Demonstration test for MIR building of checked shift operators
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// compile-flags: -C debug-assertions=yes
// EMIT_MIR shifts.shift_signed.built.after.mir
fn shift_signed(small: i8, big: u128, a: i8, b: i32, c: i128) -> ([i8; 3], [u128; 3]) {
[small >> a, small >> b, small >> c],
[big << a, big << b, big << c],
// EMIT_MIR shifts.shift_unsigned.built.after.mir
fn shift_unsigned(small: u8, big: i128, a: u8, b: u32, c: u128) -> ([u8; 3], [i128; 3]) {
[small >> a, small >> b, small >> c],
[big << a, big << b, big << c],
fn main() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// MIR for `shift_signed` after built
fn shift_signed(_1: i8, _2: u128, _3: i8, _4: i32, _5: i128) -> ([i8; 3], [u128; 3]) {
debug small => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:22
debug big => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:31
debug a => _3; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:40
debug b => _4; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:47
debug c => _5; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:55
let mut _0: ([i8; 3], [u128; 3]); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:86
let mut _6: [i8; 3]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
let mut _7: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
let mut _8: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:15
let mut _9: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
let mut _10: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
let mut _11: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
let mut _12: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
let mut _13: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:27
let mut _14: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
let mut _15: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
let mut _16: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
let mut _17: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
let mut _18: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:39
let mut _19: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
let mut _20: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
let mut _21: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
let mut _22: [u128; 3]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
let mut _23: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
let mut _24: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:13
let mut _25: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
let mut _26: i8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
let mut _27: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
let mut _28: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
let mut _29: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:23
let mut _30: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
let mut _31: i32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
let mut _32: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
let mut _33: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
let mut _34: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:33
let mut _35: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
let mut _36: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
let mut _37: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
bb0: {
StorageLive(_6); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageLive(_7); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
StorageLive(_8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:15
_8 = _1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:15
StorageLive(_9); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
_9 = _3; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
_10 = BitAnd(_9, const -8_i8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
_11 = Ne(move _10, const 0_i8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
assert(!move _11, "attempt to shift right by `{}`, which would overflow", _9) -> [success: bb1, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
bb1: {
_7 = Shr(move _8, move _9); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
StorageDead(_9); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
StorageDead(_8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
StorageLive(_12); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
StorageLive(_13); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:27
_13 = _1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:27
StorageLive(_14); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
_14 = _4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
_15 = BitAnd(_14, const -8_i32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
_16 = Ne(move _15, const 0_i32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
assert(!move _16, "attempt to shift right by `{}`, which would overflow", _14) -> [success: bb2, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
bb2: {
_12 = Shr(move _13, move _14); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
StorageDead(_14); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
StorageDead(_13); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
StorageLive(_17); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
StorageLive(_18); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:39
_18 = _1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:39
StorageLive(_19); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
_19 = _5; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
_20 = BitAnd(_19, const -8_i128); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
_21 = Ne(move _20, const 0_i128); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
assert(!move _21, "attempt to shift right by `{}`, which would overflow", _19) -> [success: bb3, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
bb3: {
_17 = Shr(move _18, move _19); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
StorageDead(_19); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
StorageDead(_18); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
_6 = [move _7, move _12, move _17]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageDead(_17); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageDead(_12); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageDead(_7); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageLive(_22); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
StorageLive(_23); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
StorageLive(_24); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:13
_24 = _2; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:13
StorageLive(_25); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
_25 = _3; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
_26 = BitAnd(_25, const i8::MIN); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
_27 = Ne(move _26, const 0_i8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
assert(!move _27, "attempt to shift left by `{}`, which would overflow", _25) -> [success: bb4, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
bb4: {
_23 = Shl(move _24, move _25); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
StorageDead(_25); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
StorageDead(_24); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
StorageLive(_28); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
StorageLive(_29); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:23
_29 = _2; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:23
StorageLive(_30); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
_30 = _4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
_31 = BitAnd(_30, const -128_i32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
_32 = Ne(move _31, const 0_i32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
assert(!move _32, "attempt to shift left by `{}`, which would overflow", _30) -> [success: bb5, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
bb5: {
_28 = Shl(move _29, move _30); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
StorageDead(_30); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
StorageDead(_29); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
StorageLive(_33); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
StorageLive(_34); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:33
_34 = _2; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:33
StorageLive(_35); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
_35 = _5; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
_36 = BitAnd(_35, const -128_i128); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
_37 = Ne(move _36, const 0_i128); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
assert(!move _37, "attempt to shift left by `{}`, which would overflow", _35) -> [success: bb6, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
bb6: {
_33 = Shl(move _34, move _35); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
StorageDead(_35); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
StorageDead(_34); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
_22 = [move _23, move _28, move _33]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
StorageDead(_33); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
StorageDead(_28); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
StorageDead(_23); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
_0 = (move _6, move _22); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
