syntax: remove most code handling old-style syntax extensions.
This commit is contained in:
@ -842,13 +842,7 @@ type mac_body = Option<mac_body_>;
enum mac_ {
mac_invoc(@path, mac_arg, mac_body), // old macro-invocation
mac_invoc_tt(@path,~[token_tree]), // new macro-invocation
mac_ellipsis, // old pattern-match (obsolete)
// the span is used by the quoter/anti-quoter ...
mac_aq(span /* span of quote */, @expr), // anti-quote
type lit = spanned<lit_>;
@ -16,16 +16,16 @@ use ast_util::dummy_sp;
// obsolete old-style #macro code:
// syntax_expander, normal, macro_defining, macro_definer,
// builtin
// syntax_expander, normal, builtin
// new-style macro! tt code:
// syntax_expander_tt, syntax_expander_tt_item, mac_result,
// normal_tt, item_tt
// also note that ast::mac has way too many cases and can probably
// be trimmed down substantially.
// also note that ast::mac used to have a bunch of extraneous cases and
// is now probably a redundant AST node, can be merged with
// ast::mac_invoc_tt.
// second argument is the span to blame for general argument problems
type syntax_expander_ =
@ -35,10 +35,6 @@ type syntax_expander = {expander: syntax_expander_, span: Option<span>};
type macro_def = {name: ~str, ext: syntax_extension};
// macro_definer is obsolete, remove when #old_macros go away.
type macro_definer =
fn@(ext_ctxt, span, ast::mac_arg, ast::mac_body) -> macro_def;
type item_decorator =
fn@(ext_ctxt, span, ast::meta_item, ~[@ast::item]) -> ~[@ast::item];
@ -63,9 +59,6 @@ enum syntax_extension {
// normal() is obsolete, remove when #old_macros go away.
// macro_defining() is obsolete, remove when #old_macros go away.
// #[auto_serialize] and such. will probably survive death of #old_macros
@ -89,8 +82,6 @@ fn syntax_expander_table() -> HashMap<~str, syntax_extension> {
item_tt({expander: f, span: None})
let syntax_expanders = HashMap();
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
use std::map::HashMap;
use ast::{crate, expr_, expr_mac, mac_invoc, mac_invoc_tt,
use ast::{crate, expr_, expr_mac, mac_invoc_tt,
tt_delim, tt_tok, item_mac, stmt_, stmt_mac, stmt_expr, stmt_semi};
use fold::*;
use ext::base::*;
@ -31,51 +31,6 @@ fn expand_expr(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>, cx: ext_ctxt,
expr_mac(ref mac) => {
match (*mac).node {
// Old-style macros. For compatibility, will erase this whole
// block once we've transitioned.
mac_invoc(pth, args, body) => {
assert (vec::len(pth.idents) > 0u);
/* using idents and token::special_idents would make the
the macro names be hygienic */
let extname = cx.parse_sess().interner.get(pth.idents[0]);
match exts.find(*extname) {
None => {
fmt!("macro undefined: '%s'", *extname))
Some(item_decorator(_)) => {
fmt!("%s can only be used as a decorator", *extname));
Some(normal({expander: exp, span: exp_sp})) => {
cx.bt_push(ExpandedFrom({call_site: s,
callie: {name: *extname, span: exp_sp}}));
let expanded = exp(cx, (*mac).span, args, body);
//keep going, outside-in
let fully_expanded = fld.fold_expr(expanded).node;
(fully_expanded, s)
Some(macro_defining(ext)) => {
let named_extension = ext(cx, (*mac).span, args, body);
exts.insert(, named_extension.ext);
(ast::expr_rec(~[], None), s)
Some(normal_tt(_)) => {
fmt!("this tt-style macro should be \
invoked '%s!(...)'", *extname))
Some(item_tt(*)) => {
~"cannot use item macros in this context");
// Token-tree macros, these will be the only case when we're
// finished transitioning.
@ -130,7 +85,6 @@ fn expand_expr(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>, cx: ext_ctxt,
_ => cx.span_bug((*mac).span, ~"naked syntactic bit")
_ => orig(e, s, fld)
@ -165,8 +119,8 @@ fn expand_mod_items(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>, cx: ext_ctxt,
ast::meta_list(ref n, _) => (*n)
match exts.find(mname) {
None | Some(normal(_)) | Some(macro_defining(_))
| Some(normal_tt(_)) | Some(item_tt(*)) => items,
None | Some(normal(_))
| Some(normal_tt(_)) | Some(item_tt(*)) => items,
Some(item_decorator(dec_fn)) => {
cx.bt_push(ExpandedFrom({call_site: attr.span,
callie: {name: copy mname,
@ -209,36 +163,16 @@ fn expand_item(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>,
// avoid excess indentation when a series of nested `match`es
// has only one "good" outcome
macro_rules! biased_match (
( ($e :expr) ~ ($p :pat) else $err :stmt ;
$( ($e_cdr:expr) ~ ($p_cdr:pat) else $err_cdr:stmt ; )*
=> $body:expr
) => (
match $e {
$p => {
biased_match!($( ($e_cdr) ~ ($p_cdr) else $err_cdr ; )*
=> $body)
_ => { $err }
( => $body:expr ) => ( $body )
// Support for item-position macro invocations, exactly the same
// logic as for expression-position macro invocations.
