diff --git a/crates/hir_def/src/macro_expansion_tests.rs b/crates/hir_def/src/macro_expansion_tests.rs
index eb41a595ce4..7d9d7f39d05 100644
--- a/crates/hir_def/src/macro_expansion_tests.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_def/src/macro_expansion_tests.rs
@@ -144,7 +144,9 @@ fn pretty_print_macro_expansion(expn: SyntaxNode) -> String {
             (T![>], _) if curr_kind.is_keyword() => " ",
             (T![->], _) | (_, T![->]) => " ",
             (T![&&], _) | (_, T![&&]) => " ",
-            (T![,] | T![:], _) => " ",
+            (T![,], _) => " ",
+            (T![:], IDENT | T!['(']) => " ",
+            (T![:], _) if curr_kind.is_keyword() => " ",
             (T![fn], T!['(']) => "",
             (T![']'], _) if curr_kind.is_keyword() => " ",
             (T![']'], T![#]) => "\n",
diff --git a/crates/hir_def/src/macro_expansion_tests/mbe/regression.rs b/crates/hir_def/src/macro_expansion_tests/mbe/regression.rs
index 26fd807e65d..ac09c23cd3e 100644
--- a/crates/hir_def/src/macro_expansion_tests/mbe/regression.rs
+++ b/crates/hir_def/src/macro_expansion_tests/mbe/regression.rs
@@ -375,3 +375,105 @@ ok!();
+fn test_cfg_if_items() {
+    // From <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/33fe1131cadba69d317156847be9a402b89f11bb/src/libstd/macros.rs#L986>.
+    check(
+        r#"
+macro_rules! __cfg_if_items {
+    (($($not:meta,)*) ; ) => {};
+    (($($not:meta,)*) ; ( ($($m:meta),*) ($($it:item)*) ), $($rest:tt)*) => {
+            __cfg_if_items! { ($($not,)* $($m,)*) ; $($rest)* }
+    }
+__cfg_if_items! {
+    (rustdoc,);
+    ( () (
+           #[ cfg(any(target_os = "redox", unix))]
+           #[ stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+           pub use sys::ext as unix;
+           #[cfg(windows)]
+           #[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
+           pub use sys::ext as windows;
+           #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "l4re"))]
+           pub mod linux;
+    )),
+        expect![[r#"
+macro_rules! __cfg_if_items {
+    (($($not:meta,)*) ; ) => {};
+    (($($not:meta,)*) ; ( ($($m:meta),*) ($($it:item)*) ), $($rest:tt)*) => {
+            __cfg_if_items! { ($($not,)* $($m,)*) ; $($rest)* }
+    }
+__cfg_if_items! {
+    (rustdoc, );
+    );
+fn test_cfg_if_main() {
+    // From <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/3d211248393686e0f73851fc7548f6605220fbe1/src/libpanic_unwind/macros.rs#L9>.
+    check(
+        r#"
+macro_rules! cfg_if {
+    ($(if #[cfg($($meta:meta),*)] { $($it:item)* } )else* else { $($it2:item)* })
+    => {
+        __cfg_if_items! {
+            () ;
+            $( ( ($($meta),*) ($($it)*) ), )*
+            ( () ($($it2)*) ),
+        }
+    };
+    // Internal macro to Apply a cfg attribute to a list of items
+    (@__apply $m:meta, $($it:item)*) => { $(#[$m] $it)* };
+cfg_if! {
+    if #[cfg(target_env = "msvc")] {
+        // no extra unwinder support needed
+    } else if #[cfg(all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))] {
+        // no unwinder on the system!