StorageDead(_22); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
StorageDead(_6); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:2
bb7 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:2
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// MIR for `shift_unsigned` after built
fn shift_unsigned(_1: u8, _2: i128, _3: u8, _4: u32, _5: u128) -> ([u8; 3], [i128; 3]) {
debug small => _1; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:24
debug big => _2; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:33
debug a => _3; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:42
debug b => _4; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:49
debug c => _5; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:57
let mut _0: ([u8; 3], [i128; 3]); // return place in scope 0 at $DIR/ +0:88
let mut _6: [u8; 3]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
let mut _7: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
let mut _8: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:15
let mut _9: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
let mut _10: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
let mut _11: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
let mut _12: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
let mut _13: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:27
let mut _14: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
let mut _15: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
let mut _16: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
let mut _17: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
let mut _18: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:39
let mut _19: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
let mut _20: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
let mut _21: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
let mut _22: [i128; 3]; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
let mut _23: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
let mut _24: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:13
let mut _25: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
let mut _26: u8; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
let mut _27: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
let mut _28: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
let mut _29: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:23
let mut _30: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
let mut _31: u32; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
let mut _32: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
let mut _33: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
let mut _34: i128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:33
let mut _35: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
let mut _36: u128; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
let mut _37: bool; // in scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
bb0: {
StorageLive(_6); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageLive(_7); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
StorageLive(_8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:15
_8 = _1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:15
StorageLive(_9); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
_9 = _3; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
_10 = BitAnd(_9, const 248_u8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
_11 = Ne(move _10, const 0_u8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
assert(!move _11, "attempt to shift right by `{}`, which would overflow", _9) -> [success: bb1, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
bb1: {
_7 = Shr(move _8, move _9); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
StorageDead(_9); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
StorageDead(_8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:20
StorageLive(_12); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
StorageLive(_13); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:27
_13 = _1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:27
StorageLive(_14); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
_14 = _4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
_15 = BitAnd(_14, const 4294967288_u32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
_16 = Ne(move _15, const 0_u32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
assert(!move _16, "attempt to shift right by `{}`, which would overflow", _14) -> [success: bb2, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
bb2: {
_12 = Shr(move _13, move _14); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
StorageDead(_14); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
StorageDead(_13); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:32
StorageLive(_17); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
StorageLive(_18); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:39
_18 = _1; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:39
StorageLive(_19); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
_19 = _5; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
_20 = BitAnd(_19, const 340282366920938463463374607431768211448_u128); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
_21 = Ne(move _20, const 0_u128); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
assert(!move _21, "attempt to shift right by `{}`, which would overflow", _19) -> [success: bb3, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
bb3: {
_17 = Shr(move _18, move _19); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
StorageDead(_19); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
StorageDead(_18); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:44
_6 = [move _7, move _12, move _17]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageDead(_17); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageDead(_12); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageDead(_7); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +2:45
StorageLive(_22); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
StorageLive(_23); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
StorageLive(_24); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:13
_24 = _2; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:13
StorageLive(_25); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
_25 = _3; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
_26 = BitAnd(_25, const 128_u8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
_27 = Ne(move _26, const 0_u8); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
assert(!move _27, "attempt to shift left by `{}`, which would overflow", _25) -> [success: bb4, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
bb4: {
_23 = Shl(move _24, move _25); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
StorageDead(_25); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
StorageDead(_24); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:18
StorageLive(_28); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
StorageLive(_29); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:23
_29 = _2; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:23
StorageLive(_30); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
_30 = _4; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
_31 = BitAnd(_30, const 4294967168_u32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
_32 = Ne(move _31, const 0_u32); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
assert(!move _32, "attempt to shift left by `{}`, which would overflow", _30) -> [success: bb5, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
bb5: {
_28 = Shl(move _29, move _30); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
StorageDead(_30); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
StorageDead(_29); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:28
StorageLive(_33); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
StorageLive(_34); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:33
_34 = _2; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:33
StorageLive(_35); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
_35 = _5; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
_36 = BitAnd(_35, const 340282366920938463463374607431768211328_u128); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
_37 = Ne(move _36, const 0_u128); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
assert(!move _37, "attempt to shift left by `{}`, which would overflow", _35) -> [success: bb6, unwind: bb7]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
bb6: {
_33 = Shl(move _34, move _35); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
StorageDead(_35); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
StorageDead(_34); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:38
_22 = [move _23, move _28, move _33]; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
StorageDead(_33); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
StorageDead(_28); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
StorageDead(_23); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +3:39
_0 = (move _6, move _22); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
StorageDead(_22); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
StorageDead(_6); // scope 0 at $DIR/ +4:6
return; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:2
bb7 (cleanup): {
resume; // scope 0 at $DIR/ +5:2
Reference in New Issue
Block a user