serialize: add json bounds checks, support for u64s, and tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -209,8 +209,9 @@ use Encodable;
/// Represents a json value
#[deriving(Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
pub enum Json {
@ -837,8 +838,9 @@ impl<'a> ::Encoder<io::IoError> for PrettyEncoder<'a> {
impl<E: ::Encoder<S>, S> Encodable<E, S> for Json {
fn encode(&self, e: &mut E) -> Result<(), S> {
match *self {
Integer(v) => v.encode(e),
Floating(v) => v.encode(e),
I64(v) => v.encode(e),
U64(v) => v.encode(e),
F64(v) => v.encode(e),
String(ref v) => v.encode(e),
Boolean(v) => v.encode(e),
List(ref v) => v.encode(e),
@ -961,7 +963,7 @@ impl Json {
/// Returns true if the Json value is a Number. Returns false otherwise.
pub fn is_number(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Integer(_) | Floating(_) => true,
I64(_) | U64(_) | F64(_) => true,
_ => false,
@ -969,7 +971,15 @@ impl Json {
/// Returns true if the Json value is a i64. Returns false otherwise.
pub fn is_i64(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Integer(_) => true,
I64(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// Returns true if the Json value is a u64. Returns false otherwise.
pub fn is_u64(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
U64(_) => true,
_ => false,
@ -977,25 +987,38 @@ impl Json {
/// Returns true if the Json value is a f64. Returns false otherwise.
pub fn is_f64(&self) -> bool {
match *self {
Floating(_) => true,
F64(_) => true,
_ => false,
/// If the Json value is a Integer, returns the associated i64.
/// If the Json value is a number, return or cast it to a i64.
/// Returns None otherwise.
pub fn as_i64(&self) -> Option<i64> {
match *self {
Integer(n) => Some(n),
I64(n) => Some(n),
U64(n) => num::cast(n),
_ => None
/// If the Json value is a Floating, returns the associated f64.
/// If the Json value is a number, return or cast it to a u64.
/// Returns None otherwise.
pub fn as_u64(&self) -> Option<u64> {
match *self {
I64(n) => num::cast(n),
U64(n) => Some(n),
_ => None
/// If the Json value is a number, return or cast it to a f64.
/// Returns None otherwise.
pub fn as_f64(&self) -> Option<f64> {
match *self {
Floating(n) => Some(n),
I64(n) => num::cast(n),
U64(n) => num::cast(n),
F64(n) => Some(n),
_ => None
@ -1037,8 +1060,9 @@ pub enum JsonEvent {
@ -1289,14 +1313,14 @@ impl<T: Iterator<char>> Parser<T> {
fn parse_number(&mut self) -> JsonEvent {
let mut neg = 1;
let mut neg = false;
if self.ch_is('-') {
neg = -1;
neg = true;
let res = match self.parse_i64() {
let res = match self.parse_u64() {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(e) => { return Error(e); }
@ -1318,14 +1342,30 @@ impl<T: Iterator<char>> Parser<T> {
FloatingValue((neg as f64) * res)
if neg {
res *= -1.0;
} else {
IntegerValue(neg * res)
if neg {
let res = -(res as i64);
// Make sure we didn't underflow.
if res > 0 {
Error(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, self.line, self.col))
} else {
} else {
fn parse_i64(&mut self) -> Result<i64, ParserError> {
let mut res = 0;
fn parse_u64(&mut self) -> Result<u64, ParserError> {
let mut accum = 0;
let last_accum = 0; // necessary to detect overflow.
match self.ch_or_null() {
'0' => {
@ -1341,8 +1381,12 @@ impl<T: Iterator<char>> Parser<T> {
while !self.eof() {
match self.ch_or_null() {
c @ '0' .. '9' => {
res *= 10;
res += (c as i64) - ('0' as i64);
accum *= 10;
accum += (c as u64) - ('0' as u64);
// Detect overflow by comparing to the last value.
