude::*;
 use std::ptr;
 use libc::{c_void, c_long};
-type DWORD = u32;
+pub type DWORD = u32;
 type LPCWSTR = *const u16;
 type LONG = c_long;
 type LPDWORD = *mut DWORD;
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ const SYNCHRONIZE: REGSAM = 0x00100000;
 const REG_SZ: DWORD = 1;
 const ERROR_SUCCESS: i32 = 0;
-enum __HKEY__ {}
+pub enum __HKEY__ {}
 pub type HKEY = *mut __HKEY__;
 pub type PHKEY = *mut HKEY;
 pub type REGSAM = DWORD;
diff --git a/src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/ b/src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/
index 74510de3f31..ee1d834fc8a 100644
--- a/src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/
+++ b/src/librustc_trans/trans/debuginfo/
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ impl FunctionDebugContext {
-struct FunctionDebugContextData {
+pub struct FunctionDebugContextData {
     scope_map: RefCell<NodeMap<DIScope>>,
     fn_metadata: DISubprogram,
     argument_counter: Cell<usize>,
diff --git a/src/libstd/collections/hash/ b/src/libstd/collections/hash/
index e8796dd10b4..097968cd5a3 100644
--- a/src/libstd/collections/hash/
+++ b/src/libstd/collections/hash/
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ pub enum BucketState<K, V, M> {
 // A GapThenFull encapsulates the state of two consecutive buckets at once.
 // The first bucket, called the gap, is known to be empty.
 // The second bucket is full.
-struct GapThenFull<K, V, M> {
+pub struct GapThenFull<K, V, M> {
     gap: EmptyBucket<K, V, ()>,
     full: FullBucket<K, V, M>,
diff --git a/src/test/auxiliary/ b/src/test/auxiliary/
index e57c6dc7184..3d777d01d50 100644
--- a/src/test/auxiliary/
+++ b/src/test/auxiliary/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 use std::marker;
-struct arc_destruct<T: Sync> {
+pub struct arc_destruct<T: Sync> {
     _data: isize,
     _marker: marker::PhantomData<T>
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ fn init() -> arc_destruct<context_res> {
-struct context_res {
+pub struct context_res {
     ctx : isize,
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 26770a1d37c..f45e80f5252 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ struct UsedStruct1 {
 struct UsedStruct2(isize);
 struct UsedStruct3;
-struct UsedStruct4;
+pub struct UsedStruct4;
 // this struct is never used directly, but its method is, so we don't want
 // to warn it
 struct SemiUsedStruct;
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index d34738282eb..cf6f2c1e17c 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ impl Public<Private<isize>> {
     pub fn a(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
     fn b(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    pub fn c() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    pub fn c() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
     fn d() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
 impl Public<isize> {
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ pub trait PubTrait {
 impl PubTrait for Public<isize> {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
 impl PubTrait for Public<Private<isize>> {
     fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ pub trait ParamTrait<T> {
     fn foo() -> T;
-impl ParamTrait<Private<isize>> //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+impl ParamTrait<Private<isize>>
    for Public<isize> {
     fn foo() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
diff --git a/src/test/debuginfo/ b/src/test/debuginfo/
index 3db3e9d311d..a74369ed3c3 100644
--- a/src/test/debuginfo/
+++ b/src/test/debuginfo/
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ use self::Enum1::{Variant1, Variant2};
 use std::marker::PhantomData;
 use std::ptr;
-struct Struct1;
+pub struct Struct1;
 struct GenericStruct<T1, T2>(PhantomData<(T1,T2)>);
 enum Enum1 {
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/ b/src/test/run-pass/
index 6e3e60a02e5..d3bdab9082e 100644
--- a/src/test/run-pass/
+++ b/src/test/run-pass/
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 use std::marker::PhantomData;
-struct DeterministicHasher;
-struct RandomHasher;
+pub struct DeterministicHasher;
+pub struct RandomHasher;
-struct MyHashMap<K, V, H=DeterministicHasher> {
+pub struct MyHashMap<K, V, H=DeterministicHasher> {
     data: PhantomData<(K, V, H)>
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/ b/src/test/run-pass/
index 658e9e14ee2..f70f8768766 100644
--- a/src/test/run-pass/
+++ b/src/test/run-pass/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
 // except according to those terms.
-trait Test { type T; }
+pub trait Test { type T; }
 impl Test for u32 {
     type T = i32;
diff --git a/src/test/run-pass/ b/src/test/run-pass/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa0867ae47..00000000000
--- a/src/test/run-pass/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-// pretty-expanded FIXME #23616
-trait Foo { fn dummy(&self) { } }
-pub trait Bar : Foo {}
-struct Baz;
-pub fn f(_: Baz) {}
-fn main() {}

From f8ae31f60123584b3c40521177bb703022faa8c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2015 18:36:10 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 03/12] Update error messages and error descriptions

 src/librustc_privacy/           | 17 ++++++++------
 src/librustc_privacy/                   |  4 ++--
 src/test/compile-fail/          |  2 +-
 src/test/compile-fail/          |  2 +-
 src/test/compile-fail/          |  6 ++---
 src/test/compile-fail/          | 10 ++++-----
 .../             | 22 +++++++++----------
 .../compile-fail/  |  4 ++--
 .../         | 16 +++++++-------
 .../       |  2 +-
 10 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index 0f9f00e1b49..35a3bdc68bc 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ trait Foo {
     fn dummy(&self) { }
-pub trait Bar : Foo {} // error: private trait in exported type parameter bound
+pub trait Bar : Foo {} // error: private trait in public interface
 pub struct Bar<T: Foo>(pub T); // same error
 pub fn foo<T: Foo> (t: T) {} // same error
-To solve this error, please ensure that the trait is also public and accessible
-at the same level of the public functions or types which are bound on it.
+To solve this error, please ensure that the trait is also public. The trait
+can be made inaccessible if necessary by placing it into a private inner module,
+but it still has to be marked with `pub`.
@@ -42,20 +43,22 @@ pub fn foo<T: Foo> (t: T) {} // ok!
 E0446: r##"
-A private type was used in an exported type signature. Erroneous code example:
+A private type was used in an public type signature. Erroneous code example:
 mod Foo {
     struct Bar(u32);
-    pub fn bar() -> Bar { // error: private type in exported type signature
+    pub fn bar() -> Bar { // error: private type in public interface
-To solve this error, please ensure that the type is also public and accessible
-at the same level of the public functions or types which use it. Example:
+To solve this error, please ensure that the type is also public. The type
+can be made inaccessible if necessary by placing it into a private inner module,
+but it still has to be marked with `pub`.
 mod Foo {
diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index 16183e11153..46074423917 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -1136,7 +1136,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
                             if item.vis != hir::Public {
                                 if !self.is_quiet {
                                     span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
-                                              "private type in exported type signature");
+                                              "private type in public interface");
                                 self.is_public = false;
@@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
                 if item.vis != hir::Public {
                     if !self.is_quiet {
                         span_err!(self.tcx.sess, trait_ref.path.span, E0445,
-                                  "private trait in exported type parameter bound");
+                                  "private trait in public interface");
                     self.is_public = false;
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 7d95082079f..300fc5a6ef7 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use std::any::TypeId;
 trait Private<P, R> {
     fn call(&self, p: P, r: R);
-pub trait Public: Private< //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+pub trait Public: Private< //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
     <Self as Public>::P,
     <Self as Public>::R
 > {
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index f4536ceb8ed..c619f771fda 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ trait PrivateTrait {
 impl PublicTrait for PublicType {
-    type Item = PrivateType;  //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    type Item = PrivateType;  //~ ERROR private type in public interface
 // OK
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 971bc0f7f26..6cc0a549e54 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ mod y {
     struct Bar { x: u32 }
     impl Foo {
-        pub fn foo(&self, x: Self, y: Bar) { } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+        pub fn foo(&self, x: Self, y: Bar) { } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ mod x {
     struct Bar { _x: u32 }
     impl Foo {
-        pub fn foo(&self, _x: Self, _y: Bar) { } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+        pub fn foo(&self, _x: Self, _y: Bar) { } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
         pub fn bar(&self) -> Bar { Bar { _x: self.x } }
-        //~^ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+        //~^ ERROR private type in public interface
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index ab7baf0b596..b50647ae64c 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -15,21 +15,21 @@ struct Priv;
 pub use self::private::public;
 mod private {
-    pub type Priv = super::Priv; //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    pub type Priv = super::Priv; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
     pub fn public(_x: Priv) {
 struct __CFArray;
-pub type CFArrayRef = *const __CFArray; //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+pub type CFArrayRef = *const __CFArray; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
 trait Pointer { type Pointee; }
 impl<T> Pointer for *const T { type Pointee = T; }
 pub type __CFArrayRevealed = <CFArrayRef as Pointer>::Pointee;
-//~^ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+//~^ ERROR private type in public interface
 type Foo = u8;
-pub fn foo(f: Foo) {} //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+pub fn foo(f: Foo) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
 pub trait Exporter {
     type Output;
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ pub fn block() -> <Helper as Exporter>::Output {
     impl Exporter for Helper {
-        type Output = Inner; //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+        type Output = Inner; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index cf6f2c1e17c..f43c17c3854 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -36,17 +36,17 @@ impl Public<Private<isize>> {
     fn d() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
 impl Public<isize> {
-    pub fn e(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    pub fn e(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
     fn f(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-pub fn x(_: Private<isize>) {} //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+pub fn x(_: Private<isize>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
 fn y(_: Private<isize>) {}
 pub struct Foo {
-    pub x: Private<isize>, //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    pub x: Private<isize>, //~ ERROR private type in public interface
     y: Private<isize>
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@ struct Bar {
 pub enum Baz {
-    Baz1(Private<isize>), //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    Baz1(Private<isize>), //~ ERROR private type in public interface
     Baz2 {
-        y: Private<isize> //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+        y: Private<isize> //~ ERROR private type in public interface
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ enum Qux {
 pub trait PubTrait {
-    fn foo(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!( )} //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize>; //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize>; //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    fn foo(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!( )} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize>; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize>; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
 impl PubTrait for Public<isize> {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
 impl PubTrait for Public<Private<isize>> {
     fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ impl ParamTrait<Private<isize>> for Private<isize> {
     fn foo() -> Private<isize> { panic!( )}
-impl<T: ParamTrait<Private<isize>>>  //~ ERROR private type in exported type signature
+impl<T: ParamTrait<Private<isize>>>  //~ ERROR private type in public interface
      ParamTrait<T> for Public<i8> {
     fn foo() -> T { panic!() }
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index f589daf3f39..cca6143ed40 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
 mod a {
     struct Priv;
-    pub fn expose_a() -> Priv { //~Error: private type in exported type signature
+    pub fn expose_a() -> Priv { //~Error: private type in public interface
     mod b {
-        pub fn expose_b() -> super::Priv { //~Error: private type in exported type signature
+        pub fn expose_b() -> super::Priv { //~Error: private type in public interface
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 1f2205b5c71..23e05479228 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@ trait Foo {
 pub fn f<
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
 >() {}
 pub fn g<T>() where
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
 pub struct S;
@@ -27,39 +27,39 @@ pub struct S;
 impl S {
     pub fn f<
-        : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+        : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
     >() {}
     pub fn g<T>() where
-        : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+        : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
 pub struct S1<
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
 > {
     x: T
 pub struct S2<T> where
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
     x: T
 pub enum E1<
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
 > {
 pub enum E2<T> where
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in exported type parameter bound
+    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 9d9eae4a075..6de627a698a 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ trait Foo {
     fn dummy(&self) { }
-pub trait Bar : Foo {} //~ ERROR private trait in exported type
+pub trait Bar : Foo {} //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
 fn main() {}

