reimplement some of the unsafe stuff which got lost
- blocks inherit unsafety - remove the --check-unsafe flag - add unsafe annotations where needed to get things to compile
This commit is contained in:
@ -34,16 +34,14 @@ tag output_type {
fn llvm_err(sess: session::session, msg: str) {
unsafe {
let buf = llvm::LLVMRustGetLastError();
if buf == std::ptr::null() {
} else { sess.fatal(msg + ": " + str::str_from_cstr(buf)); }
fn llvm_err(sess: session::session, msg: str) unsafe {
let buf = llvm::LLVMRustGetLastError();
if buf == std::ptr::null() {
} else { sess.fatal(msg + ": " + str::str_from_cstr(buf)); }
fn link_intrinsics(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef) unsafe {
fn link_intrinsics(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef) {
let path = alt filesearch::search(
bind filesearch::pick_file("intrinsics.bc", _)) {
@ -90,8 +88,7 @@ mod write {
} else { stem = str::substr(output_path, 0u, dot_pos as uint); }
ret stem + "." + extension;
fn run_passes(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef, output: str)
unsafe {
fn run_passes(sess: session::session, llmod: ModuleRef, output: str) {
let opts = sess.get_opts();
if opts.time_llvm_passes { llvm::LLVMRustEnableTimePasses(); }
link_intrinsics(sess, llmod);
@ -325,7 +325,6 @@ fn build_session_options(match: getopts::match)
let parse_only = opt_present(match, "parse-only");
let no_trans = opt_present(match, "no-trans");
let check_unsafe = opt_present(match, "check-unsafe");
let output_type =
if parse_only || no_trans {
@ -397,8 +396,7 @@ fn build_session_options(match: getopts::match)
parse_only: parse_only,
no_trans: no_trans,
do_gc: do_gc,
stack_growth: stack_growth,
check_unsafe: check_unsafe};
stack_growth: stack_growth};
ret sopts;
@ -41,8 +41,7 @@ type options =
parse_only: bool,
no_trans: bool,
do_gc: bool,
stack_growth: bool,
check_unsafe: bool};
stack_growth: bool};
type crate_metadata = {name: str, data: [u8]};
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ fn type_to_str_inner(names: type_names, outer0: [TypeRef], ty: TypeRef) ->
7 {
ret "i" + std::int::str(llvm::LLVMGetIntTypeWidth(ty) as int);
8 unsafe {
8 {
let s = "fn(";
let out_ty: TypeRef = llvm::LLVMGetReturnType(ty);
let n_args: uint = llvm::LLVMCountParamTypes(ty);
@ -969,7 +969,7 @@ fn type_to_str_inner(names: type_names, outer0: [TypeRef], ty: TypeRef) ->
s += type_to_str_inner(names, outer, out_ty);
ret s;
9 unsafe {
9 {
let s: str = "{";
let n_elts: uint = llvm::LLVMCountStructElementTypes(ty);
let elts: [TypeRef] = vec::init_elt::<TypeRef>(0 as TypeRef, n_elts);
@ -169,27 +169,25 @@ fn find_library_crate_aux(nn: {prefix: str, suffix: str}, crate_name: str,
fn get_metadata_section(filename: str) -> option::t<@[u8]> {
unsafe {
let mb = str::as_buf(filename, {|buf|
if mb as int == 0 { ret option::none::<@[u8]>; }
let of = mk_object_file(mb);
let si = mk_section_iter(of.llof);
while llvm::LLVMIsSectionIteratorAtEnd(of.llof, si.llsi) == False {
let name_buf = llvm::LLVMGetSectionName(si.llsi);
let name = str::str_from_cstr(name_buf);
if str::eq(name, x86::get_meta_sect_name()) {
let cbuf = llvm::LLVMGetSectionContents(si.llsi);
let csz = llvm::LLVMGetSectionSize(si.llsi);
let cvbuf: *u8 = std::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(cbuf);
ret option::some::<@[u8]>(@vec::unsafe::from_buf(cvbuf, csz));
fn get_metadata_section(filename: str) -> option::t<@[u8]> unsafe {
let mb = str::as_buf(filename, {|buf|
if mb as int == 0 { ret option::none::<@[u8]>; }
let of = mk_object_file(mb);
let si = mk_section_iter(of.llof);
while llvm::LLVMIsSectionIteratorAtEnd(of.llof, si.llsi) == False {
let name_buf = llvm::LLVMGetSectionName(si.llsi);
let name = str::str_from_cstr(name_buf);
if str::eq(name, x86::get_meta_sect_name()) {