if accum <= last_accum { return self.error(InvalidNumber); }
_ => break,
@ -1351,7 +1395,8 @@ impl<T: Iterator<char>> Parser<T> {
_ => return self.error(InvalidNumber),
fn parse_decimal(&mut self, mut res: f64) -> Result<f64, ParserError> {
@ -1764,8 +1809,9 @@ impl<T: Iterator<char>> Builder<T> {
fn build_value(&mut self) -> Result<Json, BuilderError> {
return match self.token {
Some(NullValue) => { Ok(Null) }
Some(IntegerValue(n)) => { Ok(Integer(n)) }
Some(FloatingValue(n)) => { Ok(Floating(n)) }
Some(I64Value(n)) => { Ok(I64(n)) }
Some(U64Value(n)) => { Ok(U64(n)) }
Some(F64Value(n)) => { Ok(F64(n)) }
Some(BooleanValue(b)) => { Ok(Boolean(b)) }
Some(StringValue(ref mut s)) => {
let mut temp = String::new();
@ -1880,47 +1926,64 @@ macro_rules! expect(
macro_rules! read_primitive {
($name:ident, $ty:ty) => {
fn $name(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<$ty> {
match self.pop() {
I64(f) => {
match num::cast(f) {
Some(f) => Ok(f),
None => Err(ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), format!("{}", f))),
U64(f) => {
match num::cast(f) {
Some(f) => Ok(f),
None => Err(ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), format!("{}", f))),
F64(f) => {
match num::cast(f) {
Some(f) => Ok(f),
None => Err(ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), format!("{}", f))),
String(s) => {
// re: #12967.. a type w/ numeric keys (ie HashMap<uint, V> etc)
// is going to have a string here, as per JSON spec.
value => Err(ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), format!("{}", value)))
impl ::Decoder<DecoderError> for Decoder {
fn read_nil(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<()> {
expect!(self.pop(), Null)
fn read_u64(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<u64 > { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as u64) }
fn read_u32(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<u32 > { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as u32) }
fn read_u16(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<u16 > { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as u16) }
fn read_u8 (&mut self) -> DecodeResult<u8 > { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as u8) }
fn read_uint(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<uint> { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as uint) }
read_primitive!(read_uint, uint)
read_primitive!(read_u8, u8)
read_primitive!(read_u16, u16)
read_primitive!(read_u32, u32)
read_primitive!(read_u64, u64)
read_primitive!(read_int, int)
read_primitive!(read_i8, i8)
read_primitive!(read_i16, i16)
read_primitive!(read_i32, i32)
read_primitive!(read_i64, i64)
fn read_i64(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<i64> {
match self.pop() {
Integer(f) => Ok(f),
Floating(f) => Ok(f as i64),
String(s) => {
// re: #12967.. a type w/ numeric keys (ie HashMap<uint, V> etc)
// is going to have a string here, as per JSON spec.
value => Err(ExpectedError("Number".to_string(), format!("{}", value)))
fn read_i32(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<i32> { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as i32) }
fn read_i16(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<i16> { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as i16) }
fn read_i8 (&mut self) -> DecodeResult<i8 > { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as i8) }
fn read_int(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<int> { Ok(try!(self.read_f64()) as int) }
fn read_bool(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<bool> {
expect!(self.pop(), Boolean)
fn read_f32(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<f32> { self.read_f64().map(|x| x as f32) }
fn read_f64(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<f64> {
match self.pop() {
Integer(f) => Ok(f as f64),
Floating(f) => Ok(f),
I64(f) => Ok(f as f64),
U64(f) => Ok(f as f64),
F64(f) => Ok(f),
String(s) => {
// re: #12967.. a type w/ numeric keys (ie HashMap<uint, V> etc)
// is going to have a string here, as per JSON spec.