fn expand_item_mac(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>,
cx: ext_ctxt, &&it: @ast::item,
fld: ast_fold) -> Option<@ast::item> {
let (pth, tts) = biased_match!(
(it.node) ~ (item_mac({node: mac_invoc_tt(pth, ref tts), _})) else {
cx.span_bug(it.span, ~"invalid item macro invocation")
=> (pth, (*tts))
let (pth, tts) = match it.node {
item_mac({node: mac_invoc_tt(pth, ref tts), _}) => (pth, (*tts)),
_ => cx.span_bug(it.span, ~"invalid item macro invocation")
let extname = cx.parse_sess().interner.get(pth.idents[0]);
let expanded = match exts.find(*extname) {
@ -293,12 +227,15 @@ fn expand_stmt(exts: HashMap<~str, syntax_extension>, cx: ext_ctxt,
orig: fn@(&&s: stmt_, span, ast_fold) -> (stmt_, span))
-> (stmt_, span)
let (mac, pth, tts, semi) = biased_match! (
(s) ~ (stmt_mac(ref mac, semi)) else return orig(s, sp, fld);
((*mac).node) ~ (mac_invoc_tt(pth, ref tts)) else {
cx.span_bug((*mac).span, ~"naked syntactic bit")
=> ((*mac), pth, (*tts), semi));
let (mac, pth, tts, semi) = match s {
stmt_mac(ref mac, semi) => {
match (*mac).node {
mac_invoc_tt(pth, ref tts) => ((*mac), pth, (*tts), semi)
_ => return orig(s, sp, fld)
assert(vec::len(pth.idents) == 1u);
let extname = cx.parse_sess().interner.get(pth.idents[0]);
@ -406,7 +406,6 @@ fn mk_token(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, tok: token::Token) -> @ast::expr {
AT => "AT",
DOT => "DOT",
@ -1,750 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
use codemap::span;
use std::map::HashMap;
use dvec::DVec;
use base::*;
use fold::*;
use ast_util::respan;
use ast::{ident, path, Ty, blk_, expr, expr_path,
expr_vec, expr_mac, mac_invoc, node_id, expr_index};
export add_new_extension;
fn path_to_ident(pth: @path) -> Option<ident> {
if vec::len(pth.idents) == 1u && vec::len(pth.types) == 0u {
return Some(pth.idents[0u]);
return None;
//a vec of binders might be a little big.
type clause = {params: binders, body: @expr};
/* logically, an arb_depth should contain only one kind of matchable */
enum arb_depth<T> { leaf(T), seq(@~[arb_depth<T>], span), }
enum matchable {
match_exact, /* don't bind anything, just verify the AST traversal */
/* for when given an incompatible bit of AST */
fn match_error(cx: ext_ctxt, m: matchable, expected: ~str) -> ! {
match m {
match_expr(x) => cx.span_fatal(
x.span, ~"this argument is an expr, expected " + expected),
match_path(x) => cx.span_fatal(
x.span, ~"this argument is a path, expected " + expected),
match_ident(x) => cx.span_fatal(
x.span, ~"this argument is an ident, expected " + expected),
match_ty(x) => cx.span_fatal(
x.span, ~"this argument is a type, expected " + expected),
match_block(ref x) => cx.span_fatal(
(*x).span, ~"this argument is a block, expected " + expected),
match_exact => cx.bug(~"what is a match_exact doing in a bindings?")
// We can't make all the matchables in a match_result the same type because
// idents can be paths, which can be exprs.
// If we want better match failure error messages (like in Fortifying Syntax),
// we'll want to return something indicating amount of progress and location
// of failure instead of `none`.
type match_result = Option<arb_depth<matchable>>;
type selector = fn@(matchable) -> match_result;
fn elts_to_ell(cx: ext_ctxt, elts: ~[@expr]) ->
{pre: ~[@expr], rep: Option<@expr>, post: ~[@expr]} {
let mut idx: uint = 0u;
let mut res = None;
for elts.each |elt| {
match elt.node {
expr_mac(ref m) => match (*m).node {
ast::mac_ellipsis => {
if res.is_some() {
cx.span_fatal((*m).span, ~"only one ellipsis allowed");
res =
Some({pre: vec::slice(elts, 0u, idx - 1u),
rep: Some(elts[idx - 1u]),
post: vec::slice(elts, idx + 1u, vec::len(elts))});
_ => ()
_ => ()
idx += 1u;
return match res {
Some(val) => val,
None => {pre: elts, rep: None, post: ~[]}
fn option_flatten_map<T: Copy, U: Copy>(f: fn@(T) -> Option<U>, v: ~[T]) ->
Option<~[U]> {
let mut res = ~[];
for v.each |elem| {
match f(*elem) {
None => return None,
Some(ref fv) => res.push((*fv))
return Some(res);
fn a_d_map(ad: arb_depth<matchable>, f: selector) -> match_result {
match ad {
leaf(ref x) => return f((*x)),
seq(ads, span) => match option_flatten_map(|x| a_d_map(x, f), *ads) {
None => return None,
Some(ts) => return Some(seq(@ts, span))
fn compose_sels(s1: selector, s2: selector) -> selector {
fn scomp(s1: selector, s2: selector, m: matchable) -> match_result {
return match s1(m) {
None => None,
Some(ref matches) => a_d_map((*matches), s2)
return { |x| scomp(s1, s2, x) };
type binders =
{real_binders: HashMap<ident, selector>,
literal_ast_matchers: DVec<selector>};
type bindings = HashMap<ident, arb_depth<matchable>>;
fn acumm_bindings(_cx: ext_ctxt, _b_dest: bindings, _b_src: bindings) { }
/* these three functions are the big moving parts */
/* create the selectors needed to bind and verify the pattern */
fn pattern_to_selectors(cx: ext_ctxt, e: @expr) -> binders {
let res: binders =
{real_binders: HashMap(),
literal_ast_matchers: DVec()};
//this oughta return binders instead, but macro args are a sequence of
//expressions, rather than a single expression
fn trivial_selector(m: matchable) -> match_result {
return Some(leaf(m));
p_t_s_rec(cx, match_expr(e), trivial_selector, res);
move res
/* use the selectors on the actual arguments to the macro to extract
bindings. Most of the work is done in p_t_s, which generates the
selectors. */
fn use_selectors_to_bind(b: binders, e: @expr) -> Option<bindings> {
let res = HashMap();
//need to do this first, to check vec lengths.