let cbuf = llvm::LLVMGetSectionContents(si.llsi);
let csz = llvm::LLVMGetSectionSize(si.llsi);
let cvbuf: *u8 = std::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(cbuf);
ret option::some::<@[u8]>(@vec::unsafe::from_buf(cvbuf, csz));
ret option::none::<@[u8]>;
ret option::none::<@[u8]>;
fn load_library_crate(sess: session::session, span: span, ident: ast::ident,
@ -256,6 +256,8 @@ fn family_has_type_params(fam_ch: u8) -> bool {
'u' { true }
'p' { true }
'F' { true }
'U' { true }
'P' { true }
'y' { true }
't' { true }
'T' { false }
@ -285,6 +287,8 @@ fn item_family_to_str(fam: u8) -> str {
'u' { ret "unsafe fn"; }
'p' { ret "pure fn"; }
'F' { ret "native fn"; }
'U' { ret "unsafe native fn"; }
'P' { ret "pure native fn"; }
'y' { ret "type"; }
'T' { ret "native type"; }
't' { ret "type"; }
@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ type ctxt = @{mutable next_tydesc_num: uint};
fn mk_ctxt() -> ctxt { ret @{mutable next_tydesc_num: 0u}; }
fn add_global(ccx: @crate_ctxt, llval: ValueRef, name: str)
-> ValueRef unsafe {
fn add_global(ccx: @crate_ctxt, llval: ValueRef, name: str) -> ValueRef {
let llglobal =
@ -28,8 +27,7 @@ fn add_global(ccx: @crate_ctxt, llval: ValueRef, name: str)
ret llglobal;
fn add_gc_root(cx: @block_ctxt, llval: ValueRef, ty: ty::t) ->
@block_ctxt unsafe {
fn add_gc_root(cx: @block_ctxt, llval: ValueRef, ty: ty::t) -> @block_ctxt {
let bcx = cx;
if !type_is_gc_relevant(bcx_tcx(cx), ty) ||
ty::type_has_dynamic_size(bcx_tcx(cx), ty) {
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ fn eq_res_info(a: res_info, b: res_info) -> bool {
fn mk_global(ccx: @crate_ctxt, name: str, llval: ValueRef, internal: bool) ->
ValueRef unsafe {
ValueRef {
let llglobal =
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ fn s_float(_tcx: ty_ctxt) -> u8 {
ret shape_f64; // TODO: x86-64
fn mk_ctxt(llmod: ModuleRef) -> ctxt unsafe {
fn mk_ctxt(llmod: ModuleRef) -> ctxt {
let llshapetablesty = trans_common::T_named_struct("shapes");
let llshapetables =
@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ fn gen_resource_shapes(ccx: @crate_ctxt) -> ValueRef {
ret mk_global(ccx, "resource_shapes", C_struct(dtors), true);
fn gen_shape_tables(ccx: @crate_ctxt) unsafe {
fn gen_shape_tables(ccx: @crate_ctxt) {
let lltagstable = gen_tag_shapes(ccx);
let llresourcestable = gen_resource_shapes(ccx);
@ -492,16 +492,16 @@ fn _UndefReturn(Fn: ValueRef) -> ValueRef {
fn Call(cx: @block_ctxt, Fn: ValueRef, Args: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
if cx.unreachable { ret _UndefReturn(Fn); }
unsafe {
if cx.unreachable { ret _UndefReturn(Fn); }
ret llvm::LLVMBuildCall(B(cx), Fn, vec::to_ptr(Args),
vec::len(Args), noname());
fn FastCall(cx: @block_ctxt, Fn: ValueRef, Args: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
if cx.unreachable { ret _UndefReturn(Fn); }
unsafe {
if cx.unreachable { ret _UndefReturn(Fn); }
let v = llvm::LLVMBuildCall(B(cx), Fn, vec::to_ptr(Args),
vec::len(Args), noname());
llvm::LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(v, lib::llvm::LLVMFastCallConv);
@ -511,8 +511,8 @@ fn FastCall(cx: @block_ctxt, Fn: ValueRef, Args: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
fn CallWithConv(cx: @block_ctxt, Fn: ValueRef, Args: [ValueRef], Conv: uint)
-> ValueRef {
if cx.unreachable { ret _UndefReturn(Fn); }
unsafe {
if cx.unreachable { ret _UndefReturn(Fn); }
let v = llvm::LLVMBuildCall(B(cx), Fn, vec::to_ptr(Args),
vec::len(Args), noname());
llvm::LLVMSetInstructionCallConv(v, Conv);
@ -427,14 +427,12 @@ fn val_ty(v: ValueRef) -> TypeRef { ret llvm::LLVMTypeOf(v); }
fn val_str(tn: type_names, v: ValueRef) -> str { ret ty_str(tn, val_ty(v)); }
// Returns the nth element of the given LLVM structure type.