From a09246ad34ee83b5c8be9af836d7b0aa06d4aabe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 13:36:49 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 04/12] Approximate type aliases as public when determining
 impl publicity

 src/librustc_privacy/                   | 10 ++++++++++
 .../             | 19 +++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 29 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index 46074423917..a4c9874e74d 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -1128,11 +1128,21 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
                 def::DefPrimTy(..) | def::DefSelfTy(..) | def::DefTyParam(..) => {
                     // Public
+                def::DefAssociatedTy(..) if self.is_quiet => {
+                    // Conservatively approximate the whole type alias as public without
+                    // recursing into its components when determining impl publicity.
+                    return
+                }
                 def::DefStruct(def_id) | def::DefTy(def_id, _) |
                 def::DefTrait(def_id) | def::DefAssociatedTy(def_id, _) => {
                     // Non-local means public, local needs to be checked
                     if let Some(node_id) = {
                         if let Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) = {
+                            if let (&hir::ItemTy(..), true) = (&item.node, self.is_quiet) {
+                                // Conservatively approximate the whole type alias as public without
+                                // recursing into its components when determining impl publicity.
+                                return
+                            }
                             if item.vis != hir::Public {
                                 if !self.is_quiet {
                                     span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index f43c17c3854..89be4d9789d 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -121,3 +121,22 @@ impl<T: ParamTrait<Private<isize>>>  //~ ERROR private type in public interface
      ParamTrait<T> for Public<i8> {
     fn foo() -> T { panic!() }
+type PrivAlias = Public<i8>;
+trait PrivTrait2 {
+    type Alias;
+impl PrivTrait2 for Private<isize> {
+    type Alias = Public<u8>;
+impl PubTrait for PrivAlias {
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+impl PubTrait for <Private<isize> as PrivTrait2>::Alias {
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface

From 73307475f9bc405d3aebd6f3a5240b364746217d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 03:36:12 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 05/12] Prohibit private variant reexports

 src/librustc_resolve/       | 15 +++++++++++----
 src/librustc_resolve/                       |  8 ++++++++
 src/librustc_resolve/           |  4 ++--
 src/test/compile-fail/              |  2 +-
 src/test/compile-fail/ | 15 +++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/

diff --git a/src/librustc_resolve/ b/src/librustc_resolve/
index 6733279d22a..11d09fa3e9a 100644
--- a/src/librustc_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc_resolve/
@@ -390,9 +390,15 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a, 'tcx:'b> GraphBuilder<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
                 let module = Module::new(parent_link, Some(def), false, is_public);
                 name_bindings.define_module(module.clone(), sp);
+                let variant_modifiers = if is_public {
+                    DefModifiers::empty()
+                } else {
+                    DefModifiers::PRIVATE_VARIANT
+                };
                 for variant in &(*enum_definition).variants {
                     let item_def_id = self.ast_map.local_def_id(;
-                    self.build_reduced_graph_for_variant(variant, item_def_id, &module);
+                    self.build_reduced_graph_for_variant(variant, item_def_id,
+                                                         &module, variant_modifiers);
@@ -494,7 +500,8 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a, 'tcx:'b> GraphBuilder<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
     fn build_reduced_graph_for_variant(&mut self,
                                        variant: &Variant,
                                        item_id: DefId,
-                                       parent: &Rc<Module>) {
+                                       parent: &Rc<Module>,
+                                       variant_modifiers: DefModifiers) {
         let name =;
         let is_exported = if {
             // Not adding fields for variants as they are not accessed with a self receiver
@@ -512,12 +519,12 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a, 'tcx:'b> GraphBuilder<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
-                           DefModifiers::PUBLIC | DefModifiers::IMPORTABLE);
+                           DefModifiers::PUBLIC | DefModifiers::IMPORTABLE | variant_modifiers);
-                          DefModifiers::PUBLIC | DefModifiers::IMPORTABLE);
+                          DefModifiers::PUBLIC | DefModifiers::IMPORTABLE | variant_modifiers);
     /// Constructs the reduced graph for one foreign item.
diff --git a/src/librustc_resolve/ b/src/librustc_resolve/
index 46fc3f37f7b..41858d0f01b 100644
--- a/src/librustc_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc_resolve/
@@ -907,6 +907,9 @@ bitflags! {
     flags DefModifiers: u8 {
         const PUBLIC     = 1 << 0,
         const IMPORTABLE = 1 << 1,
+        // All variants are considered `PUBLIC`, but some of them live in private enums.
+        // We need to track them to prohibit reexports like `pub use PrivEnum::Variant`.
+        const PRIVATE_VARIANT = 1 << 2,
@@ -1007,6 +1010,11 @@ impl NameBinding {
+    fn is_reexportable(&self) -> bool {
+        self.defined_with(DefModifiers::PUBLIC) &&
+        !self.defined_with(DefModifiers::PRIVATE_VARIANT)
+    }
     fn def_and_lp(&self) -> (Def, LastPrivate) {
         let def = self.def().unwrap();
         (def, LastMod(if self.is_public() { AllPublic } else { DependsOn(def.def_id()) }))
diff --git a/src/librustc_resolve/ b/src/librustc_resolve/
index 94c3ea073d2..c4296241633 100644
--- a/src/librustc_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc_resolve/
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a, 'tcx:'b> ImportResolver<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
                     debug!("(resolving single import) found value binding");
                     value_result = BoundResult(target_module.clone(),
-                    if directive.is_public && !child_name_bindings.value_ns.is_public() {
+                    if directive.is_public && !child_name_bindings.value_ns.is_reexportable() {
                         let msg = format!("`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", source);
                         let note_msg = format!("Consider marking `{}` as `pub` in the imported \
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a, 'tcx:'b> ImportResolver<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
                     type_result = BoundResult(target_module.clone(),
                     if !pub_err && directive.is_public &&
-                       !child_name_bindings.type_ns.is_public() {
+                       !child_name_bindings.type_ns.is_reexportable() {
                         let msg = format!("`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", source);
                         let note_msg = format!("Consider declaring module `{}` as a `pub mod`",
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index a0b7935550c..e640ba3f00f 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use foo::NoResult; // Through a re-export
 mod foo {
     pub use self::MyEnum::NoResult;
-    enum MyEnum {
+    pub enum MyEnum {
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3854616799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+pub use E::V; //~ERROR `V` is private, and cannot be reexported
+enum E { V }
+fn main() {}

From 1a9239c964f4589c7f1646a1faf8412eb0c37a0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 19:26:15 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 06/12] Report errors not caught by the old visitor as warnings