for b.literal_ast_matchers.each |sel| {
match (*sel)(match_expr(e)) { None => return None, _ => () }
let mut never_mind: bool = false;
for b.real_binders.each |key, val| {
match val(match_expr(e)) {
None => never_mind = true,
Some(ref mtc) => { res.insert(key, (*mtc)); }
//HACK: `ret` doesn't work in `for each`
if never_mind { return None; }
return Some(res);
/* use the bindings on the body to generate the expanded code */
fn transcribe(cx: ext_ctxt, b: bindings, body: @expr) -> @expr {
let idx_path: @mut ~[uint] = @mut ~[];
fn new_id(_old: node_id, cx: ext_ctxt) -> node_id { return cx.next_id(); }
fn new_span(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span) -> span {
/* this discards information in the case of macro-defining macros */
return span {lo: sp.lo, hi: sp.hi, expn_info: cx.backtrace()};
let afp = default_ast_fold();
let f_pre =
@{fold_ident: |x,y|transcribe_ident(cx, b, idx_path, x, y),
fold_path: |x,y|transcribe_path(cx, b, idx_path, x, y),
fold_expr: |x,y,z|
transcribe_expr(cx, b, idx_path, x, y, z, afp.fold_expr)
fold_ty: |x,y,z|
transcribe_type(cx, b, idx_path,
x, y, z, afp.fold_ty)
fold_block: |x,y,z|
transcribe_block(cx, b, idx_path, x, y, z, afp.fold_block)
map_exprs: |x,y|
transcribe_exprs(cx, b, idx_path, x, y)
new_id: |x|new_id(x, cx),
.. *afp};
let f = make_fold(f_pre);
let result = f.fold_expr(body);
return result;
/* helper: descend into a matcher */
pure fn follow(m: arb_depth<matchable>, idx_path: &[uint]) ->
arb_depth<matchable> {
let mut res: arb_depth<matchable> = m;
for vec::each(idx_path) |idx| {
res = match res {
leaf(_) => return res,/* end of the line */
seq(new_ms, _) => new_ms[*idx]
return res;
fn follow_for_trans(cx: ext_ctxt, mmaybe: Option<arb_depth<matchable>>,
idx_path: @mut ~[uint]) -> Option<matchable> {
match mmaybe {
None => return None,
Some(ref m) => {
return match follow((*m), *idx_path) {
seq(_, sp) => {
~"syntax matched under ... but not " +
~"used that way.")
leaf(ref m) => return Some((*m))
/* helper for transcribe_exprs: what vars from `b` occur in `e`? */
fn free_vars(b: bindings, e: @expr, it: fn(ident)) {
let idents = HashMap();
fn mark_ident(&&i: ident, _fld: ast_fold, b: bindings,
idents: HashMap<ident, ()>) -> ident {
if b.contains_key(i) { idents.insert(i, ()); }
return i;
// using fold is a hack: we want visit, but it doesn't hit idents ) :
// solve this with macros
let f_pre =
@{fold_ident: |x,y|mark_ident(x, y, b, idents),
.. *default_ast_fold()};
let f = make_fold(f_pre);
f.fold_expr(e); // ignore result
for idents.each_key |x| { it(x); };
fn wrong_occurs(cx: ext_ctxt, l: ident, l_c: uint, r: ident, r_c: uint)
-> ~str {
fmt!("'%s' occurs %u times, but '%s' occurs %u times",
*cx.parse_sess().interner.get(l), l_c,
*cx.parse_sess().interner.get(r), r_c)
/* handle sequences (anywhere in the AST) of exprs, either real or ...ed */
fn transcribe_exprs(cx: ext_ctxt, b: bindings, idx_path: @mut ~[uint],
recur: fn@(&&v: @expr) -> @expr,
exprs: ~[@expr]) -> ~[@expr] {
match elts_to_ell(cx, exprs) {
{pre: pre, rep: repeat_me_maybe, post: post} => {
let mut res = vec::map(pre, |x| recur(*x));
match repeat_me_maybe {
None => (),
Some(repeat_me) => {
let mut repeat: Option<{rep_count: uint, name: ident}> = None;
/* we need to walk over all the free vars in lockstep, except for
the leaves, which are just duplicated */
do free_vars(b, repeat_me) |fv| {
let fv_depth = b.get(fv);
let cur_pos = follow(fv_depth, *idx_path);
match cur_pos {
leaf(_) => (),
seq(ms, _) => {
match repeat {
None => {
repeat = Some({rep_count: vec::len(*ms), name: fv});
Some({rep_count: old_len, name: old_name}) => {
let len = vec::len(*ms);
if old_len != len {
let msg = wrong_occurs(cx, fv, len,
old_name, old_len);
cx.span_fatal(repeat_me.span, msg);
match repeat {
None => {
~"'...' surrounds an expression without any" +
~" repeating syntax variables");
Some({rep_count: rc, _}) => {
/* Whew, we now know how how many times to repeat */
let mut idx: uint = 0u;
while idx < rc {
res.push(recur(repeat_me)); // whew!