fn struct_elt(llstructty: TypeRef, n: uint) -> TypeRef {
unsafe {
let elt_count = llvm::LLVMCountStructElementTypes(llstructty);
assert (n < elt_count);
let elt_tys = std::vec::init_elt(T_nil(), elt_count);
llvm::LLVMGetStructElementTypes(llstructty, to_ptr(elt_tys));
ret llvm::LLVMGetElementType(elt_tys[n]);
fn struct_elt(llstructty: TypeRef, n: uint) -> TypeRef unsafe {
let elt_count = llvm::LLVMCountStructElementTypes(llstructty);
assert (n < elt_count);
let elt_tys = std::vec::init_elt(T_nil(), elt_count);
llvm::LLVMGetStructElementTypes(llstructty, to_ptr(elt_tys));
ret llvm::LLVMGetElementType(elt_tys[n]);
fn find_scope_cx(cx: @block_ctxt) -> @block_ctxt {
@ -541,10 +539,8 @@ fn T_named_struct(name: str) -> TypeRef {
ret str::as_buf(name, {|buf| llvm::LLVMStructCreateNamed(c, buf) });
fn set_struct_body(t: TypeRef, elts: [TypeRef]) {
unsafe {
llvm::LLVMStructSetBody(t, to_ptr(elts), std::vec::len(elts), False);
fn set_struct_body(t: TypeRef, elts: [TypeRef]) unsafe {
llvm::LLVMStructSetBody(t, to_ptr(elts), std::vec::len(elts), False);
fn T_empty_struct() -> TypeRef { ret T_struct([]); }
@ -581,18 +577,16 @@ fn T_task() -> TypeRef {
ret t;
fn T_tydesc_field(cx: crate_ctxt, field: int) -> TypeRef {
fn T_tydesc_field(cx: crate_ctxt, field: int) -> TypeRef unsafe {
// Bit of a kludge: pick the fn typeref out of the tydesc..