@ -1931,7 +1994,10 @@ impl ::Decoder<DecoderError> for Decoder {
fn read_f32(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<f32> { self.read_f64().map(|x| x as f32) }
fn read_bool(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<bool> {
expect!(self.pop(), Boolean)
fn read_char(&mut self) -> DecodeResult<char> {
let s = try!(self.read_str());
@ -2142,15 +2208,25 @@ pub trait ToJson {
fn to_json(&self) -> Json;
macro_rules! to_json_impl(
macro_rules! to_json_impl_i64(
($($t:ty), +) => (
$(impl ToJson for $t {
fn to_json(&self) -> Json { Integer(*self as i64) }
fn to_json(&self) -> Json { I64(*self as i64) }
to_json_impl!(int, i8, i16, i32, i64, uint, u8, u16, u32, u64)
to_json_impl_i64!(int, i8, i16, i32, i64)
macro_rules! to_json_impl_u64(
($($t:ty), +) => (
$(impl ToJson for $t {
fn to_json(&self) -> Json { U64(*self as u64) }
to_json_impl_u64!(uint, u8, u16, u32, u64)
impl ToJson for Json {
fn to_json(&self) -> Json { self.clone() }
@ -2164,7 +2240,7 @@ impl ToJson for f64 {
fn to_json(&self) -> Json {
match self.classify() {
FPNaN | FPInfinite => Null,
_ => Floating(*self)
_ => F64(*self)
@ -2268,16 +2344,16 @@ mod tests {
extern crate test;
use self::test::Bencher;
use {Encodable, Decodable};
use super::{Encoder, Decoder, Error, Boolean, Integer, Floating, List, String, Null,
use super::{Encoder, Decoder, Error, Boolean, I64, U64, F64, List, String, Null,
PrettyEncoder, Object, Json, from_str, ParseError, ExpectedError,
MissingFieldError, UnknownVariantError, DecodeResult, DecoderError,
JsonEvent, Parser, StackElement,
ObjectStart, ObjectEnd, ListStart, ListEnd, BooleanValue, IntegerValue, FloatingValue,
StringValue, NullValue, SyntaxError, Key, Index, Stack,
ObjectStart, ObjectEnd, ListStart, ListEnd, BooleanValue, U64Value,
F64Value, StringValue, NullValue, SyntaxError, Key, Index, Stack,
InvalidSyntax, InvalidNumber, EOFWhileParsingObject, EOFWhileParsingList,
EOFWhileParsingValue, EOFWhileParsingString, KeyMustBeAString, ExpectedColon,
use std::{f32, f64, io};
use std::{i64, u64, f32, f64, io};
use std::collections::TreeMap;
#[deriving(PartialEq, Encodable, Decodable, Show)]
@ -2324,38 +2400,38 @@ mod tests {
fn test_write_i64() {
assert_eq!(Integer(0).to_string().into_string(), "0".to_string());
assert_eq!(Integer(0).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "0".to_string());
assert_eq!(U64(0).to_string().into_string(), "0".to_string());
assert_eq!(U64(0).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "0".to_string());
assert_eq!(Integer(1234).to_string().into_string(), "1234".to_string());
assert_eq!(Integer(1234).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "1234".to_string());
assert_eq!(U64(1234).to_string().into_string(), "1234".to_string());
assert_eq!(U64(1234).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "1234".to_string());
assert_eq!(Integer(-5678).to_string().into_string(), "-5678".to_string());
assert_eq!(Integer(-5678).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "-5678".to_string());
assert_eq!(I64(-5678).to_string().into_string(), "-5678".to_string());
assert_eq!(I64(-5678).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "-5678".to_string());
fn test_write_f64() {
assert_eq!(Floating(3.0).to_string().into_string(), "3".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(3.0).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "3".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(3.0).to_string().into_string(), "3".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(3.0).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "3".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(3.1).to_string().into_string(), "3.1".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(3.1).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "3.1".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(3.1).to_string().into_string(), "3.1".