idx += 1u;
res = vec::append(res, vec::map(post, |x| recur(*x)));
return res;
// substitute, in a position that's required to be an ident
fn transcribe_ident(cx: ext_ctxt, b: bindings, idx_path: @mut ~[uint],
&&i: ident, _fld: ast_fold) -> ident {
return match follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(i), idx_path) {
Some(match_ident(a_id)) => a_id.node,
Some(ref m) => match_error(cx, (*m), ~"an identifier"),
None => i
fn transcribe_path(cx: ext_ctxt, b: bindings, idx_path: @mut ~[uint],
p: path, _fld: ast_fold) -> path {
// Don't substitute into qualified names.
if vec::len(p.types) > 0u || vec::len(p.idents) != 1u { return p; }
match follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(p.idents[0]), idx_path) {
Some(match_ident(id)) => {
{span: id.span, global: false, idents: ~[id.node],
rp: None, types: ~[]}
Some(match_path(a_pth)) => *a_pth,
Some(ref m) => match_error(cx, (*m), ~"a path"),
None => p
fn transcribe_expr(cx: ext_ctxt, b: bindings, idx_path: @mut ~[uint],
e: ast::expr_, s: span, fld: ast_fold,
orig: fn@(ast::expr_, span, ast_fold)->(ast::expr_, span))
-> (ast::expr_, span)
return match e {
expr_path(p) => {
// Don't substitute into qualified names.
if vec::len(p.types) > 0u || vec::len(p.idents) != 1u {
(e, s);
match follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(p.idents[0]), idx_path) {
Some(match_ident(id)) => {
(expr_path(@{span: id.span,
global: false,
idents: ~[id.node],
rp: None,
types: ~[]}), id.span)
Some(match_path(a_pth)) => (expr_path(a_pth), s),
Some(match_expr(a_exp)) => (a_exp.node, a_exp.span),
Some(ref m) => match_error(cx, (*m), ~"an expression"),
None => orig(e, s, fld)
_ => orig(e, s, fld)
fn transcribe_type(cx: ext_ctxt, b: bindings, idx_path: @mut ~[uint],
t: ast::ty_, s: span, fld: ast_fold,
orig: fn@(ast::ty_, span, ast_fold) -> (ast::ty_, span))
-> (ast::ty_, span)
return match t {
ast::ty_path(pth, _) => {
match path_to_ident(pth) {
Some(id) => {
match follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(id), idx_path) {
Some(match_ty(ty)) => (ty.node, ty.span),
Some(ref m) => match_error(cx, (*m), ~"a type"),
None => orig(t, s, fld)
None => orig(t, s, fld)
_ => orig(t, s, fld)
/* for parsing reasons, syntax variables bound to blocks must be used like
`{v}` */
fn transcribe_block(cx: ext_ctxt, b: bindings, idx_path: @mut ~[uint],
blk: blk_, s: span, fld: ast_fold,
orig: fn@(blk_, span, ast_fold) -> (blk_, span))
-> (blk_, span)
return match block_to_ident(blk) {
Some(id) => {
match follow_for_trans(cx, b.find(id), idx_path) {
Some(match_block(ref new_blk)) => {
((*new_blk).node, (*new_blk).span)
// possibly allow promotion of ident/path/expr to blocks?
Some(ref m) => match_error(cx, (*m), ~"a block"),
None => orig(blk, s, fld)
None => orig(blk, s, fld)
/* traverse the pattern, building instructions on how to bind the actual
argument. ps accumulates instructions on navigating the tree.*/
fn p_t_s_rec(cx: ext_ctxt, m: matchable, s: selector, b: binders) {
//it might be possible to traverse only exprs, not matchables
match m {
match_expr(e) => {
match e.node {
expr_path(p_pth) => p_t_s_r_path(cx, p_pth, s, b),
expr_vec(p_elts, _) => {
match elts_to_ell(cx, p_elts) {
{pre: pre, rep: Some(repeat_me), post: post} => {
p_t_s_r_length(cx, vec::len(pre) + vec::len(post), true, s,
if vec::len(pre) > 0u {
p_t_s_r_actual_vector(cx, pre, true, s, b);
p_t_s_r_ellipses(cx, repeat_me, vec::len(pre), s, b);
if vec::len(post) > 0u {
~"matching after `...` not yet supported");
{pre: pre, rep: None, post: post} => {
if post.len() > 0 {
cx.bug(~"elts_to_ell provided an invalid result");
p_t_s_r_length(cx, vec::len(pre), false, s, b);
p_t_s_r_actual_vector(cx, pre, false, s, b);
/* FIXME (#2251): handle embedded types and blocks, at least */
expr_mac(ref mac) => {
p_t_s_r_mac(cx, (*mac), s, b);
_ => {
fn select(cx: ext_ctxt, m: matchable, pat: @expr) ->
match_result {
return match m {
match_expr(e) => {
if managed::ptr_eq(e, pat) {
// XXX: Is this right?