 src/librustc_privacy/                   | 386 +++++++++++++++++-
 src/test/compile-fail/          |  12 +-
 src/test/compile-fail/          |   8 +-
 .../             |  12 +-
 4 files changed, 390 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index a4c9874e74d..b65c0c19497 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ use rustc::middle::privacy::LastPrivate::*;
 use rustc::middle::privacy::PrivateDep::*;
 use rustc::middle::privacy::ExternalExports;
 use rustc::middle::ty;
-use rustc::util::nodemap::NodeMap;
+use rustc::util::nodemap::{NodeMap, NodeSet};
 use rustc::front::map as ast_map;
 use syntax::ast;
@@ -1101,6 +1101,348 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> SanePrivacyVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
+/// Obsolete visitors for checking for private items in public interfaces.
+/// These visitors are supposed to be kept in frozen state and produce an
+/// "old error node set". For backward compatibility the new visitor reports
+/// warnings instead of hard errors when the erroneous node is not in this old set.
+struct ObsoleteVisiblePrivateTypesVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
+    tcx: &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
+    access_levels: &'a AccessLevels,
+    in_variant: bool,
+    // set of errors produced by this obsolete visitor
+    old_error_set: NodeSet,
+struct ObsoleteCheckTypeForPrivatenessVisitor<'a, 'b: 'a, 'tcx: 'b> {
+    inner: &'a ObsoleteVisiblePrivateTypesVisitor<'b, 'tcx>,
+    /// whether the type refers to private types.
+    contains_private: bool,
+    /// whether we've recurred at all (i.e. if we're pointing at the
+    /// first type on which visit_ty was called).
+    at_outer_type: bool,
+    // whether that first type is a public path.
+    outer_type_is_public_path: bool,
+impl<'a, 'tcx> ObsoleteVisiblePrivateTypesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
+    fn path_is_private_type(&self, path_id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
+        let did = match self.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&path_id).map(|d| d.full_def()) {
+            // `int` etc. (None doesn't seem to occur.)
+            None | Some(def::DefPrimTy(..)) | Some(def::DefSelfTy(..)) => return false,
+            Some(def) => def.def_id(),
+        };
+        // A path can only be private if:
+        // it's in this crate...
+        if let Some(node_id) = {
+            // .. and it corresponds to a private type in the AST (this returns
+            // None for type parameters)
+            match {
+                Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) => item.vis != hir::Public,
+                Some(_) | None => false,
+            }
+        } else {
+            return false
+        }
+    }
+    fn trait_is_public(&self, trait_id: ast::NodeId) -> bool {
+        // FIXME: this would preferably be using `exported_items`, but all
+        // traits are exported currently (see `EmbargoVisitor.exported_trait`)
+        self.access_levels.is_public(trait_id)
+    }
+    fn check_ty_param_bound(&mut self,
+                            ty_param_bound: &hir::TyParamBound) {
+        if let hir::TraitTyParamBound(ref trait_ref, _) = *ty_param_bound {
+            if self.path_is_private_type(trait_ref.trait_ref.ref_id) {
+                self.old_error_set.insert(trait_ref.trait_ref.ref_id);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn item_is_public(&self, id: &ast::NodeId, vis: hir::Visibility) -> bool {
+        self.access_levels.is_reachable(*id) || vis == hir::Public
+    }
+impl<'a, 'b, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for ObsoleteCheckTypeForPrivatenessVisitor<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
+    fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &hir::Ty) {
+        if let hir::TyPath(..) = ty.node {
+            if self.inner.path_is_private_type( {
+                self.contains_private = true;
+                // found what we're looking for so let's stop
+                // working.
+                return
+            } else if self.at_outer_type {
+                self.outer_type_is_public_path = true;
+            }
+        }
+        self.at_outer_type = false;
+        intravisit::walk_ty(self, ty)
+    }
+    // don't want to recurse into [, .. expr]
+    fn visit_expr(&mut self, _: &hir::Expr) {}
+impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for ObsoleteVisiblePrivateTypesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
+    /// We want to visit items in the context of their containing
+    /// module and so forth, so supply a crate for doing a deep walk.
+    fn visit_nested_item(&mut self, item: hir::ItemId) {
+        self.visit_item(
+    }
+    fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &hir::Item) {
+        match item.node {
+            // contents of a private mod can be reexported, so we need
+            // to check internals.
+            hir::ItemMod(_) => {}
+            // An `extern {}` doesn't introduce a new privacy
+            // namespace (the contents have their own privacies).
+            hir::ItemForeignMod(_) => {}
+            hir::ItemTrait(_, _, ref bounds, _) => {
+                if !self.trait_is_public( {
+                    return
+                }
+                for bound in bounds.iter() {
+                    self.check_ty_param_bound(bound)
+                }
+            }
+            // impls need some special handling to try to offer useful
+            // error messages without (too many) false positives
+            // (i.e. we could just return here to not check them at
+            // all, or some worse estimation of whether an impl is
+            // publicly visible).
+            hir::ItemImpl(_, _, ref g, ref trait_ref, ref self_, ref impl_items) => {
+                // `impl [... for] Private` is never visible.
+                let self_contains_private;
+                // impl [... for] Public<...>, but not `impl [... for]
+                // Vec<Public>` or `(Public,)` etc.
+                let self_is_public_path;
+                // check the properties of the Self type:
+                {
+                    let mut visitor = ObsoleteCheckTypeForPrivatenessVisitor {
+                        inner: self,
+                        contains_private: false,
+                        at_outer_type: true,
+                        outer_type_is_public_path: false,
+                    };
+                    visitor.visit_ty(&**self_);
+                    self_contains_private = visitor.contains_private;
+                    self_is_public_path = visitor.outer_type_is_public_path;
+                }
+                // miscellaneous info about the impl
+                // `true` iff this is `impl Private for ...`.
+                let not_private_trait =
+                    trait_ref.as_ref().map_or(true, // no trait counts as public trait
+                                              |tr| {
+                        let did = self.tcx.trait_ref_to_def_id(tr);
+                        if let Some(node_id) = {
+                            self.trait_is_public(node_id)
+                        } else {
+                            true // external traits must be public
+                        }
+                    });
+                // `true` iff this is a trait impl or at least one method is public.
+                //
+                // `impl Public { $( fn ...() {} )* }` is not visible.
+                //
+                // This is required over just using the methods' privacy
+                // directly because we might have `impl<T: Foo<Private>> ...`,
+                // and we shouldn't warn about the generics if all the methods
+                // are private (because `T` won't be visible externally).
+                let trait_or_some_public_method =
+                    trait_ref.is_some() ||
+                    impl_items.iter()
+                              .any(|impl_item| {
+                                  match impl_item.node {
+                                      hir::ImplItemKind::Const(..) |
+                                      hir::ImplItemKind::Method(..) => {
+                                          self.access_levels.is_reachable(
+                                      }
+                                      hir::ImplItemKind::Type(_) => false,
+                                  }
+                              });
+                if !self_contains_private &&
+                        not_private_trait &&
+                        trait_or_some_public_method {
+                    intravisit::walk_generics(self, g);
+                    match *trait_ref {
+                        None => {
+                            for impl_item in impl_items {
+                                // This is where we choose whether to walk down
+                                // further into the impl to check its items. We
+                                // should only walk into public items so that we
+                                // don't erroneously report errors for private
+                                // types in private items.
+                                match impl_item.node {
+                                    hir::ImplItemKind::Const(..) |
+                                    hir::ImplItemKind::Method(..)
+                                        if self.item_is_public(&, impl_item.vis) =>
+                                    {
+                                        intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item)
+                                    }
+                                    hir::ImplItemKind::Type(..) => {
+                                        intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item)
+                                    }
+                                    _ => {}
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        Some(ref tr) => {
+                            // Any private types in a trait impl fall into three
+                            // categories.
+                            // 1. mentioned in the trait definition
+                            // 2. mentioned in the type params/generics
+                            // 3. mentioned in the associated types of the impl
+                            //
+                            // Those in 1. can only occur if the trait is in
+                            // this crate and will've been warned about on the
+                            // trait definition (there's no need to warn twice
+                            // so we don't check the methods).
+                            //
+                            // Those in 2. are warned via walk_generics and this
+                            // call here.
+                            intravisit::walk_path(self, &tr.path);
+                            // Those in 3. are warned with this call.
+                            for impl_item in impl_items {
+                                if let hir::ImplItemKind::Type(ref ty) = impl_item.node {
+                                    self.visit_ty(ty);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else if trait_ref.is_none() && self_is_public_path {
+                    // impl Public<Private> { ... }. Any public static
+                    // methods will be visible as `Public::foo`.
+                    let mut found_pub_static = false;
+                    for impl_item in impl_items {
+                        match impl_item.node {
+                            hir::ImplItemKind::Const(..) => {
+                                if self.item_is_public(&, impl_item.vis) {
+                                    found_pub_static = true;
+                                    intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            hir::ImplItemKind::Method(ref sig, _) => {
+                                if sig.explicit_self.node == hir::SelfStatic &&
+                                      self.item_is_public(&, impl_item.vis) {
+                                    found_pub_static = true;
+                                    intravisit::walk_impl_item(self, impl_item);
+                                }
+                            }
+                            _ => {}
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if found_pub_static {
+                        intravisit::walk_generics(self, g)
+                    }
+                }
+                return
+            }
+            // `type ... = ...;` can contain private types, because
+            // we're introducing a new name.
+            hir::ItemTy(..) => return,
+            // not at all public, so we don't care
+            _ if !self.item_is_public(&, item.vis) => {
+                return;
+            }
+            _ => {}
+        }
+        // We've carefully constructed it so that if we're here, then
+        // any `visit_ty`'s will be called on things that are in
+        // public signatures, i.e. things that we're interested in for
+        // this visitor.
+        debug!("VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor entering item {:?}", item);
+        intravisit::walk_item(self, item);
+    }
+    fn visit_generics(&mut self, generics: &hir::Generics) {
+        for ty_param in generics.ty_params.iter() {
+            for bound in ty_param.bounds.iter() {
+                self.check_ty_param_bound(bound)
+            }
+        }
+        for predicate in &generics.where_clause.predicates {
+            match predicate {
+                &hir::WherePredicate::BoundPredicate(ref bound_pred) => {
+                    for bound in bound_pred.bounds.iter() {
+                        self.check_ty_param_bound(bound)
+                    }
+                }
+                &hir::WherePredicate::RegionPredicate(_) => {}
+                &hir::WherePredicate::EqPredicate(ref eq_pred) => {
+                    self.visit_ty(&*eq_pred.ty);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn visit_foreign_item(&mut self, item: &hir::ForeignItem) {
+        if self.access_levels.is_reachable( {
+            intravisit::walk_foreign_item(self, item)
+        }
+    }
+    fn visit_ty(&mut self, t: &hir::Ty) {
+        debug!("VisiblePrivateTypesVisitor checking ty {:?}", t);
+        if let hir::TyPath(..) = t.node {
+            if self.path_is_private_type( {
+                self.old_error_set.insert(;
+            }
+        }
+        intravisit::walk_ty(self, t)
+    }
+    fn visit_variant(&mut self, v: &hir::Variant, g: &hir::Generics, item_id: ast::NodeId) {
+        if self.access_levels.is_reachable( {
+            self.in_variant = true;
+            intravisit::walk_variant(self, v, g, item_id);
+            self.in_variant = false;
+        }
+    }
+    fn visit_struct_field(&mut self, s: &hir::StructField) {
+        let vis = match s.node.kind {
+            hir::NamedField(_, vis) | hir::UnnamedField(vis) => vis
+        };
+        if vis == hir::Public || self.in_variant {
+            intravisit::walk_struct_field(self, s);
+        }
+    }
+    // we don't need to introspect into these at all: an
+    // expression/block context can't possibly contain exported things.
+    // (Making them no-ops stops us from traversing the whole AST without
+    // having to be super careful about our `walk_...` calls above.)
+    // FIXME(#29524): Unfortunately this ^^^ is not true, blocks can contain
+    // exported items (e.g. impls) and actual code in rustc itself breaks
+    // if we don't traverse blocks in `EmbargoVisitor`
+    fn visit_block(&mut self, _: &hir::Block) {}
+    fn visit_expr(&mut self, _: &hir::Expr) {}
 /// SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor traverses an item's interface and
 /// finds any private components in it.
@@ -1114,6 +1456,7 @@ struct SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
     is_quiet: bool,
     // Is private component found?
     is_public: bool,
+    old_error_set: &'a NodeSet,
 impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
@@ -1145,8 +1488,9 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
                             if item.vis != hir::Public {
                                 if !self.is_quiet {
-                                    span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
-                                              "private type in public interface");
+                                    let is_warning = !self.old_error_set.contains(&;
+                                    span_err_or_warn!(is_warning, self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
+                                                      "private type in public interface");
                                 self.is_public = false;
@@ -1171,8 +1515,9 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
             if let Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) = {
                 if item.vis != hir::Public {
                     if !self.is_quiet {
-                        span_err!(self.tcx.sess, trait_ref.path.span, E0445,
-                                  "private trait in public interface");
+                        let is_warning = !self.old_error_set.contains(&trait_ref.ref_id);
+                        span_err_or_warn!(is_warning, self.tcx.sess, trait_ref.path.span, E0445,
+                                          "private trait in public interface");
                     self.is_public = false;
@@ -1192,13 +1537,14 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
 struct PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
     tcx: &'a ty::ctxt<'tcx>,
+    old_error_set: &'a NodeSet,
 impl<'a, 'tcx> PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
     // A type is considered public if it doesn't contain any private components
     fn is_public_ty(&self, ty: &hir::Ty) -> bool {
         let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
-            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: true, is_public: true
+            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: true, is_public: true, old_error_set: self.old_error_set
@@ -1207,7 +1553,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
     // A trait is considered public if it doesn't contain any private components
     fn is_public_trait(&self, trait_ref: &hir::TraitRef) -> bool {
         let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
-            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: true, is_public: true
+            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: true, is_public: true, old_error_set: self.old_error_set
@@ -1217,7 +1563,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
 impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
     fn visit_item(&mut self, item: &hir::Item) {
         let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
-            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: false, is_public: true
+            tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: false, is_public: true, old_error_set: self.old_error_set
         match item.node {
             // Crates are always public
@@ -1314,12 +1660,6 @@ pub fn check_crate(tcx: &ty::ctxt,
-    // Check for private types and traits in public interfaces
-    let mut visitor = PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor {
-        tcx: tcx,
-    };
-    krate.visit_all_items(&mut visitor);
     // Build up a set of all exported items in the AST. This is a set of all
     // items which are reachable from external crates based on visibility.
     let mut visitor = EmbargoVisitor {
@@ -1338,6 +1678,24 @@ pub fn check_crate(tcx: &ty::ctxt,
     visitor.update(ast::CRATE_NODE_ID, Some(AccessLevel::Public));
+    {
+        let mut visitor = ObsoleteVisiblePrivateTypesVisitor {
+            tcx: tcx,
+            access_levels: &visitor.access_levels,
+            in_variant: false,
+            old_error_set: NodeSet(),
+        };
+        intravisit::walk_crate(&mut visitor, krate);
+        // Check for private types and traits in public interfaces
+        let mut visitor = PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor {
+            tcx: tcx,
+            old_error_set: &visitor.old_error_set,
+        };
+        krate.visit_all_items(&mut visitor);
+    }
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 6cc0a549e54..34a62384693 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -10,13 +10,16 @@
 // Checks for private types in public interfaces
+#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)]
 mod y {
     pub struct Foo { x: u32 }
     struct Bar { x: u32 }
     impl Foo {
-        pub fn foo(&self, x: Self, y: Bar) { } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+        pub fn foo(&self, x: Self, y: Bar) { } //~ WARN private type in public interface
@@ -26,13 +29,14 @@ mod x {
     struct Bar { _x: u32 }
     impl Foo {
-        pub fn foo(&self, _x: Self, _y: Bar) { } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+        pub fn foo(&self, _x: Self, _y: Bar) { } //~ WARN private type in public interface
         pub fn bar(&self) -> Bar { Bar { _x: self.x } }
-        //~^ ERROR private type in public interface
+        //~^ WARN private type in public interface
-pub fn main() {
+pub fn main() { //~ ERROR compilation successful
     let f = x::Foo { x: 4 };
     let b =; { x: 5 }, b);
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index b50647ae64c..2e073051858 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ struct Priv;
 pub use self::private::public;
 mod private {
-    pub type Priv = super::Priv; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub type Priv = super::Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
     pub fn public(_x: Priv) {
 struct __CFArray;
-pub type CFArrayRef = *const __CFArray; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+pub type CFArrayRef = *const __CFArray; //~ WARN private type in public interface
 trait Pointer { type Pointee; }
 impl<T> Pointer for *const T { type Pointee = T; }
 pub type __CFArrayRevealed = <CFArrayRef as Pointer>::Pointee;
-//~^ ERROR private type in public interface
+//~^ WARN private type in public interface
 type Foo = u8;
 pub fn foo(f: Foo) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ pub fn block() -> <Helper as Exporter>::Output {
     impl Exporter for Helper {
-        type Output = Inner; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+        type Output = Inner; //~ WARN private type in public interface
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 89be4d9789d..154acbcfd60 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ pub trait PubTrait {
 impl PubTrait for Public<isize> {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
 impl PubTrait for Public<Private<isize>> {
     fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
@@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ impl PrivTrait2 for Private<isize> {
 impl PubTrait for PrivAlias {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
 impl PubTrait for <Private<isize> as PrivTrait2>::Alias {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface

From a745614f44d343cf40bd2a623d0b8d522547d570 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2015 20:56:20 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 07/12] Use lint instead of warning

 src/librustc/lint/                  |  8 ++++
 src/librustc_lint/                      |  3 ++
 src/librustc_privacy/                   | 27 +++++++++---
 src/test/compile-fail/        | 16 ++++++++
 src/test/compile-fail/          |  8 ++--
 .../compile-fail/    | 33 +++++++++++++++
 .../           | 41 +++++++++++++++++++
 .../             | 23 +----------
 8 files changed, 128 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 create mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 create mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/

diff --git a/src/librustc/lint/ b/src/librustc/lint/
index 26f663b1c9d..2c5c664566a 100644
--- a/src/librustc/lint/
+++ b/src/librustc/lint/
@@ -117,6 +117,13 @@ declare_lint! {
     "detects trivial casts of numeric types which could be removed"
+declare_lint! {
+    Warn,
+    "detect private items in public interfaces not caught by the old implementation"
 /// Does nothing as a lint pass, but registers some `Lint`s
 /// which are used by other parts of the compiler.
 #[derive(Copy, Clone)]
@@ -141,6 +148,7 @@ impl LintPass for HardwiredLints {
+            PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
diff --git a/src/librustc_lint/ b/src/librustc_lint/
index 69fd569c8d4..1d0c616c3b7 100644
--- a/src/librustc_lint/
+++ b/src/librustc_lint/
@@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ pub fn register_builtins(store: &mut lint::LintStore, sess: Option<&Session>) {
+    add_lint_group!(sess, "future_incompatible",
+                    PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC);
     // We have one lint pass defined specially
     store.register_late_pass(sess, false, box lint::GatherNodeLevels);
diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index b65c0c19497..275f328bfe0 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ use std::mem::replace;
 use rustc_front::hir;
 use rustc_front::intravisit::{self, Visitor};
+use rustc::lint;
 use rustc::middle::def;
 use rustc::middle::def_id::DefId;
 use rustc::middle::privacy::{AccessLevel, AccessLevels};
@@ -1488,9 +1489,17 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
                             if item.vis != hir::Public {
                                 if !self.is_quiet {
-                                    let is_warning = !self.old_error_set.contains(&;
-                                    span_err_or_warn!(is_warning, self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
-                                                      "private type in public interface");
+                                    if self.old_error_set.contains(& {
+                                        span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
+                                                  "private type in public interface");
+                                    } else {
+                                        self.tcx.sess.add_lint (
+                                            lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
+                                            node_id,
+                                            ty.span,
+                                            "private type in public interface".to_string()
+                                        );
+                                    }
                                 self.is_public = false;
@@ -1515,9 +1524,15 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
             if let Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) = {
                 if item.vis != hir::Public {
                     if !self.is_quiet {
-                        let is_warning = !self.old_error_set.contains(&trait_ref.ref_id);
-                        span_err_or_warn!(is_warning, self.tcx.sess, trait_ref.path.span, E0445,
-                                          "private trait in public interface");
+                        if self.old_error_set.contains(&trait_ref.ref_id) {
+                            span_err!(self.tcx.sess, trait_ref.path.span, E0445,
+                                      "private trait in public interface");
+                        } else {
+                            self.tcx.sess.add_lint(lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
+                                                   node_id,
+                                                   trait_ref.path.span,
+                                                   "private trait in public interface".to_string());
+                        }
                     self.is_public = false;
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7239e6ddc37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+// Checks for private types in public interfaces
+type Foo = u8;
+pub fn foo(f: Foo) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 2e073051858..65c5978103a 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
 // Checks for private types in public interfaces
 struct Priv;
 pub use self::private::public;
@@ -28,9 +30,6 @@ impl<T> Pointer for *const T { type Pointee = T; }
 pub type __CFArrayRevealed = <CFArrayRef as Pointer>::Pointee;
 //~^ WARN private type in public interface
-type Foo = u8;
-pub fn foo(f: Foo) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
 pub trait Exporter {
     type Output;
@@ -49,6 +48,7 @@ pub fn block() -> <Helper as Exporter>::Output {
-fn main() {
+fn main() { //~ ERROR compilation successful
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f9b049c5d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+mod m1 {
+    #![deny(private_in_public)]
+    pub struct Pub;
+    struct Priv;
+    impl Pub {
+        pub fn f() -> Priv {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    }
+mod m2 {
+    #![deny(future_incompatible)]
+    pub struct Pub;
+    struct Priv;
+    impl Pub {
+        pub fn f() -> Priv {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    }
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..69c4eca1a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+use std::marker;
+struct Private<T>(marker::PhantomData<T>);
+pub struct Public<T>(marker::PhantomData<T>);
+pub trait PubTrait {
+    type Output;
+type PrivAlias = Public<i8>;
+trait PrivTrait2 {
+    type Alias;
+impl PrivTrait2 for Private<isize> {
+    type Alias = Public<u8>;
+impl PubTrait for PrivAlias {
+    type Output = Private<isize>; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+impl PubTrait for <Private<isize> as PrivTrait2>::Alias {
+    type Output = Private<isize>; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+fn main() {} //~ ERROR compilation successful
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 154acbcfd60..1fd61605557 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ pub trait PubTrait {
 impl PubTrait for Public<isize> {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } // Warns in lint checking phase
+    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } // Warns in lint checking phase
 impl PubTrait for Public<Private<isize>> {
     fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
@@ -121,22 +121,3 @@ impl<T: ParamTrait<Private<isize>>>  //~ ERROR private type in public interface
      ParamTrait<T> for Public<i8> {
     fn foo() -> T { panic!() }
-type PrivAlias = Public<i8>;
-trait PrivTrait2 {
-    type Alias;
-impl PrivTrait2 for Private<isize> {
-    type Alias = Public<u8>;
-impl PubTrait for PrivAlias {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
-impl PubTrait for <Private<isize> as PrivTrait2>::Alias {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface

From fcbd553f0fb12f226df9ba5648a319bc1e8a2af4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2015 01:48:26 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 08/12] Substitute type aliases before checking for privacy

 src/librustc_privacy/                   | 34 +++++++++++++++----
 src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/      |  2 +-
 src/test/compile-fail/        | 16 ---------
 .../           |  6 ++++
 .../             |  9 +++++
 5 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/

diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index 275f328bfe0..8993b998738 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -1460,13 +1460,38 @@ struct SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
     old_error_set: &'a NodeSet,
+impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a> SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
+    // Check if the type alias contain private types when substituted
+    fn is_public_type_alias(&self, item: &hir::Item, path: &hir::Path) -> bool {
+        // Type alias is considered public if the aliased type is
+        // public, even if the type alias itself is private. So, something
+        // like `type A = u8; pub fn f() -> A {...}` doesn't cause an error.
+        if let hir::ItemTy(ref ty, ref generics) = item.node {
+            let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
+                tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: self.is_quiet,
+                is_public: true, old_error_set: self.old_error_set,
+            };
+            check.visit_ty(ty);
+            let provided_params = path.segments.last().unwrap().parameters.types().len();
+            for ty_param in &generics.ty_params[provided_params..] {
+                if let Some(ref default_ty) = ty_param.default {
+                    check.visit_ty(default_ty);
+                }
+            }
+            check.is_public
+        } else {
+            false
+        }
+    }
 impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
     fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty: &hir::Ty) {
         if self.is_quiet && !self.is_public {
             // We are in quiet mode and a private type is already found, no need to proceed
-        if let hir::TyPath(..) = ty.node {
+        if let hir::TyPath(_, ref path) = ty.node {
             let def = self.tcx.def_map.borrow().get(&;
             match def {
                 def::DefPrimTy(..) | def::DefSelfTy(..) | def::DefTyParam(..) => {
@@ -1482,12 +1507,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
                     // Non-local means public, local needs to be checked
                     if let Some(node_id) = {
                         if let Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) = {
-                            if let (&hir::ItemTy(..), true) = (&item.node, self.is_quiet) {
-                                // Conservatively approximate the whole type alias as public without
-                                // recursing into its components when determining impl publicity.
-                                return
-                            }
-                            if item.vis != hir::Public {
+                            if item.vis != hir::Public && !self.is_public_type_alias(item, path) {
                                 if !self.is_quiet {
                                     if self.old_error_set.contains(& {
                                         span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
diff --git a/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/ b/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
index 44b161a7575..8f60be3fab3 100644
--- a/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
+++ b/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use std::os::windows::prelude::*;
 use std::ptr;
 use libc::{c_void, c_long};
-pub type DWORD = u32;
+type DWORD = u32;
 type LPCWSTR = *const u16;
 type LONG = c_long;
 type LPDWORD = *mut DWORD;
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7239e6ddc37..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-// Checks for private types in public interfaces
-type Foo = u8;
-pub fn foo(f: Foo) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 69c4eca1a0a..939f2400d1b 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -37,5 +37,11 @@ impl PubTrait for <Private<isize> as PrivTrait2>::Alias {
     type Output = Private<isize>; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+type PrivAliasPubType = u8;
+pub fn f1(_: PrivAliasPubType) {} // Ok, not an error
+type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Private<isize>> = T;
+pub fn f2(_: PrivAliasGeneric<u8>) {} // Ok, not an error
 fn main() {} //~ ERROR compilation successful
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 1fd61605557..e9890dc32b7 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -121,3 +121,12 @@ impl<T: ParamTrait<Private<isize>>>  //~ ERROR private type in public interface
      ParamTrait<T> for Public<i8> {
     fn foo() -> T { panic!() }
+type PrivAliasPrivType = Private<isize>;
+pub fn f1(_: PrivAliasPrivType) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Private<isize>> = T;
+pub fn f2(_: PrivAliasGeneric) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Private<isize>>;
+pub fn f3(_: Result<u8>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface

From 187c89a92a530eabec78e6db9d4ceddd1f5ae00b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2015 21:51:18 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 09/12] Address the comments

 src/librustc_privacy/ |  2 +-
 src/librustc_privacy/         | 80 ++++++++++++++++-------------
 src/librustc_resolve/         |  4 +-
 3 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index 35a3bdc68bc..3fbe3bc2005 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ pub fn foo<T: Foo> (t: T) {} // ok!
 E0446: r##"
-A private type was used in an public type signature. Erroneous code example:
+A private type was used in a public type signature. Erroneous code example:
 mod Foo {
diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index 8993b998738..81abf351544 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -1467,11 +1467,14 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a> SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
         // public, even if the type alias itself is private. So, something
         // like `type A = u8; pub fn f() -> A {...}` doesn't cause an error.
         if let hir::ItemTy(ref ty, ref generics) = item.node {
-            let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
-                tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: self.is_quiet,
-                is_public: true, old_error_set: self.old_error_set,
-            };
+            let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor { is_public: true, ..*self };
+            // If a private type alias with default type parameters is used in public
+            // interface we must ensure, that the defaults are public if they are actually used.
+            // ```
+            // type Alias<T = Private> = T;
+            // pub fn f() -> Alias {...} // `Private` is implicitly used here, so it must be public
+            // ```
             let provided_params = path.segments.last().unwrap().parameters.types().len();
             for ty_param in &generics.ty_params[provided_params..] {
                 if let Some(ref default_ty) = ty_param.default {
@@ -1500,29 +1503,32 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
                 def::DefAssociatedTy(..) if self.is_quiet => {
                     // Conservatively approximate the whole type alias as public without
                     // recursing into its components when determining impl publicity.
+                    // For example, `impl <Type as Trait>::Alias {...}` may be a public impl
+                    // even if both `Type` and `Trait` are private.
+                    // Ideally, associated types should be substituted in the same way as
+                    // free type aliases, but this isn't done yet.
                 def::DefStruct(def_id) | def::DefTy(def_id, _) |
                 def::DefTrait(def_id) | def::DefAssociatedTy(def_id, _) => {
-                    // Non-local means public, local needs to be checked
+                    // Non-local means public (private items can't leave their crate, modulo bugs)
                     if let Some(node_id) = {
-                        if let Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) = {
-                            if item.vis != hir::Public && !self.is_public_type_alias(item, path) {
-                                if !self.is_quiet {
-                                    if self.old_error_set.contains(& {
-                                        span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
-                                                  "private type in public interface");
-                                    } else {
-                                        self.tcx.sess.add_lint (
-                                            lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
-                                            node_id,
-                                            ty.span,
-                                            "private type in public interface".to_string()
-                                        );
-                                    }
+                        let item =;
+                        if item.vis != hir::Public && !self.is_public_type_alias(item, path) {
+                            if !self.is_quiet {
+                                if self.old_error_set.contains(& {
+                                    span_err!(self.tcx.sess, ty.span, E0446,
+                                              "private type in public interface");
+                                } else {
+                                    self.tcx.sess.add_lint (
+                                        lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
+                                        node_id,
+                                        ty.span,
+                                        "private type in public interface (error E0446)".to_string()
+                                    );
-                                self.is_public = false;
+                            self.is_public = false;
@@ -1538,24 +1544,24 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a, 'v> Visitor<'v> for SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a,
             // We are in quiet mode and a private type is already found, no need to proceed
-        // Non-local means public, local needs to be checked
+        // Non-local means public (private items can't leave their crate, modulo bugs)
         let def_id = self.tcx.trait_ref_to_def_id(trait_ref);
         if let Some(node_id) = {
-            if let Some(ast_map::NodeItem(ref item)) = {
-                if item.vis != hir::Public {
-                    if !self.is_quiet {
-                        if self.old_error_set.contains(&trait_ref.ref_id) {
-                            span_err!(self.tcx.sess, trait_ref.path.span, E0445,
-                                      "private trait in public interface");
-                        } else {
-                            self.tcx.sess.add_lint(lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
-                                                   node_id,
-                                                   trait_ref.path.span,
-                                                   "private trait in public interface".to_string());
-                        }
+            let item =;
+            if item.vis != hir::Public {
+                if !self.is_quiet {
+                    if self.old_error_set.contains(&trait_ref.ref_id) {
+                        span_err!(self.tcx.sess, trait_ref.path.span, E0445,
+                                  "private trait in public interface");
+                    } else {
+                        self.tcx.sess.add_lint(lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
+                                               node_id,
+                                               trait_ref.path.span,
+                                               "private trait in public interface (error E0445)"
+                                                    .to_string());
-                    self.is_public = false;
+                self.is_public = false;
@@ -1585,8 +1591,8 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx> PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
-    // A trait is considered public if it doesn't contain any private components
-    fn is_public_trait(&self, trait_ref: &hir::TraitRef) -> bool {
+    // A trait reference is considered public if it doesn't contain any private components
+    fn is_public_trait_ref(&self, trait_ref: &hir::TraitRef) -> bool {
         let mut check = SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor {
             tcx: self.tcx, is_quiet: true, is_public: true, old_error_set: self.old_error_set
@@ -1650,7 +1656,7 @@ impl<'a, 'tcx, 'v> Visitor<'v> for PrivateItemsInPublicInterfacesVisitor<'a, 'tc
             // A trait impl is public when both its type and its trait are public
             // Subitems of trait impls have inherited publicity
             hir::ItemImpl(_, _, ref generics, Some(ref trait_ref), ref ty, ref impl_items) => {
-                if self.is_public_ty(ty) && self.is_public_trait(trait_ref) {
+                if self.is_public_ty(ty) && self.is_public_trait_ref(trait_ref) {
                     for impl_item in impl_items {
diff --git a/src/librustc_resolve/ b/src/librustc_resolve/
index 41858d0f01b..1d98aa36e8f 100644
--- a/src/librustc_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc_resolve/
@@ -905,9 +905,11 @@ impl fmt::Debug for Module {
 bitflags! {
     flags DefModifiers: u8 {
+        // Enum variants are always considered `PUBLIC`, this is needed for `use Enum::Variant`
+        // or `use Enum::*` to work on private enums.
         const PUBLIC     = 1 << 0,
         const IMPORTABLE = 1 << 1,
-        // All variants are considered `PUBLIC`, but some of them live in private enums.
+        // Variants are considered `PUBLIC`, but some of them live in private enums.
         // We need to track them to prohibit reexports like `pub use PrivEnum::Variant`.
         const PRIVATE_VARIANT = 1 << 2,

