Pass the fmt! buffer to each conversion method
Achieves a little more speedup and avoids allocations around some strings in conv_str
This commit is contained in:
@ -470,6 +470,215 @@ pub mod ct {
// decisions made a runtime. If it proves worthwhile then some of these
// conditions can be evaluated at compile-time. For now though it's cleaner to
// implement it this way, I think.
pub mod rt {
use float;
use str;
use sys;
use int;
use uint;
use vec;
use option::{Some, None, Option};
pub const flag_none : u32 = 0u32;
pub const flag_left_justify : u32 = 0b00000000000001u32;
pub const flag_left_zero_pad : u32 = 0b00000000000010u32;
pub const flag_space_for_sign : u32 = 0b00000000000100u32;
pub const flag_sign_always : u32 = 0b00000000001000u32;
pub const flag_alternate : u32 = 0b00000000010000u32;
pub enum Count { CountIs(uint), CountImplied, }
pub enum Ty { TyDefault, TyBits, TyHexUpper, TyHexLower, TyOctal, }
pub struct Conv {
flags: u32,
width: Count,
precision: Count,
ty: Ty,
pub pure fn conv_int(cv: Conv, i: int, buf: &mut ~str) {
let radix = 10;
let prec = get_int_precision(cv);
let mut s : ~str = uint_to_str_prec(int::abs(i) as uint, radix, prec);
let head = if i >= 0 {
if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_sign_always) {
} else if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_space_for_sign) {
Some(' ')
} else {
} else { Some('-') };
unsafe { pad(cv, s, head, PadSigned, buf) };
pub pure fn conv_uint(cv: Conv, u: uint, buf: &mut ~str) {
let prec = get_int_precision(cv);
let mut rs =
match cv.ty {
TyDefault => uint_to_str_prec(u, 10, prec),
TyHexLower => uint_to_str_prec(u, 16, prec),
TyHexUpper => str::to_upper(uint_to_str_prec(u, 16, prec)),
TyBits => uint_to_str_prec(u, 2, prec),
TyOctal => uint_to_str_prec(u, 8, prec)
unsafe { pad(cv, rs, None, PadUnsigned, buf) };
pub pure fn conv_bool(cv: Conv, b: bool, buf: &mut ~str) {
let s = if b { "true" } else { "false" };
// run the boolean conversion through the string conversion logic,
// giving it the same rules for precision, etc.
conv_str(cv, s, buf);
pub pure fn conv_char(cv: Conv, c: char, buf: &mut ~str) {
unsafe { pad(cv, "", Some(c), PadNozero, buf) };
pub pure fn conv_str(cv: Conv, s: &str, buf: &mut ~str) {
// For strings, precision is the maximum characters
// displayed
let mut unpadded = match cv.precision {
CountImplied => s,
CountIs(max) => if (max as uint) < str::char_len(s) {
str::slice(s, 0, max as uint)
} else {
unsafe { pad(cv, unpadded, None, PadNozero, buf) };
pub pure fn conv_float(cv: Conv, f: float, buf: &mut ~str) {
let (to_str, digits) = match cv.precision {
CountIs(c) => (float::to_str_exact, c as uint),
CountImplied => (float::to_str_digits, 6u)
let mut s = unsafe { to_str(f, digits) };
let head = if 0.0 <= f {
if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_sign_always) {
} else if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_space_for_sign) {
Some(' ')
} else {
} else { None };
unsafe { pad(cv, s, head, PadFloat, buf) };
pub pure fn conv_poly<T>(cv: Conv, v: &T, buf: &mut ~str) {
let s = sys::log_str(v);
conv_str(cv, s, buf);
// Convert a uint to string with a minimum number of digits. If precision
// is 0 and num is 0 then the result is the empty string. Could move this
// to uint: but it doesn't seem all that useful.
