Use rewrite_assign_rhs for rewriting pattern in condition

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Seiichi Uchida 2017-07-10 02:22:15 +09:00
parent b897310d79
commit e355c85b42

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@ -1836,13 +1836,6 @@ impl Rewrite for ast::Arm {
// A pattern is simple if it is very short or it is short-ish and just a path.
// E.g. `Foo::Bar` is simple, but `Foo(..)` is not.
fn pat_is_simple(pat_str: &str) -> bool {
pat_str.len() <= 16 ||
(pat_str.len() <= 24 && pat_str.chars().all(|c| c.is_alphabetic() || c == ':'))
// The `if ...` guard on a match arm.
fn rewrite_guard(
context: &RewriteContext,
@ -1906,55 +1899,34 @@ fn rewrite_pat_expr(
shape: Shape,
) -> Option<String> {
debug!("rewrite_pat_expr {:?} {:?} {:?}", shape, pat, expr);
let mut pat_string = String::new();
let mut result = match pat {
Some(pat) => {
let matcher = if matcher.is_empty() {
} else {
format!("{} ", matcher)
let pat_shape =
pat_string = try_opt!(pat.rewrite(context, pat_shape));
format!("{}{}{}", matcher, pat_string, connector)
None => String::new(),
// Consider only the last line of the pat string.
let extra_offset = extra_offset(&result, shape);
if let Some(pat) = pat {
let matcher = if matcher.is_empty() {
} else {
format!("{} ", matcher)
let pat_shape =
let pat_string = try_opt!(pat.rewrite(context, pat_shape));
let result = format!("{}{}{}", matcher, pat_string, connector);
return rewrite_assign_rhs(context, result, expr, shape);
let expr_rw = expr.rewrite(context, shape);
// The expression may (partially) fit on the current line.
if shape.width > extra_offset + 1 {
let spacer = if pat.is_some() { " " } else { "" };
let expr_shape = try_opt!(shape.offset_left(extra_offset + spacer.len()));
let expr_rewrite = expr.rewrite(context, expr_shape);
if let Some(expr_string) = expr_rewrite {
if pat.is_none() || pat_is_simple(&pat_string) || !expr_string.contains('\n') {
return Some(result);
// We do not allow splitting between `if` and condition.
if keyword == "if" || expr_rw.is_some() {
return expr_rw;
if pat.is_none() && keyword == "if" {
return None;
let nested_indent = shape.indent.block_only().block_indent(context.config);
// The expression won't fit on the current line, jump to next.
let expr_rewrite = expr.rewrite(&context, Shape::indented(nested_indent, context.config));
let nested_shape = shape
let nested_indent_str = nested_shape.indent.to_string(context.config);
expr.rewrite(context, nested_shape)
.map(|expr_rw| format!("\n{}{}", nested_indent_str, expr_rw))
fn rewrite_string_lit(context: &RewriteContext, span: Span, shape: Shape) -> Option<String> {