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(3.1).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "3.1".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(-1.5).to_string().into_string(), "-1.5".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(-1.5).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "-1.5".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(-1.5).to_string().into_string(), "-1.5".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(-1.5).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "-1.5".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(0.5).to_string().into_string(), "0.5".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(0.5).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "0.5".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(0.5).to_string().into_string(), "0.5".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(0.5).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "0.5".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(f64::NAN).to_string().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(f64::NAN).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(f64::NAN).to_string().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(f64::NAN).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(f64::INFINITY).to_string().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(f64::INFINITY).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(f64::INFINITY).to_string().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(f64::INFINITY).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(f64::NEG_INFINITY).to_string().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(Floating(f64::NEG_INFINITY).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(f64::NEG_INFINITY).to_string().into_string(), "null".to_string());
assert_eq!(F64(f64::NEG_INFINITY).to_pretty_str().into_string(), "null".to_string());
@ -2393,7 +2469,7 @@ mod tests {
let long_test_list = List(vec![
List(vec![String("foo\nbar".to_string()), Floating(3.5)])]);
List(vec![String("foo\nbar".to_string()), F64(3.5)])]);
@ -2608,14 +2684,21 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(from_str("1e"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 3)));
assert_eq!(from_str("1e+"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 4)));
assert_eq!(from_str("3"), Ok(Integer(3)));
assert_eq!(from_str("3.1"), Ok(Floating(3.1)));
assert_eq!(from_str("-1.2"), Ok(Floating(-1.2)));
assert_eq!(from_str("0.4"), Ok(Floating(0.4)));
assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e5"), Ok(Floating(0.4e5)));
assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e+15"), Ok(Floating(0.4e15)));
assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e-01"), Ok(Floating(0.4e-01)));
assert_eq!(from_str(" 3 "), Ok(Integer(3)));
assert_eq!(from_str("18446744073709551616"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 20)));
assert_eq!(from_str("-9223372036854775809"), Err(SyntaxError(InvalidNumber, 1, 21)));
assert_eq!(from_str("3"), Ok(U64(3)));
assert_eq!(from_str("3.1"), Ok(F64(3.1)));
assert_eq!(from_str("-1.2"), Ok(F64(-1.2)));
assert_eq!(from_str("0.4"), Ok(F64(0.4)));
assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e5"), Ok(F64(0.4e5)));
assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e+15"), Ok(F64(0.4e15)));
assert_eq!(from_str("0.4e-01"), Ok(F64(0.4e-01)));
assert_eq!(from_str(" 3 "), Ok(U64(3)));
assert_eq!(from_str("-9223372036854775808"), Ok(I64(i64::MIN)));
assert_eq!(from_str("9223372036854775807"), Ok(U64(i64::MAX as u64)));
assert_eq!(from_str("18446744073709551615"), Ok(U64(u64::MAX)));
@ -2640,6 +2723,18 @@ mod tests {
let v: f64 = super::decode("0.4e-01").unwrap();
assert_eq!(v, 0.4e-01);
let v: u64 = super::decode("0").unwrap();
assert_eq!(v, 0);
let v: u64 = super::decode("18446744073709551615").unwrap();
