manual fixups

This commit is contained in:
Nick Cameron 2016-01-19 15:01:22 +13:00
parent 2acfa838a0
commit e305ee6db9

View File

@ -316,27 +316,20 @@ impl TestOpts {
/// Result of parsing the options.
pub type OptRes = Result<TestOpts, String>;
#[cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)]
fn optgroups() -> Vec<getopts::OptGroup> {
vec![getopts::optflag("", "ignored", "Run ignored tests"),
getopts::optflag("", "test", "Run tests and not benchmarks"),
getopts::optflag("", "bench", "Run benchmarks instead of tests"),
getopts::optflag("h", "help", "Display this message (longer with --help)"),
"Write logs to the specified file instead of stdout",
"don't capture stdout/stderr of each task, allow printing directly"),
"Configure coloring of output:
auto = colorize if stdout \
is a tty and tests are run on serially (default);
always = \
always colorize output;
never = never colorize output;",
vec!(getopts::optflag("", "ignored", "Run ignored tests"),
getopts::optflag("", "test", "Run tests and not benchmarks"),
getopts::optflag("", "bench", "Run benchmarks instead of tests"),
getopts::optflag("h", "help", "Display this message (longer with --help)"),
getopts::optopt("", "logfile", "Write logs to the specified file instead \
of stdout", "PATH"),
getopts::optflag("", "nocapture", "don't capture stdout/stderr of each \
task, allow printing directly"),
getopts::optopt("", "color", "Configure coloring of output:
auto = colorize if stdout is a tty and tests are run on serially (default);
always = always colorize output;
never = never colorize output;", "auto|always|never"))
fn usage(binary: &str) {