unsafe {
let tydesc_elts: [TypeRef] =
abi::n_tydesc_fields as uint);
let t = llvm::LLVMGetElementType(tydesc_elts[field]);
ret t;
let tydesc_elts: [TypeRef] =
abi::n_tydesc_fields as uint);
let t = llvm::LLVMGetElementType(tydesc_elts[field]);
ret t;
fn T_glue_fn(cx: crate_ctxt) -> TypeRef {
@ -798,43 +792,33 @@ fn C_postr(s: str) -> ValueRef {
fn C_zero_byte_arr(size: uint) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
let i = 0u;
let elts: [ValueRef] = [];
while i < size { elts += [C_u8(0u)]; i += 1u; }
ret llvm::LLVMConstArray(T_i8(), std::vec::to_ptr(elts),
fn C_zero_byte_arr(size: uint) -> ValueRef unsafe {
let i = 0u;
let elts: [ValueRef] = [];
while i < size { elts += [C_u8(0u)]; i += 1u; }
ret llvm::LLVMConstArray(T_i8(), std::vec::to_ptr(elts),
fn C_struct(elts: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
ret llvm::LLVMConstStruct(std::vec::to_ptr(elts), std::vec::len(elts),
fn C_struct(elts: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
ret llvm::LLVMConstStruct(std::vec::to_ptr(elts), std::vec::len(elts),
fn C_named_struct(T: TypeRef, elts: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
ret llvm::LLVMConstNamedStruct(T, std::vec::to_ptr(elts),
fn C_named_struct(T: TypeRef, elts: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
ret llvm::LLVMConstNamedStruct(T, std::vec::to_ptr(elts),
fn C_array(ty: TypeRef, elts: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
ret llvm::LLVMConstArray(ty, std::vec::to_ptr(elts),
fn C_array(ty: TypeRef, elts: [ValueRef]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
ret llvm::LLVMConstArray(ty, std::vec::to_ptr(elts),
fn C_bytes(bytes: [u8]) -> ValueRef {
unsafe {
ret llvm::LLVMConstString(
vec::len(bytes), False);
fn C_bytes(bytes: [u8]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
ret llvm::LLVMConstString(
vec::len(bytes), False);
fn C_shape(ccx: @crate_ctxt, bytes: [u8]) -> ValueRef {
@ -569,7 +569,7 @@ fn create_backwarding_vtbl(cx: @local_ctxt, sp: span, inner_obj_ty: ty::t,
// finish_vtbl: Given a vector of vtable entries, create the table in
// read-only memory and return a pointer to it.
fn finish_vtbl(cx: @local_ctxt, llmethods: [ValueRef], name: str) ->
ValueRef unsafe {
ValueRef {
let vtbl = C_struct(llmethods);
let vtbl_name = mangle_internal_name_by_path(cx.ccx, cx.path + [name]);
let gvar =
@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ fn begin_fn(cx: @local_ctxt, sp: span, m: @ty::method,
// returns the value returned from that call.
fn process_bkwding_mthd(cx: @local_ctxt, sp: span, m: @ty::method,
ty_params: [ast::ty_param], outer_obj_ty: ty::t,
_additional_field_tys: [ty::t]) -> ValueRef unsafe {
_additional_field_tys: [ty::t]) -> ValueRef {
let llbackwarding_fn = begin_fn(cx, sp, m, ty_params, "backwarding_fn");
let fcx = new_fn_ctxt(cx, sp, llbackwarding_fn);
@ -1524,15 +1524,13 @@ fn check_pat(fcx: @fn_ctxt, map: ast_util::pat_id_map, pat: @ast::pat,
fn require_unsafe(sess: session::session, f_purity: ast::purity, sp: span) {
if sess.get_opts().check_unsafe {
alt f_purity {
ast::unsafe_fn. { ret; }
_ {
"unsafe operation requires unsafe function or block");
alt f_purity {
ast::unsafe_fn. { ret; }
_ {
"unsafe operation requires unsafe function or block");
@ -1551,15 +1549,12 @@ fn require_pure_call(ccx: @crate_ctxt, caller_purity: ast::purity,
alt caller_purity {
ast::unsafe_fn. { ret; }
ast::impure_fn. {
let sess = ccx.tcx.sess;
alt ccx.tcx.def_map.find( {
some(ast::def_fn(_, ast::unsafe_fn.)) |
some(ast::def_native_fn(_, ast::unsafe_fn.)) {
if sess.get_opts().check_unsafe {
"safe function calls function marked unsafe");
"safe function calls function marked unsafe");
_ {
@ -2727,13 +2722,22 @@ fn check_constraints(fcx: @fn_ctxt, cs: [@ast::constr], args: [ast::arg]) {
fn check_fn(ccx: @crate_ctxt, f: ast::_fn, id: ast::node_id,
old_fcx: option::t<@fn_ctxt>) {
let decl = f.decl;
let body = f.body;
// If old_fcx is some(...), this is a block fn { |x| ... }.