+    } else {
+        mod libunwind;
+        pub use libunwind::*;
+    }
+cfg_if! {
+    @__apply cfg(all(not(any(not(any(target_os = "solaris", target_os = "illumos")))))),
+        expect![[r##"
+macro_rules! cfg_if {
+    ($(if #[cfg($($meta:meta),*)] { $($it:item)* } )else* else { $($it2:item)* })
+    => {
+        __cfg_if_items! {
+            () ;
+            $( ( ($($meta),*) ($($it)*) ), )*
+            ( () ($($it2)*) ),
+        }
+    };
+    // Internal macro to Apply a cfg attribute to a list of items
+    (@__apply $m:meta, $($it:item)*) => { $(#[$m] $it)* };
+__cfg_if_items! {
+    ();
+    ((target_env = "msvc")()), ((all(target_arch = "wasm32", not(target_os = "emscripten")))()), (()(mod libunwind;
+    pub use libunwind::*;
+    )),
+    );
diff --git a/crates/mbe/src/tests/expand.rs b/crates/mbe/src/tests/expand.rs
index 6152e01bc87..1287b3ea9b9 100644
--- a/crates/mbe/src/tests/expand.rs
+++ b/crates/mbe/src/tests/expand.rs
@@ -98,69 +98,6 @@ fn test_attr_to_token_tree() {
-fn test_cfg_if_items() {
-    // from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/33fe1131cadba69d317156847be9a402b89f11bb/src/libstd/macros.rs#L986
-    parse_macro(
-        r#"
-        macro_rules! __cfg_if_items {
-            (($($not:meta,)*) ; ) => {};
-            (($($not:meta,)*) ; ( ($($m:meta),*) ($($it:item)*) ), $($rest:tt)*) => {
-                 __cfg_if_items! { ($($not,)* $($m,)*) ; $($rest)* }
-            }
-        }
-    ).assert_expand_items(
-        r#"__cfg_if_items ! { ( rustdoc , ) ; ( ( ) ( # [ cfg ( any ( target_os = "redox" , unix ) ) ] # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" ) ] pub use sys :: ext as unix ; # [ cfg ( windows ) ] # [ stable ( feature = "rust1" , since = "1.0.0" ) ] pub use sys :: ext as windows ; # [ cfg ( any ( target_os = "linux" , target_os = "l4re" ) ) ] pub mod linux ; ) ) , }"#,
-        "__cfg_if_items ! {(rustdoc ,) ;}",
-    );
-fn test_cfg_if_main() {
-    // from https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/3d211248393686e0f73851fc7548f6605220fbe1/src/libpanic_unwind/macros.rs#L9
-    parse_macro(
-        r#"
-        macro_rules! cfg_if {
-            ($(
-                if #[cfg($($meta:meta),*)] { $($it:item)* }
-            ) else * else {
-                $($it2:item)*
-            }) => {
-                __cfg_if_items! {
-                    () ;
-                    $( ( ($($meta),*) ($($it)*) ), )*
-                    ( () ($($it2)*) ),
-                }
-            };
-            // Internal macro to Apply a cfg attribute to a list of items
-            (@__apply $m:meta, $($it:item)*) => {
-                $(#[$m] $it)*
-            };
-        }
-    ).assert_expand_items(r#"
-cfg_if !   {
-     if   # [ cfg ( target_env   =   "msvc" ) ]   {
-         // no extra unwinder support needed
-     }   else   if   # [ cfg ( all ( target_arch   =   "wasm32" ,   not ( target_os   =   "emscripten" ) ) ) ]   {
-         // no unwinder on the system!
-     }   else   {
-         mod   libunwind ;
-         pub   use   libunwind :: * ;
-     }
- }
-        "__cfg_if_items ! {() ; ((target_env = \"msvc\") ()) , ((all (target_arch = \"wasm32\" , not (target_os = \"emscripten\"))) ()) , (() (mod libunwind ; pub use libunwind :: * ;)) ,}"
-    ).assert_expand_items(
-        r#"
-cfg_if ! { @ __apply cfg ( all ( not ( any ( not ( any ( target_os = "solaris" , target_os = "illumos" ) ) ) ) ) ) , }
-        "",
-    );
 fn test_proptest_arbitrary() {
     // from https://github.com/AltSysrq/proptest/blob/d1c4b049337d2f75dd6f49a095115f7c532e5129/proptest/src/arbitrary/macros.rs#L16