} else {
_ => cx.bug(~"broken traversal in p_t_s_r")
b.literal_ast_matchers.push(|x| select(cx, x, e));
_ => cx.bug(~"undocumented invariant in p_t_s_rec")
/* make a match more precise */
fn specialize_match(m: matchable) -> matchable {
return match m {
match_expr(e) => {
match e.node {
expr_path(pth) => {
match path_to_ident(pth) {
Some(id) => match_ident(respan(pth.span, id)),
None => match_path(pth)
_ => m
_ => m
/* pattern_to_selectors helper functions */
fn p_t_s_r_path(cx: ext_ctxt, p: @path, s: selector, b: binders) {
match path_to_ident(p) {
Some(p_id) => {
fn select(cx: ext_ctxt, m: matchable) -> match_result {
return match m {
match_expr(*) => Some(leaf(specialize_match(m))),
_ => cx.bug(~"broken traversal in p_t_s_r")
if b.real_binders.contains_key(p_id) {
cx.span_fatal(p.span, ~"duplicate binding identifier");
b.real_binders.insert(p_id, compose_sels(s, |x| select(cx, x)));
None => ()
fn block_to_ident(blk: blk_) -> Option<ident> {
if vec::len(blk.stmts) != 0u { return None; }
return match blk.expr {
Some(expr) => match expr.node {
expr_path(pth) => path_to_ident(pth),
_ => None
None => None
fn p_t_s_r_mac(cx: ext_ctxt, mac: ast::mac, _s: selector, _b: binders) {
fn select_pt_1(cx: ext_ctxt, m: matchable,
fn_m: fn(ast::mac) -> match_result) -> match_result {
return match m {
match_expr(e) => match e.node {
expr_mac(ref mac) => fn_m((*mac)),
_ => None
_ => cx.bug(~"broken traversal in p_t_s_r")
fn no_des(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, syn: ~str) -> ! {
cx.span_fatal(sp, ~"destructuring " + syn + ~" is not yet supported");
match mac.node {
ast::mac_ellipsis => cx.span_fatal(mac.span, ~"misused `...`"),
ast::mac_invoc(_, _, _) => no_des(cx, mac.span, ~"macro calls"),
ast::mac_invoc_tt(_, _) => no_des(cx, mac.span, ~"macro calls"),
ast::mac_aq(_,_) => no_des(cx, mac.span, ~"antiquotes"),
ast::mac_var(_) => no_des(cx, mac.span, ~"antiquote variables")
fn p_t_s_r_ellipses(cx: ext_ctxt, repeat_me: @expr, offset: uint, s: selector,
b: binders) {
fn select(cx: ext_ctxt, repeat_me: @expr, offset: uint, m: matchable) ->
match_result {
return match m {
match_expr(e) => {
match e.node {
expr_vec(arg_elts, _) => {
let mut elts = ~[];
let mut idx = offset;
while idx < vec::len(arg_elts) {
idx += 1u;
// using repeat_me.span is a little wacky, but the
// error we want to report is one in the macro def
Some(seq(@elts, repeat_me.span))
_ => None
_ => cx.bug(~"broken traversal in p_t_s_r")
p_t_s_rec(cx, match_expr(repeat_me),
compose_sels(s, |x| select(cx, repeat_me, offset, x)), b);
fn p_t_s_r_length(cx: ext_ctxt, len: uint, at_least: bool, s: selector,
b: binders) {
fn len_select(_cx: ext_ctxt, m: matchable, at_least: bool, len: uint) ->
match_result {
return match m {
match_expr(e) => {
match e.node {
expr_vec(arg_elts, _) => {
let actual_len = vec::len(arg_elts);
if at_least && actual_len >= len || actual_len == len {
} else { None }
_ => None
_ => None
compose_sels(s, |x| len_select(cx, x, at_least, len)));
fn p_t_s_r_actual_vector(cx: ext_ctxt, elts: ~[@expr], _repeat_after: bool,
s: selector, b: binders) {
let mut idx: uint = 0u;
while idx < vec::len(elts) {
fn select(cx: ext_ctxt, m: matchable, idx: uint) -> match_result {
return match m {
match_expr(e) => {
match e.node {
expr_vec(arg_elts, _) => {
_ => None
_ => cx.bug(~"broken traversal in p_t_s_r")
p_t_s_rec(cx, match_expr(elts[idx]),
compose_sels(s, |x, copy idx| select(cx, x, idx)), b);
idx += 1u;
fn add_new_extension(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, arg: ast::mac_arg,
_body: ast::mac_body) -> base::macro_def {
let args = get_mac_args_no_max(cx, sp, arg, 0u, ~"macro");
let mut macro_name: Option<~str> = None;
let mut clauses: ~[@clause] = ~[];
for args.each |arg| {
match arg.node {
expr_vec(elts, _) => {
if vec::len(elts) != 2u {
~"extension clause must consist of ~[" +
~"macro invocation, expansion body]");
match elts[0u].node {
expr_mac(ref mac) => {
match (*mac).node {
mac_invoc(pth, invoc_arg, _) => {
match path_to_ident(pth) {
Some(id) => {
let id_str = cx.str_of(id);
match macro_name {
None => macro_name = Some(id_str),
Some(ref other_id) => if id_str != (*other_id) {
~"macro name must be " +
None => cx.span_fatal(pth.span,