assert_eq!(v, u64::MAX);
let v: i64 = super::decode("-9223372036854775808").unwrap();
assert_eq!(v, i64::MIN);
let v: i64 = super::decode("9223372036854775807").unwrap();
assert_eq!(v, i64::MAX);
@ -2691,11 +2786,11 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(from_str("[ false ]"), Ok(List(vec![Boolean(false)])));
assert_eq!(from_str("[null]"), Ok(List(vec![Null])));
assert_eq!(from_str("[3, 1]"),
Ok(List(vec![Integer(3), Integer(1)])));
Ok(List(vec![U64(3), U64(1)])));
assert_eq!(from_str("\n[3, 2]\n"),
Ok(List(vec![Integer(3), Integer(2)])));
Ok(List(vec![U64(3), U64(2)])));
assert_eq!(from_str("[2, [4, 1]]"),
Ok(List(vec![Integer(2), List(vec![Integer(4), Integer(1)])])));
Ok(List(vec![U64(2), List(vec![U64(4), U64(1)])])));
@ -2733,7 +2828,7 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(from_str("{}").unwrap(), mk_object([]));
assert_eq!(from_str("{\"a\": 3}").unwrap(),
mk_object([("a".to_string(), Integer(3))]));
mk_object([("a".to_string(), U64(3))]));
"{ \"a\": null, \"b\" : true }").unwrap(),
@ -2747,7 +2842,7 @@ mod tests {
"{\"a\" : 1.0 ,\"b\": [ true ]}").unwrap(),
("a".to_string(), Floating(1.0)),
("a".to_string(), F64(1.0)),
("b".to_string(), List(vec![Boolean(true)]))
@ -2760,7 +2855,7 @@ mod tests {
("a".to_string(), Floating(1.0)),
("a".to_string(), F64(1.0)),
("b".to_string(), List(vec![
@ -2968,26 +3063,54 @@ mod tests {
fn test_is_i64(){
let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
fn test_is_u64(){
let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
fn test_is_f64(){
let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("12.0").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("-12.0").unwrap();
fn test_as_i64(){
let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
let json_value = from_str("-12").unwrap();
let json_num = json_value.as_i64();
assert_eq!(json_num, Some(-12));
fn test_as_u64(){
let json_value = from_str("12").unwrap();
let json_num = json_value.as_u64();
assert_eq!(json_num, Some(12));
@ -3105,12 +3228,12 @@ mod tests {
(ObjectStart, vec![]),
(StringValue("bar".to_string()), vec![Key("foo")]),
(ListStart, vec![Key("array")]),
(IntegerValue(0), vec![Key("array"), Index(0)]),
(IntegerValue(1), vec![Key("array"), Index(1)]),
(IntegerValue(2), vec![Key("array"), Index(2)]),
(IntegerValue(3), vec![Key("array"), Index(3)]),
(IntegerValue(4), vec![Key("array"), Index(4)]),
(IntegerValue(5), vec![Key("array"), Index(5)]),
(U64Value(0), vec![Key("array"), Index(0)]),
(U64Value(1), vec![Key("array"), Index(1)]),
(U64Value(2), vec![Key("array"), Index(2)]),
(U64Value(3), vec![Key("array"), Index(3)]),
(U64Value(4), vec![Key("array"), Index(4)]),
(U64Value(5), vec![Key("array"), Index(5)]),
(ListEnd, vec![Key("array")]),
(ListStart, vec![Key("idents")]),
(NullValue, vec![Key("idents"), Index(0)]),
@ -3154,7 +3277,7 @@ mod tests {
"{\"a\": 3}",
(ObjectStart, vec![]),
(IntegerValue(3), vec![Key("a")]),
(U64Value(3), vec![Key("a")]),
(ObjectEnd, vec![]),
@ -3171,7 +3294,7 @@ mod tests {
"{\"a\" : 1.0 ,\"b\": [ true ]}",
(ObjectStart, vec![]),
(FloatingValue(1.0), vec![Key("a")]),
(F64Value(1.0), vec![Key("a")]),
(ListStart, vec![Key("b")]),
(BooleanValue(true),vec![Key("b"), Index(0)]),
(ListEnd, vec![Key("b")]),
@ -3189,7 +3312,7 @@ mod tests {
(ObjectStart, vec![]),
(FloatingValue(1.0), vec![Key("a")]),
(F64Value(1.0), vec![Key("a")]),
(ListStart, vec![Key("b")]),
(BooleanValue(true), vec![Key("b"), Index(0)]),
(StringValue("foo\nbar".to_string()), vec![Key("b"), Index(1)]),
@ -3248,8 +3371,8 @@ mod tests {
"[3, 1]",
(ListStart, vec![]),
(IntegerValue(3), vec![Index(0)]),
(IntegerValue(1), vec![Index(1)]),
(U64Value(3), vec![Index(0)]),
(U64Value(1), vec![Index(1)]),
(ListEnd, vec![]),
@ -3257,8 +3380,8 @@ mod tests {
"\n[3, 2]\n",
(ListStart, vec![]),
(IntegerValue(3), vec![Index(0)]),