From 8f359d5912de9162534d65fe01fb2f52941e97d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2015 21:57:07 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 10/12] Prohibit public glob reexports of private variants

 src/librustc_resolve/                   |  5 ---
 src/librustc_resolve/       | 40 +++++++++++++++++--
 .../compile-fail/  | 22 +++++++++-
 3 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/librustc_resolve/ b/src/librustc_resolve/
index 1d98aa36e8f..6896e8e5340 100644
--- a/src/librustc_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc_resolve/
@@ -1012,11 +1012,6 @@ impl NameBinding {
-    fn is_reexportable(&self) -> bool {
-        self.defined_with(DefModifiers::PUBLIC) &&
-        !self.defined_with(DefModifiers::PRIVATE_VARIANT)
-    }
     fn def_and_lp(&self) -> (Def, LastPrivate) {
         let def = self.def().unwrap();
         (def, LastMod(if self.is_public() { AllPublic } else { DependsOn(def.def_id()) }))
diff --git a/src/librustc_resolve/ b/src/librustc_resolve/
index c4296241633..69d5621ce73 100644
--- a/src/librustc_resolve/
+++ b/src/librustc_resolve/
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ use {resolve_error, ResolutionError};
 use build_reduced_graph;
+use rustc::lint;
 use rustc::middle::def::*;
 use rustc::middle::def_id::DefId;
 use rustc::middle::privacy::*;
@@ -443,7 +444,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a, 'tcx:'b> ImportResolver<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
                     debug!("(resolving single import) found value binding");
                     value_result = BoundResult(target_module.clone(),
-                    if directive.is_public && !child_name_bindings.value_ns.is_reexportable() {
+                    if directive.is_public && !child_name_bindings.value_ns.is_public() {
                         let msg = format!("`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", source);
                         let note_msg = format!("Consider marking `{}` as `pub` in the imported \
@@ -452,19 +453,40 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a, 'tcx:'b> ImportResolver<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
                         self.resolver.session.span_note(directive.span, &note_msg);
                         pub_err = true;
+                    if directive.is_public && child_name_bindings.value_ns.
+                                              defined_with(DefModifiers::PRIVATE_VARIANT) {
+                        let msg = format!("variant `{}` is private, and cannot be reexported ( \
+                                           error E0364), consider declaring its enum as `pub`",
+                                           source);
+                        self.resolver.session.add_lint(lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
+                                             ,
+                                                       directive.span,
+                                                       msg);
+                        pub_err = true;
+                    }
                 if child_name_bindings.type_ns.defined() {
                     debug!("(resolving single import) found type binding");
                     type_result = BoundResult(target_module.clone(),
                     if !pub_err && directive.is_public &&
-                       !child_name_bindings.type_ns.is_reexportable() {
+                       !child_name_bindings.type_ns.is_public() {
                         let msg = format!("`{}` is private, and cannot be reexported", source);
                         let note_msg = format!("Consider declaring module `{}` as a `pub mod`",
                         span_err!(self.resolver.session, directive.span, E0365, "{}", &msg);
                         self.resolver.session.span_note(directive.span, &note_msg);
+                    if !pub_err && directive.is_public && child_name_bindings.type_ns.
+                                                    defined_with(DefModifiers::PRIVATE_VARIANT) {
+                        let msg = format!("variant `{}` is private, and cannot be reexported ( \
+                                           error E0365), consider declaring its enum as `pub`",
+                                           source);
+                        self.resolver.session.add_lint(lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
+                                             ,
+                                                       directive.span,
+                                                       msg);
+                    }
@@ -842,10 +864,22 @@ impl<'a, 'b:'a, 'tcx:'b> ImportResolver<'a, 'b, 'tcx> {
         // Merge the child item into the import resolution.
+        // pub_err makes sure we don't give the same error twice.
+        let mut pub_err = false;
             let mut merge_child_item = |namespace| {
-                let modifier = DefModifiers::IMPORTABLE | DefModifiers::PUBLIC;
+                if !pub_err && is_public &&
+                        name_bindings[namespace].defined_with(DefModifiers::PRIVATE_VARIANT) {
+                    let msg = format!("variant `{}` is private, and cannot be reexported (error \
+                                       E0364), consider declaring its enum as `pub`", name);
+                    self.resolver.session.add_lint(lint::builtin::PRIVATE_IN_PUBLIC,
+                                         ,
+                                                   import_directive.span,
+                                                   msg);
+                    pub_err = true;
+                }
+                let modifier = DefModifiers::IMPORTABLE | DefModifiers::PUBLIC;
                 if name_bindings[namespace].defined_with(modifier) {
                     let namespace_name = match namespace {
                         TypeNS => "type",
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index f3854616799..39698fa593a 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -8,8 +8,26 @@
 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
 // except according to those terms.
-pub use E::V; //~ERROR `V` is private, and cannot be reexported
+mod m1 {
+    pub use ::E::V; //~ WARN variant `V` is private, and cannot be reexported
+mod m2 {
+    pub use ::E::{V}; //~ WARN variant `V` is private, and cannot be reexported
+mod m3 {
+    pub use ::E::V::{self}; //~ WARN variant `V` is private, and cannot be reexported
+mod m4 {
+    pub use ::E::*; //~ WARN variant `V` is private, and cannot be reexported
 enum E { V }
-fn main() {}
+fn main() {} //~ ERROR compilation successful