~"macro name must not be a path")
let arg = match invoc_arg {
Some(arg) => arg,
None => cx.span_fatal((*mac).span,
~"macro must have arguments")
clauses.push(@{params: pattern_to_selectors(cx, arg),
body: elts[1u]});
// FIXME (#2251): check duplicates (or just simplify
// the macro arg situation)
_ => {
cx.span_bug((*mac).span, ~"undocumented invariant in \
_ => {
~"extension clause must" +
~" start with a macro invocation.");
_ => {
~"extension must be ~[clause, " + ~" ...]");
let ext = |a,b,c,d, move clauses| generic_extension(a,b,c,d,clauses);
return {name:
match macro_name {
Some(ref id) => (*id),
None => cx.span_fatal(sp, ~"macro definition must have " +
~"at least one clause")
ext: normal({expander: ext, span: Some(arg.get().span)})};
fn generic_extension(cx: ext_ctxt, sp: span, arg: ast::mac_arg,
_body: ast::mac_body,
clauses: ~[@clause]) -> @expr {
let arg = match arg {
Some(arg) => arg,
None => cx.span_fatal(sp, ~"macro must have arguments")
for clauses.each |c| {
match use_selectors_to_bind(c.params, arg) {
Some(bindings) => return transcribe(cx, bindings, c.body),
None => loop
cx.span_fatal(sp, ~"no clauses match macro invocation");
// Local Variables:
// mode: rust
// fill-column: 78;
// indent-tabs-mode: nil
// c-basic-offset: 4
// buffer-file-coding-system: utf-8-unix
// End:
@ -120,14 +120,7 @@ fn fold_arg_(a: arg, fld: ast_fold) -> arg {
fn fold_mac_(m: mac, fld: ast_fold) -> mac {
return {node:
match m.node {
mac_invoc(pth, arg, body) => {
option::map(&arg, |x| fld.fold_expr(*x)), body)
mac_invoc_tt(*) => m.node,
mac_ellipsis => mac_ellipsis,
mac_aq(_,_) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy m.node,
mac_var(_) => /* FIXME (#2543) */ copy m.node,
span: fld.new_span(m.span)};
@ -12,16 +12,9 @@ use either::{Either, Left, Right};
use ast_util::spanned;
use common::*; //resolve bug?
export attr_or_ext;
export parser_attr;
// A type to distingush between the parsing of item attributes or syntax
// extensions, which both begin with token.POUND
type attr_or_ext = Option<Either<~[ast::attribute], @ast::expr>>;
trait parser_attr {
fn parse_outer_attrs_or_ext(first_item_attrs: ~[ast::attribute])
-> attr_or_ext;
fn parse_outer_attributes() -> ~[ast::attribute];
fn parse_attribute(style: ast::attr_style) -> ast::attribute;
fn parse_attribute_naked(style: ast::attr_style, lo: BytePos) ->
@ -35,34 +28,6 @@ trait parser_attr {
impl Parser: parser_attr {
fn parse_outer_attrs_or_ext(first_item_attrs: ~[ast::attribute])
-> attr_or_ext
let expect_item_next = vec::is_not_empty(first_item_attrs);
match self.token {
token::POUND => {
let lo = self.span.lo;
if self.look_ahead(1u) == token::LBRACKET {
let first_attr =
self.parse_attribute_naked(ast::attr_outer, lo);
return Some(Left(vec::append(~[first_attr],
} else if !(self.look_ahead(1u) == token::LT
|| self.look_ahead(1u) == token::LBRACKET
|| self.look_ahead(1u) == token::POUND
|| expect_item_next) {
return Some(Right(self.parse_syntax_ext_naked(lo)));
} else { return None; }
token::DOC_COMMENT(_) => {
return Some(Left(self.parse_outer_attributes()));
_ => return None
// Parse attributes that appear before an item
fn parse_outer_attributes() -> ~[ast::attribute] {
let mut attrs: ~[ast::attribute] = ~[];
@ -515,11 +515,6 @@ fn next_token_inner(rdr: string_reader) -> token::Token {
return token::DOTDOT;
if rdr.curr == '.' && nextch(rdr) == '.' {
return token::ELLIPSIS;
return token::DOT;
'(' => { bump(rdr); return token::LPAREN; }
@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ use ast::{_mod, add, arg, arm, attribute,
item_foreign_mod, item_impl, item_mac, item_mod, item_trait,
item_ty, lit, lit_, lit_bool, lit_float, lit_float_unsuffixed,
lit_int, lit_int_unsuffixed, lit_nil, lit_str, lit_uint, local,
m_const, m_imm, m_mutbl, mac_, mac_aq, mac_ellipsis, mac_invoc,
mac_invoc_tt, mac_var, matcher, match_nonterminal, match_seq,
m_const, m_imm, m_mutbl, mac_,
mac_invoc_tt, matcher, match_nonterminal, match_seq,
match_tok, method, mode, module_ns, mt, mul, mutability,
named_field, neg, noreturn, not, pat, pat_box, pat_enum,
pat_ident, pat_lit, pat_range, pat_rec, pat_region, pat_struct,
@ -510,15 +510,6 @@ impl Parser {
let lo = self.span.lo;
