Adjust documentation to describe how closures and closure bounds
affect things.
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
Region inference module.
# Terminology
Note that we use the terms region and lifetime interchangeably,
though the term `lifetime` is preferred.
# Introduction
Region inference uses a somewhat more involved algorithm than type
@ -50,10 +55,7 @@ Variables and constraints are created using the following methods:
the greatest region that is smaller than both R_i and R_j
The actual region resolution algorithm is not entirely
obvious, though it is also not overly complex. I'll explain
the algorithm as it currently works, then explain a somewhat
more complex variant that would probably scale better for
large graphs (and possibly all graphs).
obvious, though it is also not overly complex.
## Snapshotting
@ -68,10 +70,9 @@ is in progress, but only the root snapshot can "commit".
The constraint resolution algorithm is not super complex but also not
entirely obvious. Here I describe the problem somewhat abstractly,
then describe how the current code works, and finally describe a
better solution that is as of yet unimplemented. There may be other,
smarter ways of doing this with which I am unfamiliar and can't be
bothered to research at the moment. - NDM
then describe how the current code works. There may be other, smarter
ways of doing this with which I am unfamiliar and can't be bothered to
research at the moment. - NDM
## The problem
@ -120,19 +121,254 @@ its value as the GLB of all its successors. Basically contracting
nodes ensure that there is overlap between their successors; we will
ultimately infer the largest overlap possible.
### A better algorithm
# The Region Hierarchy
Fixed-point iteration is not necessary. What we ought to do is first
## Without closures
Let's first consider the region hierarchy without thinking about
closures, because they add a lot of complications. The region
hierarchy *basically* mirrors the lexical structure of the code.
There is a region for every piece of 'evaluation' that occurs, meaning
every expression, block, and pattern (patterns are considered to
"execute" by testing the value they are applied to and creating any
relevant bindings). So, for example:
fn foo(x: int, y: int) { // -+
// +------------+ // |
// | +-----+ // |
// | +-+ +-+ +-+ // |
// | | | | | | | // |
// v v v v v v v // |
let z = x + y; // |
... // |
} // -+
fn bar() { ... }
In this example, there is a region for the fn body block as a whole,
and then a subregion for the declaration of the local variable.
Within that, there are sublifetimes for the assignment pattern and
also the expression `x + y`. The expression itself has sublifetimes
for evaluating `x` and and `y`.
## Function calls
Function calls are a bit tricky. I will describe how we handle them
*now* and then a bit about how we can improve them (Issue #6268).
Consider a function call like `func(expr1, expr2)`, where `func`,
`arg1`, and `arg2` are all arbitrary expressions. Currently,
we construct a region hierarchy like:
| |
+--+ +---+ +---+|
v v v v v vv
func(expr1, expr2)
Here you can see that the call as a whole has a region and the
function plus arguments are subregions of that. As a side-effect of
this, we get a lot of spurious errors around nested calls, in
particular when combined with `&mut` functions. For example, a call
like this one
where both `foo` and `bar` are `&mut self` functions will always yield
an error.
Here is a more involved example (which is safe) so we can see what's
going on:
struct Foo { f: uint, g: uint }
fn add(p: &mut uint, v: uint) {
*p += v;
fn inc(p: &mut uint) -> uint {
*p += 1; *p
fn weird() {
let mut x: ~Foo = ~Foo { ... };
'a: add(&mut (*x).f,
'b: inc(&mut (*x).f)) // (*)
The important part is the line marked `(*)` which contains a call to
`add()`. The first argument is a mutable borrow of the field `f`. The
second argument also borrows the field `f`. Now, in the current borrow
checker, the first borrow is given the lifetime of the call to
`add()`, `'a`. The second borrow is given the lifetime of `'b` of the
call to `inc()`. Because `'b` is considered to be a sublifetime of
`'a`, an error is reported since there are two co-existing mutable
borrows of the same data.
However, if we were to examine the lifetimes a bit more carefully, we
can see that this error is unnecessary. Let's examine the lifetimes
involved with `'a` in detail. We'll break apart all the steps involved
in a call expression:
'a: {
'a_arg1: let a_temp1: ... = add;
'a_arg2: let a_temp2: &'a mut uint = &'a mut (*x).f;
'a_arg3: let a_temp3: uint = {
let b_temp1: ... = inc;
let b_temp2: &'b = &'b mut (*x).f;
'b_call: b_temp1(b_temp2)
'a_call: a_temp1(a_temp2, a_temp3) // (**)
Here we see that the lifetime `'a` includes a number of substatements.
In particular, there is this lifetime I've called `'a_call` that
corresponds to the *actual execution of the function `add()`*, after
all arguments have been evaluated. There is a corresponding lifetime
`'b_call` for the execution of `inc()`. If we wanted to be precise
about it, the lifetime of the two borrows should be `'a_call` and
`'b_call` respectively, since the borrowed pointers that were created
will not be dereferenced except during the execution itself.