pub pure fn uint_to_str_prec(num: uint, radix: uint,
prec: uint) -> ~str {
return if prec == 0u && num == 0u {
} else {
let s = uint::to_str_radix(num, radix);
let len = str::char_len(s);
if len < prec {
let diff = prec - len;
let pad = str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(diff, '0'));
pad + s
} else { s }
pub pure fn get_int_precision(cv: Conv) -> uint {
return match cv.precision {
CountIs(c) => c as uint,
CountImplied => 1u
pub enum PadMode { PadSigned, PadUnsigned, PadNozero, PadFloat }
pub fn pad(cv: Conv, mut s: &str, head: Option<char>, mode: PadMode,
buf: &mut ~str) {
let headsize = match head { Some(_) => 1, _ => 0 };
let uwidth : uint = match cv.width {
CountImplied => {
for head.each |&c| {
return buf.push_str(s);
CountIs(width) => { width as uint }
let strlen = str::char_len(s) + headsize;
if uwidth <= strlen {
for head.each |&c| {
return buf.push_str(s);
let mut padchar = ' ';
let diff = uwidth - strlen;
if have_flag(cv.flags, flag_left_justify) {
for head.each |&c| {
for diff.times {
let (might_zero_pad, signed) = match mode {
PadNozero => (false, true),
PadSigned => (true, true),
PadFloat => (true, true),
PadUnsigned => (true, false)
pure fn have_precision(cv: Conv) -> bool {
return match cv.precision { CountImplied => false, _ => true };
let zero_padding = {
if might_zero_pad && have_flag(cv.flags, flag_left_zero_pad) &&
(!have_precision(cv) || mode == PadFloat) {
padchar = '0';
} else {
let padstr = str::from_chars(vec::from_elem(diff, padchar));
// This is completely heinous. If we have a signed value then
// potentially rip apart the intermediate result and insert some
// zeros. It may make sense to convert zero padding to a precision
// instead.
if signed && zero_padding {
for head.each |&head| {
if head == '+' || head == '-' || head == ' ' {
for head.each |&c| {
pub pure fn have_flag(flags: u32, f: u32) -> bool {
flags & f != 0
// XXX: remove after a snapshot of the above changes have gone in
pub mod rt {
use float;
@ -139,19 +139,17 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span,
make_conv_struct(cx, sp, rt_conv_flags, rt_conv_width,
rt_conv_precision, rt_conv_ty)
fn make_conv_call(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, conv_type: ~str, cnv: &Conv,
arg: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
fn make_conv_call(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, conv_type: &str, cnv: &Conv,
arg: @ast::expr, buf: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
let fname = ~"conv_" + conv_type;
let path = make_path_vec(cx, @fname);
let cnv_expr = make_rt_conv_expr(cx, sp, cnv);
let args = ~[cnv_expr, arg];
let args = ~[cnv_expr, arg, buf];
return mk_call_global(cx, arg.span, path, args);
fn make_new_conv(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, cnv: &Conv, arg: @ast::expr) ->
@ast::expr {
// FIXME: Move validation code into core::extfmt (Issue #2249)
fn make_new_conv(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span, cnv: &Conv,
arg: @ast::expr, buf: @ast::expr) -> @ast::expr {
fn is_signed_type(cnv: &Conv) -> bool {
match cnv.ty {
TyInt(s) => match s {
@ -198,27 +196,17 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span,
CountIs(_) => (),
_ => cx.span_unimpl(sp, unsupported)
match cnv.ty {
TyStr => return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"str", cnv, arg),
TyInt(sign) => match sign {
Signed => return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"int", cnv, arg),
Unsigned => {
return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"uint", cnv, arg)
TyBool => return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"bool", cnv, arg),
TyChar => return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"char", cnv, arg),
TyHex(_) => {
return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"uint", cnv, arg);