match self.maybe_parse_dollar_mac() {
Some(ref e) => {
return @{id: self.get_id(),
node: ty_mac(spanned(lo, self.span.hi, (*e))),
span: mk_sp(lo, self.span.hi)};
None => ()
let t = if self.token == token::LPAREN {
if self.token == token::RPAREN {
@ -730,32 +721,6 @@ impl Parser {
fn maybe_parse_dollar_mac() -> Option<mac_> {
match copy self.token {
token::DOLLAR => {
let lo = self.span.lo;
match copy self.token {
token::LIT_INT_UNSUFFIXED(num) => {
Some(mac_var(num as uint))
token::LPAREN => {
let e = self.parse_expr();
let hi = self.last_span.hi;
Some(mac_aq(mk_sp(lo,hi), e))
_ => {
self.fatal(~"expected `(` or unsuffixed integer literal");
_ => None
fn maybe_parse_fixed_vstore_with_star() -> Option<uint> {
if {
match copy self.token {
@ -928,11 +893,6 @@ impl Parser {
let mut ex: expr_;
match self.maybe_parse_dollar_mac() {
Some(ref x) => return self.mk_mac_expr(lo, self.span.hi, (*x)),
_ => ()
if self.token == token::LPAREN {
if self.token == token::RPAREN {
@ -1022,13 +982,6 @@ impl Parser {
hi = self.span.hi;
} else if self.token == token::ELLIPSIS {
return self.mk_mac_expr(lo, self.span.hi, mac_ellipsis);
} else if self.token == token::POUND {
let ex_ext = self.parse_syntax_ext();
hi = ex_ext.span.hi;
ex = ex_ext.node;
} else if self.eat_keyword(~"fail") {
if can_begin_expr(self.token) {
let e = self.parse_expr();
@ -1141,54 +1094,6 @@ impl Parser {
return self.mk_expr(blk.span.lo, blk.span.hi, expr_block(blk));
fn parse_syntax_ext() -> @expr {
let lo = self.span.lo;
return self.parse_syntax_ext_naked(lo);
fn parse_syntax_ext_naked(lo: BytePos) -> @expr {
match self.token {
token::IDENT(_, _) => (),
_ => self.fatal(~"expected a syntax expander name")
let pth = self.parse_path_without_tps();
//temporary for a backwards-compatible cycle:
let sep = seq_sep_trailing_disallowed(token::COMMA);
let mut e = None;
if (self.token == token::LPAREN || self.token == token::LBRACKET) {
let lo = self.span.lo;
let es =
if self.token == token::LPAREN {
self.parse_unspanned_seq(token::LPAREN, token::RPAREN,
sep, |p| p.parse_expr())
} else {
self.parse_unspanned_seq(token::LBRACKET, token::RBRACKET,
sep, |p| p.parse_expr())
let hi = self.span.hi;
e = Some(self.mk_expr(lo, hi, expr_vec(es, m_imm)));
let mut b = None;
if self.token == token::LBRACE {
let lo = self.span.lo;
let mut depth = 1u;
while (depth > 0u) {
match (self.token) {
token::LBRACE => depth += 1u,
token::RBRACE => depth -= 1u,
token::EOF => self.fatal(~"unexpected EOF in macro body"),
_ => ()
let hi = self.last_span.lo;
b = Some({span: mk_sp(lo,hi)});
return self.mk_mac_expr(lo, self.span.hi, mac_invoc(pth, e, b));
fn parse_dot_or_call_expr() -> @expr {
let b = self.parse_bottom_expr();
@ -2253,17 +2158,8 @@ impl Parser {
} else {
let mut item_attrs;
match self.parse_outer_attrs_or_ext(first_item_attrs) {
None => item_attrs = ~[],
Some(Left(ref attrs)) => item_attrs = (*attrs),
Some(Right(ext)) => {
return @spanned(lo, ext.span.hi,
stmt_expr(ext, self.get_id()));
let item_attrs = vec::append(first_item_attrs, item_attrs);
let item_attrs = vec::append(first_item_attrs,
match self.parse_item_or_view_item(item_attrs,
true, false, false) {
@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ enum Token {
@ -137,7 +136,6 @@ fn to_str(in: @ident_interner, t: Token) -> ~str {
AT => ~"@",
DOT => ~".",
DOTDOT => ~"..",
ELLIPSIS => ~"...",
COMMA => ~",",
SEMI => ~";",
COLON => ~":",
@ -578,12 +576,6 @@ impl Token : cmp::Eq {
_ => false
match (*other) {
ELLIPSIS => true,
_ => false
COMMA => {
match (*other) {
COMMA => true,
@ -590,9 +590,6 @@ fn print_item(s: ps, &&item: @ast::item) {
ast::item_mac(_) => {
fail ~"invalid item-position syntax bit"
@ -1000,16 +997,6 @@ fn print_if(s: ps, test: @ast::expr, blk: ast::blk,
fn print_mac(s: ps, m: ast::mac) {
match m.node {
ast::mac_invoc(path, arg, _body) => {
word(s.s, ~"#");
print_path(s, path, false);
match arg {
Some(@{node: ast::expr_vec(_, _), _}) => (),
_ => word(s.s, ~" ")
arg.iter(|a| print_expr(s, *a));
// FIXME: extension 'body' (#2339)
ast::mac_invoc_tt(pth, ref tts) => {
print_path(s, pth, false);
word(s.s, ~"!");
@ -1017,9 +1004,6 @@ fn print_mac(s: ps, m: ast::mac) {
for (*tts).each() |tt| { print_tt(s, *tt); }