However, this model by itself is not sound. The reason is that
while the two borrowed pointers that are created will never be used
simultaneously, it is still true that the first borrowed pointer is
*created* before the second argument is evaluated, and so even though
it will not be *dereferenced* during the evaluation of the second
argument, it can still be *invalidated* by that evaluation. Consider
this similar but unsound example:
struct Foo { f: uint, g: uint }
fn add(p: &mut uint, v: uint) {
*p += v;
fn consume(x: ~Foo) -> uint {
x.f + x.g
fn weird() {
let mut x: ~Foo = ~Foo { ... };
'a: add(&mut (*x).f, consume(x)) // (*)
In this case, the second argument to `add` actually consumes `x`, thus
invalidating the first argument.
So, for now, we exclude the `call` lifetimes from our model.
Eventually I would like to include them, but we will have to make the
borrow checker handle this situation correctly. In particular, if
there is a borrowed pointer created whose lifetime does not enclose
the borrow expression, we must issue sufficient restrictions to ensure
that the pointee remains valid.
## Adding closures
The other significant complication to the region hierarchy is
closures. I will describe here how closures should work, though some
of the work to implement this model is ongoing at the time of this
The body of closures are type-checked along with the function that
creates them. However, unlike other expressions that appear within the
function body, it is not entirely obvious when a closure body executes
with respect to the other expressions. This is because the closure
body will execute whenever the closure is called; however, we can
never know precisely when the closure will be called, especially
without some sort of alias analysis.
However, we can place some sort of limits on when the closure
executes. In particular, the type of every closure `fn:'r K` includes
a region bound `'r`. This bound indicates the maximum lifetime of that
closure; once we exit that region, the closure cannot be called
anymore. Therefore, we say that the lifetime of the closure body is a
sublifetime of the closure bound, but the closure body itself is unordered
with respect to other parts of the code.
For example, consider the following fragment of code:
'a: {
let closure: fn:'a() = || 'b: {
'c: ...
'd: ...
Here we have four lifetimes, `'a`, `'b`, `'c`, and `'d`. The closure
`closure` is bounded by the lifetime `'a`. The lifetime `'b` is the
lifetime of the closure body, and `'c` is some statement within the
closure body. Finally, `'d` is a statement within the outer block that
created the closure.
We can say that the closure body `'b` is a sublifetime of `'a` due to
the closure bound. By the usual lexical scoping conventions, the
statement `'c` is clearly a sublifetime of `'b`, and `'d` is a
sublifetime of `'d`. However, there is no ordering between `'c` and
`'d` per se (this kind of ordering between statements is actually only
an issue for dataflow; passes like the borrow checker must assume that
closures could execute at any time from the moment they are created
until they go out of scope).
### Complications due to closure bound inference
There is only one problem with the above model: in general, we do not
actually *know* the closure bounds during region inference! In fact,
closure bounds are almost always region variables! This is very tricky
because the inference system implicitly assumes that we can do things
like compute the LUB of two scoped lifetimes without needing to know
the values of any variables.
Here is an example to illustrate the problem:
fn identify<T>(x: T) -> T { x }
fn foo() { // 'foo is the function body
'a: {
let closure = identity(|| 'b: {
'c: ...
'd: closure();
'e: ...;
In this example, the closure bound is not explicit. At compile time,
we will create a region variable (let's call it `V0`) to represent the
closure bound.
The primary difficulty arises during the constraint propagation phase.
Imagine there is some variable with incoming edges from `'c` and `'d`.
This means that the value of the variable must be `LUB('c,
'd)`. However, without knowing what the closure bound `V0` is, we
can't compute the LUB of `'c` and `'d`! Any we don't know the closure
bound until inference is done.
The solution is to rely on the fixed point nature of inference.
Basically, when we must compute `LUB('c, 'd)`, we just use the current
value for `V0` as the closure's bound. If `V0`'s binding should
change, then we will do another round of inference, and the result of
`LUB('c, 'd)` will change.
One minor implication of this is that the graph does not in fact track
the full set of dependencies between edges. We cannot easily know
whether the result of a LUB computation will change, since there may
be indirect dependencies on other variables that are not reflected on
the graph. Therefore, we must *always* iterate over all edges when
doing the fixed point calculation, not just those adjacent to nodes
whose values have changed.
Were it not for this requirement, we could in fact avoid fixed-point
iteration altogether. In that universe, we could instead first
identify and remove strongly connected components (SCC) in the graph.
Note that such components must consist solely of region variables; all
of these variables can effectively be unified into a single variable.
Once SCCs are removed, we are left with a DAG. At this point, we can
walk the DAG in toplogical order once to compute the expanding nodes,
and again in reverse topological order to compute the contracting
nodes. The main reason I did not write it this way is that I did not
feel like implementing the SCC and toplogical sort algorithms at the
Once SCCs are removed, we are left with a DAG. At this point, we
could walk the DAG in toplogical order once to compute the expanding
nodes, and again in reverse topological order to compute the
contracting nodes. However, as I said, this does not work given the
current treatment of closure bounds, but perhaps in the future we can
address this problem somehow and make region inference somewhat more
efficient. Note that this is solely a matter of performance, not
# Skolemization and functions
Reference in New Issue
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