From cda7244a2a8f16549a0ed8db49ff721b5f7d78e4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 04:56:27 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 11/12] Add more systematic tests

 src/test/compile-fail/          |  41 ---
 src/test/compile-fail/          |  43 ---
 src/test/compile-fail/          |  54 ----
 .../           |  47 ----
 .../             | 132 ---------
 .../compile-fail/  |  28 -- =>} |   0
 .../compile-fail/    | 254 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/test/compile-fail/    | 148 ++++++++++
 .../         |  67 -----
 .../       |  17 --
 11 files changed, 402 insertions(+), 429 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 rename src/test/compile-fail/{ =>} (100%)
 create mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 create mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/
 delete mode 100644 src/test/compile-fail/

diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index c619f771fda..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-pub struct PublicType;
-struct PrivateType;
-pub trait PublicTrait {
-    type Item;
-trait PrivateTrait {
-    type Item;
-impl PublicTrait for PublicType {
-    type Item = PrivateType;  //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-// OK
-impl PublicTrait for PrivateType {
-    type Item = PrivateType;
-// OK
-impl PrivateTrait for PublicType {
-    type Item = PrivateType;
-// OK
-impl PrivateTrait for PrivateType {
-    type Item = PrivateType;
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index 34a62384693..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-// Checks for private types in public interfaces
-#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)]
-mod y {
-    pub struct Foo { x: u32 }
-    struct Bar { x: u32 }
-    impl Foo {
-        pub fn foo(&self, x: Self, y: Bar) { } //~ WARN private type in public interface
-    }
-mod x {
-    pub struct Foo { pub x: u32 }
-    struct Bar { _x: u32 }
-    impl Foo {
-        pub fn foo(&self, _x: Self, _y: Bar) { } //~ WARN private type in public interface
-        pub fn bar(&self) -> Bar { Bar { _x: self.x } }
-        //~^ WARN private type in public interface
-    }
-pub fn main() { //~ ERROR compilation successful
-    let f = x::Foo { x: 4 };
-    let b =;
- { x: 5 }, b);
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index 65c5978103a..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-// Checks for private types in public interfaces
-struct Priv;
-pub use self::private::public;
-mod private {
-    pub type Priv = super::Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
-    pub fn public(_x: Priv) {
-    }
-struct __CFArray;
-pub type CFArrayRef = *const __CFArray; //~ WARN private type in public interface
-trait Pointer { type Pointee; }
-impl<T> Pointer for *const T { type Pointee = T; }
-pub type __CFArrayRevealed = <CFArrayRef as Pointer>::Pointee;
-//~^ WARN private type in public interface
-pub trait Exporter {
-    type Output;
-pub struct Helper;
-pub fn block() -> <Helper as Exporter>::Output {
-    struct Inner;
-    impl Inner {
-        fn poke(&self) { println!("Hello!"); }
-    }
-    impl Exporter for Helper {
-        type Output = Inner; //~ WARN private type in public interface
-    }
-    Inner
-fn main() { //~ ERROR compilation successful
-    block().poke();
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index 939f2400d1b..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-use std::marker;
-struct Private<T>(marker::PhantomData<T>);
-pub struct Public<T>(marker::PhantomData<T>);
-pub trait PubTrait {
-    type Output;
-type PrivAlias = Public<i8>;
-trait PrivTrait2 {
-    type Alias;
-impl PrivTrait2 for Private<isize> {
-    type Alias = Public<u8>;
-impl PubTrait for PrivAlias {
-    type Output = Private<isize>; //~ WARN private type in public interface
-impl PubTrait for <Private<isize> as PrivTrait2>::Alias {
-    type Output = Private<isize>; //~ WARN private type in public interface
-type PrivAliasPubType = u8;
-pub fn f1(_: PrivAliasPubType) {} // Ok, not an error
-type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Private<isize>> = T;
-pub fn f2(_: PrivAliasGeneric<u8>) {} // Ok, not an error
-fn main() {} //~ ERROR compilation successful
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index e9890dc32b7..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-use std::marker;
-struct Private<T>(marker::PhantomData<T>);
-pub struct Public<T>(marker::PhantomData<T>);
-impl Private<Public<isize>> {
-    pub fn a(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn b(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    pub fn c() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn d() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-impl Private<isize> {
-    pub fn e(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn f(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-impl Public<Private<isize>> {
-    pub fn a(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn b(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    pub fn c() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn d() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-impl Public<isize> {
-    pub fn e(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    fn f(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-pub fn x(_: Private<isize>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-fn y(_: Private<isize>) {}
-pub struct Foo {
-    pub x: Private<isize>, //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    y: Private<isize>
-struct Bar {
-    x: Private<isize>,
-pub enum Baz {
-    Baz1(Private<isize>), //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    Baz2 {
-        y: Private<isize> //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    },
-enum Qux {
-    Qux1(Private<isize>),
-    Qux2 {
-        x: Private<isize>,
-    }
-pub trait PubTrait {
-    fn foo(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!( )} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize>; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize>; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-impl PubTrait for Public<isize> {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() } // Warns in lint checking phase
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() } // Warns in lint checking phase
-impl PubTrait for Public<Private<isize>> {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-impl PubTrait for Private<isize> {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-impl PubTrait for (Private<isize>,) {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-    fn baz() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-trait PrivTrait {
-    fn foo(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!( )}
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize>;
-impl PrivTrait for Private<isize> {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-impl PrivTrait for (Private<isize>,) {
-    fn bar(&self) -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-pub trait ParamTrait<T> {
-    fn foo() -> T;
-impl ParamTrait<Private<isize>>
-   for Public<isize> {
-    fn foo() -> Private<isize> { panic!() }
-impl ParamTrait<Private<isize>> for Private<isize> {
-    fn foo() -> Private<isize> { panic!( )}
-impl<T: ParamTrait<Private<isize>>>  //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-     ParamTrait<T> for Public<i8> {
-    fn foo() -> T { panic!() }
-type PrivAliasPrivType = Private<isize>;
-pub fn f1(_: PrivAliasPrivType) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Private<isize>> = T;
-pub fn f2(_: PrivAliasGeneric) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
-type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Private<isize>>;
-pub fn f3(_: Result<u8>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index cca6143ed40..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-// Test that we properly check for private types in public signatures, even
-// inside a private module (#22261).
-mod a {
-    struct Priv;
-    pub fn expose_a() -> Priv { //~Error: private type in public interface
-        panic!();
-    }
-    mod b {
-        pub fn expose_b() -> super::Priv { //~Error: private type in public interface
-            panic!();
-        }
-    }
-pub fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
similarity index 100%
rename from src/test/compile-fail/
rename to src/test/compile-fail/
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..8128fde4de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+// Private types and traits are not allowed in public interfaces.
+// This test also ensures that the checks are performed even inside private modules.
+mod types {
+    struct Priv;
+    pub struct Pub;
+    pub trait PubTr {
+        type Alias;
+    }
+    pub type Alias = Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    pub enum E {
+        V1(Priv), //~ WARN private type in public interface
+        V2 { field: Priv }, //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+    pub trait Tr {
+        const C: Priv = Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+        type Alias = Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+        fn f1(arg: Priv) {} //~ WARN private type in public interface
+        fn f2() -> Priv { panic!() } //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+    extern {
+        pub static ES: Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+        pub fn ef1(arg: Priv); //~ WARN private type in public interface
+        pub fn ef2() -> Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+    impl PubTr for Pub {
+        type Alias = Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+mod traits {
+    trait PrivTr {}
+    pub struct Pub<T>(T);
+    pub trait PubTr {}
+    pub type Alias<T: PrivTr> = T; //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    //~^ WARN trait bounds are not (yet) enforced in type definitions
+    pub trait Tr1: PrivTr {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    pub trait Tr2<T: PrivTr> {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    pub trait Tr3 {
+        type Alias: PrivTr; //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+        fn f<T: PrivTr>(arg: T) {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    }
+    impl<T: PrivTr> Pub<T> {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    impl<T: PrivTr> PubTr for Pub<T> {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+mod traits_where {
+    trait PrivTr {}
+    pub struct Pub<T>(T);
+    pub trait PubTr {}
+    pub type Alias<T> where T: PrivTr = T; //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    pub trait Tr2<T> where T: PrivTr {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    pub trait Tr3 {
+        fn f<T>(arg: T) where T: PrivTr {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    }
+    impl<T> Pub<T> where T: PrivTr {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    impl<T> PubTr for Pub<T> where T: PrivTr {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+mod generics {
+    struct Priv<T = u8>(T);
+    pub struct Pub<T = u8>(T);
+    trait PrivTr<T> {}
+    pub trait PubTr<T> {}
+    pub trait Tr1: PrivTr<Pub> {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    pub trait Tr2: PubTr<Priv> {} //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    pub trait Tr3: PubTr<[Priv; 1]> {} //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    pub trait Tr4: PubTr<Pub<Priv>> {} //~ WARN private type in public interface
+mod impls {
+    struct Priv;
+    pub struct Pub;
+    trait PrivTr {
+        type Alias;
+    }
+    pub trait PubTr {
+        type Alias;
+    }
+    impl Priv {
+        pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
+    }
+    impl PrivTr for Priv {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PubTr for Priv {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PrivTr for Pub {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PubTr for Pub {
+        type Alias = Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+mod impls_generics {
+    struct Priv<T = u8>(T);
+    pub struct Pub<T = u8>(T);
+    trait PrivTr<T = u8> {
+        type Alias;
+    }
+    pub trait PubTr<T = u8> {
+        type Alias;
+    }
+    impl Priv<Pub> {
+        pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
+    }
+    impl Pub<Priv> {
+        pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
+    }
+    impl PrivTr<Pub> for Priv {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PubTr<Priv> for Priv {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PubTr for Priv<Pub> {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PubTr for [Priv; 1] {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PubTr for Pub<Priv> {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PrivTr<Pub> for Pub {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PubTr<Priv> for Pub {
+        type Alias = Priv; // OK
+    }
+mod aliases_pub {
+    struct Priv;
+    mod m {
+        pub struct Pub1;
+        pub struct Pub2;
+        pub struct Pub3;
+        pub trait PubTr<T = u8> {
+            type Check = u8;
+        }
+    }
+    use self::m::Pub1 as PrivUseAlias;
+    use self::m::PubTr as PrivUseAliasTr;
+    type PrivAlias = m::Pub2;
+    trait PrivTr {
+        type AssocAlias = m::Pub3;
+    }
+    impl PrivTr for Priv {}
+    pub fn f1(arg: PrivUseAlias) {} // OK
+    pub fn f2(arg: PrivAlias) {} // OK
+    pub trait Tr1: PrivUseAliasTr {} // OK
+    pub trait Tr2: PrivUseAliasTr<PrivAlias> {} // OK
+    impl PrivAlias {
+        pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+    // This doesn't even parse
+    // impl <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias {
+    //     pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // WARN private type in public interface
+    // }
+    impl PrivUseAliasTr for PrivUseAlias {
+        type Check = Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+    impl PrivUseAliasTr for PrivAlias {
+        type Check = Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+    impl PrivUseAliasTr for <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias {
+        type Check = Priv; //~ WARN private type in public interface
+    }
+mod aliases_priv {
+    struct Priv;
+    struct Priv1;
+    struct Priv2;
+    struct Priv3;
+    trait PrivTr1<T = u8> {
+        type Check = u8;
+    }
+    use self::Priv1 as PrivUseAlias;
+    use self::PrivTr1 as PrivUseAliasTr;
+    type PrivAlias = Priv2;
+    //~^ WARN private type in public interface
+    trait PrivTr {
+        type AssocAlias = Priv3;
+    }
+    impl PrivTr for Priv {}
+    pub trait Tr1: PrivUseAliasTr {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+    pub trait Tr2: PrivUseAliasTr<PrivAlias> {} //~ WARN private trait in public interface
+     //~^ WARN private type in public interface
+    impl PrivUseAlias {
+        pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
+    }
+    impl PrivAlias {
+        pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
+    }
+    // This doesn't even parse
+    // impl <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias {
+    //     pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} // OK
+    // }
+    impl PrivUseAliasTr for PrivUseAlias {
+        type Check = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PrivUseAliasTr for PrivAlias {
+        type Check = Priv; // OK
+    }
+    impl PrivUseAliasTr for <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias {
+        type Check = Priv; // OK
+    }
+mod aliases_params {
+    struct Priv;
+    type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Priv> = T;
+    type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Priv>;
+    pub fn f1(arg: PrivAliasGeneric<u8>) {} // OK, not an error
+fn main() {} //~ ERROR compilation successful
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7d4dcfd3145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+//> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+// Private types and traits are not allowed in public interfaces.
+// This test also ensures that the checks are performed even inside private modules.
+mod types {
+    struct Priv;
+    pub struct Pub;
+    pub trait PubTr {
+        type Alias;
+    }
+    pub const C: Priv = Priv; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub static S: Priv = Priv; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub fn f1(arg: Priv) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub fn f2() -> Priv { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub struct S1(pub Priv); //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub struct S2 { pub field: Priv } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    impl Pub {
+        pub const C: Priv = Priv; //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+        pub fn f1(arg: Priv) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+        pub fn f2() -> Priv { panic!() } //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    }
+mod traits {
+    trait PrivTr {}
+    pub struct Pub<T>(T);
+    pub trait PubTr {}
+    pub enum E<T: PrivTr> { V(T) } //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
+    pub fn f<T: PrivTr>(arg: T) {} //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
+    pub struct S1<T: PrivTr>(T); //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
+    impl<T: PrivTr> Pub<T> {
+        pub fn f<U: PrivTr>(arg: U) {} //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
+    }
+mod traits_where {
+    trait PrivTr {}
+    pub struct Pub<T>(T);
+    pub trait PubTr {}
+    pub enum E<T> where T: PrivTr { V(T) } //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
+    pub fn f<T>(arg: T) where T: PrivTr {} //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
+    pub struct S1<T>(T) where T: PrivTr; //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
+    impl<T> Pub<T> where T: PrivTr {
+        pub fn f<U>(arg: U) where U: PrivTr {} //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
+    }
+mod generics {
+    struct Priv<T = u8>(T);
+    pub struct Pub<T = u8>(T);
+    trait PrivTr<T> {}
+    pub trait PubTr<T> {}
+    pub fn f1(arg: [Priv; 1]) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub fn f2(arg: Pub<Priv>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub fn f3(arg: Priv<Pub>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+mod impls {
+    struct Priv;
+    pub struct Pub;
+    trait PrivTr {
+        type Alias;
+    }
+    pub trait PubTr {
+        type Alias;
+    }
+    impl Pub {
+        pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    }
+mod aliases_pub {
+    struct Priv;
+    mod m {
+        pub struct Pub1;
+        pub struct Pub2;
+        pub struct Pub3;
+        pub trait PubTr<T = u8> {
+            type Check = u8;
+        }
+    }
+    use self::m::Pub1 as PrivUseAlias;
+    use self::m::PubTr as PrivUseAliasTr;
+    type PrivAlias = m::Pub2;
+    trait PrivTr {
+        type AssocAlias = m::Pub3;
+    }
+    impl PrivTr for Priv {}
+    // This should be OK, but associated type aliases are not substituted yet
+    pub fn f3(arg: <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    impl PrivUseAlias {
+        pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    }
+mod aliases_priv {
+    struct Priv;
+    struct Priv1;
+    struct Priv2;
+    struct Priv3;
+    trait PrivTr1<T = u8> {
+        type Check = u8;
+    }
+    use self::Priv1 as PrivUseAlias;
+    use self::PrivTr1 as PrivUseAliasTr;
+    type PrivAlias = Priv2;
+    trait PrivTr {
+        type AssocAlias = Priv3;
+    }
+    impl PrivTr for Priv {}
+    pub fn f1(arg: PrivUseAlias) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub fn f2(arg: PrivAlias) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub fn f3(arg: <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+mod aliases_params {
+    struct Priv;
+    type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Priv> = T;
+    type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Priv>;
+    pub fn f2(arg: PrivAliasGeneric) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+    pub fn f3(arg: Result<u8>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
+fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index 23e05479228..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-trait Foo {
-    fn dummy(&self) { }
-pub fn f<
-    T
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
->() {}
-pub fn g<T>() where
-    T
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
-pub struct S;
-impl S {
-    pub fn f<
-        T
-        : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
-    >() {}
-    pub fn g<T>() where
-        T
-        : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
-    {}
-pub struct S1<
-    T
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
-> {
-    x: T
-pub struct S2<T> where
-    T
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
-    x: T
-pub enum E1<
-    T
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
-> {
-    V1(T)
-pub enum E2<T> where
-    T
-    : Foo //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
-    V2(T)
-fn main() {}
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6de627a698a..00000000000
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
-// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
-//> or the MIT license
-// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
-// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
-// except according to those terms.
-trait Foo {
-    fn dummy(&self) { }
-pub trait Bar : Foo {} //~ ERROR private trait in public interface
-fn main() {}