// In that case, the purity is inherited from the context.
let purity = alt old_fcx {
none. { decl.purity }
some(f) { assert decl.purity == ast::impure_fn; f.purity }
let gather_result = gather_locals(ccx, f, id, old_fcx);
let fixups: [ast::node_id] = [];
let fcx: @fn_ctxt =
@{ret_ty: ty::ty_fn_ret(ccx.tcx, ty::node_id_to_type(ccx.tcx, id)),
purity: decl.purity,
purity: purity,
proto: f.proto,
var_bindings: gather_result.var_bindings,
locals: gather_result.locals,
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ fn run(handle: handle, lib_path: str, prog: str, args: [str],
ret {status: status, out: output, err: errput};
fn writeclose(fd: int, s: option::t<str>) unsafe {
fn writeclose(fd: int, s: option::t<str>) {
if option::is_some(s) {
let writer = io::new_writer(io::fd_buf_writer(fd, option::none));
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ fn writeclose(fd: int, s: option::t<str>) unsafe {
fn readclose(fd: int) -> str unsafe {
fn readclose(fd: int) -> str {
// Copied from run::program_output
let file = os::fd_FILE(fd);
let reader = io::new_reader(io::FILE_buf_reader(file, option::none));
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ fn readclose(fd: int) -> str unsafe {
ret buf;
fn worker(p: port<request>) unsafe {
fn worker(p: port<request>) {
// FIXME (787): If we declare this inside of the while loop and then
// break out of it before it's ever initialized (i.e. we don't run
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ tag request {
type ctx = chan<request>;
fn ip_to_sbuf(ip: net::ip_addr) -> *u8 {
fn ip_to_sbuf(ip: net::ip_addr) -> *u8 unsafe {
// FIXME: This is broken. We're creating a vector, getting a pointer
// to its buffer, then dropping the vector. On top of that, the vector
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ fn request_task(c: chan<ctx>) {
serve(ip, portnum, events, server) {
task::spawn(bind server_task(ip, portnum, events, server));
write(socket, v, status) {
write(socket, v, status) unsafe {
rustrt::aio_writedata(socket, vec::unsafe::to_ptr::<u8>(v),
vec::len::<u8>(v), status);
@ -42,9 +42,11 @@ fn debug_obj<T>(x: T, nmethods: uint, nbytes: uint) {
fn debug_fn<T>(x: T) { rustrt::debug_fn::<T>(x); }
fn ptr_cast<T, U>(x: @T) -> @U { ret rustrt::debug_ptrcast::<T, U>(x); }
unsafe fn ptr_cast<T, U>(x: @T) -> @U {
ret rustrt::debug_ptrcast::<T, U>(x);
fn refcount<T>(a: @T) -> uint {
fn refcount<T>(a: @T) -> uint unsafe {
let p: *uint = unsafe::reinterpret_cast(a);
ret *p;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import str::sbuf;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
fn getenv(n: str) -> option::t<str> {
fn getenv(n: str) -> option::t<str> unsafe {
let s = str::as_buf(n, {|buf| os::libc::getenv(buf) });
ret if unsafe::reinterpret_cast(s) == 0 {
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ fn convert_whence(whence: seek_style) -> int {
resource FILE_res(f: os::libc::FILE) { os::libc::fclose(f); }
obj FILE_buf_reader(f: os::libc::FILE, res: option::t<@FILE_res>) {
fn read(len: uint) -> [u8] {
fn read(len: uint) -> [u8] unsafe {
let buf = [];
vec::reserve::<u8>(buf, len);
let read =
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ type buf_writer =
obj FILE_writer(f: os::libc::FILE, res: option::t<@FILE_res>) {
fn write(v: [u8]) {
fn write(v: [u8]) unsafe {
let len = vec::len::<u8>(v);
let vbuf = vec::unsafe::to_ptr::<u8>(v);
let nout = os::libc::fwrite(vbuf, len, 1u, f);
@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ obj FILE_writer(f: os::libc::FILE, res: option::t<@FILE_res>) {
resource fd_res(fd: int) { os::libc::close(fd); }
obj fd_buf_writer(fd: int, res: option::t<@fd_res>) {
fn write(v: [u8]) {
fn write(v: [u8]) unsafe {
let len = vec::len::<u8>(v);
let count = 0u;
let vbuf;
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ fn arg_vec(prog: str, args: [@str]) -> [sbuf] {
fn spawn_process(prog: str, args: [str], in_fd: int, out_fd: int, err_fd: int)
-> int {
-> int unsafe {
// Note: we have to hold on to these vector references while we hold a
// pointer to their buffers
let prog = prog;
@ -426,16 +426,18 @@ type sbuf = *u8;
// NB: This is intentionally unexported because it's easy to misuse (there's
// no guarantee that the string is rooted). Instead, use as_buf below.