(IntegerValue(2), vec![Index(1)]),
(U64Value(3), vec![Index(0)]),
(U64Value(2), vec![Index(1)]),
(ListEnd, vec![]),
@ -3266,10 +3389,10 @@ mod tests {
"[2, [4, 1]]",
(ListStart, vec![]),
(IntegerValue(2), vec![Index(0)]),
(U64Value(2), vec![Index(0)]),
(ListStart, vec![Index(1)]),
(IntegerValue(4), vec![Index(1), Index(0)]),
(IntegerValue(1), vec![Index(1), Index(1)]),
(U64Value(4), vec![Index(1), Index(0)]),
(U64Value(1), vec![Index(1), Index(1)]),
(ListEnd, vec![Index(1)]),
(ListEnd, vec![]),
@ -3370,50 +3493,51 @@ mod tests {
use std::collections::{HashMap,TreeMap};
use super::ToJson;
let list2 = List(vec!(Integer(1), Integer(2)));
let list3 = List(vec!(Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3)));
let list2 = List(vec!(U64(1), U64(2)));
let list3 = List(vec!(U64(1), U64(2), U64(3)));
let object = {
let mut tree_map = TreeMap::new();
tree_map.insert("a".to_string(), Integer(1));
tree_map.insert("b".to_string(), Integer(2));
tree_map.insert("a".to_string(), U64(1));
tree_map.insert("b".to_string(), U64(2));
assert_eq!(list2.to_json(), list2);
assert_eq!(object.to_json(), object);
assert_eq!(3_i.to_json(), Integer(3));
assert_eq!(4_i8.to_json(), Integer(4));
assert_eq!(5_i16.to_json(), Integer(5));
assert_eq!(6_i32.to_json(), Integer(6));
assert_eq!(7_i64.to_json(), Integer(7));
assert_eq!(8_u.to_json(), Integer(8));
assert_eq!(9_u8.to_json(), Integer(9));
assert_eq!(10_u16.to_json(), Integer(10));
assert_eq!(11_u32.to_json(), Integer(11));
assert_eq!(12_u64.to_json(), Integer(12));
assert_eq!(13.0_f32.to_json(), Floating(13.0_f64));
assert_eq!(14.0_f64.to_json(), Floating(14.0_f64));
assert_eq!(3_i.to_json(), I64(3));
assert_eq!(4_i8.to_json(), I64(4));
assert_eq!(5_i16.to_json(), I64(5));
assert_eq!(6_i32.to_json(), I64(6));
assert_eq!(7_i64.to_json(), I64(7));
assert_eq!(8_u.to_json(), U64(8));
assert_eq!(9_u8.to_json(), U64(9));
assert_eq!(10_u16.to_json(), U64(10));
assert_eq!(11_u32.to_json(), U64(11));
assert_eq!(12_u64.to_json(), U64(12));
assert_eq!(13.0_f32.to_json(), F64(13.0_f64));
assert_eq!(14.0_f64.to_json(), F64(14.0_f64));
assert_eq!(().to_json(), Null);
assert_eq!(f32::INFINITY.to_json(), Null);
assert_eq!(f64::NAN.to_json(), Null);
assert_eq!(true.to_json(), Boolean(true));
assert_eq!(false.to_json(), Boolean(false));
assert_eq!("abc".to_string().to_json(), String("abc".to_string()));
assert_eq!((1i, 2i).to_json(), list2);
assert_eq!((1i, 2i, 3i).to_json(), list3);
assert_eq!([1i, 2].to_json(), list2);
assert_eq!((&[1i, 2, 3]).to_json(), list3);
assert_eq!((vec![1i, 2]).to_json(), list2);
assert_eq!(vec!(1i, 2i, 3i).to_json(), list3);
assert_eq!((1u, 2u).to_json(), list2);
assert_eq!((1u, 2u, 3u).to_json(), list3);
assert_eq!([1u, 2].to_json(), list2);
assert_eq!((&[1u, 2, 3]).to_json(), list3);
assert_eq!((vec![1u, 2]).to_json(), list2);
assert_eq!(vec!(1u, 2, 3).to_json(), list3);
let mut tree_map = TreeMap::new();
tree_map.insert("a".to_string(), 1i);
tree_map.insert("a".to_string(), 1u);
tree_map.insert("b".to_string(), 2);
assert_eq!(tree_map.to_json(), object);
let mut hash_map = HashMap::new();
hash_map.insert("a".to_string(), 1i);
hash_map.insert("a".to_string(), 1u);
hash_map.insert("b".to_string(), 2);
assert_eq!(hash_map.to_json(), object);
assert_eq!(Some(15i).to_json(), Integer(15));
assert_eq!(Some(15i).to_json(), I64(15));
assert_eq!(Some(15u).to_json(), U64(15));
assert_eq!(None::<int>.to_json(), Null);
@ -1103,8 +1103,8 @@ fn calc_result(desc: &TestDesc, task_succeeded: bool) -> TestResult {
impl ToJson for Metric {
fn to_json(&self) -> json::Json {
let mut map = TreeMap::new();
map.insert("value".to_string(), json::Floating(self.value));
map.insert("noise".to_string(), json::Floating(self.noise));
map.insert("value".to_string(), json::F64(self.value));
map.insert("noise".to_string(), json::F64(self.noise));
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