From 785cbe02008985f98fee2a013f2d308207ca596f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Vadim Petrochenkov <>
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 2015 20:57:36 +0300
Subject: [PATCH 12/12] Do not substitute type aliases during error reporting
 Type aliases are still substituted when determining impl publicity

 src/librustc_privacy/                     | 6 ++++++
 src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/        | 2 +-
 src/test/compile-fail/ | 7 ++-----
 src/test/compile-fail/      | 4 ++++
 4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/librustc_privacy/ b/src/librustc_privacy/
index 81abf351544..9a869b24b8f 100644
--- a/src/librustc_privacy/
+++ b/src/librustc_privacy/
@@ -1463,6 +1463,12 @@ struct SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx: 'a> {
 impl<'a, 'tcx: 'a> SearchInterfaceForPrivateItemsVisitor<'a, 'tcx> {
     // Check if the type alias contain private types when substituted
     fn is_public_type_alias(&self, item: &hir::Item, path: &hir::Path) -> bool {
+        // We substitute type aliases only when determining impl publicity
+        // FIXME: This will probably change and all type aliases will be substituted,
+        // requires an amendment to RFC 136.
+        if !self.is_quiet {
+            return false
+        }
         // Type alias is considered public if the aliased type is
         // public, even if the type alias itself is private. So, something
         // like `type A = u8; pub fn f() -> A {...}` doesn't cause an error.
diff --git a/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/ b/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
index 8f60be3fab3..44b161a7575 100644
--- a/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
+++ b/src/librustc_trans/back/msvc/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ use std::os::windows::prelude::*;
 use std::ptr;
 use libc::{c_void, c_long};
-type DWORD = u32;
+pub type DWORD = u32;
 type LPCWSTR = *const u16;
 type LONG = c_long;
 type LPDWORD = *mut DWORD;
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 8128fde4de5..2d1de3ca282 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ mod aliases_pub {
     impl PrivTr for Priv {}
     pub fn f1(arg: PrivUseAlias) {} // OK
-    pub fn f2(arg: PrivAlias) {} // OK
     pub trait Tr1: PrivUseAliasTr {} // OK
-    pub trait Tr2: PrivUseAliasTr<PrivAlias> {} // OK
+    // This should be OK, if type aliases are substituted
+    pub trait Tr2: PrivUseAliasTr<PrivAlias> {} //~ WARN private type in public interface
     impl PrivAlias {
         pub fn f(arg: Priv) {} //~ WARN private type in public interface
@@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ mod aliases_priv {
     use self::Priv1 as PrivUseAlias;
     use self::PrivTr1 as PrivUseAliasTr;
     type PrivAlias = Priv2;
-    //~^ WARN private type in public interface
     trait PrivTr {
         type AssocAlias = Priv3;
@@ -246,8 +245,6 @@ mod aliases_params {
     struct Priv;
     type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Priv> = T;
     type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Priv>;
-    pub fn f1(arg: PrivAliasGeneric<u8>) {} // OK, not an error
diff --git a/src/test/compile-fail/ b/src/test/compile-fail/
index 7d4dcfd3145..be22a2ef6a7 100644
--- a/src/test/compile-fail/
+++ b/src/test/compile-fail/
@@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ mod aliases_pub {
     impl PrivTr for Priv {}
+    // This should be OK, if type aliases are substituted
+    pub fn f2(arg: PrivAlias) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
     // This should be OK, but associated type aliases are not substituted yet
     pub fn f3(arg: <Priv as PrivTr>::AssocAlias) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
@@ -141,6 +143,8 @@ mod aliases_params {
     type PrivAliasGeneric<T = Priv> = T;
     type Result<T> = ::std::result::Result<T, Priv>;
+    // This should be OK, if type aliases are substituted
+    pub fn f1(arg: PrivAliasGeneric<u8>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
     pub fn f2(arg: PrivAliasGeneric) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface
     pub fn f3(arg: Result<u8>) {} //~ ERROR private type in public interface