fn buf(s: str) -> sbuf {
unsafe fn buf(s: str) -> sbuf {
let saddr = ptr::addr_of(s);
let vaddr: *[u8] = unsafe::reinterpret_cast(saddr);
let buf = vec::to_ptr(*vaddr);
ret buf;
fn as_buf<T>(s: str, f: block(sbuf) -> T) -> T { let buf = buf(s); f(buf) }
fn as_buf<T>(s: str, f: block(sbuf) -> T) -> T unsafe {
let buf = buf(s); f(buf)
fn str_from_cstr(cstr: sbuf) -> str {
unsafe fn str_from_cstr(cstr: sbuf) -> str {
let res = "";
let start = cstr;
let curr = start;
@ -15,39 +15,27 @@ native "rust" mod rustrt {
fn last_os_error() -> str {
//unsafe {
ret rustrt::last_os_error();
ret rustrt::last_os_error();
fn size_of<T>() -> uint {
//unsafe {
ret rustrt::size_of::<T>();
ret rustrt::size_of::<T>();
fn align_of<T>() -> uint {
//unsafe {
ret rustrt::align_of::<T>();
ret rustrt::align_of::<T>();
fn refcount<T>(t: @T) -> uint {
//unsafe {
ret rustrt::refcount::<T>(t);
ret rustrt::refcount::<T>(t);
fn do_gc() -> () {
//unsafe {
ret rustrt::do_gc();
ret rustrt::do_gc();
fn unsupervise() -> () {
//unsafe {
ret rustrt::unsupervise();
ret rustrt::unsupervise();
// Local Variables:
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ fn spawn_joinable(-thunk: fn()) -> joinable_task {
// FIXME: make this a fn~ once those are supported.
fn spawn_inner(-thunk: fn(), notify: option<comm::chan<task_notification>>) ->
task_id {
task_id unsafe {
let id = rustrt::new_task();
let raw_thunk: {code: u32, env: u32} = cast(thunk);
@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ native "rust" mod rustrt {
/// Reserves space for `n` elements in the given vector.
fn reserve<@T>(&v: [mutable? T], n: uint) {
//unsafe {
rustrt::vec_reserve_shared(v, n);
rustrt::vec_reserve_shared(v, n);
pure fn len<T>(v: [mutable? T]) -> uint { unchecked { rusti::vec_len(v) } }
@ -353,22 +351,22 @@ iter iter2<@T>(v: [T]) -> (uint, T) {
mod unsafe {
type vec_repr = {mutable fill: uint, mutable alloc: uint, data: u8};
fn from_buf<@T>(ptr: *T, elts: uint) -> [T] {
unsafe fn from_buf<@T>(ptr: *T, elts: uint) -> [T] {
ret rustrt::vec_from_buf_shared(ptr, elts);
fn set_len<@T>(&v: [T], new_len: uint) {
unsafe fn set_len<@T>(&v: [T], new_len: uint) {
let repr: **vec_repr = ::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(addr_of(v));
(**repr).fill = new_len * sys::size_of::<T>();
fn to_ptr<@T>(v: [T]) -> *T {
unsafe fn to_ptr<@T>(v: [T]) -> *T {
let repr: **vec_repr = ::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(addr_of(v));
ret ::unsafe::reinterpret_cast(addr_of((**repr).data));
fn to_ptr<@T>(v: [T]) -> *T { ret unsafe::to_ptr(v); }
unsafe fn to_ptr<@T>(v: [T]) -> *T { ret unsafe::to_ptr(v); }
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// -*- rust -*-
// error-pattern: unsafe functions can only be called
unsafe fn f(x: int, y: int) -> int { ret x + y; }
fn main() {
let x = bind f(3, _);
let y = x(4);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user