ast::mac_ellipsis => word(s.s, ~"..."),
ast::mac_var(v) => word(s.s, fmt!("$%u", v)),
_ => { /* fixme */ }
@ -99,9 +99,6 @@ mod ext {
#[path = "ext/"]
mod simplext;
#[path = "ext/"]
mod fmt;
@ -379,15 +379,8 @@ fn visit_exprs<E>(exprs: ~[@expr], e: E, v: vt<E>) {
for exprs.each |ex| { (v.visit_expr)(*ex, e, v); }
fn visit_mac<E>(m: mac, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
match m.node {
ast::mac_invoc(_, arg, _) => {
option::map(&arg, |arg| (v.visit_expr)(*arg, e, v)); }
ast::mac_invoc_tt(*) => { /* no user-serviceable parts inside */ }
ast::mac_ellipsis => (),
ast::mac_aq(*) => { /* FIXME: maybe visit (Issue #2340) */ }
ast::mac_var(_) => ()
fn visit_mac<E>(_m: mac, _e: E, _v: vt<E>) {
/* no user-serviceable parts inside */
fn visit_expr<E>(ex: @expr, e: E, v: vt<E>) {
@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// Regresion test for issue #1448 and #1386
fn main() {
#macro[[#apply[f, [x, ...]], f(x, ...)]];
fn add(a: int, b: int) -> int { return a + b; }
assert (apply!(add, [y, 15]) == 16); //~ ERROR unresolved name: y
@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//error-pattern:is an expr, expected a path
fn main() {
#macro[[#mylambda[x, body],
fn f(x: int) -> int { return body }
assert (mylambda!(y * 1, y * 2)(8) == 16);
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
//error-pattern:no clauses match
fn main() {
#macro[[#trivial[], 1 * 2 * 4 * 2 * 1]];
assert (trivial!(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) ==
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// xfail-pretty - token trees can't pretty print
fn main() {
#macro[[#trivial[], 1 * 2 * 4 * 2 * 1]];
assert (trivial!() == 16);
macro_rules! trivial_tt(
() => {1*2*4*2*1}
assert(trivial_tt!() == 16);
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
fn main() {
#macro[[#apply[f, [x, ...]], f(x, ...)]];
macro_rules! apply_tt(
($f:expr, ($($x:expr),*)) => {$f($($x),*)}
fn add(a: int, b: int) -> int { return a + b; }
assert(apply!(add, [1, 15]) == 16);
assert(apply!(add, [1, 15]) == 16);
assert(apply_tt!(add, (1, 15)) == 16);
@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// xfail-test
// I can't for the life of me manage to untangle all of the brackets
// in this test, so I am xfailing it...
fn main() {
#macro[[#zip_or_unzip[[x, ...], [y, ...]], [[x, y], ...]],
[#zip_or_unzip[[xx, yy], ...], [[xx, ...], [yy, ...]]]];
assert (zip_or_unzip!([1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]) ==
[[1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7], [4, 8]]);
assert (zip_or_unzip!([1, 5], [2, 6], [3, 7], [4, 8]) ==
[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]);
#macro[[#nested[[[x, ...], ...], [[y, ...], ...]], [[[x, y], ...], ...]]];
assert (nested!([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]],
[[-1, -2, -3, -4, -5], [-7, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12]]) ==
[[[1, -1], [2, -2], [3, -3], [4, -4], [5, -5]],
[[7, -7], [8, -8], [9, -9], [10, -10], [11, -11],
[12, -12]]]);
#macro[[#dup[y, [x, ...]], [[y, x], ...]]];
assert (dup!(1, [1, 2, 3, 4]) == [[1, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4]]);
#macro[[#lambda[x, #<t>, body, #<s>],
fn result(x: t) -> s { return body }
assert (lambda!(i, #<uint>, i + 4u, #<uint>)(12u) == 16u);
#macro[[#sum[x, xs, ...], x + #sum[xs, ...]], [#sum[], 0]];
assert (sum!(1, 2, 3, 4) == 10);
#macro[[#transcr_mixed[a, as, ...], #sum[6, as, ...] * a]];
assert (transcr_mixed!(10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1) == 210);
#macro[[#surround[pre, [xs, ...], post], [pre, xs, ..., post]]];
assert (surround!(1, [2, 3, 4], 5) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
//> or the MIT license
// <LICENSE-MIT or>, at your
// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
// except according to those terms.
// xfail-pretty - token trees can't pretty print
fn main() {
#macro[[#m1[a], a * 4]];
assert (m1!(2) == 8);
macro_rules! m1tt (
($a:expr) => {$a*4}
assert(m1tt!(2) == 8);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* this is for run-pass/ */
assert(#line[] == 5u);
#fmt["victory robot %u", #line[]]
assert(line!() == 5u);
fmt!("victory robot %u", line!())
Reference in New Issue
Block a user