TyBits => return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"uint", cnv, arg),
TyOctal => return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"uint", cnv, arg),
TyFloat => {
return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"float", cnv, arg);
TyPoly => return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, ~"poly", cnv,
mk_addr_of(cx, sp, arg))
let (name, actual_arg) = match cnv.ty {
TyStr => ("str", arg),
TyInt(Signed) => ("int", arg),
TyBool => ("bool", arg),
TyChar => ("char", arg),
TyBits | TyOctal | TyHex(_) | TyInt(Unsigned) => ("uint", arg),
TyFloat => ("float", arg),
TyPoly => ("poly", mk_addr_of(cx, sp, arg))
return make_conv_call(cx, arg.span, name, cnv, actual_arg,
mk_mut_addr_of(cx, arg.span, buf));
fn log_conv(c: &Conv) {
debug!("Building conversion:");
@ -270,14 +258,41 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span,
/* Translate each piece (portion of the fmt expression) into a ~str
expression to be concatenated below */
let fmt_sp = args[0].span;
let mut n = 0u;
let nargs = args.len();
let pieces = do vec::map_consume(pieces) |pc| {
/* 'ident' is the local buffer building up the result of fmt! */
let ident = cx.parse_sess().interner.intern(@~"__fmtbuf");
let buf = || mk_path(cx, fmt_sp, ~[ident]);
let str_ident = cx.parse_sess().interner.intern(@~"str");
let push_ident = cx.parse_sess().interner.intern(@~"push_str");
let mut stms = ~[];
/* Translate each piece (portion of the fmt expression) by invoking the
corresponding function in core::unstable::extfmt. Each function takes a
buffer to insert data into along with the data being formatted. */
do vec::consume(pieces) |i, pc| {
match pc {
PieceString(s) => mk_uniq_str(cx, fmt_sp, s),
/* Raw strings get appended via str::push_str */
PieceString(s) => {
let portion = mk_uniq_str(cx, fmt_sp, s);
/* If this is the first portion, then initialize the local
buffer with it directly */
if i == 0 {
stms.push(mk_local(cx, fmt_sp, true, ident, portion));
} else {
let args = ~[mk_mut_addr_of(cx, fmt_sp, buf()), portion];
let call = mk_call_global(cx,
~[str_ident, push_ident],
stms.push(mk_stmt(cx, fmt_sp, call));
/* Invoke the correct conv function in extfmt */
PieceConv(ref conv) => {
n += 1u;
if n >= nargs {
@ -285,11 +300,21 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span,
~"not enough arguments to fmt! " +
~"for the given format string");
make_new_conv(cx, fmt_sp, conv, args[n])
/* If the first portion is a conversion, then the local buffer
must be initialized as an empty string */
if i == 0 {
stms.push(mk_local(cx, fmt_sp, true, ident,
mk_uniq_str(cx, fmt_sp, ~"")));
stms.push(mk_stmt(cx, fmt_sp,
make_new_conv(cx, fmt_sp, conv,
args[n], buf())));
let expected_nargs = n + 1u; // n conversions + the fmt string
if expected_nargs < nargs {
@ -297,30 +322,6 @@ fn pieces_to_expr(cx: @ext_ctxt, sp: span,
nargs, expected_nargs));
/* Concatenate all of the strings together with str::push_str. This
involves storing the first piece into a local variable, and then
pushing each other piece onto the local. The local is contained in its
own block to not conflict with other names as much as possible */
let ident = cx.parse_sess().interner.intern(@~"__fmtbuf");
let buf = || mk_path(cx, fmt_sp, ~[ident]);
let str_ident = cx.parse_sess().interner.intern(@~"str");
let push_ident = cx.parse_sess().interner.intern(@~"push_str");
let mut first = true;
let stms = do vec::map_consume(pieces) |pc| {
if first {
first = false;
mk_local(cx, fmt_sp, true, ident, pc)
} else {
let call = mk_call_global(cx,
~[str_ident, push_ident],
~[mk_mut_addr_of(cx, fmt_sp, buf()),
mk_stmt(cx, fmt_sp, call)
return mk_block(cx, fmt_sp, ~[], stms, Some(buf()));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user