
This commit is contained in:
Aleksey Kladov 2020-07-09 10:19:37 +02:00
parent 3a26752c66
commit e7c47eb7f5
3 changed files with 36 additions and 50 deletions

View File

@ -6,13 +6,10 @@ mod navigation_target;
mod structure;
mod short_label;
use std::fmt::Display;
use ra_syntax::{
ast::{self, AstNode, AttrsOwner, NameOwner, TypeParamsOwner},
SyntaxKind::{ATTR, COMMENT},
use stdx::format_to;
pub use function_signature::FunctionSignature;
pub use navigation_target::NavigationTarget;
@ -69,29 +66,3 @@ pub(crate) fn macro_label(node: &ast::MacroCall) -> String {
let vis = if node.has_atom_attr("macro_export") { "#[macro_export]\n" } else { "" };
format!("{}macro_rules! {}", vis, name)
pub(crate) fn rust_code_markup(code: &impl Display) -> String {
rust_code_markup_with_doc(code, None, None)
pub(crate) fn rust_code_markup_with_doc(
code: &impl Display,
doc: Option<&str>,
mod_path: Option<&str>,
) -> String {
let mut buf = String::new();
if let Some(mod_path) = mod_path {
if !mod_path.is_empty() {
format_to!(buf, "```rust\n{}\n```\n\n", mod_path);
format_to!(buf, "```rust\n{}\n```", code);
if let Some(doc) = doc {
format_to!(buf, "\n___");
format_to!(buf, "\n\n{}", doc);

View File

@ -9,16 +9,15 @@ use ra_ide_db::{
use ra_syntax::{ast, match_ast, AstNode, SyntaxKind::*, SyntaxToken, TokenAtOffset, T};
use stdx::format_to;
use test_utils::mark;
use crate::{
macro_label, rust_code_markup, rust_code_markup_with_doc, ShortLabel, ToNav, TryToNav,
display::{macro_label, ShortLabel, ToNav, TryToNav},
FileId, FilePosition, NavigationTarget, RangeInfo, Runnable,
use test_utils::mark;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct HoverConfig {
@ -92,8 +91,8 @@ pub(crate) fn hover(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<RangeIn
if let Some(definition) = definition {
if let Some(text) = hover_for_definition(db, definition) {
res.markup = text.into();
if let Some(markup) = hover_for_definition(db, definition) {
res.markup = markup;
if let Some(action) = show_implementations_action(db, definition) {
@ -126,7 +125,7 @@ pub(crate) fn hover(db: &RootDatabase, position: FilePosition) -> Option<RangeIn
res.markup = rust_code_markup(&ty.display(db)).into();
res.markup = Markup::fenced_block(&ty.display(db));
let range = sema.original_range(&node).range;
Some(RangeInfo::new(range, res))
@ -223,15 +222,28 @@ fn goto_type_action(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option<HoverAction> {
fn hover_text(
fn hover_markup(
docs: Option<String>,
desc: Option<String>,
mod_path: Option<String>,
) -> Option<String> {
if let Some(desc) = desc {
Some(rust_code_markup_with_doc(&desc, docs.as_deref(), mod_path.as_deref()))
} else {
) -> Option<Markup> {
match desc {
Some(desc) => {
let mut buf = String::new();
if let Some(mod_path) = mod_path {
if !mod_path.is_empty() {
format_to!(buf, "```rust\n{}\n```\n\n", mod_path);
format_to!(buf, "```rust\n{}\n```", desc);
if let Some(doc) = docs {
format_to!(buf, "\n___\n\n{}", doc);
None =>,
@ -268,20 +280,20 @@ fn definition_mod_path(db: &RootDatabase, def: &Definition) -> Option<String> {
def.module(db).map(|module| render_path(db, module, definition_owner_name(db, def)))
fn hover_for_definition(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option<String> {
fn hover_for_definition(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option<Markup> {
let mod_path = definition_mod_path(db, &def);
return match def {
Definition::Macro(it) => {
let src = it.source(db);
let docs = Documentation::from_ast(&src.value).map(Into::into);
hover_text(docs, Some(macro_label(&src.value)), mod_path)
hover_markup(docs, Some(macro_label(&src.value)), mod_path)
Definition::Field(it) => {
let src = it.source(db);
match src.value {
FieldSource::Named(it) => {
let docs = Documentation::from_ast(&it).map(Into::into);
hover_text(docs, it.short_label(), mod_path)
hover_markup(docs, it.short_label(), mod_path)
_ => None,
@ -290,7 +302,7 @@ fn hover_for_definition(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option<String> {
ModuleDef::Module(it) => match it.definition_source(db).value {
ModuleSource::Module(it) => {
let docs = Documentation::from_ast(&it).map(Into::into);
hover_text(docs, it.short_label(), mod_path)
hover_markup(docs, it.short_label(), mod_path)
_ => None,
@ -303,23 +315,23 @@ fn hover_for_definition(db: &RootDatabase, def: Definition) -> Option<String> {
ModuleDef::Static(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
ModuleDef::Trait(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
ModuleDef::TypeAlias(it) => from_def_source(db, it, mod_path),
ModuleDef::BuiltinType(it) => Some(it.to_string()),
ModuleDef::BuiltinType(it) => return Some(it.to_string().into()),
Definition::Local(it) => Some(rust_code_markup(&it.ty(db).display(db))),
Definition::Local(it) => return Some(Markup::fenced_block(&it.ty(db).display(db))),
Definition::TypeParam(_) | Definition::SelfType(_) => {
// FIXME: Hover for generic param
fn from_def_source<A, D>(db: &RootDatabase, def: D, mod_path: Option<String>) -> Option<String>
fn from_def_source<A, D>(db: &RootDatabase, def: D, mod_path: Option<String>) -> Option<Markup>
D: HasSource<Ast = A>,
A: ast::DocCommentsOwner + ast::NameOwner + ShortLabel + ast::AttrsOwner,
let src = def.source(db);
let docs = Documentation::from_ast(&src.value).map(Into::into);
hover_text(docs, src.value.short_label(), mod_path)
hover_markup(docs, src.value.short_label(), mod_path)

View File

@ -32,4 +32,7 @@ impl Markup {
pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
pub fn fenced_block(contents: &impl fmt::Display) -> Markup {
format!("```rust\n{}\n```", contents).into()